
colonies in space

Stephen Hawking, one of the world’s leading scientists, believes that to survive, humans must travel into space: “Once we spread out into space and establish independent colonies, our future should be secure,” he says.

Today, the United States, India, China, and Japan plan to send astronauts back to Earth’s closest neighbor: the Moon. Each country wants to create space stations there between 2020 and 2030. These stations will prepare humans to visit and then live on Mars or other Earth-like planets.

Robert Zubrin, a rocket scientist, believes that humans should colonize space. He wants to start with Mars. Because? There are several advantages: on the one hand, sending people to the Moon and Mars will allow us to learn a lot, for example, if it is possible to live on other planets. So eventually we will be able to create new human societies on other planets. In addition, the advances we make for space travel in the fields of science, technology, medicine, and health can also benefit us here on Earth.

But not everyone thinks sending humans into space is a smart idea. Many say that it is too expensive to send people, even on a short trip. And most space trips are not short. A one-way trip to Mars, for example, would take about six months. People who travel this kind of distance face a host of health problems. Also, for many of the early space colonists, life would be extremely difficult. On the surface of the moon, for example, the air and the sun’s rays are very dangerous. People would have to stay at home most of the time.

Despite these concerns, sending people into space seems safe. In the future, we could see lunar cities and maybe even new human cultures on other planets. First stop: the moon.


Drug Recovery Self Help – Break Your Drug Ties Using Subliminal Videos

Drug recovery can be difficult to handle on your own, so experts recommend that you seek help if you want to break free of your drug problems. Unfortunately, it is difficult for most people to seek help about drugs. Fortunately, many experts have realized this and have focused on providing self-help drug recovery techniques for those who want to make a positive change in their lives.

Unfortunately, if you choose the wrong technique, you are likely to run into potholes and many traps waiting for you on the way.

Any drug addicted individual can tell you how strong the urge to use drugs is once you get hooked. Even when their conscious minds tell them to stop, they still have to fight impulses and inner urges, which can be very difficult to control because they think they come from their natural personality.

1. Set realistic goals. To fully recover from drug use, you must treat your daily life as an ongoing project. Set goals that are realistic and easy to achieve on a day-to-day basis. Take the process one day at a time. Just think of it this way: your main goal is to last through the day without giving in to your drug urges. If you meet that goal daily, then you’ll be counting your days sober. After a while, you can set weekly goals, and then monthly goals. Even if the process sounds too long, at least you are slowly but surely free of the drugs.

2. Mental detox. Detoxification is part of any drug rehab program. But in addition to the physical detox, you should also do a mental detox. You also have to detoxify the brain, since drug addiction is also a mental dependency. Many believe that drug dependence only becomes a medical problem when it begins to cause health problems. But, at its core, drug addiction is a behavioral problem.

Therefore, the only way to get drugs out of your system is to detoxify, not only physically, but also to remove them from your natural behavior. The brain stores habits at the subconscious level; these habits therefore tend to override the decisions of the conscious mind and influence your actions and behaviors from deep within. This is where your drug urges come from.

To do a mental detox, a subliminal drug recovery self help video can work wonders. Subliminal videos communicate directly with the subconscious level. So if you can plant positive messages in your subconscious, they will show through your behavior. For example, if you replace your thoughts of drug dependence with thoughts of strength, freedom, and independence from drugs, they will make you act like an individual without ties to drugs.

3. Welcome change. Now, once you have detoxed, prepare yourself for several changes that will occur in your life. Since watching subliminal videos is so easy, the challenge is to face all the changes without going back to your old drug-dependent way of thinking. Sometimes the overwhelming threat of many changes can cause any recovering drug addict to recoil out of fear and apprehension of change. So be sure to expect a lot of changes. Since addiction also affects most aspects of life, including your career, health, relationships, etc., you must be prepared to pick up the messy pieces of your life and start anew.


Social Networks – Hobby or Marketing Tool?

The social media phenomenon is taking off massively right now. Now that mobile phones are also accessing the Internet, not many people feel like they’re too far away from their latest tweet or Facebook update. Mobile networks know how big this is too, so the latest pay-as-you-go schemes even include free data access to the most popular social networking websites.

But can the latest fashion make you money?

Gone are the days when you could put up a sales page on the internet, start a Google AdWords campaign, and get people to buy your product or service. When the internet was relatively new, you might have gotten away with it, but people have picked up on this and they don’t buy anything from anyone anymore! People buy brands they know or from people they know, like and trust.

