Lifestyle Fashion

The unconscious mentor

You may ask, “What is an Unknown Mentor and what am I looking for in an Unknown Mentor?” Let’s start by explaining the concept of mentoring. Some companies use formal mentoring programs that pair less experienced employees (mentees) with more experienced employees (mentors) in order to share knowledge. Mentors provide mentees with coaching, tips and advice on things to consider in their jobs, ways to grow a career, etc. from the perspective of someone who has been there/done that. Mentors are generally not the mentee’s supervisors, because supervisors must maintain the same interest in accountability as everyone on their team. If a supervisor spent more time training/developing a particular individual over another, the rest of the team could interpret this as favoritism. This could harm the team’s ability to work together.

The intent of a mentoring relationship is to provide the mentee with someone to help them move through their career and to be a sounding board for any questions, frustrations, or successes the mentee may have. The concept of an Unknown Mentor works a little differently than a typical mentoring relationship because the “Unknown Mentor” doesn’t know they are mentoring you! You could schedule a meeting with them and let them know that you’re glad they’re mentoring you and want to get to know them better. But I don’t advise that. Your Unknown Mentor will not have a formal role in your development, but will make a significant contribution. Being able to observe them and how they behave in the environment will give you a wealth of information to consider and use as you see fit.

I started using this method very early in my career and was able to pick various behaviors and skills from my Unknowing Mentors that helped me create my own personal style. One person I used to work with always had managers and supervisors in their office talking about various things. I was wondering, “How can I build the same relationship with people?” What I observed was that he was a good listener. When someone presented him with a problem, he didn’t solve it (although he could easily have), instead he asked for background on the problem. How did you get here? What led to this? What else has been done? The person with the problem talked, and as he talked, my Unknown Mentor asked more questions. The person would start to see that there were some options out there. They just needed someone to help them figure it out, and my Unknown Mentor did that by listening and asking questions.

Another Unknown Mentor taught me how to deal with executives in an effective but respectful way (which can be difficult from time to time). This same mentor also had a practice of owning a person’s problem until it was resolved. When it was necessary to pass a request on to someone else, he always told the requester to come back to her if he didn’t get a follow-up within a reasonable amount of time. She would continue to pursue the matter until the person was satisfied. Both individuals were seen as highly competent within our organization, motivated by the right things, and fit into the company culture. I have been able to take his lessons, tailor them to my own style, and grow professionally a little faster than if I had to learn those lessons on my own.

Now that we’ve defined the Unknown Mentor, where do we find one? Hopefully, you’ll be able to find a potential candidate or two within your work group using the process I’m about to describe. My process identifies people who have habits and behaviors worth modeling that can lead to career success. I should point out that my definition of success is not acquiring power, prestige, and money, but rather being a balanced, contributing, and growing employee.

Over the years, I have begun to evaluate people based on three different factors. I like these factors because they are blind to any demographic indicator (race, gender, etc.) and can be measured by simple observation. I’m sharing this because, once explained, I feel like it’s a tool you can use to assess potential candidates for the role of your “Unconscious Mentor.” What you want to find in your work group/team/department, etc. He is a person who demonstrates the positive aspects of each of the three areas that I am going to explain.

The factors I use to evaluate people are:

1. How well they do what they do (Competition)

2. Why they do what they do (Motivation)

3. How well you fit into your employer’s culture (Fit with Culture)

I define each of these in the following ways:

Competition: This is the easiest of the three to define because it describes someone who is technically good at what they do. Usually there will be someone who, by his reputation, is the “best” or one of the “best”. It may be the customer service representative who consistently receives high customer satisfaction numbers, the sales representative who consistently meets or exceeds his goals, or the staff member who handles problems quickly and efficiently. In other words, the person knows what he’s doing and has a reputation for excellence. You can determine who meets this requirement through discussions with your manager, peers, or others within the group.

The opinions of your boss and coworkers are equally important to your observations of this factor. Some people may SEEM to know what they are doing, but do not follow up on the results or the results they provide are inaccurate. A friend of mine used the term “white tennis” to describe an employee who looked good but couldn’t play. If you’ve ever noticed someone who is dressed to the nines on the ski slope, the beach, or the tennis court but seems totally lost when they try to ski, surf, or play tennis, you know what I’m talking about. Your boss and co-workers will have a very strong opinion of someone like that. Any employee who talks a good game but doesn’t deliver results negatively impacts everyone and usually has a reputation as such.

