
Valentine’s Day Ideas for Singles

Perhaps your partner is abroad in the military. You may have had a recent divorce. Whatever the reason, you may find yourself alone this Valentine’s Day. Does this mean that you should sit at home feeling sorry for yourself? I do not think so. Here are some ideas for the lonely this year.

1. Get yourself out.

Who says you have to make a member of the opposite sex take you out? I don’t see anything wrong with dressing up to date the person you should have the most fun with, you. So put on your best dress or suit and spend a night on the town alone. At least you won’t spend all night worrying about whether you have salad on your teeth or not.

2. Go out with your other single friends.

I’m sure you have other friends who are in the same situation as you. Why not call one of your friends you haven’t seen in a while and go out with him or her? I’m sure your friend will appreciate your thinking about him or her.

3. Volunteer at a non-profit organization.

Sometimes the best way to stop feeling sorry for yourself is to help someone less fortunate. I’m sure there are many non-profit organizations in your area that would LOVE to have you volunteer during the day. Simply type your nonprofit organization or volunteer opportunity into your search engine to find an opportunity near you.

4. Offer to babysit.

I can’t think of a better way to help a young family with children than to babysit them so they can enjoy the evening. I mean you weren’t going to do anything but stay home and wallow in your self-pity, anyway. This way they can owe you one.

5. Send yourself flowers and candy.

Just go to one of the online florists and request that they send you a bouquet of flowers and candy. If you could send them to your office at work, it would be even better. It might even have the address on the card, “From her secret admirer.” You could act all surprised and wonder who in the world could have done such a good thing.

6. Adopt a soldier and send him a Valentine’s Day card.

There are several sites online that have resources to help American soldiers. is an example of one of these types of sites. I am not affiliated with this website at all, I just wanted to include it here so that you can find an address to send your Valentine’s cards to.

Being alone on Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be the end of the world. If you are creative, you can find ways to make this day bearable, maybe even memorable.


Origin of gifts: when did people start giving gifts at Christmas?

Like many other Christmas traditions, gifts are not original with Christmas. Its roots go back to the non-Christian religious observances of the pagan festivals celebrated in Rome and in the Yule of northern Europe. Like many cherished customs, modern society has added its own twist that adds or detracts from the celebration, depending on your point of view.

The gift-giving began already on the festival of Saturn, called Saturnalias, celebrated by the ancient Romans around December 25. In a mocking way, the slaves exchanged places with their masters and towards the end of the celebrations simple gifts of wax candles and ceramic figures called “sigilla” were exchanged.

In the north, during the Christmas season, giving gifts was part of the winter solstice and the return of the sun. Gift baskets made from wheat stalks reflected its life-giving qualities and fertility. The harvest was as much a part of this celebration as anything else.

These traditions were adapted to Christianity and became part of the Christmas celebration. At one point, around the year 1000, the Catholic Church banned gifts because it thought the practice had become too pagan.

The Puritans who came to America did not celebrate Christmas or gift giving because they also found it abundant and too wild.

The Victorians actually reestablished the tradition of giving gifts as part of their Christmas festivities. His gifts were much simpler and more traditional than those that are given today. The gifts were scattered around the house and found in cakes, not in piles under the Christmas tree.

Santa Claus and his gifts were reinforced by commercialism and traditional Christmas poems. Adapting European figures such as Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus became his own with Clement C. Moore’s publication, “It was the night before Christmas. His gift-giving characteristics were reinforced by the bright and cheerful man portrayed in commercials for a favorite carbonated drink.

Adopting all of these past traditions, many Christians trace the idea of ​​the gifts to which the Magi gave the baby Jesus. Many Christians view their birth as the ultimate gift of love from God.

Reflecting on earlier times, the holidays can be a time to give, not for the sake of receiving or spending, but a time to show appreciation with thoughtful gifts of love. The holiday becomes more meaningful by showing concern for those less fortunate than us. Taking the commercialism out of Christmas and reflecting on a simpler time will go a long way toward enhancing the Christmas gift tradition.


