Digital Marketing

Spectacular content marketing tips: benefits of content optimization

Benefits of content optimization

If you started optimizing your content right now, what would the results be?

o Mass Reach – By converting your content into multiple formats, you will be able to engage with a wider variety of people than in a single context.

o System creation: By reviewing the same content multiple times, you will begin to develop templates and methods. You will polish and perfect the communication of certain points of the content each time you review it. As you find that some techniques work better than others, you can hone your skills to deliver your information more effectively.

o Get to know your market better: By repeatedly reviewing the same information, you will begin to understand your market better. On the other hand, they will also start to get to know you better. The more familiar you are with them, the better your chances of gaining their trust and loyalty.

Content optimization barriers

There are obstacles that can prevent you from optimizing your content. What could stop you from doing something that sounds so simple? We’ll see:

1. Breaking your comfort zone: When you’ve spent a lot of time working with a particular content format, it can be intimidating to convert it to another. For example, someone who writes articles all the time may feel uncomfortable presenting that same content in a video presentation. This can prevent some people from exploring other contexts.

2. Context confusion: deciding which context to convert to can be difficult. There are so many options that it can be overwhelming. The hardest part is getting started.

3. Multi-context personalities: Because there are so many contexts to convert to, people often find that they stretch too far. Because there are so many great ideas running around in your head, you find yourself trying to do it all yourself, working on one thing today and another tomorrow. Without focus, none of them will be achieved.

Strategies to overcome obstacles

1) Always check Kipling’s Six Content Optimization Servers – Know who your market is, what context the content will be in, where the audience wants the content, when they’ll want it, why it’s important, and how to put it in the desired context.

2) Never Make Up Content – Always improve your content by reusing, reusing, repackaging or recycling. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel. The same information is simply reformatted in a different context.

3) Outsource – Strengthen your strengths. Continually work to improve the talents that come easy for you while outsourcing your weaknesses. If you find a context shape extremely difficult to convert, outsource to someone who really enjoys doing it.

By overcoming obstacles and optimizing your content today, you will expand your reach massively. You will develop a system to convert your content to other formats and you will know your market better and you will be better known by your market. It is worth the effort and it will get easier as you go along.

Digital Marketing

Helpful Tips for Printing Calendars

As the end of the year approaches, we receive more inquiries on how to print a calendar. Calendars are a popular marketing tool, so many companies will print a calendar for the holiday season, for some good reason.

Branded calendars are a great marketing tool and are often printed and delivered to customers by a business as end-of-the-year thank you gifts, and it works because;

  • Everybody uses calendars
  • The sooner someone gets something for free, the sooner they will use it.
  • Create a great brand awareness tool as you keep your brand in front of your customer all the time.

While you might consider going the DIY route, having your product professionally manufactured will result in a high-quality end result that will make your business proud and actually cheaper per piece. Keep these tips in mind:

1.) The design should be uniform and in line with your brand.

You want the calendar to serve as more than just a tool for keeping track of dates, but also something that showcases your business and brand in the best possible light.

Choose typography, images, color, and design that visually communicate and connect with your business. For example, if your company is a top-tier interior designer, you’re not going to go for bold colors and cartoon images and fat childish typography. You would choose muted and elegant colors, clean and elegant fonts, and high-resolution images that show some of your work.

2.) A template layout might work

Finding a template online that is exactly what you are looking for, or at least a great leap towards the design you envisioned, is a breeze. Using a template also eliminates printing problems such as misalignment and bleed and cut lines. Even if you give the final design work to a professional, playing around with a few templates will get your creative uses going.

3.) Images: size matters

Due to their size, this is especially important for poster calendars, but it also applies to other calendar formats. Poor quality images often appear blurry or pixelated when printed. Professional printing services can create photo quality prints, but you may not be able to take full advantage of them when using poor quality images. When possible, try to use only high-quality uncompressed image file formats or vector images as recommended by your printing service.

