Lifestyle Fashion

Face makeup tips to attract attention

Not all women are blessed with perfect skin tone and attractive features, but with some effective face makeup tips, most can get closer to who they want to be. Facial makeup is the best way to highlight your attractive features and hide your facial defects.

One needs to be familiar with makeup techniques to bring out the best in one’s personality. There are various brands of cosmetics available in the market which, when used skillfully, can create wonders. Known to be a girl’s best friend, these cosmetics should be carefully selected and safely thrown away at expiration. And if you want to learn the basic facial makeup techniques, here are some tips to help you get the right facial makeup:

Base or foundation:

Start by applying the appropriate foundation and moisturizer to your face. Also cover the parts of the ears, neck and nape that are visible. Use a tissue to wipe up excess moisture, if any. Dot foundation on face and blend well to cover your blemishes and other facial flaws. Opt for oil-free products that contain salicylic acid or tea tree oil. Now take some ice cubes and quickly rub them on your skin. This will close all the pores on your face. Now rub with a tissue and apply the compact powder. Be sure to select a range that matches your complexion and therefore gels well with your skin tone.


Select the eye shadow according to your outfit and the time of day. For evening go for darker shades and for daylight go for lighter colored eye shadows. You can also try some gold or silver glitter, if you are going to a night party, but better avoid it if you are going to something more formal.

Now carefully apply the eyeliner to define the shape of your eyes. Use kohl along the corners of your eyes, and then apply mascara to your lashes. It is important to note that large eyes do not require much enhancement and therefore eye makeup should be kept to a minimum, but for smaller eyes you should go for heavy eyeliner and also a darker kohl so that the eyes eyes look prominent.


Apply pencil lip liner to outline your lips. It will make sure that your lipstick or gloss does not smudge. Now using a lip brush, apply the lip color on your lips. Choose color shades that suit your skin tone. For a long-lasting effect, you can dab some oil-free foundation on your lips before applying lipstick. After filling in the lip with the lip color, apply some lip gloss. This will add shine to your lip makeup. However, you can avoid gloss if you prefer a matte look for the occasion.


Now accentuate your features with the blush. Roll the brush over the suitable shade and gently apply to the side of the cheeks. Try to keep it natural and therefore avoid excessive use of blush. Select the right color tones that suit your complexion. For example, while pink and beige blushes will look good on fair skin, plum and bronze shades will complement darker skin tone, and for olive skin tone, copper, almond, and warm brown tones will work best.


Always remember to take a lipstick, a lip gloss, a compact powder, some handkerchiefs and a mirror with you. You can give your face makeup a quick touch up if it starts to wear off. Last but most important, behave confidently.

Important tip:

Use good quality cosmetics that suit your skin type and tone, and throw away expired cosmetics as continued use can lead to infections. To remove makeup, use an oil-free makeup remover that won’t clog pores.

If you carefully follow the tips mentioned above, you will surely learn about the right makeup for your face. In addition, with time and practice, he will also discover other important details that will help him customize facial makeup procedures to suit his skin and facial features.

Lifestyle Fashion

Beauty tips for face and makeup

Makeup has been around for centuries; even Cleopatra in ancient Egypt decorated her face. Women throughout history have considered makeup essential. Makeup doesn’t do magic, it just enhances the beauty you already have.

Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom, a career woman, a teenager, or a doting grandmother, here are some makeup and beauty tips for you.

Exercise and Diet

Naturally, you need to take care of your body in order to have healthy and glowing skin. Exercise and a proper diet are still required. The stress your body feels can have a lot of effect on your face, so make sure you de-stress. Hydration is also important, drink more than the necessary 8 glasses of water a day.

Follow a skin care regimen. The simplest is the 3-step method: cleanse, tone and moisturize.


Cleaning is the most fundamental step in facial care. Removes the dirt that your face has accumulated during the day and old makeup. Cleansers come in the form of creams or lotions. Get the one that is perfect for your skin type. Never use regular soap as a cleaner. It has ingredients that can be harsh on the skin.


After cleansing your face, use a toner. Remove residual dirt from your makeup and from the environment. Plus, it can help hydrate, revitalize, and balance the pH of your skin.


The final step is hydration. Moisturizers prevent skin from drying out by rehydrating it. Before you buy these products, be sure to read the label and stay away from products with chemicals that can harm your skin.

Note: Since cleansing is an integral part of skin care, make sure your brushes and sponges are clean before applying cosmetics to your face. Brushes and sponges can be cleaned with your usual shampoo. Also, don’t use expired cosmetics – keep track of their expiration dates.

