Legal Law

Teachers and their contribution to national development

“The importance of the duties of teachers for any government in education”

The duties of teachers in education are of very, very strategic importance to the government of any country. Teachers inculcate moral values/virtues and discipline, shape character-behaviors, inspire and impact skills and knowledge, and develop the individual in a country (mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, and even spiritually) in accordance with fundamental goals, beliefs, customs, philosophies, policies, principles and laws of the government of any country. This brings with it an efficient governance, an effective participation of the people in governance; reduction of illiteracy, moral decay, corruption, crime and disorder.

Teachers face the greatest responsibilities in upholding society and its goals, beliefs, customs, good manners, philosophies, policies, principles, and laws. For teachers to achieve this, they need to intelligently and carefully educate those they teach to conform to social norms.

For teachers to teach effectively; have to adhere to the following guiding principles and rules in teaching

(1) intelligent, careful and adequate preparation for the lessons. This implies knowing very, very well about the subject to think about, so you will be logically developed and willing to teach everything you know about the subject without being cheap and self-centered with the teachings.

(2) Set learning objectives for students to achieve during a certain period of time with a view to achieving the objectives, beliefs, customs, philosophies, policies, principles and laws of the society/government.

(3) Check the progress or success of students

(4) guide students on the process and how to learn effectively. Instruct them collectively and individually on the best way to achieve the objectives and norms of the society.

(5) most importantly, set a good example, be a good defender of social and governmental objectives and norms, so that students imitate teachers who are supposed to be practitioners. But, on the contrary, some teachers are very bad and wicked. Students will definitely learn those evils from such teachers, this corrupts the good that they had been trying to teach those students.

One of the factors holding back development in developing countries like Nigeria is the poor state of their education, in Nigeria the level of education is very low: judging by the low academic performance of its students compared to their peers from other countries, which is one of the reasons why most of the great men and women of Nigeria are not educated at home or only partially. Most Nigerian university graduates are equivalent to high school graduates in other countries; a recent published statistic showed that 72% of Nigerian university graduates are not employable, how can such countries develop?

Nigerian students have been forced to reduce education to a graduation certificate test sheet: memorizing facts, theories and laws about any discipline is not enough, but learning and knowledge of the structures of any discipline must be cultivated , which is the value and not the certificate of theories. , laws and facts for “experience is the ultimate determinant of knowledge”, the low level of education in Nigeria could be attributed to inadequate management or that educational objectives and standards, curriculum etc. they are not perfect. But some methods, books, teaching schemes in use in Nigeria are obsolete imports from other countries.

The quality and standards of teachers also determine the quality and standards of education. The low academic performance of Nigerian students shows that they are of low quality and standard, most of the best teachers in the country are educational products of countries like Ghana, UK, USA, India etc. “Many teachers who are the product of Nigerian education are weak and self-centered and their product is fake, corrupt and defeated graduates.” Teachers are qualified by the academic performance of their students with a view to meeting the objectives and general standards of society and government.

To save the poor quality and standard of education in Nigeria, the educational objectives and standards must include the following

(1) Acquisition of knowledge (the recognition, expression, and recall of specific information, laws, theories, facts, concepts, and generalizations)

(2) Acquisition of intellectual abilities, skills and disciplines – (involving the five ways of manipulating knowledge which are comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation)

(3) develop individuals as a whole being

(4) education for citizens

(5) professional training

(6) civil rights and duties

(7) education of character and moral values. Primary school education, the most fundamental and compulsory,

(The minimum qualification for political office in Nigeria) – Must include general education or liberal education as it is called in the US. Liberal education constitutes the following

(1) teach students to investigate all aspects of problems before reaching a plan of action and conclusion

(2) moral values ​​not monetary value or certified values

(3) civic rights and duties

(4) read and write

(5) arithmetic

(6) Ethically and intelligently judge ideas, events, and concepts. The curriculum should reflect the student’s needs: personal, emotional, physical, intelligent, spiritual, and social needs.