The history of Valentine’s Day

Around the world, on February 14, many flowers, cards and gifts will be exchanged between loved ones as Valentine’s Day is celebrated.

However, the story of why we celebrate this day is a bit of a mystery.

The Valentine’s Day tradition mixes elements from both ancient Roman rites and Christian tradition. To further confuse things, the Catholic Church recognizes three different saints named Valentine.

A legend says that Valentine was a priest in Rome during the 3rd century. Emperor Claudius II decreed that marriage was forbidden for young men, as he thought that single men were better soldiers than those married to families.

Valentine, felt that the decree was unfair and unfair, and challenged the Emperor by performing secret marriages for young lovers. When his actions for the undercover lovers were discovered, Claudio ordered Valentine to be executed. Variations on this legend say that Valentine was sentenced to death for trying to help fellow Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often tortured.

According to another legend, Valentine may have sent the first ‘Valentine’ greeting to himself in 270 AD the day before he was executed for refusing to renounce his Christian beliefs. He reportedly sent a thank you note to his jailer’s blind daughter for bringing him food and delivering messages while he was in prison, signed “from your Valentine.”

While we can never be sure of the true origin of the Saint Valentine legend, one thing is certain, it must have been an engaging and enduring story because in the Middle Ages, Valentine had become one of the most popular saints in France. and Great Britain.

The observance of the time of your saint’s day may have been prompted by the common practice of trying to integrate earlier pagan festivals into the Christian calendar. in this case, the Lupercalia festival.

In ancient Rome, February was considered the beginning of spring and was considered a time of purification. Houses were ritually cleaned by sweeping them and then sprinkling salt and wheat inside (we still refer to spring cleaning to this day).

Lupercalia, which began on the ‘Ides (February 15)’, was a fertility festival dedicated to the agricultural god Lupercus and the goddess of love, Juno, as well as the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. Roman maidens placed their names in an urn placed in public squares and young bachelors drew from it to get a ‘blind date’ for the next year. Most of the time, these annual matches often ended in marriage.

Pope Gelasius set Valentine’s Day to February 14, around AD 500 At that time, the “lottery” system for romantic dates was considered non-Christian and had been outlawed. During the Middle Ages, the practice of love lotteries was carried out as “luck boxes”. In France, the drawings on the boxes allotted couples one year to marry or separate. In England, it was a common practice for men to wear the name of the girl on their sleeve that they drew from the boxes by chance, surrounded by a heart.

Also at this time, it was commonly believed in parts of England and France that February 14 marked the beginning of the mating season for birds, furthering the notion that Valentine’s Day should be a day for romance. .

Valentine messages began to appear in the early 15th century, and even in these formative times they were often given anonymously, perhaps going back to unknown recipients of Roman lotteries.

The oldest known Valentine that still exists today was a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London after his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting, which was written in 1415, is part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London.

In the UK, Valentine’s Day became a popular celebration around the 17th century. It continued to establish itself, with the familiar verses “roses are red, violets are blue” that debuted sometime in the seventeenth century. In the 1850s, it was common for lovers of all walks of life to give their loved ones small gifts or handwritten letters. At the same time, in France, people began to decorate their Valentine’s with ribbons and lace.

In the early 20th century, handwritten letters gave way to cards as advances in printing technology had improved the quality of printed cards. At the time, it was culturally discouraged for people to show their emotions as directly as a letter, so a printed card was a more acceptable method. More affordable shipping costs and increasing use of the postal system likely contributed to the rise in popularity of the Valentine’s card.

Americans probably began exchanging handmade Valentine’s cards with verses in the early 18th century. In the middle of the 19th century, the first mass-produced Valentine’s cards began to go on sale in the United States. Miss Esther Howland, artist and entrepreneur, became America’s first regular Valentine’s Day editor. Often referred to as “Valentine’s Mother”, Miss Howland designed many elaborate creations using lace, ribbons and colorful patterns known as “scrap”. Their cards usually cost between $ 5 and $ 10 each, and some go as high as $ 35, surprisingly expensive for the time.

