
Trophy: The Origin and Evolution

The English word trophy is derived from the French word “trophee” and the Greek word “tropaion”. The Greek word “tropaion” means to defeat and the French word “trophee” essentially means spoils of war.

For the Greeks, the trophies started from the battlefield. The victorious team made a kind of warrior figure with the arms and banners of the defeated team. This figure was hung from a tree and stories of battles were inscribed and dedicated to god and then destroyed as a sacrilege. The Romans built extravagant trophies consisting of columns and arches on a base.

The Olympic Games, today, use medals to commemorate the winners. In ancient Greece, Olympic winners were congratulated with a laurel wreath and not awarded trophies.

Originally a trophy was shaped like a chalice and was made with a wooden base, a wooden column and a metal figure. But with the passage of time the trends changed and the wood was replaced by marble and the figures are made of plastic and painted in the desired color.

The shapes and sizes of a trophy have also evolved over time. The goblet is still used in various prominent sporting events such as the Davis Cup and Stanley Cup, but there are other interesting figurines being used as a stylized human for the academy awards or the Oscars and the use of a spaceship for the Hugo awards for science.

The current FIFA world cup trophy is designed by Silvio Gazzaniga and has been in service since 1974. The award depicts two human figures holding the Earth. The current trophy weighs 5 kilos and is 36.5 centimeters high. Both the Wimbledon and FIFA World Cup trophy cannot be won directly, tournament winners get a replica of the trophy.

No matter what the game is, the trophy is what makes the games exciting!


Global Gas Card Review – Is the Global Gas Card a Legit Business Opportunity?

Why do so many people join the Global Gas Card Opportunity? Is it even a legitimate business? In this article, I will strip away all the hype and give you my honest and honest opinion in the hope that you have enough information to decide if the Global Gas Card Service or business model is right for you.

First of all, what is the global gas card opportunity about? Is it really a legit opportunity?

Global Gas Card, AKA GGC, is a Legitimate Opportunity that helps solve two important problems stemming from the global economic crisis.

  • Saving on fuel prices at the pump is a no brainer since the high cost of fuel affects our daily life in many ways: from the delivery of vital resources such as: food, transportation, transportation costs that increase the cost of everything else.
  • The other problem it solves is that it provides an easy way for your members to earn money by helping others save money.

Those two reasons above are the fuel that drives so many ambitious entrepreneurs to use the Global Gas Card as a vehicle to achieve financial freedom.

However, was it still Global Gas Card for me? – First impressions

I was first exposed to Global Gas Card by a friend who is a major producer at another time who will have to remain anonymous for legal reasons. (Sometimes MLM companies can be very possessive of their key leaders.) As soon as he mentioned it to me, the first thing that came to mind was, “Now that all the gas prices are starting to go up, beware of a lot of new MLMs.” companies will crawl out of thin air to profit.” In general, I generally have no interest in these types of programs, especially forced binary matrices where people can sit on their butts and benefit just from being in the right position from the right sponsor .

That statement may seem to have negative undertones, but I told you that I would stick to the truth.

Looks like everyone was getting in on the act!

After doing some research, I noticed that not only other MLMs, but also numerous banks and credit card companies were participating as well. First I was a little worried about unwanted competition should I decide to join and then I realized that those banking and credit card companies are not offering “The Average Joe” a chance to ride the wave. Most of those banks only offered between 2% and 5% on average. I guess a good opportunity works best when the ambitious seize it at the right time, so I won’t hold it against my potential competitors. A little competition is a good thing anyway. Looking back, I guess what my friend was trying to tell me.

Well, after giving it some thought and realizing that I had a good relationship with him in the past and respected him as a salesperson, I thought I owed it to myself to look into it a little further. For him to show me how much money he made in such a short time didn’t impress me because I knew he was a strong leader with a huge roster. He even told me that this was not from his other downline, but from some leaders he had met recently that he wanted me to come in to help him get to the next level. What impressed me was how fast the company was growing.

Are There Any Nay Sayers (You can lie about the numbers, but the numbers don’t lie)

After doing some research and I came across a few who said no. Sometimes just competitors want you to join their poor choice alternative that they may have invested too much time in. Often, you’ll also find seasoned professionals complaining that they blame their failures on the product, service, or opportunity they were trying to promote, even though record numbers of people in the same opportunity are enjoying success. You know the guy… “it’s my Up-line, it’s the company, it’s the weather… blah blah blah.” It is often the same two types of whistleblowers everywhere on the web spreading false information. Perhaps if they spent less time complaining, they would have more time to promote their business.

Well, anyway, after doing my research, I got really excited and jumped in with both feet. Here is the simple 7 point checklist I used to see if the Global Gas Card was worth it. See if any of my checkpoints match yours.

  1. Is there a market need for the product? service or opportunity? (In other words, people would become members even if there is no opportunity attached.)
  2. Is there an experienced and competent management team at the helm of Global Gas Card?
  3. Is the Global Gas card simple enough to get a novice into earning mode quickly?
  4. Do Global Gas Card holders pay on time?
  5. Is the Global Gas Card Compensation Plan fair and simple?
  6. Are there excited people ready to earn money with the Global Gas Card?
  7. Can I sell the Global Gas Card around the world over the Internet?