These can save the poor quality and standard of education in the country. But the government has to recognize the importance of teachers and provide them with the necessary support, recognition, motivation and empowerment. If Nigerian governments empower teachers like law enforcement agencies and provide them with logistics, motivations and supports – moral decay, crime, corruption etc. it will be exceeded to a minimum instead of combating crime, corruption, moral decadence, disorder, etc. in its mature stage. The culprits are those who are not taught to conform to society’s goals, beliefs, philosophies, customs, principles, policies, and laws. Teachers are the only people, other than parents and guidance, who are fighting the same issues from the ground up from their early stages by influencing and teaching people. Therefore, teachers should receive what they request from the government, which will help them to fulfill their duties efficiently.

But this might not be the reason for the recent teachers’ strike in Nigeria, teachers are clamoring for a salary structure in every state in Nigeria. That can not be possible. teachers salary should be paid pari pasu with their work done not with certificates but with their work done. the equation must be balanced with his work done on the poor, intellectually underdeveloped and unemployed students of Nigeria. “All fingers cannot be equal, the monkey cannot work and the baboon cannot eat” No, the law is useless because nothing should be applied; Since the work done is not the same, the salary cannot be the same either.

The government must hire its teachers by contract with the agreement to raise the level of their students to a certain level during certain periods of time. At the end of that period, the government should require accountability and performance of the students assessed by the government, to see if the contractors/teachers comply with the contractual agreements.

They are paid in full or withheld only if agreements are met. Therefore, Nigeria’s educational qualities and standards will be like those of the US who have experienced it.

Love you,

Jp Udoba.

Legal Law

Ethics for Nurses and Paralegals

Ethics is both personal and administrative. Your personal ethics may be one thing, while the ethics you must follow based on guidelines set forth by the American Nursing Association or for him National Association of Paralegalsit may conflict with your own morality. However, you have a duty to follow these ethical standards if you want to keep your job and avoid being sued for negligence or breach of confidentiality provisions.

While this article focuses on medical professionals and paralegals, many of these principles are also highly relevant in any situation where you are dealing with someone’s private information. Here are my top 11 ways to avoid violating professional ethics guidelines:

one. Study- If you are a nurse, study the Ana Handbook. If you are a paralegal, study the Postal Codeethics handbook. Also, study the individual company policies provided to him once he was hired by a company provided to him at orientation. What you don’t know can get you killed!

2. No gossip: Clients will approach you with all sorts of embarrassing stories about their lives. Medical conditions, legal issues, stories of infidelity, infertility, and other stomach-churning scenarios will be commonplace in any customer relationship area. You must handle these scenarios with care. If you don’t want it shared with the public, it’s safe to assume your client won’t either. Practice empathy and put yourself in their shoes.

3. Be careful with eavesdropping: When speaking with a client over the phone or in person, make sure these conversations take place in a quiet, safe, and private area. If these conversations are accidentally overheard by a third party, it could have negative consequences.

Four. Secure documents: Any paperwork related to company secrets or customer information must not be exposed to the view of passersby. Such documents should also be shredded, not crumpled in a garbage can. Identity thieves and spies are everywhere. Do not make your job easier by mishandling the documents.

5. Do not manage actions without permission: Unless directed by a licensed physician or attorney, nurses and paralegals may NOT provide personalized diagnosis, legal advice, or administer treatment. Nurses and paralegals must also refrain from taking action when the client does not consent. Paralegals and nurses are “foot soldiers.” We must operate primarily on direct command, rarely acting independently, and even when we do, we are closely monitored.

6. Avoid the media: Addressing the media regarding a client or the company you work for without authorization is a big NO-NO. You risk defamation, disclosure of company trade secrets, and other legal consequences.

7. Don’t be a compliment: If you see your supervising doctor or attorney doing something highly unethical or illegal, you have the right to speak up and file a report with authorities. Do not become an achievement for illegal activity.

8. Think twice before you become a blusher: Becoming a whistleblower or going it alone because it “feels good” could make you go down in history as a brave hero and save lives, but it won’t be without consequences. Acting outside of your assigned role, even if it saves a life, could still cost you your job or expose you to a negligence lawsuit or legal penalties. Before you try to become the next Edward Snowden, remember that there will be consequences.

9. To be up to date: Ethics guidelines are subject to change. Most nurses and paralegals are required or encouraged to attend higher education courses or “refresher courses.” These might serve you well so you don’t get out of the loop of current industry standards.

