Home Kitchen

Architectural Hardware – What’s Involved?

The word hardware comes from the domain of the iron industry. Iron has served as the main product, used in the formation of new products, used in buildings and in the construction industry. “Architectural metalwork,” or simply “hardware,” are a few other terms used to refer to architectural hardware.

During the construction of a house or a building, there are many steps involved to ensure that justice has been done to the building. Each step is of the utmost importance and must be done carefully in the right place and time with the right attitude. Architectural hardware is the step that follows the construction of a new house or building.

Many people are perplexed about the implications and importance related to the outcome of the hardware industry. The main purpose behind architectural hardware is the decoration and ornamentation of a dull and mediocre house or building. People believe that hardware is a tedious job and do not give it due credit. Actually, hardware, in its most complex and strict form, is very present in almost every home and building.

Hardware occupies a great place in the construction of houses and buildings. All iron that is present in houses and buildings, such as door handles, bars, and knobs, is considered hardware. In any building, the architectural hardware is very important because the metal structures are easily noticed and very attractive. With its ability to enhance beauty along with the overall architecture and structure of the house, architectural hardware is sure to become an integral part of every home’s décor.

There has been a renaissance in the luxury of old-style hand-forged hardware, with great interest being placed in the genuinely accurate restoration of old houses. This has led to a demand for items such as traditional iron door handles, door knobs, door knockers, letter plates, locks, hinges, hooks, cabinet hardware, and window furnishings.

Another interesting trend has been the renewed use of “blacksmith nails”: the handcrafted four-sided rose head nails that have a lot more character than their modern equivalent. This is typical of a trend that has seen a greater appreciation of the designs and has stood the test of time allowing hand-forged hardware to find much wider application than use in property restoration.

More appropriately, the incorporation of traditional hardware into the contemporary home has been made possible by thoroughly modern techniques, such as galvanizing and powder coating to fight an old enemy of iron, rust.

The hardware store has brought convenience to life. It is widely used in the manufacture of doors. These sets of doors have made building a house easier and more reliable. You can order whatever you want if you have the right layout in mind; You just need to tell the hardware store what you need, and they will provide it for you. Hardware offers chrome and brass hinges and handles, while iron locks fulfill the security function.


Tips for Buying at the Florida Auto Auction

People have benefited a lot from this new car buying concept from Florida Car Auction which is really convenient and affordable for consumers. The whole deal of buying a car is so convenient for the consumer that consumers look to buy it at these auctions, which has finally become a very popular and plausible way to buy cars. People can now realize their dream of owning the Land Cruiser that they thought was almost impossible. The consumer can purchase the cars at very cheap prices if he buys cars from these auctions. Consumers have the privilege of owning the most expensive cars and paying the lowest prices. This has been the way the rarest of dreams of car ownership have come true. Auto auction means auctioning cars to the highest bidder.

If Florida Car Auction is reputable, and in my hometown almost everyone is, they check the vehicles before selling them. The last thing an auto auction needs is to be made responsible for selling a lemon to a dealer. Hopefully, the dealership also has mechanics who go over the vehicles for anything else that needs to be fixed or repaired before resale. If a dealer sells a car directly from the auto auction without checking the vehicle out, he is not a dealer I would want to affiliate with. Most of the time, a car auction is not open to the public. In my hometown, the only people who can come and buy at the auto auction are the dealers. If there is a particular car that you know you want, you can have a dealer go to the auto auction and find that particular vehicle. However, you personally couldn’t walk into the auto auction and buy a vehicle cheaper than from a regular dealer. That is simply not possible. However, I have purchased vehicles that way, asking a dealer to get me a particular vehicle. It took several weeks before they were able to find the vehicle I wanted with the correct mileage and features I was interested in. Once they finally found one, they bought it at the auto auction and I was driving it in a matter of days. My price was definitely lower than it would have been if I hadn’t had a dealer find me something, but it wasn’t cheap enough to question its condition.

These Florida auto auctions are very affordable because the sale price is determined by the buyer who is bidding. The sale price in these auctions is basically decided by the consumer. The price of the car does not include any type of additional amount that is attached to the price of the car when it is purchased from the dealer. The bid in this type of auction starts from a very low price.

