Legal Law

Lessons for life: your mind

Lesson Purpose: To demonstrate that the human mind is a special gift; but it must be developed to be successful in life.

The lesson

“Never trust your brain. It is two-faced and self-programmed:

Taylor Jones (Yes, it’s me).

“What is mind? It doesn’t matter. What is matter? It doesn’t matter.” TH key

“The firefly is bright, but has no mind; it stumbles through existence with its head light burning behind it.”

EF Ware, The Lightning Insect

“If you had another brain, it would be lonely.” common saying

our wonderful mind

The human mind controls the actions of the body and interprets the impulses of the cells that transmit sound, optical, chemical and other types of messages.

You can be right-brained or left-brained. One sixth of all people are left-handed and routine functions are monitored by the right half of the brain. The left half of his brain.

handles the complex interpretations necessary for many brain functions.

Most other people are right handed and routines are handled by the left side of the brain. For them, the right half handles complex and three-dimensional performances.

Right or left, the brain is a marvel.

Many scientists see the Hand of God in the optics of the eye and the brain’s ability to interpret them. There are many brain-controlled miracles in the human anatomy.

The human brain develops slowly, it takes about sixteen years to reach its full potential. At that age, most adolescents can think like adults and should be allowed to do

decisions under the guidance of their parents. Then, when they are older and on their own, they will be able to make good decisions because of their experience.

“If I Only Had a Brain”

That’s what the blood on the scarecrow says in the “Wizard of Oz.” Ray Bolger played the part just as I remember it. During World War II, my brother saw Ray Bolger play on the San Francisco stage. He still talks about what a great performer he was. Ray Bolger died in 1987 at the age of eighty-three.

The scarecrow said it was a failure because it had no brain. Dorothy (Judy Garland) asked her what she would do with a brain if she had one. She replied that she could “spend hours consulting with the flowers and consulting with the rain.”

He said that while he was “scratching” his head, “thoughts would be hatching.” She added that she could solve puzzles that were causing others to be “in trouble and pain”.

Dorothy told her people that with “all those ideas, he’d be another Lincoln”, if only he had a brain.

Did the scarecrow ever get his brain?

No, the Wizard of Oz gave him a diploma. What did the scarecrow really need? Trust! He already had a working brain. He just didn’t have enough confidence to trust his thoughts.

You can destroy a person’s confidence by continually calling them stupid.

Never use such terms. Sometimes, even jokingly, they can hurt.

How do we educate our children?

First, we have to realize that they are intelligent human beings. Most children can speak fully coherent and grammatically correct sentences by the time they are three years old.

They have learned a foreign language!

The fact is that it is very difficult to learn a foreign language when you are over 25 years old. I have a friend who speaks French, Spanish and German to his children.

daughters. So they too can speak these languages.

He speaks French to his dog. The dog obeys him and answers him in French. Did you know that Wow! In French it is also Wow! (That’s what’s called a “weak joke! Jay Leno is a master of the “weak joke.”)

The point is that children learn different things more easily at different times in their lives. I taught my children to play chess when they were four years old. It’s just a game, right?

I taught my oldest son some simple algebra when he was four or five years old.

Another game.

Many children can learn to read at three or four years of age. Just give them a chance. One of my adopted grandsons is four years old. She has been reading for almost two years. She can read a college level text. She doesn’t understand what she reads at that level, but she can read every word. I think she is from another planet and she always knew how to read. She only had two years to hold the book.

Very young children easily learn anything that only requires memory. I used to tell my nephew when he was about three years old, “Di Pithecanthropus Erectus.” I would come back.

And don’t young children learn all the names of dinosaurs very quickly?

Things that require coordination are best learned at a later age. Drawing requires hand-eye coordination. Some children have natural artistic talent and show it early. others may be

they taught to draw when they developed the required coordination.

By the way, it is best not to teach young children contact sports until their bones and joints have developed adequately to withstand jolts and blows.

The thing is, children need to interact with many topics while they are young. You can be the example. If you write a poem, your child will want to write a poem. If you draw a picture, your child will want to draw one too. If you write a story, your child will want to write a story. If you study birds, your child will want to study birds.

Do lots of different things with your children to help them find their interest early.

I went back to graduate school when my children were young.

They thought spending life in college was normal. My oldest son spent eight years in residency after medical school to become a neurosurgeon. The sons of number two did their residency in pediatric anesthesiology. Son number three went to veterinary school at Purdue University. Son number four went to law school. My daughter’s education was interrupted because her husband went off to medical school and then did his residency in anesthesiology. She works with a team from the heart. But she is an accomplished portrait painter because she continued her education.

