
The truth about cheap smartphones

Smartphones have almost become all the rage these days, with every mobile phone manufacturing company coming out with a phone aimed at the business customer. In fact, several companies are making cheap smartphones even aimed at teenagers. No wonder even a first-time mobile phone buyer sports a smartphone these days.

New smartphones, regardless of whether they are BlackBerry, Apple iPhone, or Android phones, are often expensive compared to the regular cell phone. The bundled hardware is not only more expensive, but you’re also likely to pay a lot more for the rate plan. Many carriers offer unlimited plans with a smartphone, but are more likely to add a “data” premium of at least $10 each month, per connection, to the account.

If you intend to buy a smartphone without shelling out an arm or a leg, then there are two options for you. Nowadays, various carriers offer extreme deals on their phones like free Android phone or cheap mobile phone. These are mostly bundled deals. They know they can lock him up for at least a couple of years once he signs on the dotted lines. Discounts for upgrading a phone after the first year would be minimal, and the cost would rarely exceed a few hundred for buying a new cheap smartphone that includes the latest features. Even after two years, you’ll likely find you’re still paying a premium for hardware. Even on a cheap smartphone, it’s the hardware that’s still expensive. Several carriers even threaten to charge exorbitant fees for early termination of a contract. It’s widely touted that Sprint would charge upwards of $300 for the same thing.

If you have a carrier that uses a SIM card like AT&T, you can opt for an unlocked smartphone and use it on your plan, no problem. You just have to insert the SIM into the new phone. However, an unlocked smartphone can also be expensive. You’re unlikely to get a deal on phones that come with the latest technology, but older phones might be cheaper. The demand is high in the market for the best smartphones. Sellers are aware of this. Your benefit lies in switching to newer technology, regardless of your carrier’s plans. That would surely lead to some unlock value.

The latest technology is the moot point here. Every month if not every day a newer phone is introduced in the market with amazing features like new capacity, new cameras, slimmer body, faster performance etc. Manufacturers, especially on the Android platform, are constantly updating features and releasing new and improved hardware. Owning the same phone for over a year, a couple at most, is a complete bummer. Buyers are therefore constantly looking for cheap smartphones as they do not want to invest in an expensive phone that will be out of date within two years. Cheap smartphones could be the order of the day as manufacturers try to outdo each other in an increasingly competitive market.


Live Event Video Production Seattle

Live Event Video Production

Creating engaging videos for your business can help you reach new audiences and boost brand awareness. Fortunately, there are many creative and talented companies offering live event video production seattle that can assist you with this project. Choosing the right company can be tricky, but it is essential to find one with experience and expertise in the area you are focusing on.

A professional event video production company can provide the equipment, set up and strike of your event as well as editing to showcase the best footage. They can also create animation, design and other graphics to enhance your event. These services are available at various price ranges and can be customized to your specific needs. When choosing a production company, be sure to read reviews and speak with former clients. Look for a portfolio of past events and ask whether they were satisfied with the results.

The team at Best Made Videos is an award-winning Seattle Seattle Video Production Company that specializes in wedding videography and event cinematography. Their team has seven years of experience in the industry, and they take pride in capturing special moments and ambiance for their clients. They also have an impressive 24-hour turnaround time for video edits. Their services are not limited to Seattle, as they travel around the world to capture events and document special occasions for their clients.

Live Event Video Production Seattle

When choosing a Seattle video production company, be sure to review the portfolios of previous work. Make sure to note the type of technology equipment used in each event, and be sure to ask about the experience and expertise of the production staff. Also, be sure to find out if the company offers any additional services, such as audio or lighting equipment rentals.

eXp Realty is looking for an experienced audio, video and lighting technician to help with the production of virtual events and classes. The candidate will be responsible for planning and executing virtual trainings, classes and events that promote agent growth. Among other duties, the candidate will record and edit video content for a variety of digital platforms across eXp Realty’s network. They will also monitor sound and video feeds to ensure quality, and they will maintain inventory of AV equipment.

