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Are you a parent with high hopes? How your positive thinking affects your child

Quick… what song won an Academy Award for song of the year in 1959?

If you know that trivia, congratulations! It was the song, High Hopes in the movie Hole in the Head (not the most famous movie, I admit). The song became more popular after Frank Sinatra recorded it in 1961.

In the wake of today’s turbulence, the lyrics seem banal:

The next time they find you, with your chin on the ground,

There’s a lot to learn, so look around.

Just what makes that little old ant

Do you think it will move that rubber tree plant?

Anyone knows that an ant can’t move a rubber plant,

But he has high hopes, he has high hopes…

And an ant probably can’t move a rubber plant on its own, but if you stay hopeful enough, your chance of success increases, because with a hopeful attitude, inspiration has a place to strike. And with hope, resilience reigns. Without it, despair can paralyze and slow effective solutions to a halt.

High hopes may seem like a myth when we look around us today at all the suffering, the defragmentation, the unhappiness and the fear, the terror and the paranoia. Yet brain research continues to accumulate data that hopeful people are more effective problem solvers. In addition, it is very clear that what we pay attention to grows. And conversely, what we do not pay attention to shrinks. If we focus on our hope, our hope grows. If we’re awash in despair… well, that, of course, takes away our hope.

Are we seeing our son’s strengths or are we overwhelmed by his lack of motivation? If we don’t pay attention to his strengths, they will surely not grow and the motivation “problem” will surely increase. Are we noticing our daughter’s thoughtfulness or do we always comment on her bad temper? That is the way to grow a bad mood. The human brain is not a capricious device that acts at random. No, it acts according to a finely tuned set of principles. And one of those fundamental principles is that the focus of our attention, to a large extent, creates the reality that we experience. This is not New Age gibberish, although the New Ages have capitalized on this fascinating aspect of our brain’s operating system. There has been a lot of academic research on the subject. In fact, Appreciative Inquiry, one of the cornerstones of the PCI coaching model, is a process methodology that stems from this research. Appreciative Inquiry itself has been researched to work powerfully because it applies strategies taking into account the propensities of the human brain.

The fact is that hope will increase, if we pay attention to hopeful events. Soon enough, there are more hopeful things to talk about and our talk is filled with more hope. With more hope in front of us, we detect it in others and in our world more often and more quickly. Before we know it, the negatives are shrinking from lack of attention and the positives have increased, almost like magic! Of course, then we have more hope… the upward spiral continues… more good things happen.

Our world greatly challenges us to shift our attention to what holds hope, to what brings and enhances life. And I think it profoundly affects our upbringing. How can we stay focused on hope, on the positive, and on what is working in our daily lives with our children?

Here are five considerations for hopeful parenting in difficult times.

In his research, CR Synder (The Psychology of Hope, The Free Press, 1994) found these important indicators:

1. Hopeful parents know how to get what they want. They are determined and enjoy being enterprising and flexible, especially in difficult times. Determination can be found in having a clear vision of what we want for our children and our families. Determination means having the mental energy and physical stamina to stay with a challenge long enough to sweat out an effective solution. If we give up, we can be sure to be defeated. Your self-care goes a long way in helping you stay determined when the going gets tough. Pay attention to the signs when you feel like giving up. Instead, think about what you can give yourself and your children that will focus on your inner strengths and improve your perseverance.

2. Hopeful parents listen well. Listening and paying close attention to our children’s strengths increases our flexibility to change course if our parenting strategy isn’t getting the results we’re looking for. We can often learn from our children what is needed once we follow our instincts and answer this question from our integrity: What will bring more life to this situation? As we look at our children from this perspective, we may suddenly realize many things we can do to give them a sense of accomplishment, appreciate their present talents, and look to the future with hope.

3. Children view hopeful parents as successful. It seems that hopeful parents demonstrate their autonomy by feeling successful. This definition of success is not the definition that seems to matter to our world: big house, big car, lots of money, etc. Rather, success is measured as “Having high self-esteem and positive self-images.” This affects children on many levels: positive parents with high self-esteem grow hopeful, happy, self-confident children with high self-esteem!

4. Hopeful parents comfort each other well. When things get scary or really tough, hopeful parents comfort kids and act supportively during high-stress situations. Being there emotionally is a characteristic of parents who are more hopeful. They do not allow negative energies to affect their ability to be present and available to their children. They are able to keep negativity at bay so that children do not translate it as: “There is no time for me.” Anxiety-laden parents cannot be responsive to children’s emotional needs. Hopeful parents instill trust and openness in the parent-child communication process, keeping those doors open, even during the teen years!

5. Hopeful parents support children’s autonomy and competence. This does not mean that everything goes. What it does mean is that by focusing on what the child does well every day, the parent builds a strong sense of self in the child over time. With that comes the conviction in the child of his talents and abilities. In the words of one of the children in Synder’s research: “The most important thing I remember about my parents is that they taught me to do things for myself. But I always knew that they would be there for me if I got into trouble. ..If I messed up something, they would talk to me and not me.”

The bottom line of high hopes parenting, it seems, is that it can help us stay our best, even in difficult times, and bring out the best in our children.

Then everything is possible… for us, our children… even our world.

Copyright Gloria DeGaetano, 2010. All rights reserved.


Global storms hurl towers of dust into the Martian sky

No other planet in our Solar System has inspired the human imagination more than Mars. This is because, historically, the Red Planet was considered the most likely world to be the distant home of life beyond Earth. While this view has certainly become very outdated, Mars still appeals to Earthlings with its rusty-red surface, etched with small valleys carved into slopes, eerily similar in shape to ravines formed by flowing water. on the surface of our own planet. and where liquid water exists, life as we know it can also exist. But today, Mars is a frigid, dry wasteland, where violent dust storms are common, but every ten years something unpredictable happens, and a series of runaway storms breaks out, blanketing the entire planet in a thick swirling blanket of dust. dust. In November 2019, planetary scientists announced that a fleet of NASA spacecraft got a good look at the life cycle of the huge, and highly destructive, global dust storm of 2018 that ended prematurely with the visiting rover. of opportunity exploration mission on the surface of the Red Planet.

