
Using government grants for debt relief

When looking to pay off credit card debt, one of the most overlooked options many people have is government grants. Many people don’t research these grants because they simply don’t know about them. Yet the government sets aside billions every year just for this purpose, to give away. If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from credit card debt, you definitely want to consider applying for a government grant.

Government grants are available, the key is to find them. If you are looking for debt relief, you need to understand that there are ways to get out of this debt and it is up to you to seek the help you need and deserve. We all run into trouble from time to time with our financial situation, however, if help is available, why not take advantage of it?

Why do these grants make more sense when it comes to credit card debt elimination? Simply put, these grants are much easier to obtain than traditional loans. Traditional loans may require some form of collateral or security deposit, grants do not because they are provided by the government.

The key to grants is to be creative. The government is keen to boost the economy by providing grants to small businesses. If you apply for and receive a multi-thousand dollar grant, you can eliminate your debt by using money earned in your business to pay it off.

To get the grant, people who accept your application will need to review your situation. In other words, they will be looking at a lot of things. First, they will look at whether you have the ability to pay the money you currently owe, then they will look at the debts you currently have, and finally your financial ability to pay what you owe and still maintain your current debt. If you can prove that you cannot repay this money, the grant is likely yours.

Government grants can do a lot for you. First, they can provide you with the money you need for debt relief without having to provide security or collateral. Second, these grants can save you from having to file for bankruptcy. Third, no repayment is required, it is a type of financial aid, it is not taxable and does not earn interest. Finally, it can instantly free you from debt, which cannot be said for other types of debt relief solutions.

In general, getting a government grant makes sense when you’re swimming in debt you can’t get out of.

Home Kitchen

Organize an open house

Homes for sale will receive more offers when an open house is organized correctly. The reason this works so well is that by clearing out homeowners’ personal belongings, potential buyers can see their stuff in homes for sale more easily. To host a successful open house and receive more offers for the house, there are steps you need to take.

Step one

Look at your house through a buyer’s eye and see what you don’t like about the house that can be fixed for a small amount of money and a short time. One thing that is easy to fix is ​​changing unattractive paint colors. It is best that you choose neutral colors or some shade of white. This makes it easier for a potential buyer to envision walls done in their favorite colors.

second step

Once you’ve fixed any paint issues, look for solutions that need to be fixed in outdated or outdated areas of your home. For example, in the kitchen you can update the cabinets just by changing the hardware. If they have been painted and the paint is peeling off, you should scrape off the paint and repaint or varnish them. Although it could be expensive and time consuming if the floor is tile or linoleum and it is stained or cracked, it should be replaced. No potential buyer wants to walk into a room and see stained and cracked floors. This goes for the bathroom too. In the bathroom, make sure that if there is tile around the tub or shower, you need to make sure it is clean, free of mold and mildew. You should also make sure that the carpet is clean and free of odors and stains.

Step three

Many homes for sale have minor repairs that will need to be fixed before hosting an open house. Take the time to check each room for repairs such as loose floorboards, a missing handrail on the stairs, cracks in the walls, electrical outlets that don’t work, or lights that are burned out.

Step four

Rent the storage unit and move unnecessary personal accessories and furniture into the unit. This can include small or large pieces of furniture that do not need to be in the home, personal collections, and family photos. You can make rooms look more spacious by keeping basic furniture. Make sure each room has a purpose, such as a family room, a bedroom, etc. You can add accent pieces, but not more than necessary. These pieces can include plants, artwork, and pottery. Make sure the grass is mowed.

Following these tips for a successful open house will earn you more offers on homes for sale.


How to perform a chemical peel

Always check with your doctor or dermatologist before beginning any skin care regimen.

First off, I’d like to say that I am of the opinion that “SOLUTIONS USING MORE THAN 10% FORCE SHOULD NOT BE PERFORMED AT HOME. In most states, estheticians are licensed to perform glycolic, lactic acid, and lactic acid peels.” and other alpha hydroxy up to 30% potency.” They can also use a Jessner peel at a 14% level and can apply up to 3 layers. Trichloroacetic (TCA) should only be performed by dermatologists or plastic surgeons. Use a licensed professional who is experienced in chemical peeling. Serious consequences can occur.

