Health Fitness

What you need in a quick weight loss recipe

Any quick weight loss recipe, no matter how effective, will spell disaster if you don’t have the right mindset. To help you get into the right frame of mind, take time to evaluate yourself. In your assessment, clearly state your objectives. This will help you map out a quick weight loss recipe that you can use. In your recipe, be sure to include everything you need to do. This will help you create a mental picture of what needs to be done. When you know what to do, you lessen the chances of drifting off course. You reach the right mindset if you stay focused on your weight loss goal.

get support

Sometimes things are easier when you know you’re not alone. The best people who will be able to support you will be your friends and family. Express your concerns and also inform them of your recipe for rapid weight loss. Give them details about what each part of the recipe includes so they understand what you are doing and are sensitive to their needs when the situation calls for it. Even better, involve someone you know. You’d be surprised how much emotional support it plays to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Don’t weigh yourself every day

One sure way to know if your quick weight loss recipe is working is to weigh yourself. However, there is no need to weigh yourself every day. While weight can fluctuate and therefore cause weight differences over a two-day period, the difference is too small to be considered effective weight loss. Weighing yourself once or twice a week will suffice.

Legal Law

LAWYERS – Finding Your Dream Job – 6 Simple Steps to Get Started

Let’s be honest. The biggest question on your mind is, “What am I going to do with my life?” It’s something I know you’ve been putting off because there doesn’t seem to be a simple answer. If you’re like most unhappy practicing lawyers, you freak out every time you think about this question. You’re afraid to go out because friends are always asking you what you’re going to do if you don’t practice law, and you feel like you’re supposed to have a well-thought-out life plan. You’re always being told about so-and-so who unexpectedly got a call from an old friend to be the “general counsel of a cool new company” or some other lawyer urban legend. It is impossible to live up to expectations. Well, I have good news. You’re normal. This is what everyone who has ever left the law has thought at one point or another in their lives.

So how do you find out what your dream job is? The first thing you have to do is ask yourself some tough questions. I know many of you are thinking, oh no, this is going to be one of those sensitive parts where someone is going to cry. This is not a giant group hug! What I want you to do is observe yourself. Imagine that you are a scientist studying your own behaviors. What do you like and what don’t you like? What are you good at? What are your passions? What do you do in your free time? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail, but if you tried you would be a great success? Forget what you think you can’t do. Today, the sky is the limit. Everything is possible. Allow yourself to dream!

Here are the top 6 tips for figuring out what the heck your dream job is anyway!

  1. Look at the tracks of your life:
    1. Life speaks in whispers, listen.
    2. What attracts you?
    3. Look at your bedroom. What books and magazines do you read? What hobbies interest you? What are your passions?
  2. Meet people who are not lawyers:
    1. Talk to everyone you meet about what they do and how they got there.
    2. Talk to people about their interests.
    3. Observe what interests you in other people.
  3. Keep a notebook:
    1. Brainstorm job titles.
    2. Think about all the careers and industries you might be interested in.
    3. Allow yourself to dream big.
  4. Be patient:
    1. Take time, keep going.
    2. Take action, pushing yourself towards the momentum.
  5. Expose yourself to new things:
    1. Read a “how to” book.
    2. Wait at the conference.
    3. Join the emcees and practice public speaking.
    4. Ask for new responsibilities in a part-time job.
    5. Join the committees.
    6. Volunteer for responsibilities you have never tried.
    7. Try something new and crazy.
  6. Be open to all possibilities.
    1. There is nothing foolish about following your dreams.
    2. Stop thinking this is a “dumb dream” and do it.

Life is too short to give up on your dreams. May you discover, land and excel in the career of your life!

© Work in Progress, Inc. 2008-2009

Lifestyle Fashion

15 makeup mistakes you may be making every day

When it comes to makeup and beauty, the mistakes you make can really affect how you look. Remember, first impressions mean everything. Therefore, it is very important to look beautiful, even fabulous, before you leave the house. There are several mistakes that we end up making, even without having any idea that we are doing everything wrong. How to have a brush that serves all your makeup needs. Too much bronze, the wrong foundation, and poor makeup blending. Everyone is guilty of many of these, so to save you the embarrassment of walking around like a clown, here are 15 mistakes you may be making and how to correct them.

