
Saying No and Setting Boundaries: Understanding the Three Strikes You’re Out Process

To be effective, limits must do three things: define your expectations, clarify your definition of acceptable behavior, and explain the consequences of ignoring your limits. Without consequences, people never learn limits. Without limits, people never become mature and self-sufficient adults.

Here’s a technique for setting limits called Three Strikes, You’re Out.

The first time someone crosses your boundary, simply tell that person what your boundary is and ask them not to cross it again. Never assume that people know your boundaries unless you’ve taken the time to point them out.

The second time they cross your boundary, simply remind them of your request and tell them the consequences of crossing your boundary one more time. Make sure this is a consequence you are ready to carry out. Telling people you’re leaving them for the sixteenth time will only make people laugh.

The third time they cross your boundary, you move on with your consequences.

Three hits go like this:

Someone takes you.

You say, “Please don’t get on me.”

They wear you down again.

You say, “Please don’t get on me, or I’ll leave.”

They wear you out for the third time.

You say goodbye.”

Three strikes, they’re out. You leave and don’t come back until they’ve made amends. If they don’t like your rules, then they don’t have to play with you.

Now, be careful with your limits. You should never set a boundary for another person that you don’t actually maintain for yourself, or else they will consider your boundary a joke. In other words, don’t yell, “stop yelling” at your yelling kids, and expect them to take you seriously. More importantly, you must never allow your consequences to become empty threats.

What is an empty threat? Well, do you remember the last time a child started screaming in the middle of a store, and even though the parents kept threatening to take the child outside, they never actually did?

You were probably less upset with the child than with the parents because the parents were creating threats, not consequences.

A threat is when you tell someone you are going to do something and then you don’t follow through. Every time he threatens but doesn’t follow through, he’s basically saying, “Don’t believe me when I tell you something.” People stop listening when they don’t believe you; so never threaten a consequence you don’t intend to carry out, or your words will be treated as jokes rather than limits.

By the way, consequences can also be rewards. You ask someone to do something and then explain the consequences of doing it. After they do, they reap the reward. Some people call that bribery. I call it teaching people the value of free trade and trade. What did you think a paycheck was anyway? A bribe or the reward you get for working all week?

Once you learn to set clear and consistent boundaries for yourself and others, you’ll be rewarded with healthy relationships.


2 More Ways to Make Quick Money – The Wild Craft Business

How often do we get the opportunity to enter an emerging industry on the ground floor? That’s right, not very often at all. It’s even rarer when we get the chance to step onto the ground floor of a re-emerging industry that is perhaps as old as civilization itself. Of course, I’m talking about the Wildcraft industry. As simple and inexpensive as it is to start your own Wildcraft business, it really is one of the best ways to make money fast out there today.

Wildcrafting used to be a very common practice. People would harvest items that were native to their area in order to survive. Then, with the introduction of “trade”, they began exchanging surplus stock with other groups of people for items that were native to other areas.

Although almost forgotten by most, this industry continues to exist and flourish. With hundreds of millions of dollars changing hands annually. Today Wildcrafters harvest a number of different non-timber forest products.

Two of the most common are…


  • Season; October through the first week of December is generally the harvest season for holiday decorations (with tens of millions of dollars exchanging hands in just a few weeks). However, for other uses, the branches can be harvested at any time of the year. except in the spring (shortly after new growth has taken place).
  • Harvest Techniques; The only tools needed to harvest evergreen boughs are simple everyday pruning tools. However, in order to maintain tree growth and vigor, the harvester, practicing responsible harvesting procedures, must leave a good portion of the foliage intact. This practice will ensure a sustainable harvest for the Wildcrafter, as the quality of the branches will improve after the first harvest.
  • Background; Vegetation is used by both individuals and the floral industry for flower arrangements and a multitude of seasonal decorations. All evergreen trees can be used in this way. The most popular in the Northwest include True Fir, Cedar Pine, Mountain Hemlock, Douglas Fir, and Incense Cedar. The evergreen branches are also harvested to extract their essential oils to be used in the manufacture of various fragrances. The branches are shipped commercially throughout the country.

