
The characteristics of satellite television

Americans may be a bit obsessed with television, but we are addicted to drama, comedy and reality TV and we are proud of it. With a selection of more than 260 channels, satellite television is the option for those who love to live vicariously through our televisions.

While not every household spends an average of four hours a day in front of the television, most of us do. Our obsession with keeping in touch with our favorite shows and characters means we need the best picture on the best TV, and DVR would be nice too.

The major cable TV providers have helped establish a long-standing monopoly on how households get access to channels that are broadcast across the country. After many lawsuits and new federal laws taking effect, cable TV companies are terrified of losing customers to satellite TV.

Rightly, then, they should be concerned; after all, the price of satellite TV for the features it offers seems so much better. The United States is now one of the first countries to build an extensive satellite television network in cyberspace. Another reason more people are turning to satellite TV is that there are so many more features for the price.

Satellite TV gives you access to almost every type of channel out there. From kids’ TV shows to sports packages, there’s something for every member of the family.

Children’s channels include Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Fox Kids. With a complete package and access to more than 260 channels, customers will have access to several dozen news channels, including CNN, CNN Worldwide, Fox News, BBC and more.

Premium movie channels are also included in some packages: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and Stars. Each network broadcasts a minimum of 9 channels each, delivering over 30 channels showing everything from the latest movies to the classics. Along with the movies, customers will also have access to popular original television series like Six Feet Under, The L Word, Entourage and Queer as Folk.

For history buffs and nature enthusiasts, satellite television offers a comprehensive source of channels that is unrivaled by cable companies. Included in most satellite TV packages are Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, Discovery Science, National Geographic, Animal Planet, and the History Channel, just to name a few.

Of course, TV shows aren’t the only thing satellite TV has to offer, packages also include satellite music stations ranging from classical to big band to modern alternative rock. Including satellite music with your plan means you don’t have to subscribe to a separate satellite music plan to get quality sound in your home.

Tours Travel

Bodybuilding Ebooks: 5 Things to Look For

In a perfect world, everyone who wanted to gain muscle, get defined, and achieve that perfect physique would have the best trainer at their disposal, someone who knew exactly what to do to get bigger, stronger, and faster. Unfortunately, the trainers in most commercial gyms these days just suck. They’re not big or strong, sometimes they’re not even in great shape, they know little to nothing about progressing in the weight room, and they charge outrageous prices.

Fortunately, there are excellent bodybuilding ebooks that can guide you on your way to muscle. However, not all of them are created equal. In this day and age, he can find a lot of information on the Internet for free. It’s clear that some people just cobble together whatever bogus advice they can find in a crappy pdf and put a fifty dollar price tag on it. There are some key qualities to look for before buying any bodybuilding ebook.

1. Instructions for force!

If you’ve read anything about bodybuilding, you’ve probably realized that there are many ways to train to build muscle. High volume, high intensity, low reps, supersets, the list goes on. However, you must understand that the only way to gain significant muscle with ANY of these training systems is to get stronger.

Again, there are many valid ways to achieve this goal. Different eBooks may promote different training methods, but the one you choose should be about strength! Don’t be fooled by paid books, pamphlets, subscriptions and other publications that simply tell you to do three sets of this or one drop set of that. You need to find instructions on how to add weight to the bar AND still be able to get it off your chest or off the floor!

2. Exercise guides for the perfect form

Reading a program that outlines the sets, reps, and weight you’re going to use is one thing, but performing the most effective muscle-building moves is a whole different ballgame. If you’re going to be successful at getting stronger and getting the most out of every rep you perform in the gym, you have to learn proper form! There is no way to avoid it.

Therefore, good bodybuilding ebooks will also provide detailed instructions on how to perform major lifts like squats, bench presses, deadlifts, overhead presses, pull-ups, and dips. It should also include different cheats and tweaks that you can use. How do you use the bench press to build your pecs? How can you get your hamstrings to help your quads in the squat? The book has to tell you!

3. The truth about bodybuilding nutrition

Unless you’ve been living under a rock in the world of bodybuilding, you know that nutrition is the key to your muscle-building success. You can train all you want, but your body can’t build more muscle mass if you don’t feed it correctly. A good bodybuilding ebook will put just as much, if not more, emphasis on what you should be doing in the kitchen to get big and strong.

