Lifestyle Fashion

Divorcing a Narcissist: The Ultimate Challenge

You may be surprised when your narcissistic husband or wife asks or demands a divorce. The narcissistic partner has been planning this action for some time. Narcissists are conspirators. They ponder how a particular move will benefit them long before they reveal it to the other party, even if it’s a spouse they’ve been married to for decades. The truth is, you only thought you were part of a royal marriage. Narcissists are incapable of genuine relationships. Most of the time, their marriages are business. They choose partners because they are physically attractive, young, emotionally flexible, fit the perfect narcissist image, come from the “right family background”, have a strong financial portfolio.

Some narcissists who have had long marriages (with lots of extra flings) prefer to make a deal so that the family dynasty remains intact. I have known husbands and wives who have offered the other party millions of dollars to “stay in the marriage.” In exchange for cash and other financial incentives, the narcissist makes it clear that he or she is romantically and sexually free to pursue other relationships. Some partners prefer to agree to this proposal and maintain the façade of marriage. The reason for many is that they cannot give up the lavish lifestyle provided by the high-end and highly successful narcissist. The aggrieved party may groan and moan, but accept the irresistible offer.

There is the question of mediation instead of divorce. It is not impossible but it is very difficult. Narcissists are not willing to compromise, are always right, and share no blame or possessions.

Having studied and worked clinically in the area of ​​narcissistic personality disorders for many years, I believe that it would be very rare to have a positive mediation outcome with a narcissist.

Those who choose to divorce a narcissist are entering a psychological thicket from which they may emerge victorious. Despite all your psychological pain and the nightmare that awaits you, make sure you do your homework. Research, interview, and use word-of-mouth resources through friends and confidants who know the work of several great divorce attorneys. Choose a divorce attorney who has been at the center of these battles countless times. Make sure your attorney has a good character who is trustworthy and will fight for you with great perseverance. It is important for the attorney to understand narcissistic personality disorder.

When the formal divorce process is over, the important personal work begins. Take advantage of your strengths. You will find mental and psychological resources that have been hidden under the intimidation of living with a narcissist for so long. Do your research, interview, and find a great divorce therapist with whom you can grieve your loss. Part of healing after divorce is your assertive efforts to redirect your life. Call your close friends. Take good care of your physical, mental and emotional health. Be open to discover ways to heal yourself through physical exercise, yoga, meditation, support groups. After all your work, you will find yourself leading a calmer, healthier, more peaceful and creative life—-a life that belongs to you and that you share with others who are on your new path. One day you may find yourself giving other spouses great advice on how to successfully divorce a narcissist.

Lifestyle Fashion

To lovers: from a former lover

The mind of a lover is a dark place. In fact, it is true. How can I know? I was a lover Am I proud? Resonant, no! Did I learn something? Yes absolutely! Years have passed and I realized that “love” was not the main reason people fall for him. I think it’s more into her ego. They want to show the world that by using their physical and sexual attractiveness, they will be able to find a partner who truly “loves” them and is willing to give up their family for them. Home destroyers will never win. Not today, not tomorrow, not in life.

Regardless of how some “lucky” and immoral women have just shown that they are capable of ruining a family. They’re lucky? I do not think. When you date a married man and he leaves his wife for you, you enter a world of lies. Admitting the fact that he cheated on you means that he has the ability to cheat on you down the road. That has been proven. No relationship has succeeded with a bad start.

Being a lover, he only needs one thing, and that is attention. The problem is that you are too focused on the wrong target. There are many ways that people can notice you; you’re too blind to tell, because you want attention and you think it’s possible when you flirt with someone.

Let’s use Facebook posts as an example, most of us will only post the prettiest photos. Additionally, we omit photos that are “unflattering” to our viewers. Because? Because again, we want the attention. Don’t forgive me here.

For those lovers who reached the finish line (break) you should be the happiest woman now. You just freed yourself from a nightmare. Always remember that you are special and deserve the best. Never settle for being a maintenance man. There is a big difference between being a “husband” and a “FuBu”. Strive to be “husbandable.” Respect yourself, love yourself and reserve yourself for those who are worth it.