Motivation: Apart from talking to the person to find out why they do what they do, you have to start relying on their judgment for this factor. With Drive, we are looking for someone with a work motivation based on an understanding of responsibility and a desire to deliver what they are supposed to do. The best coworkers I’ve ever had were the ones who understood they had certain responsibilities and fulfilled them because people depended on them or because they held themselves to a high level of performance. These people put a bit of themselves into their work, not because their work defined who they were, but because they knew that everything they did reflected back on them. They wanted to show their capabilities. If they couldn’t deliver what they promised, they made sure you recognized that and whoever could do the job took care of your needs.

The people who don’t meet this factor are the ones who just come to work because they need the paycheck and will probably stay until something else happens (layoff, termination, death, the lottery, etc.). They are not really interested in whether or not you get what you need or get answers to other questions. If they’re late with something you need, they’re late. If you don’t like what you got from them or what they did for you? Difficult. They just work here.

You will gain nothing by watching these people.

Fitting Into Culture – This is one that you will definitely have to gather from observation and it can take a while to figure out who fits into the culture. But the people who fit into the culture in which you work have some of the best information Unknowing Mentors can offer about how to survive in your current environment. Company cultures are defined by people, and since all people are by nature very different, some thrive in certain cultures and others don’t. The people you see growing up within a company are the ones who have responded well to the culture of the company, whatever it is. Cultures tend to replicate themselves because if one type of person does well in a culture, and that culture is made up of people like them, they tend to attract other people like themselves into the culture, and so on. This can be both good and bad.

People with successful behaviors can attract people with successful behaviors, and conversely, people with unsuccessful behaviors can attract people with unsuccessful behaviors. You’ve probably heard about “culture change” and how it’s VERY difficult…almost impossible. Cultural change is difficult because there are usually a small number of people trying to convince a large number of people to change the way they think and act. It’s not easy because the majority liked the way things were and now this small group of voices are asking you to change. Without a compelling reason to change, people often like to stay the way they are.

As said, all companies have their own cultures. If someone has been with the company for a while and has been promoted and/or seen as successful, they are likely to demonstrate behaviors that are consistent with the company as a whole. For example, if the company has a culture that wants action and the individual seems to be always on the go and in the middle of a lot, this would probably be a good cultural match. However, if the culture values ​​hierarchy, respect for levels and titles, and the individual seems to have fostered respectful relationships with those at higher levels and knows how to manage those relationships, they are a good fit for the culture.

People who don’t fit the culture will stand out to you. Someone who may not fit in seems to always disagree with people, either through their words or their actions, may not speak favorably about the company and/or their role in it, or behave in a way that doesn’t seem coherent with the general environment. An example of the latter might be someone with a loud and boisterous communication style who works at a company that is relatively low-key and polite in their interactions.

Based on this brief explanation, I hope you understand how an Unknown Mentor could be beneficial and how you can find one. You can have many unknown mentors throughout your career – there is no limit and you can find them as an easy way to expand your own capabilities with minimal effort. It’s definitely a subjective decision on who you choose to be your unknown Mentor, but the good thing is that you have no problem trying. No one will ever know. If you follow the guidelines above, you may be pleasantly surprised with what you learn.

extract from Leave campus and go to work

by T. Jason Smith

ISBN 0-9777237-6-3

Aspen Mountain Pub

Release date April 12, 2006

Lifestyle Fashion

Perfect Piles Treatment: How To Get Rid Of Piles Easily

Treatment for piles (also commonly known as hemorrhoids) comes in many forms. For the best hemorrhoids treatment, you can try some natural products that are good for preventing or curing hemorrhoids.

Natural products containing horse chestnut leaves, linden fluoride, witch hazel, arnica, muriatic acid, stone root, etc. are very helpful in getting rid of hemorrhoids. Witch hazel helps reduce swelling and inflammation, while horse chestnut helps improve blood circulation, which also reduces swelling and inflammation.

Now, for these natural products to work as the most effective treatment for hemorrhoids, it is very important that you maintain a balanced digestive system. It is not difficult at all to maintain a balanced digestive system. You can take one step at a time by making a small change in your daily habit little by little.

First of all, for those of you who are smokers, I’m sorry to break it to you, but you need to start quitting if you really want to get rid of hemorrhoids. Smoking dehydrates the body and makes it prone to getting hemorrhoids and worsens your existing hemorrhoid condition.

Some light exercises every day are also a good treatment for hemorrhoids. It doesn’t have to be something aggressive, a light exercise of 5-10 minutes is enough. It will help improve blood circulation and relieve hemorrhoid symptoms such as pain, inflammation, and swelling. Speaking of exercise, jumping on a jumper (mini trampoline) can actually help cleanse the lymphatic system. Have I never heard of? You should try it to experience the result yourself!

