
What is a Qualified Personal Residential Trust (QPRT)?

A QPRT is a form of irrevocable living trust designed to reduce the amount of gift and inheritance tax generally incurred when transferring an asset to a beneficiary. According to the law, the QPRT is a proper legal technique to protect an individual’s assets for the beneficiaries thereof and protects those assets from creditors and lawsuits. An irrevocable trust cannot be changed in any way while the trust is in effect. This helps ensure that a judge cannot simply order a person to turn over protected assets to creditors or change the circumstances of the trust that would allow others to get the asset.

Once the residence has been transferred to the trust through a properly prepared and executed deed, the assignees retain the right to live in that home for a set number of years. As long as the owner resides in the house, no rent will be paid. The owner is responsible for all housing expenses, such as repairs, property taxes, and maintenance fees, which are covered by Revenue Procedure 2003-42. [2003-23 IRB 993 section 4 Art. II (B) (2)]. If the owner is still alive after that predetermined number of years, the trust automatically transfers ownership of the home to the owners’ beneficiaries without having to pay estate taxes. Recipients can rent the house to the original owner of the house. The most attractive part of this plan is that by paying rent after the QPRT ends, the owner transfers additional assets to his beneficiaries without having to pay any gift or inheritance tax. Having received the rent money from the parents does not prevent them from returning the money to the parents. If the home is sold, the proceeds of the sale can be used to purchase another home or other items for the parents at the beneficiary’s desire.

The main advantage of the QPRT is the tax savings it provides to the property owner and the beneficiaries of the trust. When the residence is transferred to the QPRT, it counts as a gift, but a typical IRS gift tax is not calculated. Instead, the IRS calculates a modified gift tax based on published tables and the total time the home remains in the QPRT, which is applied to the value of the home. Once the trust’s time period, which is agreed to when creating the QPRT, ends and the owner is still alive, the residence passes to the beneficiaries free of any gift or inheritance taxes.

If the value of the residence has increased since its original appraisal, the gift tax is based on that value of the home, as calculated by the IRS, and not on the increase in value of the home. If the value of the home does not increase or stays the same, the recipients will not have to pay any gift tax on the home.

Another benefit of the QPRT is that tax benefits can be enhanced if a husband and wife own the home jointly. Pursuant to Treasury Regulations section 25.2702-5(c)(2)(iv), a husband and wife may transfer one half of their property in the home to two separate QPRTs. Each separate QPRT allows the owners, husband and wife, to live in the residence for a set number of years under the terms of each QPRT. In the event that an owner dies before the end of the QPRT, the half that was in the trust would be put into the estate and would be subject to inheritance and gift taxes. So what if you want to sell the home that is under a QPRT and buy a new home? The QPRT trustee would simply sell the old house and buy a new one in the name of the QPRT. If the value of the new home is greater than the value of the old home, then the trustee must pay out of separate funds and retain ownership of that part of the home.

Health Fitness

How many calories do I burn in a day? How to calculate and increase it!

When you’re deciding on your weight loss battle plan, you usually start with the first question: “How many calories should I burn in a day right now? If it’s a lot, then I’m not going to work as much.” . . If it’s nothing to begin with, then I’m going to give up now while I still have some dignity.”

Ok, that’s more of a joke, but I’ll honestly attest that probably most people who try to lose weight give up so easily. They see where they are, they see where they want to be, and then they say, “Fuck it.”

Well, you might be interested to know that the number of calories you’re burning each day right now may only require very minor adjustment for you to lose as much weight as you want.

And while there are quite a few equations, formulas, and web apps online that will help you analytically discover your daily caloric burn, I’m going to show you a much simpler way to formulate this answer and how you can use this knowledge to improve your current fat loss efforts.

Calculation of daily calories burned depends on your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

The beginning, middle and end of this idea of ​​burning calories throughout the day has to do with your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate). Your BMR is the rate that determines how many calories you need to continue exercising your basic functions.

These basic functions make up most of the vital bodily operations, such as breathing, sleeping, breaking down food, pumping the heart and blood, and even adjusting internal temperature. That means everyone’s BMR always works, regardless of how fast they claim it is.

Realistically, most people’s BMR runs at about the same rate. Of course, there are special cases that will break the bell curve, such as people who burn calories abnormally fast and find it difficult to gain weight. (I’m very jealous of those people)

The opposite effect can also occur with freakishly slow metabolisms, but for the most part, everyone is somewhere in the middle, running at about the same pace when lifestyle physical activity levels are not accounted for. Your physical activities for the day are the other part of this calorie-burning equation.