2. MOSS:

  • Season; Moss can be harvested throughout the year, although it is easier to manage during the drier times of the year.
  • Harvest Techniques; Collecting moss is simply a matter of picking it off trees or branches by hand. However, once again, it is imperative to follow responsible harvesting procedures and care must be taken to leave some of the moss on the branches, on the bottom two feet of the trunk, and in scattered patches when harvesting from the ground.
  • Background; Mosses are non-flowering plants that contain chlorophyll and produce their own sugars, but instead of having roots they have rhizoids. Moss is found adhering to tree branches or trunks, as well as in leaf litter, logs, soil, and rocks in dry, rocky areas as well as in dense, moist forests. It is used by both homeowners and commercial nurseries to retain moisture around landscape plants and in flower arrangements.

Parenting daughters: tips to improve the mother-daughter relationship

Raising girls who feel valued in a society that portrays the feminine in less than desirable terms can be a real challenge. These tips are great reminders and relationship builders for mother-daughter pairs, though with a little healthy forethought they can also be used successfully by parents:

1. Keep communication open and flowing

Communication is such an important piece in building any relationship and is critical to the parent-child relationship. Despite this, when my daughter was in that pre-teen stage, she started to withdraw and act like someone I didn’t like. She truly believed that she was the problem and a part of me even swallowed the idea that this stage was inevitable. As we got further away, I realized that she was giving in to a societal belief about pre-teen girls and not following my heart.

I scheduled an appointment with my rolling-eyed daughter so we could sit down and have a very open, heart-to-heart conversation. I told her that she had never been a parent to a teenager before and that she really didn’t know what she was doing most of the time. I discovered that I was at least half the problem (correcting her, giving her homework when she walked into the room, sharing unsolicited advice) and that what she really needed from me was acceptance, information, and honest communication. That day I changed from mother to mentor and what a difference she has made.

To help with these moments of ‘open discussion’, it can be helpful to set up a Girls’ Club where no topic is off limits and no repercussions are experienced from what is shared. This gives her daughter the opportunity to verify what her friends are saying, gain access to her wealth of knowledge (without a lecture), and gives her the chance to discover that she really doesn’t know all the answers.

Sharing your experiences with your daughter does not ‘spark ideas’ or give her permission to make the same mistakes you did; it simply opens the door to trust and openness between you.

two. Talk freely about negative stereotypes.

Openly discussing how women are portrayed in movies, magazines, billboards, etc. increases connection, self-awareness, and opens the door for great discussions.

An activity you can do with your daughter is to look at magazines and talk about who looks happy, who looks real, speculate about why she isn’t happy, etc. When my daughter and I had these conversations, they led us into a discussion about her Bratz dolls, teen behaviors in shows, and of course Barbie.

Dove provides some videos on how far the means will go – removing blemishes, changing hair, altering facial features and even lengthening the neck – in an effort to create natural beauty! This leads women to strive for an unattainable version of beauty as if it were physically possible. Talking to her daughter about this can prevent eating disorders, self-esteem issues, and make her the go-to person for important information.

Another great topic to discuss is the Divine Feminine and how this beautiful energy, required by all of us to live a balanced life, has been downplayed and portrayed as weak and undesirable.

You can search together for information on this topic and enjoy the beautiful and positive impact it can have on both of your lives. Simply put, the Divine Feminine is what allows us to gracefully receive, connect with others, fully embrace pleasure, and care for others. It’s a huge topic and worth learning more about.

3. Focus on loving and accepting your daughter as she is

When you love someone unconditionally, you accept who they are even when they don’t behave exactly how you’d like them to. You won’t always agree with your daughter, and sometimes you may not really like the way she’s behaving. As her father, she is always in her right to set limits and provide guidance. Only do this while still accepting and loving your daughter for who she is.

Acknowledge your very real responses to your daughter as you progress through the different stages. When you don’t like the way she’s behaving, ask yourself: is she a safety issue or a moral threat? If so, enforce her boundaries without attacking her as a person and stand by her decision. If not (which is often the case), allow him the space to be who he is, make his own mistakes, and live with the consequences.

You won’t always like or relate to the way he behaves or the decisions he makes, but you can allow him the space to fully live his experience without fear of rejection or ridicule from his strongest supporters.

