Home Kitchen

Why is concrete polishing so beneficial?

Concrete polishing is a new trend that has been discovered and widely used among homeowners and businesses across the country. There are several reasons why concrete polishing is a fantastic option for new construction, existing property, and renovation projects. So why is concrete polishing suddenly desirable? The answer can be found below. Read on to learn about the various benefits and some information related to polishing and maintaining concrete for residential or commercial properties.

concrete polishing

Everyone can imagine what a concrete slab looks like; sun, gray and dull. With the new concrete polishing technique, this appearance can be a thing of the past in just a few months. Concrete is used as a base for new construction, residential and commercial; but now, it is being used as a floor. The use of polished concrete as a floor really makes it an interesting feature of a house or building. Let’s talk about this further.

Concrete is a practical and inexpensive option for floors; especially on carpet, linoleum, tile, or hardwood. Though never considered a potential interior asset, polished concrete is certainly making a comeback. So what does polished concrete look like, and why is it a great choice for residential and commercial flooring? The first answer is durability. Concrete is durable; that is why it is used so diversely between new construction and foundation developments. Once it is polished, it appears shiny, shiny and smooth. It’s a luxurious looking floor that costs very little to install, treat and polish. It does not require much care, maintenance, replacement, restoration or maintenance; as well as the use of disinfectant chemical treatments, and more. It can also be customized with layouts, patterns, grids, and anything else. They can even be colored to look like marble, tile, or polished stone.

This new technology allows general contractors and homeowners to produce bright, beautiful floors at a cost anyone can afford. They achieve this shiny, polished concrete finish by first grinding the surface of the concrete to remove any irregularities and create a smooth finish. They do it with the help of a polishing machine. It is a process similar to sanding wood. These machines are remarkable pieces of equipment; using blades and discs made of broken diamonds to grind solid surfaces. This high-tech sandpaper-like technique is what creates these flawless and smooth polished concrete finishes. Along with polishing the concrete, a new technique called acid staining is being experimented with. Acid staining is a technique that allows even more intricate designs and colors to be added to concrete floors.

If a concrete floor was recently installed, it most likely will not require sanding prior to the polishing process; however, it will require a 30 day lead time before you can start working on it. If the concrete floor has existed, either bare or under carpet, it will need to be sanded, degreased, cleaned, dusted, and additionally prepared. If the concrete floor is very porous or uneven, it will need to be resurfaced before it can be sanded. The benefits of polished concrete floors include:

  • dirt resistant
  • Easy to clean
  • Store-bought materials
  • DIY potential
  • No lining or waxing required.
  • Anti-slip
  • Also for countertops
  • And more!

Customer service, a philosophy, not a department

Great customer service is not rocket science. Customer service is not a department. It is a simple philosophy that should be practiced by everyone in an organization, regardless of position and/or title, and can be broken down into four basic parts. While volumes of books have been written on great service, these four points could be considered the starting point: the basics. By understanding these very simple concepts, you will be well on your way to creating more magical moments for your customers.

1. Common Sense: This means making the obvious. It’s a little more than treating your customers the way you’d like to be treated. But, it’s not much more. It’s simply treating your customers the way they want to be treated. Understand that what you would expect might be different from what your customer might expect. For example, a bellhop might work at a very expensive hotel. You will probably never stay in a hotel like the one you work at. He would never demand the same level of service and attention that hotel guests demand, but he still understands what they want and want and delivers.

2. Flexibility: Rules and policies are nothing more than guidelines. Don’t let “company policy” get in the way of making a customer happy. However, eventually there is a point where you have to take a position. Despite what you may have heard, the customer is not always right. But, they are always the customer. So, if they’re wrong, let them be wrong with dignity. Do what you can, within reason, to make sure your customer is always happy. I remember the CEO of a major company who got all of his people together and told them, “Do whatever it takes to make the customer happy.” Well, they did, and they nearly bankrupted the company. Along with empowering people to be flexible goes training. If properly trained, the employee can offer what the customer perceives as a “whatever it takes” attitude, and the employees won’t bankrupt the company.

