Digital Marketing

What to look for when choosing the best PPC companies?

If you’re looking for a professional search marketing company to manage your PPC, also known as Pay Per Click, activities, you’re not alone. There are a number of entrepreneurs who are turning to online marketing companies to help develop and monitor their PPC campaigns, and the benefits of doing so are becoming very clear.

There are several leading advanced tracking software that allow marketing companies to tell their customers exactly how much money they are spending and how many website visits, phone calls and email leads they are receiving through their campaign. Whenever you decide it’s time to turn to a PPC marketing company, make sure you’re investing in the right platform. In general, here are some things that are common among the popular PPC companies.

1) They offer you complete transparency: For some reason, some of the marketing companies do not give you all the details when it comes to showing how your budget is being spent. Never hire a PPC company that wants a monthly payment, but isn’t willing to give you a detailed report of your campaign budget. Always hire a company that will provide you with a complete and detailed account of every penny spent.

2) They won’t overspend – Many companies charge a lot per click due to their poorly managed campaigns and fan strategies. On the other hand, custom PPC management packages will lower your pay per click and give you more clicks for your money.

3) They offer full industry integration: The more familiar a search marketing campaign is to your industry, the better results they can deliver for you. A good ppc management company will provide you with metrics that are specifically tailored to your industry. They also tell you what you’re paying per phone call, email lead, and what your lead conversion rate is.

4) They deep link: PPC ads that are optimized for your website’s URL structure and direct visitors to your inventory pages instead of the home page increase Google’s Quality Scores. These higher quality scores lead to lower cost per click rates and this can result in increased leads and better ad placement.

5) They provide complementary analytics: There’s no question that Google AdWords services provide a variety of data through analytics. the respectable pay per click companies It will give you data about various pages within your website, number of visitors and use of call to action buttons. These analytics help you make better marketing decisions.

Digital Marketing

Create brand loyalty

All companies have a brand, whether they realize it or not. Having a brand is an inevitable consequence of being in business. A positive brand builds brand loyalty. If managed properly, brand loyalty is a powerful source of sustained profitability. However, very few business leaders know how to maintain brand loyalty in their customers. They direct their attention to the “look and feel” of the brand: the marketing and advertising aspects of brand identification. They strive for a unique and recognizable “look,” like the McDonald’s bows or the Nike swoosh. The emphasis is on the appearance of the brand, not what the brand looks like in action.

However, neither the advertising nor the appearance ever created a moment of brand loyalty. The main factor influencing brand loyalty is how employees respond to customer expectations. Regardless of the business, all customers buy the same thing: “A satisfying emotional experience.” Whether the company is delivering a cake or a car, a house or a horse, it must provide a Satisfying Emotional Experience if it wants to create Brand Loyalty among customers.

It is the enthusiastic effort of the fully engaged employee to understand and exceed customer expectations that creates the Customer’s Satisfactory Emotional Experience. Such experiences create habit; they build feelings of reliability and trust in the integrity of the Brand. A satisfying emotional experience builds a positive relationship with your customer. The importance of this relationship is especially true when things go wrong.

When something goes wrong, committed employees have the greatest opportunity to create “loyal apostles.” Open brand loyalty is created when disappointed customer expectations are promptly recognized and met. As apostles, these clients spread “the good word” that multiplies and attracts more clients to the Brand.

Conversely, when employees don’t really care about the customer, when they’re indifferent to exceeding customer expectations, it’s easy for the customer to go elsewhere next time. These employees mechanically go about their tasks and say “have a nice day” while the customer passively completes the transaction and leaves. Both the employee and the customer are indifferent to doing business together again.

When something goes wrong, these disinterested employees are indifferent and resistant to meeting customer expectations. They politely say that it’s simply not possible to meet the customer’s expectations or, worse, refuse to answer phone calls, letters, or emails in response to the problem. When a company’s employees resist or ignore a customer’s expectations, a “terrorist” is often created. Typically, an angry customer spreads “the bad word” to more than 20 people. This negative reputation multiplies quickly. No advertising budget can begin to offset this damage to the Brand.

Such damage is easily avoided. There is a direct connection between how management treats their frontline employees and how employees treat customers. When employees feel recognized and appreciated, your customers feel recognized and appreciated too. When employees believe what their managers and supervisors tell them, then customers will believe what employees tell them. When employees develop long-term emotional loyalty, customers also develop long-term brand loyalty.

In an unsuccessful attempt to increase brand loyalty by improving the customer experience, many companies invest in customer service training. Often this money is totally wasted because management expects employees to treat customers with more courtesy and consideration than management shows employees.