One thing I learned from this is that you will never move forward until you accept and learn from your mistakes. Accept that you were once a home wrecker. Accept that you almost ruined the life of a child or children. Accept that everyone hates the mistress.

Remember, there is a big difference between fidelity and loyalty. A faithful person is someone who does not have time to be attracted to others; his attention is exclusively for who he really loves. Conversely, a loyal person is someone who is still attracted to others, appreciates beauty, and flirts in some way, but knows where his heart belongs. So who are you gonna be with?

Lifestyle Fashion

Are you tired, confused, frustrated?

Why is it so hard for us to give up? Maybe it’s because since we were very young, the world has told us that surrender represents weakness. For this reason, every day we continue to fight a battle that takes one more bite out of our soul. Unfortunately for some of us, we become so stubborn that we accept the fact that living a miserable life is better than giving up or changing.

This is no way to live, I promise you. I believe that when you are confused and frustrated with the situation in your life, the pain you feel is a clear sign that it is time to rethink your direction, perhaps choose a different path. God is telling you that what you are doing or trying to do is simply not working and that the only way out is to give up.

Think about it: Let’s say you’re walking down a hallway and at the end of the hallway is a brick wall. Some of us who are stubborn spend the next few days, months, and even years banging our heads against that brick wall, telling ourselves we’ll be through it soon. Meanwhile, we continue to have headaches day after day. The easiest thing to do would be to give up, stop, and start over. I know, it’s easier said than done.

Or is that it? In my experience, it’s actually quite easy to give up and look for a better way. It is the first step that is always the most difficult. Once you have decided that the life you are living or the situation you are in is too daunting, stop and say a prayer of surrender. It may sound something like this. “Dear Lord, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired, please turn me and my life in a direction where my back is against the brick wall and my face is facing you, AMEN.” And it’s ready! What will happen next will change your life forever.

Surrender can occur in both small and large situations. Here’s a funny story that happened to me this very morning. I was trying to get my son out on time for school and just as he was leaving, he said he couldn’t find his track uniform for his track meet later today. I told him that he had washed everything and that he had to be somewhere in the house. We scattered for the next 10 minutes, turning over drawers and beds, to no avail. That’s when I told her to get in his car and just drive to school. I said, “Son, I’ll make sure you have a uniform before today’s competition.” He accepted and left. At that point, I gave up. Before that moment I had been frustrated and knew that I had to let it go. Once I did, many solutions to the problem started flowing into my head. I emailed your coach and a new uniform will be waiting for you when you arrive at school. Thank God for the gift of delivery, otherwise I could have ruined my day with guilt, fear, and frustration. Not only did I not have to go through that, but my son didn’t have to put up with that either.

Please listen when I say that we all have something that we are afraid to change. We feel like giving up is a sign of failure. Who wants to start over? I understand! But please take time today and really look at what is keeping you from being who God wants you to be in his life. Say a prayer and ask for the strength to surrender and the faith to start a new beginning. You are never too old or too young to give up. Life is so much more enjoyable when we stop trying to head through that dead end: the brick wall. You are an amazing child of God and you deserve to live your best life! The choice is within.

Lifestyle Fashion

Yeast Diet: The Foods You Should Include To Get Rid Of Yeast Infections

What do you mean by “thrush diet”? Can I heal myself by eating the right food? Yeast infection or Candida Albicans occurs very frequently in women, although men and even children can also be affected. The root cause of the infection is an overgrowth of a natural fungus: Candida Albicans. The most commonly affected areas of the body are the vagina, in the case of babies, diaper rash, candidiasis (throat and mouth) and male genitalia. With the right diet, you can help your body heal itself of Candida overgrowth and prevent new outbreaks.