3. Problem solving: There are two types of problems to solve: business and non-business. Business issues include dealing with complaints and meeting customer needs. These customers come to you to satisfy a complaint or to help them with a problem, and you need to be there to help them. Then there are the non-business issues that have nothing to do with what you and your business do on a day-to-day basis. An example of a non-business related issue might be a person getting a flat tire across the street from our workplace. They come to us for help. How do we react? Do we tell them that there is a pay phone at the end of the street or do we help them by picking up the phone and calling a tow truck? Solving non-commercial problems is a potential way to build good public relations. And, you never know, but this person could become your next client.

4. Recovery – This is probably one of the most important points. I don’t care how good you are. You can have a long term satisfied customer for years to come. As soon as something bad happens, you have to recover. It is that recovery that will be that client’s final judgment on how good you really are. Remember, studies have shown that it is much less expensive to keep an existing customer than it is to get a new one. Do what you can to not only recover from a problem, but also to give the customer renewed confidence to continue doing business with you again. Sometimes this means going beyond simply fixing a problem. Sometimes you have to get the client back in. For example, a restaurant that had a problem with a guest’s food might not only remake dinner, but also offer a complimentary appetizer the next time the guest returns. The restaurant not only resolved the complaint, but also provided an incentive for the customer to return.

There you have four basic components of a good customer service strategy. These simple yet powerful tools are the key to customer service success and will create many MAGIC MOMENTS!

Copyright ©2003 by Shep Hyken, CSP and Shepard Presentations, LLC

Digital Marketing

Is your resume working? 10 steps to writing a resume that gets results

You know the feeling. You spend hours, or even days, creating a resume. You pore over every word of your cover letter and worry about what to say in your email. Then you hit ‘send’ and wait. And wait. And wait. no one calls no one writes You don’t know if someone saw your resume. When this happens, it’s easy to get discouraged and worry that employers aren’t interested in you. Whose! Remember, they have not met you. They have only seen your resume and that may be the problem.

An overwhelming majority of job seekers make basic mistakes with their resumes, mistakes that ensure they won’t get the interviews they deserve. If you feel like you’re sending your resume down a black hole, try this ’10 Step Program’ to diagnose problems and make your resume work for you.

1. Is your resume the right length?

You may have heard that your resume should fit on one page. This makes no sense. Recruiters or hiring managers don’t care if your resume is one or two pages long. But they do care if it’s easy to read and provides key information up front. Your resume can be one, two, or (occasionally) even three pages long. The only rule is that the length should be appropriate for you. When in doubt, follow the (very general) rule of thumb that less than 5 years of experience probably only requires one page and more than that may need two.

2. Does your resume clearly position you as someone who can meet the employer’s needs?

Think of a resume like an advertisement for a product, only this time the product is you. Like any other ad, positioning is everything. The person receiving your resume will quickly scan it, perhaps for no more than 20 seconds, to determine if it can help your company. Your job is to say quickly, clearly and out loud that you can!

Don’t just throw out a timeline of your career history. Instead, determine your own positioning by spelling out your message at the beginning of the resume and giving the reader your side of the story up front. For this reason, you should use the first third of your resume to create a compelling personal profile that highlights your key strengths in an engaging, easy-to-read format.

3. Does your summary start with a goal?

Don’t start with a goal. Recruiters and hiring managers don’t like them because they focus on the needs of the job applicant rather than the needs of the potential employer. Consider this factual statement:

“I am looking for a software engineering position with a progressive employer where I can contribute to the development of new technologies and work with bright and committed people.”

This may be very honest, but it’s irrelevant to the reader, who doesn’t care what you want and only cares what you have to offer. Instead of an objective, try using a positioning statement that clearly and concisely explains what you have to offer.

“Senior software engineer with 10 years of experience developing cutting-edge technologies.”

Now the reader can immediately see its value to the company. (For even greater impact, tailor this statement to each position so the reader immediately sees a match between your needs and her abilities.)

4. Does your resume contain details?

You should put your achievements in context by providing details. For example, don’t say something vague like “contributed to the design of the product.” This tells the employer nothing about his actual contribution. Instead, be specific about what he did:

“Market analysis was conducted for (product name) to determine design and mechanics. Led changes to original design specifications, despite initial developer objections. Received critical acclaim and sold over 4 million Of units”.

See how being specific makes a difference? This level of detail shows the reader the contributions that he has made in the past (and therefore the contributions that he is expected to make in the future).