Clients who want a stronger than 10% professional chemical peel/peel should use an 8%-10% peel solution at home for two weeks before receiving a stronger chemical peel. They should also use a night cream with Retin-A (vitamin A) as an ingredient. Proper preparation will give the best results and please your client. Remember that “pre-planning prevents poor performance”.

I would also like to point out that my intention with this article is to provide information to licensed estheticians and other skin care professionals. This article is not intended for the general public. However, education is crucial for a better understanding. As a general rule, no one should use exfoliating agents on themselves, but rather inform them of a standard protocol that a licensed skin care professional would provide if this service were provided. (See my link for the TV show “LOS DOCTORS”).

Consult the Fitzpatrick Scale and determine if the client is an ideal candidate for a chemical peel. Allow the client to read and sign an informed consent form. This is very important. DO NOT PERFORM STRONG PEELS ON FITZPATRICK TYPES VI, V or VI. Also, know your contraindication before administering a peel. Do not perform any chemical peel on inflamed, irritated, or broken skin. The best advice I can give you is this: “WHEN IN DOUBT… DON’T DO IT.”

With that said, let’s get started.

1. Remove make-up: Usually the best option is a milky cleanser that is placed on a gauze or cotton pad and glided over the skin. Repeat until makeup is removed. Do not use petroleum jelly due to its occlusive properties.

2. Cleanse the skin: The esthetician should thoroughly cleanse the skin with warm water and a mild but effective skin cleanser. This cleanser should not be too strong, but it should be strong enough to remove dirt, debris, and sebum (oil). I recommend a gel or foaming cleanser for oily, combination, and problem skin because the surfactants help break down oil. For dry and sensitive skin, I recommend a milky lotion or cleanser. Rinse the skin with lukewarm water several times and pat the skin dry. DO NOT RUB SKIN.

3. Degrease the skin – This step involves degreasing the skin by applying 70% or 90% isopropyl alcohol or acetone to the skin with a gauze pad or cotton pad. Be careful when using 90% isopropyl alcohol and acetone as they are very drying. I usually use 90% or acetone on oily and combination skin. Removing oil from the skin allows the peel solution to absorb more evenly as the peel solution does not have to pass through the sebum. Let the solution evaporate completely before continuing to step 4.

4. Prepare the treatment area for the peel: This is a crucial step in performing chemical peels. There is nothing worse than not being prepared. Make sure you have a neutralizing product on hand or a bowl of cold water mixed with about 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda (baking soda). Any of these products will be a lifesaver if something goes wrong. They will neutralize the chemical peel solution, which will help prevent further skin damage. Prepare your eye pads using standard butterfly cotton pads or large eye pads soaked in cold water. Use a Q-tip to put a small amount of Vaseline as close to the bottom of the eye and on the upper lid as possible. This will prevent the peel solution from being absorbed. Place protective eye pads over client’s eyes. Give the customer a portable fan and turn it on. The fan will help relieve discomfort as the chemical peeling agent is applied to the skin. You are now ready to apply the chemical peel agent.

5. Peeling Agent Application: After ensuring the client’s eyes are protected, begin applying the peeling agent. Use a square of gauze or a large paring swab to apply the solution. You should usually start at the forehead and slide your finger across. Then go down the nose and along the cheeks, then to the chin area. Use a small cotton swab soaked in the peel solution to swipe under the eye area. NEVER APPLY PEELING AGENT TO THE UPPER EYE. If you are using glycolic acid; lactic acid; or an alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) solution, the amount of time it remains on the skin has a direct correlation to the strength of the solution applied to the skin. In other words, a 10% solution can be left in longer than a 30%, 50%, or 70% solution. The stronger the solution, the less time it spends on the skin. Also, if this is the client’s first time receiving a peel, then you may not want to leave the peel solution on for as long. In general, most AHA, glycolic, and lactic acid exfoliating solutions can be left on for up to 10 minutes. Lactic acid is the best option for dry and sensitive skin, as it tends not to dry out. Watch for increased redness and irritation. Then remove by rinsing with cold water. Rinse skin at least 3-6 times. Then use the water and baking soda mixture to stop the chemical reaction. Dry the skin. DO NOT RUB SKIN.