Diet for yeast infection: what you SHOULD eat:

– Colorful vegetables (anything yellow, purple, red and green, like bell peppers, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes)
– Other vegetables such as sweet potatoes, bok choy, celery, romaine lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, and spinach
– Whole-grain, low-carb breads, pastas, noodles, and rice
– Sugar-free salad dressings, although a limited serving
– Garlic, onion, olive oil, organic apple cider vinegar, fresh herbs
– Fresh fruit, such as lemons, apples, limes, oranges, pineapples, berries, melons
– Protein in the forms of fish, chicken, eggs, turkey (baked or grilled)
– Unsweetened soy milk and natural yogurt (excellent for re
-establish bacterial balance)
– A little butter, almond butter, walnuts, almonds, roasted soy nuts and pumpkin seeds, all of which are high in unsaturated fats

Diet for thrush
– What you SHOULD NOT eat:

– Lots of spices, very spicy food will not help but irritate your already infected tissue.
– Beverages such as fruit punch, caffeinated teas and beverages, soft drinks, colas, sweetened fruit juices, sugary drinks, coffee
– Peanuts and peanut butter, pistachios
– Certain dairy products such as cheese, milk, flavored yogurt, ice cream
– Meats such as red meat and pork, sandwiches, salami, bacon, bologna, hot dogs, sausages
– White flour bread and products such as hamburger buns and hot dog buns, crackers and others, breadsticks, breadcrumb topping
– White vegetables such as white rice, potatoes, corn grits and all kinds of canned vegetables, since they lose most of their vitamins in the canning process.
– Alcohol and fermented foods such as beer, ginger ale, cider, soy sauce, most salad dressings
– Sugars, including honey and white sugar

Under normal circumstances, our immune system prevents and manages yeast overgrowth. With a yeast infection diet, you can boost your immune system to eliminate the overgrowth and prevent Candida infections more efficiently.

Lifestyle Fashion

Eating Disorders Awareness – February 2011 – What the Numbers Mean

Okay, usually when you read an article about anorexia and bulimia it’s pretty depressing. There are statistics on how many people have the disease, how many people don’t report it, how many new cases there are, how many girls (and boys too) worry about their weight, how much power the media has over body image. ..Phew!

This article is going to be a little different.

The image above covers most of the prevailing numbers in the field of eating disorders. Not many people are completely in the dark about erectile dysfunction anymore. In the last 20 years, the amount of information and awareness about erectile dysfunction has improved to the point where almost everyone in the Western world has heard of anorexia and bulimia (and their lesser-recognized cousins, binge eating and excessive exercise).

Most articles on erectile dysfunction focus on these numbers. The ones in the photo. The devastating scope of the disease.

We believe that there are very few articles, movies and Facebook pages that focus on recovery and optimism.

The reality of an ED is that the people who have it are the most ardent supporters in society. They see what Western civilization considers “perfect” and strive to meet that requirement. Sometimes they are so successful that they are actually killing themselves to satisfy the demand for perfection.

The film, No Numbers – Identity Beyond Measure, acknowledges these people in a way that no other film has. It examines the reasons why so many young people find themselves struggling with an eating disorder, but goes much further by examining the pathways to recovery.

As much as we would love for this film to help people learn to love themselves just the way they are, we are addressing those who are hurting right now. Some are doing it alone, without support and without treatment. Some may believe that they succeed in living up to society’s expectations.

We want them to see that they don’t have to live up to some random, media-driven model of perfection. We want to show you how “perfect” comes in a million packages and that finding your way starts with that first step, the step towards self-acceptance.

February is Eating Disorders Awareness Month throughout North America and the UK. Throughout the month, our goal is to have the film No Numbers – Identity Beyond Measure screened in as many places as possible.

Any organization, school, or group that wishes to purchase a copy of the film can screen it and keep the proceeds from the admission to help people in their own community. All we ask is that you let us know so we can connect with you, promote your organization, and help spread the word to people in your community that there is a screening near them.

Please contact me through the author contact for more information.

Lifestyle Fashion

15 makeup mistakes you may be making every day

When it comes to makeup and beauty, the mistakes you make can really affect how you look. Remember, first impressions mean everything. Therefore, it is very important to look beautiful, even fabulous, before you leave the house. There are several mistakes that we end up making, even without having any idea that we are doing everything wrong. How to have a brush that serves all your makeup needs. Too much bronze, the wrong foundation, and poor makeup blending. Everyone is guilty of many of these, so to save you the embarrassment of walking around like a clown, here are 15 mistakes you may be making and how to correct them.