5. Have you described achievements and responsibilities?

Don’t provide a long list of responsibilities without showing the results you achieved. Most employers already know what your main job responsibilities were. They want to know what makes you different from all the other applicants. An effective resume summarizes job responsibilities in a few awards, and then provides details of quantifiable accomplishments.

Focus the bulk of your resume on the results you’ve achieved, not your regular job duties.

6. Are there sources?

Your resume has to be perfect. Review it over and over again. When you’re sure it’s perfect, have other people try it! If at least one word is misspelled, the reader will assume that you didn’t know how to spell the word (this is bad) or that you didn’t care (this is even worse!). Nothing puts the reader off faster than misspellings or typographical errors

7. Is the resume easy to read?

At least 50% of the impact of your resume comes from the design. A strong resume design will draw attention throughout the document, making it easy to read further and clearly highlighting your key strengths. But if your resume is poorly designed, disorganized, or difficult to read, it will be discarded before the reader knows how qualified you are.

To see examples of how to design your resume, go to the library or bookstore and look under the career section. You will find collections of sample resumes. Take the time to understand how the page was designed, and then apply what you’ve learned to your resume.

8. Have you listed irrelevant information?

Don’t mention your hobbies unless they directly support your qualifications for the position. Do not list your marital status or the number of children you have. Do not mention non-professional affiliations, such as political or religious volunteer work, unless it directly relates to the position for which you are applying. Any personal information runs the risk of turning off the reader. As proud as you are of your personal accomplishments, you shouldn’t risk alienating someone before you’ve even stepped foot in the door.

9. Are you too modest?

Don’t feel uncomfortable about blowing your own trumpet. Too many people downplay his accomplishments. While he should never go overboard on a resume, he should definitely take credit for the things he’s accomplished. Some people are uncomfortable bragging on paper and preferring to explain it in an interview. But if your resume doesn’t spark interest, you may never get that opportunity, so don’t be modest!

10. Have you created a web-ready version of the resume?

If you have to post your resume online or apply for a job through an online system, you’ll need to convert your resume to a text-only format. If you don’t do this, your resume will be nearly unreadable because most online systems don’t support the type of formatting used in a resume (bold, italics, bullets, underlined, etc.)


When you submit your resume, you must speak articulately for yourself. You can’t explain inconsistencies, clear up confusion, or fill in things that are missing. Your resume has to present your sales pitch clearly and convincingly in 20 seconds. Invest the time to make it exceptional and you will see an immediate increase in response rate.


Homing pigeons helped create the world’s most famous banking fortune

Whether in business, war or matters of the heart, the more the merrier is often the most crucial element in determining the outcomes of events. The ability to know what the competition’s strategy is for a business is potentially a game changer. A general, upon learning the details of an opponent’s battle plan, gains immense advantages in devising a counter-strategy. Knowledge is often not quantifiable, but it is invaluable.

One of the most famous and consistent uses of real-time knowledge occurred in Europe in 1815. In the early 19th century, information about distant events that could be obtained through communication channels was a long time coming. The roads were rough, unfinished, little more than wagon tracks really. There was no cable transmission and no fast, organized courier services to deliver messages over long distances. News of the outcome of a battle, treaty, or important political issue could take weeks or months to arrive when the outcome was most eagerly awaited.

The Battle of Waterloo is possibly the most famous military confrontation in history. The site of the battle, the small and remote Belgian town of Waterloo, is today synonymous with the “final act.” Waterloo became the denouement of Napoleon Bonaparte. His ignominious defeat at the hands of British forces, commanded by the Duke of Wellington, hastened his exile to the tiny island of Elba and France’s decline as a military power for almost a century.

The Prussian, Austrian, and Russian armies had allied to fight with the British against Napoleon. All of these large armies, moving across vast swaths of European terrain, needed extensive logistical, supply, and weapon support to keep the troops ready for the big battle. This was an incredibly expensive undertaking. Massive funding was required to support the campaign.

The Rothschild banking family was already famous throughout most of Europe for providing a secure source of funding for national governments. The Rothschilds had established five branches of their company. The largest and most important were based in Paris and London. The final Napoleonic war was largely financed by Nathan Rothschild of the family’s London branch. This house had provided large sums to both the British and the French. The Rothschilds were famous for their indifference to rulers and governments. Nathan Rothschild once said, “The man who controls the British money supply controls the British, and I control the British money supply.” His goal was to make a profit no matter who was in power or won a war.