If the peel solution is a beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) such as salicylic acid, time is not the only factor in determining when to end the peel. You MUST look for the “frosting”. Glazing is the process of breaking down keratin in the skin. Typically, the skin will turn white like icing on a cake. One coat may be enough, at some point 2 or 3 will be needed. If more than one coat is needed, wait 45 seconds to 1 minute before applying additional coats. Note that you are not looking at precipitation of salicylates. It looks like frosting, but it’s just the salicylic acid reacting with air. The frosting will look more pinkish white. Once the frost sets in, allow it to remain on the skin for about 1-3 minutes, then rinse with cool water. DO NOT RUB SKIN. DRY. BHA peels cannot be neutralized. A cold towel applied to the skin is usually enough to relieve discomfort.

If the peeling agent is a Jessner’s solution, it must be a 14% solution. Jessner’s peel consists of 14% salicylic acid, 14% lactic acid in a resorcinol solvent. This peel is strong and provides great results when used correctly. Similar to a salicylic peel, the Jessner peel is ideal for clients who want to improve skin tone, acne, and fine lines and wrinkles. Glazing also occurs with this shell. The use of a fan is required with this peel. Wait about a minute between coats. Esthetician can usually apply up to 3 layers, while doctors can apply more and can use higher force. Once again, this peel is ideal for clients who have oily or combination skin. Once the glaze appears, do not apply any more solution. Allow it to stay on the skin for about 3 minutes, and then apply a cold towel to the skin.

If the chemical peel is a trichloroacetic acid (TCA), a doctor must administer the peel. Beauticians should not perform this peel. If you want information about this peeling, go to your dermatologist or your doctor. I am sorry.

Now that the peeling has been done, what’s next? Well, in my opinion it is crucial to apply a hyaluronic serum on the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a hydrophilic (water-loving) ingredient that does not dry out. It is essential for all skin types. In fact, hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the deepest tissues of the skin. Originally discovered in the comb of a rooster, it is now produced synthetically for cosmetics. It’s silky, smooth and helps plump the skin. Make sure you have a product on hand that contains it.

After you have applied the hyaluronic acid serum, apply sunscreen to the client’s skin and send them home. Your client should take home products to aid in the healing process. Hyaluronic serum, a skin lightener (alpha arbutin), Retin-A, moisturizer, and most importantly, an anti-aging sunscreen with SPF 30+. Follow-up with the client during the next 3 days by phone. Approximately 10 days after the peel, the client should return to the salon for a follow-up visit and facial. This is when you, the esthetician, can assess the peel. During the healing process, you want to reassure the client that what is happening to their skin is expected. Give them a take home form that reminds the client that what they are experiencing is normal. Encourage your client to keep their skin clean and moisturized. Make sure they use enough moisturizer and sunscreen. Advise them to avoid prolonged sun exposure for the next month. Manual brushes should not be used to wear down or speed up the peeling process. The slower the peeling process, the healthier.

Remember that peels can produce different results for any individual. It is your responsibility to obtain an informed consent form from your client. By carefully evaluating your clients and using the right tools (ie Fitzpatrick’s scale), you should be able to provide excellent anti-aging skin care to your clients.

Digital Marketing

Secret Social Media Hacks You Want To Try Now – It’s Easy If You Do It Smart

There are always new and exciting updates on social networking sites. And here you will know the secret social media tricks that you want to try now.

There are a number of secret social media hacks but here we will discuss some of them for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn.


Share Instagram images elsewhere after uploading.
• Share the image on Twitter or Facebook once you upload it to Instagram.
• As we know, you can instantly share the image once you upload it to Instagram, but you can also go back to any of your images and share an image from Instagram.
• First, decide which Instagram photo from your gallery you want to share. Go to the bottom right corner and click the ellipsis button and select “Share”.
• The images and caption appear where you can edit what you originally posted on Instagram, so you can make any edits to what’s written before you share it. Then select which social media site you want it to be posted on and then share it. Yes, it’s done!

Take better photos without posting them
Set your phone to Airplane mode and start taking snapshots. It will be saved to your phone, but will not be instantly posted to Instagram. It helps you choose the best image to post on Instagram.
Best time to post on Instagram
• Have you ever thought about the best time to share those fake Instagram images?
• Well, Iconosquare analyzes your posting and interaction history on Instagram and tells you the best time to post photos on Instagram.
• In addition, you can also see your most engaged followers, your most liked, your new follower and much more.