The Greeting Card Association estimates that if we include Valentine’s cards for children in the classroom, this year more than 1 billion Valentine’s cards will be opened. Valentine’s Day is the second time of the year when the most cards are sent and accounts for 25% of all seasonal card sales (Christmas accounts for 60%).

It is estimated that women buy 80 percent of all Valentine’s cards, which means that a large proportion of men forget or are not very romantic when it comes to reciprocating. Valentine’s Day is celebrated in the US, Canada, Mexico, the UK, France, and Australia, and its popularity is increasing in many other parts of the world.

Facts about Valentine’s Cards (from the Greeting Card Association)

About 25% of individual Valentine’s cards are fun, and adults under 35 are the most likely to send fun cards. Valentine’s Day is the biggest e-card sending occasion of the year. An estimated 14 million e-valentines will be sent in 2008. Greeting cards are traditionally the most popular Valentine’s gift in the US, ahead of chocolates, flowers, or dinners. American men may take Valentine’s Day more seriously than women. In a national survey for GCA in 2007, 45% of women said they would likely gift a funny Valentine to their loved one, compared to just 34% of men. The percentage of Valentine’s cards exchanged by mail compared to hand delivery is approximately 50-50. Red is the most popular color choice for Valentine’s cards, followed by pink, then white. Hearts, roses, cupid and lace are traditional icons of Valentine’s cards.


Dutch oven bonfire recipes: the devil’s cherry cobbler

It’s your turn to cook the campfire on this weekend’s outdoor camping trip and you already have all your campfire recipes ready, trying to decide which ones to use. You want to impress your fellow campers with your expert culinary skills, but you also don’t want to get stuck in the camp kitchen while they have fun. This 1-pot, 1-step dinner dessert will have you remembered. And it’s so easy, you can make it in 5 minutes, put it on the fire, and forget about it until it’s done. The result will be a desert of bonfires that they will talk about for years.

Devil’s Cherry Cobbler dessert is cooked in a cast iron Dutch oven and served as well. Less mess, less cleaning. The only kitchen utensils you will need are a cast iron Dutch oven and a large serving spoon.

Devil’s Cherry Cobbler Ingredients:

  • 2 – 18-19 oz. Devils Food cake mix boxes
  • 3 – 22 oz. cans of cherry pie filling
  • 1 – 20 oz. Dr. Pepper bottle
  • 1 – stick butter
  • 1 ounce. cooking oil


  • Open Dr. Pepper ahead of time to get the carbonation out, you don’t need fizz for this campfire recipe.
  • Per 1 oz. of cooking oil into a clean cast iron pot and use a paper towel to wipe the inside of the pot. Leave the remaining oil in the pot.
  • Open the cans of cherry pie filling and pour into the pot.
  • Go ahead and drink about half the Dr. Pepper, you only need half a bottle for this recipe. For that in the pot too.
  • Pour both boxes of Devils Food Cake Mix on top of the Dr. Pepper and cherry filling. DO NOT REVOLVE!
  • Cut the stick of butter into patties and spread them over the top of the dry cake mix.
  • Put the lid on the Dutch oven, – You’re done.


With this cake-like campfire recipe, you’ll want your Dutch oven to function like an oven, so make sure you have plenty of hot campfire embers to use. You will need a good bed of charcoal, at least the same diameter as your Dutch oven, with enough leftover to form a good layer on the Dutch oven lid.

This recipe will take 35-45 minutes to cook. After 20 minutes, lift the pot and turn it about 90 degrees one way, and turn the lid 90 degrees the other way. Check the embers on the lid; they may need to be replenished.

After 30 minutes, lift the lid and look inside, the cake should look semi-dry all over and start to peel off the walls of the pot at the top. When the cake looks dry and separates from the sides of the pot completely, the dessert is ready. Remove from the heat and throw the embers from the lid.

One last tip:

When placing each slice on your outdoor camping partner’s plates, be sure to “flip” the slice so the top of the cake lands on the bottom with the cherries on top. This is the culminating touch that makes it a true camp shoemaker.

