
Benefits of martial arts training for kids

He admitted it. When the going gets tough at home, we all place the children in front of the television and sigh in relief. Finally, we can start with dinner, maybe check email or sort out that huge pile of laundry.

But when your five-year-old yells at you “Mom, the kids rule!” Or your ten-year-old son horrifies you with language that would make a sailor blush, realizes that there must be something wrong with what these “family shows” really teach our children. And sadly, it is happening in all media today, from sports to cartoons, and our children are learning things that we, as parents, swear we would never teach them. Old-fashioned values ​​like respect and self-discipline seem to have been forgotten, replaced by today’s dreaded “bling bling” pop culture.

The very thought of your angelic three-year-old becoming a designer-clothed, smart-mouthed, money-loving, me-obsessed, lazy designer is enough for any parent to consider that menacing military school brochure, but there is a solution. out there to consider.

Martial arts training.

From the Ninja Turtles to the Karate Kid

You and your kids have seen the flying kicks, battle cries, and mighty punches of your favorite TV characters as they beat the bad guys into submission, but, you may wonder, how the heck can these acts of violence teach you to my son something worthwhile? ?

First, you should know that what you see on television (except perhaps the Karate Kid) is very far from what real martial arts are. The fact is, martial arts training is based on non-violence.

Originating from Asia (primarily Japan, China, and Korea, although Thailand and Vietnam also have their own practices), martial arts vary in a variety of types and styles, all of which are based on well-integrated moral teachings. The beauty of learning martial arts is that it encompasses not only the physical aspect of “sport,” but also mental and emotional lessons.

Comparing that to other children’s sports and activities, where fierce competition and “winning at all costs” seem to be the order of the day, it is not surprising that many children face misplaced aggression and self-esteem issues.

Now imagine that your child is truly learning valuable life lessons, skills that he will acquire throughout life, laying the foundation for a happy, well-adjusted, and fulfilling adult life. If only children’s karate was popular in the 70’s when I was little!

The advantages

o Karate and other martial arts for children promote confidence and self-esteem, as well as self-discipline, respect, concentration, and courtesy.

o Many martial arts schools also offer leadership courses for children, along with their children’s karate programs or similar lessons.

o Martial arts are ideal for children who do not do well in team sports, giving them the ability to thrive in this activity, while combining physical and mental practices.

o Many do not realize this, but it is a fact that martial arts training is safer than most school sports.

o Children with special needs, such as ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), learning difficulties, and hyperactivity, are often encouraged to participate in children’s martial arts due to the clear benefits of its structured training techniques.

Kung-fu master or ninja warrior?

Before enrolling Junior in the first martial arts class you see, take some time to check out the different methods available and combine them with what you know would best suit your child. This is a good way to avoid any problems that may arise from a conflict between your child’s personality and training techniques.

Is your little Zach a sensitive soul? So maybe a class that doesn’t focus on sparring (full kick and punch training), but rather, slower defensive maneuvers would suit you better. Boys with an aggressive streak, however, may prefer more forceful moves and thrive in competitive combat.

Here’s a quick introduction to martial arts training for kids that you are likely to find:

Japan martial arts


o Use defensive and aggressive movements

o Focuses on building strength and endurance

o Involves chops, punches, kicks, strikes, blocks and sparring

o Can use weapons

Jiu Jitsu

o Use defensive and aggressive movements

o It involves a lot of combat

o Teaches a fair amount of weapon training


o Uses a more “spiritual” and harmonious style when redirecting the attacker’s aggression as a form of defense, using shots, bowling, rolls, etc.

o Taught on the premise of disabling an aggressor without attacking, through their individual inner energy

o It does not involve sparring or competitions.


o Uses smooth, “wrestling-like” movements

o Considered one of the safest martial arts methods.

o Emphasizes physical control and mental development

o Participate in contests

Martial arts of china

Kung Fu

o The generic term that refers to Chinese martial arts with a variety of styles.

o It involves attack movements and defensive techniques.

o Teaches kicks, punches, chops, throws, falls, grabs, katas, leg sweeps and blows among others.

o Participate in sparring competitions

Korean martial arts


o Competitive in nature, involves techniques that use elaborate footwork and unique high kicks.

o Emphasizes strength, strength, and methods of attack.

o Participate in many fights and competitions.