At this time, planetary scientists are still in the process of studying the puzzling new data. However, two papers have recently been published that shed new light on a phenomenon observed within the enormous dust storm:dust towers, which are concentrated clouds of dust that are heated by sunlight and then rise into the air. Planetary scientists have proposed that water vapor, imprisoned by dense, swirling dust, may be riding them in a way that has been compared to an elevator into space, where radiation from our Sun shreds their molecules apart. This suggestion could help explain how Martian water vanished over billions of years.

Our Solar System is about 4.6 billion years old. Before about 3.8 billion years ago, Mars may have had a much denser atmosphere than it does today, as well as higher surface temperatures. These ancient conditions would have allowed large amounts of liquid water to exist on the Martian surface, including a vast ocean that covered a third of the planet.

Almost all the water on Mars today is in the form of ice, although some of it also exists as water vapor in its atmosphere. The only place where water ice is seen on the Martian surface is in the north polar ice cap. However, a large amount of water ice is also present below the permanent carbon dioxide ice cap at the Martian south pole, as well as in the shallow subsurface in more temperate conditions.

More than 21 million kilometers of ice have been discovered on or near the Martian surface. This equates to enough water ice to cover the entire planet to a depth of 115 feet. It is even more likely that water ice lurks deep in the Martian subsurface.

Large amounts of dust have formed on the surface of the Red planet as a result of its currently dry conditions. dust towers they are huge, churning clouds that rise considerably higher than normal background dust in the thin Martian atmosphere. Although dust towers they have also been seen under more normal conditions, appearing to form in greater numbers as a result of global storms.

IN tower first forms on the surface of a planet. It begins as a region of rapidly kicking up dust about the width of Rhode Island. By the time this dusty tower reaches the lofty height of 50 miles, as observed during the infamous 2018 global dust storm, it may be as wide as the state of Nevada. As the tower begins to lose strength, it can form a layer of dust 35 miles above a planet’s surface that may be wider than the entire continental United States.

The findings of 2019, belonging to the exotic Martian. dust towerswere derived courtesy of NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)which is run by the agency Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) located in Pasadena, California. Although dust storms blanket the Martian surface, MRO is able to use its heat sensor Mars climate probe instrument to penetrate heavy mist. The instrument is specifically designed to measure dust levels. Their data, along with images obtained from a camera aboard the orbiter called Mars Context Image Generator (MARC)allowed planetary scientists to detect numerous dust towers

the kingdom of Red planet

Mars is the fourth planet from our Sun, as well as the second smallest major planet in our Sun’s family after Mercury. In English, Mars is named after the Roman god of war because of its rusty red hue. This reddish coloration is courtesy of the large amounts of iron oxide on the Martian surface, and is unique among astronomical bodies visible to the unaided human eye. Mars is a solid terrestrial planet, showing only a thin atmosphere. It also possesses surface features reminiscent of both Earth’s Moon impact craters and Earth’s polar ice caps, valleys, and deserts.

Martian days and seasons are also comparable to those of our own planet. This is because the period of rotation, as well as the tilt of the axis of rotation in relation to the ecliptic plane, are similar for both sister worlds. Mars also hosts Mount Olympus, the largest volcano and highest known mountain in our entire Solar System. Another surface feature, called Valles Marineris, is one of the largest canyons in the familiar family of planets, moons, and smaller objects on our Sun. The smooth Boreal The basin, located in the northern hemisphere of Mars, covers 40% of the planet and is believed to be a gigantic impact scar left by a huge crashing object. Mars is also surrounded by a duo of small moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are irregularly shaped and resemble potatoes. The two small moons are considered captured asteroids.

The first observations of Mars were made by ancient Egyptian skygazers. In 1534 B.C. C., these early astronomers were already familiar with the retrograde motion of the red planet. At the time of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Babylonian skygazers made regular records of the positions of the planets, as well as systematic studies of their behavior. In the case of the Red Planet, ancient astronomers discovered that it made 42 turns of the zodiac every 79 years. These ancient astronomers even devised mathematical methods to make minor corrections to the predicted positions of the planets in our Solar System. Ancient skygazers called the planets “wandering stars.”

In the fourth century B.C. C., the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle noted that Mars disappeared behind Earth’s Moon during an occultation. This indicated that the Red Planet was farther from Earth than our Moon. The Greek astronomer Ptolemy, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, tried to determine the orbital motion of Mars, and his collective works and his model on astronomy were presented in his multi-volume collection, entitled Almagest. Tea Almagest it was the authoritative work on Western astronomy for the next four centuries.

Ancient Chinese astronomers were also familiar with Mars no later than the 4th century BCE. C. In the 5th century CE, the Indian astronomical work titled surya siddhanta presented a measurement of the estimated diameter of the Red Planet. In East Asian cultures, Mars is often called the “fire star,” based on the Five elements: wood, water, earth, metal and fire.

In the 17th century, the astronomer Tycho Brahe measured the diurnal parallax of Mars that Johannes Kepler had used to make the first calculations of the distance from Mars to Earth. When the first telescopes, used for astronomical purposes, became available, the day parallax of Mars was determined to make this measurement in 1692. However, these first measurements were flawed due to the poor quality of the telescopes.

Mars hasn’t always looked the way we do today. The Red Planet suffered a catastrophic tilt billions of years ago. Before this tilt occurred, the Martian poles were not located where they are now.

There is current research evaluating the habitability potential of the Red Planet in the past, as well as the possibility of life today. Future astrobiology missions are currently being planned. These missions include the March 2020 and rosalinda franklin homeless. Today, liquid water cannot accumulate on the Martian surface, except at the lowest elevations for short periods, due to the low atmospheric pressure, which amounts to less than 1% of that on Earth.

