Lifestyle Fashion

Living Trusts – Do They Reduce Estate Taxes?

When worded correctly, they do! While living trusts have nothing to do with real estate tax bills, they can be well designed to reduce these real estate taxes or avoid them altogether. A couple can transfer ownership of their property to a trust and then act as trustees of this document. Both husband and wife can serve as co-trustees of the property, so that when one spouse dies, the other can still manage the living trust and; therefore, avoid costly estate tax bills.

Why is this so? Why won’t the other spouse pay taxes on the property your spouse has left you? The reason is that the couple’s property remains owned by the trust and not by the surviving spouse. With the death of a spouse who is also a joint trustee, there is still another joint trustee who can administer the living trust. Therefore, the property in question will have reduced taxes or no taxes at all, since the ownership of the property passes to the marital life trust or the so-called AB trust. If the amount listed in the AB trust is less than the federal estate tax threshold, the surviving spouse does not need to pay estate tax at all.

Here is an example. Let’s say a couple owns a property that is valued at $1,500,000. If a living trust was not established and one spouse is deceased, the surviving spouse can pay taxes of $825,000, which is equal to 55% of the total value of the property. However, where a living trust exists, the surviving spouse will not be required to pay this amount. This is because only half of the value of the property is subject to estate taxes, since this is the only part that belongs to the other spouse who died. This half, which is $750,000, falls within the $1,000,000 estate tax exemption bracket; therefore, it will not be necessary to pay taxes.

The surviving spouse can continue to manage the property and name your beneficiaries in the event of your death. When the surviving spouse dies, their $750,000 will also not be taxable, as this falls below the current tax-exempt threshold. However, tax exemption brackets can change over time, so it’s best to stay well informed about current tax laws.

In addition to reduced estate taxes, living trusts are created primarily for privacy, avoiding probate and estate planning when one dies or becomes disabled. Unlike a last will and testament, which is public, a living trust is private and will not go to trial. Only you and the beneficiaries will know; thus protecting the privacy of the family. Most importantly, costly probate hearings can be avoided with fully funded living trusts.

A living trust offers so many benefits not only to its creator’s beneficiaries but also to the creator/trustee himself. You may be able to plan your estate well and assign people to care for you in case of disability. Living trusts are one aspect of estate planning that provides a secure future for your loved ones. They help avoid estate taxes, take the hassle and expense out of probate hearings, and most importantly, plan your estate according to how you want things done.

Lifestyle Fashion

Facts of independent importance

When drawing up an estate plan, a testator has several options available to him to more accurately create a will that reflects his wishes. Although many people may think that specificity is the goal of every estate plan, some testators may also try to be intentionally vague with some of their words. Known as facts of independent importance, certain terms in a will or trust can naturally change.

A fact of independent meaning works on the basis that some language can be intentionally undefined. An example of facts of independent importance is when a testator leaves assets for a largely unspecified group of beneficiaries. For example, if a wealthy benefactor creates a will that provides a special portion of an inheritance to the workers in his household, that property will pass to the workers at the time of the will’s execution. Anyone hired since the creation of the will may be allowed to receive this property, while anyone fired will have it discounted.

In other situations, a gift may change while the recipient remains the same. To understand the concept, this would mean that if a person owned a car at the time the will was written and bought another car in the meantime, the new car would be awarded to the beneficiary. However, specifically titled property cannot be used in cases of a fact of independent importance. Therefore, this specific example cannot legally occur, as a car is considered titled property.

Facts of independent importance are important tools for benefactors. The law surrounding wills and trusts, known as probate law, provides several opportunities for testators to develop a very specific will. Although they work mainly by lack of specificity, facts of independent importance are used extensively to meet the needs of the testator. For more information, contact an estate planning attorney.

Lifestyle Fashion

Bayberry Snuff is the Stuff – Keep some in your bag


An evergreen shrub or small tree with oblanceolate leaves followed by flowers and then spherical, waxy, greyish-white fruits.