1. Apply makeup on dry skin

This is one of the most common mistakes. Applying makeup to dry skin can take a toll on your face, causing dryness and flaking. You can prevent dryness and flaking by exfoliating your skin once a week or looking for alternative ways, like moisturizing and cleansing, to get rid of dead skin cells. When your face is already wet, you can go ahead and apply your makeup. The results will be amazing. Never, ever, put makeup on a dry face without moisturizing it first.

2. Wrong foundation

This is the worst mistake. We tend to forget that foundation comes in a wide range of different shades. We have all been there where we choose the wrong foundation that is not right for our face. To make sure you don’t look like a clown, make sure you choose the right foundation. Go to a store that sells beauty products and find two different shades that are close to your skin tone; Then sample the foundation on the jawline side to see which foundation matches your skin.

3. Exaggerate the tan

Going to the extreme with bronzer is also one of the worst mistakes you can make. The bronzer just adds warmth to your complexion. Too much bronzer makes you look muddy or burnt, so you don’t want to look like someone who just swam in mud. You only apply Bronzer in places where the sun hits you; places like the forehead and nose. Do not forget to apply it on the neck as well.

4. Dirty makeup brushes

We are all guilty of this oversight. Most women make this mistake when applying makeup using dirty sponges and brushes. Dirty brushes and sponges cause breakouts. Applying makeup with the same brush results in uneven makeup application. To ensure that your brushes and sponges are free of dirt and bacteria, wash them with a mild shampoo and warm water at least once a week.

5. Applying too much makeup

This phrase is a cliché but very important: “less is more”. Why is this? It’s because too much makeup can make you look very old. The only time you should apply too much makeup is if you have severe acne, so avoid putting on too much foundation instead. Instead, use a single coat of concealer and foundation to cover minor blemishes.

6. Buy makeup without trying

You’re in a hurry to get home, so you stop by the store, grab your makeup, and leave. This is not a good idea. Do you remember how you try on clothes before buying them? The same applies to makeup. You have to try your makeup because it’s important. When makeup comes into contact with air, it changes color and texture due to oxidation.

7. Trying makeup on the wrong areas

You are probably doing this right now and this is also wrong. We normally test foundation and lipstick on the back of our hands, but this will not give accurate results. To find out if a foundation is the right shade for you, place it on your jawline. For the lipstick, you can apply it on the lips or on the fingers.

8. Do not use primer

An important stage that we ignore. This is the most important stage of makeup application because a primer ensures makeup glides on easily and helps makeup stay on longer without fading.

9. Sticking to one product

We all have that one makeup product we love so much and can’t live without using it. This habit is very dangerous because you probably miss trying new and different products.

10. Applying powder in the wrong places

Sometimes we powder the whole face and that is not necessary. The correct way to use the powder is by applying it to the face in the parts that tend to be oily. Use a large powder brush in the powder and tap off the excess; then gently rub into your face.

11. Using the same product throughout the year

We often forget that as the seasons change, the skin changes too. So what worked for you last season may not work this season. The foundation that worked well for you in the summer may tend to be too dry for your skin in the winter. It is advisable to change the makeup product according to the season.

12. Applying the wrong shade of blush

This mistake is widely made. When applying blush, you should choose the shade that matches your natural blush. If you’re wearing a bold lip color, make sure the blush is one shade lighter.

13. Not applying eyeliner according to the shape of your eyes

Avoid making this mistake. Remember that the placement of the eyeliner is just as important as the color. You should take note of the shape of your eyes. When your eyes are close together, the thickest part of the eyeliner should be at the outer corner of the eye, as this will make the eye appear larger.

14. Eyebrows that are too full

For perfect brows, avoid excessive filling. Because when you overfill, or use too dark a shade to fill in your brows, then they will look very heavy and intense. Perfect brows give your face that amazing look.