The United States, Europe, India and the Soviet Union have sent dozens of uncrewed spacecraft to Mars, including rovers, orbiters and landers. These missions observed the red planet’s surface, climate, and geology. Over the last twenty years, cameras in orbit around Mars have returned a large number of revealing images of the “fiery star” to our planet.

Dust towers in the Martian sky

Although dust towers shape throughout the Martian year, MRO observed something unusual about the catastrophic global dust storm of 2018. “Normally, the dust would fall in a day or so. But during a global storm, dust towers are continuously renewed for weeks,” commented the paper’s lead author, Dr. Nicholas Heavens, in a Nov. 26, 2019, statement. JPL press release. Dr. Heavens is from Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia.

In some cases, multiple towers they have been observed for almost 4 weeks.

The activity rate of the dust surprised Dr. Heavens and his colleagues. But what they found particularly intriguing was the possibility that dust towers they function as “space elevators” for other material. If this turns out to be the case, then dust towers it can play the important role of transporting other materials through the Martian atmosphere. When dust in the air heats up, it forms updrafts that carry gases along the journey, including small amounts of water vapor that are sometimes seen as wispy clouds on Mars.

In a previous paper, Dr. Heavens had shown that during a global Martian dust storm in 2007, water molecules were flung high into the upper atmosphere, where radiation from our Sun could break them up into particles that escape screaming into interplanetary space. That mechanism could provide an important clue about how the Red Planet lost its lakes and rivers billions of years ago, thus becoming the icy, desolate wasteland it is today.

Planetary scientists aren’t sure how global dust storms form. This is because so far they have only managed to study less than a dozen of these storms. But with more time to collect additional data, the MRO team will seek a new understanding of how dust towers form within global storms and what role they may play in removing water from the Martian atmosphere.

Dr. David Kass, Climate Sounder scientist at JPLhe commented to the press that “global dust storms are really unusual. We don’t really have something like that on Earth, where the weather of the entire planet changes over several months.”


Before you join a gym to lose weight and exercise, take a look at these 5 extremely important things

Exercise is one of the two things that make weight loss effective and permanent, the other being proper nutrition. A good place to get the necessary fitness equipment you need is at a gym. Many people prefer going to the gym to exercising at home for many obvious reasons. So how do you tell a good gym from a bad one? Here are 5 extremely important things to check before joining a gym.

1. The general interest of your gym

Does the gym ask for feedback from members? Does he respond to comments and genuinely care what you, as a member, think? If not, then your gym might be more interested in getting more new members than taking care of existing members.

2. Equipment

The second thing to consider is the type of equipment that the gym has. Some gyms are packed with cardio and stationary resistance machines with only a small space for stretching exercises and stability balls. A good gym provides plenty of space with plenty of free weights, cardio equipment, stability balls, and only a small area for resistance machines.

3. Do you have qualified personnel?

Not every ‘professional’ is a professional. You need to check the qualification of the staff working in the gym you want to join. These people will be responsible for making your time in the gym worthwhile, so you want to make sure they are ‘really’ qualified and know what they are doing.

4. Do you offer customized programs?

Everyone is not the same. Your weight loss goal is not the same as the next person’s. You will need a program that is tailored to your body and your goals. Also, if you have a medical condition that will make some sort of physical challenge a concern, giving you an “out of the box” program that everyone else is given isn’t going to do it. Also, if you are paying, you want to see the real value of your hard earned money.

5. What about other areas of health and fitness?

As you probably already know, exercise isn’t all there is to losing weight. Does your gym offer other services as well? Do they really care about you? Do you receive remedial programs, massage therapy sessions, nutrition advice, etc.? these are the other things that matter. If your gym only gives you intense hours of training, you may want to try somewhere else.

These are some of the things you check before joining a gym. Of course there are others, but these will give you a starting point and a clue.

Ultimately, successful weight loss is all about good nutrition, regular physical activity, and proper motivation. Usually you need information.

Home Kitchen

Cabinet Knobs and Pulls: Choosing Which One Will Work For You

When remodeling a kitchen in your home, there are many decisions that need to be made regarding renovation and design elements. One decision you must make when renovating a kitchen is the type of appliances you would like to use. There’s no need to upgrade every appliance when you’re completing a renovation; However, if the appliances are old and not performing to standards, then it may be time to invest in new appliances. There are numerous appliances to choose from including stainless steel, black and white. See there are plenty of options when it comes to appliances, there is sure to be a style appliance to fit the look you are looking for.

Another area to consider when renovating is the cabinets. Depending on your budget, you can go for completely new cabinets or you can upgrade the cabinets you currently have. By refinishing existing cabinets, you can save yourself a lot of money budget-wise. If your cabinets are in good shape, you can simply sand the existing cabinets and repaint or apply a fresh coat of stain to make them look like new.

In addition to repainting and applying a fresh coat of stain, another way to spruce up kitchen cabinets is by applying new cabinets and pulls. When you’re working on a tight budget, upgrading kitchen cabinet knobs is an inexpensive way to give your kitchen a new look. A homeowner can easily replace all of the kitchen hardware for less than $100, but it sounds like they spent a lot more money. There are many types of cabinet hardware to choose from, so there is a style that will fit in with any kitchen design.

The first thing to consider when choosing what type of cabinet knobs to install is what finish you would like to accent the kitchen with. Cabinet pulls and knobs come in many different finishes to fit any type of kitchen style. Finishes include Oil Rubbed Bronze, Satin Nickel, Matte Black, Polished Brass, Antique Copper, Distressed Nickel, Swedish Iron, Antique Iron, Satin Pewter, and many other finishes. With the variety of finishes available, there’s sure to be a style to fit your kitchen and match your other kitchen appliances and accessories.

Once you decide what type of finish you would like for your cabinet pulls and other hardware, you need to choose what style of pull or knob you would like. It is important to make sure all the cabinet hardware matches each other in finish, however you can mix and match the style of door handles or knob of your choice. You can go with flat pulls, but choose to spice things up with intricate detail on the knobs. By mixing and matching you can give yourself variety and add character to the kitchen.