All four of my sons are Eagle Scouts. They were exposed to many different areas through the Boy Scout Merit Badge Program. Two of my grandsons are also Eagle Scouts. So I think I’m giving good advice.

Spend time with your children. Teach them what you know. Expose them to mind-opening experiences. Zoos are good. Museums and planetariums are good. Nature is good. The library is good.

So buy a microscope and a telescope and let your kids use them.

Television is good if you are selective about what you and your children watch. But television can be inconvenient in exposing your children to educational experiences.

Let your children explore their world.

I think I said it in another lesson. When I moved to a mountain town in Arizona a few years ago, I learned that many families here stopped watching TV years ago. Some only use the television for videotape. But there are worthwhile educational programs on television. You just have to make some restrictions so that your children are not deprived of a true education that only you can give them.

Teach your children to learn to do things that are difficult to do. There is no other way to stretch the mind. There is no other way to give them a competitive advantage in their adult life.

for young children

“What are you doing, Billy?”

“Get out of my light, Sandy. I’m studying these ants.”

Sandy stepped back and said, “Don’t you have anything else to do? Study ants? Why?”

“Girls don’t understand science and stuff,” Billy said. “I’m going to be a scientist.”

Sandy lifted her chin. “I’m going to be a dancer.”

“To what?” Billy asked.

“A prima ballerina. A ballerina. That’s what I’m going to be.”

Billy laughed. “In this little town? Who would go to see you?”

“New York! Paris! Moscow! That’s where I’ll be dancing.”

“Lucky!” Billy said. “I’m going down to the Amazon River and to Africa. I’ve read that they have a lot of ants to study in those places.”

Sandy laughed and said, “I think you’ve got a lot of ants right there, Billy. They’re crawling up your leg!”

“So what?” Billy said. “Want to look at this winged one through my magnifying glass?”

“An ant with wings? Sure! Give me the glass.”

“She’s a queen,” said Billy.

“Wow! It really looks good through this magnifying glass. I’m going to look at a hundred of them.”

“Oh no!” Billy said. “I think it’s time for you to go home and tell your mother that she loves you. Give me my magnifying glass.”

Billy grabbed the magnifying glass. Sandy jumped up and ran home. Billy thought, “Now that she’s gone, I can really study these bugs.” But Sandy ran back from her house with an even bigger magnifying glass. Billy said, “Wow! Can I look through that thing?”

“Sure,” Sandy said. But you have to make me a promise.

Billy grabbed the largest magnifying glass. “What did he promise?”

“You have to take me with you to the Amazon River and Africa.”

“Sure,” said Billy, “but what about all that dancing?”

“The girls can change their minds if they want. I’m going to be an entomologist!”

Billy asked, “A what?”

“You guys are so dumb! He’s a science bug. Give me back my magnifying glass.”

They both knelt on the ground and studied the ants together.

The end

Copyright©2001-2005 by Taylor Jones, John T. Jones, Ph.D.

Legal Law

Immigrant women and their struggles

I was born in the United States and raised in Haiti. I returned to the United States at the age of eleven. Witnessing the struggles my mother, a single mother, faced made me more appreciative of the education and opportunities I have had as a Haitian-American woman. Having to learn English as a second language and completing my Masters in Social Work are my two greatest achievements.

Growing up in the United States and having to adapt to a new culture was a difficult and challenging experience for me. However, my struggles were minimal compared to my mother’s. She worked two jobs, at the time her English speaking skills were minimal, and she supported four small children. Furthermore, even after we moved to the United States, my mother believed that she had a responsibility to care for her siblings who lived in Haiti. As a result of this belief, she continued to send them money on a regular basis.

My mother always stressed the importance of education. She didn’t want to see her children struggle as much as she did. With education in mind, I finished high school believing that getting a high school diploma was all the education I needed. Unfortunately, I had a guidance counselor who, instead of supporting me going to college, reinforced my belief that high school was enough of an education for me. Fortunately, I met a professional and successful black woman who became my mentor. She taught me the importance of continuing my education. She believed in me and she helped me believe in myself. Although my mom had also emphasized the importance of education, my experience up to that point was seeing women from my culture who had immigrated to the United States get jobs as cleaning ladies and I considered them successful. So, with a broader understanding of success, as well as the help of my mentor, I applied to and was accepted to Syracuse University where I majored in Social Work and eventually earned a Bachelor of Science and Social Work.