Of course, what you put in your mouth is extremely important in your quest to cure hemorrhoids. You need to modify your diet to include more foods rich in fiber and digestive enzymes like vegetables and fruits. It is also very important to drink clean, filtered or purified water with a high mineral content.

In these fast-paced modern days where everything emphasizes speed, our body tends to absorb a lot of toxins from the food we eat as well. This contributes to the piles. Therefore, from time to time, detoxify your body of any external toxins, including mercury, environmental hazards, etc. with natural detox products. This can help prevent or get rid of piles.

Vitamin D deficiency is now associated with many digestive disease problems, including hemorrhoids. It is vital to have enough vitamin D in your system to treat hemorrhoids. Natural products like fish oil are a good source of vitamins A and D.

Coconut oil can work as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. Adding these oils will help repair your digestive system, but you really need to get a high-quality, pure coconut oil. Many hemorrhoid patients reported improvements after taking at least 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil every day. It also works as an anti-inflammatory for some patients.

In summary, to improve the hemorrhoid treatment you are currently undergoing, you must watch your diet. For the most part, it should consist of healing foods like grass-fed meats, healthy whole grains, plenty of leafy green vegetables, and cultured dairy products from goat’s or sheep’s milk. Stay away from inflammatory foods like tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, etc. You should also limit your caffeine and alcohol intake and increase your intake of fiber-rich foods like broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

Lifestyle Fashion

Spirituality: Enlightening Cinema

“Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something. What you know, you can’t explain. But you feel it. You’ve felt it all your life. That there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there.” Like a splinter in your mind, driving you crazy.” -Morpheus, Matrix

This is not a list of movie reviews and is not comprehensive. It’s just a few notes on some movies that I think are helpful for awakening and why, or aren’t and why not. With comprehension tools, the bad is often better than the good.

The main themes represented in this list seem to be these:


– Captive/Captor

– Teacher – student

– Nature of the self/man

– death/rebirth

– Cataclysm/Epiphany

– Lack of confidence in the mind/memories

The only thing I could do about movies and books is to elevate the material to the level where it’s valuable to you. Orwell could have been writing an anti-communist manifesto, but Nineteen Eighty-Four is much more interesting seen as the struggle between the man and his imprisonment. Apocalypse Now is about more than just Vietnam, How to Get Ahead In Advertising is about more than rampant commercialism, etc.

::: American Beauty

“I feel like I’ve been in a coma in the past

twenty years. And I’m just waking up now.”

I’ve included American Beauty mainly because of what’s wrong with it. Lester’s big death/rebirth transition shows promise, but what is he transitioning to? Back to adolescent trash, not moving forward in any sense. A fear-based regression. Stupid car, stupid drugs, stupid vanity, stupid skirt chase. Not redeemed at all when Lester sees his own insanity near the end or by some cheesy/sweet dead guy’s voiceover.

The film is slightly redeemed by the presence of the quasi-mystical neighbor boy and his video of a bag being blown by the wind:

“That was the day I realized there was a lifetime behind things, and this incredibly benevolent force that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever.”

::: Apocalypse now

“In a war there are many moments for compassion and tender action. There are many moments for ruthless action, what is often called ruthless, which in many circumstances may just be clarity, seeing clearly what needs to be done and doing it. , directly. , fast, awake, looking at it”.

You’d think Apocalypse Now Redux, the director’s cut, would be the cut to watch, but everything that was properly cut from the original was mistakenly replaced. (Raising the interesting point that directors and authors often don’t understand the higher applications of the stories they’re telling.) Stick with the original on Redux and Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

Apocalypse Now is all about Horror. A journey of discovery, into the heart of darkness, reaching this horror. What is the horror? How do you get there? Why would someone do such a thing? Should you do such a thing? Why or why not?

Note the powerful epiphanies that drive the film. The first killer’s letter home (“Sell the house, sell the car, sell the kids…”), Dennis Hopper’s youthful exuberance, Kurtz’s diamond bullet, the “…I wasn’t even here anymore.” in his army.” “

::: Being there

“Spring, summer, fall, winter…then spring again.”

A beautiful movie ruined by a silly water walking trick added at the end. Without that nonsense, the viewer would be free to think, to decide, to wonder. Instead, the movie closes with its clever little silly twist. Hit the stop button when Chauncey is straightening out the shoot, before the ruinous denouement, and it’s a fun and charming movie.