Choose the correct instruction

If you have an idea of ​​the type of martial arts class you would like your child to participate in, the next step would be to find the right school. Finding the right class that not only meets your child’s needs and needs, in terms of teachers you are comfortable with, price, facilities, etc., are important factors.

Let’s say you’ve found a local place that specializes in Karate for kids. What are the things to look for?

1. Good instructors

Review their grades, teaching methods, and carefully observe how they interact with the other children. It should be a fun learning experience!

2. Space and security

Obviously, you want to entrust your child with a safe, well-maintained and clean establishment with ample space, as well as decent facilities and equipment.

3. School values

Different martial arts schools inevitably are governed by different values, for example a child’s karate class may handle aggression in one way, while a judo class would have a different approach. Take some time to observe which school ideals match your family’s principles.

4. Prices and schedules

Prices for martial arts training can vary by school and location, so make sure the instruction you choose represents fair value. It is also essential to find the most effective way to adapt martial arts training to your family’s lifestyle, knowing what works best with your schedule and other activities.

Baby blackbelts

Introducing your young child to karate training is ideal (children as young as four are generally accepted as this is also a good way to hone fine motor skills), and many parents have found that in as little as one year, their Children who participated in martial arts had notably gained positive traits, such as increased self-esteem, respect, and overall physical fitness.

Many parents also choose to join a martial arts training program, making it a great bonding experience for the whole family.


Smart made art

If you have young children, you know how difficult any artistic or witty moment can be. It seems that the paint never stays on the paper and the glitter never stays on the table! Now there’s a quick and easy way to give your kids an area where they can draw to their hearts’ delight: chalkboard paint.

Chalkboard paint is really cool because, in fact, it is a chalkboard that you can paint anywhere. Instead of grappling with items from the oven to shoot your kid’s sculpture, you can simply admire their many squiggles on a rapidly changing surface. Your child will no longer have to wait for you to do your work to see the finished product. With a board, children can draw, erase, and repeat for as long as they like. Another advantage is that the chalk wipes clean easily, which makes crafting less of a hassle.

The beauty of chalkboard paint is that you can paint it on whatever surface you have available. If you have a few square feet available in your kitchen where the kids always seem to hang out, that’s an option. If you have a children’s craft table that could use a facelift, a simple coat of chalkboard paint will solve that problem. Instead of a table used to make Mexican clay pottery, children can now draw directly on the table. You can even buy that really cool chalk that can be seen in 3-D with the special glasses.

You can also paint a board on a cork board you already have. If you find that you are not using your cork board for its intended purpose, the chalkboard paint will sit right on top of it quite well. One thing to consider is that if you decide to randomly paint any wall in your house with the chalkboard paint, keep in mind that you need to drill their little brains that you can only color on the black part of the wall! The downside about chalkboard paint is that kids may think they can color on any wall, anywhere! As long as you do your best to differentiate the two surfaces, you are probably fine. If your child is struggling and keeps drawing on the parts of the wall that he shouldn’t, maybe he should go back to working with a kiln brick.


5 smart ideas for children’s entertainment

With the last days of school right behind us, many of us are now faced with the prospect of being home with our children, all day. In theory this sounds great, however you know that if they don’t stay entertained they will start to constantly annoy you! If this is your fear, here are five clever kids’ entertainment ideas that will keep your kids busy and entertained all summer long.

1. Sidewalk masterpiece

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to entertain children consists of a bucket of chalk and a small section of sidewalk or driveway for them to create their masterpiece. Sidewalk chalk, often purchased cheaply, can provide hours of entertainment as you create your own scenes and paintings. Consider looking up some of the amazing sidewalk chalk artists online or on YouTube for inspiration!

2. The library

Get your kids out of the house and get them to do something educational that will help them start the next school year off on the right foot. Grab your library card and head to your local library this summer for days of kid-friendly entertainment. Most libraries offer summer reading programs, whereby your children can earn prizes and recognition the more books they read. Not only does this keep your home from the mini tornadoes that your kids are, it also makes them do something educational.

3. Water day

It is not necessary to have a swimming pool to tire your children playing in the water. One of the easiest ways to entertain children for literally hours is to connect your garden hose to a sprinkler and place it in the garden. Kids will jump back and forth over the sprinkler, glide across the lawn, and maybe even make some mud pies, but more importantly, they will lose their hair and probably wear out. You can sit in the shade with a cold drink while you supervise!