Nathan Rothschild knew that early knowledge of the winner at Waterloo, the details of the battle, the severity of the loser’s defeat would be invaluable in financially manipulating the markets to profit from the outcome. The family had invested heavily over decades in field agents who sent out tips and messages, sent packages fast, and trained homing pigeons to deliver notes quickly.

The arrival of homing pigeons in London with the specific results of the Battle of Waterloo provided Rothschild with the information he needed to start spreading rumors. He initially spread the word that the British had lost. Investors began to adjust their positions in bonds and stocks in reaction to this negative news. Rothschild took opposing positions, and then strategically released the real news that Wellington had beaten Napoleon. This allowed the family to profit on both sides of the trades. It is estimated that the Rothschild family extrapolated an increase in wealth of 20 times their pre-war capital.

The foresight to train a winged air force of homing pigeons proved haphazard and extremely profitable for the banking house of Rothschild. The advantage they enjoyed in receiving information in real time and benefiting dramatically from the knowledge became legendary and only increased the perception that they were a financial Merlin family. Their power and wealth has multiplied exponentially in the last 200 years and has continued to this day.

In modern business and finance, the ability to gather information about competitor plans—information that will affect asset valuations and marketing strategies—is invaluable. Governments spend billions of dollars trying to steal trade and state secrets. Private investigators are used every day to investigate the fidelity and affairs of married spouses. Information is power.

Entrepreneurs can learn an important lesson from this chronicle about the Rothschilds’ use of homing pigeons. If your project has true commercial value, it must be protected. You should assume that there are people working at the same time on a similar opportunity. Time is not your friend.

Whether he can discover a competitor’s plan or an adversary learns the details of his project, the first owner of knowledge can maximize profits. Placing second in this process is a sure way to lose the crucial first-to-market advantage. The Rothschilds obtained fabulous wealth simply by learning the outcome of a battle before the competitors. For entrepreneurs to successfully benefit from their efforts, they need to collect all relevant and available knowledge as quickly as possible.

Knowledge is invaluable, but it must be obtained and used diligently and quickly.

Health Fitness

Fatty Liver Diet: A 1200 Calorie Diet Plan That Works For Weight Loss And Reduces Fat In The Liver

A fatty liver diet should focus on losing weight and reducing excess fat in the body. By reducing excessive fat intake, the possibility of fat congestion in the liver is greatly reduced. In general, it is recommended that people with fatty liver disease (FLD) follow a 1,200 to 1,500 calorie diet. No more than 30% of the calories should be made up of fat.

To explain this in a more tangible way, we can do a little math to determine how many grams of fat you should be consuming each day. If no more than 30% of a 1,200-calorie diet should be made up of fat, that means no more than 360 calories should be calories from fat (1,200 calories x 0.30 = 360).

One gram of fat equals 9 calories. Therefore, no more than 40 grams of fat should be consumed per day (360 calories/9 calories per gram = 40 grams).

A 1,200 to 1,500 calorie diet should focus on high amounts of complex carbohydrates with limited protein and fat. A diet like this can help FLD patients lose up to 2 pounds per week. This is how this diet should be broken down.

  • 6 ounces of protein (eat lean white meats like fish, turkey, and chicken, or get protein from plant sources like beans)
  • 4 or more servings of vegetables (vegetables, leaves, legumes, or others high in folate)
  • 3 servings of fruit (citrus fruits rich in vitamin E and vitamin C are recommended)
  • 5 servings of starchy foods like potatoes or whole grain breads
  • 3 servings of fat (try to stay away from saturated fat and opt for unsaturated fat in limited amounts)
  • 2 servings of dairy (focus on low-fat and fat-free alternatives)

It is important not to skip any meals. Calories need to be broken down and consumed throughout the day. For example, 300 calories for breakfast, 100 calories for a morning snack, 300 calories for lunch, 50 calories for an afternoon snack, and 450 calories for dinner.

These numbers serve as a guide only and are not set in stone. You may find it easier to eat less at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and have a few more small snacks throughout the day.

