Legal Law

Bullying and harassment in the workplace

Bullying and harassment are unacceptable and unethical forms of unwanted, offensive and malicious behavior against an individual or sometimes a group of individuals. They can cause extreme stress and anxiety for the person being bullied or harassed and can have a detrimental effect on them and their families. Although bullying is not illegal, it is possible, if you are a victim of bullying, to file a claim under bullying laws. Harassment is offensive behavior and unwelcome conduct and can be related to age, race, religion, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or national origin. Harassment is illegal behavior and can result in court, often with the payment of a large amount of damages to the victim. Bullying and harassment can take the form of face-to-face conduct, email, letter, phone or text message. It may be an isolated incident or an ongoing episode of unacceptable and offensive behavior towards an individual or group of individuals.

effect on the victim.

We all know that bullying and harassment, in any walk of life, is unacceptable, and yet we’ve all heard of it happening, whether it’s in the schoolyard, at home, or in the workplace. . A person who is being bullied or harassed will feel stressed and anxious, her confidence levels will suffer, she may begin to isolate herself from other people, and her work and family life may begin to suffer. In the workplace, the person being harassed may begin to miss a lot of work, may no longer be able to meet deadlines, and may no longer be able to maintain good relationships with colleagues.

What to do if you are an employee who is being bullied

If you are experiencing bullying or harassment in the workplace, it is a good idea to try to resolve the problem informally in the first instance, by talking to your colleagues and your employer. However, if this does not resolve the problem, the next step would be to file a formal complaint and follow your employer’s complaint procedure. If an employee is forced to resign due to intimidation, he may be able to file a claim for implied dismissal.

What to do if you are an employer.

Employers have a duty of care to employees to ensure their health and safety in the workplace and this includes dealing with bullying and harassment. Bullying and harassment can have an extremely detrimental effect on the health of the victim. The employer must take reasonable steps to prevent the bullying and harassment from continuing. It is in the employer’s best interest to prevent any bullying and/or harassment in the workplace as, in addition to being illegal and unethical, it can have a detrimental effect on staff morale and production, which in turn can affect the general operation of the company. the business. Employers should ensure they have a bullying and harassment policy and make it clear that bullying and harassment will not be tolerated in the workplace and will be taken very seriously.


When a person, or a group of people, is bullied, they are subjected to actions or comments that are considered demeaning and unacceptable, and often the bullying is carried out in front of other peers to humiliate the victim. Bullies come across as intimidating and malicious and their bullying and/or harassment will often be work related, but can equally be focused on a non-work related problem. It is important that employers and employees work together to ensure that any bullying or harassment issue is addressed as soon as possible for the good of all involved.

Copyright (c) 2010 Robert Gray

Lifestyle Fashion

Computer Stress Ergonomics: Changes in Technology Can Cause Stress

Ergonomics: the study of people’s problems in adapting to their environment; sp. the science that seeks to adapt work or working conditions to the taste of the worker.

By its very nature, “high tech” means constant transitions and changes, and this means constantly high levels of stress in adapting to these changes. Our primitive mechanisms for adapting to change are often overwhelmed by the changing, high-tech world in which we need to live and work. Virtually everyone agrees that negative transitions like; job insecurity due to downsizing (“downsizing”, etc.) or financial insecurities (i.e. credit card debt, mortgages, college fees, stock market changes, etc.) or health problems (i.e. , illness, chronic illness, injury, stress symptoms, etc.), or insecurities in emotional relationships (divorce, courtship, changes in family roles, two-income families) and international or regional political upheavals (as presented “from up close and in person” in our homes on television) are seen as stressful with potential drawbacks to their health and well-being.

Change “good”: same results

Transitions and changes are not always bad. However, even positive change can create responses within our primitive response mechanisms that can lead to negative symptoms of physical and emotional stress. In the last ten years alone, high-tech advances have increased productivity expectations and often time commitments to respond to work pressures. Remember life before: fax machines, voicemail, email, cell phones, cellular faxes, instant international business applications, and yes, even the Internet? Sure you can turn them off, ignore them, control them (???,) but the pressures to respond and keep up with changing hardware/software technologies are still there, even if you bury your head in the sands of DENIAL. ….