Think about your TV for example, you probably watch it on most days, if it were to break it would be inconvenient to say the least, so it’s a product to look into when shopping for a replacement. Most likely you’ll head to your local Currys or Comet, maybe check out Amazon or other online stores you know and trust. If you were to walk past Bob’s Bits electrical store on a back street, you’ll be less likely to show up for such an important purchase.

The Internet is very similar. If you have a product or service to sell, now you need to get to know your customer and, more importantly, get them to know, like and trust you before they buy from you.

This is why internet marketers and network marketers are turning to Facebook and Twitter. So let’s take a look at some of the reasons why.

First, it costs nothing; both can be used as free marketing tools.

If I mean that buzz phrase “the money is in the list” I’m sure you’ve heard this before, people spend a lot of time and effort and sometimes money to build a list of people interested in your niche. market for . These lists will stay very close to people’s chests, but with social media, these lists are out there for all to see!

However, there is an important approach to marketing in this way. Once you create your friends or followers list, you must respect them. Maybe you’re online, but they don’t know you yet, so sending endless ads to your websites or products will cause them to unfollow you, no one likes getting spammed!

Think of it as a relationship you need to build, you wouldn’t sleep with someone you just met, you want them to bring you wine and dinner first, you want to know that this can progress to a place that makes you happy. . I may be the first to compare online marketing to sex, but keep that in mind and you’ll be on the right track.

Nowadays everyone is looking for “something for nothing”, we are a world full of gift loving people so take this knowledge and use it wisely. While interacting with your followers and friends, always try to help them, inspire them with thought-provoking quotes or send them to your videos and blogs that give them help and advice, in essence, solve their problems. They also want to get to know you more personally, so let them see pictures of you and videos of what you do when you’re not tweeting.

Only then can you expect to get a potential sale. If a person gets to know you and you have helped them, then yes, they will seriously consider what you have to offer. Then you can turn one of the fastest growing transit times of the masses into your personal ATM.


The importance of technology in a changing world

These days, businesses are more connected than ever with technology to help improve communications and maximize efficiency in the workplace. The increased use of the Internet, email, and mobile technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate and made IT critical to building and maintaining a successful business. Yet still today, far too many companies think of technology as a necessary evil instead of really taking advantage of all the opportunities it can provide to make organizations more efficient.

In the past, companies may have been able to get away with talking about IT, but in today’s rapidly changing world, this will no longer be possible. Now, with the convergence of voice and data and much greater reliance on mobile communications, it is critical that all businesses urgently develop a coordinated IT strategy.

Of course, historically, businesses have tended to consider telecommunications and data networks as part of separate budgets, but due to converged networks and the opportunities that Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can offer, it is no longer possible to consider them separately. isolated. In fact, given the growing importance of remote work and the need to make sure all staff are working as effectively as possible, companies really don’t have a choice these days. The simple truth is that if you don’t embrace change now, your competitors will.

The changes in business operation that we have seen in the last 10 years are very much just the beginning of what will happen over the next decade. At all levels, faster and more accessible communication will be key. It is anticipated that in a few years approximately 75% of all telephone calls will be made over an IP network. The converged network is here to stay and the only real choice is not if, but when you will adopt it. With globalization, the increased use of home workers and the more flexible work environment; access to information must be fluid and instantaneous.

While the notion of the “paperless” office may not be a reality in the true sense, the need for electronic document systems (EDMs) that allow staff to access a wide range of documents wherever they are in the world only will increase in the future. In an increasingly competitive world, customers will be drawn to companies that make communicating with them (including buying and selling) as easy as possible. Good technology used correctly will reflect well on your business and can help motivate your staff by taking some of the monotony out of their daily tasks.

Increasingly, websites that used to be used simply as a “storefront” will now be more integrated with other back office systems. In the airline industry, you not only book your flight online, but you also choose your seat, order your food, and even “check-in.” In less than 5 years, airline tickets have become redundant and administrative processes have been radically simplified to maximize efficiency.

This integration of the Internet with other business processes will only become much more important as web usage increases. Customers will want full visibility into every part of their interaction with your business. Once again, the key will be easy access to information and knowledge sharing.

Of course, with increased compliance legislation and the need for Business Continuity Planning, technology can also provide crucial backup in the event of an unforeseen disaster. With proper electronic data storage and routing of voice and data over the Internet, many businesses can move from one location to another with minimal disruption. In the recent flood of 2007, disaster recovery became not just an intellectual exercise, but an unfortunate reality for hundreds of local businesses.