5 things to avoid when choosing a courier service

1. But they are the cheapest!

As the old adage goes, the cheapest is the most expensive. I mean, it’s old, and an adage for a reason, it’s true! Cheaper businesses often have a revolving door of dissatisfied contractor employees, not the guys you want to trust with your precious paperwork, critical items, or anything else. The most reputable services are generally priced accordingly. Some extra spending is worth its weight in gold when your critical items and reputation are on the line.

2. They answer the phone with a “yeah, wait.”

This is not your local pizzeria. Getting fired before you get to “hello” is probably a sign of the direction of your future business relationship. Telephone skills are only one aspect of customer service. But rest assured that if talking on the phone is a chore for them, they won’t treat the delivery of your item much differently.

3. Your idea of ​​half an hour is actually 3 hours.

Nobody likes verbiage, well, at least not the commercial kind. Don’t you wish more companies realized that a little honesty goes a long way? Sure, not many will complain when a half hour is actually 45 minutes, but more than that and they’re pushing it. Time is money, a well used cliché for a reason.

4. The car they pull up in appears to have returned from the future after barely surviving World War III.

Reliability is a big issue here. And if they don’t care enough to drive a decently running vehicle, they probably don’t care much. Some people run their businesses and vehicles by a thread and hire contractors who do the same. Lack of maintenance on your vehicle can end up costing you money, time, or an important customer you simply cannot afford to lose. Make sure your courier has updated and varied vehicles.

5. His name starts with “A” or, better yet, “AAA.”

This is no longer the early ’70s, when putting an “A” in front of your name was a bona fide promotional tactic to get in the yellow pages. Granted, attacking the choice of a generic business name is not the end of all arguments, but not even bothering to try to update something that shows a modicum of effort just shows laziness and a lack of creativity. Messengers can be called many things, but “slackers” should never be one of them.

A courier service is an extension of your business, and choosing the right one is an important choice. By heeding these tips from the inside, you’ll have a head start on what to avoid and fewer headaches the next time you order express delivery.

Digital Marketing

SEO Tips and Tricks for Joomla Websites


I would like to write an article on SEO tips and tricks. I’m sure my SEO techniques work well enough, but if you can improve them, please let me know. Everyone knows that the real key to good SEO after your site is properly ‘optimized’ is new content, but these are my top tips for Joomla website SEO. I hope you find it useful:

keyword research

Use Google to help you find keywords associated with your business. When you type words in the search bar, Google suggests other keywords that you could use. The Google Keyword Tool is a great resource for finding keywords for your business. It allows you to analyze a word to see how many people are searching for that word on a monthly basis in a regional area.

Personally, I think it’s better to optimize for keyword phrases rather than individual words, as people are more likely to specify their searches on ‘web designer Melbourne’ rather than just ‘web designers’.

Google prefers to show its customers more localized returns by displaying local search returns on a map in the right column. When you scroll down, the map actually hovers over the paid ads.

google places

If you don’t have a Google account, it’s worth creating one to access all the tools Google has to offer. For your account page, you can create a Google Places listing for your business. You can add business hours, payment terms and the categories you want to be found for and it’s free. Everything counts.

Browser Page Titles

Each web page must have its own unique browser page titles and must not be longer than 70 characters. Include keywords in your browser’s page title. In Joomla, the browser page title is controlled by the menu or its page/item title. If you are creating a menu item to link to a single page, you can control the browser page title by clicking Menus.

Select the link to edit

Click ‘System Parameters’ and enter the keyword-rich page title in the Page Title field.

If you are viewing an article that is in a category, the browser page title is taken from the title of the page you are viewing.


Make sure each page has H1, H2, and p tags. Remember to include keywords in your page titles. When setting up a Joomla site, I prefer to use K2 to create my pages/elements and write my page titles on the page using the H1 tag. There must be only one instance of an H1 tag on the page; otherwise it looks like spam.


Each image should have an ‘alt’ and ‘title’ description so search engines know what it is. Make sure your images are optimized before uploading them to your website to ensure faster load times.


This is easier to do once you have a few pages on your site. When writing articles, link the keywords in your text to other relevant pages, a bit like Wikipedia. This makes it much easier for people to navigate your website by having to go to the menu and search for information. Internal links are also ranked, as well as some external links to your site.


When you’re looking for backlink sites, you really want PR1 sites. These are Page Rank 1 sites that allow you to write to their blogs or create an account where you can add a backlink. Remember that the anchor text is the most important part of the backlink as it needs to be descriptive and include your keywords. The link would probably work better if it linked directly to the page that the anchor text refers to.

Example: Web Designers Melbourne

Ideally, you want your backlink to be placed on an ‘important’ page on a well ranked site. Do not use backlink farms. Your website will take a nosedive if you do. Build backlinks slowly over time and be patient.

SEO friendly URLs in Joomla

When creating your Joomla site, it is best to use search engine friendly URLs. If your server is Apache, you will need to rename a file on your server. In the root folder find htaccess.txt and change it to .htaccess

If an .htaccess already exists, I usually delete it and rename the htaccess.txt and use it.

When you have done that, login to your Joomla website and go to:

Site/Global Settings

Make sure the ‘Site’ tab is selected and you will see the SEO settings on the right.

Search Engine Friendly URLs – Yes

Use Apache mod_rewrite – Yes

Add suffix to URLs – No

Press Save.

Now all your urls will have easy to read urls.

Articles / Items

When writing an article (or item in K2), you must fill in the ‘Metadata Information’. The description box is the short description that people see when they search for pages on Google, so write it neat and concise. The ‘Keywords’ field is self-explanatory. Add keywords and phrases separated by commas.

In the Robots field enter: ‘index, follow’

In the Author field enter: Your name and keyword. It can’t hurt.

Don’t forget the H1, H2 and alt tags when writing your article.