4. Strong

Inherent in the nature of every child is the desire to build forts out of virtually anything they can find. From pulling a sheet through a rope tied between two doorknobs to stacking sofa cushions and hiding inside them, kids love strong ones. Whether you use the aforementioned materials, cardboard, or go so far as to build a complete tree house, your kids will want to spend hours playing and entertaining themselves in their own space.

5. Live historical entertainment

Another educational way that you can entertain your children is to find historically accurate forms of live entertainment that they can participate in. Your kids will delight in painting their faces at the nearby Renaissance fair, munching on historic dishes with their hands, and maybe even watching some knights in shining armor as they jostle on the tournament grounds.


Childhood obesity and chore time

We all had chores when we were little. We wash dishes, fold clothes, put them away and help with housework. As we got older, we added help with garden work. It didn’t occur to us that we were exercising but, in fact, we were. It was just more productive.

Calories burned: A good calorie counter, like, will help show how many calories a person has burned and consumed. This is an easy way to gauge if your child (or anyone else) is physically doing enough to get and / or stay in shape. Believe me, garden work can add up to a good result.

Life skills taught: Over time, our children will grow up to have their own home and their own responsibilities. Learning to cook, clean, and garden will prepare you for that moment. You can also show them professional ideas. Gardening was one of the factors that led me to become a master herbalist.

Relieve parental pressure: It is difficult to work all day and then have to do all the tasks that accumulate. It’s hard enough for working parents to prepare a healthy meal, take care of homework, and get children to go to bed on time. Having the help of children can take some of the pressure off. Children will feel the relief.

Bonding: As much as I hate washing dishes, there were cases where we were kids that allowed some kind of bonding to happen. When Dad helped with them, we were able to talk. It was a one-on-one time; Believe me, the rest of the children would not dream of going to the kitchen when they have to wash the dishes at a table of seven people.

It may seem like we should keep our kids from doing all the chores we had when we were kids, but we wouldn’t be doing them any favors. They will not learn what to do, they will miss special moments that can happen with shared tasks, and they may assume that there will always be someone doing the dirty work.


Choosing the best birthday gifts for kids

Birthdays are among the happiest occasions for children – the time they think of gifts, colors, balloons, and decorations. Adults can forget their classmates’ birthdays, but children remember the dates for all the fun it means to them. The fun of receiving gifts is not just limited to the birthday child, but all friends are equally enthralled by the birthday gifts they could take home.

How to select the right return gifts for all children and send them home excited and happy? It can be a challenge when it comes to choosing the perfect gift for everyone. The following guide will make your task easier.

Consider the age group

Regardless of your budget or other factors, age group is the most important consideration when thinking about buying birthday gifts. You can choose to buy separate gifts for each age group or something that can be given to all children. Choosing a universal gift for children can be a difficult decision, but if you have access to more varieties and options, it may not be as complicated as you think.

Your budget

Once you have learned about the age groups of children and whether or not it will be a universal gift, you can narrow down to the most important factor: the budget. Interestingly, in the age of online shopping, budgeting is a secondary option. You can find many more fascinating gift options even on a tight budget. In fact, you might be surprised at what you might find. Over time, choosing the most interesting and memorable return gifts will depend on your imagination and the number of options available.

Kind of gift

Choose a gift based on factors such as fun, decor, usefulness, and learning. There are all kinds of fun-based giveaways, but if you could choose something like chota bheem online games, you could add an element of learning to the present. If the children visiting the birthday party are too young, toys could be the ideal gift. With older toddlers, stationery and related things can be the perfect options.

These are the top three factors to consider when choosing the right return gifts for children’s birthdays. If you make a smart decision regarding children’s gifts, you will eventually have a party that everyone will remember for a long time.


3 easy ideas to decorate Christmas cookies with children

One of the happiest moments I have with my nephews is in my kitchen decorating cookies for Christmas gifts. They had more fun than I did and the gift recipients enjoyed their homemade treats. Let me show you how to decorate Christmas cookies with your own kids.

The easier the process for children, the better. You need three things to get started: an easy sugar cookie recipe, simple royal icing decorations, and several different colored tubes of pre-made royal icing so each child can share the royal icing.