::: Bounty hunter

“I’ve seen things you wouldn’t believe. Attacking ships in flames off Orion’s shoulder. I’ve seen C-beams shine in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost to time like tears in rain. It’s time to die .

Were you born five minutes ago? Of course not, and you have the memories to prove it. You’d know if they were artificial implants, because, uh…

::: Discard

“I couldn’t even kill myself the way that

wanted to. She had no power over anything.”

If a man screams on a desert island and there is no one to hear him, does he make any noise? Is it enough that he hears it himself? What if not? What is left when you remove everything?

Stripped car.

This film raises many intriguing questions about the substance of the self, or lack thereof, and includes a very zen-like eulogy.

::: Dead Poets Society


::: Harold and Maude

“Vice, virtue. It is better not to be

too moral… It aims above morality.”

American Zen, teacher and disciple.


“For years I was smart… I recommend nice.”

Elwood P. Dowd, wise fool. A sweet representation of a higher order of being misconstrued as a lower order of being. Would we know the Superior Man when we saw him?

::: How to Get Ahead in Advertising

“Everything I do now makes a lot of sense.”

A rejected offer for freedom. A failed attempt to overthrow Maya. She enjoys the madness of the epiphany.

::: Joe against the volcano

“Nobody knows anything, Joe. We’ll take this leap, and

we’ll see. We’ll jump and see. That’s life, right?”

Death and Rebirth. Unlike American Beauty, it’s all about moving forward, “getting away from the man stuff.”

::: Man Looking Southeast (Man Looking Southeast)

Keep an eye out especially for the visual poem of a man crumbling a human brain into a sink while searching for the soul.

::: Matrix

“Like everyone else, you were born in captivity, you were born inside a prison that you can’t smell, taste or touch. A prison for your mind.”

Plato’s cave for the people. As allegorically lucid as Joe vs. Vocano, Pleasantville and Star Wars.

::: The Life of Brian from Monty Python

“No, no! It is a sign that, like Him, we must think that we are not

of the things of the body, but of the face and the head!”

Holy cow tipping at its finest.

“Meaning of life” also belongs on this list.

::: 1984

“If you want a vision of the future, Winston,

imagine a boot trampling on a human face, forever.”

This film is unique in that it is as good as the book, which is an extremely intimate portrayal of the captor/captive, Mayan/male relationship. Compare this to Moby-Dick or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, which are great books but useless movies.

::: One flew over the cuckoo’s nest

As with Moby-Dick, Hollywood emasculated the book. They stripped it of its archetypal dimensions and reduced it to a pointless pissing fight between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched. Great entertainment, but for a meaningful perspective, read the book.

::: Pleasant Villa

“There are some places where the path doesn’t go in a circle. There are some places where it continues.”

A joyous story of heresy in which no one is burned at the stake and the new paradigm is eventually embraced by all.

::: Razor’s edge

“The dead man seems so terribly dead.”

The razor’s edge is what makes it interesting; to see Larry teetering on the fine line between who he was and who he is becoming. He is walking the edge between two lives. Bill Murray’s version is a bit off… stick with Tyrone Power or read the book.

Maugham allegedly used Ramana Maharshi as a model for the novel’s holy man.

::: Star Wars

“The force will be with you, always.”

The first, where Lucas makes the transition from flesh to spirit.

The hero’s journey.

::: The thin red line

“Perhaps all men have a great soul, that of all

Other than, all the faces are the same man.”

A sublime inquiry into the spiritual nature of man. More of a sad/sweet song than a narrative movie.

::: The Thirteenth Floor

“So what are you saying? You’re saying

that there is another world above this one?”

Layer after layer. Turtles on top of turtles.

::: Vanilla Sky/Open Your Eyes

“Open your eyes.”

If you like Vanilla Sky, watch the original, Spanish film Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). These two movies may be the best of the bunch for our purposes; the closest thing to an allegory of illumination.

Of course, the interesting thing about lighting is getting there, not being there, and that’s what these movies are about; waking up from a false reality, opening my eyes. It’s not so much about what’s real as what’s not.

It is the story of the journey one takes to get to the place where anything, even jumping off a tall building, would be better than continuing to live a lie, even a beautiful and blissful lie.

Note the presence of the real guru, explaining in no uncertain terms why jumping off the building is the best thing to do and patiently waiting for it to be done.

::: Awakened life

“They say that dreams are only real as long as

they last. Couldn’t you say the same about life?

Wide-ranging philosophical inquiry. Provocative. Fun. Potentially disruptive.