There Are Too Many Factors To Get A Perfectly Accurate Figure (For Your Daily Burn)

Determining how many calories someone burns in a day is incredibly complicated because there are so many factors and variables to take into account. Ultimately, your daily calories burned are decided by a combination of your BMR (using your current weight) and your daily physical activity.

If you do a quick search, you can find a number of those calorie burned calculator sites on the web that you can visit to type in all sorts of data about what you did for the day and it will spit out a number that may or may not be relatively close. .

Most of those web apps are made with plain JavaScript that adds values ​​based on various fitness rules like:

1. How many calories are in a pound? A pound of muscle burns about 6 calories per day.

2. A pound of fat burns about 2 calories per day.

3. Walking burns between 80 and 100 calories per mile.

4. If you are a man, your result should be between 2,000 and 2,400 calories per day.

5. If you are a woman, your result should be between 1800 and 2100 calories per day.

The first 3 rules have enough research to probably be referred to as facts. I’m not so sure about 4 and 5.

But after you take the time to remember everything you did, try to calculate how many jumps you took and how many steps you took in the office… hardly worth it after I explain the simple way to do it. as closing of an estimate.

BMR equations and formulas: complicated, but there is an easier way…

While I have to give those calorie burning apps credit for… well… existing… so people can use them, I just hope they are loosely based on one of the established BMR equations or formulas rather than just “adding up all the calories.”

The first three equations that actually tried to answer the question “How many calories do I burn in a day?” are the Harris-Benedict, Mifflin, and Katch-McArdle equations. All three took a person’s weight, height and age into account, but it was the Katch-McArdle formula that was the first to integrate lean body mass into the equation.

Now, for an imaginary woman who is 55 years old, 130 lbs (59 kg), 5’6″ (168 cm) tall, and has 30% body fat, these three formulas would produce the following results:

Harris – Benedict Equation = 1272 calories

Mifflin’s equation = 1204 calories

Katch-McArdle formula = 1263 calories

So for this imaginary woman to maintain her body weight, she needs to consume about 1,246 calories per day. That’s what her body demands based on her current stats. (Her stats of hers are also imaginary)

The simple formula to answer “How many calories do I burn in a day?”

Now I know I’ve been dangling a carrot in your face up to this point, but now I’ll reveal how you can formulate the answer to your calorie burning question. A quick, but somewhat accurate estimate of your BMR can be made by taking your current weight in pounds and multiplying by 10.

Yes, it’s really as simple as that. You’re probably looking at the average of the three values ​​in the equation (1246) and the value of this simpler version (1300) and thinking “Hey, that’s 54 fewer calories! This isn’t exact at all!”

calm down people The thing to remember is that anything to do with measuring the speed or power of one’s metabolism is not going to be any better than an educated guess.

At least with this method, you’re between 50 and 100 calories and you don’t even need a calculator.

Your next question is probably “How many calories should I eat to lose weight?”

Well, the simple answer is less than the number you generated. The number of calories you burn each day is the number of calories you need to maintain your current weight. This is the amount of energy your body needs to continue to maintain your current weight.

If you increase this amount, you will gain weight, and if you decrease this amount, you will lose weight. It’s actually that simple. The hard part is coming up with a good plan to lower your calorie intake without going crazy or getting discouraged. You may hear people ask questions like “How many carbs a day to lose weight?”, but it’s all about the calories. Don’t make things more complicated by separating food groups when you really need to focus on portion size and frequency.

When you decrease your caloric intake, you are actually creating a caloric deficit. Of course, you can do this with any combination of diet and/or exercise. I personally like to do both for the fastest results. And I found that the fastest and most sustainable way to cut my calories is to fast two or more times per week and use the trick your metabolism approach.

My fasting strategies are based on Eat Stop Eat, and I think it’s great because it’s a technique I don’t really have to think about. On a normal diet, you have to worry about the portions of each meal and eat only “healthy foods”, and I just get tired. With fasting, I simply cut calories over a 24-hour span several times a week and lose weight. (And I’m still losing it)

Knowing how many calories you burn each day is the first step to losing weight. You need to know where you start before you can decide where you want to go.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to finance your tubal reversal surgery

A common concern of our patients is how to pay for their tubal reversal surgery. Although tubal reversal surgery is affordable compared to other fertility treatments, it can still be challenging to find the $5,250 needed for the surgery.

However, with a little research and diligence, it’s easy to save the money you need. Below are some of our patients’ favorite options for financing their tubal reversal surgery.