Interested parties should submit their proposals by January 11, 2020. The proposal evaluation process will be conducted on a rolling basis, and selected projects may receive sponsorship support from Seattle Center, which could include free or reduced space usage, some technical equipment, inclusion in existing Seattle Center marketing platforms and a select amount of in-kind Seattle Center staff time to assist with recording needs and navigating Seattle Center’s capabilities.


Alternate realities and parallel universes: are you living them?

One of the popular topics in amateur science in recent years has been the concept of Alternate Realities. People got scared when scientists proposed the theory of multiple dimensions. That pales in comparison to the concept of an unlimited number of Alternate Realities or Parallel Universes. They can give you complicated calculations to prove their concept, but I prefer to think of it this way… only to find it there a short time later? Did your friends, family, or co-workers swear that they saw you and even talked to you somewhere you weren’t around at the time? These are examples of how some posit that Alternate Realities intersect and impact our lives.

In ancient times, people said that if you were not a forgetful person and found things missing in the house, you might be sharing your abode with mischievous fairies. If people saw you somewhere you weren’t around, they might say you have a doppelgänger. Scientists despise using the paranormal or supernatural to explain anything, so it makes sense that they would offer the idea of ​​Alternate Realities as a more scientific and realistic explanation. His concept says that we can exist in many Realities at the same time. They assure that sometimes realities intersect and intermingle.

The interesting thing about his hypothesis is that you could be different in each reality, or exist in our reality and not in others. They point to cases such as that of a person who landed on a commercial flight from Europe in the 1950s. He had a passport, driver’s license and other documents from a country that does not exist in our reality. YouTube is full of videos of cars or people coming out of nowhere. With the number of cameras everywhere these days, it’s no surprise that any strange or unusual event can be captured on video. Ultimate conspiracy lovers say that we all live in a Matrix type situation and call such incidents failures in the Matrix. I think I like the Alternate Realities explanation better.

The Twilight Zone TV show featured an episode about a World War I pilot who landed at a modern airport. It was based on a true event when a British airman saw an airfield as it would later look like. There was also an episode related to a commercial flight that landed without passengers or crew on board. An investigator arrived to investigate it. The aircraft and the researcher disappeared, leaving only one person who remembered the event. Over the years there have been stories of “ghost planes” landing with no one on board and others landing years after taking off.

Supporters of the Alternate Reality theory are meddling with our point of the “Mandela Effect”. It is named after the former prisoner and most recently the President of South Africa. Some people are sure they remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s. Others aren’t sure. Then there are the movies. People use iconic phrases like “I’m walking here” that were once “I’m crossing here.” I have had my own experience with this. I distinctly remember an elderly couple who lived a few houses away and across our street. No one else remembers them, not even my immediate family. I suppose I could explain some UFO sightings, ghost activity, and other seemingly paranormal occurrences by using Alternate Reality theory to explain them. I’m not convinced of that right now.

Now astronomers have chimed in with what they say is proof that we’re living in a Multiverse instead of just a Universe. The Multiverse theory considers that an infinite number of Universes exist side by side in parallel. That includes bears. They believe that these can be as different as they are the same. OK, now I have a headache! Astronomers say the discovery of a massive supervacuum cold spot supports the theory of parallel universes, which is supported by several scientific heavyweights including the late Dr. Stephen Hawking. They saw that the cold spot should not exist as it does because it does not fit any of the existing models that help explain our reality. My headache got worse. In the end, I guess we have to wait until we’re walking down a street one day and meet ourselves.


Suplimente alimentare din plante

Suplimente alimentare

O industrie de miliarde de dolari, suplimentele alimentare din plante sunt folosite pentru a încerca să rămână sănătoși sau să trateze bolile. Ele vin în multe forme, de la pliculețe de ceai la pastile la pastile și lichide. Cu toate acestea, produsele din plante nu sunt reglementate în același mod ca și medicamentele. De asemenea, pot interacționa cu alte suplimente sau medicamente. Dacă vă gândiți să luați ierburi, discutați cu medicul dumneavoastră înainte de a începe orice supliment nou.