Digital Marketing

4 Ways to Improve Your B2C Email Marketing

Email marketing can be one of the most profitable sources of income for a business, but very few marketers know how to use it effectively. Many consumers still rely on email to order products, receive special offers, and read newsletters. However, it has become more difficult over the years due to spam and promotional emails. The key is to improve different aspects of your B2C email marketing.

The first way to improve your B2C email marketing is to create a winning email newsletter and template. Your email newsletter design will enhance the design, make people look forward to your emails, and help brand your business. It is also important to find a template for your newsletter. You want to make sure that you create a newsletter that people want to read and take action on.

The second way is to manage your email list properly. You want to segment your prospect list based on their behavior and also segment your customers so you can send the most targeted marketing message. You also want to make sure that bounces are managed, your unsubscribe requests are honored, and you have the proper legal information in your emails. Is

The third way to improve your email marketing is to test and view your email reports. You want to analyze your data to find out which subject lines are opening the most, when is the best time and day to send emails, how many clicks you get on your emails, and more. By testing different elements and improving your campaigns, you will start to increase sales and profits.

Finally, you want to build your relationships with your email list. Just because you acquired someone’s email address is not an excuse to send them relentless promotions. You must deliver a balance of value with promotional offers. Providing value through content, contests, and other methods is how you build relationships and create loyal customers.

Creating B2C email marketing campaigns and designing a newsletter is no easy task. There’s a lot to do, from managing your list, testing email campaigns to analyzing the data. All businesses should use email marketing as a strategy, but it’s important to make sure it’s executed correctly, especially in an age where commercial email is governed by law. For companies that do not have much experience or do not have the time to learn and create email marketing campaigns, it is highly recommended that they get help from experts.


Teens and Body Piercings

You’ve passed them on the street or in the mall and looked at them curiously and possibly walked away in disgust. You know what I mean, it’s the teenagers of today, what used to be the fringe, the counterculture, which has now become more mainstream, the ones with the nose rings and pierced tongues. You silently wonder “how can they eat like that or blow their nose?” And then one day, her 16-year-old daughter comes home from school talking about her friend Mallory’s new belly button ring. She thinks she’s cool and wants one. You are totally against the idea, but how do you handle this situation?

Some teens respond positively to “Not while you’re under my roof” and wait until they move or go to college. Other teens may say “Okay, I’ll go then” and move on. According to Woodinville, Wash. therapist Elaine Pool, “you know your teen best.” She needs to know what kind of limits work and what kind of limits don’t. If your teen is someone she can reason with, ask her to help you research the issue, and if after the research it still sounds like a good idea, then she can negotiate.

Research the topic together and get all the facts, including sitting through someone else’s procedure so you and your teen get a realistic picture of what’s going on. What exactly is body piercing? Body piercing is the creation of a hole, with a needle, in a part of the skin in order to wear a ring or button through that part. This part of the skin can be the navel, eyebrow, nostril, septum, ear, nipple, tongue, etc. The holes created for body piercing are permanent, even if after the first year, the person never wears the body jewelry again.

In addition to permanence, piercings are associated with dangerous health risks. Body piercings can become painfully infected. And, according to Dr. Absar H. Haaris, of St. Agnes Hospital in Philadelphia, getting a body piercing “increases the risk of hepatitis B and/or C” and HIV/AIDS. The increased risk is so great that the American Red Cross and regional blood banks have begun to refuse blood donations from people with body piercings.

The health risks and permanent scarring are the long-term effects, but what are the more immediate effects of body piercing, since teens often think more about the present than ten or twenty years from now? Body piercing is a painful process, and most reputable companies will not do it if the person has not eaten for fear of passing out. (No anesthesia is used.)

Before the needle pierces the skin, the area where the piercing will be made will be cleaned with an antibacterial disinfectant. The needle is then forced through the skin, quickly withdrawn, and a stainless steel or 14-karat gold hoop or hoop is placed in its place. The area will then be cleaned once more with an antibacterial disinfectant and the “piercer” will need to continue cleaning it a minimum of three times a day for the next few months. Jewelry will also need to be turned as often so that the skin does not stick to the ring or button.

The probability of infection during the first few months is high, since any clothing that rubs against the area can, at the very least, irritate the area and, in the worst case, contaminate it. Piercings, such as belly button piercings, will take four to six months to heal properly, increasing your teen’s chances of infection. If the area becomes heavily infected, does not heal properly, or has a reaction to metal jewelry, it will need to be removed and the area allowed to heal for some time. The hole will still exist, but nothing will be able to reside in that hole.