1. Apply makeup on dry skin

This is one of the most common mistakes. Applying makeup to dry skin can take a toll on your face, causing dryness and flaking. You can prevent dryness and flaking by exfoliating your skin once a week or looking for alternative ways, like moisturizing and cleansing, to get rid of dead skin cells. When your face is already wet, you can go ahead and apply your makeup. The results will be amazing. Never, ever, put makeup on a dry face without moisturizing it first.

2. Wrong foundation

This is the worst mistake. We tend to forget that foundation comes in a wide range of different shades. We have all been there where we choose the wrong foundation that is not right for our face. To make sure you don’t look like a clown, make sure you choose the right foundation. Go to a store that sells beauty products and find two different shades that are close to your skin tone; Then sample the foundation on the jawline side to see which foundation matches your skin.

3. Exaggerate the tan

Going to the extreme with bronzer is also one of the worst mistakes you can make. The bronzer just adds warmth to your complexion. Too much bronzer makes you look muddy or burnt, so you don’t want to look like someone who just swam in mud. You only apply Bronzer in places where the sun hits you; places like the forehead and nose. Do not forget to apply it on the neck as well.

4. Dirty makeup brushes

We are all guilty of this oversight. Most women make this mistake when applying makeup using dirty sponges and brushes. Dirty brushes and sponges cause breakouts. Applying makeup with the same brush results in uneven makeup application. To ensure that your brushes and sponges are free of dirt and bacteria, wash them with a mild shampoo and warm water at least once a week.

5. Applying too much makeup

This phrase is a cliché but very important: “less is more”. Why is this? It’s because too much makeup can make you look very old. The only time you should apply too much makeup is if you have severe acne, so avoid putting on too much foundation instead. Instead, use a single coat of concealer and foundation to cover minor blemishes.

6. Buy makeup without trying

You’re in a hurry to get home, so you stop by the store, grab your makeup, and leave. This is not a good idea. Do you remember how you try on clothes before buying them? The same applies to makeup. You have to try your makeup because it’s important. When makeup comes into contact with air, it changes color and texture due to oxidation.

7. Trying makeup on the wrong areas

You are probably doing this right now and this is also wrong. We normally test foundation and lipstick on the back of our hands, but this will not give accurate results. To find out if a foundation is the right shade for you, place it on your jawline. For the lipstick, you can apply it on the lips or on the fingers.

8. Do not use primer

An important stage that we ignore. This is the most important stage of makeup application because a primer ensures makeup glides on easily and helps makeup stay on longer without fading.

9. Sticking to one product

We all have that one makeup product we love so much and can’t live without using it. This habit is very dangerous because you probably miss trying new and different products.

10. Applying powder in the wrong places

Sometimes we powder the whole face and that is not necessary. The correct way to use the powder is by applying it to the face in the parts that tend to be oily. Use a large powder brush in the powder and tap off the excess; then gently rub into your face.

11. Using the same product throughout the year

We often forget that as the seasons change, the skin changes too. So what worked for you last season may not work this season. The foundation that worked well for you in the summer may tend to be too dry for your skin in the winter. It is advisable to change the makeup product according to the season.

12. Applying the wrong shade of blush

This mistake is widely made. When applying blush, you should choose the shade that matches your natural blush. If you’re wearing a bold lip color, make sure the blush is one shade lighter.

13. Not applying eyeliner according to the shape of your eyes

Avoid making this mistake. Remember that the placement of the eyeliner is just as important as the color. You should take note of the shape of your eyes. When your eyes are close together, the thickest part of the eyeliner should be at the outer corner of the eye, as this will make the eye appear larger.

14. Eyebrows that are too full

For perfect brows, avoid excessive filling. Because when you overfill, or use too dark a shade to fill in your brows, then they will look very heavy and intense. Perfect brows give your face that amazing look.

15. Light Concealer Application

There is a myth that when looking for a concealer you should choose one or two shades lighter than your skin tone. This is wrong and a very big mistake. You should apply a concealer that suits your skin tone.

If you take all of the above into account, you’ll probably look perfect by avoiding all of the above mistakes. The previous article will be very useful for this purpose.


Mobile car wash, car detailing and weather in California

California is a hot spot for mobile car detailers and mobile car washes, why? Well, a lot of it has to do with the number of cars and the excellent weather. So, I wasn’t too surprised when someone from Sacramento, CA asked me a series of questions about weather issues, rain in particular, and how that affects the mobile car wash business. You see, he is considering starting such a small business venture himself and asks:

“With California being the sunshine state, we’re lucky to have good sunny days. When the rain comes, will I still be able to work?”