Often times calendars, like wall mounted calendars, will require large images and it is crucial to use high resolution images to avoid ending up with pixelated, blurry and just plain ‘gross’ images. Using good quality uncompressed image file formats or vector images will suffice. Regardless of whether your calendars are large or small, the quality of the image will convey the subliminal message that your company is a quality company too.

Also, keep in mind that most monitors use an RGB color model, while most printers use CMYK. This is automatically accounted for when you print. However, if your monitor is not calibrated correctly, the colors you see on the screen may not match those that are eventually printed. Another reason to let the professionals do what they do best.

4.) What will be the use?

Consider where potential audiences are in the sales funnel. Are they in the middle of the funnel and are you just trying to get attention? Don’t spend money on expensive high-gloss wall calendars, instead consider card calendars with even magnetic options.

In contrast, poster calendars and wall calendars would be handy for a more targeted layout at the bottom of the funnel. At this point, you’re pretty sure your customer is closer to a sale, or has already made a purchase and may be about to buy again.

On the other hand, if you know that your customers are at the exit end of the buying funnel, that they have bought before, and you want to maintain their loyalty, then awareness is the key. Consider high-gloss, premium-quality calendars of large proportions that the customer wouldn’t mind hanging in their office because of the visual appeal.

Make sure to ask yourself all of the questions above before committing to the printing process. I hope these tips were helpful and that your calendar printing project goes off with great success!

Digital Marketing

Google Analytics Tutorial – Visitors, Visits, Page Views, Distinctive Page Views

Do you know how to interpret Google Analytics data, such as visits and page views?

Clicks, visits, website visitors, page visits and unique page views are in many cases misinterpreted website visitor statistics recorded by Google Analytics. Online businesses read up on the variations while perusing any Google Analytics tutorial. This makes it possible to distinguish the related jargon used for the numerous analyzes presented. Through proper customer insights expertise, site owners will be able to tailor approaching online marketing efforts to address flaws and also capitalize on strengths.

Clicks are actually part of Google AdWords strategy research, while visits are actually presented as part of website visitors and search engine reports. The number of clicks in the mouse column shows how often the ads were clicked from the traffic. Visits denotes the number of unique visits initiated for visitors. Both of these statistics are crucial from a marketing and advertising perspective.

These particular numbers won’t match consistently, for several good reasons. The same visitor to your site can select an ad over and over as they are comparing, causing AdWords to record a number of mouse clicks. However, Analytics can distinguish each and every pageview for a single visit. A user can also click on an ad just once and bookmark to return directly to the site on their next visit. In this case, the reference details of the preliminary page visit are saved, resulting in a single click leading to numerous visitors.

Website visitors sometimes click the mouse on an ad, but stop the full loading of the website page by pressing the stop key of their web browser or perhaps moving to another web page while it loads. Nonetheless, Ppc will track the click, although the monitoring code within Analytics will not be fully carried out, as the tracking details are not sent to Google’s web servers? Fs. On the other hand, Google AdWords filters out an incorrect ad click to help maintain expected accuracy for billing purposes, while Analytics captures all these mouse clicks and documents them in the form of website visits to present comprehensive data regarding visits to the website visitor’s page.

Google Analytics measures the numbers of visits and visitors to the site. Visits represents the number of individual sessions for all traffic to the website. Any action that follows an inactive duration of at least half an hour is recognized as a new visit. When a person leaves this website and returns within half an hour, the activity will be considered as a single visit. An initial session of the person during any date range is considered both an additional visit and an additional visitor to the website. The next session with that website visitor during the time period is considered an additional visit, but the visitor is not an additional visitor.

A page view is actually a look at an Internet page that is tracked by an Analytics traffic monitoring code. When the visitor updates that web page after landing on it, the reloaded web page is recorded as a different page view. If the user navigates to the next web page on the web page and then returns to their original web page, it will be counted as a second page view. A single page view symbolizes the number of visits when a particular web page has been viewed at least once.