Therefore, technology must be embraced by all decision makers in a company and their views must be properly coordinated to enjoy all the benefits it can offer. Don’t think of IT simply as a cost, but rather as a real opportunity to drive efficiency in your business. Today, many organizations remain too reactive and fail to think strategically about how the world is changing and how their business is changing with it. We are ten years into the 21st century and the exchange rate is only going to increase, not decrease.

Perhaps you can now see why getting an IT strategic roadmap for your business isn’t a “nice to have,” but in the modern age it’s simply a necessity. I suggest you review your company’s existing IT support and perhaps consider outsourcing your IT as a cost saving exercise. There are many companies that offer a full range of managed services that could greatly improve the efficiency of your business. These days, your systems can be monitored 24/7/365 with a much more proactive approach to IT management.

As a last example, think about the mobile phone you have today and compare it to the one you had 5 years ago. The functionality of that device will have changed tremendously and emphasizes again how fast technology moves. And by the way, if your current “phone” still does not allow you to access the Internet and cannot send you your emails automatically, you are already several years behind the game!


Experience the exquisite sound quality of the Shure E3c earphones

Sipping a Chai Latte and looking at the other customers talking to themselves, I had to laugh. All these new phone headsets make people look like some crazy chatterbox or alien with wires sticking out of their heads and my friend Ronnie is no exception. Watching him walk calmly into the cafeteria, I expected to hear dialogue about some new real estate deal coming out of his mouth, but I heard the line, “Can you hear me. I mean, can you really hear me?” The surprise radiating from his face was reassuring considering the countless commercials I’ve seen with people in deserted fields in the middle of nowhere yelling into a cell phone, “Can you hear me, can you hear me?” The invariable does occur in the commercial. , but in reality the call is dropped and no one is heard. Hands-free headsets only compound perceived hearing loss if you ask me. Of course, when they do their job well, headphones are a blessing in that they free up your hands to perform other necessary tasks.

Finishing the last of my Chai Latte, I saw Ronnie speak to his interlocutor and continue to express his joy at being heard. I mean it’s what we all want in life, right? Someone who listens to us; I mean he really listens. Maybe Ronnie has found a little part of life’s secret.

I ordered another Chai Latte and a Chitico (rich hot chocolate) for Ronnie. Clearing out the stack of newspapers on my table by the fireplace, I moved for her to join me, which she did with this Cheshire smile on her face as she finished things off with the caller.

Ronnie conveyed the problems of using multiple headphones. He mentioned how one earpiece, that came with his old cell phone, didn’t work at all, how another one did, but he developed a strange hissing sound, which he never heard, but his interlocutors did. He found it so annoying that some started calling him Whistling Ronnie, which he wasn’t too happy about. The admission of this incident made me laugh hysterically and throw coffee on the table.

When I cleaned up the spilled Chai Latte, I heard all about the headphones that Ronnie referred to as the “Heavy Breather.” Using that one, callers heard his breathing or what sounded like breathing, which probably could have been caused by static from a bad connection. Ronnie also shared a tail on a headset he nicknamed the “Ear Vice”, which he liked in a medieval torchlight chamber. I laughed and laughed and said, “If you hate headphones so much, why bother wearing them?”

“Safety. They free my hands to do other things like driving, working, eating, drinking, enjoying life. You know the little things, René.”

Looking at Ronnie’s Treo 600 smartphone sitting on the table, I said, “So, how are your headphones?”

“Rene, nothing worth mentioning.”

“Is it that bad?”

“Yes. With all my other cell phone headset disasters and Treo disappointment, I’ve turned to the professionals.”

Taking off the earpiece and showing it to me, he said, “This is a cell phone earpiece called Shure’s OuietSpot. These guys have been producing sound equipment for over seventy-eight years for the music industry.

This set of headphones is my Mercedes and Porsche, it’s so good Rene. The sound quality is incredible. When I’m having a conversation I’m on my own island. I don’t hear background noise, just the person I’m talking to. This is how a conversation is supposed to be. The sound is so precise.”

“Ronnie, how can you guarantee such sound quality?”

“Their microphone uses what they call background noise cancellation technology, which is based on their renowned professional stage microphones. With this technology, conversations are clear all the time, no matter where you are.”

“Ronnie, I guess since this is your Mercedes and Porsche, we’re talking about cash.”

“Not all. Shure QuietSpot headphones are only $49.95. Please go to and replace your Treo headphones. In our last conversation on the way here, I caught every third word you said.”

“Oh, was that bad?”

“Yes, Rene.”

“Is the QuietSpot comfortable for long conversations?”