Site Map

When your site is ready, you need to create a sitemap.xml file. Search Google for xml sitemap builder and you’ll find a site that will help you create one of these. When complete, download the sitemap.xml file to your computer and upload it to your server. Now sign in to your Google account and click on Webmaster Tools. Add your site to your Google Webmaster Tools

Submit your sitemap to Google

The best way to submit your site to Google is not through a submission URL, but through their webmaster tools. Click ‘Diagnostics’ in the left column. Then click ‘Get as Googlebot’. Here you can add his home page and any other key pages on your site. Google will find your other pages, but it’s good to tell them about your key pages.


Your site should have a robots.txt file that tells visiting search engine robots which pages to view.

This is mine as an example:

User Agent: *

Allow: /sitemap.xml

Allow: /index.php

Allow: /index.html

Allow: /index.htm

User Agent: *

Disallow: /akeeba-backups

Disallow: /cgi-bin

Do not allow: /logs

Disallow: /plugins

Disallow: /tmp

Disallow: /xmlrcpc

Disallow: /admin

Disallow: /cache

Do not allow: /editor

Disallow: /help

Disallow: /includes

Do not allow: /language

Disallow: /media

Disallow: /modules

Do not allow: /templates

Do not allow: /installation

Google analytics code

Sign in to your Google account and go to Google Analytics. Create the correct analytics code and place this code in your index.php file just before the tag. This way, you can keep track of the search terms people use when they land on your site along with a lot of other information.

Submission to many search engines

If you want to submit to many search engines, a good site to do so is Just fill in the details and you’re done. Some submissions need to be confirmed.

Business directories

Directories can help with backlinks to your site, as well as pushing people to your site from those directories. Do a quick search of local business directories and submit today.

keyword density

The Addme website also has an excellent ‘Keyword Density’ checker. Here you can analyze your site’s keyword density and adjust your article writing according to what you want to optimize for. Your keywords should appear for 10% of the length of your article. That is, 10 instances for every 100 words. You just have to be smart in the way you write so it doesn’t sound contrived.

I think that’s it. If you have any other top SEO tips, please let me know.




Birthday gifts and various instances of birthday gifts

Birthdays are special occasions that call for celebration. There is joy, laughter and joy. These celebrations are incomplete without the right gifts. Proper planning will result in the purchase of a gift, the most suitable for a person. Choosing the appropriate birthday gifts is an art in itself.

However, the most important task is to buy appropriate birthday gifts for your loved ones. Celebrations do not always have to be stereotyped. Add a spark of novelty to the celebrations. It is important that you add a creative touch to birthday gifts so that your birthday gifts are a real treasure.

The different instances that call for the celebration, with exclusive birthday gifts, are the following:

Birthday wishes in advance:
Your absence at your loved ones’ birthday celebrations may be unavoidable. How do you compensate for that? Well, it’s better to be early than late, and I’m sorry. Shop for a suitable birthday gift that can include a watch, jewelry, electronics, curios, or a suitable combo gift and present it before you leave. Another option is to take advantage of the online shopping service and receive the gift on d-day.

Midnight Birthday Gifts:
The clock strikes twelve, you wake up your friend/relative and wish them a happy birthday. To add to the surprise quotient, you’ll need a nice birthday cake, some candles to go with it, and of course, the thoughtful birthday present. Well, birthdays can’t get any better than this.

Birthday gifts for her can include fresh flowers to brighten up the midnight celebrations, jewelry, chocolates, perfumes, and much more. Birthday gifts for him can include curiosities, perfumes, watches, electronics, etc. Some good music and wine will also add fervor to the celebrations.

Long Distance Birthday Gifts:
Being separated by distance from family and friends is sometimes unavoidable. In such circumstances, there has to be a way out, to send timely gifts to your loved ones. Online markets are the best option to buy and receive gifts on time. To add a personal touch to these gifts, you can take advantage of the personalized products option available on some online sites. Flowers, personalized mugs and t-shirts, chocolates, curios, clothing, electronics, and automobiles can be given on the special occasion.

Belated birthday gifts:
Forgot to wish a loved one on their birthday? Do not freight. There are several ways to compensate for this. Although there is no replacement for well-timed birthday wishes and gifts, you can always go for the belated birthday wishes option.

Belated birthday gifts can include a belated birthday card and a bouquet of flowers. Other options are souvenirs, watches, books, clothing, electronics, or a box of chocolates with a personalized card. Various personalized gifts like greeting cards, picture frames, and much more are great belated gift options.

Corporate birthday gifts:
Celebrating your birthday at the office? You don’t need to worry about birthday bumps, as corporate celebrations are usually formal. There is the traditional birthday cake and sweets. People have a break to get out of their work desks and sing a short birthday song. The head of the corporate team usually presents a bouquet, a box of chocolates and, in most cases, gift certificates from reputable stores. These are the all-time favorite corporate birthday gifts.

The art of gift buying is important, even more so when the person in question is a person near and dear to you, who will cherish the gift forever. Think of ways to surprise the person with the most thoughtful gifts. For everything else, trust online markets. They offer an excellent bouquet of products and assure you of timely delivery.

Whatever the gifting medium, just make sure you choose the right birthday gifts. Birthdays are really special. Take care to remember birthdays and present thoughtful gifts for your loved ones.

Health Fitness

Cut out Sugar and Eat Saturated Fat to Fight Obesity – Part 3

Cut out sugar, eat more fat and be leaner and healthier.

Adapting to a sugar-free diet that has far fewer carbohydrates than today’s “normal” diets that increase obesity means having to substitute something else for sugars. That ‘something’ is healthy fats.

It may seem quite counterintuitive to eat fat to prevent obesity and lose weight because it goes against the dietary advice issued by health agencies and governments. That advice is to make carbohydrates 50 percent of our diet and limit the amount of saturated fat we eat.

This advice is now under scrutiny and may turn out to be the ‘direct cause’ of the obesity epidemic.

Wherever you go, in supermarkets, kiosks, cafes and restaurants, we find them: sugar-laden foods and drinks. There are tempting chocolate bars; there are soda cans; there are cakes and scones seemingly everywhere.