What exactly does the book need? First, you need basic instructions on how to get the essential nutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates, as well as certain vitamins and minerals. Second, you need to explain how to figure out how much food to eat and when to eat it. Finally, a great bodybuilding book will give you some meal plans and recipes to serve as good examples. Some people don’t really understand how much they need to eat to build muscle until they actually read EXACTLY what a bodybuilder eats on a day to day basis.

4. Side Talk No BS

Chances are if you’re reading this bodybuilding information online, you’ve already been bombarded with ad after ad for crappy supplements. Selling cheap powders and pills at ridiculously high prices has always been the rage in the world of bodybuilding, and that’s not changing anytime soon. Supplements can certainly help you progress, but you have to be careful that greedy supplement companies don’t take money out of your wallet.

A quality bodybuilding ebook will explain which supplements are best to help your muscles gain, but will not endorse any product or line of supplements. Who would you rather buy? A greedy salesperson selling out to a brand by assuring them that their “super secret formula” is the one to buy to make a real profit? Or an honest bodybuilder who doesn’t have a dog of his own in the supplement fight?

5.Tips for success

This is a bit of a vague subject, but any bodybuilding ebook worth its salt will give you a wealth of advice for consistency and muscle-building success. Bodybuilding is a marathon, not a sprint, and sometimes it will be difficult to stick to your training and eating schedule. Motivational material, tips on how to never miss a meal, and any other practical information are sure to be found in a good bodybuilding book.


What are the factors that influence link building in 2018?

Link building has always been an integral part of search engine algorithms and continues to be. Although their importance has waxed and waned as various versions of the Google algorithm have been applied, they have always played a vital role in the placement and ranking of featured links.

However, not all links have the same value. The internet is full of low-value, non-relevant and spammy links that can quickly devalue your page in Google search. In order to get the desired results, you should stay away from such links.

To promote and increase your brand awareness in 2018, take a look below at some of the factors that influence link building for SEO.

guest post

Guest posting is one of the most useful techniques you can implement to generate backlinks and acquire traffic to your website. However, you need to make sure that the guest posting websites are the same or related to your niche.

As you publish your content on an authority website, there is a high chance that your post will appear on some of the most popular blogs on the internet. This means that your post will reach a lot of people and your website will gain more traffic. Also, guest posting websites usually promote content on various social media sites, which means your post will automatically get social engagement.

Getting featured on popular blogs will help improve your credibility and once your link reach is significant, you can approach more blogs with confidence.

Content is still ‘King’

You will only be able to get backlinks to your website if you give people a reason to link to you. Creating top quality content is a great place to start. The genuine value of your blog posts and articles will be demonstrated when you start receiving organic backlinks from other websites.

Google’s algorithm is so advanced that it can even detect the quality of your content. So your focus should not just be on crafting long posts, but on making sure they make sense, are informative, and interesting to read. Avoid keyword stuffing and filler content as that will cause Google to lower your rankings.

broken link building

Broken link building is one of the tactics used by most link building services for SEO providers because it often produces great results. Broken link occurs when a page links to resources that are no longer available. Since this can lead to a negative user experience, webmasters are always looking for ways to fix broken links.

All you have to do is find a website that fits your niche and has one or more broken links. Once you have found such website or websites, you should contact the webmaster of the website to let them know that the links are not working and also to request a link to their site in exchange. Since the process takes quite a long time, the best solution will be to let a professional agency handle it.


To get the best algorithm response from any search engine, it’s important that you only link to websites that are relevant to your niche. Only backlinks that come from trusted websites in your niche show that your content is relevant and trustworthy in the eyes of the search giant, Google. Once you’ve gotten enough backlinks from well-known sites, Google will start considering you as an authority in your niche or topic. Avoid spam links at all costs.

Getting credible backlinks can help you achieve higher rankings on search engine results pages. Link building is not going away anytime soon and without it, you will not be able to achieve the desired results from your SEO campaign. Talk to professionals today about implementing link building as part of your SEO efforts.


Important news about investments in Individual Retirement Accounts

Planning for the future is something we need to start at an early age and we need to teach this concept to our children. Unfortunately, this wasn’t something my parents taught me, as they didn’t really have anything set for themselves. An individual retirement account will help you in the coming days. If you’re set up right, you could have a wonderful retirement life and not have to worry about finances and how you’ll do month to month. I would like to see our children taught important things like an individual retirement account at school, as well as learning how to manage their money and make other smart investments. This article will give you some important news tips about an individual retirement account.