Open a health care flexible spending account: Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are great for women planning to have a tubal reversal. They are offered through your bank or your employer. Once set up, you put a certain amount of money into your FSA and that money is deducted from your taxable income at the end of the year, which means you pay for your surgery with pre-tax dollars. This is a great way to save money on your surgery. As of 2012, tubal ligation reversal is an eligible health care expense for your FSA funds. Keep in mind, however, that the IRS does not allow funds to roll over from year to year, so only use this option if you can have the surgery within the same year of depositing your funds.

Set up a payment plan with your doctor: Most medical offices allow you to pay a certain amount each month into your patient account that the office will maintain for you. While the entire amount must be paid in full prior to surgery, it is an easy way to consistently save for your surgery. Think of it as a sideline option, but for tubal reversal.

Open a savings account: Open a savings account at your bank and have money automatically transferred to it from one of your other accounts each month. Not having to move the money into your savings helps ensure that it gets done and keeps you from spending the money on other things.

Check your insurance: While most insurance companies don’t cover tubal reversal surgery, it’s worth checking out! Call your insurance provider to discuss your options. If necessary, the insurance codes for these procedures are ICD-9 = 628.2 and CPT = 58750. Note: If your insurance company says that part or all of the surgery is covered, be sure to get it in writing.

cut expenses: Sit down and create a budget that will help you save money for your goal of having another baby. The best places to cut costs are dining out (including your morning coffee), weekend entertainment (why not watch a movie at home instead of going out?), and shopping (clothes and supplies! gadgets can wait!).

get a second job: Getting a second job or increasing the hours you currently work will help your surgery savings add up quickly. Consider working weekends, mornings or nights, and put that money directly toward your surgery!

Shopping Product Reviews

Java Script Framework works for lazy developers

Javascript, a trademark of Sun Microsystems, is an object-oriented scripting language widely used to enable programmatic access to computational objects within a host environment along with run-time evaluation and dynamic typing that made it the first choice of developers. A JavaScript framework creates a magic while working on java-scripting. Below is the really cheesy stuff for all JavaScript developers, a JavaScript framework you should use. is a prototype ad while prototype is a Java framework. Help developers develop dynamic website. This announcement provides the developer with smooth cross-browser user interface java libraries, such as animation, drag and drop, AJAX controls, etc. to create stunning websites and web applications in a jiffy like IKEA, CNN, NASA.

JQuery – Javascript Framework Work:

JQuery is a revolution in the Java Script library. A fast and succinct java script library used by many popular web giants like Google, digg and Technorati etc. JQuery simplifies HTML document traversal, event handling, animation, and AJAX interaction for fast and smooth web development.

DOJO JavaScript framework work:

Get Dojo to create inspiring and superlative desktop and mobile apps. Build enterprise-grade apps with grids and charts, or use the lightweight dojo core to create animations, easy CSS syntax query, and use it to manipulate the DOM. For desktop and mobile devices, the Dojo API is available with HTML5 capabilities such as geolocations, touchscreen, and more.

Sencha Ext JS4 Frame:

The Sencha Ext cross-browser JavaScript framework works to create rich web applications. Build integrated touch charts with gesture-based interactions, GLOSSY animations, and many other flexible styling options for maximum usability of your data. is a cloud service that allows you to send data to mobile devices faster and cheaper.

JavaScript framework prototype:

A complete and powerful JavaScript framework, a true codebase of choice for web application developers around the world. Prototype features a unique and easy-to-use toolset for class-driven development along with the best AJAX library.

Use the Javascript framework:

Uize JavaScript framework is open source, it comes with huge features. Uize is server agnostic, fully user dependent and can be used on any server platform and language such as Java (Apache TomCat), C# (IIS / ASP.NET), Visual Basic (IIS / ASP), C/C++, Perl ( Perl/Apache), PHP, Ruby (Ruby on Rails), Python, etc. Uize is mobile friendly and comes with slideshow, calendar, date picker, slider, marquee, dialog, menu, magazine view and much more. Enriched with many mainstream features such as JavaScript animation, JavaScript inheritance, JavaScript events, JavaScript modules, JavaScript libraries, JavaScript templates, JavaScript widgets, JavaScript localization, JavaScript documentation, JavaScript code compression, and scripts JavaScript compiler. Uize does not extend native and actively developed objects.

Qooxdoo JavaScript Framework:

A universal JavaScript framework helps you build a huge app on multiple platforms. It uses an object-oriented programming model that helps create innovative RIAs (Rich Internet Applications). An open source user interface, advanced yet easy to implement. Create easy, interactive skins even if you don’t have a strong command of HTML and CSS. It supports the developer with advanced communication between the server and the client. Develop an abstract transport layer. Supports queues, timeouts, and deployments through XMLHttp requests, I frames, and scripts.