This is a small sample of the terminology clarified in a Google Analytics guide. Before starting to use Google Analytics, site owners should take time to appreciate those words and phrases. Learning the correct explanations helps website owners recognize exactly what the details reveal so that they can use this data to increase potential Internet website marketing initiatives.

To learn more about Google Analytics and how to understand all the data presented in your reports, visit our Marketing Analytics page and sign up for a free evaluation of your website data TODAY.

Digital Marketing

Buy a stock photo or download it for free

With the advent of social media, came an influx of image sharing. An image from one social media site is downloaded to your local computer and republished on another social media site. This practice creates a serious problem for the owner of the original image and the third or fourth generation “right clicker”.

I am a photographer and book format designer by profession, and I often see images in the body of work that I recognize as the property of a photographer. When I ask about the license of the image, I often get: “I downloaded it from the Internet, can’t I use it?”

Many people know that it is easy to take a photo from the Internet by right-clicking and downloading it to your computer. The image that is saved is not one that can be used in a book or any product that can be resold.

Without going to the source of the photograph and buying it, the image is illegal for commercial use. If the image is in Creative Commons or in the public domain, it is free to use in a published work.

Another problem with right-clicking is quality. Most images on the Internet and low resolution and that results in a poor quality product.

You can be a blogger and book writer or a media creator for your new small business. You may want to enhance the materials you create with photos.

Before you right-click on an image that you find on the Internet, I would like to encourage you to visit the many photography sites that offer high-quality images licensed for commercial use.

Photographers create images. In the same way, your words are created by you and placed on a page, photographers put light and color on digital media. The photographers and their agencies own the images and when they “borrow” them for their product, the photographer is not recognized, appreciated or given any compensation. This is a dangerous practice for you and could end up costing you more than buying a photograph.

Agencies that represent photographers and issue license of use rights have disputed over payment for images used without the proper license. Compensation for the owner or agency will often amount to a large sum of money. The agency has the right to request compensation as the owner of the image.

The photos have digital signatures called metadata and can be traced back to the owner and photographer.

Stock photography agencies, public domain micro archive sites sell photographs for photographers and the cost is very low. Buying an image from the agency does more than give the agency money. It also supports the creativity of photographers. For every image purchased from an agency, a portion goes to the photographer who created it.

The sites that I suggest to my clients for free and low-cost public domain images are Pixabay and Public Domain Pictures.

The sites I personally use for product stock photo images are Dreamstime, Adobe Stock, and Shutterstock.

As a photographer, I have a great interest in the practice of “right clicking”. My photo has been submitted to Pixabay, PublicDomainPictures, Dreamstime, Twenty20, and EyeEm. Some of my photographs have been sold to clients for book covers and even clothing. I think I would sell more if people knew how easy and inexpensive it is to obtain original licensed photos.

Digital Marketing

How to create your own podcast

But first, what is podcasting?

Podcasting is a relatively new type of technology, so here is some background for those who have yet to come across this term. The definition on wikipedia is pretty good:

Podcasting makes audio files (most commonly in MP3 format) available online in a way that allows the software to automatically download the files for listening at the user’s convenience.

The way I view podcasting is a cross between a radio show and a blog. The good news is that anyone can produce a podcast with little expense and only very basic IT knowledge. Once you have produced a podcast, you can allow people to subscribe to receive updates when they are uploaded to your website. This is done in a very similar way to using an RSS reader to distribute blogs / news feeds (more on this later).

How did I make and publish my first podcast?

The first step for me was research. I wanted to know what other podcasts sounded like and what other people were doing (especially in my personal finance field). This was also a useful activity to eliminate any fear that all podcasts already produced were of a highly professional quality; some are, but most are not!

Once I realized that no one else was doing what I planned to do (with the exception of Martin Lewis, the money-saving expert, but it’s more about saving money than financial planning) it was time to figure out how to record. my first show. .