Ah, very good question, yes, the weather, well, we eventually figured it out and got it down to a science. When you clean fleets, rain helps you go faster, it also uses less water, presoak is seconds instead of minutes, and rinsing is too. Concrete Cleaning, Shopping Carts, Signage, QSR (, Decks (, well, rain is your friend. And when it comes to snow, we’ve got that licked, too:

The California market is good for several reasons, but it also has major drawbacks. The regulatory climate is crazy and some angry small business owners say that the bureaucracy has its head in the back most of the time. Ronald Reagan had some good quotes about it, much more critical than me.

Now this is not to say that rain is not a problem, it is a big problem, but smart planning, good organization, lots of accounts and being on the verge of manipulating the schedule is where you can win, turn the lemon tree that mother nature Brought you Sunkist Lemonade by trainloads. Oh, cleaning trains is also a good business.


Then there are all those tomato truck trailers outside Sac, we cleaned them in the rain, they should have been on TV for that; The dirtiest jobs! Yuk, but he sure paid well. Next, the would-be entrepreneur asks me another big question: “People tend to leave their cars in the winter and don’t wash them as often. How could I keep working in the winter months and switch to airplanes?”

Yes, people ie personal cars, SUVs, office lot wash or corporate employee car wash on site can be a problem in winter and in Sac depending on the year El Niño for example can be a challenge for that sector of the business. Switching to airplanes isn’t that easy, airplanes are a year-round endeavor anyway, and you need to know what the heck you’re doing, have bills, lots of insurance, and your employees need to be of a higher caliber, maybe pilots themselves and also background was checked.

Real Estate

What the rich know that the poor don’t

I believe that everyone has the potential to get rich, but why are the resources only in the hands of a few? This is one of the questions that often arises. But I think the answer is not far-fetched.

The rich have learned powerful skills and timeless principles that they practice every day, and this has allowed them to stay wealthy. These skills and principles that they have mastered, is what separates them from ordinary people, is what makes them stay in wealth (wealth). Circumstances may change, but the principles remain the same.

Here are some of those principles;

A. The rich think of abundance, but the poor think of scarcity.

The rich have a completely different mindset when it comes to how to make money. It starts with how they think. The Scripture says “what is the thought of a man in his heart, so is he”. One thing that the rich have been able to master is their thinking. They understand that their thoughts would generate actions and their actions would generate results. They understand the first law of success which is “First in, then out.” Who you have become on the inside will be reflected on the outside. When you realize that most people are poor, it is good that you decide that you will not follow the mental path that they have chosen to follow.

B. The rich see opportunities, the poor see problems.

Imagine a teacher who got an appointment to teach at a high school and had to teach the senior class, those preparing for their final exams. He taught them throughout the semester and after taking the exams, a large number of them failed and had to repeat the class. The teacher might react to this by saying, “I don’t even understand why these students are so boring, after all my teaching efforts, they still failed.” Another teacher arrives and sees the amount of failure among the students and immediately recognizes the opportunity to earn money as he imparts something positive in the lives of these students. This can be done by writing a book on practical guides to excellently pass your exams or organize additional classes for students, where they have to pay an additional token to receive guidance for their exams. The difference between the two teachers is that one saw a problem and the other saw an opportunity.

C. Rich people allow the interest on their investment to rise.

The truth is that no matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time, says Warren Buffet, building wealth is one of them. There is always a time interval between when you make investments and when your investments will earn dividends. The rich understand the law of delayed gratification.

The rich understand the principles of compound interest and make it work for them. They simply take the interest that accrues from an initial capital invested and put it back into the business to generate more profit from the initial profit.

D. The rich take care of their associations while the poor do not.

It is said that your network will determine your net worth. The rich are careful and deliberate in creating a particular kind of network around themselves, people with empires in mind, people whose ideas, if worked on and invested in, will become gold mines. Even the scripture says that he who works with the wise will be wise. Spending time with wealthy people is vital if you want to be financially successful. You’ll be surprised how your perspective changes when you hear people talk about how much they earn in a single day.

I heard the story of Jacky Kennedy, once the wife of John F. Kennedy, when she said: “If I were broke, I know what I would do to get myself back, I would go to the most expensive restaurants in New York, buy myself a glass of water and listen to the conversations. of the rich.” They are careful not to keep short-sighted people in her circle of friends. That’s how important your partnership can be.