To prove a point about how stress/positive change can be dramatically bad for your health, I want to tell a short story. When I was a child, I read an article in the newspaper about a man suffering from good fortune. The story said that a man had won the Irish lottery. He had made a fortune…$100,000, which in those days was a lot of money! He was so happy with his good luck that he celebrated in an unfortunate way…he died of a heart attack! How many people do you know who get a new job or relationship and end up paying the price for this positive stress?

In the last ten years, people are developing new symptoms of this technology. Eye strain, back strain, wrist/hand strain, neck problems, even weight gain and substance abuse can be loosely related to long hours in the world of computers and technology. New industries are even springing up to take advantage of the health and safety needs of the everyday computer user and high-tech worker.

Who reading this article can say that our primitive response to the stress of millions of years of adaptation and survival has been able to keep up with these last decades of change? Have you developed a new midbrain response to the old flight/fight response? If we cannot change the world around us, or the people we do business with, or the people we have to live with, or the global changes that affect us, then we can at least be aware of this dilemma and avoid becoming a VICTIM of these changes! We have CONTROL over how we RESPOND to these changes.

Awareness is half the battle! Know how YOU respond to stress and what in your life is causing this transitional stress… THEN, you need to develop daily wellness habits to stay off the “edge” of falling into negative physical and emotional responses to stress. . You can GET BACK IN CONTROL! It can prevent, or at least minimize, symptoms of stress such as: headaches, backaches, neck pains, high blood pressure, panic, anxiety, many stomach problems, sexual dysfunctions, possibly reduce autoimmune problems such as allergies or some forms of arthritis. , sleep problems, bruxism, TMJ, etc… Emotional symptoms such as: loss of concentration, withdrawal (depression), anxiety, being accident prone, memory loss, lack of motivation, poor communication, poor performance , some learning difficulties, etc. they can be linked to stress and reduced, if not eliminated, through changes in consciousness/lifestyle. Key employees can receive executive/staff training and this can prevent them from becoming passive due to inefficiency, low productivity or poorer training replacements for these key people. This is as true for families as it obviously is for businesses.

The remedies are as broad as the variables that have created the problems. However, most people perform better when they engage in regular (daily) self-care, which often includes: Relaxation (stress management (tapes, exercises, one-on-one counseling)), Physical exercise (5 times per week for more than 30 minutes) and proper nutrition (including mineral and antioxidant supplements NOT readily found in usable forms in the high-tech or mass-produced processed foods we eat).

Please take care.

Real Estate

Alternative Commercial Mortgage Lenders: Hedge Funds and Private Equity

Hedge funds and private equity firms are investment companies created by Wall Street investment banks and financed by wealthy individuals and cash-rich corporate entities. Unlike standard exchange-traded mutual funds, hedge funds are largely unregulated and have much more wiggle room in their investment choices. Many of these funds have recognized the opportunity that has arisen in commercial real estate lending and have stepped in to fill the funding gap. The money managers in charge of these massive equity funds are professional investment experts, know a lot when they see it, and can be very agile. Hedge funds and private equity funds are not afraid of risk; in fact, they thrive on it. If they like a deal, they make decisions quickly and can close loans or equity financing in just days.

There are many private funds that specialize in commercial real estate investments or have a commercial mortgage lending division. They are cash rich and actively looking for quality deals to finance. They can be a great alternative to banks and other traditional lenders.
But keep in mind that they are very professional and highly sophisticated. Don’t approach hedge funds with shoddy or incomplete packages. They are professionals and work exclusively with other professionals.

Hedge fund and private equity people have a Wall Street mentality; They are art dealers at heart. When they look at a deal, they want to be able to make decisions quickly.