Here’s my favorite chocolate sugar cookie recipe to get you started.

Chocolate Sugar Cookies

  • 1 cup unsalted butter, softened

  • 1 cup of sugar

  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa, sifted (recipe was tested with regular cocoa)

  • 1 large egg

  • 1-1 / 2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

  • 3 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt

  • 1 tablespoon. chocolate syrup

  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

  2. In a large bowl, combine the butter and sugar for two minutes on medium speed. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.

  3. Add the egg, vanilla, and chocolate syrup. Mix well.

  4. In a medium bowl, combine the flour, cocoa, and salt.

  5. Add to butter mixture little by little until fully incorporated. Scrape down the sides of the bowl.

  6. Refrigerate the dough for at least 30 minutes before using it.

The recipe makes 2 dozen cookies depending on the size of the cookie cutter used.

Premade Royal Icing Decorations:Several companies have pre-made royal icing decorations that you can peel off the paper and apply to the baked sugar cookies. During the holidays, companies offer packages of Santa Claus and his reindeer, snowmen, candy canes, snowflakes and other designs. I suggest that you remove all the royal icing decorations from the paper, carefully remove the excess paper with a sharp knife, and then place all the royal icing decorations in a small bowl.

3 easy ideas to decorate Christmas cookies with children

1. Independent decoration:Place a sheet of plastic on your floor under the table. Set the children’s decorating table with a plastic tablecloth and place the baked sugar cookies on a tray in the center. Place the pre-made royal icing decorations found in a bowl near the cookie sheet. Punch a medium-sized hole in some of the royal icing colored tubes so the kids can squeeze the royal icing over their sugar cookies, put the top back on, and place them on the other side of the cookie sheet. Place plastic placemats in front of each child, and then place a plastic plate, tray, or sheet of waxed paper on the table near them so they can place their finished decorated sugar cookies. Also place plastic knives in each spot so the kids can spread the royal icing over the top of their cookies and paper towels cut into medium squares so they can wash their hands while decorating. You can also put bottles of different types of sprinkles for them to use as well. Kids love sparks.

2. Supervised decoration: This idea may be a duplicate of the first, except that you are there to supervise and help the children with their decorating. If you know how to use fondant, you can use fondant to cover the sugar cookies and then help them punch out fondant flowers and other shapes of fondant to decorate their cookies.

3. Group decoration:This idea replicates the first idea, but on a larger scale where a group of children is involved in the decoration. Different types of sugar cookies can be baked and then divided among the children to decorate and take a variety of sugar cookies home. Decorating supplies can be purchased by adults and placed in disposable bowls and placed on the decorating table for all children to use. Several adults should be available to restock supplies and provide boxes for children to take their cookies home.

Each of these ideas can be successfully implemented as long as you remember that kids have fun decorating cookies and creating their own edible masterpiece. And when you’re done, be sure to take pictures of the kids with their cookies. This could become an annual event.

To see more sugar cookie recipes and cookie ideas, click below.


Hopscotch Insoles – Sidewalk Delights

The game of hopscotch is a sidewalk and playground staple that has endured for centuries to become one of the most played court games in the world today. Equally in precision and physical prowess, what is an incredibly simple game on paper is actually a demanding test of stamina and skill. Perhaps it is because of its deceptive simplicity that hopscotch is still such a popular children’s game. In fact, its uniquely shaped court, which can actually vary depending on where it is played and the preferences of the players, is instantly recognized as such.

In some places, there are permanent hopscotch courts, practically etched into stone and concrete to provide a ready-to-play game or three for any group of children who are inclined to take advantage of it. Other times, children or their elders take a piece of chalk from the street and scribble a yard on the sidewalk or on the playground. Often times, this approach produces uneven hopscotch courts that rapidly deteriorate as excited boys and girls stomp on their lines. Since it’s not really worth anyone’s time to turn a sidewalk into a permanent court, there is a half-acceptable alternative: painting the court on the pavement with a hopscotch stencil. Just as stencils in general make it easy to paint smooth, sharp, professional-looking lines, a hopscotch stencil ensures that the court you generate looks stylish enough for even adults to stop and consider playing.