E. The rich make their money work for them while the poor work for money.

A large number of people work for money. This is because of the impression we were given growing up that to be successful, you must study hard, get good grades, go to the best schools, secure a well-paying job, and save until you retire. There is nothing wrong with all this as long as you are satisfied. But Robert Kiyosaki says the problem with this approach is that you only make money while you work. He said that the only thing of value you have to trade is your time. But when we trade our time for money, our earning potential is limited because you can only earn money while you’re at work. So to earn more money, you have to work more hours, which is physically exhausting. He says that rich dad told him that “the poor and middle class work for money, while the rich have money that works for them. They do this by learning to invest and then putting their money into assets like businesses and investments that generate income.” Passives”. , until they reach the point where they no longer have to work.


Soccer Betting Tips – Free Expert Soccer Betting Tips

Advice bet football is short for learning the best tips for every football bet you are betting on. It takes time to earn a steady income betting on the NFL lines, but finding the right sports handicap for all your picks could be the best thing that ever happened to you. For a low monthly fee of $50.00 or less, you can find a professional sports handicapper who will give you expert picks with an 82% winning percentage or punter. Professional sports handicappers not only guarantee a winning percentage of 82% or higher, but there are some who will give you a full refund if you don’t make a profit during the month.

The good thing about a professional sports handicapper is that you will consistently win 82% of all your picks or more and wager a football bet tax free. Each individual win results in your money being instantly placed within your sports betting account. From within your sports betting account, you can instantly cash out directly to your bank account within 2-3 business days. When using a professional sports handicap for all your selections, you will most likely bet on a football spread bet. A football spread bet is a type of bet where you will be given a spread that must be covered in order to win that game. For example, let’s take 2 random NFL teams. The Dallas Cowboys against the Green Bay Packers. The game is played in Dallas and the Dallas Cowboys will be favorites by -3.5 points. What that means is that if you pick the Dallas Cowboys to win the game, they must win by at least 4 points! If you pick the Green Bay Packers to win the game, they can lose by 3 points and you still win! This is by far the best football bet online because once you master NFL point spreads there is no telling how much money you will win.

Personally, paying for a sports handicap is a MUST. You are guaranteed to make a profit month after month. The more money you invest, the more money you will earn each month. You must start with X amount of money the first month. You convert that X amount of money into Z amount of money. You take your amount of money Z (all your winnings for the month) and use it for all your future bets. Put your X amount of money back into your bank, and now from this point on you will ONLY play with winning money. Win money is the best type of money you could play with because even if you lose, you don’t really lose anything. Now you can bet on US soccer games all day long and consistently earn a living from your winnings alone! It is guaranteed money and some people choose not to follow it for unknown reasons. I hope you start believing in the NFL betting lines and eventually quit your day job because of all the winnings piling up! I wish you the best of luck!

Tours Travel

New California Mold Law of 2016

California’s 2016 mold law, SB 655, applies to hotels, motels, apartment houses, and dwellings (including houses and homes) regardless of date of construction. Non-dwellings are excluded from SB 655.

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) determined that the presence of moisture in the water, visible mold, or mold odor in schools, workplaces, residences, and other settings is unhealthy. Recommends addressing water damage, moisture, visible mold, and mold odor by (a) identifying and correcting the source of water that may allow microbial growth or contribute to other problems, (b) rapid drying or removing damp materials, and (c) cleaning up or removing mold and moldy materials as quickly and safely as possible. These guidelines are similar to the EPA and CDC guidelines regarding mold conditions and remediation. Using bleach to clean mold or simply painting over the problem are not solutions for visible mold conditions in an indoor environment.

SB 655 provides guidance to local code enforcers and other public health officials that mold growth is a health and safety concern when it endangers life, limb, health, property, safety or the welfare of the public or building occupants. HAS The health officer or code compliance officer must make this determination.. Such ‘qualified’ mold is illegal under the State Housing Law. Local agencies are mandated to enforce the State Housing Law and have the authority to issue notices to landlords to reduce qualified mold growth as routine housing code enforcement.

The presence of mold that is minor and found on surfaces that may accumulate moisture as part of their proper function and intended use is exempt from enforcement under SB 655. Such mold is a ‘cleanup’ task that is the responsibility of the occupant.