10 Pledge your loyalty to your customer: Your job is to be an advocate for your client and an assistant to your superior. Accept this role completely! If you believe an alternative remedy is necessary, please notify your supervising physician or attorney. Do it away from the customer to protect your supervisor’s honor and not undermine him. Also, do not collude or talk to any outside forces that may act against the interests of your client and/or employer. You are being paid for such loyalty. Any action you take that could be construed as “unfair” to the client or your employer could result in termination of employment or a lawsuit.

eleven swallow your pride Paralegals and nurses need to be very careful in choosing a field or focus area that aligns with their consciousness. If you can’t understand defending a murderer or robber, you may want to stay away from criminal law and try bankruptcy law instead. You can also request to be removed from certain cases or refuse to work with certain clients who make you uncomfortable. However, regardless of how much he tries to manage his career, he will ultimately be forced to take actions that go against his own personal beliefs. It is the nature of any business and something that all employees must learn to accept. Do your best to minimize such circumstances, but also learn to justify such actions if absolutely necessary. Those who fail to streamline their jobs will fall prey to alcoholism and other unhealthy coping methods if they don’t learn to cope naturally. Legal and medical professionals will greatly benefit from having a support system in friends and family.

The philosophy and administrative guidelines that govern the idea of ​​”ethics” can get very complicated. If you’re not sure whether or not you may be violating your company’s ethical standards, it never hurts to ask!

Legal Law

Gray Divorce – Let Go and Start Over!

Women seeking divorce in higher numbers

Are you one of those people who have been in a long-term marriage and have now decided to divorce? Perhaps you married at a young age and found that as you matured and developed, you and your partner drifted apart. Or you recognize that something vital is missing between you and your partner. Well, it’s never too late to change your mind. Startling statistics provided by the US Human Resources Services Administration show that Americans age 55 and older are getting divorced in greater numbers than ever before. In fact, census figures show that divorce among people age 65 and older has doubled since 1980. And a recent national study by the American Association of Retired Persons suggests that older married women among ages 40 and 80 seek divorce in greater numbers than men.

A desire for freedom, identity and fulfillment

So what is behind this new phenomenon known as gray divorce and why are so many men and women succumbing to divorce after decades of marriage? The reasons vary between men and women, but according to some studies, women say they have finally reached a breaking point and are no longer willing to live with or deal with certain behaviors. Whether it is due to having suffered addiction to alcohol or drugs, physical or emotional abuse, infidelity or simply because they do not feel fulfilled, many women are leaving relationships that generate dissatisfaction. And while we often hear of men leaving partners for younger women, many men who opt for divorce at a later age say they are bored and dissatisfied. Most older men who are leaving long-term partners are interested in finding ways to experience life more, and in fact, most of them say they want the chance to meet someone who can make life more meaningful. life.

The common thread of gray divorce

A common thread that seems to run through all those men and women who are going to divorce at a later date is a desire for freedom, to find their identity and a need for greater fulfillment. Once a person stops denying the reality of their situation and acknowledges that their longevity marriage is simply not working, many choose to leave. However, while it is very exciting for some when they think about going their own way, it is still very scary to consider. However, despite the fear of starting over, and the guilt and consequences that may follow, most who decide to divorce feel strongly that it is the right decision. Even for those who seem to have it all, including financial security, a career, and a successful relationship, the idea of ​​divorce becomes more and more attractive. Realizing that regardless of societal opinion on the issue, or how their children feel about it, older couples are willing to take the risk of creating the life they want rather than continue living the life they have.

Advice and support for those considering a gray divorce

The ultimate driving force in old age divorce is simply that people want something different. And while divorce was once considered a stigma, that stigma is slowly fading. People are tired of trying to solve relationship problems that never seem to get resolved and tired of feeling dissatisfied. Consequently, for those who do take the plunge, the most important thing to consider is whether or not they are prepared to take on the world on their own. Having spoken to a number of people who are going through the challenges of divorce, especially in recent years, it is highly recommended that men and women try not to go it alone, but instead consider therapy, a support group, or at the very least, a good friend who can be supportive through the divorce trials. A good support system can make the process much easier. But, once seniors have decided that their marriage bond is no longer viable, even if it is difficult, they are willing to do whatever it takes to move on to something new. Simply put, gray divorce among the elderly is becoming a part of the American way of life.