“Yes. It has made my business life more efficient and has also been a boost to my social life.”

“Ronnie, what can I do for the sound with my IPOD?”

My friend got the Cheshire smile back on his face and said “So now you like music. What is Rock and Roll or classics?”

“Just help me here please. The sound coming out of my son’s earphone is atrocious. When I tried to listen to Opera, I heard background interference.”

“You and your son need to stop using Apple’s white rags, I mean headphones. I used them for a while with my own IPOD and they’re just as bad as cheap free cell phone headphones. I’m using Shure’s E3C for my IPOD and I’m very happy with it. The E3C resides inside the ear canals. This design blocks out 20 decibels, plus ff of ambient noise. Listening to music with it makes me feel like I’m on my own concert island. Close your eyes , maybe. Isn’t that how good music is supposed to take you to a place where only songs and sounds exist?

“Ronnie, you’re getting a bit philosophical today.”

“You too Rene, when you try it, you’ll see that this in-ear model is amazing and its white earpiece matches the IPOD.”

“You can imagine that, Mr. Posh. But is it comfortable, Ronnie?”

“Yes, and it’s only $179.”

“Thanks Ronnie. I hope you can clear something up. My sister has been raving about the Shure E5C saying it has kind of a high and low frequency, which is perfect for my son’s taste in music. But my son said no It’s good if I want to listen to jazz”.

“They’re both right. Shure’s E5C model is $499 and is designed for musicians to use as stage monitors. What your sister describes are the drivers that are worn in each ear. At first, it’s like a change toggle. One frequency is reserved for bass and one is reserved for high frequencies. There is also cross channeling for all frequencies. With the E5C you will experience spectacular sound. When listening to music with this high-low frequency on your eardrums instead of an island concert, you’ll have your own music. world. It’s that precise. With a tuned, orchestrated sound like this, you’ll find the volume on your IPOD drops compared to other headphones. Mine has averaged a third and was previously two thirds of the volume.

“Are there other headphones suitable for different types of music?”

“Yes. The E5C is great for pop songs with heavy bass and choruses. But I like my E3C for jazz, classical, folk songs, and other recordings where acoustics play a central role.

The Etymotic E4P model is also excellent for acoustics. They are $330.00. One of the guys I work with is very happy with his E4P and says it’s great for listening to acoustic music. He really likes meditative type music. I borrowed your E4P one day when we were on a business trip north and forgot to pack my E3C. In the quiet of the hotel, the high-end clarity of the Etymotic model was impressive. Listening to relaxing songs I came out in a bit of a trance. But, when I took my IPOD out in the backyard still using the Entymotic E4P, the accuracy of the sound went downhill. I heard a bit of background noise.”

“What about the appearance?”

“I like Shure’s approach with the little white earbuds that match the IPOD. Etymotic’s is a little too flashy for my taste with the black wires and bright blue and red color-coded stress reliefs on the shafts” .

“What about headphones that aren’t in your ears?”

“You might want to consider Sony’s MDR-G82. It’s a traditional neckband style with a full-cup earcup that cradles your ear. It offers great sound for Rock and Roll with heavy bass. The full-ear cups G82 are very comfortable and elegant silver and black.It also folds down to the size of a tangerine.”

Ronnie stared at the ends of my pants and had this Cheshire grin on his face and said, “Now about those Dockers you’re wearing…”

“They’re not Dockers. They’re designer pants. I have them on sale.”

“Oh really, Rene.” Same old Ronnie.

Source: Pen Computing


Global storms hurl towers of dust into the Martian sky

No other planet in our Solar System has inspired the human imagination more than Mars. This is because, historically, the Red Planet was considered the most likely world to be the distant home of life beyond Earth. While this view has certainly become very outdated, Mars still appeals to Earthlings with its rusty-red surface, etched with small valleys carved into slopes, eerily similar in shape to ravines formed by flowing water. on the surface of our own planet. and where liquid water exists, life as we know it can also exist. But today, Mars is a frigid, dry wasteland, where violent dust storms are common, but every ten years something unpredictable happens, and a series of runaway storms breaks out, blanketing the entire planet in a thick swirling blanket of dust. dust. In November 2019, planetary scientists announced that a fleet of NASA spacecraft got a good look at the life cycle of the huge, and highly destructive, global dust storm of 2018 that ended prematurely with the visiting rover. of opportunity exploration mission on the surface of the Red Planet.