Planning your future can be a lot of work, but it can also be a lot of fun. An individual retirement account will start with things you want to do in the future. This could prompt you to save as much money as possible. If we don’t think about retirement days in advance, we won’t plan for them either, and then it will be too late. There are many different types of accounts that can be set up as an individual retirement account, and each may have its own special terms and privileges. Did you know that some individual retirement account plans are tax free? That’s how it is. Some are tax free and some will be taxed as you withdraw money from them.

An individual retirement account should earn you money as you start putting money into it. There are plans for both the self-employed and employees, but any individual retirement account should be set up as an investment of some kind, and not just a place to store your money. The whole purpose of an individual retirement account is for the money you put into it to grow, doubling and tripling in amount. There are some privileges that come with an individual retirement account, like being able to access the money when you need it, but make sure it’s very necessary, because you don’t want to spend your retirement money before you retire.

There are many different companies that are qualified for an individual retirement account. They know all the laws of what you can and can’t do, and can show you the best tax-free investments and how to get the most out of taxable ones. They know how to invest your money to grow in size and can also advise you on the best stocks and bonds to choose. It’s often wise to let someone who does this for a living make investment decisions for you so that your individual retirement account thrives and leaves you with a wonderful retirement ahead of you.

Home Kitchen

Going Green With Bamboo Flooring

Bamboo is like a hardwood, but it’s not wood at all. As a hollow grass, it is considered a renewable resource because it grows quickly and replenishes. Bamboo can reach maturity in 5-6 years, growing up to 80 feet tall. Considered environmentally friendly, many people are taking a

new look at bamboo floors.

Did you know that bamboo is the fastest growing woody plant on this planet? Some species of bamboo can grow up to 1 meter per day.

For those who care about the environment, bamboo is essential to emit oxygen into the atmosphere; generating more oxygen than an equivalent group of trees. As the fastest growing canopy, bamboo reduces light intensity and protects against ultraviolet rays, while acting as a soil and atmospheric purifier. Simply put, bamboo is an abundant natural resource and a viable alternative to deforesting the world’s trees. Choose a bamboo floor and you will be helping to stop the problem of global warming.

Bamboo has practical floors

Bamboo floors have a hardness similar to any hardwood floor. When bamboo goes through the manufacturing process to become flooring, the bamboo becomes hard enough to be made into solid, engineered flooring planks. I would consider installing bamboo flooring anywhere similar that would be good for hardwood floors.

Like wood, bamboo will scratch. So look for bamboo flooring with a solid finish for durability.

And just like wood, bamboo floors can be stained. Although many people leave their bamboo floors natural preferring the lighter blonde color that naturally ground bamboo offers. Keep in mind that like woods, they all stain differently, this is true with bamboo as well. Therefore, please expect some variation in your plank colors.

Bamboo flooring comes in a vertical and horizontal grain pattern. Look for samples to see which style you prefer…with the grain or cross grain cuts. Grain patterns are very different from one another, so make sure you choose the right cut of bamboo for you.

Installation of your bamboo floor

Bamboo can be glued to concrete slabs, stapled to wood subfloors, and floats over most existing floor coverings. Anything you can do with hardwood floors, you can do with bamboo floors. Bamboo floors are also available in floating floor styles.

Installing your bamboo flooring is a very similar process to conventional hardwood flooring. The type of bamboo flooring you choose will determine the installation process. For more information on the types of bamboo flooring available, visit


5 Types of Relationships You Should Avoid

If you start to question your sense of identity and wonder who you are, it may be because of the relationship you are in. If you’ve left a relationship and have no idea how to behave now that you’re out of it, chances are you’ve been stuck in one of these relationships.

All relationships have their moments. What healthy relationships allow us is to slam doors from time to time and that it is not the end of the world.

When you’re in a toxic relationship and you’re on your toes and too scared to say anything in case you’re ridiculed, ignored, or berated, then that’s a whole different matter. You know when you leave these relationships there’s an initial sigh of relief, and then we start to wonder. “What am I supposed to do now?”

Here are 5 types of relationships to avoid and understand. If your personality is being subsumed by your partner’s, or was controlled by your partner before you left, then it’s time to look at you and what you need.

1. The Carrot Pendant

This relationship is great. The perpetrator keeps you on your toes, hoping for a few crumbs from the master’s table. They tell you things like “in the future, maybe we can do xyz together”. The day for that to happen never comes. They know exactly what they are doing; they are controlling you from a distance, playing puppeteer while you hope for the best. They constantly let you down and then unexpectedly redeem themselves so the cycle starts all over again. They have you, hook and sinker, and have no intention of letting you go.