Family: miricaceae; other members include Myrtle

Genus and Species: Myrica cerifera

Also Known As (also known as): Bayberry Bush, America Bayberry, Southern Bayberry as it blooms in Florida, American Vegetable Tallow Tree, American Vegetable Wax, Bayberry Wax Tree, Wax Myrtle, Candleberry, Candleberry Myrtle, Vegetable Tallow, Tallow Shrub.

Medicinal properties: Astringent, Tonic, Stimulant. The Leaves are an aromatic herb that stimulates circulation, increases perspiration and controls bacterial infections, the wax of the fruit is used to make candles and soap.

The root bark contains myricitrin, as well as tannins and triterpenoids (miricadiol, taraxerol, and taraxerone), while the wax contains palmitic, myristic, and lauric acid esters.

Parts used: root bark, leaves, flowers

Applications: Bayberry helps stop bleeding from the lungs, uterus, and colon and can be used as a poultice for external sores.

Oh Used internally for fevers, colds, flu, excessive mucus, colitis. For excessive or heavy menstruation, as well as vaginal discharge and uterine bleeding, soak a tampon in Bayberry tea and insert it at 20-minute intervals 3 times a day. Very important to contact a doctor.

Oh Very good for jaundice, cancer sores, itchy skin, ulcers, sores, dandruff and hair loss. Apply a fomentation to the affected areas and rinse the scalp with the tea after shampooing.

Oh Tea is excellent for a sore throat. It will thoroughly clean all putrid matter from the throat. Soak a teaspoon in half a liter of boiling water or for 30 minutes. Gargle the tea until your throat clears, or gargle 10 times and repeat later.

Oh It is a good idea when sick of any kind to drink Bayberry tea to clear excess mucus from the stomach. It will make you vomit, if it doesn’t, tickle the back of your throat. By doing this, it gets rid of bad mucus and restores mucous secretions to normal activity. Especially good for nicotine poisoning.

Oh Very good for spongy or bleeding gums. Just dab the powder form onto your gums and let it sit there for as long as you can stand it, then rinse with warm water like you would a mouthwash. You can also use the tea and swish it around your mouth, which is just as beneficial as well.

Oh For Colds make a Tea of:

Bayberry and Yarrow or Bayberry and Catnip or Bayberry and Sage or Bayberry and Mint.

OhBayberry has a high tannin content. When you drink it in the form of a tea, you may want to add a bit of milk to counteract the effect of the tannin.

Oh To use as snuff:

Put some of the powder on your middle finger of your right hand. Close your left nostril with your left hand and inhale the powder through your right nostril. Do the same with the left side. It is best to use the snuff through both nostrils.

Other Shepherds Purse Naturals Herbal Formulas:

o Destroyer of swine flu (H1N1)

o Rinse nasal passages

o Mucus-forming foods

o Herbal Chest Packs

o Immunity Builder

o Blood Purifier

Lifestyle Fashion

How to care for body piercings and side effect warnings

There are many different ways for people to express themselves. Of course, not everyone has the time and resources to create a giant marble statue or write a series of novels. For most people, self-expression can be something as simple as putting on a particular type of shirt or wearing an interesting hat. For some people, self-affirmation can go a little further than just accessorizing and can be a little more… permanent.

Part of the appeal of body art, such as tattoos and body piercings, is that they can declare a person’s sense of identity and point of view, even when displayed in the nude. However, between these two forms of body art, more people tend to get body piercings than tattoos; especially since piercings are usually easier to do than tattoos.

When it comes to the question of how to take care of body piercings, barring infection or any other kind of problem, it’s usually pretty easy. Body piercing side effects, on the other hand, can range from completely insignificant to excruciatingly painful. Of course, these depend on where the piercing will be located.

If you are willing to put up with the pain that can come with piercing and the healing process that follows, you can have piercings almost anywhere on your body. You can even pierce your genitals; if that’s the way you want to express yourself.

Not many people in Westernized societies are inclined to do this, but those who do often claim that the pierced areas enjoy increased sensitivity and that the sexual experience is enhanced.

Oh. OK.

It might be worth it for some people, but for many others, the incredible pain that, say, a Prince Albert or an Isabella might entail, there simply isn’t enough of a reward to outweigh the horror of having your sensitive parts stabilized with a needle. or a piercing gun. And that’s not even taking into account the recovery periods these piercings require.