::: Wings of desire

“When the child was a child, it was the time for these questions: Why am I and why not you? Why am I here and why not there? When did time begin and where does space end?”

A beautiful, intelligent film that invites reflection. Can the waking being return to the dream state? Would you want to do it?

::: Others

Some other movies that reward thoughtful viewing are The Wizard of Oz, About Schmidt, What Dreams May Come, Total Recall, All the Mornings Of the World (Tous les Matins du Monde) and of course many more.

Lifestyle Fashion

Why use beard oil?

Bearded men are very attractive and they seem to have that manly feel about them that is just plain attractive. However, only a well-groomed beard passes for this type of attraction. Most men only know how to keep their facial hair neatly trimmed and styled, but it takes a little more effort to grow a shiny, healthy beard. This is where beard oil comes into the picture.

Beard oil is a moisturizer specially designed for the care of facial hair. Considering that the hair is still thicker than the head hair, men need to pay a little more attention to facial hair to maintain their beautiful look. The oil is made with helpful ingredients like jojoba oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, castor oil, and almond oil among others. Beard oils are also packed with vitamin E and other essential oils that give off a beautiful scent. Because they are made for men, the essential oils commonly used are those considered masculine, such as sandalwood, cedarwood, pepper, lime, and bay essential oils.

When using the oil, it is recommended that only a few drops be used. It is also best to use the oil after cleansing or showering. This is mainly because after showering the pores and follicles are open and will therefore easily absorb the oil, giving the beard a bright, healthy and shiny appearance. But why is it important to use beard oil?

1. Moisturizing oil nourishes the skin under the beard that is often neglected. You simply need to massage the oil into the skin underneath to benefit from the ingredients.

2. The oil nourishes the facial hair in such a way that beard flakes are kept at bay. Think of the scales as dandruff from the hair on the head; they are unsightly and no bearded man should have the scales.

3. The oil minimizes the itchiness that many men experience after a cut or when they have a longer beard. The ingredients simply seep into the pores and follicles and this eliminates such problems.

4. It’s a simple way to keep your facial hair hydrated and looking healthy. It is important that you get the best beard oil to get the best results for your facial hair.

5. The oil softens the texture of facial hair making it manageable. This is especially beneficial for men who love to have longer beards that can get tangled and difficult to even style to look good.

6. The pure oils contained in beard moisturizers have anti-inflammatory properties that also take care of the irritation along with itchiness experienced by many bearded men.

7. Thanks to the essential oils used in the oil, it can be used as a cologne for facial hair that gives it that attractive masculine smell.

8. Beard oil works as a styling agent for those with longer beards who want to style their hair a certain way without having flyaways. Regular use keeps the beard manageable and easy to control.

Lifestyle Fashion

How do you fix a hangover?

It has been estimated that 25 to 30 percent of the general population is impervious to hangovers. What this means is that around one in four lucky people don’t know how the rest of us feel after a big night out. Why this is so is a medical mystery. But medicine has found ways for those of us who are susceptible to the effects of a hangover to treat it and lessen its severity, leaving us able to get on with the rest of our day.

What constitutes a hangover?

Those of us who should know better know that a hangover isn’t exactly subtle. The most obvious symptom is a throbbing headache, which in addition to being unpleasant makes it difficult to perform simple daily tasks. Some people are also prone to vomiting, shaky hands, and a general feeling of lethargy.

But one symptom that few tend to associate with a hangover is an inhibited ability to function cognitively. Those of us who have tried to get to work or school after a night of drinking will testify that your ability to make decisions and absorb information is restricted. All of these symptoms are due to your body accepting the fact that the alcohol in your system is slowly leaving it, releasing an unhealthy dose of toxins in its wake.

Is there a cure?

Unfortunately not. Once the hangover has taken hold, your only option is to toughen up and take it. However, I have compiled a list of natural treatments you can take while still intoxicated to help prevent a hangover from occurring. So you can join that lucky quarter of the population who have no idea what it’s like to ruin their day by binge drinking.

The first and most effective supplement you can take for a hangover is called L-Methionine. When taken, L-methionine binds with alcohol to produce citric acid (harmless, found in fruit!). This is great, because it helps your body filter alcohol out of your system. Just remember to take it while you are still intoxicated. Taking it the next day will have no effect!

Of course that’s not all. There are a number of other hangover supplements you can take – each one will bring you closer to that lucky 25% of the population who never experience this unpleasant feeling!