After you have completed these three steps, here are some simple tricks to help you put on your makeup and bring out the natural beauty within you.

Start by applying a cosmetic base on your face.


Unless you’re going to a party, the least is the best. You can even get away with just applying mascara to make your eyes look fuller. However, if you insist on putting on eyeshadow, go for browns. Make sure your eyebrows are well groomed. Gives a more polished look. To help camouflage those dark circles around your eyes, apply a small amount of concealer makeup, but not too much to avoid that caked-on look.


If you want a long-wearing lip color, try this quick tip: Line your lips with a lip liner that’s one shade darker than your lipstick. Next, fill it in with your lipstick starting from the middle out. The last touch would be the lip gloss. Like the lipstick, apply it from the center and avoid putting it in the corners of the lips to prevent it from running. Now you have that sexy full lip.

Adding a bit of color/tint on the cheeks (blush stick) is the last and final step.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to get rid of candida

You’ve probably seen your doctor numerous times, and maybe even seen several different doctors. She may have spent vast amounts of money trying to feel better, but nothing has worked. Finally, after countless hours of research or finding the right doctor, she realizes that she has candida. Now what? You can find a lot of literature on the candida diet (an essential component but not a treatment in itself) and there are many products available that claim to cure yeast overgrowth. How do I know what to do?

First things first: Candida is a very stubborn little organism to get rid of. You need to treat this infection on every possible front for the best chance of success. Be aware that a very small amount of yeast left in any part of your digestive tract can start to grow – within 6 months to a year you can become re-infected! It’s also important to note how long you’ve had the yeast overgrowth. Many people have been dealing with this problem for years and haven’t realized it. If it is a relatively new situation, it should be easier to treat the condition. The more extensive the infestation, the tougher the battle will be.

It is best to attack the problem in phases. Your first phase should involve killing parasites and cleansing the intestinal tract. Parasites are always present with yeast overgrowth. It is not known if the parasites are part of the cause or an occurrence due to the yeast infection. We know they come hand in hand. Parasites excrete toxins that kill beneficial bacteria and can suppress the immune system, creating an environment conducive to yeast growth. You will also want to start killing the yeast during your first phase. You’ll want to use products that kill parasites, kill yeast, and rinse and cleanse the gut. Some great products include:

CandiClear5 (Kills parasites, kills yeast, absorbs toxins and kill yeast products, absorbs heavy metals, and balances the body’s PH. A note about this product: It’s a wonderful yeast killing product, probably the best! It’s pretty awful to drink though Mixing it into a fruit smoothie is a good way to swallow it, avoiding the chalky texture and bad taste).

Colon cleansing products (colon boost, colon cleanse, indigest free, colonix, Re gulux are all good products. However, Indigest free is the only product I know of that actually strips away the lining of the intestinal wall.

After you have worked to kill the parasite and cleanse the intestine, you are ready for phase two. This phase involves attacking the yeast with full force! During phases 1 and 2 it is most important to spearhead the candida diet! Use as many products as you want or can afford during phase two.

Keep using CandiClear5! (Sorry about the taste and texture, but it will work.)

Hemoxide (your body naturally produces nitric oxide to fight yeast. This product will help your body use its own natural defense. Nitric oxide also increases circulation, makes nutrients more available at the cellular level, and flushes out toxins)

Threelac, Candex, and Carnivora are also excellent yeast-killing products.

Phase three is the point at which you begin to regenerate healthy flora in your digestive tract. Putting healthy bacteria into your digestive tract when it’s still full of yeast is counterproductive. After you have killed a large number of yeasts and parasites, now is the time to repopulate. You don’t have to be as strict about the candida diet at this time, although you should always avoid a diet high in refined sugars for general health. Some great repopulating products are:

Biotic Bloom (this product also continues to kill yeast and can be used in phase 2 if desired)

Ultra Blend (probably the best source of healthy bacteria as it contains the same bacteria found in babies that are gradually eliminated as we age)

Threelac and Fivelac (great repopulators and yeast killers, can also be used in stage 2, but better for stage 3)

Now that you’ve killed the yeast and parasites and repopulated your digestive tract, it’s time to move on to phase 4. Candida dramatically reduces your cells’ ability to absorb nutrients, leaving your body depleted on a cellular level. Now you need to replenish your body and help your immune system work more effectively. Here are some great products for this stage:

Take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement (Life Essence Multiple, Omica Plus, Bio Sil, Daily Foods Megaflora – these are all great supplements, but you can choose any supplement you like, just replenish your body!)