On the subject of how to care for body piercings in these places, a Prince Albert, which is a man’s head piercing…man-bits, has a healing period of two to four weeks. The Isabella piercing, which goes through the shaft of a woman’s clitoris, lasts two to three months.

Of course, there are many other less sensitive places to get pierced.

The most common and socially acceptable places for people, particularly women, to get piercings are the lower earlobes. These spots are pretty easy to care for, and since earlobes are mostly fatty tissue with hardly any nerve endings, they barely hurt once the deed is done. Other common places to get a body piercing are the nose, lip, belly button, and eyebrows.

Regardless of where you want to drill that hole in your anatomy, once you do, you will need to be wary of any side effects of body piercing, such as swelling that might initially occur during the healing process.

When you get pierced, usually to make sure the hole created by the needle or gun stays put, a piece of jewelry is placed there to make sure the piercing stays put. This piece of jewelry is usually a stud or barbell, which you may need to replace from time to time, especially if the area around the piercing becomes too swollen.

Once your piercing begins to heal, a white or yellowish discharge could appear on your jewelry. If there isn’t too much pain or swelling, you don’t have to worry; this is a normal part of the healing process. However, if there is a lot of pain and the area swells up a lot, you may have a hand infection, and when this happens, it’s a good idea to get it checked out by a doctor.

To prevent infection and other problems, such as blood-borne diseases, from occurring, make sure you have your piercing done by a professional who uses sterile instruments and has good hygiene practices. You’ll also want to make sure your piercing heals properly by keeping it clean with soap and water (never alcohol or hydrogen peroxide; these can kill germs, but they dry out the skin and slow the healing process too) and take zinc and iron supplements, They will help your body heal more quickly.

Wherever you get your piercing; Whether it’s something as innocuous as pierced earlobes or something as radical as Isabella, you’ll always need to be careful not to suffer from side effects of body piercing such as infection, excessive swelling, or allergic reactions. You will have to learn how to care for body piercings.

Lifestyle Fashion

The irony that a cheating spouse is more likely to cheat because of your insecurities

I think it’s fair to say that almost anyone would understand that a wife who is dealing with an affair is probably also dealing with a bit of insecurity. Sure, she may hear her husband proclaiming her love for you and stating that she wants to save her marriage and make things right. But how do you know that you can trust what she says? How do you know that she is telling you the truth? After all, she was lying when she was cheating. So how can you be sure she’s not lying now?

And, as much as you want to believe his flattery and reassurance, how do you know he’s not just saying what he needs to say to make things better for everyone involved? How do you know that his claims that you are beautiful and still desirable are true or if he is just saying this so you don’t feel so bad about the affair?

Due to all these worries, it is very normal to feel insecure. You worry when it’s even a little late. You worry every time you hear his cell phone beep. You even guess every look or gesture you experience from him. Even when things are going well and things feel better, you wonder if what you are experiencing is just an extension of wishful thinking.

This dilemma is so normal that it’s more unusual for me to hear from people who say they don’t experience it than from those who do. Almost everyone struggles with this. And while it’s completely understandable, it can be hurtful in more ways than one.

The Many Ways Insecurity Is Incredibly Destructive: First of all, it’s exhausting for you. Trust me, no one likes to feel so insecure. And it hurts more than anything to the person experiencing it. But more than that, it can damage the very relationship that is the cause of insecurity. Because people get tired of constantly having to reassure you. And they can be completely sincere and loving at first, with a lot of patience. But as time goes by, it’s very exhausting for everyone involved.

A wife might say, “I admit it. I’m an insecure mess after my husband’s affair. The thing is, the other woman was young and beautiful. If I were a man, I’d be attracted to her, too. And she had issues.” to accept it when my husband tried to break it up. She continued to pursue him. It was as if he, and the relationship, really meant something to her. This hurts. And it hurts to know that when it comes to looks and desirability, they’re going “never I can compete with her. And I will always worry that she, or someone like her, will show up again. Therefore, I always show my husband. I always go after him on the road.” computer. I always check his phone. He was patient with this at first. But the other night, he sat me down and told me that I had to get over my insecurity because, frankly, being so “high maintenance “As he calls that, it makes him more prone to cheating in the long run. He says I have to stop this, which hurts. I kind of get it. But I feel like I’m entitled to my insecurity. And I can’t pretend I don’t.” I feel”.