Even staple foods like bread, pasta, and potatoes hide their sugar content. This is because these foods are ‘complex’ carbohydrates, easily broken down to become the monosaccharide sugar glucose in the blood. If it is not active, the body converts this high-energy sugar into fatty tissue under the skin.

Also, because many of us eat prepared ‘processed’ foods, we fill up on another monosaccharide sugar called fructose. This particular sugar is much worse than glucose for health because it is not used for energy. Instead, it goes directly to the liver, where it is turned into dangerous ‘visceral’ fat around internal organs.

Worse yet, fructose is now known to be just as bad as excess alcohol for damaging the liver. Increased liver damage among populations seems to be attributed to excessive fructose consumption. Fructose is added to processed foods for flavor and other purposes too numerous to mention.

In fact, in countries like the UK, net alcohol consumption has declined over the past two decades, but liver damage is increasing.

The good news is that with the ‘low carb and healthy fat’ diet we can now start the fight against obesity. Healthy fats are now the new secret weapon against sugar cravings.

There are many respected studies that show that fats are very healthy for us.

The dietary shift from carbohydrates to fat is what most people find difficult to understand and implement. This is because eating nuts or tubs of yogurt throughout the day will not help you lose weight because these foods are high in calories.

The ‘low carb and healthy fat’ diet is designed to keep carb intake low for those wanting to lose weight. This is established at a maximum of 50 grams of carbohydrates per day for sedentary people, and up to 120 grams for active people.

If losing weight isn’t a concern, but eating healthier is, eating 120 grams of carbs a day will be fine.

Here’s an example of a ‘low carb and healthy fat’ meal, so you can get an idea of ​​the types of foods in this new diet plan:

  • protein: Poultry, fish, meat (beef, pork, lamb, venison, etc.): 100-150 grams per meal.
  • vegetables: as many varieties and as many as needed.
  • eggs: up to three each day. The size of the egg is irrelevant.
  • fats: a large handful of walnuts (unfortunately, not peanuts, unless they are unsalted), or 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil; 1 tablespoon butter or coconut oil; 30-50 grams of cheese; 3 tablespoons full-fat yogurt; 3 tablespoons of cream.
  • fruit: only berries like blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries. 80 grams per day. (Apple and pear pulp contain fructose.)
  • carbs: none if you want to lose weight. However, if you are fairly active, a fist-sized serving of dense, cooked vegetables per day is acceptable. Options are: sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, parsnips, lentils, quinoa, or buckwheat.

By the way, this diet plan allows you to have a ‘Full English’ fry up! A couple of eggs fried in butter or coconut oil, two or three slices of bacon, a sausage made with at least 80 percent meat, tomatoes, and a flat mushroom make a perfect meal to start your day.

That sounds like a good way to start the fight against obesity.

Legal Law

Coexistence relations

In this age of instant gratification and tenuous relationships, there has been a sea change in attitudes towards traditional institutions like marriage. Over the past two decades, marriage rates have been falling as cohabitation rates have been rising. Compared to a generation ago, when only about 10% of couples lived, today almost 50% live together before marriage. Although the numbers are higher in the West, India and other Asian countries are catching up fast.

Living at home seems like a much more attractive proposition than the slavery of marriage. It’s a ‘fun thing’ and the partners believe in taking each day as it comes. They do not see the need to formalize the relationship. The standard answer given is that “none of us are religious, and a piece of paper doesn’t make any difference to our relationship.”

Stephanie Coontz, co-chair of the Council for Contemporary Families says, “Cultural acceptance and science have broken the age-old equation of marriage and parenting. All forms of families claim legitimacy and get it.”

Many tend to blame the Feminist Movement for the devaluation of marriage. Germaine Greer mocked the “middle-class myth about love and marriage.” If they were caught in that trap, they should have no qualms about breaking free.

An Indian feminist, Radha Thomas, said: “Marriage is nothing more than someone else’s rules imposed on you by society. Cohabiting relationships are nothing out of the ordinary.”

In their book “Open Marriage: A New Way of Life,” George and Nina O’Neil call marriage “archaic, rigid, old-fashioned, oppressive, static, and decadent,” and think monogamy should be done away with. But long before them, Sigmund Freud was convinced that sexual liberation in the face of sexual restraint was the panacea for all human emotional ills.

Bertrand Russell was also a proponent of the more liberal sex. He said: “Adults have the right to cohabit as long as they do not have children.”

Today’s young generation is an ambitious and work-oriented class unto itself, bent on reaching the top of the career ladder no matter what. Intoxicated by power and wealth, they have no time for moral compromises or lifelong monogamy. They cannot lose sight of their hopes and dreams for the sake of a legal document. They don’t have time to play loving husband or doting father to a litter of brats. Being financially stable makes them feel that they are “the masters of their destiny and the captains of their souls.”

Many educated women have chosen a “career only” role and are happy in it. A career provides an opportunity to remain single. Staying single is no longer a disability. Marriage is perceived as a threat to their professional goals. They have financial independence, personal freedom, and glamorous social lives. The husband and children would only break a pattern to which they have grown accustomed. Sexual liberation provides pleasure without compromise. And since everyone else is doing it, why not them? However, there is the possibility of working your way into the feminist cage of unrealistic expectations and a distorted understanding of love, which could distort your value systems.

Secular Humanism is another ideology, which has created a lot of confusion in the area of ​​sexuality, because it depends entirely on man’s wisdom and ability. The rights of the individual must take precedence over all else, no matter what destruction it leaves in its wake.

The cohabitation relationship is known by different names. Domestic relations (LTR) have no emotional or legal security. The Gestalt Prayer summarizes his ideology.

“I do my thing and you do yours,

I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations,

And you are not in this world to live up to mine.

you are you and I am me,

And if by chance we meet it’s beautiful,

If not, it can’t be helped.”

In common law marriage, the man and woman call themselves husband and wife even though there is no legal license to seal their relationship. There are many such couples in all walks of life, and they are recognized as such by the public.