He planned to record ten minute shows that would cut down on production time and also keep the file size quite small. Because this is an audio file hosted on our website, I wanted to make sure it wasn’t too large (to keep download times fast but also to save on bandwidth restrictions).

To record my podcast content, I first tried using ‘Sound Recorder’ that comes with Windows XP. This was not ideal for a couple of reasons. Recording time is limited to 60 seconds, which would have meant cutting my planned show into ten perfectly timed segments and then editing them all together. He also wouldn’t have allowed me to talk about the background music (something I felt was important for a professional sounding show / presentation).

I searched the web and found some free programs to try on This software is called Propaganda 1.0 and it offers a complete solution for the podcast creator. I downloaded the free trial to make sure it did everything I wanted, and then I spent the $ 49.95 to activate the full version.

I wanted to make sure my podcast didn’t have ten minutes of talking about pensions, so I asked my sister to record some sound bites for me. These were simple audio snippets that you could use to introduce the show, split up the content, and use to finish the podcast (my warning / regulatory disclaimer).

In terms of hardware, I only used a headset with a microphone; the same system I use for Skype. This cost me £ 10 at Dixons and it does a good job in terms of recording a single voice.

Using Propaganda I was able to record content for the show, line up up to 16 different audio tracks (including some backing music), and play with timing. This whole process took just under 2 hours before I was happy with the final version.

Publishing my podcast

The Propaganda software also makes this quite easy. Basically, there are three steps to publishing the podcast.

1 – create an MP3 file of the podcast. MP3 seems to be the most common file format for podcasts, so I stuck to tradition. The blurb allowed me to convert the 16 audio tracks I had lined up into a single MP3 file and choose the most suitable file quality. I opted for something mid-range, not too low as the sound quality suffered and not too high to keep the file size reasonable (less than 4MB).

2 – host the MP3 file on your website. I use MS Frontpage to design my website and some free FTP software to transfer files from my PC to the Internet. To host the archive, I also built a basic web page that would tell potential listeners a little more about my podcast in general and more about this podcast show in particular.

3 – create an RSS feed. Once again, Propaganda did this for me with its publishing function. The RSS feed is the syndication feed that enables podcast players to find your podcast and subscribe to updates. When you produce a new podcast show, you update this RSS feed (which is hosted on your website) and the various podcast players notice the update and download the new podcast for the listener.

Promoting my podcast

Now that I had a podcast I had to get some listeners! I posted a request for help on an online network,, and got some very helpful responses. It seems that the main podcast directory is Apples iTunes, so I started there. It’s really easy to get listed as all they need to know is the links to your podcast, website, and RSS feed. There is a research process so I had to wait a couple of days to get listed, but on Sunday morning I found my link and was able to use iTunes to download, listen, and subscribe to my podcast.

There are many other podcast directories, but one that caught my eye was Since this only lists UK podcasts (most directories, including iTunes, are US-centric), it should result in a more relevant audience.

In addition to listing them in various directories, I added a blog on my website and a mention in my Ecademy signature. The combined effect of these two elements is to score high on when the search term “personal finance podcast” is used.

I think I now have a good story to tell the press as this is the first time a podcast has been published in the UK (personal finance from an independent financial advisor). I have already had some positive responses from the trade press, so this week I plan to move on to the consumer financial press.

Whats Next?

Well, in addition to working on show number two, I plan to improve the production quality of the show as time goes on. You might consider producing some ‘jingles’ that you can mix into the show to improve the feel and quality of the output. There is of course a business reason for producing this podcast as it will (hopefully) lead to further inquiries and a higher profile on the web and in the press.

For anyone considering their own podcast (or have read this article and think it might be something they could do), I suggest you do it! Podcasting is still at a very early stage and not many people in the UK have found out about the technology yet. With the explosion of ownership of the iPod and other MP3 players, all predictions point to massive growth in the podcast market.

Because relatively few people produce their own podcasts, now is a good time to launch your own show before your competitors catch on to the idea.