Letting the insecurity go by yourself. For no one but you: I agree that insecurity is understandable. But I also know (from experience) that it destroys everything that is important to you. And that it is a heavy load to carry. I would like to suggest, as gently and lovingly as possible, that you try to strengthen yourself and reduce insecurity for yourself and not for him. Because it will only benefit you to gain confidence in yourself.

I promise this is beneficial in all sorts of ways. It frees you from so many worries and allows you to stop the exhausting process of always feeling insufficient. It is true that you do not have his youth. You are not her. But you have much more. You have the history and the commitment of marriage with your husband. You have life experience. And you are your wonderful and unique self.

I’ve learned that the key is to determine what makes you unique and then celebrate it without apology. No one else can be you. Each one is unique. You cannot and should not compete with anyone else because it is an impossible process. We are all unique and special in our own way, and ideally we are with someone who realizes that. If not, at least we have to find out for ourselves.

So yes, I strongly encourage you to let go of your insecurity and learn to appreciate how brilliant and special you are. But not for your husband, for you.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to survive infidelity

Have you ever been cheated on?

I got it, and boy does it hurt!

Here are some keys to survive.

Ask questions

You may need all the factual details of the case. how do they wear? When did you meet? How often did they meet? How long did the affair last? How many times did they meet? How much money did they spend? Etc. Getting answers to all your questions can change your perception of why your partner did what she did. It can shed some light on the hidden weakness in your marriage.

Control your anger earlier while you get information

It’s natural to want to cry, scream, and lash out, but emotions can prevent your partner from divulging all the necessary details of the affair. The full disclosure required to lead to the survival of infidelity may be compromised. It is important to try to maintain your composure to get to the bottom of the truth. The only way your partner will reveal everything is if you don’t attack every time you have the talk. Some couples who have had affairs are too afraid to tell the other person everything because they suspect that the downward spiral of emotions will lead to a big fight.

Talk about how infidelity has affected you

Talk about your feelings. Make sure you don’t leave anything out. Any doubts, feelings of abandonment and betrayal, sadness, anger, disappointment at surviving infidelity must be discussed. As he puts all his cards on the table, she allows her partner to build a wall between themselves and her ex-lover. He opens a window of opportunity for the two of you to work things out.

Don’t forget or forgive easily

Don’t let something so important slip away easily. Understand and acknowledge their hurt and anger. Take time to rebuild trust before genuinely forgiving your partner.

seek support

Reconnect with your friends and family and join a support group if necessary. You will feel less isolated and alone while surviving infidelity.

Spend time with your partner to heal

Go back in time and remember all the things you enjoyed doing as a couple. Reconnect as friends and then as romantic partners to heal together and move on from infidelity. It’s not going to happen overnight. You will need to give your partner some time and space to make it up to you and rebuild trust. However, when the opportunity arises, spending time together without discussing the matter will make the process much easier.

forgive when you’re ready

Don’t be pressured by your partner or anyone else to forgive and forget if you’re not really ready. Otherwise, you will never forget the affair and the painful memories attached to it. However, after taking time off and dealing with the pain, you should forgive your partner even if you decide to break up. Forgiveness allows us to move past our pain and helps us move forward without bitterness or negativity.

I have a wonderful book on how to survive infidelity.

Find it here.


Lifestyle Fashion

Do pets increase school spirit?

A school mascot can be anything from an animal or insect to a type of person, flower, or other entity. Mascots have been associated with athletic teams since interscholastic team competition began in the post-Civil War era at the end of the 19th century. The school mascot at its core is a symbol of school pride and a certain spirit. In many cases, the answer to the question of whether pets increase school spirit is self-evident. As Penn State’s Nittany Lion Sanctuary has illustrated, it’s part of school events and celebrations. There’s even a tradition that started in 1966 called Guard the Lion Shrine that takes place immediately after the Homecoming Pep Rally with guest speakers, food and drinks, and a DJ.