Put your energy into focusing on what you have in common and enjoying those things together. Host a spa day, either at a spa or in your own home. Enjoy face masks, hair treatments, body scrubs, pedicures, all of which can be done on a shoestring budget. Take a walk, play a game, bake, or make a meal together. Find something you’re both willing to participate in and make it happen.

Take this time to talk with your daughter about what’s going on in her world and share some of the stories you remember from that time in her life. This is not an interrogation or a lecture, but an opportunity to really connect and build something special.

When you spend time with your daughter and keep communication open and flowing, you’ll find that your relationship flourishes instead of drifting apart at a time when you really want your guidance to be effective.


Little Boy Gan, by: Lisa McDonald – Book Review

“The Beginning” is how Lisa McDonald ends her book, a technique that completely caught my thoughts by surprise and reverberated the lessons of her story in my mind. Passion-Filled Everland’s Little Boy Gan is a creative collaboration of indelible images coupled with a timeless story that results in a delightful literary asset for any personal collection or library.

Perfect for reading to a child before bed, or for anyone to take a few minutes throughout the day, McDonald taps into the timeless power of gratitude to amplify awareness of the moment and accentuate the smaller things in life that, according to her, have the greatest enjoyment.

Within the enchanted forest of Everland is a cast including a talking willow, a caterpillar, a deer, a frog, a goose, a turtle and a squirrel who ask Gan the same question: “What makes you glow with happiness? ” Drawn by Gan’s glory of being, each of the characters learns a lesson derived from Gan’s peace, love, and gratitude. Gan’s bounce on his walk contributes to his happy thoughts; his kind words come from feeling comfortable inside his own skin; his humble stillness allows him to listen to the universe. These are all very important Zen techniques of self-realization, and by reading this book, children can develop these skills by watching the lessons Gan tells his fanciful friends.

One can’t help but slow down and think how peaceful Everland is, as the visuals create an angelic vision of the characters’ interaction. Illustrative viewpoints float whimsically in perspective and are zoomed in using highly creative art. Gan is humble and clear with his answers to questions as to why he is so happy. Those answers are found in everyone; only in Gan’s case, he understands the “why” at such a young age, showing other youngsters that wisdom at any age can be achieved if given time for quiet meditation. One learns to appreciate the blessings that the “here and now” creates.

This book is one of a series of other children’s books written by Lisa McDonald. In Little Boy Gan, she created a piece that stands on its own merits for its integrity, but fits into her message of other works like a puzzle for young minds to make sense of life’s lessons. It is a spiritual book although it does not mention God, a philosophical book without citing the eastern prophets and a classic of the image in soft but detailed illustrations.

In the competitive children’s book market, Lisa McDonald has established herself as a visionary author capable of linking illustrations to concise yet powerful messages, poetically using phrases and dialogue to convey lessons on building self-confidence and wisdom in children. Small children.


A First Time Homeowner’s Guide to Building a Duplex Home

A duplex house is a beautiful asset. Many people dream of owning a duplex house, but only a lucky few get the chance to own it. Those looking to build a home for the first time may want to consider a duplex home. But since they are new to the search for home builders, they have a good chance of running into professionals who are not really scrupulous. Such professionals seek the opportunity to work with a first-time homeowner because first-time homeowners often don’t have clear ideas about what it really takes to build a good duplex home.

If you plan to have such a house, don’t plan big at first. Keep in mind that there will be masonry, plumbing, or wiring issues. No matter how well built the house is, there will be these problems. So aim for a small duplex property.

However, if you compare the pros and cons of a duplex home, the pros outweigh the cons. The good things about duplex houses outnumber the bad. But you need the right builders to reap the benefits of all the good stuff. There are many reputable builders who specialize in duplex buildings. They usually erect duplex buildings in exclusive areas of the city. You can hire them to build your duplex home, regardless of the location. If you can establish a relationship with the builders, you can take advantage of their services at discounted prices.

Before you hire the builder, you should do some research on their previous jobs. Check your credentials and licenses. Make sure they are who they say they are. Keep in mind that efficient and reliable duplex home builders are not really easy to find.