When you get close to a fund, you’ll want to have a complete, well-documented package ready to show them at a moment’s notice, but don’t give it all at once. Having worked for Wall Street firms for over 20 years, I have determined that the best way to approach money managers is with a well-written, concise 1-page deal summary.

Summarize the selling points of your business on a single sheet of paper, emphasizing the profit potential, the level of experience of the investors, the strength of the location, and some of the other strengths of the project. They will appreciate the fact that you have respected their time by being brief. If they like what they see, they will order more. Give them exactly what they ask for; don’t bog them down with documentation until they tell you they want to see it. Sell ​​them the big story before trying to sell them the details.

If you want to get financing from a big box private equity firm or hedge fund, I suggest you use the services of a professional broker with Wall Street experience. They can speak the language of fund managers and know exactly what is important to note about a particular trade. These funds tend to operate like private clubs, it helps a lot if you have an “in”. If you are lucky enough to develop a relationship with this unique type of lender, you will enjoy a seemingly endless source of capital.

Shopping Product Reviews

The ransomware epidemic and what it can do

What is ransomware

Ransomware is a current epidemic based on an insidious piece of malware that cybercriminals use to extort money from you by holding your computer or computer files for ransom and demanding you pay to get them back. Unfortunately, Ransomware is quickly becoming an increasingly popular way for malware authors to extort money from businesses and consumers alike. If this trend is allowed to continue, Ransomware will soon affect IoT devices, automobiles, and ICS and SCADA systems, as well as computer terminals. There are several ways that ransomware can enter someone’s computer, but most are the result of a social engineering tactic or the use of software vulnerabilities to silently install itself on a victim’s machine.

Since last year and even before, malware authors have been sending waves of targeted spam emails to various groups. There is no geographical limit on who can be affected, and while the emails were initially targeted at individual end users, then at small and medium-sized businesses, now the enterprise is the mature target.

In addition to social engineering phishing and spear-phishing, ransomware also spreads through remote desktop ports. The ransomware also affects files that can be accessed on mapped drives, including external hard drives such as USB sticks, external drives, or folders on the network or in the cloud. If you have a OneDrive folder on your computer, those files may be affected and then synced to cloud versions.

No one can say with exact certainty how much malware of this type exists. Since much of it exists in unopened emails and many infections go unreported, it’s hard to tell.

The impact for those who were affected is that the data files were encrypted and the end user is forced to decide, based on a clock, whether to pay the ransom or lose the data forever. Affected files are usually popular data formats such as Office files, Music, PDF and other popular data files. More sophisticated strains remove “shadow copies” from the computer that would otherwise allow the user to return to an earlier point in time. In addition, the “restore points” of the computer are being destroyed, as well as the backup files that can be accessed. The way the criminal manages the process is that he has a command and control server that contains the private key of the user’s files. They apply a timer to the destruction of the private key, and the demands and countdown timer are displayed on the user’s screen with a warning that the private key will be destroyed at the end of the countdown unless the ransom is paid . The files themselves continue to exist on the computer, but they are encrypted, inaccessible even to brute force.

In many cases, the end user simply pays the ransom and sees no way out. The FBI recommends against paying the ransom. By paying the ransom, you are funding further such activities and there is no guarantee that you will get any of your files back. Also, the cyber security industry is getting better at handling Ransomware. At least one major anti-malware vendor released a “decryptor” product last week. It remains to be seen, however, how effective this tool will be.

What to do now

There are multiple perspectives to consider. The individual wants to recover the files from him. At the company level, they want to recover files and protect assets. At the enterprise level, they want all of the above and must be able to demonstrate performance of due diligence to prevent others from being infected by anything that is deployed or shipped from the enterprise to protect them from the mass grievances that will inevitably occur in the future. so far.

Generally speaking, once encrypted, files are unlikely to be decryptable. The best tactic, therefore, is prevention.