I learned many valuable life lessons during my undergraduate years. I lived in Harlem, New York; and as a result, I was not exposed to many different cultures. When I went to Syracuse University, I was hit with culture shock! I had to learn to live with people from different backgrounds and religious beliefs. I was impressed with the different student organizations to choose from. However, because I wanted to feel like I belonged, I helped create a Haitian-American organization so I could meet other students from my own culture and who, I assumed, would face the same challenges as me. I soon began to realize that I was cutting myself off from the many different cultures represented by other students on campus. I started branching out and participating in different organizations so I could learn more about different cultures. To my surprise, I found students from a wide variety of cultures who were struggling like me, and their parents struggled like my mother.

My first professional experience was as the Director of a child abuse prevention program. Working with parents was rewarding for me because I was able to educate them on parenting skills and help them learn stress reduction techniques. After about a year, I was accepted onto the staff of an organization that specializes in domestic violence. In my capacity as a Senior Social Worker, I have met many minority women who have experienced violence in their primary relationships. I soon learned that it is often difficult for women to break out of violent relationships. For the women I worked with, things were further complicated because many of them were undocumented and, as a result, often unwilling to ask authorities for help because they feared deportation. These women also faced language barriers, difficulties finding employment, and social isolation that we often see in both battered women and new immigrants who have not yet settled into American society. Of those who were able to leave their abusers, they often found themselves unable to navigate the system and unable to support themselves financially without the help of public assistance. Of those who received public assistance, they often became dependent on public assistance because their English speaking and writing skills were poor or they were unable to obtain training in a vocation that would allow them to support themselves and their children.

Legal Law

Timely Marriage – How to Position Yourself for a Timely Marriage

It is God’s plan that all His sons and daughters marry at the right time. God does not delight in your loneliness when you should have been married. Do you want to get married on time? The following points can be a flight that takes you there:

1. Prayer – Nothing good comes easily and since marriage is a good thing, you need to take it seriously at the altar of prayer. Most people don’t bother to pray about their married life until they are ripe for marriage. It is better that you start praying early enough before you are ready for marriage. If you find out that many people in your family got married late, then you had better start breaking the curse of marital delay in your life.

2. Forgiveness: If you want God to act on your married life, you must forgive people who have offended you in the past. Most of the time, those who experience a delayed marriage hold a grudge against the people who jilted them in the past. Until you forgive, your heavenly father will not answer you and the devil is still empowered by your relentless spirit to place an embargo on your marriage.

3. Be friendly: If you really need a husband or wife, then be friendly. If you’re the type to be hostile to people, no one will want you as a suitor. Be accessible; stop hindering yourself to get married on time. Marriage is friendship. Learn to make and keep friends.

4. Don’t be picky: It has been found that some of the people who experience marriage delays now actually caused it due to their attitude of being too picky when they are in their prime. Throw out your entire list of standards; do not specialize in physical appearance or material things. His future glory may be hidden now, it takes a spiritual person to discover it.

5. Right Location: Always strive to be in the right location and the right company. You cannot be looking for a partner in the middle of the married. Join the singles forum and attend their meetings.

6. Build Self-Esteem: Develop the mindset that you are someone who deserves to be admired and respected. Celebrate your facial appearance, hair, and body structure. Stop putting yourself down. Don’t allow this emotional weakness to push you into marriage error.

Legal Law

Alibaba IPO: Approach Cautiously

International exposure is key to building a well-diversified portfolio, but foreign companies can pose problems you wouldn’t find in the United States. Take, for example, a common solution to foreign ownership bans on China-based companies: the variable interest entity (VIE).

Chinese e-commerce company Alibaba is preparing for an initial public offering on the New York Stock Exchange. Alibaba’s sheer size (a total value estimated at more than $200 billion) has drawn a lot of investor attention, but some of that attention comes in the form of concern. Alibaba uses the VIE structure, and a recent article in The Wall Street Journal reported that a US government commission found that US investors face “great risks” if they buy shares of companies structured this way. (1)

Lives are not new. Chinese Internet companies began using this structure in 2000 as a solution to Chinese restrictions that prohibit foreigners from investing in certain sectors, including telecommunications. To avoid breaking the rules, non-Chinese investors own an overseas listed business entity, which owns a subsidiary located in China. The Chinese subsidiary then owns one or more nationally licensed companies, which are VIEs. In Alibaba’s case, US investors will buy shares in a Cayman Islands entity called Alibaba Group Holding Limited. This entity will have a contractual right to the profits of the Chinese company, but will not own the assets of the company.

While this structure has been maintained up to now, the risks identified by the commission are not negligible. Because the company’s ownership is indirect, foreign investors must rely solely on contractual agreements to ensure they retain the economic benefits of ownership in the China-based company. These contracts would have to be enforced through the Chinese legal system in cases where shareholders believed their rights had been violated, a process that has historically been difficult for outsiders.