Still, the health risks of body piercing are great. And so are the expenses involved. The procedure and design (or jewelry) alone can cost anywhere from $60 to $100. In addition to the cost of the procedure itself, there is the expense that fashion can cost your teen in the future. Many companies won’t hire people with visible body piercings (or even the visible holes left over from one). Body piercings can end up limiting your teen’s career potential—unless, of course, they want to be in the NBA. (Think Dennis Rodman.) But have you ever seen a lawyer, doctor, or electrician with a nose ring?

So what are your teen’s alternatives if they still want the “cool” look of a body piercing without all the pain, expense, and health risks? Body jewelry for people without piercings is available at stores like Claire’s Boutiques. Clip-on nose rings and belly button rings are available in a variety of sizes, styles, and metal colors. Temporary body jewelry may be enough to appease your teen until you both finish your research on the procedures. And if it’s so important to your teen’s life, ask if she’ll wait until she’s 18, the legal age to get pierced in many states; then, if he still feels the need, grant him your permission, if not your blessing. Because some things, when he’s old enough, he’s going to have to decide for himself.

The Dangers of Tattoos and Body Piercing by Laura Reybold (The Rosen Publishing Group) offers an objective look at body art, explaining the terminology, history, processes, dangers, and care. This book is part of the Everything You Need to Know series, written specifically for teens.

Health Fitness

Get Rid Of Man Boobs With These 5 Weird Strategies

If you want to get rid of man boobs, I guess you’re probably sick and tired of the constant humiliation and embarrassment that comes with having man boobs.

I became so self-conscious and humiliated by this condition, that I stopped swimming, stopped going to the beach, and even resorted to walking in the middle of summer wearing a sweater.

I realized that I couldn’t go on like this and that I had to do something fast. The good news is that you can actually get rid of your man boobs without expensive surgery and grueling, soul-destroying exercises every day… Check out these five weird strategies below:

1. Be wasteful – Do you know one of the most likely reasons why you have man boobs? Nine times out of ten, it’s because you’re consuming too many calories on a daily basis. This can easily be reversed by simply eating three quarters of each food offered… and leaving the rest. This is an easy change to make, because you’re not changing your diet, you’re just eating a little less at each meal.

For a week, the number of calories you consume will now be greatly reduced just by using this simple technique. Please note: I’m not really advocating splurging, obviously after a couple of weeks you can just cook smaller meals and save on your grocery bill too.

2. Turn your body into a water park – What I mean by this? Well, it’s a well-known fact that most of us simply don’t drink enough water throughout the day. Water is probably the most important substance you can consume, as every chemical reaction and process that occurs in our bodies uses water.

By drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, not only will your body function in peak condition, but you will also burn calories if you drink ice cold water throughout the day. The reason for this is that your body has to do extra work to bring this icy water up to your body’s internal core temperature, and this process requires energy. So you can burn calories just by drinking more water.

3. Give your office VIP parking spot to someone else – if you lead a mainly sedentary lifestyle and sit in front of a computer most of the day, then you are simply not burning enough calories on a day-to-day basis and as a result your body stores these calories as excess fat in your chest.

To ensure you get regular exercise every day, park your car as far from the office as possible in the morning, and then you’ll get the benefit of a brisk walk to and from work each day. By doing just this simple form of exercise, the number of calories you burn throughout the week will start to add up and you’ll see the fat melt off your chest.

4. Drink this strange green substance – For centuries the Chinese have drunk green tea due to its medicinal and health qualities. Green tea not only contains high levels of antioxidants, but it is also linked to faster weight loss due to the way it lowers triglycerides in the bloodstream. Added to this, drinking this natural substance also helps to speed up your metabolism and thus reduce your man boobs.

5. Take a shower – now stay with me here, because this may sound a little weird. But the next time you shower, start by doing 20 to 30 squats. The squat is recognized as the absolute best exercise to quickly build muscle on your body and increase your metabolism. Simply stand in the shower with your legs shoulder-width apart and squat down until your legs are parallel to the floor…then rise up to a standing position.

The reason I say do this when you shower is because showering is part of most people’s daily routine. And by tying these two things together, it’s not a major interruption to your daily routine, and it’s easy to implement.