Relationship-leadership principles state that “All leadership is example, all else is coercion.” This means that if management wants customers to be treated “well,” then they must treat employees “well.” Building sustained brand loyalty is not rocket science or brain surgery! It’s about treating employees in a way that makes them want to create an emotionally satisfying experience for the customer.

Digital Marketing

Secret Social Media Hacks You Want To Try Now – It’s Easy If You Do It Smart

There are always new and exciting updates on social networking sites. And here you will know the secret social media tricks that you want to try now.

There are a number of secret social media hacks but here we will discuss some of them for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn.


Share Instagram images elsewhere after uploading.
• Share the image on Twitter or Facebook once you upload it to Instagram.
• As we know, you can instantly share the image once you upload it to Instagram, but you can also go back to any of your images and share an image from Instagram.
• First, decide which Instagram photo from your gallery you want to share. Go to the bottom right corner and click the ellipsis button and select “Share”.
• The images and caption appear where you can edit what you originally posted on Instagram, so you can make any edits to what’s written before you share it. Then select which social media site you want it to be posted on and then share it. Yes, it’s done!

Take better photos without posting them
Set your phone to Airplane mode and start taking snapshots. It will be saved to your phone, but will not be instantly posted to Instagram. It helps you choose the best image to post on Instagram.
Best time to post on Instagram
• Have you ever thought about the best time to share those fake Instagram images?
• Well, Iconosquare analyzes your posting and interaction history on Instagram and tells you the best time to post photos on Instagram.
• In addition, you can also see your most engaged followers, your most liked, your new follower and much more.

• Simply customize what you share on Facebook and with whom.
• Don’t you want your father to see that picture? Or a post that your boss might see? It’s pretty easy with this simple trick:
• Click the tab to the left of your post and choose “More Options” and Facebook will open another page for you. Just enter the name of the people you don’t want to share your post or images with.

Download your Facebook photos
Pick & Zip app will let you download all your photos and also collect photos you are tagged in. You can also download images from Instagram.

Hide from your annoying friends?
You must have that friend who always started chatting once he caught you online. Yes, there is a trick to them. Sign out for a specific list of people you don’t want to chat with often.

How to Pin Something to Facebook
• Simply click on the Facebook image you want to pin.
• Right-click the image (or control-click on a Mac) and choose “Open image in new tab” from the drop-down menu.
• You will then be able to pin that image from that particular page.

Highlight the text before clicking “Pin It”
When you highlight any text on a page that you want to pin and click “Pin”, the text you highlighted is automatically added to the description box.

Download your Tweet history
• Did you know that you can download the tweet history?
• Twitter allows you to request your file.
• Twitter gives you the ability to request your file. You need to go to Twitter Account Settings for your profile; you will get a little option at the bottom of your page, just click on that.

LinkedIn gives you the option to view another person’s profile without them knowing you’ve viewed their profile.

You just need to follow these steps:
• Just go to “Privacy & Settings” on your profile when you hover over your LinkedIn profile picture in the top right of the page.
• Go to the “Privacy Controls” tab and click the “Select what others see when they’ve viewed your profile” option
• And select the fully anonymous option, you lose some history, but it’s up to you and why you want to browse LinkedIn anonymously.

These secret social media hacks will definitely help you do better.

Digital Marketing

What are common social media content marketing mistakes?

Social media marketing is a great way to boost your business and profits. However, there are many common mistakes that people make when engaging in social media marketing.

If you’re making any of these mistakes, don’t worry. It’s never too late to fix your social marketing and make it better.

Not interacting with your followers

When your followers comment on something, share or ask a question, don’t wait too long to respond. If you have someone monitoring your social media, ask them to update you on ongoing conversations and potential areas of engagement.

Not filling out your profile completely

Incomplete profiles make your business look sloppy or fake. If you want to be taken seriously, fill out a complete profile with a good profile picture, your company logo/banner, and information so they can contact you offline.

Do not focus on the quality of the follower

Some people make the mistake of focusing on the number of followers instead of the quality. You want to worry about finding followers who are potential customers.

Not posting regular and relevant updates

If you’re not actively posting things that resonate with your audience, then you’re not going to get any traction. If you plan to be successful with social media marketing, it takes perseverance and patience, not one-hit wonders.

Not choosing your channels wisely

It is not necessary to be on all social networks. Be on the channels your audience loves and that will do just fine.

Do not automate some actions

There are many things, like scheduled updates, that you can automate on social media. Be sure to use programming when possible, as long as it doesn’t make you seem robotic.

Do not interact personally

Whenever you get the chance, it’s important to make spontaneous updates that are relevant to your business and your goals. This will make you look more real in the eyes of your followers.