At this time, planetary scientists are still in the process of studying the puzzling new data. However, two papers have recently been published that shed new light on a phenomenon observed within the enormous dust storm:dust towers, which are concentrated clouds of dust that are heated by sunlight and then rise into the air. Planetary scientists have proposed that water vapor, imprisoned by dense, swirling dust, may be riding them in a way that has been compared to an elevator into space, where radiation from our Sun shreds their molecules apart. This suggestion could help explain how Martian water vanished over billions of years.

Our Solar System is about 4.6 billion years old. Before about 3.8 billion years ago, Mars may have had a much denser atmosphere than it does today, as well as higher surface temperatures. These ancient conditions would have allowed large amounts of liquid water to exist on the Martian surface, including a vast ocean that covered a third of the planet.

Almost all the water on Mars today is in the form of ice, although some of it also exists as water vapor in its atmosphere. The only place where water ice is seen on the Martian surface is in the north polar ice cap. However, a large amount of water ice is also present below the permanent carbon dioxide ice cap at the Martian south pole, as well as in the shallow subsurface in more temperate conditions.

More than 21 million kilometers of ice have been discovered on or near the Martian surface. This equates to enough water ice to cover the entire planet to a depth of 115 feet. It is even more likely that water ice lurks deep in the Martian subsurface.

Large amounts of dust have formed on the surface of the Red planet as a result of its currently dry conditions. dust towers they are huge, churning clouds that rise considerably higher than normal background dust in the thin Martian atmosphere. Although dust towers they have also been seen under more normal conditions, appearing to form in greater numbers as a result of global storms.

IN tower first forms on the surface of a planet. It begins as a region of rapidly kicking up dust about the width of Rhode Island. By the time this dusty tower reaches the lofty height of 50 miles, as observed during the infamous 2018 global dust storm, it may be as wide as the state of Nevada. As the tower begins to lose strength, it can form a layer of dust 35 miles above a planet’s surface that may be wider than the entire continental United States.

The findings of 2019, belonging to the exotic Martian. dust towerswere derived courtesy of NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO)which is run by the agency Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) located in Pasadena, California. Although dust storms blanket the Martian surface, MRO is able to use its heat sensor Mars climate probe instrument to penetrate heavy mist. The instrument is specifically designed to measure dust levels. Their data, along with images obtained from a camera aboard the orbiter called Mars Context Image Generator (MARC)allowed planetary scientists to detect numerous dust towers

the kingdom of Red planet

Mars is the fourth planet from our Sun, as well as the second smallest major planet in our Sun’s family after Mercury. In English, Mars is named after the Roman god of war because of its rusty red hue. This reddish coloration is courtesy of the large amounts of iron oxide on the Martian surface, and is unique among astronomical bodies visible to the unaided human eye. Mars is a solid terrestrial planet, showing only a thin atmosphere. It also possesses surface features reminiscent of both Earth’s Moon impact craters and Earth’s polar ice caps, valleys, and deserts.

Martian days and seasons are also comparable to those of our own planet. This is because the period of rotation, as well as the tilt of the axis of rotation in relation to the ecliptic plane, are similar for both sister worlds. Mars also hosts Mount Olympus, the largest volcano and highest known mountain in our entire Solar System. Another surface feature, called Valles Marineris, is one of the largest canyons in the familiar family of planets, moons, and smaller objects on our Sun. The smooth Boreal The basin, located in the northern hemisphere of Mars, covers 40% of the planet and is believed to be a gigantic impact scar left by a huge crashing object. Mars is also surrounded by a duo of small moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are irregularly shaped and resemble potatoes. The two small moons are considered captured asteroids.

The first observations of Mars were made by ancient Egyptian skygazers. In 1534 B.C. C., these early astronomers were already familiar with the retrograde motion of the red planet. At the time of the Neo-Babylonian Empire, Babylonian skygazers made regular records of the positions of the planets, as well as systematic studies of their behavior. In the case of the Red Planet, ancient astronomers discovered that it made 42 turns of the zodiac every 79 years. These ancient astronomers even devised mathematical methods to make minor corrections to the predicted positions of the planets in our Solar System. Ancient skygazers called the planets “wandering stars.”

In the fourth century B.C. C., the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle noted that Mars disappeared behind Earth’s Moon during an occultation. This indicated that the Red Planet was farther from Earth than our Moon. The Greek astronomer Ptolemy, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, tried to determine the orbital motion of Mars, and his collective works and his model on astronomy were presented in his multi-volume collection, entitled Almagest. Tea Almagest it was the authoritative work on Western astronomy for the next four centuries.