However, a Cohabitation Agreement involves two people in a master-servant relationship. The master can be the man or the woman. A written contract specifies the duties, salary, benefits, leaves, medical benefits, and the length of the contract. There are probably clauses that deal with premature termination of the contract.

The advantage of a cohabitation relationship is that it is not oppressive. In fact, it is considered a liberating experience. It gives people their own space for growth and plenty of scope for creativity. Partners usually have the same level of intelligence and consider themselves equal. They are not the “sticky vine” type who need constant attention and reassurance. Nor does the woman dedicate herself to being the man’s mother, knowing full well that this could jeopardize her erotic role. Both partners value their independence and yet remain good companions and friends. Each seeks their fulfillment and is blind to the selfishness underlying their individual characters. Children do not figure in their equation, as responsibility is further from their minds.

Some cohabiting relationships end in marriage, especially if the woman becomes pregnant or the couple decides to start a family. This happens when there is stability and a deep mutual commitment.

But most are only looking for a short-term ‘high’. Having made the sacred commonplace, they move on to new partners. Sex is reduced to a mere biological function that can be had anywhere. There are no binding ties, and boredom sets in due to very little personal investment.

Some believe that marriage destroys sex. In Esther Peret’s book “Captive Mating” she says that domesticity dampens sexual interest. While living in gives the sensation of temporary and therefore it is more exciting.

Some broke up due to disputes over finances and cost sharing. Going Dutch may not be acceptable for a partner who receives a lower salary than the other and whose requirements may be lower. The division of household chores can also become a source of contention.

There could be a temperamental incompatibility, with one trying to rule over the other. Fights may become frequent, or there may be long periods of silence, or even violence. Character quirks considered cute early in your relationship can start to annoy. Familiarity, as they say, can breed contempt.

Some psychologists argue that when there is mental compatibility along with physical closeness, the relationship is long-lasting. And the so-called sage of all wisdom, Mahesh Bhatt, agrees, believing that sex has more to do with “mental mating” than the physical act.

Cohabitation does not constitute marriage. It is an arrangement between two consenting adults who believe they can get out of a relationship whenever they want. Many believe that sexual experiences before marriage will help select the right partner when it comes time to finally settle down. But how many short-range live-in relationships do you have to experience before you make the right choice?

Living in a home has been made easier thanks to permissive legislation. Judicial liberalism has given the green light to adulterous relationships. The basic assumption is the individual’s right to choose. There is no violation of the law, and it is perfectly legal, but the choice must be made responsibly. According to one legal luminary, “Living together is a good thing because it leads to fewer broken marriages. It’s the older generation that needs a total reorientation.”

Dr. Rakesh Chandra, Professor of Women’s Studies, says this is a sensible pronouncement as it “takes notice of something that is happening. It protects women’s rights and gives them the freedom to get out of an unsatisfactory relationship.”

Counselor Amrita Das believes that “a resident couple should be motivated by responsibility and commitment, and should see the relationship as a prelude and not a substitute for marriage.” She goes on to say, “We must distinguish between living as debauchery and living with a moral intent.”

Technology has certainly come to the aid of such relationships. The problem of unwanted pregnancies is solved with various contraceptive methods. Infections like STDs and HIV can be prevented through safer sex and antibiotics when needed.

The voices that defend morality are lost among the war cries of a libertine society. Even religious institutions, which once advocated chastity, remain silent for fear of alienating the young. The media exalt such lifestyles.

Living in a house brings with it little gain and a plethora of psychological problems such as disappointment, insecurity, guilt, depression, loss of self-esteem and self-confidence. Eventually, it is the woman who suffers both physiologically and psychologically. When the breakup finally occurs, it can be a long time before one is able to find another partner. Coexistence has also become unstable. The frequency with which couples break up shows the fragility of such a relationship. Many find themselves single in middle age, and women may even miss out on having children.

Some studies show that couples who marry after a cohabiting relationship tend to divorce because the responsibilities of marriage are stressful for them. Of course, unmarried couples get similar rights to married couples in some countries. Scandinavia grants alimony and inheritance rights to the children of such liaisons.

While cohabitation relationships are not legally wrong, the ethics are questionable. An ancient prophet said, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil; who put darkness for light and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

What is legal is not always moral; what is possible is not always careful. The “I – Me – My” syndrome has become contagious in today’s society. The world would be a better place if life is lived in a way that enhances our dignity and self-esteem.

Lifestyle Fashion

The unconscious mentor

You may ask, “What is an Unknown Mentor and what am I looking for in an Unknown Mentor?” Let’s start by explaining the concept of mentoring. Some companies use formal mentoring programs that pair less experienced employees (mentees) with more experienced employees (mentors) in order to share knowledge. Mentors provide mentees with coaching, tips and advice on things to consider in their jobs, ways to grow a career, etc. from the perspective of someone who has been there/done that. Mentors are generally not the mentee’s supervisors, because supervisors must maintain the same interest in accountability as everyone on their team. If a supervisor spent more time training/developing a particular individual over another, the rest of the team could interpret this as favoritism. This could harm the team’s ability to work together.

The intent of a mentoring relationship is to provide the mentee with someone to help them move through their career and to be a sounding board for any questions, frustrations, or successes the mentee may have. The concept of an Unknown Mentor works a little differently than a typical mentoring relationship because the “Unknown Mentor” doesn’t know they are mentoring you! You could schedule a meeting with them and let them know that you’re glad they’re mentoring you and want to get to know them better. But I don’t advise that. Your Unknown Mentor will not have a formal role in your development, but will make a significant contribution. Being able to observe them and how they behave in the environment will give you a wealth of information to consider and use as you see fit.

I started using this method very early in my career and was able to pick various behaviors and skills from my Unknowing Mentors that helped me create my own personal style. One person I used to work with always had managers and supervisors in their office talking about various things. I was wondering, “How can I build the same relationship with people?” What I observed was that he was a good listener. When someone presented him with a problem, he didn’t solve it (although he could easily have), instead he asked for background on the problem. How did you get here? What led to this? What else has been done? The person with the problem talked, and as he talked, my Unknown Mentor asked more questions. The person would start to see that there were some options out there. They just needed someone to help them figure it out, and my Unknown Mentor did that by listening and asking questions.