Even with these contracts in place, foreign investors have relatively little control. For example, in 2011, the Chinese entity Alibaba overruled the objections of Yahoo Inc., a large shareholder in the offshore entity, and divided up the assets of a payments unit to bring them under the control of the company’s founder, Jack Ma. Alibaba said the transaction was necessary to ensure China’s central bank would allow the payment unit to continue operating and ultimately reached an agreement with its shareholders, The Wall Street Journal reported. (2) While some investors view the VIE structure as the cost of doing business in China, the lack of control it implies calls for caution.

Still, investors run a similar risk with shares of US companies that have a majority shareholder, whether or not they are the founding shareholder. Investors sometimes decide that being at the mercy of the majority shareholder is a price they are willing to pay to invest in a certain company. Some private equity firms, including The Carlyle Group, KKR, and The Blackstone Group, have also gone public through a limited partnership structure, where investors receive a portion of the proceeds but remain at the mercy of the general partner as to business decisions. That being said, choosing to buy a company with limited control in the United States comes with a number of rules and regulations designed to protect minority investors. While these are not bulletproof, they do offer some reassurance. Investing in Alibaba or another VIE-structured Chinese company means relinquishing not only control, but also transparency.

Perhaps most worryingly, the Chinese authorities have never formally confirmed that the VIEs are legally valid. If the Chinese government sees fit to challenge the legitimacy of companies using VIEs, there is little a foreign investor could do. While China has a vested economic interest in preserving companies as big as Alibaba, investors are relying on the Chinese government’s self-interest without a legal safety net. Some observers have warned that Chinese legal precedent suggests that VIEs may fall if challenged.

This is not to say that investors should always avoid companies structured as VIEs at all times and in all circumstances. Asia-focused equity mutual funds, as part of a well-diversified equity portfolio, can provide diversified exposure to thousands of different companies, we can live with less exposure to investments in VIE structured companies like Alibaba.

But watch your exposure to shares of Chinese companies, regardless of how they are structured. There are reasons to be wary of the risks of investing in a place that doesn’t always uphold the rule of law or corporate governance principles we take for granted in the United States. The investor-hostile structure of the VIE is yet another reason to proceed with caution.


1) The Wall Street Journal, “US Report Casts Doubt on Legal Structure of Alibaba and Other Chinese Firms”

2) The Wall Street Journal, “Alibaba founder’s recent deals raise flags”

Legal Law

Trademark Infringement Issues for Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertisers

Yahoo just announced that they will no longer allow PPC advertisers to advertise or offer trademarked terms.

Could this be a trend of things to come from the other major search players?

The new MSN adCenter (still in beta) states that you are not allowed to infringe trademarks within their editorial guidelines (see policy below).

However, Google is still taking a strong stance on allowing advertisers to bid on trademarked search terms, as long as the trademarked term is not used in the advertiser’s ad text.

Numbers to consider

Next to click fraud, trademark infringements are the second biggest concern for pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Of the total number of online searches, 20% are brand searches. That is, company-owned trademarks such as “Pontiac” account for 20% of all search traffic. While 1 in 5 searches for trademarked terms may seem high, most conversions don’t originate from trademarked terms. A study by comScore and Yahoo Search Marketing (Overture) found that most shoppers don’t search by manufacturer or product name. Rather, buyers use broad search terms that do not include the manufacturer’s name. General search terms account for 70% of total searches and 60% of total conversions.

Search Engine Policy on PPC Trademark Bidding

Yahoo in Brands:

“On March 1, 2006, Yahoo! Search Marketing will change its editorial

guidelines on the use of keywords containing trademarks.

Previously, we enabled competitive advertising by allowing advertisers

bid on third-party trademarks if those advertisers offered

comparative information about the products of the owners of the trademarks or

services compared to competing products and services

that were offered or promoted on the advertisers site.

In order to more easily deliver quality user experiences when

users search for terms that are trademarked, Yahoo! search marketing

has determined that we will no longer allow bidding on keywords

containing competitive trademarks.

MSN AdCenter on Trademarks

“Microsoft requires all advertisers to agree that they will not bid on keywords or use in their ad text any keywords whose use infringes a third party’s trademark or is illegal or infringes the rights of any third party.” party”.

Google AdWords in Brands:

“Google takes reports of trademark infringement very seriously, and as a courtesy, we’re happy to investigate matters raised by trademark owners. Additionally, our Terms and Conditions with Advertisers prohibit intellectual property infringement by advertisers and make it clear that advertisers are responsible for the keywords they choose to serve ads and the text they choose to use in those ads.”