Legal Law

Top 5 Trends That Are Shooting Up Video Marketing

Digital Marketing, an offshoot of the massive digital revolution that has taken place. One aspect of Digital Marketing that is gaining special prominence is Video Marketing. Have you ever imagined that videos are so useful? Well, listen to the trends talking.

This trend is proof of the constant innovation that is taking place in marketing structures. From explainer videos to animated advertising films, from infographics to entertainment-based videos, the field of video marketing is the most hectic corner of the already action-packed world of the web.

Is video marketing really that hectic? Yes it is! Being a visual medium, it is linked to constant innovation and trends. It’s an ever-changing platform that keeps presenting itself to us in a new form every time.

Here’s a list of the latest video marketing trends that are clearly taking the field by storm.

Live videography: Live videography is one of the most popular videography trends of recent times. Extremely useful for events, product launches, and many other avenues, live video is a great tool for video marketing. The biggest advantage of live videos lies in how they drastically improve user engagement. Live video is also very realistic, as the live television broadcast is perceived to be neither changeable nor changeable in ways desirable to a brand’s own image. A great example of live video marketing is Buzzfeed.

360 Degree Videos – 360 degree videos are the most realistic touch to the concept of video marketing. They not only offer better images, but also make the content more understandable for people. They are often very catchy and attract high traffic rates. Thomson Holidays uses 360-degree video to showcase travel locations.

Video and E-Learning: Explainer videos are booming at its highest rate. E-learning platforms are switching to videos and have left their ppt presentations behind. Explainer videos express the purpose of your business in an easy-to-understand way. This helps you reach multiple customers and consumers. Hubspot, Moz are famous brands using video for e-learning.

Co-Creating with Consumers: People these days enjoy and find it easier (thanks to smartphones) to create videos as much as they love to consume them. Brands these days come up with social media challenges that require people to post videos of themselves adhering to the theme of the challenge. A strategy like this is a very attractive way to promote your brand. Kitkat is known for the innovative challenge that it came up with recently.

VR: Virtual Reality is a contagious trend. Not as popular with brands (as it is with gamers), VR is an untapped tool in video marketing that has enormous potential. Virtual reality improves the video consumption experience among the audience, making it interactive, attractive and highly effective. McDonald’s and Uber introduced free virtual reality games for their customers.

As we saw, video marketing is taking over digital marketing. It has a sweeping influence that will generate a series of beneficial results for your ambitious brand.

Legal Law

How to prepare for law school

Deciding on an undergraduate major

There is definitely no set path to get into law school, and no distinct undergraduate major will guarantee your acceptance. For example, almost all law schools claim to represent more than 20 undergraduate study areas ranging from engineering, philosophy, criminology, biology, etc. The real key to keep in mind when studying for your degree is to study what you really like. Doing so helps ensure that you’ll be interested in your assignments and papers, making it easier to get excellent grades.

It’s no secret that schools look at your grades very closely when they review your application. Your course selection can make a considerable difference, though that doesn’t mean it’s always best to enroll in easy programs only—again, many law schools have reported discounting lower grades for more demanding classes. Getting a 95% in Spanish 101 is not necessarily any more indicative of ability than an 80% in logic and reasoning.

That being said, schools also look at your scoring trends to see if your scores have improved as you go, if they haven’t changed, etc. Review committees may view a strong college start followed by average completion as a sign of less potential for good results in law. Most schools suggest that applicants add a supplement to their application or personal statement to explain any irregularities in their scores and we suggest that you accept the offer.

Choose undergraduate courses

Despite the fact that no undergraduate major is the perfect foundation for law school, we recommend that you choose classes that will help you produce logical reasoning and writing skills. The LSAT is used to help weed out applicants who can think, read, and write very well. Focusing on classes that help you develop your thinking and logical skills will not only help you with the exam, but will also better equip you for your impending course load. Always be sure to check with your school of choice early on, they may actually recommend some specific classes or areas that you can focus on when preparing for a college level.