The Zepto.js JavaScript framework works:

Compact JavaScript framework for mobile webkit browsers (Safari, etc.) with a JQuery-compatible syntax. Helps you focus more on your build with a 2-5k library that handles most of the basic heavy lifting with a good API.

DHTMLX Touch Javascript Framework

DHTMLX Touch JavaScript Framework compatible with all major browsers for mobile platforms that support HTML 5. A complete set of frameworks that allow you to create amazing and powerful web applications for mobile and touch devices like iPhone, iPad and Android etc.

YUI Library

Industrial strength JavaScript library created by yahoo front-end engineers and global contributors. A powerful, scalable, fast and robust library with a complete set of Java scripts, CSS utilities and controls. It helps developers create rich and interactive web applications using DOM scripting, DHTML, and AJAX techniques. Another free library developed under the BSD license.

JavaScript MVC framework:

Open source and collection of best practices and tools for building innovative JavaScript applications. Included with these standalone components, stealJS, FuncUnit, JQueryMX, and Document JS. A framework with complete testing solutions, create a large JQuery block or turn your comments into a searchable document application.

SPRY JavaScript Framework:

SPRY is especially for those who are not a JavaScript guru. SPRY is a JavaScript framework that enables fast AJAX-powered web applications. Any server-side technology (ColdFusion, PHP, ASP.Net, etc.) is supported by Spry. Separate the UI from the back-end logic by using Spry when building the front-end of the web application. Working with Spry is so easy that anyone with basic knowledge of web development can create the next generation web application. Spry is designed as if it were an extension of HTML and CSS.

MooTools Java Script Framework Work:

MooTools is a squashed, modular JavaScript framework work using the precise object-oriented approach, useful for the intermediate and advanced JavaScript developer. Its well documented, elegant and consistent API allows the developer to write powerful yet flexible code for all browsers.

MooTools code is held to strict standards and does not throw any warnings. It is extensively documented and has meaningful variable names. The reason why it provides joyful browsing.

SproutCore JavaScript Framework:

Sproutcore is a great open source example of building awesome and innovative web apps to create a great user experience. Use the power of HTML5 to take advantage of the latest cross-browser compatible web technologies.

ASP.NET JavaScript Framework:

ASP.NET is a free framework that can help developer create fully interactive and customizable JavaScript API, sort, filter, tree, and provide calculations as embedded Excel web applications. That is perfectly compatible with all web browsers.

Rialto JavaScript Framework:

Rialto is a fully technology-agnostic rich application toolkit that is easily encapsulated in JSP, JSF, .NET, Python, or PHP graphical components. Fully Ajax-based, cross-browser widget library. The pro for the Rialto developer is that you don’t have to be an expert in DHTML, AJAX and DOM code.


All of these frameworks are for those adventure developers who continue to explore new tools in the field of JavaScript. YUI, JQuery, and Prototype are probably the most famous, but the rest is yet to be explored.

Tours Travel

Measuring your personal growth


It was one of the Sundays and as usual a lot of thoughts were going through my head and suddenly my thought process got stuck at one point and it made me think and rethink how one can or should measure their personal growth. ?

1) Your success on tests is measured by the grades you get (your percentile).

2) Your success in business is measured by the income and profit you make.

3) The versatility of your business is measured by your expansion plans, both in terms of geographic expansion and foray into new industries.

4) Experience is usually measured in number of years.

5) Your height, your weight, your age… everything can be measured.

So how can you measure your “personal growth”?

things you do

To understand and measure your personal growth, let’s first list and understand various activities that we do in our life. Once we understand that, it will help us configure the measurement parameters and/or select the measurement scale. I have no doubt that when we talk about “Growth”, it should be objective and not subjective. It must be measured.

As an individual, whatever you do can easily be categorized into two parts:

1) Professional

2) Private

When we are children or adolescents we do certain things that either help us in our profession (give direction to our professional life) or make our private life more satisfying.

1) Professional Life: Basic Education, Professional Education, Salaries (Equity), Promotions (Role, Power to Make Decisions, Span of Control, etc.), Training and Development (Workshops and Seminars), your popularity (and demand) and Professional Network .

2) Private Life: Relations with family (Parents, Siblings, Relatives) and friends, Marriage (Success, Happiness and longevity of your married life), House and other comforts, Health, Children (Birth, Growth, Cleanliness and Values ​​of your children), Love, Care and SATISFACTION.