This level of control has to do with their low self-esteem and not yours, and their need for attention. Your shortcomings show up in how you begin to feel about the relationship. Once you recognize this, you can let it go.

2. The controller

The Controller is a different kind of toxic partner that you dangle carrots for, even though they are both in control at the heart of what they do. The controller likes to get into your head and make you doubt yourself. They say things like, “if you think that dress is cool, then wear it.” And so your doubt arises. They also tell you how well you’re doing…and not in a good way. It’s almost like they’re saying, “I like you, no matter what anyone else thinks.” This type of behavior ties you to them for a period of time, because they are eroding your trust and making you lean on them.

See this for what it is. When they tilt their head to the side and say, “awww, you’ll be fine no matter what,” they’re telling you that they’ll take you under their wing and they’ve got you. Walk away.

3. The narcissist

Have you ever felt completely secondary to a partner? Like you’re not much more than an accessory? Do you know that your toxic partner likes themselves more than anyone else? So you need to understand, right now, that you will never be good enough for them, no matter what you do. This type of association has led many wonderful people to believe that they are useless; and if you have a jealous narcissist, then you are theirs to be treated badly, no one else’s. You are a reflection of them.

Recognize that you will always be the runner-up where they are concerned. Are you willing to put up with this all your life?

4. The Silent

Grumpy partners are a nightmare. They sulk at perceived slights from you. You will spend your time playing “guess what mood x is in tonight”. They’ll walk around with a face like a slapped butt and say “nothing” when you ask them what’s wrong. Make sure you have done something and that you are being punished. You could have left the toothpaste cap on or fucked his best friend, the reaction is the same, disproportionate and unfair. And I guess you haven’t screwed your best friend.

Spending your life racking your brains over what you could have done this time to justify the silent treatment makes you a nervous wreck. Call them for that…

5. Guilt

When you take the brunt of the situation when someone (or the toxic partner) has done something wrong, then you are the scapegoat of their life. You end up being the recipient of everything, because you are there. It all becomes your fault, and if you fight back or disagree, then we get the silent treatment once again. One way or another, what went wrong for them, or what they overreacted to, comes back to you, your fault, and why you’re in the world. It’s unreasonable, it’s unfair, and it shows they can’t accept responsibility or filter out the inconvenience.

If it becomes your fault, “you’re the one who wanted this” when, say, you fail a credit check to buy your engagement ring on the premises… get out of the relationship before you get stuck! Do not accept this behavior! (just an example, my friends… ).

If your toxic partner is or was all these things; well done admitting it. So what’s next?

Digital Marketing

Copyediting Tips: Make it Fun, Not Just a Process

Speakers, trainers, and authors, when it comes to editing and proofreading, there are many factors to consider. As writers, our main goal is to make sure our message is communicated clearly and effectively. The purpose of the writing project should be known from the beginning. But what happens when bad grammar and minor errors get in the way? Our message gets lost and mistakes distract our readers. To guard against common typos and keep your audience engaged, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Always write in active voice

The active and passive voice can be used in any type of writing. However, the active voice is the clearest. As you review your writing, pay attention to the use of verbs; Is the subject of the award “performing” the action or is it “receiving” the action? Keep your subject at the beginning of the sentence instead of the end to alleviate this problem and maintain a consistent level of writing:

1. Passive voice: I bought those shoes.

2. Active voice: I bought those shoes.

interview yourself

Now is your chance to be the investigative reporter lurking within you! (Is it just my fantasy?) After you’ve checked for grammar and misspellings, read your writing again and focus on your overall message. Ask yourself questions like these:

1. Did I provide enough detail to prove my purpose?

2. Do I sound credible? Have I included enough research or factual information to prove my points?

3. Is there additional information that I can remove?

4. Did I contradict my own ideas?

Read your writing out loud

If you read your writing silently, it’s very easy to ignore grammatical errors. Because we know our intentions and what we are trying to say, it is easy for us to ignore these errors. Once we slow down and read what we wrote out loud, we find those errors that could be distracting to the audience. We can listen for missing words, mechanical problems, redundancies, etc. You don’t have to read your project to anyone else, just yourself.

Check redundancies

Have you ever found yourself repeating words or ideas in your writing? This happens to all of us! As you read your first draft, highlight words that repeat themselves or sentences that are similar to each other. You may find that you can combine your ideas into a sentence and use a thesaurus to change your choice of words. (The thesaurus is my best friend!)