Hopscotch template designs range from the standard schoolyard court to novelty styles that have alternating squares in a checkered pattern, or courts that are shaped like animals, such as fish. Whichever design you select is really a matter of personal preference. If you’re a purist, go for the traditional hopscotch arrangement. However, if you want to show off a bit of variant creativity, the hopscotch court that has an alligator pattern may be a more satisfying purchase. In all cases, make sure your template is made of decent quality plastic so that it provides you, your kids, and your playmates with an indefinite number of hours of fun through repeated use.

To paint a hopscotch template correctly, first choose a flat, straight stretch of sidewalk pavement, taking care to minimize any cracks or lines that could disturb the integrity of the court. Once you’ve found a suitable area, begin sweeping the area, cleaning it of dirt, rocks, and other debris. Otherwise, you will find yourself painting over dust and rocks. Next, spread out the hopscotch template and secure it to the pavement with tape or similar adhesive. Next, spray the pavement paint or brush it over the stencil, taking care to apply the paint coat evenly. Lastly, find something else to do for about an hour, like taking the kids out for ice cream or going to the corner store for some goodies. When you return, the paint will have dried and your kids can literally jump right into action when you remove the stencil.

A good hopscotch template is a great way to bring fun and excitement to a boring sidewalk. It would be wise to have one on hand to encourage your children to seek out outdoor games.


Top Ten List on Why Preschool Matters

There are several reasons why it is a good idea to send your child to preschool. The following is a look at ten reasons why preschool is important:

Reason one: Preschool helps prepare children academically for kindergarten. Most preschools focus on learning letters, numbers, shapes, days of the week, etc. When a child attends preschool, he learns the basics, the things he must know before going to kindergarten if he is to be successful academically.

Reason two: Preschool helps children learn to interact in groups. Many preschoolers have not had a meaningful experience working in a group dynamic, having to share both elements and attention. Preschool is an excellent structured environment where children learn to interact in groups.

Reason three: Preschool helps children learn to be away from their parents without anxiety. Many children suffer from separation anxiety when they enter kindergarten if they haven’t had something that took them away from their parents at regular intervals throughout the week. Preschool is a great precursor to something longer and more everyday.

Reason furnace: Preschool helps children learn to socialize appropriately in a school setting. For many children, the idea of ​​listening when someone else is speaking and raising your hand to speak or make a comment is foreign. This can lead to a lot of disciplinary problems when they enter the regular school system if they don’t get some practice.

Reason Five: Preschool expands your child’s exposure to outside germs. While this may sound rude, it is important that a child begins to develop immunity against the different viruses that abound in public. Exposure to the little colds and bugs of youth can strengthen your child’s immune system in the long run.

Reason six: Preschool helps children learn that there are authority figures outside their home to whom they must respect and listen. It gives them some experience with having a teacher they learn from and a parent who helps them reinforce the things the teacher teaches.

Reason Seven: Preschool helps children learn to share attention with their peers. For many children, the only person or persons with whom they must share care are their siblings and family. When they want the attention of mom or dad, they just talk to them. In school, several students must share the attention of a single teacher. Preschool is a great place for a child to learn this, as classes tend to be smaller and there are fewer students competing for the spotlight.

Reason Eight: Preschool helps children learn to be more independent, especially in things like going to the bathroom, putting on coats and shoes, etc. Because mom and dad are not to depend on, children learn to use skills that they would not otherwise have. This is an important part of growing up, and a parent often does not recognize that they are stunted.

Reason Nine: Preschool prepares children for consistent schedules when they are in school. When a child enters kindergarten, he cannot stay up as late as he wants, or wake up whenever he wants, etc. they have to learn to follow a schedule. Preschool helps children to adjust to this and to realize that when they are at school they cannot just eat and play when they want, but must wait for the right moments.

Reason ten: Preschool helps children learn some academic and social responsibility. They learn to keep track of their backpacks and artwork, do homework, etc.


Top 3 Most Popular Children’s Trust Fund Options

Creating a children’s trust fund is one of the most practical estate planning strategies. This type of trust can be used to provide educational funds and cover the cost of living and medical care, as well as to protect inheritance gifts.

Due to the fact that there are different types of children’s trust funds, it is advisable to speak with an estate planning law firm. Lawyers can offer guidance on the most appropriate strategies for overall goals, as well as help individuals achieve tax savings.

For the most part, parents make use of college trust funds or probate trusts. Both offer tax advantages to minor children and are administered by a designated Trustee.