Solution or more problems

With all engines moving towards a TM standard, it would have many benefits for both advertisers and search engines. This standard would be good for marketers who would have to be more creative in creating copy, creating more demand for skilled marketers, which would translate to higher fees. The search engines hosting the ads would maintain revenue levels, but online PR firms stand to lose as they would not be required to police the search engines of their trademarked clients. Ultimately, the brand owner would still be protected and the user experience would not be affected.

Case study:

I’m currently working with an AdWords client in a situation where their competitors are bidding on their trademarked search terms. In addition to constant monitoring and reporting of trademark infringements being used in the ads themselves, the ad spend to secure the top positions for your ads has skyrocketed from an initial $2.00 per click to $15.00 per click. click. Additionally, the monthly expense has increased from $1,200 to almost $30,000.

I have to go back to my client with an estimated budget of $500,000 for the rest of this year to control the space for their own trademarked term. I’m reluctant to do that, as it doesn’t make sense with Yahoo’s announcement of their new trademark policy. Given the level of aggression from competitors and the exorbitant cost my client now bears, there is only one solution and that is to stop all advertisers from bidding on the terms. In my opinion, it’s just not right that a business owner has to spend over $500,000 to buy their own brand term that has already cost them millions of dollars to build. This is more than $500,000 in revenue for Google that is being generated by a policy that goes beyond the elementary terms of trade. Yahoo and MSN have recognized the unfairness of this policy and have taken steps to change it.

If we are unable to address this policy on a case-by-case basis, then I have no choice but to inform my client that we are unable to assist him further and that his only option is to pursue legal action against Google.

Google also advises that you deal with individual advertisers, which in many cases is impossible with private registries and foreign companies. You could dramatically add to your high costs by having to send cease and desist to all violators. Many will ignore you.

The classic bait and switch doesn’t seem to apply to the internet. Many companies are okay with their terms being bought for price comparison and by resellers. The solution here is for those companies to give Google permission to allow their resellers to buy the name. With the strength and sophistication of Google’s technology, how difficult can this be? I doubt it’s more cumbersome than filtering search results for China.

Your defense against trademark violations

Website businesses where the majority of their income is generated through online sales rely heavily on search engines to drive traffic to their website. To defend against trademark infringements, you’ll need to conduct search audits at least once a month. You not only need to review organic search results, but also paid search results or PPC contextual ads. You need to look through the top 30 results of the search listings.

For organic search engine results, you should look at both the questionable result and the site shown in the result. When reviewing the site of the potential infringer, don’t just review the content visible on the site; Also review the code to discover hidden text, image alt tags, and keyword meta tags that may include your trademarked names.

Then document your findings. For search engine results and PPC results, please use a “screenshot” of the page showing the trademark infringement. For trademark violations that are visible on a website, save the full page code as a .txt file.

What if you see a violation in the organic search results, but when you click through to the page, there is no violation? They may be using a cloak page that includes your trademark. To verify this, you’ll need to view the search engine’s cached page in the file. Be sure to keep a copy of this code as well.

You will need to document your findings by properly dating the violation and full contact information for the site owner. Use to get the site’s whois information. Once you have all of this documented, you’ll need to submit your findings to the appropriate search engine.

You may also want to take the legal route, in which case you should keep a record of all your documentation to present to your legal counsel.

The best way to collect evidence is to hire a third party to collect evidence against the infringer of your trademark or copyrighted material. Recently, at Search Engine Strategies in New York City during February 2006, Deborah Wilcox, a partner at Baker & Hostetler LLP, who specializes in the areas of copyright and trademark law, said: “Use a third party to print and audit the search results. If the case goes to court, you’ll need hard evidence for the judge.”

Contact search engines

You can also contact search engines directly if you believe an advertiser is infringing on your trademark. The contact information of the respective search engine is below.


Google Corporation.

Attention: Google AdWords, Trademark Claims

2400 Bayshore Parkway

Mountain View, CA 94043

yahoo! search marketing

Formerly: Overture Services, Inc.

Attn: Business and Legal Affairs – Registered Trademarks

74 N. Pasadena Ave., 3rd Floor

Pasadena, California 91103

Fax: 626 685-5601

microsoft corporation

Attn: MSN Search Trademark Concerns

a way to microsoft

Redmond, WA 98052


Trademark Infringement Remedies

International Trademark Association

American Center for Patent and Trademark Law

Internet patents, copyrights, trademarks and legal issues

brands on the Internet

Legal Law

LAWYERS – Finding Your Dream Job – 6 Simple Steps to Get Started

Let’s be honest. The biggest question on your mind is, “What am I going to do with my life?” It’s something I know you’ve been putting off because there doesn’t seem to be a simple answer. If you’re like most unhappy practicing lawyers, you freak out every time you think about this question. You’re afraid to go out because friends are always asking you what you’re going to do if you don’t practice law, and you feel like you’re supposed to have a well-thought-out life plan. You’re always being told about so-and-so who unexpectedly got a call from an old friend to be the “general counsel of a cool new company” or some other lawyer urban legend. It is impossible to live up to expectations. Well, I have good news. You’re normal. This is what everyone who has ever left the law has thought at one point or another in their lives.