The important part of this type of fatty liver diet plan is not to exceed the limit of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day. Eat small meals regularly instead of one big meal at one time to prevent your body from going into starvation mode and producing fatty acids which can lead to further fat congestion in the liver. For the same reason, strive to lose weight gradually by a pound or 2 a week rather than trying to shed dozens of pounds at a time.

There are many diet recipes for fatty liver that will prevent your taste buds from getting bored.

Legal Law

Timely Marriage – How to Position Yourself for a Timely Marriage

It is God’s plan that all His sons and daughters marry at the right time. God does not delight in your loneliness when you should have been married. Do you want to get married on time? The following points can be a flight that takes you there:

1. Prayer – Nothing good comes easily and since marriage is a good thing, you need to take it seriously at the altar of prayer. Most people don’t bother to pray about their married life until they are ripe for marriage. It is better that you start praying early enough before you are ready for marriage. If you find out that many people in your family got married late, then you had better start breaking the curse of marital delay in your life.

2. Forgiveness: If you want God to act on your married life, you must forgive people who have offended you in the past. Most of the time, those who experience a delayed marriage hold a grudge against the people who jilted them in the past. Until you forgive, your heavenly father will not answer you and the devil is still empowered by your relentless spirit to place an embargo on your marriage.

3. Be friendly: If you really need a husband or wife, then be friendly. If you’re the type to be hostile to people, no one will want you as a suitor. Be accessible; stop hindering yourself to get married on time. Marriage is friendship. Learn to make and keep friends.

4. Don’t be picky: It has been found that some of the people who experience marriage delays now actually caused it due to their attitude of being too picky when they are in their prime. Throw out your entire list of standards; do not specialize in physical appearance or material things. His future glory may be hidden now, it takes a spiritual person to discover it.

5. Right Location: Always strive to be in the right location and the right company. You cannot be looking for a partner in the middle of the married. Join the singles forum and attend their meetings.

6. Build Self-Esteem: Develop the mindset that you are someone who deserves to be admired and respected. Celebrate your facial appearance, hair, and body structure. Stop putting yourself down. Don’t allow this emotional weakness to push you into marriage error.

Lifestyle Fashion

Yeast Diet: The Foods You Should Include To Get Rid Of Yeast Infections

What do you mean by “thrush diet”? Can I heal myself by eating the right food? Yeast infection or Candida Albicans occurs very frequently in women, although men and even children can also be affected. The root cause of the infection is an overgrowth of a natural fungus: Candida Albicans. The most commonly affected areas of the body are the vagina, in the case of babies, diaper rash, candidiasis (throat and mouth) and male genitalia. With the right diet, you can help your body heal itself of Candida overgrowth and prevent new outbreaks.

Diet for yeast infection: what you SHOULD eat:

– Colorful vegetables (anything yellow, purple, red and green, like bell peppers, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes)
– Other vegetables such as sweet potatoes, bok choy, celery, romaine lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, and spinach
– Whole-grain, low-carb breads, pastas, noodles, and rice
– Sugar-free salad dressings, although a limited serving
– Garlic, onion, olive oil, organic apple cider vinegar, fresh herbs
– Fresh fruit, such as lemons, apples, limes, oranges, pineapples, berries, melons
– Protein in the forms of fish, chicken, eggs, turkey (baked or grilled)
– Unsweetened soy milk and natural yogurt (excellent for re
-establish bacterial balance)
– A little butter, almond butter, walnuts, almonds, roasted soy nuts and pumpkin seeds, all of which are high in unsaturated fats

Diet for thrush
– What you SHOULD NOT eat:

– Lots of spices, very spicy food will not help but irritate your already infected tissue.
– Beverages such as fruit punch, caffeinated teas and beverages, soft drinks, colas, sweetened fruit juices, sugary drinks, coffee
– Peanuts and peanut butter, pistachios
– Certain dairy products such as cheese, milk, flavored yogurt, ice cream
– Meats such as red meat and pork, sandwiches, salami, bacon, bologna, hot dogs, sausages
– White flour bread and products such as hamburger buns and hot dog buns, crackers and others, breadsticks, breadcrumb topping
– White vegetables such as white rice, potatoes, corn grits and all kinds of canned vegetables, since they lose most of their vitamins in the canning process.
– Alcohol and fermented foods such as beer, ginger ale, cider, soy sauce, most salad dressings
– Sugars, including honey and white sugar

Under normal circumstances, our immune system prevents and manages yeast overgrowth. With a yeast infection diet, you can boost your immune system to eliminate the overgrowth and prevent Candida infections more efficiently.