Digital Marketing

Education Marketing 101: The K-12 Buying Cycle for Teaching Material

Many industries experience seasonal sales cycles, some more dramatic than others. What patterns do companies that sell educational products to K-12 schools see? Rest assured, products used for teaching and learning are purchased every month, but you can expect big ups and downs throughout the year. In this article, I’ll share insights from successful school sales professionals on these predictable buying patterns so that you can adjust your school’s sales and marketing plans accordingly. Here’s the basic takeaway: There are two main drivers behind the seasonal shopping cycle for almost any product or service intended for teaching: the timing and the budget.

Align your school’s sales plan with the academic calendar

The first and foremost factor that influences the timing of the purchase of curriculum materials is the start date of the academic year. It should seem obvious that the greatest need to implement new educational resources is when the school year begins. But the process of evaluating new products, budgeting for them, and preparing to use them begins many months in advance. And, of course, there are a few weeks of variation in the start date for public schools, beginning in early August and running through early September. Marketing to schools to introduce a new curricular product or service in the fall, followed by aggressive promotion that peaks early in the calendar year and continues through the spring, is a proven approach to driving sales for the school year. next academic year.

Spring increase in sales to schools

Buying peaks and troughs in the K-12 market are also affected by the availability and timing of funds. If your product will likely be purchased with a purchase order funded by the school or school district budget, then the purchasing behavior is driven by the fiscal year. For most public schools, the fiscal year begins on July 1. Consequently, there is a lot of shopping in late spring and early summer. If, on the other hand, the price of your product is attractive to individual teachers (who buy many products with their own money), the end of the summer, August and September can be busy months and there is another secondary spike before the beginning of the second semester.

Education market research reveals changes over time

What I have described are marketing guidelines for schools, not rules. Each product and service may have some variation, and there are also changes in funding patterns that can affect products eligible for federal program dollars. In recent years, the impact of legislation and the economic downturn has made the K-12 sales forecast more complicated. I suggest that you do your homework to assess what buying patterns your product is likely to experience in the current and anticipated sales environment. A good starting point is a basic investigation of the school market. I also suggest that you run tests with your own marketing campaigns.

There is one last word on school marketing and the school sales cycle, and that word is patience. If you are considering marketing for schools, know that sales rarely happen so quickly and at the level that product developers plan. No matter how great you think your product is, regardless of the rave reviews you’ve received from educators who have previously seen your new product, prepare for slow acceptance. The general school shopping cycle can be frustratingly slow. The first year may seem like a black hole and a lost proposition. But, by following the guidelines in this article, and with your constant attention to best practices for educational marketing, you will no doubt be in sync with the seasonal cycle and, who knows, maybe you will beat the odds and your new educational product will be all! a year-round school best seller!

Digital Marketing

The most important step in improving business processes

If you have experience managing a project, you know the importance of the Project Inception Document (PID), but were you aware of the importance of a similar document when starting a business process improvement (BPI) effort? While you may not consider a BPI effort as large a project as a system implementation, you do need the same kind of information if you want to stay on track and avoid scope slippage.

In BPI’s work, I call this document the Scope Definition Document (SDD) and consider it the most important step towards successful process improvement.

Whether you lead a regular information technology type project and use the PID or a process improvement project and use the SDD, you should consider these reference documents as key tools that you never miss.

A PID includes information such as the business case, deliverables, time, risks, budgets, and resources.

In BPI’s work, the SDD provides the blueprint for the process you want to improve and provides you with a vehicle to reach agreement in the following areas:

  1. Process owner: person responsible for the process from start to finish
  2. Description: definition or purpose
  3. Limits: amplitude (start and end)
  4. Process responsibilities: main tasks delivered by the process
  5. Client / Client and needs: audience of the process and what is important to them
  6. Key stakeholders and needs: other areas or departments affected by the process and what they require
  7. Success measures– what should the company measure to ensure that the process meets the needs of the customer / customer / stakeholders

Several of the SDD components deserve additional information.