A closer look: when did the global gas card craze start? by whom?, located at 14 Wall Street NYC, opened its doors for pre-launch in March 2011. Since then, it has grown to close with 24,000 subscribers and is positioned to reach 100,000 members in its first year of operation. That makes it one of the fastest growing companies in MLM history. Founded by CEO and President, Mr. Allan R. Lowe, who brings 24 years of experience in direct sales and Internet marketing, means the company not only knows what works, but also what doesn’t. Who has not made mistakes in the past? However, when your back sits back over 24 years in the direct sales industry, chances are you’ve hit more home runs than you’ve struck out.

Allan Lowes’ Vision: Breaking All Other MLM Sales Records

Their vision is to break all the sales records of other MLM companies by rewarding GGC members with a subscription with an incredible benefits package that includes:

  • 10% back on gas on all gas purchases at the gas station of your choice anywhere in the world. (Just be sure to save your receipt)
  • Global Gas Tabs that can increase your efficiency right at the pump.
  • Members saving 30, 40, up to 50% discount on their cell phone.
  • How about saving up to 85% on all your FDA-approved prescription drugs?

That’s just for starters; As membership expands, they plan to include: medical, dental, vision, roadside assistance, and even pet prescription plans. There’s more, these benefits won’t stop there… these plans expand as the membership base grows. Some of the future plans include: global tours that can be included in cruises, as well as a global internet shopping mall, to name a few.

How much will all this cost you as a member?

Just a $150 annual enrollment fee and a one-time $10 processing fee, for full access to benefits with more on the way.

This is how you save money… but how do you make money?

The compensation plan is based on what is called a binary share plan that pays daily. This means that you basically have two teams… one on the right and one on the left. Every time someone rides on your right and left side, you get a commission of $25… and that is paid daily to infinity.

Other Agent Rewards and Bonuses

You also receive fast start bonuses where you can receive $1-$5 override for everyone in your organization to infinity. This also included 100% waste for all refills. Plus, you can earn up to $750 per month with the Rep FREE Gas Rewards Program…which means you may never have to pay for gas at the pump ever again. That benefit alone gives a lot of people a strong incentive to join. When you look at the marketing support structure it’s only 2% which is extremely fair as they provide free replicated sites, conference calls and live events to help you get the word out so you can say and don’t sell if you don’t. want. to. I’ve been with other companies where they charge up to $30 a month for these services… With Global Gas Card it’s free… How good is that?

Highlights of Joining the Global Gas Card Opportunity

  • Ideal for sellers looking for an easy additional income stream.
  • Your custom website is designed and ready to go from the moment you join.
  • It is still a ground floor opportunity so you can benefit from first mover advantage.
  • You can save money yourself or earn money by helping others save money.
  • Back office: support, training, promotional tools and resources.
  • Global market that can be tapped through Internet marketing.
  • Global Gas Card works on a duplication system: if one person can do something to be successful, the other can do the same thing to duplicate their success.
  • Summary calls that explain the system in detail to your prospects. I encourage you to participate in these calls if you have not already done so.

The Downsides of the Global Gas Card Business: What the Sales Letter May Leave Out

To keep it real, there are a few things you need to know.

  • In addition to the initial annual cost of $150, you will also need to pay a one-time processing fee of $10.
  • As with all businesses, there is no 100% guarantee that you will be successful. Hopefully you haven’t read about the hype on the internet about “join company xyz and earn billions of dollars”. If you see a website like that, or get a phone call with someone like that… run away… quick, and call them a scammer right before you leave. Having said that…
  • Not everyone makes money with their Global Gas Card Business.
  • But honestly, would you mind telling me about any businesses that have a guaranteed 100% success rate? It’s what I thought.
  • The discounted price of $125 has ended since the pre-release ended.
  • This is not a forced matrix where you don’t have to do anything, you still have to get your two to start maxing out the comp plan.
  • Although very valuable, the training that is instantly available to you can only teach you so much. A lot of training and education vital to your success in the world of internet marketing (such as search engine optimization and inbound marketing) are things you’ll have to learn elsewhere.

To make it simpler

Global Gas Card saves consumers a 10% discount on their purchases at the gas station anywhere in the world. GGC members also receive numerous benefits and rewards. Global Gas Card representatives do just two simple things: 1. Save on gas purchases at the pump. 2. Teach others to do the same. The company has experienced management in command. More than 23,000 have already joined since March 2011, making it one of the fastest growing MLMs in Internet history. Global Gas Card offers: Management Training, Live Events, Conference Calls, Lead Capture Tracking and Contact Management Systems for all its members who participate in the opportunity. I highly recommend the Global Gas Card as an easy and reliable additional earning center. However, to truly maximize one’s marketing efforts on a global opportunity, additional marketing tools, resources, and focused planning must be utilized for best results.


Boxing politics, still an inescapable part of the sport

Even in 2015, the back and forth stance is still frustratingly prevalent in the industry.

Boxing is one of the oldest sports in existence and as such carries a lot of history, baggage and, in some ways, old school ways.

There are many unfair and unwanted stereotypes associated with the sport regarding things like corruption and fixing, which in my opinion are totally inaccurate, uneducated and biased insults targeting the sport in the current era of 2015.

I can’t comment on how things were in the past, but what I can comment on is today’s weather and since I started in boxing journalism in recent years.

Sport is now essentially run by global television networks, sports management companies, and sports promotion companies. In 2015, you would no longer get away with mass corruption in any sport: you would get found out.

I’m not saying that nothing unexpected ever happens in sport, I would be naive. But, in my opinion, the same can be said of any professional sport or any professional business.