Real Estate

How to find a concrete contractor

I, like many other homeowners, worry about who to call when I have a home repair or remodeling project. Most people just use the phone book or the Internet to find a contractor, but that’s like flipping a coin. You’re not going to get the best result from doing that. I have an old house, built in the 1970s, that until now didn’t need much repair. Now I realize that my house suddenly needs a lot of repairs. From plumbing, electricity and now concrete.

My driveway has developed some very large cracks that I can no longer ignore. True, the cracks were noticeable a few years ago. However, they seem to have grown more in the last year or so. It seems that my garden and flowerbed do not drain water very well. Every time the sprinklers go off, I notice a large puddle of water by my driveway. The water is eating away at the soil under the driveway, creating a soft base under the concrete that is causing it to crack. Needless to say, I need a concrete contractor to break up the old driveway, install a drain to remove the puddle of water, and pour a new driveway.

The question is, how do I find a contractor who is reliable and reasonably priced? How much should a concrete driveway cost?

The only true and bound method of answering these questions is to ask someone you know who, over the past year or so, has had a positive experience with a contractor. Even if your contractor doesn’t specialize in concrete, chances are they know a fair and good concrete guy. This, as most people know, is one of the best ways. But what if you don’t know anyone who can recommend a contractor?

Well, that’s how I did it.

Instead of finding a concrete contractor in the phone book or on the internet, I looked up concrete suppliers instead. These are the companies that sell materials and supplies to contractors. Many of these supply companies sell to the public. They also have employees who have worked in concrete or other parts of the construction industry or just selling concrete products and talking to concrete contractors, they have a great deal of knowledge about concrete.

Many people look for a contractor and then ask them to tell them what they need to fix the problem or help with design options. Sales people from supply companies will be happy to talk to you in the hope that you will buy the materials from them. They also know and have built many relationships with contractors who have accounts with them. Ask them for options for a new driveway, such as stamp designs and color options. What are the best color agents to use and which one should you stay away from? Ask them these types of questions even if you don’t want stamp or color. Tell them you are educating yourself so it will be easier once you find a good contractor.

At that point, you can ask them if they know of any good dependent contractors who have accounts with your company. If you choose a contractor recommended by sales staff, it is important that you choose a contractor who has an account with the vendor. That way, you’ll know that the provider has already checked your credit and made the payment. The guys who pay with cash or credit card are more likely to be night contractors.

Getting utility companies to help you choose any contractor is a good way to find one quickly.

Shopping Product Reviews

4 Major Forecasts About Grocery App Development In The Near Future

Retail mobile development is expanding at an unexpected rate with retailers adopting newer digital technologies to meet customer demand while staying competitive. Mobile apps help businesses become race champions and achieve perfection in customer services as people become more and more connected on mobile devices. Being at the forefront, Android and iOS apps for every smartphone are creating a flawless impact in people’s daily lives. Aside from entertainment, mobile users are seriously turning to apps to buy and avail anything online, from groceries to services like ticket booking and taxi rides. While grocery app development is already making the rounds among most retailers, there are many more development predictions to be revealed in the coming days. Here are some of the key supermarket app development predictions that will soon flourish.

#1 Shopping will be more convenient

While one of the main reasons for bringing grocery apps to the forefront is to bring convenience to households to shop for daily groceries with a few taps on their mobile screens. However, as people get used to them, their expectations get too high and so does the need for app improvements. To do this, retailers will focus on providing faster and more convenient mobile shopping experiences with the best interface or design elements. It goes without saying that the apps will be more responsive to customers in the years to come.

#2 Chatbots will gain momentum

The bots are expected to transform the way people shop for food through their apps. The advent of Chatbots will provide a mix of shopping and personalized recommendations. It will make mobile shopping highly interactive and add convenience for shoppers through personalized product suggestions, based on their past purchase history, age, preferences, gender, or locations.

#3 Destination marketing is the need of the hour

Gone are the days when retailers or companies used to circulate a promotional message or mass advertisements. With competition inescapable, grocery businesses need to focus on targeting customers specifically based on their shopping habits and preferences. To make this possible, new technologies will appear in the app market with an individual-targeted approach, and retailers will likely use different in-store and out-of-store marketing strategies to attract more customers. More expected, artificial intelligence will be a trend then, nullifying beacon technology.