• Simply customize what you share on Facebook and with whom.
• Don’t you want your father to see that picture? Or a post that your boss might see? It’s pretty easy with this simple trick:
• Click the tab to the left of your post and choose “More Options” and Facebook will open another page for you. Just enter the name of the people you don’t want to share your post or images with.

Download your Facebook photos
Pick & Zip app will let you download all your photos and also collect photos you are tagged in. You can also download images from Instagram.

Hide from your annoying friends?
You must have that friend who always started chatting once he caught you online. Yes, there is a trick to them. Sign out for a specific list of people you don’t want to chat with often.

How to Pin Something to Facebook
• Simply click on the Facebook image you want to pin.
• Right-click the image (or control-click on a Mac) and choose “Open image in new tab” from the drop-down menu.
• You will then be able to pin that image from that particular page.

Highlight the text before clicking “Pin It”
When you highlight any text on a page that you want to pin and click “Pin”, the text you highlighted is automatically added to the description box.

Download your Tweet history
• Did you know that you can download the tweet history?
• Twitter allows you to request your file.
• Twitter gives you the ability to request your file. You need to go to Twitter Account Settings for your profile; you will get a little option at the bottom of your page, just click on that.

LinkedIn gives you the option to view another person’s profile without them knowing you’ve viewed their profile.

You just need to follow these steps:
• Just go to “Privacy & Settings” on your profile when you hover over your LinkedIn profile picture in the top right of the page.
• Go to the “Privacy Controls” tab and click the “Select what others see when they’ve viewed your profile” option
• And select the fully anonymous option, you lose some history, but it’s up to you and why you want to browse LinkedIn anonymously.

These secret social media hacks will definitely help you do better.


Feeling anxious about tackling potty training?

Today it would seem from the number of books available that mothers dread the idea of ​​potty training. You may have heard stories from your friends, of house-wide disasters, shabby new carpets, and embarrassing moments at friends’ houses or in public places.

Yes, some accidents are unavoidable in the first few days, but with a little advance planning and common sense, most can be avoided. Be prepared is the motto here. Always carry spare pants, clothes and wipes when you go out, or in the first few days you could wear pull-ups, and reduce the hassle of occasional mishaps when going out or when baby is napping.

. For the times when the worst happens and there is a small accident, do not scold or criticize, have a good mood and take it easy. In hindsight, these accidents can seem like quite amusing.

The tales I have heard are of an expensive and beautiful cream carpet all over the floor repeatedly baptized. Well during the first days of training when it starts in earnest the plastic sheets could have covered the carpet or the closed doors of certain rooms it’s like letting a puppy access everyone’s shoes and then being surprised when they chew on it . Don’t laugh right then, in front of your child, you probably don’t want to either, but it would create mixed messages.

If the worst happens, carpet cleaners are cheap to hire and effective. I actually babysat one of my granddaughters during her early years and when she was first At birth she suffered from projectile vomiting after feedings. It wasn’t until we were advised to support her in a sitting position for half an hour after feeds that we were generally able to prevent this from happening. Yes, and we also had cream colored rugs!

3 reasons to delay potty training

  • Even though you’ve decided that your little one is big enough and ready to start potty training, there are times when your plan to start your program in earnest needs to be delayed.
  • If a child is constipated they delay their potty training or they may associate the potty with discomfort, or delay their action and make the constipation worse. If they are teething or unwell, they are unlikely to be cooperative. They may also have loose stools, which could make things difficult for them and could bother them with any mishaps.
  • If you’re too busy to spend time watching and playing with them, push it back to a more convenient date.

With a little planning, potty training isn’t that hard. Ideally, when baby is sitting comfortably, she’ll sit him on a small potty chair next to her lap after meal or bath time and share a book or toys for a few minutes to get him used to sitting on a potty. Sometimes she will get results and make potty training easier when he or she is older than the baby and familiar with the potty. Be patient with the little one of hers, it’s a new learning curve.

Health Fitness

reclaimed antique furniture

An eclectic mix of antiques, vintage items and even some newer items recreated from old woods make a house your “home” and vibrate with the energies of old days.

Rustic wood patina, interior and exterior antique doors and hand carved panels are hardwood constructions and have been salvaged from old houses or havelis. Beautiful Zen carvings of chakras and animal folklore make the doors works of art and have much historical value. Many include original hardware, such as iron latches and ornate brass doorknobs and handles.