When money comes into the equation, there will always be unscrupulous people looking to make a quick buck or take shortcuts.

One thing that still doesn’t exist in the game today is boxing politics. In this article I will not name any names for the purposes of fairness, balance and objectivity.

At a time when the sport is really flourishing again and is on its way back into the mainstream media for a variety of reasons, including major TV broadcasters investing in the sport again and the Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao, we’re still seeing a lot of big fights that don’t get done, which is very frustrating.

A well-known observer within the game recently defined the landscape of modern boxing quite well, I thought, “It’s annoying that the big fights we want are the ones we are least likely to see. Welcome to the modern world of boxing do what you want.”. How right she was.

At present, there are still promoters arguing, that has not changed. However, what they fight has. In the past, boxers were almost slaves to less than fair contracts from promoters. All that has changed now.

Promoters work for fighters today and are more motivated by money than ever, because there is possibly less money in the business for them compared to what they used to get out of fighters years ago.

Boxing politics today is dominated by terms and arguments like “Side A vs. Side B”, “we bring more money to the table than you”, “Your fighter doesn’t do the pay-per-view numbers that ours does”etc

Professional boxing has always been a money business, but now more than ever in my opinion. You’re looking at new age promoters and managers right now, in the time of social media and near-public trading.

This has been combined with the unwillingness of many key old school players to accept modern technologies such as social media and the internet.

Unfortunately, they have had no choice at this stage, but often their egos won’t allow them to engage with the promoters and power players in the game that come from this newer, fresher, more transparent generation of tech drive, where the The customer (the fight fan) expects a better product than ever (the best fighters fighting the best fighters).

The sport of boxing is going through a lot of changes globally right now. Unfortunately, politics will always be there, so is human nature in any business.

But with the way that technology and the internet continue to influence sport, and indeed all of sport, I think the transparency of these policies will continue to surface more and more in the years to come.

Boxing has no choice but to change as many other combat sports products embrace new technology and most importantly put on the best fights.

However, it will. Boxing has been around for a long time and in my opinion it will be back to its glory days before this decade is out.


Imagine a private sector, a free market economy that guarantees enough predictable income,,,

Imagine, if you can, a private sector-oriented free-market economy that is designed to systematically ensure that all American citizens, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation, have ENOUGH PREDICTABLE INCOME to pay for decent food, shelter, and clothing. . , education, basic transportation, and yes, medical care. In other words, imagine, if you can, a free market economic system designed specifically to produce…

• No homeless

• No people living in slums or ghettos infested with cockroaches and rats

• There are no single mothers who have to choose between raising their children or feeding them.

• No wage slaves working on corporate plantations for exploitative corporate dictators

• Seniors are not allowed to eat dog food to pay for their medications.

• No systematically induced anxiety and stress due to financial instability

• No militarized police trying to control angry mobs

• No cyclical recessions or depressions, bankruptcies or foreclosures

• There is no need to escape inhumane living conditions through alcohol, drugs and mental illness.

• No debt is created, either consumer debt or government debt

• People who are truly free to develop their individual potentials, whatever they may be.

• And, in the long run, there’s no need for social safety nets (ie Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) because everyone has ENOUGH PREDICTABLE INCOME to pay their bills.

Although this list sounds almost impossible, consider these FACTS. On average, the US economy grows at a rate of $4 trillion dollars a year. That translates to about $12,000 for every man, woman, and child in the United States. But generally speaking, the beneficiaries of this annual growth are currently limited to those people who can buy the stocks, bonds, real estate, and technological developments that drive this growth.

90% Lacks the Opportunity

More specifically, we’re talking about the less than 10% of Americans who have the means to take advantage of this relatively predictable growth and the 90% who don’t have the opportunity to participate. Thus, we now have a 21st century wealth gap that is wider and more toxic than at any time since the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression that followed.

To make matters worse, this was the case long before the current pandemic-driven economic crisis reared its ugly head. In response to the loss of income and health care for millions of workers due to the virus, the federal government increased unemployment benefits for several months and issued so-called “stimulus checks ($1,200)” to millions of people in an effort to artificially reactivate demand and prevent the ship of state from sinking into oblivion.

Nasty but necessary steps

By taking these ugly but necessary steps, the government has significantly increased the already huge debt burden, which means it’s a short-term solution, not a long-term one. The hope, of course, is to artificially revive demand, which in turn should recreate jobs and get people back to work and get us all back to where we were before the virus hit.

The problem is, even before the virus hit, we the people were not in a very good place. Even before the virus broke out, more than half of all Americans were living paycheck to paycheck, unable to pay a $500 bump in the road without having to borrow money to pay it off. Things are dramatically worse than they were several months before the virus. But the place where we were is still not the place to which the people long to return. So what can we do?

The idea of ​​$4 trillion dollars that does not create debt!

In that sense, let’s remember that, on average, the US economy grows at a rate of $4 trillion dollars annually. Again, that translates to about $12,000 a year for every man, woman, and child in the United States. But the beneficiaries of this annual growth are those who can buy stocks, bonds, real estate and new technology. This usually excludes us, the people.

The question I want to ask here is, how can we make sure that the average American citizen has consistent access to the property side of the economy, where most of the wealth is generated? How can the average Joe get access to that predictable $4 trillion dollar growth to generate a second stream of investment income, while eliminating the fear and instability that so many Americans endure in today’s incredibly lopsided economy?