Ancient Chinese astronomers were also familiar with Mars no later than the 4th century BCE. C. In the 5th century CE, the Indian astronomical work titled surya siddhanta presented a measurement of the estimated diameter of the Red Planet. In East Asian cultures, Mars is often called the “fire star,” based on the Five elements: wood, water, earth, metal and fire.

In the 17th century, the astronomer Tycho Brahe measured the diurnal parallax of Mars that Johannes Kepler had used to make the first calculations of the distance from Mars to Earth. When the first telescopes, used for astronomical purposes, became available, the day parallax of Mars was determined to make this measurement in 1692. However, these first measurements were flawed due to the poor quality of the telescopes.

Mars hasn’t always looked the way we do today. The Red Planet suffered a catastrophic tilt billions of years ago. Before this tilt occurred, the Martian poles were not located where they are now.

There is current research evaluating the habitability potential of the Red Planet in the past, as well as the possibility of life today. Future astrobiology missions are currently being planned. These missions include the March 2020 and rosalinda franklin homeless. Today, liquid water cannot accumulate on the Martian surface, except at the lowest elevations for short periods, due to the low atmospheric pressure, which amounts to less than 1% of that on Earth.

The United States, Europe, India and the Soviet Union have sent dozens of uncrewed spacecraft to Mars, including rovers, orbiters and landers. These missions observed the red planet’s surface, climate, and geology. Over the last twenty years, cameras in orbit around Mars have returned a large number of revealing images of the “fiery star” to our planet.

Dust towers in the Martian sky

Although dust towers shape throughout the Martian year, MRO observed something unusual about the catastrophic global dust storm of 2018. “Normally, the dust would fall in a day or so. But during a global storm, dust towers are continuously renewed for weeks,” commented the paper’s lead author, Dr. Nicholas Heavens, in a Nov. 26, 2019, statement. JPL press release. Dr. Heavens is from Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia.

In some cases, multiple towers they have been observed for almost 4 weeks.

The activity rate of the dust surprised Dr. Heavens and his colleagues. But what they found particularly intriguing was the possibility that dust towers they function as “space elevators” for other material. If this turns out to be the case, then dust towers it can play the important role of transporting other materials through the Martian atmosphere. When dust in the air heats up, it forms updrafts that carry gases along the journey, including small amounts of water vapor that are sometimes seen as wispy clouds on Mars.

In a previous paper, Dr. Heavens had shown that during a global Martian dust storm in 2007, water molecules were flung high into the upper atmosphere, where radiation from our Sun could break them up into particles that escape screaming into interplanetary space. That mechanism could provide an important clue about how the Red Planet lost its lakes and rivers billions of years ago, thus becoming the icy, desolate wasteland it is today.

Planetary scientists aren’t sure how global dust storms form. This is because so far they have only managed to study less than a dozen of these storms. But with more time to collect additional data, the MRO team will seek a new understanding of how dust towers form within global storms and what role they may play in removing water from the Martian atmosphere.

Dr. David Kass, Climate Sounder scientist at JPLhe commented to the press that “global dust storms are really unusual. We don’t really have something like that on Earth, where the weather of the entire planet changes over several months.”


An “iPhoneic” journey

It’s not just Adam and Eve who fell under the spell of the Apple; there are thousands of Apple fans who simply swoon at the sight of the bitten apple on the back of the phone. The Apple iPhone is a religion for those crazy about these phones. These phones aren’t just called smartphones, they’re just iPhones and simply can’t be clubbed with the other phones under the umbrella called “smartphones”! Apple’s iPhones are as popular (or perhaps more so) than their creator, Steve Jobs.

Steve Jobs was looking for a good mobile phone or tablet that could work with iOS, but found that there weren’t many models up to the task. So Apple came up with its own mobile device – the iPhone. It was first introduced to the world by its creator in January 2007. The iPhone 3G was withdrawn from the market in just one year. This phone was designed to only support AT&T voice/data plans, which reduced performance and increased calling costs.

Apple iPhone 3G was released in 2009 with many enhanced features. This model offered 16/32 GB data storage capacity and came with a USB port for connecting to a computing device. The next version of this model, the iPhone 4G, entered the market in January 2010. This phone had extensive updates both under and on the hood. A new video calling feature, “FaceTime”, was introduced in this model, which allowed users to make video calls. Another upgrade on this model is the option of 720p HD movie recording and editing. The other versions of this model are iPhone 4S and iPhone CDMA.