So, what are you waiting for? Start using these weird techniques now and start losing your moobs fast.

Legal Law

Lessons for life: your mind

Lesson Purpose: To demonstrate that the human mind is a special gift; but it must be developed to be successful in life.

The lesson

“Never trust your brain. It is two-faced and self-programmed:

Taylor Jones (Yes, it’s me).

“What is mind? It doesn’t matter. What is matter? It doesn’t matter.” TH key

“The firefly is bright, but has no mind; it stumbles through existence with its head light burning behind it.”

EF Ware, The Lightning Insect

“If you had another brain, it would be lonely.” common saying

our wonderful mind

The human mind controls the actions of the body and interprets the impulses of the cells that transmit sound, optical, chemical and other types of messages.

You can be right-brained or left-brained. One sixth of all people are left-handed and routine functions are monitored by the right half of the brain. The left half of his brain.

handles the complex interpretations necessary for many brain functions.

Most other people are right handed and routines are handled by the left side of the brain. For them, the right half handles complex and three-dimensional performances.

Right or left, the brain is a marvel.

Many scientists see the Hand of God in the optics of the eye and the brain’s ability to interpret them. There are many brain-controlled miracles in the human anatomy.

The human brain develops slowly, it takes about sixteen years to reach its full potential. At that age, most adolescents can think like adults and should be allowed to do

decisions under the guidance of their parents. Then, when they are older and on their own, they will be able to make good decisions because of their experience.

“If I Only Had a Brain”

That’s what the blood on the scarecrow says in the “Wizard of Oz.” Ray Bolger played the part just as I remember it. During World War II, my brother saw Ray Bolger play on the San Francisco stage. He still talks about what a great performer he was. Ray Bolger died in 1987 at the age of eighty-three.

The scarecrow said it was a failure because it had no brain. Dorothy (Judy Garland) asked her what she would do with a brain if she had one. She replied that she could “spend hours consulting with the flowers and consulting with the rain.”

He said that while he was “scratching” his head, “thoughts would be hatching.” She added that she could solve puzzles that were causing others to be “in trouble and pain”.

Dorothy told her people that with “all those ideas, he’d be another Lincoln”, if only he had a brain.

Did the scarecrow ever get his brain?

No, the Wizard of Oz gave him a diploma. What did the scarecrow really need? Trust! He already had a working brain. He just didn’t have enough confidence to trust his thoughts.

You can destroy a person’s confidence by continually calling them stupid.

Never use such terms. Sometimes, even jokingly, they can hurt.

How do we educate our children?

First, we have to realize that they are intelligent human beings. Most children can speak fully coherent and grammatically correct sentences by the time they are three years old.

They have learned a foreign language!

The fact is that it is very difficult to learn a foreign language when you are over 25 years old. I have a friend who speaks French, Spanish and German to his children.

daughters. So they too can speak these languages.

He speaks French to his dog. The dog obeys him and answers him in French. Did you know that Wow! In French it is also Wow! (That’s what’s called a “weak joke! Jay Leno is a master of the “weak joke.”)

The point is that children learn different things more easily at different times in their lives. I taught my children to play chess when they were four years old. It’s just a game, right?

I taught my oldest son some simple algebra when he was four or five years old.

Another game.

Many children can learn to read at three or four years of age. Just give them a chance. One of my adopted grandsons is four years old. She has been reading for almost two years. She can read a college level text. She doesn’t understand what she reads at that level, but she can read every word. I think she is from another planet and she always knew how to read. She only had two years to hold the book.

Very young children easily learn anything that only requires memory. I used to tell my nephew when he was about three years old, “Di Pithecanthropus Erectus.” I would come back.

And don’t young children learn all the names of dinosaurs very quickly?

Things that require coordination are best learned at a later age. Drawing requires hand-eye coordination. Some children have natural artistic talent and show it early. others may be

they taught to draw when they developed the required coordination.

By the way, it is best not to teach young children contact sports until their bones and joints have developed adequately to withstand jolts and blows.

The thing is, children need to interact with many topics while they are young. You can be the example. If you write a poem, your child will want to write a poem. If you draw a picture, your child will want to draw one too. If you write a story, your child will want to write a story. If you study birds, your child will want to study birds.