(Note: Care has been taken to include everything a person should have or would like to have in this lifetime. However, this list is inclusive and not exclusive.)

Let’s analyze and measure

Well, the “Professional Front” of your life can be measured by the following factors:

1) Number of professional titles held.

2) Institutes in which you have studied (To study in good institutes, you must not only be intelligent and well-informed, but also have enough money to cover the expenses of your studies.)

3) If you are a salaried employee, what is your salary and how many increments do you receive each year? In case he has his own business, then the profit and wealth from him.

4) The Position and Appointment held. In short, what matters is your ability to make and influence decisions.

5) Your demand and popularity in your profession and industry, is another yardstick to measure the “Professional Front” of your life.

All of these factors are part of your “Personal Growth” and they are all measurable.

Now, let’s calculate your “growth” in “Private Life”. It is not possible to be successful on the “Professional Front” without “sacrificing” and making adjustments in your “Private Life”. However, what you have sacrificed and how you have established balance in relationships determines and measures your success on “Private Front”.

The following are the factors that can be measured and calculated:

1) Longevity and happiness of your married life

2) Amount you spent on your medications

3) Value system, education and success of your children (Believe it or not, but if your children are good citizens of their country; if they do well in academics; if they are successful in life… that is reflected in their successful).

4) It is not possible to keep everyone happy, one needs to identify (indeed choose) the people they want to keep happy and then do everything possible to ensure their happiness. Therefore, your success is measured in the choices you make, your judgment, and your setting of priorities.

However, there may be a slight difference, but all of these factors can be measured and evaluated. Like I said before, to measure your growth, you need to have a baseline. Measuring growth starts with the past and ends with the present. Your dreams and goals, start from your present and end, somewhere in your future.

Discussion table – Brainstorming

I asked a number of people from different countries, age groups, and both genders what they really mean by “Personal Growth” and how they think personal growth should be measured. Due to space limitations, it is not possible for me to include all responses, instead I have taken a sample size.

According to Marc Aniballi (CEO, Crack Method, Canada), his yardstick for measuring his personal growth changes over time and is based entirely on what phase of life he’s going through.

A baby measures his growth in inches;

A young man measures his growth through his peers;

A young man measures his growth in front of his parents;

An adult measures his growth against the world around him;

A mature adult measures his growth against himself;

An old man measures his growth against ideals;

Maria Sheila Riikonen (Business Intelligence Consultants, Finland), added a philosophical twist to her answer, saying that the path to personal and professional success is rarely easy, so it is important to have a strong sense of self wherever you are. lead the way. I always like to remember my favorite mantra from the American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882):

“Laugh many times and a lot,

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children,

To win the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends,

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others,

To leave the world a little better, be it with a healthy child, a garden or a redeemed social condition,

Knowing that even a life has breathed better because you have lived.

This is having made it.”

In the words of Mukund Toro (Director of Engineering, Sasken, Bangalore, India), there are no generalized parameters to measure personal growth and everything varies and differs from person to person and largely depends on an individual’s background. He said: “I find it difficult to answer your question. I think it depends on the person; it depends on their needs, aspirations, obligations and duties. I guess it depends on what is central in their life. You could look at Habit Two (2) from Steven Covey regarding what the various centers of life are. I have found myself wrestling with various ways of defining success. Sometimes it’s career, sometimes finances, sometimes doing something for others, etc. To quote (not verbatim) to Dr. ES Srinivas of XLRI, some questions may never have clear answers. The important thing is to ask these questions.”

Dinky (Denise) Durso (Business Development, Manager, Alliant Credit Union, Chicago metropolitan area), is of the same mind, saying that the criteria for measuring personal growth vary from individual to individual and are largely influenced by the personal convictions. ideology and principles. He says, “While I can appreciate the basis of your question, I have a hard time aligning my beliefs and values ​​within the confines of the terms of your question and answer. Growth and success don’t have to be measured, even within the terms of your question and answer.” that you put”. years, total income, or total wealth (income) for the year Rather, growth and success have more to do with immeasurable personal wealth (ideals, convictions, ethics) and personal successes, such as independence, work/work balance personal life, growth and income (which can be measured from year to year, but is not a true measure within one’s experiences).

I measure my growth based on how committed I am, how much support I receive from my manager/director, how successful I am within my business and personal goals and relationships, how much balance I have between my business and personal life, and how many relationships I have within all of them. aspects of my life. I’m sure I’m missing something important in this answer; but the main point is ~ money or your bank accounts cannot measure your growth, satisfaction or success, only your feelings, relationships and heart can measure your personal success.”