Good planning is very important for a good duplex house. The architect must draw up a complete plan that suits his interests and obtain all the necessary permits from the municipalities. Australia is a place where people are always looking for a good duplex house. You need to find an efficient planner who can draw a good floor plan for you. A skilled architect can maximize the space in your home plan. They can make the best use of the land and even make room for landscaping, gardening, or a patio.

As you may know, there are several structural limits that you must adhere to. For example, you should build your house in such a way that it makes good use of the space and does not encroach on your neighbors’ properties. Planning must not have any negative impact on the environment. Therefore, it is just as important to find an experienced architect as it is to find a reputable duplex home builder. Many people are building duplex houses today to enjoy two different houses on one block of land. The biggest benefit of this is that you can sell one of the houses and live in the other. That’s a remarkable monetary benefit. Not only does it cover construction costs and make more money than you had invested, but it also allows you to live on the land you own. But to impress today’s homebuyers, you need more than just quality cabinetry services.


Create the perfect Easter baskets for children of all ages

Since I am in the gift basket business, the job of making our family’s Easter baskets became my responsibility. I don’t consider it a chore at all since I really enjoy making baskets for my nieces and nephews. I still use the traditional pastel basket, but the items that make up the gift have changed over the years.

When they were little, they loved candy and big stuffed animals. Now they are almost adults, they are in college and they live alone. They are also a bit more health conscious. That’s not to say they won’t find a pack of Peeps, jelly beans, and a chocolate bunny in their basket, but White Hare helps restock your cabinets with toothpaste, shampoo, and other “hands-on” items. I like to throw in a couple boxes of Annie’s homegrown mac and cheese with bunny-shaped pasta just for fun.

You don’t have to be a gift basket pro to make beautiful gift baskets for the people in your life, no matter how old they are. It just takes a little planning. A great Easter basket for a younger child could include arts and crafts supplies like colored pencils and sidewalk chalk. I have found packets of sidewalk chalk that come in pastel colors and are shaped like an egg. Add some toys that are suitable for outdoor play, such as frisbees, jump ropes, and bubble wands. Books are always a great addition. It’s easy to find age-appropriate reading books or coloring books with an Easter theme or a theme that appeals to a child’s interests.

Creating an Easter Basket themed around a favorite superhero or princess or character like Hello Kitty could be perfect for little kids. An older child may enjoy a basket filled with items that reflect her hobby or interest. Even though my friend’s son is only eight years old, he loves science and math, so the pocket calculator and bug books were a big hit and kept him entertained long after he ate the candy.

Don’t forget the adults. Family members, especially those you don’t see often, will love to be remembered. Creating a gift that reflects a hobby or interest works well for adults, too. Spring is the start of the gardening season, so add a pair of gardening gloves and a good gardener’s bar of soap and lotion to the Easter Basket for your mom or aunt. Reece’s Pieces in a package shaped like a carrot and a chocolate bunny will add to the garden theme.


Can housework be dangerous during pregnancy?

While expectant mothers tend to do weird things like eating, doing things on a whim, expectant mothers always receive specific instructions about housework. There are many things that are not safe to be mothers. You will have to stop doing them altogether. There’s no safe limit on lifting weights, it can’t be done.

You will face the stress of carrying the baby in the womb as your body’s center of gravity changes. And if you lift weight while carrying the baby, or shopping, moving gas cylinders or heavy furniture, you will put a strain on your back. Some doctors recommend against lifting weights, as it can cause bleeding, premature labor, or rupture of the amniotic sac.

When working with chemicals like cleaning products, remember to wear gloves. Make sure the room is ventilated and try to use safe cleaners like baking soda and vinegar. Harsh chemicals like mosquito repellant, bleach, and cleaner create harmful fumes everywhere. Wearing gloves while doing dishes and vacuuming can be very tiring as the filter contains dust, spores and hair that will get into your lungs and eyes. Do not clean cat litter. Cat feces transmit toxoplasmosis, a rare disease. Don’t inhale secondhand smoke, which contains more than 4,000 chemicals.

Wash vegetables well before eating. They may be contaminated with chemicals, soil contaminated by wild or pet animals.