Make a backup of your data

The best thing to do is make regular backups to offline media, keeping multiple versions of the files. With offline media, such as a backup service, tape, or other media that allows monthly backups, you can always go back to previous versions of your files. Also, be sure to back up all your data files; some may be on USB drives, mapped drives, or USB keys. As long as files with write-level access can be accessed by malware, they can be encrypted and held for ransom.

Education and Awareness

A critical component in the Ransomware infection prevention process is making end users and staff aware of attack vectors, specifically SPAM, phishing, and spear-phishing. Almost all Ransomware attacks are successful because an end user clicked on a link that seemed innocuous or opened an attachment that appeared to come from a known person. By raising awareness and educating staff about these risks, they can become a critical line of defense against this insidious threat.

Show hidden file extensions

Windows usually hides known file extensions. If you enable the ability to see all file extensions in email and in your file system, you can more easily detect files of suspicious malware code masquerading as friendly documents.

Filter executable files in email

If your gateway mail scanner has the ability to filter files by extension, you may want to reject emails sent with *.exe attachments. Use a trusted cloud service to send or receive *.exe files.

Disable running files from temporary file folders

First, you need to allow hidden files and folders to show in explorer so that you can see the app data and program data folders.

Your antimalware software allows you to create rules to prevent executables from running from your profile’s local and application data folders, as well as from the computer’s program data folder. Exclusions can be set for legitimate programs.

Disable RDP

If it’s practical to do so, disable RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) on mature targets, such as servers, or block them from Internet access by forcing them to use a VPN or other secure route. Some versions of Ransomware take advantage of vulnerabilities that can deploy Ransomware on an RDP-enabled target system. There are several technet articles detailing how to disable RDP.

Patch and update everything

It is critical that you stay current with Windows updates as well as antivirus updates to avoid a Ransomware exploit. Not so obvious is that it is just as important to stay up to date with all Adobe and Java software. Remember, your security is only as good as its weakest link.

Use a layered approach to endpoint protection

It is not the intent of this article to endorse any one endpoint product over another, but rather to recommend a methodology that is rapidly being adopted by the industry. You need to understand that ransomware, as a form of malware, feeds on weak endpoint security. If you strengthen endpoint security, Ransomware will not proliferate as easily. A report published last week by the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT) recommends a layered approach, focusing on behavior-based heuristic monitoring to prevent the act of non-interactive file encryption (which is what Ransomware does). , and at the same time, run an endpoint anti-malware or security suite that is known to detect and stop the Ransomware. It is important to understand that both are necessary because while many antivirus programs will detect known strains of this nasty Trojan, it will be necessary to stop unknown zero-day strains by recognizing their encryption behavior, changing the wallpaper, and communicating through the firewall for their detection. command and control center.

What to do if you think you are infected

Disconnect from any WiFi or corporate network immediately. You may be able to stop communication with the command and control server before it finishes encrypting your files. You can also prevent Ransomware on your computer from encrypting files on network drives.

Use System Restore to return to a known clean state

If you have System Restore enabled on your Windows machine, you might be able to take your system to a previous restore point. This will only work if the Ransomware strain you have has not already destroyed your restore points.

Boot to a bootable disk and run your antivirus software

If you boot from a boot disk, none of the services in the registry will be able to start, including the Ransomware agent. You may be able to use your antivirus program to remove the agent.

Advanced users can do more

The ransomware embeds executables in the Appdata folder of your profile. In addition, the entries in the Run and Runonce keys in the registry automatically start the ransomware agent when the operating system boots. An advanced user should be able to

a) Run a thorough antivirus scan to remove the Ransomware installer

b) Start the computer in safe mode without running Ransomware or end the service.

c) Remove encryption programs

d) Restore encrypted files from offline backups.

e) Install layered endpoint protection, including signature and behavior-based protection to prevent reinfection.