This campfire recipe will serve about 15 campers, and maybe a little leftover for a few seconds. And there will be requests for seconds! This is a camping wilderness that never fails and always leaves them talking about how good you are as a camp cook. And you have time to enjoy their praise because all you had to do to clean up was turn the Dutch oven back on and let it bake on its own.


3 delicious desserts you can make with your slow cooker

There is nothing like enjoying a delicious and sweet delicacy after a long day. But if you’re feeling guilty about stopping for a slice of cake or buying a full pack of chocolates, why not make your own? By using your slow cooker, you will be able to make a delicious dessert dish with less guilt because you have control over the ingredients. The best part is that making these desserts requires minimal effort!

Try these 3 delicious crock pot dessert recipes:

Apples simmered with sugar and cinnamon

What do you need:

  • 4 tart baking apples (such as Braeburn or Granny Smith), cored
  • 2/3 cup apple juice
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1/4 cup of grapes
  • 2 tablespoons packed brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon butter, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 piece of slow cooker liner

In a small bowl, combine the oats, raisins, brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon. Cover your crock pot with the liner and place the apples on top. Pour the mixture into the center of each apple, heaping the remaining mixture on top of the apples. For apple juice on apples. Cover and simmer for 3 hours. Remove apples from crock pot, transfer to serving plates, and drizzle with cooking liquid.

Easy Slow Cooker Fruit Cobbler

What do you need:

  • 1 package white cake mix
  • 2 cups frozen mixed berries
  • 2 cups frozen peach slices
  • 1/2 cup of brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • Cooking spray

Spray the slow cooker with cooking spray and place the berries and peaches in it. Sprinkle with cornstarch and toss to coat. Add brown sugar, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and nutmeg to the mix. Then add the cake mix and melted butter. When the ingredients are well combined, cook over high heat for 3 to 3 1/2 hours or until bubbly.

Delicious Crock Pot Creme Brulee

What do you need:

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 2/3 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt

In a large bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, 1/4 cup of the sugar, and the salt until well combined. Slowly add the heavy cream and vanilla extract. Strain the mixture into a liquid measuring cup. Place 4 ramekins (4 oz) in a slow cooker and fill the slow cooker with enough water so that the ramekins are half submerged. To mix the egg evenly in molds. Cover and cook for 2 hours over low heat. When done, let it cool completely and then refrigerate uncovered for at least 3 hours.

Come home and enjoy a delicious treat – try these delicious slow cooker desserts.


Parenting Toolkit: Paradoxical Intervention

Sometimes stopping problem behavior requires prescribing the problem behavior. Like vaccination, in which a little bit of the disease is injected into the system to help it build immunity, paradoxical intervention promotes a bit of bad behavior in hopes of ending it.

For example, let’s say two brothers are fighting; not serious fights but verbal insults and maybe some pinching and shoving. Normally, parents would tell them to stop, and at best that only works for a few minutes. So instead of telling the siblings to stop, the parent suggests a set time and place where they can engage in that behavior for a limited period of time. You need to create a space, say the garage or the game room. You need a stopwatch, just like a referee. The idea is to allow siblings to engage in this behavior for, say, 20 minutes. There should be rules such as no hitting, spitting, throwing hard objects, etc. Rules are also set about what they can do: they can be allowed to name, yell, and maybe even throw pillows. In fact, it can be organized like a pillow fight with the same conditions and guidelines. Siblings should be included in making the rules. They are allowed to engage in this behavior without punishment or reprimand.

Another example: let’s say a child overeats. Instead of trying to limit the amount of food eaten, try a paradoxical intervention by offering extra food. If the child is eating a whole bag of potato chips, offer another bag. The idea here is that the child eventually rejects the offered food. If this continues, the child will refuse more and more and this can help establish the behavior of saying no to extra food.