Jay Sison (General Manager, 1 & 1 Internet, Philippines) is of the opinion that in order to measure your “personal growth” one must clearly define your goals along with a time frame for achieving those goals. The views are expressed as follows: “The beauty of this question is that only the person can answer it and can set the baseline and timeline. One only has to outline the desired goal that can be objectively and subjectively quantified “. . Once defined, you can set the timeline in which you want to achieve and how aggressively you would like to achieve. I would recommend short, medium and long term. Therefore, the measurement depends on the standards of the person. The key word in his question is “personal.” “Growth” and “success” are relative to the person.”

In the words of Gary Sieling (software engineer at Thomson West, Rochester, New York area), the measurement of growth differs from time to time and is also based on phases of life. A person is a complex entity and there are so many things (activities) that are involved in his life. One cannot measure those whole things with a measurement scale. In order to measure everything that is involved in an individual’s life, one needs to use different scales. Thoughts are expressed as: “What I consider to be growth changes over time. Sometimes there are new things I want to learn or do, but sometimes your perspectives change completely, for example after having a health crisis.” You can set up metrics for those things.” – just not numerical measurements like you want. For example, if you want to grow a relationship, you can say “I keep up with them at least once a quarter on average” or “I would like a friend with whom I can talk about personal problems.” Those are just goals, and as long as you reach them, you’re growing. Be careful using a single measure: tracking your progress over time is usually informative, but if you use it as a decision-making tool, there are unintended consequences (for example, sacrificing health or happiness for more income). ). Unhappiness and lack of freedom are indicators of necessary growth.”

However, Bjorn Martinoff (USA/Global Managing Consultant at IL International human Capital Solutions, California), wants to clarify and says that there is a difference between growth and the satisfaction of doing something. He continues: “Many people confuse/collapse growth with success or growth and growth results mean income or achieving goals. Never ever confuse these two as they are so different. I can achieve goals without personal growth, i.e. I could winning the lottery, however, no growth is needed for this or I could find myself with an inheritance, not much luck is needed there either.So money can be excluded as a reliable measure of growth.However, money often, It’s not always, it’s the result of growth. For me the measures of growth and success are the level of freedom and happiness I experience in my life.”


Everything that can be measured can also be managed. Depending on what you want to measure, there are different measurement scales. Your Bank Balance (Your Assets and Wealth), Time, Education Level, Future and success of your children, your position in society and the way people perceive you (respect and admiration) that you have earned… these are some of the scales and criteria to measure your growth in “Personal” life.

If you want to “manage your life”; you should also know how to measure it.

Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep smiling.

Share your views.

with love

Sanjeev Himachali

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(Email: [email protected] and [email protected])


Randall George Lynch Box MTS Series Tube Amplifier Review and Features

Randall Lynch Box

The Randall MTS Lynch Box is based on Randall RM100 Tube Series technology, Randall’s powerful MTS Module tube amplifier. George Lynch and Randall created one of the best Randall amps that was featured time and time again in many advertisements, websites, positive reviews, and comments about the Lynch Box. I’m just excited about the George Lynch MTS Signature Series “Lynch Box”. This may be news to your ears, but don’t get bored with my introduction as I’m starting to warm up your knowledge of this powerful machine and what it can do in this musical equipment review. Production of this Randall Lynch Box began in the year 2006. The head and matching 4×12 cabinet are covered in green simulated reptile lizard skin tolex, matching the head and cab. Inside the beast is a monstrous 100-watt power amp that’s all tube with adjustable preamps. It is considered outrageously versatile because its settings are created to skew from classic tunes to modern musical rock. This amplifier consists of three channels of modules independent of each other.

The amp head has in-head switches and also includes a remote footswitch via midi that is perfectly silent. Up front are the parallel effects loops with level dial effects. This amp was only made to play loud, powerful sounding music, so you won’t see any headphone jack. Another cool feature of this amp that you will really love is its module that contains controls to adjust the mids, bass, gain, treble, bright switch, and level that controls the overall output signal. From a range of 0 to 100 percent of your master volume, breakup of your power amp tube can occur. It is also eminent to make some mix combinations for each of the three channel modules, tweaking the sound settings to your liking. And simply use the heavily built footswitch channel selector to choose your poison.