Plantele medicinale sunt substanțe care se găsesc în plante, inclusiv rădăcinile, frunzele, florile sau semințele acestora. Ierburile din suplimentele pe bază de plante sunt adesea amestecate împreună și vândute ca o plantă întreagă sau pot fi extrase sub formă de pulbere sau altă formă. Suplimentele din plante pot fi o modalitate sigură și naturală de a vă ajuta să vă mențineți corpul în stare bună de funcționare sau pot avea efecte secundare. Unii oameni pot fi alergici la anumite plante medicinale. Trebuie să spuneți medicului dumneavoastră dacă sunteți alergic la orice plantă sau dacă luați orice alt medicament.

suplimente alimentare pe baza de plante

FDA tratează suplimentele pe bază de plante ca alimente, mai degrabă decât ca medicamente. Aceasta înseamnă că nu sunt supuse acelorași standarde și reglementări de testare și de fabricație ca și medicamentele. Din acest motiv, FDA nu poate cere dovada că orice afirmații făcute despre un produs sunt adevărate. Cu toate acestea, dacă aveți o problemă cu un produs pe bază de plante, o puteți raporta FDA.

S-a demonstrat că unele ierburi au beneficii în cercetarea științifică, iar unele sunt bine cunoscute pentru utilizarea lor tradițională. Altele nu sunt la fel de cercetate sau recunoscute pe scară largă, dar au totuși o anumită valoare terapeutică.

Suplimente alimentare din plante

De exemplu, se crede că antioxidantul beta caroten protejează împotriva bolilor de inimă și cancerului și poate, de asemenea, să scadă colesterolul. Un alt remediu pe bază de plante obișnuit este aloe vera, care poate fi aplicat extern pentru a calma arsurile și pielea iritată. Un altul este arnica, care poate reduce durerea de la vânătăi și dureri și entorse. Dar, atenție, pentru că poate scădea și nivelul de potasiu și nu ar trebui să fie luat de nimeni care ia digoxină sau diuretice.

Pe lângă faptul că ajută la afecțiunile comune, se crede că unele ierburi vă întăresc sistemul imunitar sau vă îmbunătățesc performanța mentală și fizică. Ele sunt, de asemenea, uneori folosite ca ameliorare a stresului. Se crede că alte ierburi previn sau tratează migrenele, artrita și alte afecțiuni. Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) și ginseng (Panax ginseng) sunt adesea folosite pentru a trata durerile de cap. Feverfew, totuși, poate interfera cu coagularea sângelui și nu ar trebui să fie luat de cei cu medicamente anticoagulante.

Consultați întotdeauna medicul înainte de a lua un supliment alimentar sau pe bază de plante, mai ales dacă urmați deja tratament pentru cancer. Medicul dumneavoastră vă poate ajuta să determinați dacă un anumit supliment este sigur de luat și vă poate recomanda alte modalități de a obține același beneficiu, cum ar fi consumul mai mult de fructe și legume sau utilizarea altor terapii complementare în timpul și după tratamentele dumneavoastră pentru cancer.

Home Kitchen

Ikea Kitchen Cabinets

Ikea kitchen cabinets come in high quality and modern styles. One of the most common series is Bravado and the products in this series come with many features. The bravad low cabinet is presented in white. You don’t have to worry about the noise the cabinets can make because they come with a damper that ensures they close slowly and smoothly. The drawers fully extend and this allows you to have an easy overview. Ikea kitchen cabinets are made of strong wood and coated with melamine that makes them resistant to scratches. They are smooth running with stalling and you won’t be disappointed as they are very attractive. White melamine gives them a nice smooth finish. With adjustable legs, they are able to stand well on any surface and are also very easy to move.