Antique antique furniture such as “damchiyas” and “manjoosh” are traditional Indian chests used to store textiles or grain, an unusual and eclectic mix of traditional and simpler furniture styles. Coffee tables made from reclaimed doors and dressers in aged woods with vastu carvings usher in positive vibes in your home.

Large hand carved king beds, restored fireplaces, antique doors and arches, zen buddha paneling, distressed wood dressers, ganesha armoires, and antique kamasutra headboards add an exotic touch to your home.

A luxurious selection of interior and exterior architectural reclaimed doors, Indian arches and architectural paneling, rich in history and highly sought after. These ancient and antique doors are available in a variety of styles such as Jaipur doors, temple doors, Gujarati paneling, Haveli doors. and pillars of South India. Many Indian architectural interiors can be highlighted and accentuated by the beautifully arched, ornate and handcrafted lines of the doors.

Upcycled old furniture can instantly add charming character to almost anything. Eclectic hand carved panel doors, windows, Indian carvings, barn doors, rustic patinas, antique arches bring the aura of the old. The Indian-style design is rich in exotic jewel colors, spiritually rich, magically attractive, and brings a very relaxed atmosphere. Vastu hand carved wall panels can be used as art and add a warm ethnic touch to any room and enhance your home decor.

Buddha, Dancing Shiva and Ganesha, Parvarti, Krishna, Kali, Durga and Tara inspire to add a mystical touch to the home, yoga studio or office. Each headboard/panel tells a story rich in history and tradition. Ganesh dancing on a lotus in protective mudra, Blessing Buddha sitting on earth playing mudra, Ganesha on the boat, the musical Krishna playing the flute or the headboards and wall panels of the Indian kamasutra bring positive energy to your interiors.

The colorful rustic patinas add dimension to the carvings and bring them to life with warmth and individuality. The art of decorating in the Indian style is governed by Vaastu, the Vedas of interiors. Wonderfully elegant and stylishly happy, radiating positivity, Vaastu blends interior decoration with the ancient traditions of the Hindu Vedas. Add a touch of mystical divinity to your interiors with furniture and art from India.

Legal Law

What to consider before hiring a divorce attorney

Filing for divorce can be quite stressful for both of you, especially if you have been in a relationship for a long time. The memories of those beautiful times you two had before things went sour come back and it becomes really hard to stay together. Naturally, most people just want to speed up the divorce process so they can ease some of the emotional pain that keeps coming up with each passing day.

As such, the choice of a divorce attorney, in most cases, is made without much thought. People tend to hire any lawyer who promises a quick course of action and charges a reasonable price. But decisions, when rushed, can lead to disaster. A wrong choice of divorce attorney can end up with more pain, not to mention wasted time and money. Therefore, you must be careful to try to keep a clear head when deciding on your divorce lawyer and avoid the horrors.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Divorce Lawyer

Knowledge- Anyone who practices law is a lawyer, but that does not qualify them to be a divorce lawyer. So when looking for a divorce attorney, you should specifically look for an attorney who specializes in and practices family law, more specifically divorce law. This would ensure that the attorney has extensive knowledge in the domain of divorce law and can handle your case quite efficiently.

Experience – Knowledge of divorce laws is not enough. A good divorce attorney would be one who is not only knowledgeable in the domain but also experienced. An experienced attorney will be able to successfully handle even the most complicated divorce cases and help you obtain the proper trial and other benefits such as alimony, child jurisdiction, etc. He will be your friend and guide throughout the procedure.

Reliability – Another important factor to consider before hiring your attorney is how trustworthy they really are. An attorney may also be knowledgeable and experienced, but may not always be the right choice for you. It has often been seen that popular divorce attorneys who are in high demand often tend to neglect very simple cases where they have very little profit and hand such cases over to a junior or assistant or postpone the case until he/she is ready. ‘free’. This can be a big headache for you. Therefore, it would be wise to choose someone who is genuinely interested in fighting your case right away.

Communication – Your divorce attorney is not just another attorney in the courtroom. He/she should be the guide for her and help her understand every step of the divorce procedure very clearly. The attorney should be able to communicate with you in plain and simple terms and make you understand what you are up against, what you need to do, how you should handle your personal affairs until the divorce is granted, and much more. Naturally, a lawyer who is haughty or uncommunicative will not do you any good. You will never have peace of mind unless you clearly understand that your case is moving in the right direction.