Tasks that require climbing and balancing are not recommended. Do not climb on stools, ladders, or reach for things in a loft, shelf, or kitchen cupboard. Otherwise, you may be agile, but during pregnancy you may not be the usual person and fall down. Ask your maid or close relative to help you clean ceiling fans, windows, mirrors, change light bulbs, electrical fixtures for which you can call an electrician.

If you sleep on the floor, ask a family member to help you pick up the mattress, quilt and bedding. Bending and picking things up will affect your back. Washing clothes, scrubbing the floor, everything affects the back. Squat instead of bending over to do things.

Also try not to be on your feet for too long. Pull up a chair and sit at the table or near a TV to chop vegetables. Take a break and then complete your work. Try and prepare dishes that don’t require you to be on your feet for a long time.

Divide the household chores. Do safe chores to get some exercise during pregnancy. Being pregnant isn’t really a reason to keep your house dirty; but take help. You may want to prepare for your newborn, but you may have complications during your pregnancy. Consider your safety.

Being safe is important so that you can enjoy a safe and healthy pregnancy. Your body goes through a lot of changes and you don’t need to put a lot of stress on it. Healthy women need to stay active for a better pregnancy. Unstimulating work at home leads to giving birth before three weeks. Researchers believe that stress hormones trigger labor.


Buy dad an aftershave gift set

If you want to buy your dad a gift that he will love, then buy him one of the aftershave gift sets that are available. You can find many great gifts for men that men of all ages will love, but one thing is for sure: all men love to smell good. What’s even better is the satisfaction you’ll get when you walk past dad and know he smells good because of the gift you picked out for him. There are a few things you’ll want to look for when you’re trying to find the best aftershave for dad.

One thing you need to make sure of is that the gift set you buy for dad is age appropriate. There are some that are made for younger men and others that are made for men who are getting a little older. Ones like Ed Hardy are made for younger guys, so if you’re a woman buying a gift for one of your young children to give to dad, then this one will be perfect if dad is under 40. Old Spice are perfect for men over 40 years old. These are the ones that men of that age love to smell because of the fresh scent it has.

Another thing you’ll want to look for is a gift set that has everything dad will need. There are those that contain bottles of aftershave, cologne and other things that dad will want to have to smell his best. There are also some that come with shaving accessories that Dad can use while he shaves and after he shaves.

When you’re trying to find a gift for dad that he’ll love, you can’t go wrong with an aftershave gift set. There are plenty of great brands to choose from with a variety of options available. Be sure to take a look at the ones that are available and decide which one you think Dad will like best. If you want your dad to look good, feel good, and most importantly, smell good wherever he goes, make sure you take the time to choose the outfit that will give him everything he needs to have.


How to Teach Preschoolers to Memorize the Ten Commandments

Children need to learn the Ten Commandments. He says in Deuteronomy 6:7 “And you shall diligently teach them to your children, and shall speak of them.”

Preschoolers are very visual. They learn better by seeing things as well as being told. If you want them to memorize the Ten Commandments, simply saying them over and over again will not do it effectively. You will need to create visual representations to make them easier to remember.

Flash Cards Help Teach the Ten Commandments Create some flash cards for your preschoolers. On one side put one of the Ten Commandments. On the other side put an image representation. Show preschoolers the representation of the picture and say the commandment that goes with it.

  1. You will have no foreign gods before Me. God must be Number One. Draw a 1st place ribbon.
  2. You shall not make yourself any graven image. Bow down to nothing or anyone but God. Draw a person kneeling before a statue.
  3. You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain. Don’t use your lips to dishonor God. Draw some ridiculous looking lips.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Do not neglect the things of God. Draw a Bible.
  5. Honor your father and your mother. Moms and dads are special people that God put in their charge to teach and take care of their physical and spiritual needs. Draw a picture of a mom and dad.
  6. You will not kill. This is bad. Draw a cartoon bomb.
  7. You shall not commit adultery. Adultery leaves a broken heart. Draw a heart split in two.
  8. You will not steal. Stealing is wrong. Draw a cartoon thief.
  9. No lies. Telling lies can lead to a very bad habit. Draw a number nine “liar”.
  10. You shall not covet Do not long for what others have, and forget the blessings you have. She draws a fancy ring with a man reaching for it.