Your liver and kidneys have been working overtime since you got infected, so it’s important to help them heal (Liver balance plus and rescue kidney are great sources)

Taking supplements to boost the immune system is a good idea (Echinacea, ActivaMune, and ImmunExtra are all great products).

Continue taking healthy bacterial supplements

You may want to take CandiClear5 or a product like three lac as a maintenance product.

Phase one should last around 2 months, phase two 4-6 months, phase three and phase four can overlap and will generally take a year. You can be cured of yeast infection, but always be aware of the circumstances that led to the problem in the first place. It is always important to take care of one’s health – many people find that taking a probiotic for the rest of their lives is a great way to keep yeast at bay! Remember: drink lots of water! Water helps your cells stay fat and healthy while flushing out toxins, flushing out cells, etc. our from your system. There is no substitute for WATER!

Lifestyle Fashion

Galangal root as a component of the best male enhancement pills

Considering that Galangal root was initially introduced to the lands of Europe a few thousand years ago, it is quite surprising that only a few people are actually aware of it. Arab traders were the first to bring it from Southeast Asia, but it wasn’t until around 200 years ago that it was botanically identified and its actual source discovered.

Galangal belongs to the ginger family of plants although it has flowers that resemble those of the orchid. Its rhizome looks like ginger but its color is darker and it is also more slender. The two rots and other Galangal species have the same odor and are both used for different medicinal purposes. Hildegard of Bingen, the famous medieval abbess, was also a great admirer of the herb and even recommended it for heart problems and fever. Additionally, galangal has been widely regarded as a stimulant and aphrodisiac that can be used on both horses and human males, and as for horses, this helps them become more courageous.

Nearly buried in an abyss of oblivion by the herb’s previous distinguished position, Galangal recently made a quiet comeback, through the back door of the Asian and Chinese restaurants that have been flooding the various corners of Europe over the last thirty years. So these days Galangal has become more known as a kind of spice rather than a medicinal herb.

Medical uses

As with ginger, the most obvious uses for Galangal include a soothing and warming carminative stomach aid that helps with flatulence, nausea, especially from travel sickness, and indigestion. However, galangal is much more powerful than this. The herb is also said to be a powerful treatment for ulcers, although there are sources that claim otherwise, and this can also help fight candida albicans. In the Middle Ages, Galangal was known to cure heart ailments, although this has been considered mere superstition. But in new research, Galangal has been revealed to be extremely effective when it comes to inhibiting platelet aggregation, which, in the wrong circumstances, could cause blood clotting that can block arteries and lead to heart attack. This is why it would be a good idea to stay away from this herb if you are already taking blood thinning medications.

Magical Uses

There are many magical uses associated with Galangal. The ancients believed that Galangal is very effective when it comes to nourishing the fire from within. This helps burn away any dull thoughts about a person’s day-to-day affairs, making it an amazing concentration aid that can help the practitioner focus his intentions. This can also promote clarity of vision and help focus views. However, the most notable use of galangal is that it can be an outstanding aphrodisiac, making it useful for tantric and sexual magic rituals.

Due to these properties, many manufacturers have included this herb in the preparation of their sexual enhancement pills. In case you have plans to search for the best male enhancement pills to help you with your sexual problems, it is important that you check if the product contains only the most potent natural ingredients. This way, you can be sure that you will have an effective and safe way to achieve your male enhancement goals.

Lifestyle Fashion

Looking for a quick body detox? Taste the good prune juice!

You’ve heard it from your grandmother over and over again. Prune juice is good for you! It has been used for years to cleanse the body and make bowel movements more regular. For less than $5, you can experience a quick body detox. However, the only unpleasant thing about this body detox may be the taste.

body detox

Many people from the older generation used to drink prune juice because they liked it. They also found that it was a good way to detoxify their body. This juice has a lot of fiber. In fact, a glass of prune juice has so much fiber that drinking it will have you running to the bathroom in no time. You may not enjoy pooping all the time, but there’s no need to be ashamed. If you don’t have a regular bowel movement, waste builds up in your body. That is why a body detox is so important. The average person should have a bowel movement once a day. This sounds like a lot, but in general, you should have a bowel movement after every meal. If you only have to go every few days or even less, you may be constipated. The first thing this juice is known to do is help with constipation.