Description: When writing the descriptionPay particular attention to the terminology used and avoid using technical, unusual or cultural terms without explaining what the word means; after all, a definition must define, not confuse. How often have you found yourself thinking that one word meant one thing, while another person had a totally opposite understanding? This becomes more of a problem when you work for a global company whose employees reside in different countries.

It may sound easy, but I have found this task alone to be very time consuming. Use an example if you need to further define a process, and if you want specifically Exclude Something from the scope of a process, this is a good place to identify exclusion.

Limits: Clearly identify the limits It will save you time later in the project and help prevent scope slippage. The limits may seem obvious to you, but once a project team starts talking about where the process begins and ends, you will appreciate the clarity that SDD brings to the work.

There is no right or wrong answer as to where a process begins and ends. It all depends on the project team’s discussion and the sponsor’s approval of the boundaries of the process, so you can stay on the right track. The decision of “limits” becomes evident when you move on to mapping the process.

Success measures: When identifying measures of success, focus on customer / client needs and identify measures that address those needs. At this point, focus on what to measure, not how you are going to measure it. Save the “how” for later (step 7 of the 10 steps). If you spend time at the beginning of a process improvement project on how to measure something, the project team will deviate from concern about the difficulty of the metric itself.

The scoping document should fit on a single sheet of paper so that everyone can use it as a quick reference guide. The temptation to add a second page will surface, but the effectiveness of the document is its apparent patent, while actually providing considerable depth!

Laying the foundation by developing an SDD is the second of ten steps to improving the effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability of your business processes, so take some time to focus on it. Create the blueprint to guide your work.

Copyright 2012 Susan’s Page

Digital Marketing

What are Goji Berries and are they the same as Wolf Berries?

There is a wonderful little red berry that grows all over the world, and people in different places call it by different names. Many English-speaking people call it Wolfberry, and today even more English speakers call it Goji Berry. But in reality it is the same.

As we all know, science assigns two Latin names to each botanical organism, a genus and a species. Two plants that are even slightly different from each other have different species names. Therefore, if two plants have the same genus and the same species name, they are the same plant. People can call them by different names, but that doesn’t change the fact that they are actually the same.

The Goji / Wolfberry berry plant, whose genus is Lycium, has two closely related species. One species is known as Barbarum and the other is Chinensis. Both species grow in many places on earth.

Since people in different countries tend to speak different languages, it is not surprising that Chinese and Tibetans do not call these berries wolfberries. China has many dialects. The plant is often called gǒuqǐ and the berries are called gǒuqǐzi (zi means “berry”). “Goji” is a simplified pronunciation of gǒuqǐ.

A similar word can be found in other languages. For example, in Korea the berry is called gugija and in Thailand it is known as găo gè. The Tibetan has many names for the berries, including qouki, qou ki ji, quak qou, kew ji, and kew ki. In Japanese, the plant is called kuko and the fruit is known as kuko no mi or kuko no kajitsu.

Around 1973, the word “Goji” first began to be used in English so that English speakers could have a word for this berry that was similar to these Asian words. Since then, the word “Goji” has been exploited by many merchants, as the berries have appeared in more and more health food stores in the United States. The new word “Goji” is now used quite frequently.

It is not very clear where the word “goji berry” originated. One theory is that it comes from the place name “Lycia”, the old name for Anatolia, in Turkey, and “Lycia” can be heard in the name Lycium Barbarum. “Barbarum” means that the goji berry plant could have come from elsewhere, like China, originally.

But this does not explain why it has the word “wolf”. Therefore, another possibility is that Lycium Barbarum comes from the Greek word “Lycos” or Wolf. Wolves eat berries and other fruits to get the fiber they need in their diets. They also eat tomatoes, whose Latin name means “wolf peach” (Solanum lycopersicum). The word “lycos”, or wolf, can be seen in Latin.