Testimonials: The number of scams and tricks in the legal world is huge and to make sure you don’t get scammed or ripped off, it would also be wise to check personal testimonials from real people who have opted for the services of a particular lawyer at some point in the time. If their testimonials speak highly of the divorce attorney you have focused on, then you can easily proceed with your decision.

Lifestyle Fashion

What is acupressure massage?

Acupressure is a technique that originated in China. It is sometimes confused with acupuncture. Acupuncture uses needles to stimulate acupuncture points. While acupressure uses movement and pressure to stimulate pressure points. Acupressure is a combination of applying pressure to specific points and movements to help relieve discomfort and pain.

Acupressure is typically performed using the hands, thumbs, elbows, or mechanized equipment. These instruments are used to target acupuncture points on the body. It is not that when this pressure is applied to the acupuncture points, it will unleash the body’s natural pain relievers.

The body has natural pain relievers called endorphins. Certain situations or stimulation can release these endorphins in the body. They help eliminate pain so the body can continue to function effectively. Athletes often play injured because the endorphins end the pain at moments of greatest intensity.

Acupressure is seen to relieve discomfort when pressure is applied to specific areas. Discomfort is believed to be relieved due to increased blood circulation to the muscle. This also helps relax your muscles and joints, helping them stay flexible.

This technique is also known to balance the body. Many times we retain rigidity in the body in the face of stress. Stress causes tension that leads to muscle fatigue and stiffness. Acupressure helps relieve the immediate area and helps induce relaxation throughout the body.

Acupressure is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine. According to these principles, the current of energy travels within the body along invisible paths. These paths are known as the shining and are believed to be 14 paths. These pathways interconnect our organs with other parts of the body.

It is believed that the body becomes unbalanced, causing blockages and energy. Blocking these greedy pathways is believed to be what causes the ailments. Acupressure seeks to unblock the flow of energy in the body.

Generally, acupressure is used directly on or around an area of ​​discomfort or pain. The massage deeply explores the muscle tissue. By working through muscle tissue, it helps restore elasticity. The muscles tend to get very stiff and hard.

Acupressure massage focuses on the stiff areas of the body. Helps penetrate stiff muscles and joints. This helps restore flexibility in the muscle. The muscles have a stiffness that needs to be overcome. Sometimes the initial penetration into the muscle can cause discomfort.

Keep in mind that when your muscles are stiff, it will take some work to restore their flexibility. There is an initial threshold to be crossed where discomfort and pain stem from overcoming stiffness. However, once you regain some flexibility, then the pain. And the muscle and joint will feel good again.

Acupressure is in no way a substitute for medical care. Although overcoming initial muscle stiffness can cause discomfort, acupressure massage should never cause pain. Always seek your doctor’s advice before seeking any type of alternative treatment.

You can get an acupressure massage from a therapist or a massage chair. A therapist uses specialized techniques and requires about an hour for the treatment. A massage chair also uses specialized techniques, but can perform a full body massage in 15 to 20 minutes.

Acupressure is a treatment used to help balance the body, relieve pain symptoms, and promote overall good health. A reduction in stress on the body helps you focus on being healthy and more immune to illness and disease. When you are under stress, your body can be attacked much more easily. Rebalance your body and restore harmony with an acupressure massage treatment.


How to get your dog to stop chewing

Chewing is an annoying but natural part of a puppy’s development. It is very similar to teething in babies and the stages of chewing are necessary to help with teething problems. Expecting a puppy not to bite is unreasonable, but it can be taught to chew on the right thing, instead of on your shoes and furniture. Adult dogs that chew often are bored or suffering from separation anxiety disorder. In general, adult chewing dogs can be taught to control their behavior or chew appropriately with relative ease. Some will require the professional assistance of a dog trainer or behavior specialist.

growth stages

Puppies chew when they are teething. This usually occurs sometime before the six-month stage, depending on the specific breed of dog. Some of the larger breeds may continue to chew past the six month stage and some breeds are only known for chewing behaviors. Regardless of the breed, up to six months will be problematic for most puppies. There are several steps owners can take to minimize the damage that can occur from chewing behaviors:

· Puppy-proof your home. This means removing all hanging cords, electrical cords, curtain pulls, and other hanging objects. Hanging plants that touch the ground can also be tempting to chew on and can also be poisonous.