The front of the head consists of more options such as Master Presence, Master Volume, Effects Level, and Master Density. The latter is a very amazing feature because it is capable of fattening up any thin sound from your guitar or even brightening up any thumping sound that comes out of your strumming and picking guitar. When it comes to the quality of sound production, just name any genre of music and everything will come right out of the box without a hitch. George has come up with a massive cabinet design to the exact specifications to produce a thick, smooth, highly defined midrange sound.

This extremely large, oversized cabinet is hand-built by combining a void-free birch plywood and (high-density) fiberboard for firm tone projection. Are you still looking for something more than this? Well, I tell you that there is nothing greater than the power of this one. If you’re always looking for a strong sound anywhere, if your choice is always hard rock guitar riffs or metal jamming, then there’s no need to hesitate. Always choose what best suits your taste and lifestyle. You can and will never go wrong with this one. George Lynch’s Randall Lynch Box Guitar Amplifier will raise the power of music in you, so what are you waiting for? Check out the perfect online music merchants where you can immediately buy this magnificent power amp. They will make it easy for you to deliver and you will surely enjoy it throughout your life.

George Lynch MTS Series Preamps:

Super V: Clean module with low bottom end

Mr. Fear: Lynch’s Classic Heavy Rhythm Lead Tone

Grill: Thick lower midrange for a modern lead tone

Brahma: High-gain tone for classic Lynch rhythm sound


The Importance of Women in the Workplace

Importance of Women in the Workplace

Companies that put a strong focus on women employment have a huge advantage over those that don’t. Not only do more women boost your talent pool and help your company perform better–they also tend to be happier and less burned out. The importance of women in the workplace has never been greater. And right now, it’s especially crucial that companies meet this moment with creativity and leadership.

To improve women employment in the long run, companies need to focus on three areas: improving employee experiences; doubling down on gender and race diversity; and investing in people management and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). A key challenge for women is the fact that they often face a double whammy of work and family demands. They need to balance the responsibilities of their jobs with their personal commitments, and they need to be confident that their employer will make it easy for them to do so.

Mothers of young children are a particularly common example of these challenges. As a result, many mothers of young children feel pressure to work longer hours and to perform at a high level, while also struggling with burnout or considering leaving their jobs. This pressure and stress add up to a negative work experience. And that can have serious consequences for a woman’s ability to stay in the workforce.

The Importance of Women in the Workplace

Despite the significant progress we have made in the past two years, women employment still experience an overall worse day-to-day work experience than men. In particular, they are more likely than men to encounter microaggressions–i.e., a subtle and often-unconscious bias that undermines their competence and authority.

For women of color, this day-to-day experience can be even more challenging. They are twice as likely as White women to experience “othering” microaggressions that reinforce harmful stereotypes and cast them as outsiders. And they are more likely than White women to experience microaggressions that undermine their professional performance–for instance, being interrupted by colleagues and managers, or having their judgement questioned.

While these experiences can be debilitating, they aren’t limited to women of color–they can also impact men of color, as well. Research shows that Black men who are denied promotions or raises often cite gender and/or race as the reasons they were passed over.

These problems are particularly true for women of color, who are twice as likely as White men to report that a discriminatory incident has affected their employment in the past year. And they are more than twice as likely to say that they have felt like an outsider in their workplace, and almost three times as likely to experience burnout.

To improve women’s employment in the longer run, companies need to focus on three areas: increasing their representation; improving employee experiences; and doubling down on gender and race diversity. These efforts are vital to creating an environment that helps everyone in the company thrive, which in turn leads to higher profits and better workplaces for all.


The power of choice

Where we are today is the result of choices we have made in our past. Options as small as what to have for breakfast or what we want to do for a living. Each of us was born with the gift of free will and has the right to choose our destiny through a series of lifelong decisions. Accept responsibility for who and where you are today and understand that, with the exception of a few outside forces, you are where you are because of the choices you have made.

What about options like going to work? You may be saying, “I have a family to support and I can’t choose to miss work. If I don’t work, I get fired.” The fact is that you choose not to miss work and keep your job. The choice to skip work is yours and you must accept the consequences of each of your decisions. Even in the extreme situation of someone pointing a gun to your head, you have the option to do as you are told or get shot. The choice is always present and always yours.

What about the person who is hit by a bus? Obviously, he didn’t choose to be hit by a bus, but if he’s still alive, he certainly can choose how to respond to the situation. He can spend the rest of his days focusing on “why me?” and how unlucky he is, or making millions writing the bestseller “Life After Being Hit By A Bus” and helping others who were hit by a greyhound while picking up a penny on the road. Although we can’t always choose what happens to us or surrounds us, we can choose how we deal with it.