Paying “We the People” to unite…

Consider this. What if the Federal Reserve, through local banks, issued $12,000 of INSURED CAPITAL CREDIT annually to each US citizen, along with the provision that these funds could only be used to purchase shares of new and transferred capital assets that were they expected to generate enough future earnings to pay for the purchase of these assets and create a predictable and stabilizing residual income for their owners?

This strategy, known as Capital Homesteading, would cost American taxpayers NOTHING. Do not create public debt! And without consumer debt! And, instead of currency backed by government debt, the purchase would be backed (collateralized) by real, productive, private sector assets.

And it will not be inflationary. All money created would be instantly backed (collateralized) by the full value of private sector assets that citizens would receive secured loans to purchase. Citizens would actually be buying newly issued, fully dividend-paying, voting shares of companies that need new capital assets to grow.

What this would do, however, is give all American citizens equal access to the property side of the American economy, where most of our nations’ wealth is generated. In the long run, it will help democratize the free market.

In this time of political division and conflict, Capital Homesteading literally pays all Americans to work together, at the same time, in the same direction, toward the same goals! Translate mere political talk (like… we’re all in this together) into real live action, driven by results!

Systematically counter concentrated wealth!

Over time, every American citizen will accumulate more equity, more residual income, and benefit from their investment income in a way that only the wealthy can today. As a result, the need for federally supported social safety net programs (ie, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps) will gradually fade into sunset. More people will be able to pay taxes, which in turn reduces the burden on those among us who still pay taxes. Systematically counter and impede concentrated wealth as you gradually democratize America’s free market economy!

Today’s crisis would not be a crisis

If Barack Obama, George W. Bush, or Bill Clinton had implemented Capital Homesteading during their respective administrations, the current COVOD 19/unemployment crisis would not be a crisis. We the people could afford to stay home and still have enough income to weather a much less severe storm. Trump has had the same opportunity for 3 years, but he has shown no interest in making America great again. Joe B? And you?

Capital Homesteading in Detail

I confess, this comment has been a general portrait that badly needs more details. So, for a full and detailed explanation of how this strategy could be implemented, visit CESJ.ORG and check out the concept that Dr. Norman Kurland calls CAPITAL OWNERSHIP LAW. It’s an ingenious idea whose time is long overdue. And it’s a very good thing that could actually come to fruition as a result of this horrible COVID 19 crisis.


UBI vs. Capital Housing Comparison

Stimulus checks are effectively a short-term form of Universal Basic Income (UBI), an idea that has been championed by, among others, former presidential hopeful and serial entrepreneur Andrew Yang, as well as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Tesla’s Elon Musk. Although the suggested annual amount of money issued ($12,000 annually) is the same as Capital Homesteading, that’s where the similarity ends. Look at the differences.

1. Since it issues homestead credit loans that are repaid through future pre-tax earnings, and can only be used to purchase wealth-producing capital assets, Homesteading Homestead Creates NO GOVERNMENT DEBT or CONSUMER DEBT! The UBI and stimulus checks create a public debt that will eventually be paid for by us the people (not the spectacular tax evading 1%) in the form of higher taxes.

2. Capital Homesteading systematically creates universal capital ownership opportunities and access to the means to acquire wealth-producing capital assets. UBI does not.

3. Capital Homesteading systematically finances the predictable and sustainable growth of the economy. UBI does not.

4. Capital Homesteading systematically enables individual citizens to become financially empowered and free through ownership of capital. UBI does not.

5. Capital Homesteading systematically allows citizens to be financially independent from the government. UBI does not.

6. Capital Homesteading systematically generates massive purchasing power through increasing citizen ownership of income-producing capital. UBI does not.

7. Capital Homesteading systematically creates new owners of advanced technologies and green growth assets that UBI does not create.

8. Capital Homesteading systematically creates an increasing tax base to pay government costs, thereby eliminating deficit spending and eventually paying off today’s huge public debt. UBI does not.

9. UBI/Stimulus controls are simple and immediate. That is his strength.

10. Capital Homesteading takes some time (usually several years) for the benefits to accumulate. That’s why UBI must start immediately and be phased out in favor of Capital Homesteading.


That Won the West Badges – Lincoln County, New Mexico Sheriff Badge

The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Badge recalls the violent 1870s, when a war broke out between several wealthy ranchers and a trio of corrupt businessmen in the city of Lincoln. The most famous participant in the conflict was William Henry McCarty, aka William H. Bonney, better known as “Billy the Kid,” though the outlaw gained most of his notoriety during the Lincoln County War by killing the sheriff. William Brady and several deputies. wearing Lincoln County insignia. The troubles in Lincoln County began when city merchants Lawrence Murphy and James Dolan were joined by a third partner named John Riley in his Murphy and Dolan Mercantile and Banking ownership. At the time, Lincoln County was the largest county in the nation, encompassing approximately 20% of all New Mexico, but that soon changed. Governor Axtell, who was directly siding with Murphy-Dolan in the dispute, outlawed the regulators. Undeterred, the Regulators made plans to settle scores with Sheriff William Brady, whom they suspected of looting Tunstall’s store after his death. Within a month, six Regulators, including The Kid, ambushed and killed Sheriff Brady and George Hindman, another of her deputies, in the middle of Lincoln’s main street. Brady suffered at least a dozen injuries and Hindman was shot twice.