Volunteer in the Community

Unless you plan to attend Bob’s Law School, the competition levels for admission to law school are often very difficult. Good schools anticipate candidates becoming involved in their community and extracurricular hobbies, which typically divides acceptance from rejection. So head on over and find a useful strategy to work with in the community.

Your ability to balance academics with other activities such as a job, volunteer work, activities, community and extracurricular activities may be a characteristic reviewers look for in potential law students. Incorporate a diverse experience into the activities you select, but steer clear of the allure of trying to do a small amount of everything, but nothing very well.

Investing in focused activities for the duration of your college studies demonstrates further advancement of responsibility and authority for the admission review board.

Legal Law

Watch metaphysical movies to increase awareness

Let’s be honest, it can be quite a challenge to find good TV programming these days. Fortunately, you have a choice, and if you’re concerned about raising awareness, watching metaphysical movies is a good way to keep yourself entertained and spiritually grounded at the same time.

Raising Consciousness
If you have been meditating and have been on a spiritual path for a long time, then it is no secret to you that one of the underlying goals of your spiritual quest is to raise your level of consciousness. While meditation is the number one way to achieve this, there are other, more subtle ways as well, one of which I’d like to touch on a bit.

Metaphysical movies or not?
So what exactly is a metaphysical movie? Well, a good metaphysical movie is defined as any movie that shares certain positive commonalities with metaphysics. This can be at a deep level, at a subtle level, or at a very obvious level.

A subtle example might be a movie that on the surface seems to have nothing to do with metaphysics, but when you dig deeper, you may find that the movie’s moral is very spiritual in nature.

You tend to see this a lot with the “feel good” type of movies. A movie like “Always” is a good example of this.

There may also be movies that have more subtle metaphysical meanings or contain metaphors of a spiritual or metaphysical nature.

On the other hand, there are those movies that are more obviously classified as metaphysical movies. For example, movies like “What the Bleep” or “Conversations With God” name just a couple of those types of movies. Films and documentaries of this nature risk immersing themselves fully in metaphysics, with the understanding that the risk of releasing this type of film can be highly controversial.

Movies like the two examples listed above tend to have a more select audience, but can sometimes end up being huge hits, like “The Secret.”

Do a Google search for metaphysical movies or spiritual movies, there are many more than you think. Many of these movies are available on Netflix or Spiritual Cinema. This type of entertainment is a great way to relax and stay spiritually centered at the same time.

Legal Law

Do you have a tight marketing budget?

Public relations:

The fast track to attract buyers

If you’re on a tight marketing budget and trying to get your name out there, consider spending a little time and a few dollars on a public relations campaign.

A comprehensive public relations program educates, informs, explains, persuades, and can enhance your company’s credibility and can boost sales.

How do you assess the value of public relations? Most experts say that articles and news are worth 5 times the cost of a comparable ad for the same space. An article appears as a third-party story and endorsement, rather than a paid advertisement. And people will believe what they read in a newspaper or magazine much more easily than what they see in an advertisement.

The most important key is that a good campaign creates a ‘larger than life’ image for your company. A good story has a shelf life of 5 years, so it’s not as important who sees the article initially, but rather how you use it as a marketing piece. By including reprints of print articles alongside your other marketing materials, you can better position yourself and your business as a high-value provider with your prospects.

Articles published about your business will also help your website’s search ranking. An ‘In the News’ page on your website will generate interest, and links from the newspaper or publication can improve your search engine rankings.

Reprints or enlargements of print items can also be posted in your office or showroom, included in a photo book, and used to promote your business through mailings, newsletters, email campaigns, and other marketing sources.

So, looking at the overall benefits of PR campaigns, you’ll see that it’s not an expense; but rather an investment in the future of your company.

Before starting a campaign, there are a couple of things you need to do.

1. Establish a baseline of what type of exposure you currently have. By doing this, you will be able to compare the success of a campaign.

2. Commit to a minimum of a six month active campaign. A public relations campaign is not a program that you try for a month or two and then say it didn’t work. It takes time to open doors and make connections. It is an ongoing process that is always in motion.

Once you have a story in mind, the next step is to write a press release. Keep in mind that there are some simple guidelines to consider before you start writing.