Lifestyle Fashion

The Story of Robin Quivers’ Master Cleanse Diet

Beyonce popularized the Master Cleanse, but it wasn’t just her who used it. Robin Quivers, the host of Howard Stern, lost weight on this special lemonade diet. He had three 21-day sessions to lose 70 pounds. Robin found out about it when magician David Blaine endorsed the weight loss program.

Using this popular diet, people can only drink water, lemon, grade B maple syrup, and a cayenne pepper mix. This would be combined with laxative tea, a salt water wash, or even consuming water or herbal tea throughout the day. Lemonade helps break down toxins, while laxative tea and flushing remove toxins from the body.

By drinking this mixture, you can improve your internal organs and their functioning. Apart from that, for those who suffer from constipation and flatulence, lemonade can also help with these problems. But remember that it is crucial to follow the Master Cleanse diet using the correct function to get the best results.

Robin also mentioned that she is now more confident, sleeps better, the stiffness and pain in her joints have disappeared along with the pounds. Colleagues and friends have noted how happy and confident Robin feels right now thanks to her diet. Quivers also mentioned that drinking Master Cleanse had helped increase her energy levels while achieving better health.

For the results to be significant or for it to work, it must be strictly followed for at least 10 days. Studies have shown that the Master Cleanse can be performed by people suffering from acute and chronic conditions. It can also help those who need an energy boost or just want to improve their overall health.

Since many people testify about the amazing results of Master Cleanse, more and more people are seeing it as an option to lose weight fast. But, there are still some Master Cleanse users, especially the beginners, who still find it difficult to pass the first stage and fail.

But before you take the plunge and go on the Master Cleanse diet, make sure your body is ready for it. Robin Quivers lost a lot of weight on the cleanse, but he also made an effort to live a healthier lifestyle.

Lifestyle Fashion

A Free Guide to Tarot Card Meanings

Psychics are the ones who can read tarot cards. Sometimes don’t you wish that even you knew how to read them? Well, you can too, if you just pay attention to how they’re read and interpreted. There are many websites and books around the world that can teach you how to read the different cards and become a pro. This is because one must learn the hidden secrets and intricacies behind each and every card as they are all different from each other and have different meanings. They represent different parts and sections of a person’s life and consequently predict their future. They help to bring luck and fortune in people’s love, work, health, travel and family life. They are also very trustworthy and there are many people who believe in them and depend on them for their good fortune.

Tarot cards can be very tricky and hard to understand if you don’t pay close attention to them. There are also different ways of laying out the cards and sticking to them and one should know all of this and much more before starting to put the approach into practice. Basically they help you discover your hidden self and everything that is inside you. There are different types of spreads throughout the exercise and art of it and each one is for different parts of one’s life.

In total, there are 78 cards that are divided into two main parts that are the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Each is divided accordingly and the Major Arcana are said to dominate over the minor cards as they are read. They are usually shuffled before they spread and no matter how a person shuffles them, whatever is at their destination will be there and nothing can change that.

Different cards have different symbols that differ and represent different meanings. There are fools, magicians, pranksters and even cards that can predict the life of what other people are going to be at some point, that is, the future. They also have symbols of cups, wands, swords, and coins. This type of throw depends on the number of the card you choose.

Different numbers have different meanings and predict different things about your future. If you wish to learn and know more, then you must practice and instill discipline within yourself so that you can become a good tarot card reader in a matter of time. Knowing what awaits you in the future, you can also try to eliminate bad things and help yourself in this way.

Lifestyle Fashion

The truth about the impact of laundry detergent on eczema

Eczema is a skin condition characterized by red, swollen, itchy patches that appear in response to a number of triggers.

In addition to practicing good skin care, you need to monitor these triggers to find out which ones cause reactions. Believe it or not, anything from pollutants in the air to chemicals in your laundry detergent can cause your skin to flare up.

While you may not be able to control triggers you encounter in public, you can make changes to the products you use at home to reduce flare-ups.

Eczema and laundry detergent: an itchy problem

Although many studies show that reactions to laundry detergents are rare at normal levels of exposure, the chemicals tend to build up in fabric over time.

This creates a cycle of repeated exposure that can cause irritation, especially in babies and children whose skin is more sensitive.

The cocktail of chemicals and enzymes found in most commercial detergents is helpful in breaking down dirt and removing stains from clothing, but it’s by no means the only way to keep your family’s wardrobe clean.

Scented laundry detergents can be especially troublesome for eczema sufferers, so it’s best to look for alternatives that use more natural ingredients.