Do lots of different things with your children to help them find their interest early.

I went back to graduate school when my children were young.

They thought spending life in college was normal. My oldest son spent eight years in residency after medical school to become a neurosurgeon. The sons of number two did their residency in pediatric anesthesiology. Son number three went to veterinary school at Purdue University. Son number four went to law school. My daughter’s education was interrupted because her husband went off to medical school and then did his residency in anesthesiology. She works with a team from the heart. But she is an accomplished portrait painter because she continued her education.

All four of my sons are Eagle Scouts. They were exposed to many different areas through the Boy Scout Merit Badge Program. Two of my grandsons are also Eagle Scouts. So I think I’m giving good advice.

Spend time with your children. Teach them what you know. Expose them to mind-opening experiences. Zoos are good. Museums and planetariums are good. Nature is good. The library is good.

So buy a microscope and a telescope and let your kids use them.

Television is good if you are selective about what you and your children watch. But television can be inconvenient in exposing your children to educational experiences.

Let your children explore their world.

I think I said it in another lesson. When I moved to a mountain town in Arizona a few years ago, I learned that many families here stopped watching TV years ago. Some only use the television for videotape. But there are worthwhile educational programs on television. You just have to make some restrictions so that your children are not deprived of a true education that only you can give them.

Teach your children to learn to do things that are difficult to do. There is no other way to stretch the mind. There is no other way to give them a competitive advantage in their adult life.

for young children

“What are you doing, Billy?”

“Get out of my light, Sandy. I’m studying these ants.”

Sandy stepped back and said, “Don’t you have anything else to do? Study ants? Why?”

“Girls don’t understand science and stuff,” Billy said. “I’m going to be a scientist.”

Sandy lifted her chin. “I’m going to be a dancer.”

“To what?” Billy asked.

“A prima ballerina. A ballerina. That’s what I’m going to be.”

Billy laughed. “In this little town? Who would go to see you?”

“New York! Paris! Moscow! That’s where I’ll be dancing.”

“Lucky!” Billy said. “I’m going down to the Amazon River and to Africa. I’ve read that they have a lot of ants to study in those places.”

Sandy laughed and said, “I think you’ve got a lot of ants right there, Billy. They’re crawling up your leg!”

“So what?” Billy said. “Want to look at this winged one through my magnifying glass?”

“An ant with wings? Sure! Give me the glass.”

“She’s a queen,” said Billy.

“Wow! It really looks good through this magnifying glass. I’m going to look at a hundred of them.”

“Oh no!” Billy said. “I think it’s time for you to go home and tell your mother that she loves you. Give me my magnifying glass.”

Billy grabbed the magnifying glass. Sandy jumped up and ran home. Billy thought, “Now that she’s gone, I can really study these bugs.” But Sandy ran back from her house with an even bigger magnifying glass. Billy said, “Wow! Can I look through that thing?”

“Sure,” Sandy said. But you have to make me a promise.

Billy grabbed the largest magnifying glass. “What did he promise?”

“You have to take me with you to the Amazon River and Africa.”

“Sure,” said Billy, “but what about all that dancing?”

“The girls can change their minds if they want. I’m going to be an entomologist!”

Billy asked, “A what?”

“You guys are so dumb! He’s a science bug. Give me back my magnifying glass.”

They both knelt on the ground and studied the ants together.

The end

Copyright©2001-2005 by Taylor Jones, John T. Jones, Ph.D.

Lifestyle Fashion

Divorcing a Narcissist: The Ultimate Challenge

You may be surprised when your narcissistic husband or wife asks or demands a divorce. The narcissistic partner has been planning this action for some time. Narcissists are conspirators. They ponder how a particular move will benefit them long before they reveal it to the other party, even if it’s a spouse they’ve been married to for decades. The truth is, you only thought you were part of a royal marriage. Narcissists are incapable of genuine relationships. Most of the time, their marriages are business. They choose partners because they are physically attractive, young, emotionally flexible, fit the perfect narcissist image, come from the “right family background”, have a strong financial portfolio.

Some narcissists who have had long marriages (with lots of extra flings) prefer to make a deal so that the family dynasty remains intact. I have known husbands and wives who have offered the other party millions of dollars to “stay in the marriage.” In exchange for cash and other financial incentives, the narcissist makes it clear that he or she is romantically and sexually free to pursue other relationships. Some partners prefer to agree to this proposal and maintain the façade of marriage. The reason for many is that they cannot give up the lavish lifestyle provided by the high-end and highly successful narcissist. The aggrieved party may groan and moan, but accept the irresistible offer.