Murphy, Dolan, and Riley were part of a corruption network that stretched as far as the territorial capital of Santa Fe. They used their political connections to obtain government contracts with Fort Stanton and soon controlled virtually all commerce in the large county. The immense profits from the products they sold at exorbitant prices in their store, coupled with the low prices they paid smaller ranchers for their cattle, understandably angered the county’s less prosperous residents.

Lincoln’s attorney, Alexander McSween, was sympathetic to the plight of smaller ranchers. He and John Tunstall, a wealthy English cattle rancher, opened a rival mercantile store to compete with Murphy and Dolan’s monopoly store. His new venture was financially backed by John Chisum, another wealthy rancher in the region who owned more than 100,000 head of cattle. The John Wayne film “Chisum” is based on the main characters of the Lincoln County Saga.

In 1878, Murphy and Dolan used their political connections to obtain a court order granting them the right to Tunstall’s sixteen horses as payment for a debt he allegedly owed. The gang formed by Sheriff William Brady to serve the order and the sixteen horses was made up mostly of criminals. Many were members of the Jessie Evans Gang, a gang of outlaws that once counted Billy The Kid among its members. The gang bided its time until Tunstall was caught alone in the open on February 18, 1878. When he objected to his presence on his land, he was shot dead by Jessie Evans, William Morton, and Frank Baker. Although they were too far away to prevent the murder, several of Tunstall’s “cattle guards”, including The Kid, witnessed it from a distance. It was Tunstall’s murder that ignited the Lincoln County conflict into a full-blown range war.

Outraged by the murder, The Kid and several of Tunstall’s “cattle guards” formed their own gang called “The Regulators”. Led by Dick Brewer, Tunstall’s ranch foreman, the Regulators’ sole reason for existing was to track down and apprehend Tunstall’s killers. The Regulators soon drove off Morton and Baker and battled the two men on the field until they surrendered. The Regulators returned to Lincoln a few days later claiming that Morton and Baker had been killed during an alleged escape attempt. Few believed this story, given the number of bullet holes in the two men, but since the Regulators had arrest warrants charging Morton and Baker with Tunstall’s murder (obtained by Alex McSween), they were still operating within the confines of the law. though dimly–at that point.

It may have been corrupt, but the violent murder of Sheriff Brady and his deputy on Lincoln’s main street was enough to convince many other county residents that there were no ‘good guys’ in the conflict, as both sides in the range the war seemed equally bloody.

John Copeland was appointed sheriff to replace the late Brady, but when he refused to take sides in the conflict, Murphy-Dolan again called on his corrupt political associates to remove him and replace him with one of their own. Sheriff George Pippin not only favored the Murphy-Dolan faction, he was on their payroll. The bloodshed continued with sporadic killings, eventually culminating in a five-day siege of McSween’s home in Lincoln, during which his house was burned down. The Regulators who had taken refuge in the house managed to escape and flee, but McSween was shot dead, though he was unarmed when he ran out of the burning house.

In the fall of 1878, President Hayes appointed Governor Lew Wallace to replace the corrupt Governor Axtell, whose collusion with the Murphy/Dolan group was a major factor in the Lincoln County conflict. In an attempt to end the rank war, Governor Wallace issued an amnesty for all combatants except Billy the Kid. The amnesty officially ended the range war.

Meanwhile, the Kid and his gang of supporters had been rusting cattle for a living and had become a serious problem for area ranchers, including John Chisum. In November 1880, Pat Garrett was elected Lincoln County Sheriff with Chisum’s endorsement, running on a platform to end cattle rustling in the county, with Governor Wallace offering a $500 reward for capture of Billy the Kid.

Sheriff Garrett and a posse tracked down and killed two of the remaining Regulators: The Kid’s closest compadres Tom O’Folliard and Charlie Bowdre, and on July 14, 1881, killed Billy the Kid at Fort Sumter, New Mexico. . All three are buried together at Fort Sumter. Their names are engraved on the headstone, below an epitaph that reads, simply, “Friends.” After the marker was stolen multiple times, it was surrounded by a heavy wire cage to deter further souvenir hunters.


The characteristics of satellite television

Americans may be a bit obsessed with television, but we are addicted to drama, comedy and reality TV and we are proud of it. With a selection of more than 260 channels, satellite television is the option for those who love to live vicariously through our televisions.

While not every household spends an average of four hours a day in front of the television, most of us do. Our obsession with keeping in touch with our favorite shows and characters means we need the best picture on the best TV, and DVR would be nice too.

The major cable TV providers have helped establish a long-standing monopoly on how households get access to channels that are broadcast across the country. After many lawsuits and new federal laws taking effect, cable TV companies are terrified of losing customers to satellite TV.

Rightly, then, they should be concerned; after all, the price of satellite TV for the features it offers seems so much better. The United States is now one of the first countries to build an extensive satellite television network in cyberspace. Another reason more people are turning to satellite TV is that there are so many more features for the price.

Satellite TV gives you access to almost every type of channel out there. From kids’ TV shows to sports packages, there’s something for every member of the family.

Children’s channels include Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network and Fox Kids. With a complete package and access to more than 260 channels, customers will have access to several dozen news channels, including CNN, CNN Worldwide, Fox News, BBC and more.

Premium movie channels are also included in some packages: HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, and Stars. Each network broadcasts a minimum of 9 channels each, delivering over 30 channels showing everything from the latest movies to the classics. Along with the movies, customers will also have access to popular original television series like Six Feet Under, The L Word, Entourage and Queer as Folk.