Part of the enjoyable experience of attending a school play is watching the performances of the mascots. A pet is serving its purpose when it awakens its audience. Mascots are a recognizable face or personality for a school that builds popularity with fans and increases team spirit at games and other community events. They add to the school’s history, tradition and pride. It’s not just about putting on a suit. The pets even have training grounds and manuals to help them play their role to the fullest.

The most memorable mascots embody a desire to support the school and are a visual representation of your affiliation with the school they are proud to call their own. In fact, many have been promoted by students like Penn State’s Joe Mason, who came up with the Nittany Lion symbol, or the students who selected Cy the Cardinal for Iowa State University, Sammy the Banana Slug lobbied by students from the University of California. Santa Cruz.

The tradition of mascots in the United States dates back at least to the Civil War, where many regiments kept live mascots. In the post-Civil War era, intercollegiate and intercollegiate competition began using mascots as intercollegiate athletic games and rivalries arose. Some schools do not have pets. An example is the University of Michigan which does not have a mascot that entertains at games. Its athletic department has maintained that there was no need for one and that one would not reflect the spirit and values ​​of athletics at the University. Refusing to sanction an even tough one over the years, mascots in a variety of wolverine costumes have been proposed. The word pet came into the English language from a French word used to describe anything that brings luck to a home.

Pets can be chosen without much deliberation or care. They can also be selected by popular election, as has happened more recently than over the years. No matter how they are selected, there is reasoning behind them. The selected mascots represent something that schools want to associate with the symbol which can become as much of a promotional tool as the more identifiable mascots have been.

When it comes to school mascots, animal names predominate. Some are more common than others. A perceived image or quality associated with the animal makes some animals a more likely choice as they participate in supporting athletic teams. Therefore, an eagle is a more common emblem than a slug. The most common pets are animals associated with ferocity such as eagles, tigers, lions, bulldogs, wildcats, and panthers. Along the same lines, the most common human symbols are warriors, brave men, chieftains, raiders, pirates. In addition to animal pets, warrior pets make up about half of human pets. A martial spirit is represented in most pet names. These mascots get viewers to associate that spirit with the determination and will to succeed of the teams.

Pets can have different uses. During games, they get the crowd excited and involved in the game. They bring smiles and laughter with their antics and are a mark of identification, a symbol of school pride and a fellow cheerleader. The most identifiable mascots are the ambassadors of the schools and their sports teams with which they have been associated. An example is Penn State’s Nittany Lion mascot, which makes more than 200 appearances each year, only half of which are at sporting events, although the inspiration for the symbol came from a game between Penn State and Princeton in 1904. Be a mascot can become a career where one can earn a six-figure income with a professional sports team, which is an illustration of their importance to the franchise they represent.

Pet selection has taken different paths. Many mascots have been selected because students, school officials, locals, or even reporters have given the university or college a nickname. At BYU in 1923, track coach Eugene L. Roberts chose the cougar as the official mascot of BYU track and field because it was a Utah native and embodied the traits of strength, agility, grace, speed, and beauty that he expected athletes to see. from BYU exemplify. Today, Cosmo the Cougar is the official BYU athletics mascot. Cosmo made his first appearance in front of BYU fans on October 15, 1953 when BYU President Dwayne Stevenson purchased the costume for $73 and persuaded his roommate to wear it. In 1924, a sportswriter used the description of the wildcats for a performance by the Northwestern University football team. That description became relatable with the team. The first Willie the Wildcat mascot came to life in 1947 in a costume designed by the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity for their homecoming float. Mascots are a symbol of school spirit to bounce back from defeats and victories. Some students find it difficult to identify with or join a mascot attached to teams that do not inspire school pride with winning performances. However, as the Northwestern University football team has revealed, luck can change for the better. From the lean period to the current period of enhanced performance, Willie the Wildcat has been there for students to identify with while supporting his team.

Lifestyle Fashion

Tips for Managing Wet Hair with Telogen Effluvium (TE)

Many of the emails I receive from people struggling with telogen effluvium ask questions about the best way to deal with wet hair loss. When we get out of the shower or finish washing and conditioning our hair, that is when we would style it or style it if it was healthy and not falling out. But, when you have ET, combing through wet hair can mean you lose tons of it.