There is the question of mediation instead of divorce. It is not impossible but it is very difficult. Narcissists are not willing to compromise, are always right, and share no blame or possessions.

Having studied and worked clinically in the area of ​​narcissistic personality disorders for many years, I believe that it would be very rare to have a positive mediation outcome with a narcissist.

Those who choose to divorce a narcissist are entering a psychological thicket from which they may emerge victorious. Despite all your psychological pain and the nightmare that awaits you, make sure you do your homework. Research, interview, and use word-of-mouth resources through friends and confidants who know the work of several great divorce attorneys. Choose a divorce attorney who has been at the center of these battles countless times. Make sure your attorney has a good character who is trustworthy and will fight for you with great perseverance. It is important for the attorney to understand narcissistic personality disorder.

When the formal divorce process is over, the important personal work begins. Take advantage of your strengths. You will find mental and psychological resources that have been hidden under the intimidation of living with a narcissist for so long. Do your research, interview, and find a great divorce therapist with whom you can grieve your loss. Part of healing after divorce is your assertive efforts to redirect your life. Call your close friends. Take good care of your physical, mental and emotional health. Be open to discover ways to heal yourself through physical exercise, yoga, meditation, support groups. After all your work, you will find yourself leading a calmer, healthier, more peaceful and creative life—-a life that belongs to you and that you share with others who are on your new path. One day you may find yourself giving other spouses great advice on how to successfully divorce a narcissist.

Real Estate

Is it worth buying utility links in Tax Sales?

Delinquencies other than property taxes may be sold at a tax sale. This includes unpaid utilities, sewer, water or garbage bills or any special assessments. Basically, any unpaid invoice that is payable to the local government (municipality, township, county, or tax district) and is not paid can be sold in the tax sale as a tax lien. As with unpaid taxes, the lien holder is in first position and can foreclose on the property if the lien is not redeemed within the redemption period. The lien holder also has the ability to pay subsequent utility charges (and even subsequent taxes) if the property owner does not pay them on time.

Many states give you the opportunity to pay subsequent taxes and collect the maximum or default interest on your subs. The exception to this is Florida – Florida counties do not allow you to pay the back taxes and will sell the link each year at the tax sale. So you don’t have that opportunity there, you just have to try to buy the link every year.

Utility links can be a good investment for a couple of reasons. First, the delinquent amounts of these liens are often less than those of taxes, so you need less money to buy a utility lien than you do to buy a tax lien. And because these liens are smaller, institutional investors rarely bid on them, making them slightly less competitive than larger tax liens. Second, when you own a utility lien, you can pay any subsequent taxes, as well as any subsequent sewer charges if the owner doesn’t pay them. I have had some liens that I originally bought as small sewer liens, and then when the property owner stopped paying the taxes, I was able to pay the past due taxes as well as the sewer amounts. This added thousands of dollars to my original link. Since it was a New Jersey tax lien, I was able to get 18% of all my subsequent tax payments!

Buying utility liens is one of the strategies I use to keep my tax lien portfolio in double digits!

Shopping Product Reviews

You’re In The Hot Seat: A Fun Game To Get To Know You For Sunday School

Children love to talk about themselves! They love to tell you what they like or don’t like. They like to tell you their favorite sport or their favorite dessert. So why not play this fun game to help the kids in your Sunday school class get to know each other better?

It’s called “You’re in the Hot Seat” and my kids love it!

Here’s what to do: Gather 3 lunch boxes or boxes and label one “A Godly Question,” another “A Question About You,” and the third “A Question You Would Rather.” Then take a stack of 3 x 5 index cards and come up with different questions to fit each theme. Here are several for each tag to help you get started:

a pious question

1. How can we pray for you?

2. What do you expect from Heaven?

3. Who is your favorite biblical character and why?

4. What would you do if you saw an angel?

5. What do you find great about God?

a question about you

1. What is your favorite dessert?

2. What is your favorite means of transportation?

3. What is the most exciting place you have been?

4. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

5. If you could go anywhere in the world or in the universe, where would you go?

One question, do you prefer?