College Trust Funds

Those who establish college trust funds should inquire about the gift tax exclusions. A crucial factor is that tuition must transfer from the fund to the school in order to receive the exclusion.

Another factor is that the university must be a qualified institution to provide formal education. Qualified educational institutions include accredited public and private universities, career schools, and high schools.

Currently, the IRS gift tax limit is $ 14,000 per person per year. However, the IRS does not limit the amount of financial gifts provided for educational tuition and health care expenses as long as the recipients meet the guide’s criteria.

Anyone providing financial donations for college funds should speak with a tax attorney to ensure they meet IRS requirements. Otherwise, they could face tax consequences.

Although college savings trusts are the most widely used, there are other ways to protect the money and assets of minor children. Some of the most popular include probate trusts, Section 2503 (b) trusts, and Section 2503 (c).

Testamentary trusts

Testamentary trusts are a little different than most others. People prepare a last will and testament to establish trust at the time of death. Inheritance cash gifts are managed by a trustee until the beneficiaries become adults.

Probate trusts are one of the best ways to ensure that children are financially secure if their parents pass away. The downside to using this method is that the trust is not exempt from probate, as it does not take effect until after death.

That said, will creators can use estate planning strategies to avoid probate or simplify the process. These include things like designating beneficiaries to receive financial investments, real estate, and other types of titled property.

Mandatory income trusts for minors

Section 2503 (b) is an irrevocable trust that provides annual income for the care of minor children. The funds are held in a custodial bank account and are managed by a trustee until the beneficiaries reach adulthood. Once established, the terms cannot be modified without judicial authorization. Therefore, it is important to work with a probate attorney to ensure compliance and avoid future problems.

Section 2504 (c) is another type of children’s trust fund that protects inheritance gifts and meets the gift tax exclusion until beneficiaries turn 21. The distributions are subsequently taxed at fiduciary rates.

Additionally, a Crummey Trust can be established for those who need to obtain the gift tax exclusion after age 21. This is beneficial for students who attend law or medical school or those who enroll a few years after graduating from high school.

There is no question that creating a children’s trust fund can provide financial security. That said, trusts must adhere to the guidelines to avoid tax consequences. Getting help from an estate planning expert ensures that assets are fully protected and qualify for the gift tax exclusion.


Disney Cruises: not just for families

Living in a frozen wonderland tires in the months of February and March. Therefore, we plan a winter “getaway” every year. It also gives me an excellent opportunity to try the sunscreens that I will be recommending to my patients this year.

“Where do you want to go this year, dear?” I asked my wife. “I don’t know. What about you?” she replied “Disney World,” I said, without waiting a second. “We’ve been there. We’re going on a cruise,” he replied. “Okay, let’s go on a Disney cruise,” I replied, “Are you sure?” No, a Disney cruise is for everyone. “” Okay, just get me out of the cold. “Then I asked my 17-year-old daughter: “What do you think of a Disney cruise?” She said, “Any cruise is good. Can I bring a friend? “” Of course. “So it was established. I called the Disney help desk, booked two balcony suites for a Western Caribbean cruise on the Disney Wonder, one for my wife and I, and another for our 17 year old daughter and her friend, Christine.

Get there

Disney cruises depart from Cape Canaveral, 50 minutes from Orlando. Conveniently, Disney arranges bus transportation from the airport to the cruise ship. So they have most of the things in their hands.

The boarding procedure

When we got to the boarding center, they lined us up. The line moved quickly, ten minutes maximum. They went through our identification documents and then sent us to the line to get our “key to the world’s cards.” Then we leave for the ship. The girls continued exploring. My wife and I waited for the luggage to arrive, which didn’t take long, and when it did, we unpacked it. This is one of the best features of the cruise – you only unpack once, regardless of how many destinations you go to.


The ship that does the longest cruises is the Disney Magic.

The moment you cross the walkway, you are greeted and passed through the public address system. Each is equipped to provide its 2,700 passengers with a full range of services, from bingo to classic Disney Broadway shows.

And the entire service is provided by thousands of cast members from dozens of countries around the world. For example, our server Jacob was from the Czech Republic and the assistant waiter was Esther from Hungary. Disney emphasizes the world: its 877 rooms have 25% more space than the industry average.