So how do you find out what your dream job is? The first thing you have to do is ask yourself some tough questions. I know many of you are thinking, oh no, this is going to be one of those sensitive parts where someone is going to cry. This is not a giant group hug! What I want you to do is observe yourself. Imagine that you are a scientist studying your own behaviors. What do you like and what don’t you like? What are you good at? What are your passions? What do you do in your free time? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail, but if you tried you would be a great success? Forget what you think you can’t do. Today, the sky is the limit. Everything is possible. Allow yourself to dream!

Here are the top 6 tips for figuring out what the heck your dream job is anyway!

  1. Look at the tracks of your life:
    1. Life speaks in whispers, listen.
    2. What attracts you?
    3. Look at your bedroom. What books and magazines do you read? What hobbies interest you? What are your passions?
  2. Meet people who are not lawyers:
    1. Talk to everyone you meet about what they do and how they got there.
    2. Talk to people about their interests.
    3. Observe what interests you in other people.
  3. Keep a notebook:
    1. Brainstorm job titles.
    2. Think about all the careers and industries you might be interested in.
    3. Allow yourself to dream big.
  4. Be patient:
    1. Take time, keep going.
    2. Take action, pushing yourself towards the momentum.
  5. Expose yourself to new things:
    1. Read a “how to” book.
    2. Wait at the conference.
    3. Join the emcees and practice public speaking.
    4. Ask for new responsibilities in a part-time job.
    5. Join the committees.
    6. Volunteer for responsibilities you have never tried.
    7. Try something new and crazy.
  6. Be open to all possibilities.
    1. There is nothing foolish about following your dreams.
    2. Stop thinking this is a “dumb dream” and do it.

Life is too short to give up on your dreams. May you discover, land and excel in the career of your life!

© Work in Progress, Inc. 2008-2009

Legal Law

respect for authority

Professionals such as engineers have an obligation to respect the legitimate authority of their employees. An authority offers a way to identify areas of personal responsibility and accountability.

Expert authority:

To avoid problems in institutional authority. Expert authority is the possession of special knowledge, skills or competencies to perform some shots or give good advice. For example, doctors are authorities on health, civil engineers are authorities on building structures and aesthetics, lawyers are authorities on legal matters, and computer scientists are authorities on software, hardware, etc.

Expert authority is called “leadership authority” as it implies the expertise to effectively lead others. In most cases, engineers will have expert authority on technology-related matters, while institutional authority will lie with line managers who handle the day-to-day activities of the organization.

Institutional authority:

Refers to authority within the organization. For example, the account manager is authorized with some limitations to sanction financial commitments within your institution. If authority is given to qualified personnel, the goals of the organization will be easily accomplished.

Authority versus power:

Ineffective people cannot command power if they lack leadership, they cannot inspire and motivate employees, even if they are empowered to do so. In other words, people who are effective can gain great power or influence; power goes far beyond the authority of the position they occupy. Charismatic leaders often have influence outside their domains of authority, and highly respected engineers of proven integrity may have power in an organization that explicitly exceeds the rights of their institutions.

Morally Justified Authority:

Engineers may have an institutional duty to obey the boss to do things that are morally unjustified. Therefore, institutional rights and duties cannot be applied in the same sense as morally justified rights and duties.

Institutional authority is morally justified only when the ends of the institution are morally permissible or morally desirable and the manner in which it is exercised does not violate other moral duties.

Acceptance Authority:

Employees mostly accept the guidance and obey their employer, they rarely disobey for moral reasons. Every employee of an organization has something called “zone acceptance” that shows his interest in accepting the authority of his employees. Most of the time, employees expand their zone of acceptance without considering whether or not the authority requires moral acts. This reveals that employees lack moral integrity. Therefore, employer directives must be carefully evaluated by employees for justifications before accepting the directive.

Therefore, engineering professionals must weigh their obligations to the public, their employees, their colleagues, and others when conflicts arise between those obligations. A simple prioritization, without exceptions, is not always possible.

Legal Law

How Much Does a Washington, DC DUI Lawyer Cost?