However, you need to use different mounting devices for different floors. Ikea kitchen cabinets are very easy to clean and all you need is a damp cloth and a mild cleaner. Scrub gently until surfaces are clean. You can read more about the product specifications on their site and get detailed information about the Ikea Bravad cabinet. Another kitchen cabinet from Ikea is the bravad glass door wall cabinet that comes in white color. It comes with an adjustable shelf that has a tempered glass. To clean the glass you need water or a glass cleaner. This is one of the most affordable cabinets and it can serve you in the best way you want. Another one that is very affordable is the Bravado wall shelf. It only costs $49.99 and if you are operating on a tight budget, this is the best option for you. There is no doubt that you will find the right kitchen cabinet for your home.

There are a few things to consider before purchasing a kitchen cabinet. First of all, you need to know the type of theme you want for your kitchen. It should have a theme that you like and the cabinets should match the theme. There are many styles and designs of cabinets and the most contemporary type of cabinet will give your kitchen that modern look. If you have nothing in mind, Ikea varieties can be seen on the Internet. If you have a subscription to the Ikea catalog, you have a lot to choose from and you’ll be able to read the specs. So, have an idea in mind if you don’t want to spend so much time in the showroom making up your mind.

First of all, you should consider the Ikea store near you. You can go to the Ikea sites and get a map. You need to have a specific budget that you are working with. This only makes your job easier and you can plan the purchase without hesitation and do calculations in your mind. Ikea kitchen cabinets need to serve the purpose in your kitchen and therefore you need to make sure that you take the time to make the right choice.

Digital Marketing

Some examples of commonly confused homonyms (homophones)

One of the most frequent errors that I find when correcting or reviewing transcripts is the misuse of homonyms, or homophones in the strict sense. Homonyms are actually words with different meanings that are spelled and pronounced identically, so they won’t actually be visible as spelling or transcription errors. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently, and that’s what keeps getting people hooked.

Rather than try to give definitions, I have given examples of several commonly confused homophones, appropriately used in sentences, so that the differences become clear. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list in any way, nor does it provide definitions of homonyms/homophones. These are just a few examples that can allay the confusion and hopefully not add to it! Homonyms are shown in [square brackets].

Examples of Commonly Confused Homophones

[There] They are two main characters in this show. [Their] the names are Bill and Ben. [They’re] it’s going to be jumping out of the flower pots soon.

I have [to] post articles on this site. I have [two] articles published on this site. I have articles on other sites. [too].

Can’t [hear] you. Why do not you come? [here].

I saw a [current] affairs show last night while eating some [currants]. Electricity for the television I watched the show on was provided via an alternator [current].

The coffee [bear] woke up from hibernation. She had to go out and drill because the cupboard was [bare].

The smoke could not escape through the chimney because the [flue] Was blocked. The stale air in the room made me feel bad, as if I had [flu].

a chicken is a [fowl]. When chicken meat goes off it is [foul].

He [seems] as if the repair never ended. I have to fix the [seams] in three shirts

I will [pare] the skin of that apple. Two apples would make a [pair]. Would you rather have an apple or a [pear]?

Be careful when you [tow] that truck away. You can drive your car over someone’s [toe].

i want to lose [weight] but I don’t think I’m going to start my diet yet. Sick [wait] until after Christmas.

look at her tiny [waist]. If she’s not careful, she [waste] far.

[Who’s] that girl? Is she the one? [whose] brother dating sam

The old woman was quite [staid]. Sometimes I would go out, but usually [stayed] at home.

What is the best [route] to assignment? I want to go there and [root] pull some weeds.

the lady of the [manor] had a rather irritating [manner].

These are really just a handful of homophones, but they’re the ones I see confused most often in my work.