But, if you don’t comb it, it can dry out in a very unflattering way. Which means it can be unmanageable, volatile, or lacking in decent style. I recently heard someone say “My hair is quite long and I’ve had telogen effluvium for about four months. After washing my hair very carefully, I’m not sure what to do. Because every time I comb my hair or brush it wet, I find it falls out a lot more. This makes me not want to handle or touch my hair. But if I just let it dry, I have unruly strands that go everywhere. How can I style my hair when it’s wet? If it falls out a lot more every once I touch it? When I wait for it to dry, it’s too unmanageable.” I will try to address these concerns in the following article.

I came up with a regimen that worked pretty well for me when I had CTE (chronic telogen effluvium) and I’ll share it with you now. When your hair is falling out, it’s very important that you don’t pull or handle it too much. As you probably already know, just touching your hair will make it more likely to fall out. And, from a psychological point of view, it is important to avoid this as much as possible.

In my case, I would gently dry my hair as best I could. I would avoid combing or brushing my hair until it is completely dry (and would only do so when necessary). I would add spray conditioner to make it easier to manage. (Take care this is a light conditioner so your hair doesn’t look greasy.) Then I would very gently run my hands along the length of my hair shaft to get it set up nicely. Then I would put that same hair in a towel and put it on top of my head to dry. The act of collecting the hair in the towel would add volume. And getting him together first would help prevent him from going wild and flying. I would let my hair towel dry as long as possible. On a good day, I might just let my hair dry completely before removing it. If that wasn’t possible, I would towel dry my hair and then remove it once it was dry.

Now, once I got my hair out of the towel, it wouldn’t look so bad and any hairs that would have fallen out would catch up in the towel, saving me the hassle of removing worn hair from my clothes. Of course, there would be some flyaway hair, so I would smooth it out with my hands, fingers, or if necessary, a wide-tooth comb. This type of comb is very important because it does not pull as much. When my hair fell out a lot, I had to avoid curling irons or rollers because they only made more hair fall out. But this towel method allowed me some volume and style. And if I wanted wavy hair, I would gently twist the hair I’ve gathered up (sort of like a ponytail) and gently twist it before putting it on the towel. This would create some loose waves.

The important thing is not to pull wet hair. This isn’t a good idea when your scalp and hair are healthy and not falling out, but it’s a horrible idea when it is or when you have ET. Watching your hair fall out is bad enough, but accidentally pulling more of it can be almost unbearable. That’s why it’s important to treat your hair very gently, but handle it in a way that it looks good once it’s dry, so it doesn’t take a lot of work to get a nice look or hairstyle.

Lifestyle Fashion

Ten Reasons Why I Love Communicating Telepathically With Animals

Of all the professions I’ve had throughout my life, Animal Communicator is the one I love the most and the one I’ve had the longest: 25 years this year.

Communicating telepathically with animals brings many rewards for me personally, for the animals, and also for my human clients.

These are some of my favorite things about telepathic communication with animals.

1_ Communicating with animals reminds me of having an open heart.

Having an open heart facilitates telepathic exchange. Also, the more open you are, the more you will live from your personal truth and your Divine Self.

Many animals, like most humans, do not always have an open heart due to the stress they may have encountered in their lives.

When I speak telepathically with animals, I can help restore their hearts to greater peace, love, and openness.

2_ Animals are incredible teachers.

Even when you don’t think your animals are teaching you, just by being with you, they are showing you other ways of being.

Some are demonstrating how to meditate or how to be at peace or how to trust.

Many dogs are excellent at showing us how to enter spaces with joy and enthusiasm.

Many cats are magnificent meditators.

Birds can teach us the joy of flying free, letting go of our limitations so we can truly fly.

Some horses tell me that when they run free, they get the same experience of flying.

3_ Animals generally love us unconditionally, and when I communicate with them, I can feel their love for their families.

Whether you are talking to a spirit animal, an animal preparing to leave its body, or a young man wreaking havoc in someone’s home, your love is very powerful.