The genus Tomato (Solanum) contains another species, lycocarpum, which translates as Wolf Apple. This medium-sized yellow tomato is unfamiliar to many of us because it grows in South America. South American wolves eat them! It is not the same plant as the tomato we are used to in North America. What is my point I’m getting to that …

Goji berries and Wolfberries belong to the Nightshade (Solanaceae) family, and so do tomatoes! Solanaceae are an important source of food and spices. Eggplant species include potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers, chili peppers (bell pepper), belladonna (belladonna), datura (crimson herb), tobacco, mandrake, goji berry, and many more.

Many of the species in this important food family are used in the making of herbal medicines by native peoples around the world. Some of them have psychoactive properties. Goji berries are legendary as a medicinal plant and have been used as such for many centuries in many countries.

Goji berries and goji berries have many other names such as box hawthorn, Duke of Argyll’s tea tree, marriage vine, Bocksdorn, Cambronera, Chinese wolfberry, and red medlar.

The point here is that Lycium Barbarum and Lycium Chinensis are two completely different species, two completely different plants. Many people proclaim different names for them. They claim, for example, that “Lycium Eleagnus Barbarum Tibetan” is the TRUE Gogi berry of the Himalayas, although it does not actually exist as a species.

There is no doubt that these two species have different medicinal and nutritional properties, BECAUSE they are different species. In fact, it is not only that different species are different from each other, it is also true that all VARIETIES of any species are somewhat different chemically and therefore nutritionally.

In some mountainous areas of Tibet and northern China there is what is commonly known as the “Goji Belt”, a fertile high-altitude region where Goji plants are cultivated and grown wild. The “highest quality” Goji berries are produced in the best location and climate, which happens to be this Goji belt. This is due to the purity of the water and the mineral-rich soil that descends from the high mountains.

The political struggle that is raging between Tibet and China is well known. There are also Tibetan / Chinese political conflicts over what defines a Goji berry. From a Western perspective, this is just confusing.

Furthermore, the name Tibet has an unmistakable mystique. So it’s easy for Western marketers to capitalize on it, asserting the superiority of TIBETAN Goji berries over all others. But, as we have shown, from a scientific perspective, “Tibetan” Goji berries do not exist.

Tibet, a more vertical than horizontal country, mostly dry, infertile and arid, with few roads between the highest mountains in the world, is not famous for agriculture. It is adjacent to China. Political boundaries don’t really matter to the land or the Goji plants; Instead, as mentioned, soil and climate are the important factors when growing goji and goji berries.

The highest quality berries have the highest levels of glyconutrients and are grown in Ningxia and Xinjiang provinces in China, right in the Goji belt. These areas have exceptional growing seasons, unusually alkaline soil, adequate rainfall, and extreme temperature fluctuations from 102 to -16 degrees F.

The Goji belt produces four grades of Goji berries: super, king, special and grade A. The largest berries are “super”, the second largest are “king”, and so on. You can find the marketers who advertise their berries as the largest, but they are still all from the same berry, Lycium Barbarum. They are that unless, of course, they are Lycium Chinensis.

Wolfberries, Gojis, they are wonderful. It’s easy for politicians and marketers to confuse and blow smoke around a bushel of Goji berries or Goji juice. However, nothing clouds the core fact that this unique little berry is the world’s greatest nutritional powerhouse!

Digital Marketing

The Three Essential Channel and Partner Management Strategies

Channel management is the most effective way for channel-dependent businesses to succeed, especially when combined with other management solutions. Today, most high-tech companies are interested in investing substantial amounts of money to promote and sell products and services through associated portals and channels. However, this multi-channel strategy is difficult to keep track of, hence the vital role of channel managers in the distribution chain.