The universe of glitter nails is waiting for you

Each of you certainly wants to be at your best. Well, the wide spectrum of the world of glitter has given you the chance to prove yourself at every turn. Nowadays, it is not only celebrity fans who make the most of this opportunity, but also ordinary ladies have developed a deep liking for it. The good thing is that no matter how you feel or what you wear, if you wear glitter nails, you will definitely look sexy and smart.

If applied with skill and precision, this glitter fantasy can multiply the elegance and grace in you. Now it has become the first love of all women. While the men have begun to feel sorry for themselves, we girls are enjoying the glowing sphere to the fullest. So ladies, get ready to plunge into this daily glamour, as these glittery nails always manage to get their nailgasm.

Check out great ideas for glitter nails.

• Girls who prefer a classic, subdued, minimalist look can still bring sparkle into their lives. One can present it in a sophisticated way by applying feminine shades like coral on the fingers and highlighting only the ring finger with glitter of a similar color scheme.

• If you are one of those fancy girls who lives happily on gourmet chocolates and caviar, then this idea will suit you. Consider solid shades and create a flashy blast by placing caviar-sized blobs on your nails.

• Sequins are considered the best adornment for those ladies who truly take themselves as a diva. You can illustrate your independent and wild spirit by sporting a look with an orange hue and sprinkling sequins, however you like.

• Also, it’s not important to always wear sequins to show off your wild side; you can also opt for subtle tones. Add the sequence carefully on the edge of the nail colors of transparent or nude tones. So you are ready to merge the wild and the elegant side. Do not forget to make it beautiful with the help of the top coat. This look goes well with brides who look absolutely stunning and don’t even have to play with it much on their special day.

• Another fancy idea is to get silver fleck paint on acrylic nails and then glue on as many pearls, sequins and rhinestones as possible. As this requires a lot of heavy stuff on your dainty hands, use thick glue to avoid any kind of embarrassment if it comes off. This look is purely for queens and trendsetters who love to compete and win.

• Although many of you like to stay stylish, the vast majority of girls want to rule and rock the world. So girls who are daring enough can go ahead with a shade of black with outrageous glitter splurged diagonally at the tips. Totally awesome.

• You can also flaunt white glitter on your nails like icicles and snowflakes. This look is presented as the most popular. Being a versatile shade, you can amp it up with any ensemble imaginable.

So all you pretty girls out there who can’t wait to flaunt your beautiful glitter dipped hands, go ahead with your flair and flair and leave everyone in awe of you. Also, being a cheap nail polish, wonders can be done with it.

Health Fitness

Skin-firming oils with collagen-stimulating power

You may not realize this, but if you want to achieve true firming results, skin tightening oils must possess collagen-boosting power. Oils from synthetic sources like mineral oil and petroleum jelly, which are found in the vast majority of skin firming products, are molecularly “dead.” This means that they cannot interact with skin cells. Only oils that are molecularly “alive”, extracted from natural sources, have the power to work with your cells to stimulate healthy collagen production.

If your skin is loose and saggy, it’s because your skin cells have lost their natural ability to make structural proteins and fatty acids like collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid. Harmful molecules called free radicals have attacked and paralyzed the healthy function of your cells. Free radicals are created from excessive exposure to sunlight and the buildup of toxins in the body.

Natural oils are potent sources of protein, essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, which have the power to nourish damaged cells back to health. The nutrients they contain provide healthy hydration, increase antioxidant activity, stimulate collagen and elastin production, and promote new cell growth. As a result, you experience a significant increase in the firmness of your skin.

Rigorous research and testing by dermatologist scientists have identified the safest and most powerful natural skin-firming oils.

For example, avocado, jojoba, macadamia nut, and grapeseed oils are clinically proven to provide the cellular structure with everything it needs to function at optimal levels.

But wait! There is more!

Scientists have discovered an even more powerful firming effect by combining plant-based oils with other bioactive extracts. Natural vitamin E, Japanese marine algae (phytessence wakame), active Manuka honey, shea butter and babbasu work in harmony with plant oils to create the most powerful delivery systems of collagen-boosting nutrients.