1. Don’t write releases to sound like a one-sided or sales pitch.

2. Reference other products, companies, customers, industry associations and individuals whenever possible

3. All good press releases include who, what, when, where, why, and how.

4. Communications must be clearly typed, double spaced and with wide margins.

5. Be brief and factual.

6. Don’t ask or expect to review the copy before you write it.

7. Each release should have your contact name and phone number in the top right corner.

8. Be sure to include the date and title of your story.

9. If the release is more than one page long, begin each page with the title, page number, total pages included, and the date.

10. Hand-deliver press releases whenever possible. This provides an excellent opportunity to establish yourself as an expert in the area.

11. Always follow up by phone.

12. Provide photos with the pitches. Tag your photos with the name of the company, project, location, and the name and phone number of a contact person. Use tags for this purpose. Never write on the back of the photo as you could damage it.

The cost of creating a PR campaign can vary depending on your approach. Doing it yourself is the least expensive…if you have the time. Not only time is an issue, but you also need knowledge and contacts. Hiring a professional public relations manager is generally the easiest and most effective way. Here, again, you have two options: you can hire a regular advertising firm and spend all of your time making them understand your business and industry, or you can hire a public relations specialist who works exclusively in your industry and has all the contacts.

I. How to build a media contact file.

Once you have the story idea, now is the time to send the information to the appropriate editorial contacts. Developing your specific database of contacts is key to publishing articles. Always try to mail at least 3-4 articles or stories per year. The editors maintain a contact file and will contact you for feedback and feedback on other related stories. Be the professional they contact, to confirm information or to get answers to some of their questions.

Your media contact database should include the following:

• List of publishers such as: Business Editor, Local News Editor, Article Editor, or Lifestyle Editor. In smaller newspapers or publications, the above list may be the same person.

• Media file information: Type of media: Newspaper (daily or weekly), Magazine or trade. Media Name: Contact: Title: Address: City, State Zip Code: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: And how they like to receive your communications.

II. Determine what each publication wants and how they want to receive the material.

Finding out what your contact wants in the media and how they want to receive the material is critical. Certain publications do not accept external releases, however they are always looking for a key story.

The best way to find out is through a public relations agency that maintains a subscription database that includes all media contacts nationwide. This database is updated weekly and lists all the necessary data. The alternative is much more difficult, but you can contact each medium by phone and ask their requirements.

Here is a sample of how the Housing/Residential Development Editorial Assistant at Better Homes & Gardens Beautiful Homes would like to be contacted:

Submission Tips: Preferred Order: Email. She can also be reached by phone,

fax, postal mail or email.

It is essential to also understand the objective of the publication. This helps you understand what they are looking for and what you should send them. Here is a sample profile of Better Homes & Gardens Beautiful Homes.

Organization Profile: Offers readers real solutions to play an active role in the home building process. Editorial content covers new, existing, built-to-spec, or production homes. It shows new houses, design ideas, room planning, construction techniques and construction products.

third Create a photo archive and work with photographers.

One of the best investments you can make is to create a photo archive. When you create or see something out of the ordinary or special, be sure to capture a few shots. Consider the photos you take as test shots.

Test shots are ideal for showing off a post. If they like what they see, they will usually want to use their own photographer. If that’s not the case, you’ll want to hire your own professional photographer. Tahis is not an area where you should try to save money. With professional photos, you’ll have a better chance of getting your story published. And once you have great photos, you can use them for your website, literature, exhibition booth, advertising, presentation book, and other marketing tools.

IV. Copyright of the photographs and authorizations.

Before hiring a photographer, always discuss in advance who will own the copyright to the photos. Many photographers want to retain ownership of the photos, even if you pay them. Always make sure you terminate all copyrights. By owning the copyright, you’ll have more flexibility in what you do with the photos and you won’t have to pay to use them every time you want them. Don’t let the photographer tell you otherwise. Many professional photographers will work with you and give you full, or at least shared, use of the copyright.