Choosing a detergent

When selecting a laundry detergent for eczema, look for these items to reduce chemical exposure and related irritation:

  • Plant-based or plant-based ingredients

  • without enzymes

  • Unscented instead of unscented.

  • Hypoallergenic

  • neutral pH

  • dye free

  • Child-friendly and baby-safe.

An added bonus to buying these products is that many are biodegradable and not tested on animals, making them good for the environment and your skin.

The correct way to wash clothes

Regardless of the detergent you use, it is important that you follow the proper washing instructions to ensure that your clothes are not only clean, but also free of any type of residue that could cause an eczema flare-up.

Read the bottle on your chosen natural detergent and follow the instructions on how much to use in different size loads. Check your washing machine to make sure you are not overloading it and that you select the correct cycle for the amount of clothes you are washing. This ensures that all clothes are left clean without retaining excess soap. For added insurance against irritation, run an additional rinse cycle at the end of the clean.

It is important to put all clothing, including new items, through this type of careful wash cycle before wearing them. New clothing often has chemical residue on the fabric and may contain other environmental contaminants from packaging, shipping, and just sitting on store shelves.

After switching to a new detergent, it may take a few wash cycles to remove all of the old soap that has built up on the fabric. If you find that your skin is still irritated even though you are using a natural product, wash your clothes again, making sure to rinse them well.

reduce irritation

Changing laundry detergents will only help your eczema if you choose clothes made of soft fibers that won’t scratch, rub, or abrade your skin. Try to use 100 percent cotton whenever possible and avoid synthetics and itchy fibers like wool or hemp. Look for tagless brands and check seams for rough edges before you buy.

Choosing these types of clothes and switching to natural, plant-based laundry detergents can help you and your family alleviate eczema and related irritation. Focus on gentle products made with ingredients that aren’t created in labs to find the safest products, and keep an eye out for any other chemicals in your home that can trigger skin reactions.

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Dealing with the shame of cheating or having an affair

I sometimes hear of spouses who are overcome with emotion after realizing what a huge mistake they made in cheating on their spouse. They often struggle with overwhelming feelings of guilt and shame.

I recently heard from a wife who said, “Last week, I had a one-night stand with a guy from my work. There was alcohol involved and I didn’t mean for it to happen. I’ve been happily married for ten years. I never cheated on anyone in my life until last week. And I never meant to cheat on my husband. But I did. I told the other guy it would never happen again. And it won’t. Because I will never drink at work again. But in the meantime, I can’t even look in the mirror. It’s hard for me to act normal around my husband. I can’t look at my children without being overwhelmed with shame at how they’ve put their family at risk. How do women live? people with shame after cheating? I’m really struggling. I’ll tell my husband about my cheating one day. But right now, I can’t even face myself. I’ve never hated myself so much. I can’t believe it was so stupid i’m so ashamed of myself.”

I really felt for this wife because it was obvious that she was really sorry for what she had done. And she was too happy to punish herself and not give herself enough credit. Because, before her deception, she had contributed to a faithful and happy marriage and she was raising two beautiful children. Of course, cheating is a big mistake. But this wife suddenly saw herself as a horrible person when this was not the case. So, in the following article, I’ll share some of the tips I gave you on how to get over embarrassment after an affair.

As much as you probably don’t feel like it, feeling embarrassed after cheating or having an affair is a positive sign: There was no doubt that the wife in this situation felt horrible. She knew that she had made a serious mistake that could change her life. Because this behavior was so atypical for the type of person she was, the embarrassment intensified.

This actually says something positive rather than negative about her. I talk to a lot of people who are struggling with the aftermath of an affair. And an alarming number of spouses who are cheated on seem almost defensive about their cheating and their behavior. Many feel that they were justified in betraying their spouse or think that it is simply not possible to remain faithful and magnanimous forever. And frankly, when people say these things to me, I have doubts about their marriage.

Neither of these things was the case with this wife. She was incredibly sorry and convinced that her husband did absolutely nothing to deserve this kind of betrayal. This said a lot about her and her marriage. In fact, shame and guilt can be positive things as long as you use them as a motivator to keep going and make things better instead of using them as a crutch to keep you stuck and in pain.

You cannot change your past actions, but only you determine your future actions: The wife needed to understand that despite her guilt, shame, and pain, there was nothing she could do to change her actions. The deception was in the past, but there was no way to reverse it. Insisting on the deception wasn’t going to change him, nor was it going to make the future any better.

In fact, the more you focus on your guilt and shame and the horrible thing you’ve done, the more you become paralyzed from moving on. Yes, cheating on your spouse is a huge mistake that you may regret for the rest of your life. But you can’t change it. Continuing to think about it could prevent her from focusing on what’s important right now, which is his marriage, his healing, moving on, and making sure he doesn’t make the same mistake again.