List of baseball players with three names

Stars known by three names accounted for all responses in a popular game show category last week, and I correctly identified three of them. Van Halen’s David Lee Roth was the musical answer, while Billy Bob Thornton and Joe Don Baker were the two actors I recognized.

For some reason I had anticipated that the category would include a sports figure that fit the description, but the other two responses were not athletes. Upon reflection, I understood why there were no sports stars listed, as I could only think of a handful that had three names.

These are the best examples in baseball, enough to complete a lineup.

First baseman Willie Mays Aikens

The slugger with the famous name helped propel the Kansas City Royals to a pennant and multiple playoff appearances.

Second baseman, Billy Jo Robidoux

Primarily a left fielder, Robidoux would be asked to fill in second for our three-name team.

Shortstop, Chin Leng Hu

Having spent most of his career with the Dodgers, this infielder had announcer Vin Scully call Hu at first when he got on base.

Third baseman Jim Ray Hart

With over a hundred career home runs, Hart was one of the San Francisco Giants’ power hitters of the 1960s.

Left field, Wily Mo Pena

He broke into the major leagues with Cincinnati, who a few years later traded the underperforming slugger to the New York Yankees.

Central Garden, Shin Soo Choo

After several breakout seasons in both Cleveland and Cincinnati, Choo signed a lucrative free agent deal to play for his current team, the Texas Rangers.

Right field, John Ford Griffin

Swinging sweetly with his left hand, Griffin hit over .300 in two different stints with the Toronto Blue Jays in the early 2000s.

Receiver, John Ryan Murphy

He backed Joe Mauer for one season with the Minnesota Twins, who sent him to the Arizona Diamondbacks several years later.

Starting pitcher, John Henry Johnson

Over a span of ten years, the left-hander spent time with Boston, Texas and Milwaukee, but his best season came when he had eleven wins for the Oakland Athletics.

Relief pitcher, Ryan Rowland Smith

Seattle relied on this guy to be the Mariners’ bullpen lefty specialist for four years, and he returned in 2014 to enjoy a comeback year with the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Tours Travel

Come to California and explore its landscape

One of the most densely populated states in the United States is California. This state is located on the west coast of the United States. The capital of California is Sacramento. California’s geographic representation indicates that the state touches the Pacific Ocean and the state appears small on an atlas. However, with over 37 million people and a large land area, California tends to be the third largest state. This was the 31st state in the US and offers many gathering places for tourists. Let’s learn more about California.

If you’re planning to visit California, you can’t stop without visiting some of California’s top cities. Whether you’re visiting San Diego, San Francisco or Los Angeles, these cities have a powerful package to make your trip more exciting. A train ride can show you some of California’s most popular attractions, parks, and vineyards.

The Golden Gate Bridge makes your trip from Oakland to San Francisco fascinating. As you climb the distance across the bridge, it gives you an amazing view of an eminent prison, Alcatraz, and the cove. Visitors enjoy riding bikes to discover the historical tales of the cities. Another attractive place in California is China Town, where you will find several historical places and cheap restaurants. If you are looking for water attractions and fresh seafood, you must visit Fisherman’s Wharf.

For adventure lovers, you will love visiting Yosemite National Park. This place is sprawling, covering vast expanses of land with many exciting rock faces. Furthermore, Yosemite National Park is also filled with various stone works, waterfalls, sequoia trees, and different animals.

Your trip to California becomes more relaxed when you find exciting breaks for your family and children. The southern part of California offers you many beaches with water sports and surfing. Visitors find it quite difficult to explore the entire state in one trip. From Los Angeles to San Diego, there are a myriad of activities one can hardly take part in during short periods of time. One of the must-see places in California is Hollywood. People come from all over to catch a glimpse of their favorite movie personalities.

Your trip to California is incomplete if you don’t visit Disneyland. Kids love hanging out at Disneyland, where they’ll find all the Disney characters. In addition, some exciting attractions, shows and games also attract the attention of people of many ages. Another electrifying venue nearby is the American Motion Picture Studio, Universal Studio.