Do not customize messages for the channel

Sending a mass message, using software, to all the social networks you have connected with is a big mistake. Most of the time, you will have leads that are in more than one account. If you do this, they will quickly get bored or worse, spammed.

Using social media to market your business is a proven technique for getting more customers, making more sales, and increasing your bottom line, but only if you avoid these mistakes. Take one at a time and make the necessary improvements to get you on the right track and making your social media marketing profitable for your business.

Digital Marketing

5 tipos más populares de marketing digital

populares de marketing digital

Si no está familiarizado con los términos, el marketing digital consta de varios métodos diferentes que se utilizan para llegar a los consumidores. Esto incluye el uso de sitios web y sitios de redes sociales para dirigirse a grupos específicos de clientes. Otro tipo popular de marketing digital es el marketing basado en datos, que se basa en recopilar información de grandes datos sobre los consumidores. Al recopilar esta información, los especialistas en marketing pueden crear campañas de marketing personalizadas basadas en datos demográficos y preferencias.

La optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO) es una forma de marketing digital que consiste en optimizar un sitio web o una página web para que aparezca en los primeros resultados cuando las personas realizan búsquedas. Estos motores de búsqueda incluyen Google, Bing y YouTube. En este tipo de marketing, un sitio web utiliza palabras clave para aumentar su clasificación en los SERP. Los anuncios pagados, como PPC, también son un tipo popular de marketing digital.

agencia de marketing digital Cancún

Las campañas de marketing por correo electrónico son una excelente manera de mantenerse en contacto con clientes existentes y potenciales. Los correos electrónicos se pueden personalizar en función de compras anteriores o compromiso con la marca y pueden ayudar a aumentar las ventas. Los estudios muestran que el 60% de los consumidores utilizan el correo electrónico para tomar decisiones de compra. Aquellos que leen correos electrónicos transaccionales tienen más probabilidades de abrirlos que aquellos con contenido no transaccional. Los correos electrónicos también permiten darse de baja fácilmente.

5 tipos más populares de marketing digital

Otro tipo eficaz de marketing digital es el marketing de afiliación. Permite a las empresas aumentar los ingresos pagando a los afiliados para promocionar sus productos. Los afiliados, a cambio, comercializan estos productos a su audiencia y obtienen un pequeño porcentaje de las ganancias. Estas campañas son especialmente efectivas para las empresas más pequeñas, porque los afiliados pueden escalar el tráfico rápidamente. Los afiliados ganan una comisión en función del número de personas que hacen clic en los anuncios.

El marketing de contenidos se basa en el uso de la información y la narración de historias para llegar a un público objetivo. El contenido puede ser una publicación de blog, un recurso, un video digital o un podcast. El contenido debe ser relevante y valioso para las necesidades del cliente. También ayuda a impulsar el estado de autoridad de una marca. Las personas que disfrutan de la escritura y la producción de videos a menudo recurren al marketing de contenido como un medio para construir una relación con los clientes y un flujo de ventas.

El marketing de influencers utiliza el boca a boca y los efectos de red para difundir información. En esta estrategia de marketing, los influencers promocionan sus propias marcas o crean contenidos que pueden volverse virales. Es más probable que este contenido se vuelva viral que los métodos de marketing tradicionales, por lo que las marcas buscan personas influyentes que puedan conectar sus productos y servicios con sus clientes. Sin embargo, no es fácil crear contenido viral y los picos de tráfico tienden a ser temporales y desaparecen tan pronto como termina la tendencia.

Digital Marketing

The 5 best SEO tools that make the website reach the Top 10 of Google

Webmasters and website owners are often confused when it comes to choosing the ideal SEO software tool for their websites. Search engine optimization plays a critical role in driving web traffic to a website and giving it recognition online. Even getting top spots in search engine rankings is not possible with SEO. Organic website optimization cannot be replaced by any other marketing tricks.

Let’s take a look at 5 important SEO tools that will help you reach the top search rankings on Google:

  • SEO PowerSuite – SEO PowerSuite, as the name suggests, is a powerful SEO package that combines 4 mini tools like Site Auditor, Link Building Wizard, SEO SpyGlass and Ranking Tracker. The link assistant tool assists in the link building processes by searching for relevant link partners and all their contact details. The rank tracker is used to check the rankings of all website keywords and helps to form new keywords for website optimization. Other applications, such as Website Auditor and SpyGlass, help detect common website errors, compare your website to competitor websites, and help reveal the link building plan of other competitor websites .
  • website general manager – This is a very successful and comprehensive SEO toolkit. There is also a free online version for beginners, but in order to fully exploit the software, one has to purchase the full SEO tool. Web CEO is an amazing combination of 12 different mini SEO tools. It is one of the best SEO tools to do keyword research. It also helps to take a look at the competitor’s pages and find out all about their secrets to success in the top rankings.
  • PI – Popular as an internet business promoter, this amazing online SEO tool is of great help to webmasters in devising creative strategies for website optimization. Easily one of the top 5 SEO tools on the market, IBP allows designers to streamline all the different SEO procedures to ensure decent rankings and more website traffic. To increase sales revenue and become popular online, IBP is the ideal software package.
  • SEO Profiler – This software offers a superior set of tools to ensure better search rankings on all popular search engines. It also guides you to perform link analysis, link building and link cleanup (get rid of any dangerous website links). Performs extensive research for keyword optimization, ideal for website auditing and spying on competitor marketing campaigns.
  • traffic travis – This top SEO software package provides a simple set of tools to monitor website ranking and visitor traffic. It’s a great free tool with a simple design and an impressive research app. The professional graphic plan offers 4 main functions that allow designers to collect data and later analyze the information. Whether it’s site ranking, keyword research, or PPC ad tracking; Traffic Travis does it all for free. Online webmasters must complete a free registration form to purchase this tool as a zip file. Web experts are very enthusiastic about this software and recommend webmasters to give it a try.
Digital Marketing

Should you use Instagram for business?

Instagram is a social networking application that was designed to allow you to share videos and photos online. Most people think that it is just a way to share vacation photos or what they are eating with friends.

But Instagram has become a social media powerhouse. It has become a great place for businesses and brands to connect with their fans and increase sales. In a month, more than 120 million people on Instagram will visit a website, get directions, call, email, or direct message for information about a business based on what they saw on Instagram.

Easy to use

Instagram is incredibly easy for anyone to use. Even if you don’t have much experience when it comes to social networking websites, you’ll find that Instagram has a very user-friendly interface that you’ll learn to use effectively in no time. It’s a great way to give your business some personality and pique the interest of customers.

It’s free

You usually have to spend money when it comes to tools and resources to improve and grow your business, but you can set up an Instagram account for free by downloading the app on your smartphone or tablet. There are no limitations in any way. You also don’t need to spend any money to create a business profile.

important insights

A business profile on Instagram allows you to gain valuable insights about your followers. This is unique information available only to business account owners. You’ll find out more about who your followers are and when they’re online.

Reach a large audience

Millions of people around the world use Instagram every day. Using hashtags makes it easy for your posts to reach people who are looking for particular things about your business, products, or services, but may not be following you yet.

Be creative!

Getting a business profile on Instagram will allow you to be creative with the videos and photos you post. You must post quality and unique content if you want your business to be a success on Instagram.

You can get creative using Instagram stories. It’s a feature that allows you to post a photo or video, but it’s only available for 24 hours. After that, it’s gone. Because they don’t exist forever, people are encouraged to quickly view and share them. For businesses, Instagram stories have great potential and can be used to drive business if used correctly.

Digital Marketing

How to make a good YouTube video

First of all, I want to congratulate you on leveraging YouTube videos in your content marketing strategy. It is a wise choice. The demand for video content continues to grow and you don’t want to be left out of the game.

43% of people want to see more video content from marketers.” (HubSpot, 2016)

But how are your videos going?

If you regularly post videos but don’t see any increase in views and engagement, you may not be thinking enough about your video creation process.

Why is video quality crucial?

You’re probably tired of hearing that quality is important. But I can’t stress enough how important this is.

You have to increase the ranking of your YouTube videos so that people find your videos and have a chance to enjoy them.

While it’s true that the quality of a video doesn’t directly influence YouTube video ranking, it still carries a lot of weight.

If the video is bad, no amount of YouTube SEO can make it shine.

Let’s say your video ranks high in search results and people click on it. But the video quality is poor and users click again after a couple of seconds.

In addition to not having the opportunity to convert viewers into customers, this behavior seriously hurts your ranking.

How is that?

One of the main YouTube ranking factors is audience retention.

The longer users watch your videos, the more higher ranking. YouTube wants its users to stay on YouTube as long as possible, so if you keep your audience engaged and engaged, you’ll be rewarded for it.

As YouTube states in the Creator Academy: “Your goal is to keep audience retention as close to 100% as possible (because that means viewers watch all of your videos). And videos with audience retention and Consistently high watch times have the potential to appear more often in search and suggested locations on YouTube.”

I hope you are now convinced that you should put some effort into creating compelling content that will keep your audience interested. until the end of the video

How to create videos that keep the audience watching?