So my best advice is to focus on changing what you can. Unfortunately, you cannot change the delusion or the past. But you can change the way you deal with both. You can focus on making the future as positive as possible. You can focus on getting this right instead of working on what’s already gone wrong. You can be the best wife and mother you can be.

Don’t let your shame turn you off: There is a real danger in allowing shame to turn you off. Some people experience a real domino effect of negativity in their lives. Because you can’t bear to look at your husband, your marriage begins to change for the worse. Because you no longer think of yourself as a good mother, you distance yourself from your children and your family. And you know what happens then? You allow one mistake to turn into months or even years of mistakes. Please don’t fall into this trap.

If the embarrassment and resulting pain are too much for you, seek help to get through it. As someone who has been cheated, I would never defend cheating. However, a person who makes a mistake should not believe that they have suddenly turned into a horrible person who no longer deserves love or the love of their own family. This wife’s family probably wouldn’t be better off if she were so embarrassed that she backed out. Yes, she made a mistake. But the biggest mistake would be allowing the affair to contribute to her losing the things that mattered most to her. Or lose those things to which, except for a brief moment in time, she had always been faithful.

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The Narcissist’s Playbook

The Narcissist’s Playbook

Written by Randi Fine, Narcissistic Abuse Expert

Narcissistic Abuse Awareness and Guidance with Randi Fine

During the many years that I have been involved in the field of narcissistic abuse recovery, I have made a remarkable discovery; narcissists everywhere seem to be operating from the same playbook. I don’t know who wrote it, when it was written, or where a copy can be found, but it must exist because the evidence shows time and time again that narcissists are the least original beings on the planet. They all do and say the same things.

Narcissists may look human, they may even act human, but they actually have more in common with non-domesticated animals and insects than they do with humanity. As wild creatures, they live their lives in survival mode; empathyless predators on a perpetual hunt for vulnerable prey. And like a lion on the prowl, the execution of the victim’s capture may vary in detail, but the method of devouring the prey is always the same.

The stories that survivors tell me are shocking; credible only by those who have experienced something similar. Survivors justifiably believe that their experience is unique and that their abusers are more devious than most. The word “evil” is often used as a preface to the word “narcissist” because narcissism alone doesn’t seem to adequately describe the horror they’ve experienced.

Any experience you have had as a victim of narcissistic abuse is truly horrible. And while malignant narcissism does exist, it’s rarely applicable to the average situation. Narcissists destroy their targets through mind games. Malignant narcissists maim and murder. There is nothing worse than that. Victims of malignant narcissists rarely survive to tell their story.

Patterns of narcissistic abuse, whether parental, spousal, romantic, work-related, or otherwise, are so predictable that I could tell everyone’s story before they tell me, but I don’t because that is not what the survivors want or need from me. They desperately need to be heard, validated and supported, often for the first time. And they need a road map to recovery.

As horrendous and outrageous as the stories are, as brilliant and powerful as each narcissist is perceived to be, they are all versions of the same thing and they all seem to come out of the same playbook. They are brilliant in the sense that they can calculate a complex campaign of abuse that spans days, weeks, months, and years in milliseconds. And they are powerful in their ability to intimidate and control, though that power is only effective on those under their spell. Once the veil is lifted and they are exposed for who they are, they become powerless. It doesn’t seem like it because losing control over an emotional hostage incites a ruthless revenge that knows no bounds. There are no depths to which a vindictive narcissist will not stoop. But the revenge pattern apparently follows a playbook as well. Again, largely unoriginal.

Narcissists are the most destructive beings on the planet. They seek to destroy every life they intimately touch. Survivors of this abuse have a lot to overcome in order to return their upside-down reality to healthy functioning. With the right support and guidance, full recovery is absolutely possible.

It can seem like narcissists get through life without a scratch, while survivors must pick up the shattered remains of their nearly decimated lives. But like every other aspect of narcissistic abuse, that perception is illusory. Narcissists exist in a perpetual, self-tormented purgatory from which they can never escape. Survivors have the ability to heal, become better versions of themselves, and go on to live a happy life.

Power is transferred once the survivors gain access to the narcissist’s playbook. The playbook is elementary; anyone can learn it. The most difficult aspect of this upbringing, which feels totally unnatural to tender-hearted survivors, is developing the cunning and insightful character necessary to reclaim your personal power. Once done, the rest is child’s play.