Cities like San Diego have a complete adventure package for you. Live dolphin and whale shows attract large numbers of spectators on a regular basis. In addition, the city also offers you the opportunity to see marine life and exhibits. Spending some time near the zoo is an excellent pleasure for visitors. You will find this place quite large, with huge collections of creatures and animals around. In addition, some exotic plants and botanical gardens also attract the attention of tourists. Whichever city you travel to in California, you’ll find each place equally amazing and worth a visit.


Fisher-Price Tickle Me Elmo – 19 Fun Facts About The Elmo Phenomenon

Who would have imagined in 1996 that Tickle Me Elmo, a newly released plush toy, would become the new sales sensation that Christmas? It was “just” a funny little bundle of red fur that laughed hysterically when you tickled it. And yet since then Tickle Me Elmo and its successors have topped the sales charts for several holiday seasons.

This year promises to be another big sales year for the Elmo line of plush dolls with the introduction of Elmo Live! from Fisher-Price. Some stores are currently limiting the amount you can buy in anticipation of hot sales numbers. Here are 19 fun facts about the sales sensation started by the laughing little red man.

1. Tyco introduced Tickle Me Elmo to US markets in 1996. By Christmas, Elmo had become a bestseller.

2. Elmo experienced a surge in sales after Rosie O’Donnell featured the doll on an episode of her show in October 1996. Every time a guest said the word “wall,” Rosie would throw a doll into the audience.

3. That same year saw a similar jump in sales after Bryant Gumbel held a doll for most of an episode of the Today Show.

4. The day after Thanksgiving 1996, Tickle Me Elmo sold out in 2 hours at most stores across the country.

5. Tyco originally expected to sell 400,000 Elmos that first year. They easily sold out that amount and were unable to meet demand over Christmas even though they continued to rush manufacture the doll.

6. Supply shortages prompted some parents in North America to take extreme measures. In reality, the parents fought each other in the stores over the doll.

7. Prices skyrocketed with classified ads in some newspapers advertising the toy for hundreds of dollars. One report claims that the $28.99 toy sold for up to $1,500.

8. Various injury stories were reported across the country. For example, on December 14, 1996 at a Wal-mart in Fredericton, New Brunswick, an employee was injured by a crowd when they saw him holding one of the last dolls in stock.

9. The New York Daily News reported an unusual story. John Gotti, Jr., son of the alleged mob boss, bought a box of Tickle Me Elmos from a store in Queens, New York, several weeks after the doll sold out. Store officials said Gotti was “lucky to be in the right place at the right time.”

10. Elmo’s rumble feature uses a larger version of the rumble motor found in cell phones and game controllers.

11. In 1997, three new Tickle Me dolls were released: Tickle Me Ernie, Tickle Me Big Bird, and Tickle Me Cookie Monster. None of them have matched the mysterious success of Elmo.

12. In 2001, a “surprise edition” of Tickle Me Elmo was released as part of a contest. On January 9, 2002, five of the dolls stopped laughing. They then announced to their owners that they had won a prize, the largest of which was a staggering $200,000.

13. The TMX, which stands for Tickle Me Extreme or Tickle Me Ten (where “X” is the Roman numeral 10), was released as part of the 10th anniversary commemoration of the first doll. TMX Elmo expanded Elmo’s laughing behaviors to include rolling on the ground and pounding his fist on the ground.

14. In a well-executed marketing promotion, the manufacturer created excitement for the TMX by hiding TMX Elmo before its release. People who reviewed the product before it was released were required to sign confidentiality agreements that prevented them from revealing details about the doll ahead of time.

15. TMX Elmo’s marketing promotion included pre-release sales of the doll. Amazon took more pre-orders than it could fulfill.

16. The full look of the TMX doll was first revealed on ABC’s Good Morning America.

17. TMX Elmo’s box hid the doll until he bought it. A “preview flap” on the box only lets you see Elmo’s eyes, and he said, “Ah, ah, ah, ah! Don’t peek!”