#4 Conversions will increase due to digital wallets and mobile payments

Although the market for digital wallets is growing, people are increasingly switching from cash to virtual money solely because it is a convenience to their pockets. Few forward-thinking retailers already offer virtual payment options to end the hassle of having cash every time someone orders something. Just by the next year, almost all grocery apps will become convenient. fast and secure payment systems such as digital wallets, mobile payments, in-app payments or even payments via a connected handheld device. Mobile wallets or digital payments will replace the cash on delivery option sooner to ensure maximum conversions as many users cannot go ahead to pay when they see limited payment options.

The next few years are sure to mark a milestone in the grocery app market with exciting enhancements and more small and medium-sized retailers joining the race. Therefore, the main concern for any grocery apprentice now is to keep an eye on the upcoming trends to make sure that your app does not go backwards in the market.


5 things I did to lose 92 pounds

I started my weight loss journey in 2012 after making a New Years resolution to lose some weight.

I was starting to develop symptoms associated with Diabetes and it scared me. My knees and hips ached every day and it was getting harder and harder to walk up and down the stairs.

why did i gain weight

I would say that a lot of my weight gain had to do with inactivity. I work from home so I didn’t really have to leave the house. I was very inactive. Also, during this time, my husband was also out of work, so it was a bit stressful for him. I did a lot of stress eating. He was eating at least 3000-5000 calories a day without exercise and burning less than a few hundred calories a day.

Here is what I did:

sugar detox

My husband came home from work one day and mentioned that a coworker had lost an enormous amount of weight simply by cutting sugar out of his diet.

It is almost impossible to eliminate all sugar from your diet. Fruits and some vegetables contain natural sugars. Some simple carbohydrates can be turned into sugar in your body. The sugar he was referring to was white sugar and brown sugar. I eliminated sugar from my diet.

I started looking at my diet and noticed that I was eating a lot of carbohydrates (pasta, bread, rice, potatoes). I removed them from my meal plan. I also eliminated donuts, honey buns, cakes, cookies, ice cream, and pies from my meals. I was not a juice or soda drinker so it was easy to knock out. I also eliminated cheese and cow’s milk from my diet completely.

My meals:

My meals consisted of: oatmeal, bananas, strawberries, eggs, turkey bacon, chicken, ground turkey, kale, collard greens, spinach, green beans, great northern beans, chic peas, broccoli, almonds, sunflower seeds. almond milk.

Water consumption:

I drank water half my weight in water every day. This included green tea with lemon (no sugar, honey or agave nectar). Probably the hardest, but I knew that drinking water would help me stay full longer, help me stay hydrated, and help flush toxins out of my system.


I walked more than 20 minutes a day 3-4 times a week. I would walk everywhere. The closest store was about 8 blocks away. I didn’t care how cold it was outside. I made a commitment to exercise as much as possible. I would make up reasons for having to walk to the store so that I could take my steps every day.

Bathroom Breaks:

Most people only release waste 2-3 times a week. I ate 3-5 meals a day but released 1-2 times a week. I was beyond constipated.

Why is waste release important?

Cleaning your colon has the ability to help you lose weight. People have lost up to 20 pounds in a period of one month. What a colon cleanse does is remove affected foods, parasites, worms, and intestinal sediment from your colon. One of the many things this will do is help jump-start your metabolism, which will help you burn fat faster.

I knew I had to do something, so I started taking castor oil. That thing is terrible and it made me throw up, but it worked. Within hours it was clearing but after i stopped the castor oil my system was not clearing so i had to try something else.

What I found is that there are mild detox teas that will give you the same results. I started adding this along with a liquid multivitamin to my diet and can now do it 2-4 times a day.

My results:

As a result of changing my diet, increasing my vitamin intake, and releasing more waste, I lost 92 pounds over a 2-year period. I went from a size 18 to a size 10.

This was the plan I followed. I have been able to maintain my weight loss for the last 2 years.

For me this is not just a diet but a lifestyle change. I still enjoy the foods I like, but in moderation.

Can this work for you? Yes. The question to ask yourself is whether your current health is worth it.