In all cases, children engage in behaviors for a reason, and most of the time that reason is to satisfy a need. The need can be attention, it can be love, it can be a way of expressing anger, and it can be a way of communicating something. By showing the child that you are not trying to stop the behavior, but are actually willing to allow it to escalate, you can tell the child that you are interested in finding out the reason for the behavior without saying anything. Children will not be able to answer “why are you doing that”. You will probably get “I don’t know” for an answer. But, if they feel that you are on their side rather than against them, they are more likely to reveal information that would not have otherwise been expressed.

Paradoxical intervention, sometimes called reverse psychology, must be handled with caution, as it can backfire. For example, a young child who refuses to eat dinner may be told that he absolutely cannot eat dinner. Often the child, wanting to be an opponent, will demand to eat dinner. But, sometimes they can just say “okay” and walk away from the table. Paradoxical intervention is best used when other interventions have not worked. The parent should think about it carefully and then try. If it doesn’t work, just stop.

Parents need to realize that doing the same thing over and over again, like telling their children to stop this or that and expecting a different result, is foolish at best. The definition of insanity is jokingly defined as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If, as a parent, you are not getting the results you want in your children from you current behavior, just do something different. Paradoxical intervention is generally something very different and often elicits a different response.


3 adventurous moms, 7 children and 2 months in Greece set the tone of my life and gave me the mistake of traveling

Thanks to my mom, I have an adventurous spirit, and I KNOW without a doubt that I can do whatever I want in life. She gave me the gift of an open mind and an adventurous spirit. The first really clear memory is from when I was seven, but my mom has always done adventurous things like this …

When I was seven, my mother and two of her friends decided to go to Greece for a week. They signed up for Greek classes and started studying. But they soon realized that a week would be too short considering all the effort they were putting into the trip. So they increased it to two weeks … but what about the 7 children ????

The answer, of course, was “Let’s take them too, but let’s go for two MONTHS”. So we left in the summer of 1976, took the last month out of school and planted some pumpkin seeds in the garden before we left. The three parents couldn’t take that much time off from work, so the poor stayed home and sailed the Great Lakes.

I remember that trip so clearly and what strikes me now is how I thought it was normal. Children are very adaptable and what you teach through your actions becomes part of them. Therefore, the travel worm was ingrained in me, as was the adventurous spirit.

We spent a few days in Athens in a hotel, then we took an overnight ferry to Crete, where we spent the full two months. We lived in a boarding house with a single mother and her two children, Nicos and Nifoula, who rented us three rooms for $ 2.50 a night per room. We had many adventures during our stay, we became friends with the locals and played with the local children. I learned some Greek and crawled through the sewers of Knosses.

But an adventure really stands out … Donkey Island (or so we called it WE even though there were no donkeys there). I’m not sure how it all happened, but the 3 moms somehow arranged for some fishermen to take us out to sea, drop us off on a desert island, and come back for us in the morning on their return trip.

I remember they left me and I thought “What if they don’t come back?” We had a packed lunch for dinner and our sleeping bags and that was it. There was not a single person, building or road on that island. We explored, had a picnic, and slept next to each other in our bags on the beach, looking for shooting stars until we fell asleep.

In the morning the fishermen came back and made us an eel soup for breakfast. I wasn’t sure about eating eels at first, but it was the most delicious soup I’ve ever had to this day. It was a light soup like a soup with an intense lemon flavor … cooked fresh from the sea and eaten barefoot in paradise.

When we returned to Canada in early August, our backyard was covered in pumpkins and I had a new perspective on life, although I didn’t realize it at the time. That experience opened more doors for me in the years to come and, looking back, I have my mother to thank for my adventurous spirit and the fact that thinking outside the box is normal for me.


We’re "Sitting" Ourselves to death?

A new study has appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology that concludes that free time spent sitting can shorten our lives. This study joins a multitude of other similar studies that have concluded the same thing: sitting on the couch watching television or in front of a computer for hours on end will have devastating effects on our health and longevity …

Researchers from the American Cancer Society conducted a large prospective study of American adults to examine free time sitting and physical activity in relation to mortality. The results showed that longer sitting time is related to a higher risk of mortality, especially in women. According to reports, women who sat for more than six hours a day were 37% more likely to die during the period considered than women who sat for less than 3 hours a day. As for men, those who sat for more than 6 hours a day were 18% more likely to die than those who sat for less than 3 hours a day.