18. A 2007 version of the doll featured hidden messages that Elmo would only say if you did the right thing to the doll. Rhyming clues on the manufacturer’s website helped consumers figure out how to trigger the special messages.

19. The 2008 version of the doll is called elmo live! It features a whole new set of actions and sounds, making it the most advanced version of the popular Elmo dolls. Sales of elmo live! it is expected to be vigorous for the 2008 holiday season. With the economic difficulties we are having this year it will be interesting to see how well Elmo lives! sells


Average Dumpster Rental Prices

Average Cost of Dumpster Rental

Several factors influence Average Dumpster Rental Prices. These factors include the location of the dumpster rental business, the distance to the business, and the convenience of the location. In many cases, the location also determines the cost of the dumpster rental, since transportation charges are often included in the total. If you are located in a remote area, for example, a company may charge higher prices than those in cities closer to the location. Also, there are advantages and disadvantages to using national versus local rental companies.

For instance, large dumpster rental chains have national advertising campaigns and large inventories. These companies are more likely to have a larger advertising budget, and therefore will charge more. Independent rental businesses will typically charge less, but may not offer the right size Dumpster. Big-scale chains, on the other hand, will be more convenient, offer larger inventory, and have a national budget. However, these companies often charge more for the convenience of using a larger company.

For large projects, renting a dumpster is the most cost-efficient option. With Easy learn about dumpster rental prices, renting a dumpster is affordable and convenient. Even small projects can benefit from renting a dumpster if you plan them well. However, it’s important to assess the scope of the project before choosing the size. The cost of a dumpster rental depends on the size of the dumpster, the location of the project, and the time frame for which the dumpster is needed. The longer the rental period, the more expensive it is.

Average Dumpster Rental Prices

For businesses, the average cost of renting a dumpster can range from under $200 to over $800. It depends on the size of the dumpster, and can range from 10 to 40 cubic yards. Other types of debris may cost more. The most common dumpster size is ten cubic yards and costs around $350. The cost of a 30 yard dumpster can be as high as $750 per month. This cost does not include delivery and pick-up fees.

For larger projects, average dumpster rental prices may vary. It’s important to remember that overfilling a dumpster can result in overage charges that can range from $40 to $100. You should also remember that the average dumpster size is 7.5 feet wide and 7.5 feet long. The height is 3.5 feet, and the width increases to eight feet as it gets longer. One yd3 equals 100 square feet three inches deep. An average pick-up truck can hold around 2.4 yards3 of trash.

The size of a dumpster depends on the amount and type of material being disposed. A standard dumpster size ranges from ten to forty cubic yards. The larger the dumpster, the higher the price. If you’re planning a large-scale construction project, a 10-yard dumpster can accommodate 2,000 to 3,000 cubic yards of waste. A ten yard dumpster can also accommodate a smaller-scale project. In addition to the size, many companies will also offer special sizes for different materials.


Breach of Contract: Legal Remedies That May Be Pursued

Commercial contracts are a key element for the business world. They make sure that people and companies keep their promises and fulfill their obligations. In essence, contracts are an idea backed by trust, and that trust is backed by the legal system. However, it is important to remember that no matter whether a contract is written or oral, it is legally enforceable.

When people or companies do not comply with a particular term of a contract without a legitimate excuse, it is called a breach of contract. There are many ways someone can breach a contract. It may include not completing a job, starting a job too late, not delivering goods as promised, not paying on time, not paying in full, or any move on your part that shows you will not complete your job as promised (referred to as non-compliance). anticipated).

A breach of contract may occur one time or it may be a series of continuing breaches; if this occurs, the injured party may file a civil lawsuit. Remedies for contractual breaches are not designed to penalize the breaching party, however, they are intended to place the injured party in the same position they would be in were it not for the breach.