If your photos include people (clients, models, even family), you’ll want to get a press release. A typical release will be worded as follows:

I hereby grant XYZ Company and XYZ Company’s designees unrestricted permission to use and publish any and all photographs of me and/or my personal property for editorial, commercial, advertising, display, exhibition use or any other printed use. material or electronic means without compensation. All negatives and positives, together with prints and all reproductions, shall constitute the property, including all copyrights, of XYZ Company, solely and entirely. The undersigned waives any right I may have to inspect or approve finished photos, or publicity copies or printed material that may be used in conjunction with other photos. I have read this release and fully understand its contents.

When using such a photograph, (I do) or (I don’t) (circle) I want my name, and included.

Names, address, city, state, zip code, and date, with a signature line.

Best of success in your new PR campaign! Remember that a third-party story is a great sales tool, and PR stories are ten times more valuable than advertising.

Helping companies find more buyers

Legal Law

HOA Attorney Job Description

This type of lawyer is the one who represents and advises the members of the board of the community of owners in many matters related to property rights and contracts. An HOA attorney is usually in charge of writing the rules of the community so that they comply with current law. They will also provide extensive advice to association members on organizational structure and leadership responsibilities and help enforce the rules against landlords. An HOA attorney can also represent the association if a lawsuit is filed and advise residents and board members of their rights under the law.

This law is a very specific branch of property law, which is important for the maintenance and creation of a property system. These property laws can help guide the buying and selling of property. Property laws establish the power that the association can control and set the parameters for how that power can be executed. When the community agrees to abide by a uniform set of rules, they are enforced by the homeowners’ association board, which is usually filled by election and is made up of individual residents of the community.

Because this board is like a quasi-legal entity that has its own separate rules, it is very important that the HOA board have legal representation to ensure that any actions it takes comply with applicable laws. The job of the HOA lawyer will be to represent the board of the homeowners association. The work of the HOA lawyer is mainly focused on advising helping them to review and update the rules so that they do not violate any existing laws.

Other jobs that an HOA attorney might do may include:

• Enforce the rules against any non-compliant owner by contacting the owner to explain the violation and try to find a resolution that is friendly to the owner and the board. If the homeowner does not cooperate, the attorney will be the one to start the contempt filings or legal evacuation.
• They can represent the HOA in any legal proceeding outside of the HOA, such as dealing legally with a contractor who did a poor job on the development. It will be the HOA attorney who will look at the compensation and, if necessary, file a lawsuit against the contractor.
• If the HOA is sued, the HOA attorney would advocate for the HOA in the case.

The HOA attorney is the legal voice of the association’s board of directors and is typically not a full-time job. Many times this attorney will represent multiple HOAs at once or will represent them and have a property law practice.

Legal Law

The basics of taxation and how a tax planning attorney can help

With all the different types of taxes, it is not surprising that people regularly consult with a tax planning attorney to help them devise strategies to minimize their tax liability. In Canada, taxes, duties, and fees are collected by different levels of government to fund their programs and services. The three levels of taxation include federal, provincial/territorial, and municipal. It is very important to understand the differences and which rates apply to you as a regular working citizen or as a business owner. This is where tax management and strategizing becomes really useful in terms of making things easier and complying with the provisions of tax laws and related regulations.

The most common type of tax is income tax that is derived from a person’s salary or from the income of a specific business. Most of us are familiar with this type, and in most cases, a corporation will withhold income tax from an employee to ensure that they file regularly.

Another type is the excise and consumption tax, which is for the production, sale or consumption of goods and services. This is a form of indirect tax. Excise duties are collected by the producer or retailer and are not paid directly by the consumer, and as such often remain “hidden” in the price of a product or service, rather than listed separately.

Property taxes are collected on the sale and transfer of ownership of different types of property or assets. Property is generally classified into land, land improvements (fixed assets such as buildings), personal property (personal property such as vehicles), and intangible property. Many provinces impose property taxes on real estate based on current use and land value. This is the main source of revenue for most municipal governments. Although property tax levels vary between municipalities within a province, there are generally common property assessment or valuation criteria established in provincial legislation.

Another common type of tax is the import/export tax. Import duties and taxes are due when goods are imported into the country, whether by a private individual or a business entity. In addition to the tariff, imports may be subject to other taxes such as GST (General Sales Tax), PST (Provincial Sales Tax) or a combination of both known as HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) depending on the type of importer. and the province. The amount of duties and taxes owed depends on the place of residence of the importer and not on the place where the goods enter the country.