1. Would you rather eat worms or spiders?

2. Would you rather be cold in Antarctica or hot in the desert?

3. Would you rather have your mom’s job or your dad’s job?

4. Would you rather build a skyscraper or a roller coaster?

5. Would you rather go to school in a clown suit or a diving suit?

Place each of the questions in the corresponding bags.

You are now ready to ask a child to come forward and sit in a chair. To make this activity more fun, you can cover the chair with something nifty like hot pads or chili material to show that it’s a “hot seat.” Ask the child to look in one of the bags and draw a question. Read the question aloud and have the child provide an answer. You can then ask him to choose another card from each of the other 2 bags or you can have another child pass their turn.

I release this game every two months. The kids really enjoy it and I hope yours do too!

Tours Travel

Michael Jackson – The Promise of Neverland

“A measure of any society is the way it treats its young…Raising children, providing them with food, security, love and education, should never be seen as an altruistic act.” Pat Lancaster

It really is gone…and now all we can do is stumble back into a kaleidoscope of memories. We are left with a memory that unites the innocence of “ABC” to the idealism of “We are the World” and the introspection of “Man in the Mirror”. Looking back, we can’t help but realize that he’s always been with us… and in some ways we thought he always would be. Losing it is like going back to our old neighborhood to find our favorite places are gone. We have a hard time understanding this in our minds; but ultimately we recognize that this is a vacancy that can never be filled.

For many of us, including loyal fans, we could not have dreamed that there was such a deep reservoir of love for him around the world. For the past 13 years he has become perennial tabloid fodder… more superfreak than superstar. “Wacko Jacko,” possible child molester, financially troubled past, Peter Pan, a misfit are just a few of the labels the media has bestowed on him over the past 20 years. The most charitable observers thought of him as a lost and tormented soul at best, desperately in need of therapeutic intervention.

Bubbles the chimpanzee, self mutilation, Neverland Ranch, the Elephant Man’s bones, and his hyperbaric oxygen chamber are just a few of the strange behaviors associated with him. Many of the stories were blatant fabrications; however, Michael’s publicist sometimes chose not to refute them because they got people talking.

Of course, dangling her son out of a hotel window and sleeping with children certainly contributed to the idea that she had come undone. Still somehow now, none of this controversy matters. All concerted efforts by the media to reduce it to a secondary phenomenon have failed spectacularly when we examine the facts. The concerts at the O2 in London give us an idea of ​​the fierce loyalty of their fans. 800,000 tickets were sold out in 5 hours and this is almost double the sales of his performances on Hay Day in 1988. The Staple Center Memorial site reports that he received half a billion hits. Amazon reported that 60% of all CD sales were from fans who bought anything with their name on it. In fact, Barnes and Nobles sold all of their CDs, DVDs, and books.

Even China, a country known for shunning American excesses, gave it full-page coverage on the country’s largest website, Sina.com. As expected, the Japanese media gave massive coverage to the death of “Michael-san”, as did CNN in Asia. The three largest cable news networks – CNN, Fox News Channel and MSNBC – averaged 8.2 million viewers in prime time, a figure that was almost double their normal audience. The BBC reported an increase in viewers second only to the night Barack Obama was elected president. The reaction from the Russian, South American, Canadian, Australian and African media was equally massive.

It’s been 13 years since Michael toured and many wondered if he could really deliver something like a smooth moonwalk or the youthful energy of his renditions of “Thriller” or “Bad” or just another tailor-made misadventure. for tabloid consumption. Even promoters admitted they were anxious but couldn’t resist the possibilities and profitability of a Michael Jackson revival. The press expressed serious doubts that at 50 he could pull off the grueling 50-date O2 concert. However, video footage from the last few days of him showed that he was ready to give the world one more thriller.

He couldn’t help but wonder if this comeback story was more about overly optimistic promoters trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together. Stories of him having skin cancer and a host of other chronic health problems have always persisted. He reportedly began his descent into prescription drug addiction shortly after his hair caught fire during the filming of a Pepsi commercial in 1984. The 1993 child sexual abuse charges eventually led to the limit. Those close to the singer claimed that in 1990 he had undergone about 10 plastic surgery procedures, leading some mental health experts to declare that Michael suffered from body dysmorphic disorder. This is a psychological illness that makes one feel physically repulsive. In 1993 he shared that he had vitiligo in an interview with Oprah Winfrey. In December 2008, Michael Jackson biographer Ian Halperin stated that he suffered from alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, a life-threatening genetic disease, as well as emphysema and gastrointestinal bleeding. His management vehemently denied most of this. However, we all wondered as pictures circulated of him in a wheelchair and the zombie look on him during his latest sexual assault trial.