Most lawyers do not post their legal fees online. The reason they don’t is because generally each case is different and there may be a fluctuation in prices between clients. However, you should have a starting point for the cost of DUI lawyers in Washington, DC. The cost of the DUI attorney depends primarily on the experience of the attorney and the amount of training the attorney has had in DUI law. There are other reasons why the cost can fluctuate between attorneys, such as attorney overhead.


When I talk about training I don’t mean law school. All lawyers have to pass the bar and that’s why I’m not talking about the bar. DUI law is an area of ​​the law that requires additional training beyond law school and the bar. The attorney’s continuing legal education is important because laws change and the DUI attorney must be aware of the changes. For example, DUI attorneys must be trained or “qualified” by the National Highway Safety Administration’s Standardized Field Sobriety Course. This course is typically 25-40 hours of classroom instruction. It is the same class that police officers must take to give citizens the standardized field sobriety test on the streets. Another example that DUI attorneys can take to improve their knowledge is to attend the annual national training in Las Vegas once a year hosted by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and the National College for DUI Defense. Here, some of the best DUI lawyers in the country share their knowledge with other DUI attorneys. Generally, the more training your lawyer has, the more you will pay.


The experience can only come through time. Yes, aging sucks, but through age comes wisdom. Just as it takes a young doctor years before he can polish up and gain experience in his field, the same is true of lawyers. It’s hard for an attorney to get out of law school and start trying DUI cases because they have a level of complexity. As you know, there are many lawyers in the country. Just because the lawyer is licensed to practice in court does not mean that he has the experience to handle all types of cases. Generally, the more experience your lawyer has, the more you will have to pay.

Office and general expenses

This is the area that you will never hear the lawyer talk to the client about. However, the truth is that the client pays the overhead of the DUI attorney. The lawyer can do the job cheaper and faster if he uses technology to change the cost. For example, a lawyer must provide documents to his client; however, shipping by post is slow and costs more. Using the Internet and a closed portal system, the lawyer can communicate with the client, provide dates, share documents and communicate with the client more effectively and save money. If your lawyer is still using paper documents and by mail, it is costing you more money. Times have changed and DUI attorneys need to be more efficient with their productivity. The other part of the attorney’s overhead is office space. This is where the costs of the 2 lawyers differ equally. If the attorney has to pay for marble floors and expensive staff, he passes the cost on to you. We understand that some customers feel that if you have beautiful marble floors and beautiful paintings on the wall, then it must be good. This is not necessarily true. Remember, this is your money at work. Without a doubt, the more your lawyer pays for his overhead, the more you will pay for his services.

So what should you pay for a good DC DUI lawyer?

Like most urban courthouses, the dockets are overcrowded and therefore an attorney spends more time waiting for cases to be called, making the cost of a DUI in DC more expensive than, say, in a courthouse. rural. In the District of Columbia there is a minimum of 2 court appearances for DUI cases. Below are estimates of the typical cost of a DC DUI attorney.

onest offenses

The cost of a DUI lawyer for a first offense bench trial is generally between $2000.00 and $3000.00 dollars. If you pay a DUI lawyer less than $1000.00, you will probably get what is known as a “dump truck” lawyer. He just declares you at the first opportunity. Remember, a lawyer has a duty to investigate, consult and prepare the case regardless of whether the case goes to trial. Trials typically last one day or less, but can be spread out based on the court’s schedule.

2n/a Crimes, 3rd cost of offense

Jury trial for a DUI in the District of Columbia is a minimum of $4000.00 -$6000.00 depending on the facts. Jury trials typically last a day or two, not including waiting for the verdict.

Beware of any lawyer who gives guarantees. In fact, there are no guarantees. The only guarantee that a lawyer should give you if you are charged with a DUI is that he zealously defends you within the limits of the law.

Remember that if an expert is used in the trial, the cost could be higher because the client is usually responsible for all of the expert’s fees. This also does not include representation before the DMV. Representation before the DMV is usually a “stay of proceedings” pending the outcome of the DC Superior Court proceedings. The typical cost of DMV representation is $300.00 to $500.00.

Legal Law

The task of calculating the payroll tax

Payroll tax calculation is always a daunting task. The calculation must be made based on the current tax structure announced by the government. As you know, the structure is reviewed every year and therefore the tax calculation must be done based on the existing structure. Therefore, it goes without saying that the organization should be aware of the current tax structures and other related laws. To calculate the tax, the organization will need to have employees fill out the necessary forms.

Details of the salary declared on the form should be checked against official records. After this, the organization will have to calculate the tax to be paid by the employee. If there is an error in the calculation, the employee may not obtain certain tax benefits and, on the other hand, the organization may also be exposed to greater inconvenience. Remember, the tax laws are very strict and the IRS can take strong action against the organization.