Another recent study from Australia apparently reached the same conclusion and suggests that television addicts live shorter lives. The study followed 8,800 adults 25 and older for 6.5 years and found that each daily hour of television viewed as associated with an 18% increase in deaths from heart disease and an 11% increase in overall mortality.

Those who watched television four hours or more a day were 80% more likely to die from heart disease than those who watched two hours or less and 46% more likely to die from any cause. And the surprise? It didn’t matter if they were overweight.

While the benefits of physical activity have been well studied. Researchers are beginning to really look at the effects of being completely sedentary, as these studies show.

For many people, on a daily basis, they simply go from the car seat to the office seat, back to the car seat and then to the sofa and then to the bed.

Researchers are also beginning to see the difference between two types of physical activity. One is exercise: running, walking, swimming, and lifting weights. The other is a non-exercise activity, which may include moving, walking, tapping with the feet or fingers, standing instead of sitting, etc. We all know certain guys who can never “sit still.” People think that these people have magical metabolisms, but they are the ones that move and move. Lean people have a habit of burning hundreds of more calories a day while standing rather than sitting down and constantly moving their body. All this movement adds up over the days and years.

All of this can be disturbing news for those of us who sit around a lot at work. The answer is to add as much exercise as possible before and after work. For those who sit all day and don’t exercise either? Their risk of dying increased to 94% for women and 45% for men.

To counter this, there has been a recent increase in “offices without a president.” In fact, you have a podium where you stand instead of sitting in front of the computer. Schedule “walk-ins” where, as it says, you walk while conducting your meeting. While that may seem extreme, it is clear that many of us are seeing the need to change and are trying different approaches. Bottom line? We need to change the way we’ve been doing things!

What are some things you can do if you find yourself sitting many hours a day at your desk? Start by taking a brisk walk in the morning before work and after work as well, if possible. Also consider adopting these exercises to do at work:

  1. Trade in your desk chair for an exercise ball. Balancing on one of these helps your core muscles
  2. DON’T take that elevator! Using stairs whenever possible is a perfect way to add activity to your day. You could potentially go up in the morning, up and down at lunch, and down at the end of the day.
  3. Write the alphabet with your feet. Work on each letter by flexing and pointing your toes and rotating your ankles.
  4. If you have an hour for lunch, use half for walking. Consider bringing your iPod.
  5. Look online for more exercises and stretches to do while in your chair or standing at your desk.

Birthday party ideas to organize the best birthday party!

It’s time for the birthday party! To make this birthday party special, we’ve included some birthday party ideas to get you started. One thing is certain; The party organizer should think about the person being celebrated and keep it simple. The best birthday party ideas focus on great people, great food, and great times!

Since you are the host of the birthday party, chances are you know something about the hobbies and interests of the birthday person. Write them down and find a party centerpiece idea, or birthday party theme, to organize the party. For kids, this could be their favorite hero, sport, movie or TV show characters. For adults, it can also be a sport, technology, cooking, fantasy, etc. favorites. Once you’ve selected a party theme, party planning will be a lot easier.

Find a key activity or two to keep the party exciting. Birthday party ideas for activities include: a birthday roast, all good fun and good taste, of course, a Jeopardy party game (all about the guest of honor, of course), a quick game of basketball , a “this is your life” presentation with guests sharing fun memories, guessing what’s in the gift bag game, and more. For children’s parties, activities can be as simple as blowing bubbles, creating the best hats or puppets, dressing up, or an old-fashioned set of musical chairs. Make sure all the kids win a small prize to keep it healthy and fun.

Food is a critical component! There is nothing better than celebrating a birthday with your closest friends around great food or great appetizers that everyone can share and enjoy.

When cooking for a birthday party, certain active foods, like making tacos or pizzas, can add to the excitement. Make sure you have some interesting options, including food options for your vegetarian friends. Your guests will have fun participating in the birthday meal and it will become a focal point for conversation and entertainment.