Despite all the speculation about his physical/mental health, he passed his physical for Tour Insurance “with flying colors”, according to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips. Photographer Kevin Mazur, who had been following Michael for the last 30 years and was documenting rehearsals for the tour book, said: “Michael was back, that’s all he could say.” . He seemed energized and ready to give the performance that would return him to his former glory and perhaps beyond. His O2 concert series was to begin in July and would be followed by a world tour.

True to form… MJ’s death cannot be clearly explained. It looks like the King of Pop will remain the King of the tabloids long after he’s laid to rest. He has now undergone two autopsies and the cause of death is still inconclusive. Toxicology reports due in 3-4 weeks may shed some light on the cause of death. Police reportedly removed the powerful drug Propofol, marketed under the brand name Diprivan, from his rented house in Holmby Hills. How this drug came into his possession will surely be investigated by the LAPD and the DEA.

His personal physician, Dr. Murray, and a host of other physicians/facilitators will undoubtedly come under increased scrutiny despite LAPD claiming there is currently no evidence of foul play. Dr. Murray, a 56-year-old cardiologist with a practice in Las Vegas and a clinic in Houston, has lived in numerous homes over the past decade in various states. His former partner, also a doctor in Houston, was jailed for dispensing prescription drugs rather liberally. According to public records, Dr. Murray filed for personal bankruptcy in 1992 in California and has five tax liens against him in the millions of thousands of dollars.

Health Grades, a health services rating company, indicates that he is not board certified in his two specialties, internal medicine and cardiology. While certification is not required to practice a specialty, it is recommended and indicates a high level of training and experience. We have to wonder why someone of Michael’s stature would hire someone with less than impeccable credentials.

As we reflect on the global appeal of this singular pop star and try to understand the media frenzy and global outpouring of emotions surrounding his passing, we have to ask why we are so transfixed. What is the core of this phenomenon? This man-child, as Paul McCartney so aptly describes him, who for a moment overshadowed all world events, including wars, swine flu, the global economic collapse and Kim Jong-il’s nuclear ambitions.

Why did the world stop for this pop star? His shy and effeminate demeanor, surgically disfigured face, and endless stories of bizarre behavior do not add to the Mr. Clean image that idol makers often present. He was never classically “commercial.” He certainly didn’t fit well with the hardcore or hip-hop rocker image because, despite the phenomenal sales of the “Bad” album, he was much cuter than “bad” when he released this album. In fact, imagining Michael as mean or intimidating is perfect material for a Saturday Night Live skit.

Everyone close to Michael, from Deepak Chopra to his manager, agrees that his adult years have been deeply troubled and that he only seemed to find peace and fulfillment when performing and getting a “fix” from his fans. Interestingly, despite his painful memories of his father’s abuse of him, when asked if he would give it all back to have a normal childhood, he said no.

Michael’s refusal to “grow up” – his childish idealism is perhaps, in the end, the key to his universal appeal. Our adult world is a world where 963 million people around the world starve and wars inflict untold suffering and the depletion of precious resources. Every day a child dies every five seconds from causes related to hunger. In the last decade, around 2 million children have been killed in armed conflicts. This is the world of so-called competent adults.

When we examine the life and contributions of Michael Jackson, we must conclude that he was much more than a song-and-dance man. The consistent messages from him and some say naive of love and unity are perhaps the reason the world reels from the loss of this sweet soul. Of course, he has never been widely reported in the media as having donated generously to 39 charities around the world. Unsurprisingly, many of the primary missions of these charities were the welfare of children.

As we begin to understand Michael’s universal appeal, it becomes clear that this self-proclaimed King of Pop was singular, vast and timeless enough to genuinely serve this distinction. His magical performances transported us away from the unrelenting banality/brutality of the REAL world…and allowed us to escape into a Never Neverland musical. For this we are eternally grateful… and we will all revel in his rich musical legacy forever and ever… and always.