High quality audio and visuals – How you deliver your content in terms of audio and video quality plays a huge role in retention. If the sound or picture is bad, people won’t stick around long enough to find out what they can learn from you.

Let viewers know what they will learn at first: About 20% of viewers will fly away after the first 10 seconds of the video if they’re not sure the video is showing them what they’re looking for. Be sure to point out what they will learn at the beginning.

Introduction – Like I said earlier, it’s easy to lose viewers in the first 10 seconds. You want to make sure your intro is engaging and captivates viewers’ attention so they stay present throughout the content.

don’t ramble – Especially if you’re just starting out, you’ll be tempted to create those long introductions with unnecessary information that tend to put people to sleep. Keep your introduction on point and go to the main content.

Write your videos – Don’t get in front of the camera and start talking. Plan your videos in advance and save them. This will ensure that you stay on point and cover the most important aspects of the topic without losing your ideas along the way.

Predict audience questions – One way to pique viewers’ curiosity is to address questions they might have, which you’ll answer later in the video. Let’s say you do a tutorial on how to be more productive and you mention the Pomodoro technique at some point. Saying something like “You’re probably wondering what the Pomodoro Technique is. I’ll get to that in a minute” will keep viewers interested in continuing to watch the video.

final thought

Give enough thought to video creation as it will not be enough to just have content. You can do as much YouTube SEO as you can for your videos. If the content is bad, your videos will not be ranked.

When you have high-quality content and perform video SEO optimization, you will almost certainly rank YouTube videos on the first page.

Digital Marketing

Boosting Website Ranking: A Simple Technique That Works

We all want to have good rankings in Google, it’s no secret. The better we rank, the more traffic we receive and the chances of our business making a profit also increase. This article explains a technique that can help your site rank better in Google.

The technique:

Google is a search engine that wants to give its users the best possible experience, they hold their search engine to the highest standards. They want everyone to have instant gratification when using their search engine.

One way to earn the respect of the big “G” is to register your domain names for more than 1 year. Yes, this has come up in many SEO communities and many have agreed that having a domain name, registered for more than 1 year, gives instant credibility with Google.

If you register your web address for 5-10 years, it tells Google that you are in business for a long time and will stay more than 1 year and will not go away. This builds trust with the super search engine and will give you an SEO boost.

By doing this, you won’t instantly rank at the top of Google results. All of these little factors add up to good rankings in the end. The next time you want to register a domain name, why not do it for 5 years and show Google how serious you are about providing quality business on their search engine? They will give you an on-page SEO boost and you will be ahead of your competition.

As I mentioned in my other articles, you still need to do proper off-page optimization for your sites to rank well in the big “G”. Registering your web address for more than a year only makes the chance of ranking better that much stronger.

Digital Marketing

Micro Niche Finder – Secret Formula for Competitor Strength Calculation

Micro Niche Finder (MNF) is an excellent keyword analysis software. For each niche market, you get a list of similar and related keywords. For each keyword, you get local and global search counts, Google search trends, exact phrase counts, ad cost, online business intent, backlinks measure, and SOC: search strength. the competition. This parameter is crucial to correctly estimate the effort required to be successful with this keyword.

For a profitable micro-niche, you need phrases with high search volume (lots of people searching for this word) and weak competition (small number of pages related to it). Search volume needs no further explanation. It is the number of monthly searches. More searches mean more potential visitors, more visitors means more chances to sell items or services. However, the number of pages related to your target keyword can be used to estimate the competition, but the number itself says little about the content on the competitor’s pages. Fortunately, Micro Niche Finder provides an additional feature to estimate strength of competition (SOC).

This SOC parameter is a simple number. If it’s below 50, it’s green, which means weak competition and little effort is needed to rank high for this keyword. Higher SOC values ​​mean more effort is needed to rank higher. If you click on this SOC number, you get three additional parameters: inanchor count, intitile count, and inurl count. These three parameters are directly related to the Google search operators, in fact, they are exactly the operators used in the search query. In this way you get the number of pages where your target keyword is present in the anchor text of a link, in the title of the page or in the URL. The question is how is the Strength of Competition parameter calculated?

Here’s the secret formula: the SOC parameter is the intersection of the pages with the three search operators. Simple as that. In other words, the parameter strength number displayed in MNF is the number of pages that have the target keyword in the page title, URL, and anchor text at the same time. The MNF searches up to 1,000 results. This is the actual query example for the keyword “long domain name”:


This is a part of the Google search query URL, you need to enter it in the browser’s address bar after

As you can see in the query parameters, the starting number is 900 and the num parameter is set to 100 to get the actual number of intersecting pages up to 1000. The best way to test this formula is to enter the query in your browser and try it with your keywords.