Singing Helps Teach the Ten Commandments Another way to teach preschoolers to memorize the Ten Commandments is to sing them. If you know the well-known nursery rhyme “Ten Indians”, set the words of the Ten Commandments to music. Using this in combination with the flashcards, preschoolers will memorize the Ten Commandments in no time.

An example of a verse would be: Hon-o your father and mother, Hon-o your father and mother, Hon-o your father and mother, This is com-commandment five.

Memorizing the Ten Commandments doesn’t have to be tedious and difficult. Make it fun for preschoolers and they’ll memorize them without even knowing it.

Make learning about the Ten Commandments fun Print out some Ten Commandments coloring pages and ask preschoolers to color them. The time they spend coloring the picture will put that picture in their heads with the attached commandment. It may seem simple, but it works very well with this age group. Maybe that’s why there are so many places to print free coloring pages on the web, huh?

Another method uses the child’s fingers:

#1 – Have no other gods (God is #1, hold up a finger)

#2 Do not worship idols (two fingers “bow down”)

#3 Do not abuse the name of God (three fingers on your mouth), etc.

Use your imagination. Preschoolers love finger plays. This is a good way to memorize the Ten Commandments and in numerical order.

It’s also important for preschoolers to learn the Ten Commandments and what they mean, not just memorize them. You can put each commandment in an easy-to-understand format for a preschooler to understand. Ask them to repeat the meaning to you. Turning this into a rhythm works great and is easy for preschoolers to remember.

God gave us the Ten Commandments so that we can live our lives ever closer to Him. They are an important part of knowing right from wrong. Preschoolers are at the perfect age to learn and practice right from wrong. With your role as a Sunday school teacher, you can achieve this in a memorable and imaginative way.


100 reasons to be happy!

This is an “antidote for complaining, worrying, and for those who are depressed.” It’s not a foolproof or perfect answer by any means, but it works at least to some extent on everyone. It is the art of being grateful and the exercise is simply creating a list of one hundred (100) things that we are grateful for.

My current thank you list goes like this:

1. I have the most beautiful and beautiful wife in the world.
2. My three daughters are healthy and happy.
3. My children are growing and developing very well.
4. My parents are still alive, and so are my siblings.
5. My in-laws and my wife’s family love me and I love them.
6. In general, I have a wonderful family.
7. The house I live in has modern facilities and keeps me sheltered from inclement weather.
8. My wife likes to spend time with me and I like to spend time with her.
9. I know Jesus Christ.
10. I am hopeful of having more children.
11. I am free to worship God the way I want.
12. I can walk.
13. I can talk.
14. I can read and write.
15. I can think and have thoughts and time with myself.
16. My five senses are still working fine, without help (currently).
17. I can see, not only through my eyes, but also through the eyes of my heart.
18. I live in relative luxury, in freedom and in a just society.
19. I have two days off a week most weeks.
20. My employer is wonderful.
21. The work I have is both stimulating and varied, and I am valued for my work.
22. I have good bosses and co-workers.
23. I attend a church where people love me and I am allowed to love them.
24. I have time to write.
25. I can drive a car… I have a car.
26. I have many great tools to help me live my life.
27. My personal library is happiness; each book handpicked.
28. We have not one, but two computers in my family.
29. I have both the inclination and the ability to plan my life ahead of time.
30. We have access to seemingly unlimited electricity, water, food, and other resources.
31. I don’t really mind doing the dishes anymore; in fact, I love making them!
32. I love Proverbs, Psalms, Ephesians and Ecclesiastes…actually, I love the whole Bible.
33. I can speak sensibly and sensitively to my teenage daughters (most of the time).
34. One day becomes another for me; Wednesdays are just as important as Sundays.
35. I have been fortunate to have a second chance at higher education.
36. Business qualifications, knowledge and skill have always been helpful.
37. I see my parents at least every fortnight and I have a great relationship with them.
38. I have three beautiful nieces and two beautiful nephews.
39. I have a sense of humor (most of the time).
40. Even when things don’t go my way, I usually see the good things.
41. I have a wonderful view outside my office window of a serene operating harbor.
42. I am living in the present; on the very cusp of time. I’m not dead yet.
43. The part of the earth I live on is such an uninhabitable place weather-wise (most of the time).
44. I have the capacity and inclination to love: people and living things and my experiences.
45. I have a telephone so I can talk to people who are far away.
46. ​​​​I have photos of my lovely family that I can see; at home, at work, in my wallet.
47. I meet interesting people almost every day.
48. Living near the beach: There’s nothing like the white noise of waves.
49. Clean water is available to drink at this time.
50. There is a plant that I am responsible for and it has not died yet!
51. I have fish oil pills and other vitamins to supplement my diet.
52. I have the powers of self-control most of the time and the drive to improve.
53. I am a member of a gym.
54. The academic qualifications I have and the studies I have done have helped me shape my character to become the person I always wanted to be.
55. I can make a one-time contribution.
56. I have a positive image of myself and am grateful that I worked on it.
57. There is work I can do to keep myself stimulated.
58. I can feel pain; most of the time this is good for bread is usually a healthy sign.
59. I have a watch, it looks nice and goes with my style, and I know how to tell the time.
60. I have more than three (and almost four) decades of life memories; The good, the bad and the ugly.
61. Being in a more western location means the sun is setting on the horizon with the water in the foreground, that’s pretty special!
62. There are plans that I am making and have made, therein lies hope.
63. I met some famous and successful people and was inspired.
64. Coffee. I love it, and I can have great coffee every day if I want to.
65. I make enough money to give something away to the less fortunate.
66. Music. I really appreciate it. (And I think I have good taste, I’m allowed to say that.)
67. Enthusiasm and zeal for life and learning; I have it most of the time. I’m still excitable.
68. I have suffered losses and survived them. It has actually made me a better person!
69. People honor me sometimes when they come to me for help.
70. Having turned forty… the best is yet to come.
71. I live in times of (relative) peace.
72. I have a passion for cricket and Australian rules football and I follow both fervently.
73. This time I live is dynamic; excitement around.
74. I love pizza, seafood, and ice cream, along with many other good foods.
75. I see miracles happen most days. Most people would call these things ‘normal’.
76. I can rest and take time to smell the flowers almost whenever I want.
77. Words and their meanings move me. Language and communication are art.
78. Freedom of choice is something I appreciate and try not to take for granted.
79. I have overcome dependence on substances, for example, cigarettes.
80. The ‘creativity of thought’ is a gift that I appreciate.
81. I can ride a modern train any day I want and see the sights.
82. There is a reliable public transportation system where I live; I feel hurt almost every time I use it.
83. The smile of a wife or a daughter… what more could I say.
84. My ‘mood file’ is growing; people encourage me almost every day.
85. The mentors who have invested their time and effort in me, I will be eternally grateful.
86. Remind me of Maxwell Smart. I can watch TV because I have one.
87.Mathematics. Number sense makes sense to me.
88. I like the desire to continue growing throughout my life.
89. Wisdom. I see it in others and others sometimes see it in me. I love its truth.
90. My family’s safety so far; I try not to take it for granted.
91. I receive continuous training through courses, seminars, conferences and workshops.
92. Science. I marvel. It has to be clever design.
93. My heart is saddened by some things I see, I am happy for that.
94. Health. My general health, while not perfect, pleases me.
95. Movies and dating – I get to go out with my wife and I love watching movies with her.
96. The offer of shopping centers that I have at my disposal is amazing.
97. I become “me” for all my life. That’s not bad.
98. I can wear whatever clothes I have; I can also dress myself.
99. One day you might be blessed enough to have grandchildren and maybe great-grandchildren.
100. I could live to be 100 years old by the grace of God. I’m “not out” so far.

While not all of us can subscribe to every item on this particular list of mine, it does illustrate the important point that each of us has very specific and very detailed reasons to be extremely grateful. Where maybe I can’t list certain items I have, I’m sure I may have items I couldn’t list.

There really is no limit to this list when we think about it.

Copyright (c) 2008, SJ Wickham.