15. Light Concealer Application

There is a myth that when looking for a concealer you should choose one or two shades lighter than your skin tone. This is wrong and a very big mistake. You should apply a concealer that suits your skin tone.

If you take all of the above into account, you’ll probably look perfect by avoiding all of the above mistakes. The previous article will be very useful for this purpose.

Lifestyle Fashion

4 supplements that help you maintain your beauty or stay slim

What do you think when we say “skin care”? You may think that you always take good care of your skin with the help of scrubs, moisturizers, and serums. Actually, if you want to maintain your beauty, you should also take care of your skin and change your lifestyle. With the right kind of vitamins and nutrients, you can heal your skin. Therefore, we suggest that you try some supplements. In this article, we are going to talk about 4 supplements that can help you maintain your beauty or stay slim.

1.Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential if you want to maintain the health of your skin. It actually helps your skin fight damage and encourage wound healing. Apart from this, it also offers protection against environmental stressors. In addition, it is on the list of the main nutrients that your body needs to produce collagen, which is a basic component that keeps your skin in good health.

Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables. Also, green tea is another great source to meet your vitamin C needs. If you cannot eat fruits or vegetables for any reason, you can opt for vitamin C supplements. They are safe to use.

2. B vitamins

Although B vitamins are necessary to support your mood, they also play an important role in keeping your skin in good condition. The benefits of B vitamins for the skin vary. For example, according to a research study, vitamin B12 helps your body produce enough good bacteria and reduce bad bacteria.

Some good sources of B vitamins include whole grains, soy products, leafy greens, meat, cheese, eggs, and milk. Alternatively, you can opt for B vitamins as per your doctor’s recommendation.

3. Fatty acids

Aside from other benefits, fatty acids like omega-3 fatty acids are important for your body if you want to protect your skin from damage. According to research studies, these fatty acids help reduce acne symptoms as they have anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from this, omega-3 can help you reduce skin dryness by trapping moisture.

Some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids are nuts, shellfish, seeds, green vegetables, and seaweed. You can also use omega-3 supplements. However, it is better to use supplements derived from natural sources such as mussels, krill, or fish.

4. Evening primrose oil

According to many research studies, adults can benefit from evening primrose oil supplements to improve the health of their skin. Actually, this oil contains fatty acids that can help the hormonal balance in your body. You can increase the power of this oil by combining it with other fatty acids.

If you really want to use omega-3 supplements, you may want to opt for those made from mussels, krill, or fish.

So these are 4 supplements that you can use to maintain your beauty. Although eating fruits and vegetables can meet your vitamin needs, it may not be a good option for everyone. Therefore, opting for supplements is a better idea.

Lifestyle Fashion

Pilates Modification for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis Do’s and Don’ts

Maintenance of bone density is achieved by long-term routine loading on our bones, which will return to pre-training density when exercise is discontinued. To better keep what you have and avoid further losses, follow these rules:

DO exercise with foot weights every day. The other day an osteoporotic client in the studio asked her why she shouldn’t keep doing the plow in yoga, since being in that extreme flexion was surely putting weight on her spine. Bearing weight in our case means standing! Rolling on your back not only doesn’t cut it, but can actually cause vertebral fractures. Just say no!

DO work on your balance while standing as often as possible. The less you fall, the lower your risk of wrist or hip fracture. The PhysicalMind Institute’s Standing Yoga and Standing Pilates® poses can be very helpful here.

DO resistance, cardiovascular and flexibility training within safe guidelines.

Focus on the extension of the spine and torso. As our bodies give in to gravity, we begin to rotate forward. It is crucial that we constantly work to stay upright with a gentle squeeze of the shoulder blades and a beautiful lift of the sternum.

Be careful when you sneeze and cough. Many fractures occur from forceful coughing and sneezing. Try to stand or sit with your back against something for support.

DO NOT flex spine forward. Do not lean over to tie your shoes or pick up something from the floor. Do not lean forward when getting in and out of bed. And never roll on your spine! Yes, spinal flexion is healthy for healthy bones. It is completely contraindicated for low bone density. As you can see in the image of the fracture, micro-fractures occur in the front of the spine and are irreversible. Do you want to look like a round ball all the time for the rest of your life? I know not!