Just when you think nothing can get better with the Apple iPhone, the company introduced the iPhone 5. Introduced in September 2012, this model underwent cosmetic and hardware changes. Built on the Apple A6 (Swift) processor and iOS 8.4 operating system, it took mobile computing to a whole new level. Thinner and taller than its previous iterations, the iPhone 5 got a visual upgrade. The extra length allowed users to add an extra layer of icons. The size of the dock connector has also been reduced from 30-pin to 8-pin, and the phone came with a smaller adapter and cable. All these feature changes made it more convenient for users to charge and use the device. In addition, this version features the Apple-designed A6 system-on-a-chip, which speeds up processing and reduces power waste. The updated versions of iPhone 5 are iPhone 5s and 5c.

Apple didn’t rest on its laurels, but it did come back with the iPhone 6 in September 2014. The iPhone received a complete makeover in this model. Although it still had the aluminum back found on the iPhone 5, the phone got taller and wider. The position of the power button has been changed to make it easier to handle the larger phone, and the edges have been rounded to give it a classic finish. Going back over a decade, Apple has just released a handful of iPhones. It is a brand that believes that quality and performance trumps the numbers games any day as it remains the world’s leading mobile phone manufacturer.


What are the factors that influence link building in 2018?

Link building has always been an integral part of search engine algorithms and continues to be. Although their importance has waxed and waned as various versions of the Google algorithm have been applied, they have always played a vital role in the placement and ranking of featured links.

However, not all links have the same value. The internet is full of low-value, non-relevant and spammy links that can quickly devalue your page in Google search. In order to get the desired results, you should stay away from such links.

To promote and increase your brand awareness in 2018, take a look below at some of the factors that influence link building for SEO.

guest post

Guest posting is one of the most useful techniques you can implement to generate backlinks and acquire traffic to your website. However, you need to make sure that the guest posting websites are the same or related to your niche.

As you publish your content on an authority website, there is a high chance that your post will appear on some of the most popular blogs on the internet. This means that your post will reach a lot of people and your website will gain more traffic. Also, guest posting websites usually promote content on various social media sites, which means your post will automatically get social engagement.

Getting featured on popular blogs will help improve your credibility and once your link reach is significant, you can approach more blogs with confidence.

Content is still ‘King’

You will only be able to get backlinks to your website if you give people a reason to link to you. Creating top quality content is a great place to start. The genuine value of your blog posts and articles will be demonstrated when you start receiving organic backlinks from other websites.

Google’s algorithm is so advanced that it can even detect the quality of your content. So your focus should not just be on crafting long posts, but on making sure they make sense, are informative, and interesting to read. Avoid keyword stuffing and filler content as that will cause Google to lower your rankings.

broken link building

Broken link building is one of the tactics used by most link building services for SEO providers because it often produces great results. Broken link occurs when a page links to resources that are no longer available. Since this can lead to a negative user experience, webmasters are always looking for ways to fix broken links.

All you have to do is find a website that fits your niche and has one or more broken links. Once you have found such website or websites, you should contact the webmaster of the website to let them know that the links are not working and also to request a link to their site in exchange. Since the process takes quite a long time, the best solution will be to let a professional agency handle it.


To get the best algorithm response from any search engine, it’s important that you only link to websites that are relevant to your niche. Only backlinks that come from trusted websites in your niche show that your content is relevant and trustworthy in the eyes of the search giant, Google. Once you’ve gotten enough backlinks from well-known sites, Google will start considering you as an authority in your niche or topic. Avoid spam links at all costs.

Getting credible backlinks can help you achieve higher rankings on search engine results pages. Link building is not going away anytime soon and without it, you will not be able to achieve the desired results from your SEO campaign. Talk to professionals today about implementing link building as part of your SEO efforts.


Maple Story review: An online virtual world populated with adorable monsters and interesting quests

Maple Story is an online game/virtual world developed by game makers like Sugar Rush, Combat Arms, and Audition. Maple Story is a two-dimensional side-scrolling online game based in a virtual world called the world of Maple. The game has been a huge commercial success and has attracted close to 50 million users to date.

At the beginning of the game, each player must choose a profession for himself. A player can be a warrior, thief, wizard, archer, or pirate. After choosing the profession and customizing the character, you can go on your quests, collect points, progress to higher levels, just like a normal role-playing game (RPG). The level of customization that Maple Story allows is quite high, and you can spend hours choosing from the endless options available to you.

The main goal of Maple Story, like any other RPG game, is to complete quests and collect points to reach higher character levels. To earn more points, each user has to kill different monsters. However, these monsters are so adorable that you might feel bad killing them. In fact, the entire game heavily plays into the cute quotient.