Another Unknown Mentor taught me how to deal with executives in an effective but respectful way (which can be difficult from time to time). This same mentor also had a practice of owning a person’s problem until it was resolved. When it was necessary to pass a request on to someone else, he always told the requester to come back to her if he didn’t get a follow-up within a reasonable amount of time. She would continue to pursue the matter until the person was satisfied. Both individuals were seen as highly competent within our organization, motivated by the right things, and fit into the company culture. I have been able to take his lessons, tailor them to my own style, and grow professionally a little faster than if I had to learn those lessons on my own.

Now that we’ve defined the Unknown Mentor, where do we find one? Hopefully, you’ll be able to find a potential candidate or two within your work group using the process I’m about to describe. My process identifies people who have habits and behaviors worth modeling that can lead to career success. I should point out that my definition of success is not acquiring power, prestige, and money, but rather being a balanced, contributing, and growing employee.

Over the years, I have begun to evaluate people based on three different factors. I like these factors because they are blind to any demographic indicator (race, gender, etc.) and can be measured by simple observation. I’m sharing this because, once explained, I feel like it’s a tool you can use to assess potential candidates for the role of your “Unconscious Mentor.” What you want to find in your work group/team/department, etc. He is a person who demonstrates the positive aspects of each of the three areas that I am going to explain.

The factors I use to evaluate people are:

1. How well they do what they do (Competition)

2. Why they do what they do (Motivation)

3. How well you fit into your employer’s culture (Fit with Culture)

I define each of these in the following ways:

Competition: This is the easiest of the three to define because it describes someone who is technically good at what they do. Usually there will be someone who, by his reputation, is the “best” or one of the “best”. It may be the customer service representative who consistently receives high customer satisfaction numbers, the sales representative who consistently meets or exceeds his goals, or the staff member who handles problems quickly and efficiently. In other words, the person knows what he’s doing and has a reputation for excellence. You can determine who meets this requirement through discussions with your manager, peers, or others within the group.

The opinions of your boss and coworkers are equally important to your observations of this factor. Some people may SEEM to know what they are doing, but do not follow up on the results or the results they provide are inaccurate. A friend of mine used the term “white tennis” to describe an employee who looked good but couldn’t play. If you’ve ever noticed someone who is dressed to the nines on the ski slope, the beach, or the tennis court but seems totally lost when they try to ski, surf, or play tennis, you know what I’m talking about. Your boss and co-workers will have a very strong opinion of someone like that. Any employee who talks a good game but doesn’t deliver results negatively impacts everyone and usually has a reputation as such.

Motivation: Apart from talking to the person to find out why they do what they do, you have to start relying on their judgment for this factor. With Drive, we are looking for someone with a work motivation based on an understanding of responsibility and a desire to deliver what they are supposed to do. The best coworkers I’ve ever had were the ones who understood they had certain responsibilities and fulfilled them because people depended on them or because they held themselves to a high level of performance. These people put a bit of themselves into their work, not because their work defined who they were, but because they knew that everything they did reflected back on them. They wanted to show their capabilities. If they couldn’t deliver what they promised, they made sure you recognized that and whoever could do the job took care of your needs.

The people who don’t meet this factor are the ones who just come to work because they need the paycheck and will probably stay until something else happens (layoff, termination, death, the lottery, etc.). They are not really interested in whether or not you get what you need or get answers to other questions. If they’re late with something you need, they’re late. If you don’t like what you got from them or what they did for you? Difficult. They just work here.

You will gain nothing by watching these people.

Fitting Into Culture – This is one that you will definitely have to gather from observation and it can take a while to figure out who fits into the culture. But the people who fit into the culture in which you work have some of the best information Unknowing Mentors can offer about how to survive in your current environment. Company cultures are defined by people, and since all people are by nature very different, some thrive in certain cultures and others don’t. The people you see growing up within a company are the ones who have responded well to the culture of the company, whatever it is. Cultures tend to replicate themselves because if one type of person does well in a culture, and that culture is made up of people like them, they tend to attract other people like themselves into the culture, and so on. This can be both good and bad.

People with successful behaviors can attract people with successful behaviors, and conversely, people with unsuccessful behaviors can attract people with unsuccessful behaviors. You’ve probably heard about “culture change” and how it’s VERY difficult…almost impossible. Cultural change is difficult because there are usually a small number of people trying to convince a large number of people to change the way they think and act. It’s not easy because the majority liked the way things were and now this small group of voices are asking you to change. Without a compelling reason to change, people often like to stay the way they are.

As said, all companies have their own cultures. If someone has been with the company for a while and has been promoted and/or seen as successful, they are likely to demonstrate behaviors that are consistent with the company as a whole. For example, if the company has a culture that wants action and the individual seems to be always on the go and in the middle of a lot, this would probably be a good cultural match. However, if the culture values ​​hierarchy, respect for levels and titles, and the individual seems to have fostered respectful relationships with those at higher levels and knows how to manage those relationships, they are a good fit for the culture.

People who don’t fit the culture will stand out to you. Someone who may not fit in seems to always disagree with people, either through their words or their actions, may not speak favorably about the company and/or their role in it, or behave in a way that doesn’t seem coherent with the general environment. An example of the latter might be someone with a loud and boisterous communication style who works at a company that is relatively low-key and polite in their interactions.

Based on this brief explanation, I hope you understand how an Unknown Mentor could be beneficial and how you can find one. You can have many unknown mentors throughout your career – there is no limit and you can find them as an easy way to expand your own capabilities with minimal effort. It’s definitely a subjective decision on who you choose to be your unknown Mentor, but the good thing is that you have no problem trying. No one will ever know. If you follow the guidelines above, you may be pleasantly surprised with what you learn.

extract from Leave campus and go to work

by T. Jason Smith

ISBN 0-9777237-6-3

Aspen Mountain Pub

Release date April 12, 2006