Read backwards

This probably sounds like weird advice, but it’s very useful when trying to catch misspellings. By reading backwards, you can isolate your language and how it is used. You will notice individual words instead of your key ideas. Note that this won’t help if you’re looking for gaps in the content.

These are just some of my tips and tricks to help you through the editing process. Try some or all to see what works best for you! Just remember the most important rule of thumb: state your purpose clearly to help your audience understand your writing, and remember to have fun.


Potty Training My Toddler – Relax! It doesn’t have to be stressful

Are you struggling to potty train your toddler? Believe it or not, there is a right way and a wrong way to do everything. Every child is different, so potty training will vary from toddler to toddler. Here are some helpful suggestions to consider at that stage in life when your toddler is potty training.

Probably the biggest and most important aspect of potty training your toddler is recognition and encouragement. Like everything we do in life, it is more beneficial to focus on the positive rather than the negative. Some young children will take much longer than others their age; it might even take a year or more to become fully comfortable and potty trained. As they get closer and closer to perfecting the “art of potty training,” celebrate with them. Some parents find it helpful to put a chart on the wall and reward their child with a sticker. Accept the fact now that there are going to be accidents. Let them know it’s okay and focus on getting it right next time. If you insist that they just don’t get it, you will drag the process out much longer.

Young children are easily influenced by their environment, and this includes bathroom etiquette. If they see family members using the bathroom, you can be sure they are watching closely. It is best if everyone participates in helping your child as well. If you see a sibling doing all the right steps, and mom or dad does the same, it will help them get up to speed faster. If you carefully follow the steps required to use the potty, from start to finish, you will have more success sooner. Model proper potty training using your favorite bear or doll. This includes removing the doll’s pants, sitting her on the toilet, cleaning her, and dressing her again. Involve them in these steps so that they take an active role. Every time they complete all the steps, all the steps, reward them with praise, encouragement, and a sticker or something similar.

As I mentioned earlier, your child’s potty training will vary from case to case. Your child may not be ready to train as soon as other toddlers her age. If there’s stress around you—a new baby, changes in living arrangements, or illness—it’s best to wait. You need a long enough, stress-free period of time that can be set aside to train your child effectively. A young child’s attention span is very short and making sure she focuses will help complete the process.

Health Fitness

If you need to lose weight fast, here are some hints and tips to maybe flatten your belly.

There are numerous approaches to individual weight loss goals.

Losing too much weight too quickly, or through unhealthy means, can actually hurt your body and your goals.

These handful of tips will help you experience rapid weight loss as quickly as possible through healthy methods.

Lift weights

One of the best tips for rapid reduction comes straight from the gym.

While it’s important to get cardiovascular exercise, it’s also important to lift weights.

Muscle has to burn calories and fat to improve and rebuild. The more muscle you build, the more fat you will burn.

Add cardio to your day

If you want to lose weight fast, you need to start adding additional cardiovascular exercises to your daily regimen.

You have to include extra movement to help you burn more calories throughout the day.

If you work in a building, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Take the long way to your destination if you are walking around the structure.

These extra steps will add up over time and help you see faster results.

Cut Sugars and Fatty Foods

You need to eliminate bad foods from your diet plan if you want to lose weight and, for example, lose belly fat fast.

They simply reduce their growth, adding extra calories to their daily diet.

If you are looking for quick results, you need to cut out all junk food and all forms of soft drinks.

These include calories in your diet and will make it impossible for you to enjoy a healthy process of getting fit.

eat a good breakfast

Earlier I discussed free useful information available on the internet to boost metabolism burning fruits and vegetables before bed and at breakfast.

I say “Eat”, because I associate the word with “enjoy”, and if you want to lose weight as fast as possible, you should eat a healthy breakfast.

Eating and enjoying a good breakfast will help your metabolism burn hard for the day.

This will help you burn more calories over the course of a day, helping you achieve success.

Drinking water

Drink water when you feel hungry. In some cases, the body is thirsty and will give you a signal by making you feel hungry.

You could take a bite to eat due to the fact that you feel hungry when in reality, all you needed was some water.

These simple ideas are not going to make you lose 15, 18 or more pounds in a week, of course not.

These quick tips will provide you with the tools you need to reach your goals as quickly as possible in a healthy and lasting way.

By altering a few of your many fundamental daily routines, you can lose weight faster than those who rely on crash diets and fad diets.

Losing too much weight too quickly, or in an unhealthy way, can really hurt your body and your goals.