A successful person understands this concept well and understands that their choices make them who they are today. She does not use the negative statement “I HAVE to” but “I WANT.” Having to do something makes you subconsciously believe that you have no choice in the situation, which is rarely true. Once you truly understand that you are choosing to do something instead of having to do it, your attitude becomes positive and you see the benefits instead of concentrating on the negative.

Other people will respect you for your directness when you are more honest with a statement like “I’d rather.” The words “have to” are often used as a defense mechanism and as an excuse for not doing something. Understand that you have a choice in the matter, and be smart enough to avoid the words “I have to.” Those with whom you communicate will respect you more for it.

Home Kitchen

Types of chests and cabinets

In addition to the bed, another important component when it comes to furnishing and decorating a bedroom is the chest of drawers and the wardrobe. Both pieces not only serve the functional purpose of storing items, but also become accent pieces and secondary focal points for the bedroom.


Also known as a desk, a dresser sits at chest or shoulder height. Due to its height, it is generally not used with a mirror. Dressers typically have five, six, or seven drawers and are also used to store items that aren’t hanging in a closet, such as T-shirts, socks, underwear, and nightgowns.

The lingerie chest, also known as a chest of drawers, is a specific type of chest designed to store lingerie and underwear. It is generally narrower and sometimes taller than other types of dressers.

Easily mistaken for a cabinet, a chest with a door often has a cabinet with doors and a set of drawers underneath. It is typically smaller in scale than a closet and is 50 inches or less in height. Many manufacturers use “cabinet” and “door chest” as interchangeable terms.

A storage chest looks like a large rectangular box with a lid. It is intended to store bedding including blankets and duvets. It can also be used to store seasonal clothing. Some manufacturers offer storage chests that can double as a bed bench.


The word “cabinet” originates from the French world for a type of cabinet used as storage for armor and weapons. Cabinets can be used in many ways, from hiding a TV to storing clothing and jewelry. Typically described as a tall, freestanding cabinet, cabinets can include pull-out shelves, drawers, and valet trays. Below are the four main types of cabinets:

Wardrobe cabinet: designed to store clothes; Ideal for suits, dresses and bulkier seasonal items like coats. Built-in closets often have a clothes rail or removable clothes rail.

TV Cabinet: Allows you to open the doors when you want to watch TV, but hide the TV behind closed doors when you don’t. Some manufacturers offer a TV/wardrobe combination that can be adapted and used for any purpose.

Computer Armoire – As with a TV armoire, a computer armoire allows you to place a computer in the bedroom, but hide it when not in use. A computer case is specifically designed to accommodate a monitor, CPU, and other peripherals such as a pair of speakers or a printer.

Jewelry Armoire: A jewelry store allows you to store your jewelry in one place. It also offers a number of storage options designed specifically for rings, bracelets, and necklaces. Jewelry cabinets are available in various models, including freestanding and wall-mounted.


MotoMint – Auto & Car Videos App


MotoMint is an application aimed at the automotive industry. Basically, you get videos of cars and cars from all over the world from the Internet. The app also checks for the regular updates of various car manufacturers and provides information about them to the users in a shorter period of time. Pick up the latest automotive news, videos, new and old car reviews and much more from the Burynet and presents them directly to the device for the user to read. You can download this application from the google stores link. It is available in both iOS8 and Android versions. At present, the iOS8 The version has more features added.

Characteristics of MotoMint

It has a novel way of connecting with the latest trends in the automotive industry around the world. It stays connected to the Internet to select the videos that introduce new cars and new technologies. Car enthusiasts just need to download this app and install it on their devices to get the latest updates on the happenings in the world of cars. It stands out from other car apps available in the market by providing everything that the car industry has to offer. In short, you get the latest car videos, car entertainment shows, new car first hand overview videos that are available. With a simple click, high-quality car videos from all over the world appear.

Nature of the selected videos

This app searches only the top ranked videos from all over the world wide web. To do this, it uses a new concept called healing. The built-in algorithm selects the videos based on the classification given by international organizations. Normally, these international rankings depend on the content and the number of views to judge the quality of the video. While displaying the healing videos, the app organizes them in different tabs. The tabs dedicate the information to a particular car make so viewers don’t get confused. In addition, the dedicated page in each tab describes only the selected brands. The app also allows customers to view the engine YouTube channel directly. By working in this way, the MotoMint The application allows the user to get detailed information on various updates on events happening in the world of automobiles through high-quality videos and maximum visitation. The app stores the downloaded videos and saves them in different folders. This allows users to view these videos later in offline mode.