And the ship is designed to attract adults, teens, children, and young adults to its areas and activities. My teenage daughter and her friend loved the area reserved for teenagers. It’s called a pile and it gives them a great area to hang out.

But other activities include a Wide World of Sports deck (deck 10), a 10,700-foot spa, a kids’ club, dining and dancing areas, a movie theater, and a large stage. But don’t bother looking for a casino, you won’t find one on a Disney ship.

You can never get bored, I dare you.

But there are more activities, for each and every age group.

Bars and lounges

From fancy venues with live piano orders to bars where you can catch your favorite sporting event, Disney has a number of options for you.


Breakfast with Characters

A special event not to be missed, where you can get up close and personal with the characters. Always celebrated at Parrots Cay, be sure to bring your camera. While there are other options for taking photos with Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Minny, this is usually your best chance. Warning: the noise level is high, the atmosphere exuberant. Captains Gala Dress in your best clothes to enjoy this event. It’s a great night to have a picture taken with the captain or first officer.

Pirates at the Caribbean party

Disney is throwing a big party and this one is no exception. At dinner, everyone wears pirate outfits. If you don’t have any, don’t worry, a tissue will be provided. And after dinner the part begins. The pool is covered with a dance floor, and after the dance there are fireworks, Disney is the only boat with fireworks at sea!

7-Night Western Caribbean Cruise Itinerary

Saturday: check in at the Port Canaveral terminal. Onboard before 4pm Sunday ashore Keywest at 11am Onboard before 7:30 am Monday – Full day at sea Tuesday Ashore in Grand Cayman at 7:30 am Onboard before 4:30 pm Wednesday – Ashore in Cozumel at 9:30 am. On board at 6:30 am Thursday – Day of the Sea Friday – On land at 9:30 am at Cayo Desechado On board before 5:30 am Saturday – Disembarkation

The islands

key West

The southernmost tip of the United States, and only 90 miles from Cuba. Discovered by Ponce de Leon in his search for The Fountain of Youth, Key West has always been the favorite haunt of writers like Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, and Robert Frost. Harry Truman also loved this place and had a “little white house” here. Excursions – Sailing and Snorkeling Tour Every island has something like this. Sailing and snorkeling is what the Caribbean is all about. Tram tour of the old town or Conch train About 60 minutes takes you through the high points. It is best used as a guide to see things in more depth later. Butterfly Conservatory A great place to discover the secret life of the Museum of the Pirate Soul of butterflies The true story of the Pirates of the Caribbean Key West Shipwreck Museum While we were there, the treasure of a 15th century Spanish galleon was there.

Castaway Cay

If you’ve ever dreamed of a perfect private tropical island, Disney has recreated it here. Disney has secured the rights to the spiritual use of this small island that measures 3 miles long by two miles wide and all but 10 percent have been intentionally left undeveloped. But of course, Disney has plenty for those who want to be active: biking, beaching, snorkeling, parasailing, and just lazing around in a hammock. There are secluded beaches for adults, teens, and families. The day we were there was supposed to be cool, but we went anyway and it turned out to be a perfect day, a little too hot because our daughter developed a serious sunburn. He knew better: he had been to the tropics before. My wife and I had a couples massage in a private cabana, a nice touch for our last day.

Grand Cayman Island

In 1503, Columbus was swept to these islands by a storm. Later, he was greeted by thousands of turtles. Subsequently, it became a British island and remains a protectorate of Great Britain. The most amazing feature is its large coral reef. In fact, it is one of the best dive sites in the world. And if you shop there, stay away from items made from black coral or turtle, both of which are endangered species. The highlight of our trip was a visit to “Stingray City” where you can have fun with these amazing creatures. Tamed as a household pet, you can feed them squid, mount and pet them.


The largest island in Mexico, it has a high score for scuba diving since Jacques Cousteau discovered the reef in the 1960s. Another treat is that this is one of the few places where you can have fun with dolphins. And you can go to the mainland to see Tulum, a truly amazing Mayan site. Who cruises with Disney families, of course, but others love it too. In short, this cruise is for Disney fans, those who love all of Disney.

Bottom line

“Stephanie, did you like it?” I asked her “I loved it,” she said, “I just didn’t like the assigned dining room. However, the teen club was amazing.” “Did you do it Lucie?” I asked my wife “It was okay, but I liked Princess Cruises better.”