For history buffs and nature enthusiasts, satellite television offers a comprehensive source of channels that is unrivaled by cable companies. Included in most satellite TV packages are Animal Planet, Discovery Channel, Discovery Science, National Geographic, Animal Planet, and the History Channel, just to name a few.

Of course, TV shows aren’t the only thing satellite TV has to offer, packages also include satellite music stations ranging from classical to big band to modern alternative rock. Including satellite music with your plan means you don’t have to subscribe to a separate satellite music plan to get quality sound in your home.


Premier League Preview: Chelsea vs Liverpool

Premier League match time returns to Stamford Bridge when Liverpool play Chelsea in a second leg on Sunday 6 February.

The first leg between the two teams, on November 7 at Anfield, was won 2-0 by host Liverpool. The match marked a return to form for Torres, who scored both goals for Hodgson’s team, on 11 and 44 minutes. The brilliance of the Spanish striker gave his embattled manager a chance at life at Anfield.

But the score doesn’t tell the whole story, as Chelsea commanded 69% of possession that day. For Chelsea, Malouda and Zhirkov missed opportunities due to poor corners.

The real man of the match was Lucas, not Torres, and Kelly was another player who rose to be counted out in Glen Johnson’s absence. Carragher stood out as a center back and seems to have filled the boots of Alonso and Mascherano. Hodgson’s 4-4-2 formation against a strong Chelsea midfield looked suicidal, but it would not be an exaggeration to say that Lucas dominated the game. Although he was excellent in the tackle, he showed a lot of adventure and precision in his passing. Meireles was another player who had a great day in the Liverpool office; he is turning out to be a better substitute for Xabi Alonso than Aquilani.

Defensive errors cost Chelsea the game as Torres exploited the space between Terry and Cole to score. That being said, the Blues dominated the second half, which saw Liverpool appear without vision or passing ability.

Head to head, Chelsea lead 9-5 in the last 16 league matches between the two sides.

In their last 10 league games this season, Ancelotti’s team have won 4, lost 2 and drawn the remaining 4. Liverpool have won 5 of their last 10 games, they have lost 4 and drawn one. Chelsea have won 8 of 11 home games this season, drawing 2 and losing the rest. Liverpool have lost 8 of 12 away games and have won and drawn 2 each. Both teams come from victories in matchday 25; Chelsea won 4-2 away at Sunderland, while Liverpool beat Stoke 2-0 at home.

As it stands, Saturday’s game is likely to be a close one, with Chelsea enjoying home advantage.

Chelsea had the following men in their starting eleven against Sunderland: Cech, Bosingwa, Ivanovic, Terry, Cole, Lampard, Mikel, Essien, Anelka, Drogba and Kalou. Malouda, Ramires and Ferreira played as substitutes.

Liverpool’s starting eleven against Stoke consisted of Reina, Kelly, Skrtel, Agger Kyrgiakos, Johnson, Gerrard, Lucas, Aurelio, Meireles and Kuyt. Shelvey and Suárez were used as substitutes.


A look in the rearview mirror of college football: The worst of 2006

A trip down football memory lane

Before we start another season, let’s take a last look at last season to remember the good times. And put the bad guys to a worthy end. Lessons from the past can be useful in preventing failures in the future. Unfortunately, many of the schools that appeared in the 2006 FirstWorst Futility rankings seem destined to stay there.

There are some perennial powerhouses that live among the FirstWorst. The Duke Blue Devils know this place well. While Army and Navy have a terrific track record of producing people who can blow things up and take other people’s things, Army can rarely manage to produce more than 3 and out on the gridiron. Perhaps this is because their graduates are expected to achieve, and therefore the best high school recruits go elsewhere. The Army Mules are still trying to convince each other that a win over Kent State counts as a win.

Losers deserve respect. Without them, the Nebraska Cornhucksters would have no schedule. Eastern, Western, Southern, Central, Lower, and Upper Michigan states would have no way of funding their sports programs. Troy State (who?) bankrolled a good chunk of their athletic budget by sending eleven poor bastards to Lincoln in September to go down for a 56-0 thrashing of the Big Red. Nebraska cashed in for this. Big Red fans really paid.

Being cannon fodder playing against a top school has its rewards, although winning is rarely among them. The Sage acknowledges that while the Montana State Bobcats thrashed the Colorado B’lows in their season opener in Boulder, most underprivileged schools grit their teeth, accept the beating and the paycheck. However, underdog players and coaches must question their self-esteem. Still, Sage is betting that Montana State had fewer players arrested in the offseason than CU, unless you can get arrested for shooting rabbits in Bozeman.

Losers deserve respect because they may not always be among the best of the worst. The wise will miss Rutgers. The Knights destroyed years of school tradition last year by falling to a dismal 11-2 record. The campus has not yet recovered. The monkey wrench the Knights dropped in predictions early last year has tipsters twirling their Cross pens wondering how they got it so wrong. And now CA sportswriters have to learn to spell ‘Piscataway.’ By building a legitimate show, Rutgers has failed fans across the country and relegated their show to respectability. A fate worse than the Sage cannot imagine.

Losers have their place in this world. They balance everything. The sage loves to find bits of wisdom and irony in lost football. To these little moments of fun, this column is officially dedicated.