· Keep chewable items in drawers or out of reach of puppies. For example, toys, shoes, remote controls, books, backpacks and briefcases, phones, and even laptops should be stored or kept on tables or desks out of reach of puppies.

· Provide a wide variety of chew toys while you are gone. This means different shapes and sizes. Thick pieces of cotton rope with knots at the ends are ideal for chewing. Heavy rubber balls or Nylabone chew toys are safe and virtually indestructible.

Freezing dog teething rings and leaving them in the crate or dog area of ​​the house provides gum relief as well as entertainment.

If you notice that the puppy chews something that is not correct, do not punish him. Just say “No” and substitute what he wants you to chew. Praise them when they are chewing on the right things. Be sure to say something like “Good boy/girl for chewing on your ball (rope, toy, stick).” This helps the puppy learn the word for what he is chewing on. Later you can say “Get the ball/stick/rope” and the puppy will know what you mean.

toys to avoid

Some toys, even those sold in pet stores, should never be used with a puppy. Toys that are flimsy or have lots of chewable parts are choking hazards. Toys that have long strings or cords that could wrap around a puppy’s neck are potentially deadly toys.

Stuffed animals are appropriate for some puppies and older dogs, but for younger puppies who chew constantly, the stuffed toy will quickly shred. This leaves pieces of fabric and padding that can be swallowed and cause gastrointestinal blockages and possible choking problems.

Natural bones, even raw bones, are generally not recommended for puppies. They are usually too hard for puppy teeth and lead to chipping and breaking of existing teeth. Also, puppies are more likely to try to swallow the splinters and this can lead to bone splinters getting lodged in their gums or throat. If you want to allow your pup to chew bones, make sure they are raw beef bones from a joint. Never allow your dog to eat pork bones and never allow raw or cooked poultry bones of any kind. Supervise the puppy while it chews on the bone and remove it at any sign of chipping or when the bone becomes small enough that the puppy tries to swallow it.

The chewing phase in puppies, like the teething phase in children, will pass. Taking a few precautions with your household items, providing plenty of alternative chew toys, and teaching your pup what to chew on stage will go over just fine now or in the future.

Shopping Product Reviews

7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Summary of Chapter 3

Chapter 3 is the last piece of the puzzle on your way to achieving your own personal victory. The first habit shows us that we are in charge of our own destiny. It allows you to change your program that may have been implemented since childhood. The second habit begins the process of identifying what it is you want to be through your powers of visualization. This is the mental creation of the end you desire. Habits one and two are the prerequisite for chapter three, which will turn your mental creation into a physical force. It is the daily action you will need to take. With the foundation in place, you will be able to practice effective self-management through your principle-centered lifestyle.

The successful person has a tendency to do what other people would not do. Not that they necessarily like him, but his willpower will overcome doubts. The chapter gives you the opportunity to critically examine where you spend your time. There are 4 quadrants to choose from and your answers may surprise you. Is your day consumed with urgent matters? Is everything you do classified as important? Are you one of the many who are inundated on a daily basis by what is called “crisis management”?

You’ll gain an excellent understanding of what effective people do to manage their time. Habit 1 suggests that you are the programmer, Habit 2 sheds light on how to write the program, and Habit 3 is about running the program, or indeed “living the program.” Living the program is not something we do from time to time. If it’s in line with our principle-centered path, our program becomes the way we live our lives day in and day out. How we spend our time is absolutely paramount to our levels of success. The chapter approaches the beginning of “public wins” with a closer look at the P/PC balance and a concept that was completely new to me called “The Emotional Bank Account.”

The emotional bank account is a metaphor for something that describes the amount of trust that has been built up in a given relationship. Courtesy, kindness, and honesty are examples of deposits to a bank account, and rudeness, courtesy, and disrespect are withdrawals that can deplete your account. Without a positive emotional bank account that has established a trend of continued deposits, withdrawals will tend to have a compounding and negative effect.

This concept can be adapted to every relationship you have, be it personal or business, the power of a positive account will always increase your level of trustworthiness and integrity. Learn, understand and implement the content of these pages and you will not only change your life, but you will be truly ready for the public victories that are to come.