Decorate! Enjoy decorating with theme-related decorations or just some colorful balloons and crepe paper. Make or buy a beautiful cake and voila! Check out some of the great providers featured on this page for great, affordable options.

So remember, keep it simple! Fun birthday party ideas translate to great people, great food, and great times!


9 healthy juices to drink during pregnancy

If you are looking to maintain a healthy diet during your pregnancy, pregnancy drink recipes / juices may be a good idea.

Why Should You Drink Juice During Pregnancy?

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is always recommended and is essential during pregnancy. This is not always a pleasant experience during pregnancy. You may feel nauseous, feel bloated, and don’t want to eat anything. The best alternative to making sure you and your baby get the nutrition you need and don’t feel dehydrated is to drink some juice.

Drink Recipes During Pregnancy During Pregnancy:

You can make some fresh juice every day depending on what vegetables and fruits you like and what is available seasonally. Take a look at the 9 best drink recipes / juices for pregnancy:

1. Storm:

Orange juice is loaded with nutrients and can act as your natural protection against colds and flu. The orange is very good to prevent the flu and will help the need for any type of medicine during pregnancy. Orange juice is also a good way to maintain high levels of immunity. It is a rich source of vitamin C and also contains a certain amount of potassium.

2. Carrot juice:

Carrots are a great way to increase your unborn baby’s eyesight. It will also help cleanse your liver and cleanse your body of any toxins. Carrot juice is a rich source of vitamins A and E. This will keep your skin healthy and glowing. These vitamins are also good for maintaining healthy nails and helping them break apart. Carrot juice is also a good natural ingredient that will help you fight excessive hair loss that is mainly associated with pregnancy. It will also prevent any health problems that you may have due to a fluctuation of the thyroid gland.

3. Beet juice:

Drinking beet juice during pregnancy will help boost your energy. It will give you the strength you need as your pregnancy progresses. Beet root juice is loaded with iron, so consuming this juice will help avoid any anemia conditions. This particular vegetable has incredible fiber content, which means it’s great for your digestive system. Consuming this juice will also help flush out all the toxins from your body and also purify your blood.

4. Apple:

Apple juice is a great way to prevent any unnecessary weight gain during and after pregnancy. Drinking apple juice will help your unborn baby’s brain growth and development. It is also a great source of iron and will help prevent any anemia conditions in you.

5. Peach juice:

Peach juice is very rich in iron and potassium. Peach juice can help flush toxins from your body and cleanse your bladder and kidney. This is a natural way to prevent any case of kidney stones during pregnancy. Peach juice will also prevent constipation, blood-related problems, or indigestion during pregnancy.

6. Strawberry juice:

Drinking strawberry juice will help add a natural glow to your skin during pregnancy. It has a very high water content and will help prevent dehydration. This juice has soluble fiber which is very important and good for the pregnant heart. It also contains folic acid, which is extremely essential during pregnancy for both you and your unborn baby.

7. Lemon juice:

Lemon juice contains several healthy nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and more. It also contains minerals, folic acid, zinc, and calcium that are good for you and your baby. Drinking lemon juice can help fight nausea naturally.

8. Coconut water:

Not essentially a juice, coconut water is one of the healthiest fruit-based drinks you can have while pregnant. It helps prevent any concerns about dehydration and can combat exhaustion by giving your body some natural energy.

9. Grape juice:

Drinking grape juice during pregnancy can fight heartburn, keep blood pressure under control, prevent or treat constipation, and help with migraine attacks. It can also help fight hair loss, which is a common complaint during pregnancy.

All of these fruits and vegetables are loaded with health benefits that are very important to you and your baby. All of these are considered safe for consumption if your overall health and pregnancy are normal and progressing smoothly. We highly recommend that you speak with your doctor before taking any of these best fruit juices for pregnancy.

These are the first nine pregnancy drink recipes / juices to drink. Consuming these juices will undoubtedly be helpful to you and your baby.

Share your experiences of consuming the juices mentioned above. At the same time, share this article with your friends and family.