Over the years, I have been telepathically washed in the face with big wet greetings with a dog’s tongue, telepathically tickled with feline whisker kisses, and telepathically head-butted by enthusiastic horses. Birds often telepathically perch on my head, arm, or finger.

No matter what kind of animal you are talking to, love can be very strong and each animal will express it beautifully in a unique way.

4_ Animals help us broaden our perspectives by offering their own, which can be very insightful and illuminating.

I will always remember the cat who told her human that her husband’s heart problem was not just physical, but it came from not letting himself fall in love.

The cat gave explicit instructions about purchasing a card with an angel on it, and the cat offered a well-phrased love message for the wife and child to write on the card. The message was so beautiful that it made me and the woman’s eyes cry.

5_ Animals are very forgiving.

I have had many clients call me guilt-ridden for what they did and/or did not do for their animal before the animal left their body.

When I ask the animal about it, they are constantly understanding, kind, gentle, forgiving, affectionate, and even affectionate towards your person. What a blessing that sometimes they love us more than we love ourselves.

6_ Animals are excellent at reflecting our problems so that we can grow and change.

One day he was furious with Melissa. While I was driving the car, I would rant about all the things she did that were infuriating to me.

Then I suddenly and initially realized that all of Melissa’s problems were exactly the same as mine, some from when I was a child or teenager, some that still needed to be resolved.

This insight helped me stop judging and have unconditional love for both Melissa and myself. What a great learning experience.

7_ Animals are fabulous healers, and offer their healing without reservation.

In 2003 he had just come home from surgery to repair a broken ankle. He was on his back, asleep, with his leg in a cast and propped up on two pillows.

I woke up to the phone ringing, and when I tried to sit up, I found that I couldn’t move.

My two cats at the time, Violet and Sakhara, who together weighed over 20 pounds, were lying on top of my cast. They were offering their healing energies and their purrs, which actually vibrate at a bone-healing rate.

8_ Animals often come to us over and over again, throughout multiple lives.

Starlight, my adorable Siamese, was my Arabian mare, Echo, in her last life. Now it’s a cat. This has created some fascinating mind-expanding experiences.

They have so much in common, I created a new word, “feliquine” [feline+equine] – a horse that comes back like a cat!

9_ Animals can have a great sense of humor.

While most of my clients rarely ask their animals to tell funny stories, I had a client who was curious as to what her dog would say.

The dog told of a Thanksgiving when the cat jumped on the table and attacked the turkey, which flew to the ground so the dogs and cats could feast.

The woman and her daughter laughed and giggled as they recalled this fun experience.

My cat Violet, now in spirit, used to give me a Jack Benny look while making a clever joke about something.

She always seemed insulted while I was laughing out loud at her comments.

Without telepathy, he would never have known that he enjoyed his wry sense of humor, which had nothing to do with physical behavior.

10_ Animals are an expression of the Divine, just like humans.

Ultimately we are all One Consciousness, and animals often show us the way to that incredible blessed Unity of Being which is our ultimate goal as we return to the higher dimensions of Unconditional Divine Love and pure Divine Light.

I speak telepathically with my animals all the time. It enriches every day of my life.

Communicating telepathically with animals has been and continues to be a great blessing, and I am privileged to be able to help others communicate with their animals as well.

Lifestyle Fashion

Adult children of alcoholics: when their mother is an ACOA

If you’re like me, and your mother is the grown daughter of an alcoholic, you may have grown up feeling more like a specimen in a petri dish than an innocent, happy-go-lucky kid looking for joy. If your mom is an ACOA who hasn’t done her recovery work, you may have grown up feeling like something was always wrong, but since there was no alcohol abuse to point to, you may have sadly learned to assume that heartbreak What you felt inside–that you couldn’t name–was ‘you’.

Adult children of alcoholics who have not done their recovery work are unaware of how severely their emotional selves have been impacted. Because their priorities in life have been ranked according to their needs to simply survive, many times ACOAs are inadvertently stuck and don’t even realize it.

Because alcoholism is such an insidious disease, it seeps into the cracks of the psyche like a mist. To make matters worse, because alcohol use is often so socially glorified, it’s hard to hold on to the idea that people who abuse alcohol are acting irresponsibly, not just toward others, but toward themselves as well. .