This handful of tips will help you see the success you want, and as quickly as possible through healthy means.

Again, if you really want to lose weight quickly, you need to start including additional cardio, as well as some weight lifting, even if it’s light weights, into your daily regimen.

If you want to reach your goals as quickly as possible, remember to eat and enjoy a good breakfast.

With that said, I hope these suggestions have been some good ‘food for thought’, if you will, and will give you the focus you need to be in top shape.

(Note that I also suggest searching the web for more helpful tips on perhaps burning metabolism and the best diet options as a mindful or mindful approach.)

To be fit and healthy!

Legal Law

My cheating spouse feels guilty so he doesn’t come near me

Here’s something that isn’t talked about much after an affair and is kind of hard to understand: Oftentimes, if you’re the faithful wife, you want your husband to get close to you. This is true even if you know you might not even want it. Still, you want him to love you. Because this would indicate remorse, sorrow and longing. This would help your hurt self-esteem and confirm that the man you married is out there somewhere. Unfortunately, this type of approach is not always that easy. The wife may suspect that the husband wants to communicate with her, but for some reason he does not. This may be due to shame, guilt, or an inability to communicate after being caught in such an unflattering situation. This leaves the wife wondering how to proceed. She definitely doesn’t want to beg him to come near her. (After all, she shouldn’t have to do that.) But she wants some kind of reassurance because this might make her feel better.

Then she asks: “Is it normal for a husband to withdraw after an affair because of guilt? My husband says he is sorry. Or should I clarify that he writes that he is sorry. He does not speak directly to me about this. He leaves me little notes or cards he tells me how sorry he is and says he hopes one day we can get over this but then when we are physically together he doesn’t look me in the eye he doesn’t try to touch me or hug me or even offer me any comfort he just stands there awkwardly and looks his feet like it’s the saddest moment of his life. Apart from me, he feels sorry for him, but I also feel like he made this mess. And he needs to clean it up. But I have my doubts he’s going to do that when all he can to do is look sad and stare at his feet. I want him to come to me if nothing else gave me the choice to turn him down. The other day, I got frustrated and asked him if he was going to sit quietly for the rest of our lives I asked him why he never says anything. His response was that his guilt paralyzed him and he doesn’t feel he has the right to talk to me, interact with me, or get physically close to me. He almost hinted that he was waiting for me to take the initiative, which, frankly, almost infuriated me. I have to put up with cheating from him and now I’m stuck having to be the one to start everything when he’s the one who cheated? That doesn’t seem fair.”

You’re right. It doesn’t seem fair at all. But it is not rare. Cheating spouses can have a very strong and understandable fear of rejection. They know they deserve your anger and anger. They know that it is very possible that the moment they try to contact you, they will be rejected, or even worse. So they allow their fear to direct their actions. In short, they are waiting for some signal from you that it is “safe” or “appropriate” for you to contact them. Whether the wife decides to allow this or not is up to her. Some wives will choose to wait and see if the husband eventually feels more comfortable or decides that she must move on and risk rejection.

Other wives will lose patience and try to approach it with something like, “I know you said your fault prevents you from communicating or getting closer, but I’m not sure we can keep it up. I don’t have much to explain or say since it’s not me.” who cheated. So I can’t really take the initiative and I can’t read your mind. At the same time, if there is any remorse or insight you need share with me so we can start making decisions about what we might want to do in the future, now would be the time to share that. It’s going to be very difficult for us to progress when you don’t communicate or express your wishes in any way. I know you say you’re guilty or afraid, but I think you need to get over this and steel yourself because this it’s our marriage we’re talking about. There has been an affair, so the desire for comfort and guarantees is unrealistic here, I couldn’t help but feel rejection and pain. I don’t think it’s realistic for you to think that you won’t feel any discomfort moving forward . If we never communicate, we probably won’t have a chance. So it will be your decision if you want to continue ducking without contacting me.”

Wait and see how he responds. He can tell you that he sincerely felt that you wanted nothing from him. That’s where it gets tricky because you may be feeling conflicting emotions. You may want the reassurance of him reaching out, but once he does, he may not feel completely comfortable reassuring you. There is often a long way to go before he can offer real reassurance. So you don’t want to put yourself in a position where you’re implying that he has nothing to fear or that you’re offering him guarantees. But you want to make it clear that he must make the effort regardless. And, as a faithful spouse, getting things going isn’t your responsibility, but if you want to give him a little push with conversation, there’s nothing wrong with that.