When a contract is broken, the non-breaching party is relieved of its obligations under the contract due to the other party’s breach. When this happens, the courts may very well award damages as a result of the breach. In cases where monetary damages are inadequate to compensate the injured party, a court may award “specific performance,” forcing the offending party to perform their part of the agreement (contract).

As discussed above, there are two general categories of compensation for breach of contract: damages and performance. Damages refer to monetary compensation, while performance involves forcing the breaching party to do what they originally promised to do in the contract. A commercial litigation attorney who specializes in contract law can help you determine which method is best for resolving your particular contract dispute.

Before filing a breach of contract lawsuit, you should learn more about the different types of remedies available to you. Some people simply want monetary compensation to make up for the wrong the other party caused them, while others want them to honor their end of the agreement.

Money damages may include compensatory damages (compensation for your losses), consequential and incidental damages (foreseeable damages), attorneys’ fees (can only be recovered if included in the contract), liquidated damages (must be specified in the contract if there is a fraud), and punitive damage.

Of course, the relative applicable laws and the particular conduct of the infringing party will determine what type of damages are awarded and how much. The more unconscionable the conduct, coupled with the intentional behavior, the greater the chance that you will be awarded larger punitive damages in the name of the breach. In cases where the breach arose from gross negligence, compensatory and consequential damages are more likely to be received.

When money cannot make up for the damage, the other party is sometimes ordered to perform their duties. This remedy is more common with real estate transactions, as courts prefer not to get involved in monitoring because it is too time and money consuming.

Other remedies include rescission in which the contract is terminated and both parties are released from further performance and deposits are returned. Another option is the reform in which the terms of the contract are modified to adapt to the original intention of both parties.

Before filing a lawsuit, you should discuss your case with a business litigation attorney who can review the contract for you. There may be limitations or notice requirements contained in your contract that may have waived your ability to pursue contractual remedies. An attorney will also give you a clear idea of ​​how much a full litigation would cost. There may be alternative dispute resolutions available to you that can save you money and time in the long run.

Home Kitchen

Ask an expert: interior design

Over many years as an interior designer, what would be the top 3 changes in consumer preferences during that time?

One thing that immediately comes to mind is the switch from stain cabinets to paint cabinets. White kitchens are back! Customers are leaning more towards lighter and brighter shades than the red/orange shades of the last decade. Flooring has changed quite a bit with more customers opting for LVP (Luxury Vinyl Sheet) throughout their home. LVP has come this far and is now super durable, easy to maintain and looks amazingly real. Third, quartz countertops are becoming the standard. I rarely specify granite anymore. Quartz is so easy to maintain compared to granite and the colors and patterns that are now available mimic everything from natural marble to exotic granites.

What are some future ideas and predictions? Any new trends that may take place in 2018/19 and beyond?

Natural woods are very popular right now: hand-scraped wide-plank barn flooring, as well as openly distressed furniture. What is also starting to emerge in design is more of a traditional style again. Details throughout and the use of rich jewel tones are all the rage right now along with warm metal tones (yes, bronze is back but in an updated way!).

What are some of the challenges to face in helping clients realize their dream renovation?

Many clients are afraid to trust their style intuition. They often fight between their hearts and their brains for what they want. They often try to force themselves to change the color palettes or styles of their latest home and sometimes push themselves out of their comfort zone. I always tell clients to listen to their instincts. Their home is their sanctuary and they need to feel comfortable, relaxed and love being home.

Are there certain types of renovations that tend to add the most value to a home’s selling price?

Kitchens, bathrooms and basic developments are always the spaces that are used the most, therefore, they increase the value of your home. Those rooms are the ones that potential home buyers predominantly look for because they know those are the areas where they will be spending the most time.

How do you get ideas or inspiration to help guide you as you consider renovation options?

I often suggest that clients send me photos of houses, rooms, styles, products that they find on home decor sites. Customers often don’t know what their style is, so if they can show me pictures of things they like, I can usually understand them better. Visiting show houses is also a great way to find inspiration and new ideas.