Here are the original picks for the ten worst in college football. Before continuing, the Sage points out that this list: · Lacks any scientific process · Focuses on but is not limited to BCS teams · Develops entirely at the whim of the Sage of College Football · May contain inappropriate references for underage readers · May require literate adults to explain the finer points to children or people who paid to watch Nebraska play at Troy State May have nothing to do with an actual football game

Number one: Duke’s poor blown heck

This one is a no-brainer. Basketball schools shouldn’t try soccer; Putting the ball over the goal posts does not award any points. Also, that ball bounces weird. The BDs ascended to the lofty status of number one on the FirstWorst list by virtue of their brilliant 0-12 record last season. Capped off by a season-ending loss to rival powerhouse North Carolina, the Bleu Devils stole defeat from the jaws of defeat by coming back to have an extra point blocked late in the fourth quarter to seal the loss by a spot. This strong record and strong finish set up Duke’s coach, who loses and gets the job. – to another splendid recruiting season.

Included in the head coach job description is: “Study, evaluate, and recommend innovations in soccer team and strategy. Qualifications required at this level: Education/Coaching N/A”

At least the University is realistic. The Wise Man wonders if it is possible to produce a winner by designing new pants. In any case, the University capped off its celebration of the perfect season by adding new parking at the stadium for more than 500 cars. The occupants of such vehicles can anticipate another spectacularly futile season.

2- Owls of the Temple

After going through their challenging schedule, facing and losing to the likes of Buffalo (not the Bills) in which neither team scored a touchdown, the Owls fought hard to close out the season on a five-game losing streak, including losses to Toledo and Akron. . The Pitiful Owls also had to play Ohio State and survived losing 35-7. That seven points were scored in favor of Temple was cause for celebration. Pennsylvania produces hundreds of star high school recruits each year. Unfortunately for Temple, they all choose other schools.


The forces in Chambana recently declared a second “St. Patrick’s Day.” When spring break coincided with the holy day of alcohol, local bars howled that they were losing business to foam-drinking students in Florida. So, to support local bartenders, the university introduced a second St. Patrick’s Day celebration. It is this type of visionary leadership that has earned Illinois third place in the FirstWorst rankings. The (D)UI leadership also showed foresight and strength in retiring Chief Illiniwek this offseason. Illini, who was crying, then had an extra reason, as well as an extra day to drain his sorrows in green beer consumed in Gatorade glasses. The Oranges and Blues finished the 2006 season with wins against Eastern Illinois (yes, there is such a place and they play football), and they got a surprise win at Michigan State. If the Illini can win at home this year against a Big Ten school, the University has promised to declare a third St. Patrick’s Day.


It pains the sage to declare Army a member of the FirstWorst club. The only “Shock and Awe” delivered by the Mules in 06 was that people kept coming to see them. The Army’s Black ‘Nights’ simply cannot produce a win against a quality team. Beating VMI, Kent State and Baylor doesn’t qualify as a stellar season. The Sage wishes the Army the best this year, but West Point’s top brass may have to call in close air support to complete a pass. We’ll see if Air Force can help.

5-State of Boise

The Sage can hear it now… ‘How can a big Fiesta win against OU on New Year’s Day rank a school among the worst in College Football? The simple reason is the hideous blue soccer field they play on. Just because it’s possible to create blue grass doesn’t mean it has to be done. A quality team deserves to play in something other than the Tidy Bowl. A blue soccer field doesn’t exist in nature for a reason. The Sage does not know what that reason is, but he is sure that it is a good one. BS students need to be smoking something different in their pipes before home games for it to look real. BSU proved that you don’t need a blue field for any competitive advantage and you can win in a big game. Lose the blue field!


A team called the Fighting Ducks should find its way onto the FirstWorst roster. But that’s not the reason for the Ducks’ inclusion this year. Oregon puts out a good team on its two-tone field, but every year, it displays an incredible lack of taste in putting its team — appropriately descriptive wording eludes Sage — in those hideous yellow uniforms with tire tracks on the shoulders. The ducks look like highlighter pens against green felt. The assistants in the Department of Psychology must have devised some kind of experiment to see if such a poorly dressed football team can generate a competitive advantage. The Sage thinks that a state where the other University is called Beavers, he would insist on putting a team on the field that could look as good as his record. Ducks often look like cheap office supplies.

7-North Carolina

The aforementioned Duke Blue Devils almost made the Heels reconsider showing up in those baby blue uniforms last year. NC failed to pull off a loss in their season-ending game against Duke, but came close enough to earn a spot on the FirstWorst roster. Blocking an extra point in the closing minutes against the Dukes squandered the Heels’ chance to finish in the top five. Maybe Duke and NC should play soccer on the basketball court. How can two southern schools have such poor football programs?


The Buffalos of Colorado started last season strong at home with a solid loss to the Division II Montana State Bobcats. Then B’low’s season quickly went downhill. CU was in contention for a top-tier finish and had a real shot at number one in the FirstWorst standings before losing its form and not losing to conference foes Texas Tech and Iowa State. Former Boise State coach Dan Hawkins is going to dye the grass at Folsom Field pink in 2007 to match the red noses of CU students.


Stanford’s “Cardinal” nickname was declared after school administrators dropped the nickname “Indians” in 1972. At least “Indians” was plural and implied that there would be more than one person on the football field dressed in red. (Yes, the Wise One acknowledges that “Cardinal” is technically plural, but without an ‘s’, the ghosts of college football lore have abandoned the Stanford kids and cast their curse on the red eggheads.)