It’s quite ironic that Maple Story doesn’t really have a very strong story. It starts out good, but after a certain point of time, there isn’t a concrete sense of direction to the story. Initially, users get hooked on the game due to their curiosity to experience the higher levels. But once this anticipation wears off, the interest wears off as well, as the missions tend to get a bit repetitive.

As mentioned above, Maple Story has a huge cute factor working in its favor. This “cute factor” may, in fact, make up for the repetitive quests and lackluster story. On the other hand, this sometimes becomes the game’s weakness, as it gets annoyingly cute after a while, even more so with hardcore gamers, who expect more from a game than mere cuteness.

The Maple Story has characteristically different controls. Almost the entire game is played using the keyboard; the mouse has very limited use. The controls are very convenient and easy to use. The best part is that the game allows the users to customize the controls as per their comfort.

The Maple Story is underpinned by a strong sense of social community. User may be surprised to find maple world map complete with users. This community presence can create a sense of healthy competition or, on the other hand, it can also lead to hostility. Even within the game, users can create their own houses and have fun with friends.

No game is complete without a technically sound mechanism. Despite the repetitive quests and boring story, Maple Story shines brightly in the graphics department. From the cute monsters to the cute backgrounds, everything has a lively and luxurious attention to detail. Although this is primarily an action-based game, the environment still manages to present something eye-catching and relaxing for the players.

The sound is equally great. The game has a catchy background score, so much so that you might find yourself subconsciously humming the tune. The sound effects only add to the cute quotient. The sad screams of the monsters when they are killed and many of these effects make the game more fun and enjoyable.

The Maple Story is a web-based game and can be played online for free. However, many features, including customizations, must be paid for separately. The game does not require very advanced technical requirements on PC, so it is easy to play and download.

So despite the minor story and game plan issues, Maple Story comes highly recommended. Backed by excellent technical specifications, it has the potential to be highly addictive, engaging and extremely fun!


The main benefits of home automation in this modern age

With the advances in science, everyday technology has also been improving very fast. New home automation technology is one of them. With the help of this new age technology, anyone can transform her home into a perfect position and independent home. For example, you can easily control and operate the lights or electronic systems in your home. Your house has also become more serious, safe and controllable. In case you still need convincing of this, the article is just for you, so that you understand the value of automating your house correctly.

Fortunately, modern automation technology is by no means limited to a few pieces of furniture. This automation technology is also creating wonders in industrial sectors such as business, hospitality, etc. Various numbers of technologies along with highly effective and efficient modern features are managing to bring a very welcome change in the same old ways of life. These changes are making your home more modern, safer and healthier, and so on.

Things to know before opting for automation

There are quite a few things you need to know before going for home automation. You need to plan everything extensively. That is why it is important to dedicate some time to it. Think from time to time, what are the changes you want to make and what needs to be done. For example, if you want to automate electronic equipment, you need to plan and move according to that plan. Similarly, you need to prioritize everything and move accordingly.

There can be many changes and transformations of traditional and old technologies. With which people are often afraid of getting nervous again. Listed below are some of the benefits of home automation procedure and technology.

Some benefits of the whole process

First of all, the whole process can be responsible for a lot of savings, especially in the field of light and electronics, etc. Previously, the process used to be quite expensive. Today, however, the cost is only nominal and won’t cause you any trouble. The whole process is imbued with various traditional riches. You can also find the service at a relatively cheaper price.

The mode of operation

Matters related to modern technology have always been a complicated area, they are meant to be in the domain of teachers. Surprisingly, the modern innovation of process automation is not complicated or problematic at all. This is very easy, simple and fun to operate. You don’t even need to do a lot of things; rather, all you need to do is click a switch. If something goes wrong, they can easily replace it or fix the problem. However, there aren’t many crash issues or the like.

Greater possibilities of security, protection and benefits

Since there are so many crime cases during these days, it is of utmost importance to secure your house and guard it first. During the present days, almost every family has become a nuclear family with old people and little children. That is why it is important to check them from time to time. To do this, you can use the video intercom and video surveillance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If there is any chance of seeing smoke, the fire or gas leak system will be operational and let others know. In case of theft, the movement detection tool will also warn of any slight movement.

Reduction of the Energy Bill and savings

This set of equipment is also designed to save the environment from its most unnatural enemies, the human species. Automation reduces the cost of light and also that of temperature. Due to the advancement of this system, you don’t need to worry about a room full of light switches. No need to think about whether they have turned off the lights or not and so on. Along with light, there are also others. Apart from the light, the other electronic devices are turned off and you don’t have to worry about them.