A steward is often the dominant company in the channel value chain and has a responsibility to proactively participate in the design and execution of a company’s go-to-market strategy. They extend the intra-corporate framework that enables diverse partners and end consumers to conduct business more easily and efficiently. This move increases brand equity, market share, and profitability. The role of administrators is based on critical elements such as coordination and influence; the different roles in the channel distribution network; excellent response to the demands and needs of the end consumer; and return on investment and margins for all channel partners. But what are the specific strategies managers employ to ensure effective channel management?

Channel management uses three strategies which are partner portals, eMarketplace, and volume channel.

• Showcase or e-commerce partner portal: This strategy gives companies the ability to create specially dedicated, personalized or personalized portals for channel members and their customers. These portals allow partners to offer self-service tools that can be used to search catalogs, research product information and details, configure solutions, view change orders, track shipments, and receive invoices for payment. In addition, they offer a certain set of product catalogs and pricing information that are based on the needs of partners and customers. It is deeply integrated into the channel acquisition system. Larger customers and affiliates generally prefer this approach.

• eMarketplace: The reality is that it is expensive and practically unmanageable to propose partner portals for each channel partner. This makes it vitally important to reduce the number of product segments through platform standardization and functional modularization. These would then be offered through an eMarketplace, which is best suited for organizations that are at the forefront of their value chains. Typically beneficial to midsize businesses serving small and medium-sized businesses, this strategy is a single platform for order fulfillment and provides flexible means for partners to enable brokering to bundle products with various accessories, services, and the like. .

• Volume channel: this approach focuses on the efficiency of operations in the distribution of product knowledge and the smooth process of requests for quotes and returns. To ensure the successful execution of the model, it is important to consider the key elements which are the reduced complexity and the range of products offered, a high self-service of partners and customers and a close monitoring of the key performance indicators and distributors, and ODM. / CM. Service Level Agreements. This is most useful in scenarios where the complexity of the products is low.

However, the real challenge is choosing the right strategy or approach. This requires the need for a thorough assessment of individual companies before making a decision. The choice should be based on a framework that depends on factors such as the relative size and dominance of partners and customers, existing business relationships, and product complexity.

Digital Marketing

Business Advertising: Everything You Need To Know About

Our business is our business, it is none of your business. Yes, a lot of memes have been created about him. But in the real world, your business is very important to others, and why not? The business consists of trading between two people, either B2B or B2C. Okay, I’m not going to bother you by telling you what a business is and how it should be done. You know better. But, what you need for your business, Nobis (We) know best. And the answer is Advertising.

It doesn’t matter how much effort you are putting into the business. If people don’t know about your business, they just won’t buy your products. As a result, less income. Human psychology man. People more often believe what they see, hear, and feel. You just have to strike a chord between your consumers’ emotions and your product. That’s.

So, let’s take a tour of the importance of advertising in business.

Brand awareness

Again, reaching a large audience for your brand is crucial. You are not alone in your industry that sells products or services. Give people, like your potential customers, a reason why they should buy products solely from you.

Creative advertising creates wonders. At Nobis, we don’t do business, we do creativity. Creative ads attract attention. Once you’ve got people’s attention, just sit back and relax. Rest, your consumers will decide.

Sales increases

Advertising increases your sales. Once people know your brand, the consumer psychological buying cycle begins. Your constant (creative, never forget) efforts in ads force people to think that you are an industry leader. Consequently, more sales.

Let’s take an example, company A and company B sell the same product, even the quality of the product is also the same. But, Company A only sells the products and Company B adopted advertising. What will happen? Through advertising, the target audience of both companies will be drawn to Company B (who doesn’t like beautiful images and creativity?). Consequently, people will tend to buy the products of Company B. What about Company A? Well, people don’t even know them. Period.

Influence buyer decisions

People get confused when they see the same product from several different companies. Powerful but creative advertising can clear up this confusion. Here comes the narrative.

People have problems. You come up with the exact solution. Compelling, attractive and catchy solution. That is the beauty of advertising. Woof! Advertising has many synonyms. Once you have solved their problem, they are sure to buy from you.

Advertising has the power to influence buyers’ decisions.