If your parents were emotionally neglected as children because your parents were alcoholics, they may not realize how “disconnected” they are from themselves. When a childhood is saturated with fear, survival is often the only thing on a child’s mind. Because a child’s basic instincts must be in hyperdrive, to simply survive, there is little time to emotionally mature and connect with the spiritual side of Being. And when these adult children of alcoholics have children of their own, they are blind, detached parents. from any notion that they are emotionally disconnected from the whole. As a result, ACOAs are often unable to form authentic parental bonds with their children, simply because they have no idea what they are NOT giving their child.

ACOAs, like the rest of us, are doing the best they can. But unfortunately, they are often blind to what it means to ‘feel’ loved on a psychological level, because they don’t have the experience of ‘feeling seen psychologically’ themselves, as a result of being raised by self-absorbed, drunken, unselfish people. . sensible, alcoholic. Because they themselves had alcohol to point to as the reason ‘why’ mom or dad weren’t there for them, later in life, many ACOAs make a conscious decision NOT to drink, assuming that by choosing not to drink, their adult lives will work out. What they don’t understand, however, is that alcohol is not the problem. A painful sense of self-alienation–it is.

If you are the adult child of an emotional manipulator, an alcoholic mother, a narcissist, a drug addict, a sexual abuser, a verbal abuser, and the like, you have been raised by an individual who is wrapped in the curse of self-alienation. Because they are so alienated within Being, they are unaware and unfortunately cannot ‘see’ you in an authentic way. They raised you like someone was trying to lift a sofa. You were supposed to sit there, be still, quiet and out of the way. You were supposed to magically one day grow up, be happy, and move on. Your adult child of an alcoholic father, of course, would have been utterly flabbergasted by any statement from you, implying that you didn’t do enough to instill in him a true sense of worth. His reaction to your claim might sound something like, “You ungrateful little brat. Can’t you see how much I tried to make you happy? I brought you into this house, fed you, and clothed you. There was always heat running down the walls, and I always said ‘good morning and how was your day’, what else did you want from me?

Any attempt on your part, the adult child of the adult child of an alcoholic, to try to make your parents “see” or “understand” the emptiness or disconnection you felt with them, would have been met harshly and with insurmountable burdens. of guilt You would have been made to feel like the lowest of the low for daring to insinuate that there was something your ACOA parents didn’t give you. In their minds, because all their basic needs were met, unlike theirs when they were children, they would not have been able to understand that there was something they might have missed. In their minds, they didn’t drink, their house was always clean, and there was always food in the fridge. Because you never had to worry about where you were going to sleep at night, in your parents’ minds, they don’t know what ‘disconnect’ you are trying to express.

In fairness to our adult children of alcoholic parents, if they didn’t choose to drink, they actually made better parenting choices than their own parents. Although we their children may have grown up feeling lost in the abyss that is the fog that lingers long after our alcoholic grandparents have died, it is not the fault of our ACOA parents that they were raised by parents who were so drunk and self-absorbed that they could not see them psychologically.

On the road to recovery, you will face many hidden secrets. If part of your soulful digging has you looking at the fact that your parents are adult children of alcoholics, congratulations, you’ve found another puzzle piece in you.

In the future, she will have to accept the lack she feels inside: that has been the torch of self-alienation that her ACOA parents have passed on to her. Healing requires that you embrace the lost and shattered facets of Self. Try not to spend too much time blaming your parents for lost time. Instead, look at it, acknowledge it, welcome your soul home, learn to forgive, and finally let it go.

Hire a therapist or life coach to walk you through your journey in life, so you can start making healthier life choices for your future.

Read as much as possible about what it means to be an adult child of an alcoholic, as well as what it means to be the grandchild of an alcoholic. Attend 12-step meetings and online social communities that are geared toward increasing self-awareness. Learn about codependency, enablement, denial, projection, and fantasy-type distraction thinking. Start meditating in the morning before you start your day, and do another one as you fall asleep. Begins to take baths, instead of showers. The aim is to learn to embrace the Self, instead of avoiding it any longer.

Congratulations and good luck to you on your transformation journey.

You are loved.