These are just some of the basic types of taxes people typically pay in Canada. It can get confusing and even overwhelming when you start calculating and even itemizing all the different taxes a person must pay. That is why it is advisable to consult with a tax professional and seek their help both in the management and in the strategy of how to pay and minimize your taxes. This is in no way avoiding your taxes. You’re just making sure you don’t have to pay anything above what you have to pay. This is where a tax planning attorney can be of great help.

Legal Law

Canada permanent residence visa

Who is a permanent resident in Canada?

A permanent resident is a citizen of a different country, who has been granted permanent resident status upon immigrating to Canada. A permanent resident is not a Canadian citizen. A permanent resident must live in Canada two years out of five, or risk losing that status.

Canadian permanent residents

Each year, more than 200,000 people can enter Canada as permanent residents. They complete an application process that gives them the opportunity for a new life in Canada. Once approved to enter Canada as a permanent resident, a person receives a Permanent Resident Card (formerly the Landed Immigrant form) and enjoys almost all of the same rights as citizens of Canada (with the exception of voting privileges and unlimited stays when traveling outside of Canada) . The process to obtain permanent residence in Canada is complex and tedious. It is also in a state of constant flux due to different foreign policy initiatives and regulatory changes.

Canada green card evaluation

People outside of Canada often refer to Canada Immigration, also called a Permanent Resident Visa, as Canada Green Card. General immigration, business immigration, family sponsorship and parental sponsorship are four diverse sectors, an immigration application form will be evaluated.

General Immigration

Also called Express entry, this General Immigration form is provided for professionals and workers. Express Entry is a new way to manage the application with immigration programs such as the Federal Skilled Worker Program, the Federal Skilled Trades Program, and the Canada Experience Class. Provinces and territories will also be able to recruit candidates from the Express Entry pool for a portion of the Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs) to meet the needs of the local labor market. Through Express Entry, individuals who meet the criteria for one of these programs will be placed in a candidate pool. The Government of Canada, provincial and territorial governments and Canadian employers may select individuals from this group.

business immigration

A Business Immigration form is provided for individuals with management experience or for high net worth business owners. Canada’s Business Immigration Program also seeks to develop new business opportunities and improve access to growing foreign markets by welcoming people who are familiar with those markets and their special requirements and customs. Individuals with business/managerial experience and relatively high net worth may apply for a Canada Immigration Visa (Permanent Resident) under the Canada Business Immigration Program in one of the following three subcategories:

Start-Up Entrepreneur Visa Program – Entrepreneurs with a start-up visa must obtain financing and support from a designated Canadian investment organization. To do so, they must have a plan for a unique business to be created in Canada.

Venture Capital Pilot Program for Immigrant Investors – TTo qualify, investors must have a net worth of $10 million and make an unsecured investment of $2 million over 15 years, investing in innovative Canadian-based start-ups with high growth potential.

Self-Employed Workers Program – To qualify as self-employed, a person must be willing and able to support themselves and any dependents with income from self-employment such as a farmer, athlete, or artisan.

Family Sponsorship/Parental Sponsorship

A family sponsorship form is provided to a spouse or common-law partner and/or dependent children. A parent sponsorship form is provided to parents and grandparents.

You can sponsor relatives or relatives from abroad if they are:

Spouses, common-law or conjugal partners over 16 years of age;

· Parents and grandparents;

· Dependent children, including adopted children;

Children under the age of 18 that you intend to adopt;

· Brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews or grandchildren who are orphans; under 18 years of age and not married or in a common-law relationship; Prayed

· You can also sponsor a relative of any age if you do not have an aunt, uncle or relative from the list above who you could sponsor or who is already a Canadian, Indian or permanent resident citizen.

A son or daughter is a dependent when the child:

· You are under 22 years of age and do not have a spouse or common-law partner;

· You are a full-time student and have been substantially dependent on a parent for financial support since before age 22, or since you became a spouse or common-law partner (if before age 22); Prayed

Financially dependent on one of the parents since before the age of 22 due to a disability.

In addition, medical examinations, police certificates and authorizations are required to obtain the visa.