Landlords are required to keep their units safe and livable, and free from violations of the State Housing Law. This obligation cannot be waived or avoided by any agreement to the contrary. SB 655 amends the landlord-tenant law so that landlords are not required to remediate mold unless they have notice of the mold or if the tenant is in violation of specific affirmative obligations.

Regardless of this Civil Code provision, under SB 655, substandard buildings remain subject to code enforcement by local agencies under the State Housing Law, which requires enforcement agencies to notify local owners. Homes with illegal mold may be considered uninhabitable and may require eviction and/or be subject to other remedies, including fines and penalties.


Content Marketing Strategies to Generate Topic Ideas

Any SEO campaign depends on the content. Therefore, it is quite unnecessary to explain the importance of finding the right content idea even for a budding blogger. The right content strategy can make any content marketing campaign successful. It is also a fact that the ability to come up with effective content ideas at regular intervals is something that sets successful bloggers apart from others.

Successful bloggers and blogs are often looking for quality writers, but they’re never really short of content ideas. This aspect of successful bloggers often makes others wonder how they consistently manage to come up with unique content ideas. However, there is no rocket science behind it.

All they do is organize their content strategy well. In this context, they find the right sources through which various content ideas can be easily generated. These resources involve certain tools, along with the punch or creativity to choose the right theme. Although no one shares this secret, here we have revealed the most effective ways to find the right content strategy for your content campaign.

Google trends

If blogging or blogging is the stars, Google is its sun. Everyone is interested in impressing the Google search engine to be called as a successful blogger. People, bloggers specifically, are more concerned with Google AdSense than anything else. However, it is recommended that they know something about Google Trend to find quality content topics.

Google Trend is currently the largest and most effective resource for finding useful content topics. It can produce a wide variety of themes for you through a simple search. To be specific, those who are interested in finding the hot topics, based on which they can prepare content to attract the attention of readers; Google Trend would indeed be the most useful source.

The best part of Google Trend is its easy to use feature. For example, if your blog is about real estate, you can simply search for “Real Estate” in the search bar and find the full range of searches for the same term below the search bar. You can simply choose any of them to research about the latest developments made and prepare useful content with unique information.

Once you get the search terms, it’s easier to be creative based on them to come up with catchy titles and content ideas. One thing everyone should keep in mind is that Google never betrays a post that contains unique information based on a trending topic.

Keyword Research Tools for Your Content Development Campaign:

Content marketing campaign is not only important for bloggers; it is equally important for digital marketers, affiliate marketers, PPC activists, etc. And all those marketing campaigns start with keyword research. SEO experts spend a considerable amount of time researching keywords to find the best ones.

Several aspects are taken into account when selecting a keyword to start a campaign with, starting with its level of competition, the potential to generate traffic, etc. To find out those keywords, bloggers or activists often use a variety of tools. In fact, these tools help users find the right keyword. But, to get the most out of that, you need to derive your content ideas, either based on or around those keywords.

Interestingly, these tools suggest related search queries in various ways alongside the main search terms. In addition, they recommend LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords. These LSI keywords are the keywords that are equivalent to, but not identical to, your main keyword. No doubt, such recommendations can be helpful in finding the right topics.

Talking about the most effective keyword research tools in modern times, apart from Google AdWords, SemRush, Word Tracker, and Uber Suggest, would be some of the best recommendations. Along with keywords, these tools can be useful from a traffic analysis point of view.

Combine keywords to discover clever topic ideas

As everyone says, blogs don’t have a simple formula. One has to be smart while trying various settings to stay ahead of the competitors. Talking about content preparation strategy, instead of preparing titles based simply on a single keyword, one should cleverly combine keywords to generate interesting ideas.

This helps not only find creative themes, but also gives Google a better chance of indexing to spot your site. For example, instead of repeating posts based on “upcoming 2018 movies”, you can generate a combined result like “upcoming 2018 movies based on politicians”. The better you manage to tackle long-tail keywords, the more effective your posts can be.

Simpler Approach: Target Events

Event blogging has turned out to be the easiest strategy for those who run out of ideas to start a blog. However, a regular blogger is not prohibited from blogging about events. Rather, it can be a great way to come up with some content ideas for your site. For example, if your blog is a tech blog and the most popular event currently is the FIFA World Cup, you might generate topics like “the best apps to stay up to date with every FIFA World Cup event” or “Best FIFA Game Apps”. to start your league”, etc.

In short, content generation is a complicated aspect. The more you observe about the latest happenings, the latest content generation trends, etc., the better topics you will be able to discover.