So now that you know about skin firming oils With collagen-boosting power, what’s your next step? Take what you’ve learned and use it to tighten and improve the tone and texture of your skin. You can get a head start by getting the details you need on my website.

Lifestyle Fashion

Ten Reasons Why I Love Communicating Telepathically With Animals

Of all the professions I’ve had throughout my life, Animal Communicator is the one I love the most and the one I’ve had the longest: 25 years this year.

Communicating telepathically with animals brings many rewards for me personally, for the animals, and also for my human clients.

These are some of my favorite things about telepathic communication with animals.

1_ Communicating with animals reminds me of having an open heart.

Having an open heart facilitates telepathic exchange. Also, the more open you are, the more you will live from your personal truth and your Divine Self.

Many animals, like most humans, do not always have an open heart due to the stress they may have encountered in their lives.

When I speak telepathically with animals, I can help restore their hearts to greater peace, love, and openness.

2_ Animals are incredible teachers.

Even when you don’t think your animals are teaching you, just by being with you, they are showing you other ways of being.

Some are demonstrating how to meditate or how to be at peace or how to trust.

Many dogs are excellent at showing us how to enter spaces with joy and enthusiasm.

Many cats are magnificent meditators.

Birds can teach us the joy of flying free, letting go of our limitations so we can truly fly.

Some horses tell me that when they run free, they get the same experience of flying.

3_ Animals generally love us unconditionally, and when I communicate with them, I can feel their love for their families.

Whether you are talking to a spirit animal, an animal preparing to leave its body, or a young man wreaking havoc in someone’s home, your love is very powerful.

Over the years, I have been telepathically washed in the face with big wet greetings with a dog’s tongue, telepathically tickled with feline whisker kisses, and telepathically head-butted by enthusiastic horses. Birds often telepathically perch on my head, arm, or finger.

No matter what kind of animal you are talking to, love can be very strong and each animal will express it beautifully in a unique way.

4_ Animals help us broaden our perspectives by offering their own, which can be very insightful and illuminating.

I will always remember the cat who told her human that her husband’s heart problem was not just physical, but it came from not letting himself fall in love.

The cat gave explicit instructions about purchasing a card with an angel on it, and the cat offered a well-phrased love message for the wife and child to write on the card. The message was so beautiful that it made me and the woman’s eyes cry.

5_ Animals are very forgiving.

I have had many clients call me guilt-ridden for what they did and/or did not do for their animal before the animal left their body.

When I ask the animal about it, they are constantly understanding, kind, gentle, forgiving, affectionate, and even affectionate towards your person. What a blessing that sometimes they love us more than we love ourselves.

6_ Animals are excellent at reflecting our problems so that we can grow and change.

One day he was furious with Melissa. While I was driving the car, I would rant about all the things she did that were infuriating to me.

Then I suddenly and initially realized that all of Melissa’s problems were exactly the same as mine, some from when I was a child or teenager, some that still needed to be resolved.

This insight helped me stop judging and have unconditional love for both Melissa and myself. What a great learning experience.

7_ Animals are fabulous healers, and offer their healing without reservation.

In 2003 he had just come home from surgery to repair a broken ankle. He was on his back, asleep, with his leg in a cast and propped up on two pillows.

I woke up to the phone ringing, and when I tried to sit up, I found that I couldn’t move.

My two cats at the time, Violet and Sakhara, who together weighed over 20 pounds, were lying on top of my cast. They were offering their healing energies and their purrs, which actually vibrate at a bone-healing rate.

8_ Animals often come to us over and over again, throughout multiple lives.

Starlight, my adorable Siamese, was my Arabian mare, Echo, in her last life. Now it’s a cat. This has created some fascinating mind-expanding experiences.

They have so much in common, I created a new word, “feliquine” [feline+equine] – a horse that comes back like a cat!