Role of outsourcing agencies

Considering the complexities involved in calculating taxes and other related issues, many organizations now prefer to outsource this task of deducting tax from employees’ payroll. There are several outsourcing agencies that undertake this tedious task of calculating the tax from the payroll of the employees. You can search for such agencies. These agencies, in addition to calculating the tax, also help employees fill out the corresponding forms. Whenever necessary, they also guide employees on the relevant laws. Similar assistance is also provided to the organization.

Provide Comprehensive Services Related to Taxes

As already stated, tax laws are very strict. It takes an expert to understand and interpret them. Therefore, while selecting the outsourcing agency, the organization must ensure that the outsourcing agency has suitably qualified and experienced staff who can take on such tasks. Many times it can happen that in order to solve some of the problems, discussions with the IRS authorities may have to be held. In such cases, the organization may not be able to interact effectively with IRS authorities. But, outsourcing agencies will perform such tasks with ease. Once the agency is entrusted with the task of calculating the tax, it resolves all issues that arise and, when necessary, also holds necessary discussions with the IRS authorities. In short, these tax law firms represent the organization and all fronts and resolve issues with the best interests of the organization in mind.

Other services offered

Interestingly, many of these outsourcing agencies, in addition to calculating payroll taxes, also offer other services. For example, there are several agencies that also offer human resources services such as pre-employment evaluation, workers’ compensation insurance, and various other related services. These services are available to national and international organizations. Service charges for tax calculation are normally based on the total tax payable. As for other services such as human resources assistance, it varies from one agency to another. Prior to shortlisting, the organization must go through the particular contracting agency’s reviews.

Legal Law

Pastry Chef Schools – Tips and Advice for Choosing the Best Ones for You

pastry schools

If you want to embark on a career as a professional pastry chef, you may have considered attending one of the many pastry chef schools available for some culinary classes. If you are looking for the best online baking and pastry schools, you will need to do some research to help you with your choice. Did you know that the term dessert means ‘to clear the table’, which is derived from the French word ‘desservir’?

Qualities to look for in pastry schools

There are many different qualities to look for when selecting the pastry school you ultimately decide to attend. Since the baking and pastry trade is a broad subject, culinary arts schools will need to cover the best of the baking and pastry curricula, these courses are best combined with a Food Service and Management course to reinforce your training. practice in the kitchen.

Since you will eventually end up working in restaurants, bistros, hotels, and bakeries, you will be cooking in their pastry department. It will be necessary to train in aspects of work in this type of establishment and its pastry kitchens as well as within a team of pastry chefs. If the course can get you to go off and get a job in one of the pastry departments at local hotels, then you’ll be at a huge advantage. Many hotels pride themselves on their desserts and this is where you will show off your talent and creative side.

Courses and subjects available in pastry schools

There are many different courses available at baking and pastry schools. There will be internships available as well as short evening courses for hobbyists looking to gain some additional valuable cake baking skills. The degree of training you opt for will already be decided if you want to pursue a career in the culinary arts and pastry is the one you have chosen. You will be looking for a culinary academy near you wherever you are and you will get the training you need. This is in addition to giving you the job prospects to advance your career within a local establishment where you can showcase your creative flair. Some of the topics you should also look to have covered in the pastry schools is it so:

  • Decoration of cakes
  • making your mixes
  • Breads, sweet and savory – Bake them and mix the doughs
  • Cakes and pastries – creation and presentation
  • french pastry bake
  • Making desserts – simple and delicious
  • Cakes, bake and prepare
  • Presentation of your cakes and tarts
  • menus and ingredients
  • dressing your cakes
  • health and hygiene
  • kitchen safety
  • Sorting and stock rotation

Although the above list is by no means a complete list, it is a representative sample of some of the topics you will want covered when you attend your culinary academy.

Cake decoration in pastry schools

One such skill that you will be taught in pastry schools is how to decorate a cake. They will teach you things like baking the biscuits and creating the fillings. Glaze the cakes or fill the cakes with creams. Then there will be the trusty pipe bag, where you will place the decorations by hand. Where the presentation talent within you will become evident. There are other creative ways you can decorate your cakes like adding tiers and layers, then there is the ultimate in cakes, wedding cakes. Many do not consider it, but for me this should be called pastry art, it is an art in itself.

So if you are looking for information on pastry chef schools, also look up the subjects they will teach within their curriculum so that you can guide your career towards your goals and train to become a pastry chef, where you will be able to enter. many establishments and deserve respect, as well as a large salary for their creative talents. A career in the culinary arts as a pastry chef will make you employable and in high demand at many different local bakeries or restaurants or even if you have the desire, at your own place.