DO NOT roll on your spine. I know, I’m saying it again, but this is very important! And I’m afraid to tell you how many osteoporotic clients I’ve seen given extreme push-up exercises in studios by certified Pilates teachers.

DO NOT twist your spine forcefully. Be kind to your spine. The forceful twist will hurt.

DO NOT do crunches or crunches! Remember the earlier discussion about bending? A good Pilates teacher can show you many abdominal strengthening alternatives.

DO NOT pull your leg out to the side of your body (abduction). There have been many hip fractures here.

Lifestyle Fashion

"Ultimate Cookbook Without Cheese" – Innovative, healthy and delicious recipes with plant-based ingredients

Joe Stepaniak’s “Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook” was one of the first cookbooks I bought after deciding to go vegan 3 years ago. For those unfamiliar with the term “cheeseless,” Stepaniak uses it to describe rich-flavored spreads, dressings, sauces, and blocks made with whole foods without dairy (primarily beans, nuts, or grains).

Cheese lovers be warned: You may be disappointed if you expect tofu to taste like Feta or chickpeas like Havarti. The book’s introduction even acknowledges that “cheeseless aren’t going to be like dairy cheeses, so adjust your expectations accordingly.”

Unfortunately, I skipped Stepaniak’s well-intentioned introduction and dived into the recipes, trying ricotta tofu, Chick Cheez, Swizz Cheez, Buffalo Mostarella, Brie, Betta Feta, White Bean Boursin, Monterey Jack, and port without cheese. And while they were all tasty (my favorite is the spicy Chick Cheez spread, made with chickpeas), they left me feeling a little underwhelmed and wondering if you could really live without real cheese.

As a result of not finding perfect non-dairy replacements for my most beloved cheeses, “The Uncheese Cookbook” sat dormant on my shelf for some time. Little did I realize that I would return to Stepaniak’s book later (many times), and find that it had improved over time. The most valuable lesson from him is that he introduces unknown ingredients and uses them, as well as more common items, including raw nuts, in innovative ways.

For example, I had never heard of nutritional yeast, an ingredient used in many of the recipes in the book. Nutritional yeast is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that also has a tangy, cheesy flavor. I later found out that Stepaniak is a bit of a fan of the subject of nutritional yeast, as he is the author of “The Nutritional Yeast Cookbook.”

Among other new (and somewhat difficult to obtain) ingredients were agar and kuzu (both plant-based thickening agents used in place of gelatin) and umeboshi plum paste, used to add salt. Chickpea flour (also known as Chana Besan), while common in Indian cooking, is also used in many non-cheese dishes.

The introduction to the Uncheese Cookbook provides a detailed and helpful reference to all of the aforementioned ingredients, as well as others. It also contains well-documented background on how the dairy industry has influenced the evolution of the American diet (echoing T. Scott Campbell’s “China Study”) and provides detailed nutritional data on the benefits of non-dairy sources of calcium, Proteins, fats and carbohydrates vs. dairy products.

Moving on to the recipes, I found many of the “cheeseless dishes” to be excellent. Among my favorites are:

  • Chocolate Almond Cheesecake (p170*) with Pecan Granola Crust: Everyone who has tried it is amazed that it tastes more delicious than real cheesecake, without using eggs or dairy (maple syrup is the secret).
  • “Besto Pesto” (which seamlessly substitutes miso for cheese): How can a vegan diet be considered sacrificed when you can still enjoy a plate of linguine with a Genevose pesto sauce?
  • Chickpea flour pizza (p. 128), eaten with vegetable curry. It takes about 5 minutes to prepare, so it’s also very practical!
  • Beannaise (p150)–Used as a substitute for mayonnaise in other recipes, and also alone, as a dressing for vegetables or salads.

*Note: Page numbers refer to the tenth edition of the book.

Other recipes I would recommend include: Parmesan Chips (pg 50), Eggplant Parmagiano Stew (pg 80), Spinach Tofu Manicotti (pg 117), Zucchini Chedda Soup (pg 77).