Although it has produced some good teams in the past, Stanford is a perennial favorite in the losing bracket. The school is still best known for sending its band onto the field to stop a Cal kickoff comeback in ’82. Even that failed and Stanford went on to record the biggest last-play loss in history. The 2006 season produced a single win against PAC-10 foe Washington. Stanford has always had trouble finding people who can pass the first few tries and pass the entrance exam. The plan for 07 is to multitask the tuba players to play offensive line between tunes.

9, 10 and more: the pathetic western conference

If all the losers meet in the same conference, some will come out winners. The boys playing home toilet bowl in Boise turned in a respectable season. The rest of the conference succeeds in losing. Four WAC teams combined for a total of seven conference wins in 2006. The Sage can only imagine the WAC Skywriters Tour in July, kicking off in Hawaii, followed by visits to outfields like Boise, Louisiana Tech, Fresno, and Las Cruces, NM . Hawaii, despite its winning record, deserves an honorable mention… any team named Rainbow Warriors qualifies. Imagine being assigned to cover the New Mexico State – Idaho game. The sage shudders.

The Sage wishes these schools the best of luck in 2007. Visit weekly for the wit and wisdom of Scholarly Sage, as well as updates on the FirstWorst College Football Futility Rankings.


6 Signs You’re a Sugar Momma

Not all women have the reputation of being gold diggers. However, the search for gold can sometimes go both ways. Men can also be users most of the time and there is nothing surprising in this. Here are 6 signs that you could be his sugar momma.

1. It is always you who pays

You are his personal cashier if you are the one who always pays. If he always turns to you when it comes to funds, there is a problem that needs to be resolved immediately. He obviously has the funds, but he wants to use you. If you feel that you are trapped in such a situation, you should get out of it as soon as possible.

2. He never gives you anything

Yes, you read it right. You’re her sugar momma, which means she doesn’t have to give you anything. You will also find yourself extremely broke and needy due to having to take care of all your needs from time to time.

3. He has not introduced you to his loved ones

Yes, you’ve been with him for quite some time; Let’s say a month or two and he has yet to introduce you to his family or his friends, to say the least. Sometimes this may not affect you at all, but it is a very important factor in judging a relationship. Talk about it, maybe it will work for you.

4. It reminds you that he is not in a relationship.

Yes, this is a major indication that you are his sugar momma. If he constantly reminds you that he is not ready for a relationship, it necessarily means that he does not value your presence in his life. He wouldn’t mind if you just get out of whatever relationship the two of you have.

5. Avoid going out with you in public

If he freaks out at the idea of ​​going out with you in public, you both have some issues. You could make excuses to avoid this particular situation as much as possible.

6. He always needs something

He decides to hold on to you only when he needs something. He never thinks of you when his needs and desires are minimal. His desires are always materialistic and this is a major indication that you are his sugar momma. Do your best to avoid such a situation and never take it for granted.


Washington Redskins – Top Five NFL Teams in Football History

While many people may dispute and debate the top five NFL teams in football history listed here, everyone will agree that these were incredible teams that deserve honor and praise in one way or another.

1985 Chicago Bears

The 1985 Chicago Bears were a phenomenal team comprised of an uneven group with raw, exciting energy and interesting personalities. They were great and they knew it, shooting their championship video, “The Super Bowl Shuffle,” before the playoffs even started. Led by Mohican quarterback Jim “Punky QB” McMahon and an impenetrable running and defensive line, chief among them William “The Refrigerator” Perry, Super Bowl MVP defensive end Richard Dent and the Defensive Player of the Year NFL Mike Singletary, the Bears finished the season with a 15-1 record and scored a total of 456 to 198 points. During the playoffs they won 21-0 against the Giants and 24-0 against the Rams for the NFC title. They won the Super Bowl, scoring 46-10 over the Patriots.

1972 miami dolphins

The 1972 Miami Dolphins are the only NFL team to have had a “perfect season”, with a 17-0 season record. This is also the reason why they are considered the greatest NFL team of all time, particularly because of the documentary America’s Game: The Super Bowl Champions, produced by the NFL Network. His undefeated team was led by coach Don Shula and such football greats as Earl Morrall, Bob Griese and Larry Csonka. They won all three playoff games and ultimately won Super Bowl VII against the Redskins. Some argue, however, that the ’72 Dolphins had the advantage of playing one of the easiest schedules in modern NFL history, and this, when matched with the ’85 Bears, were no contenders.

1962 Green Bay Packers

A dream team consisting of a roster of football hall of famers including Paul Hornung, Max McGee, Jim Taylor, Boyd Dowler and Vince Lombardi, the 1962 Green Bay Packers set a 13-1 record. which earned them first place in the Western Conference. In the NFL championship game, they won 16-7 against the New York Giants, marking the Packers’ eighth NFL championship.

1991 Washington Redskins

The 1991 Washington Redskins led the NFL in two important statistics: passing yards gained and passing yards allowed, with star player Mark Rypien averaging a whopping 8.5 yards per attempt, gaining a total of 1,340 yards on 70 receptions. Additional contributions from the Redskins’ Ricky Ervins and Earnest Byner with 1,708 combined yards make their stats legendary. Even with a tough schedule, they were able to outscore their opponents 485-224.

1999 St. Louis Rams

One of the most exciting personalities of the 1999 season was then-little-known night shift clerk and star St. Louis Rams quarterback Kurt Warner, who led the Rams to a 13-3 record in the NFL. regular season. He was an NFL MVP and a Super Bowl MVP. The Rams defeated the Tennessee Titans in Super Bowl XXXIV by a score of 23-16 and claimed their first NFL World Championship since 1951.