9_ Animals can have a great sense of humor.

While most of my clients rarely ask their animals to tell funny stories, I had a client who was curious as to what her dog would say.

The dog told of a Thanksgiving when the cat jumped on the table and attacked the turkey, which flew to the ground so the dogs and cats could feast.

The woman and her daughter laughed and giggled as they recalled this fun experience.

My cat Violet, now in spirit, used to give me a Jack Benny look while making a clever joke about something.

She always seemed insulted while I was laughing out loud at her comments.

Without telepathy, he would never have known that he enjoyed his wry sense of humor, which had nothing to do with physical behavior.

10_ Animals are an expression of the Divine, just like humans.

Ultimately we are all One Consciousness, and animals often show us the way to that incredible blessed Unity of Being which is our ultimate goal as we return to the higher dimensions of Unconditional Divine Love and pure Divine Light.

I speak telepathically with my animals all the time. It enriches every day of my life.

Communicating telepathically with animals has been and continues to be a great blessing, and I am privileged to be able to help others communicate with their animals as well.

Real Estate

Why street frontage on commercial property is so valuable

How many meters of street frontage does the property have?

This question is one of the most important when evaluating the value of commercially zoned property in a city or county. To some, the reason why this question is so important may seem quite obvious. However, there are multiple reasons why investors, developers, builders and business owners want to have a large amount of road frontage on their commercial properties.

For business owners, it is better for them to have their stores conveniently located for their customers. If they are on a highway or main road, they will have great visibility of passing traffic. It is quite possible that this can bring customers to your stores that they would not normally see through your normal merchandising. Also, a customer new to the location can find the store much easier when in line of sight. Visibility in front of the main road is a great advantage for business owners and their stores.

Another reason business owners like to have their stores along the main street is because of the ease with which customers can get on and off the property. If they are forced to drive through large parking lots, pass behind other major stores, and park in a gated lot, there is a chance the customer will go to an easier-to-reach competitor.

Now this may be putting a bit of a strain, because a business should be able to attract customers on its own through effective marketing and good business practices. However, it’s definitely nicer to access a place of business that’s just off the road, rather than finding your way through parking lots, other businesses, and who knows what else. The easier the access, the more pleasant the customer experience will be.

The two main reasons business owners have their stores on the main street are visibility and ease of access. Let’s look at why investors, developers, and builders want the properties they are involved in to have as much frontage on the road as possible.

These three people—investors, developers, and builders—are the foundation of commercial real estate. They have the money; they have the vision and are ultimately responsible for building our communities.

More often than not, these folks will choose properties to invest in that have the most road frontage, or create the roads for office complexes, strip malls, and shopping malls to have the visibility and ease of access. access that business owners seek. in a profitable commercial property.

The underlying advantage for these investors to develop and build main road frontage properties is the fact that these commercial properties, known as exterior parcels, are far more valuable than the land enclosed in parcels behind them! The difference between these property values ​​can be quite drastic.

For example, I was recently looking at a 56-acre raw piece of land in Rome, GA. It had over 2,000 feet of frontage on a major road! The front of the property was zoned commercial, while the rear was zoned multi-family. After speaking with the broker and looking at the comps (comparable sales), it was clear that the exterior parcels would be valued at approximately $600,000 per developed acre. (They could be worth more if we could have national brand stores on property.) However, those on parcels, with no road frontage, would only be valued at $225,000 per acre. This is a $375,000 decrease in value simply because the packages are a few hundred feet from the actual road.

This news greatly reduced my overall profit margin.

Not all cases are so extreme. However, it is always true that an outside plot will be more valuable than an inside plot. That’s why investors, developers, and builders want properties that front a major street. It’s just more valuable!

Business owners and investors alike will gladly choose a property with main street frontage over a parcel with no land, or a parcel with little or no street frontage. Use this important fact when evaluating properties and their value.