After repurposing “The Cheeseless Cookbook”, there are still many dishes I plan to try, including: Classic Quiche (p102), Lemon Teasecake (p169), “Key Lime” variation, Quick and Easy Alfredo Sauce (p63), Spicy spinach and artichoke dip (p49) and curried cauliflower cheese soup (p76).

Other features of the book that you will appreciate are the tables of nutritional values ​​for each of the recipes and the lists of food allergens (gluten, soy, nuts, corn). On the other hand, the book contains only 4 pages of photographs, and could certainly use more.

If you already have “The Cheeseless Cookbook” but haven’t picked it up in a while, I suggest it’s worth another look. If not, grab a copy and try their innovative and healthy recipes based on plant-based ingredients. Just remember to drop your expectations of dairy cheese flavor, and you won’t be disappointed!

Lifestyle Fashion

I like Gucci sunglasses, and I’m not ashamed to say it

I look forward to and enjoy Rob Walker’s Accomplished every sunday column The New York Times Magazine. Recent topics include Pirate’s Booty, Safeway’s push toward private label organics and the magic of the Flip VCR.

I have found the columns to be interesting, insightful and well considered.

So I’m baffled by Mr. Walker’s acclaimed new book. In Buying In, Walker pulls back the proverbial curtain to reveal that there is a “secret dialogue between what we buy and who we are” because, although consumers will almost always say they make purchases based on rational factors such as price, convenience, and quality (here comes the secret), it is not true.

He’s referring to a Roper study in which only a fifth of respondents say brand is a factor in what they buy, then discredit it. He says there is a “knee-fucking bias against logos” and uses the word “concede” to describe the emotion we would all presumably feel if we had to admit that brands, images, logos and symbols are important. The Washington Post book review states, “Walker…makes an opening claim: Far from being immune to advertising, as many people think, American consumers are increasingly active participants in the marketing process.”

And in another Buying In review, Po Bronson offers that Walker “erases our old paradigm of companies (the bad guys) corrupting our children (the innocent) through commercials. In this new world, media literate youth media companies freely and voluntarily co-opt brands, and most companies are clueless bystanders desperate to keep up.

Who said consumers were immune to advertising and what kind of big reveal is it that brands and marketing matter? Where’s the explanation that you can make the research say almost anything (take my word for it)? Why the implication that consumers who pay attention to advertising are dumb and dumb, and that advertisers are “desperate”?

In my experience, consumers readily admit that brands can represent something that transcends the actual products their companies make. Nike (with the swoosh), Apple, American Apparel… Choose your favorite pleasure. Would Walker say I was tricked into wanting $250 Gucci sunglasses because of how they make me feel? Would you believe that the only way to buy sunglasses is to compare polycarbonates and chemical coatings and that if he had, he surely would have bought $5 street glasses instead? And on top of all this, I lose $250 pairs of glasses in taxis just like I lose $5. This last piece of irrationality would probably give Walker a fit, but OH! Gucci are much more fun. So, no breaking news: I’m not a jerk. People love brands. We assign a meaning and importance to them that most of us are comfortable with, and certainly not ashamed of as Mr. Walker envisions.

And with much respect to Mr. Bronson, I suspect that companies/brands like Sony, Mentos, Comcast (with a sleeping tech plastered all over the web, and Bob Garfield “seeking ideas for consumer jihad”) and AOL (with the multiple videos talking about Vinny Ferrari’s experience) you’d think it’s old news that consumers are dissecting, adopting and co-opting brands the way they like.

Much of the world of consumption is based on desire, on pleasure. No shame here (overspending aside): Many if not most consumer franchises are built on branding, not function differentiation, and everyone I know knows this.

Walker seems to be a smart guy, so I don’t understand his argument or the value that 300+ pages of him holding his nose in “flippant” marketing and “creation of false images” (aka marketing) creates. If he was going to spend what was probably years researching and writing a book, it would have been great if his thesis added to the conversation about the relationship between the brand and the consumer, instead of detracting from it.