Prune juice is a good and safe detox for the body because it is also full of antioxidants, iron, and other nutrients. Toxins affect your skin and the health of your body. The more toxins that are present in your body, the more complications you will experience. Antioxidants can help prevent cancer and have anti-aging properties. It is also good for normalizing blood sugar levels.

Prune juice, as well as other sources of fiber, should be incorporated into your diet. Although prune juice serves as a quick fix for detoxifying the body, it is not a good idea to drink large amounts frequently. Too much prune juice can cause diarrhea or kidney problems. It is best to drink it in moderation or consume it occasionally when you need help regulating bowel movement. Doctors do not recommend drinking this juice in high doses. Trust me, a glass will do the trick!

Lifestyle Fashion

The health benefits of the Virgin Bloody Mary drink

Cocktails are great fun no matter the setting. There are some people who just don’t want to drink cocktails because they don’t enjoy the negative health effects they face from drinking too much alcohol. This causes people to avoid cocktails altogether, but there are many cocktails that can be made in a non-alcoholic version that will have great health benefits. One of the best recipes you can have without alcohol is the virgin Bloody Mary drink. So put away the punch and wine. Put the beer back in the fridge and get ready to try a healthier cocktail recipe that everyone can enjoy.

Why the Bloody Mary is healthy

The main ingredient in a Bloody Mary is the main reason the drink is so healthy to begin with. The tomato juice used for the cocktail includes many different vitamins in a concentrated dose. One of the most abundant vitamins is lycopene. This is a water soluble vitamin that is very good for the heart. Helps clear blockages caused by plaque in the arteries, as well as other heart conditions.

You will also find a lot of vitamin C in tomato juice. Many people don’t know how much vitamin C you can get from a tomato. Since tomato juice contains all the water in the tomato, you get every ounce of vitamin C the tomato has to offer. What better way to enjoy it than with the spicy concoction that is the Bloody Mary drink. You’ll even find that you’ll consume less sugar and sodium than if you drank a soft drink of the same volume.

How to increase health benefits

While the standard Bloody Mary is already pretty healthy, you’ll enjoy even more benefits when you pair it with a stalk of celery or even add pureed celery to your mix. Adding garlic and onion is another great heart-healthy way to drink for a healthier future. Even the addition of the spice is a great way to boost metabolism and awaken the senses. You can find this in horseradish or in chutney. Both are common ingredients. Use fresh lemon juice in the cocktail and the health benefits will skyrocket.

Some may try to tell how wines have been shown to help reduce fat and increase heart functions. While there may be some truth to this, drinking alcohol just isn’t for everyone. This does not mean that you should miss out on all the health benefits that are available to you through a properly prepared drink. You can enjoy a Bloody Mary drink and your body will thank you. The best part is that this is a cocktail that you can share with the whole family, even if they like to drink alcohol. No one will miss vodka if you have a great recipe to share.

Lifestyle Fashion

How To Give Women Incredible Pleasure – 5 Secrets Of A Masterful Lover

There are 5 things you need to be able to consistently give any woman incredible sexual pleasure.

1. You must be comfortable with sexuality.

This means both your sexuality and her sexuality. And the keyword here is comfortable! As in, it’s a normal healthy activity for adults.

If you are not comfortable with sexuality, you will come off as creepy or needy. Women will notice this within minutes of meeting you.

2. You must understand and appreciate women

If you want to ‘get’ sex with women, or have anger towards women… forget about sleeping with them.

At best you’ll end up with a woman who doesn’t respect herself, because any woman with a healthy self-esteem will stay away from any man who doesn’t respect her.

However, if you truly love women…for all that defines them as a woman…you will never have a problem being surrounded by wonderful women.

3. You must learn female anatomy

You need this to know how to touch her in ways and in places most men don’t even know exist.

Ask a guy in a bar and he’ll tell you “Yeah right, I know everything about the female anatomy”but put most guys in private and you find out the truth.

Listen, it’s nothing to be ashamed of… useful sexual anatomy is simply not taught in most of the world. At least if my informal survey of men who come to me to learn how to pleasure women is accurate.

The good news is that it is not really difficult. A couple of hours of study and you will know more than most men learn in a lifetime. And the women you date will be VERY grateful.

4. You must be able to give her orgasms

Different types of orgasms and in different ways. Clitoral, vaginal, extended, multiple orgasms and more.

If you don’t, and just pump and pull… you’ll become another pathetic lover in a parade of lousy lovers. Because that’s what everyone does.

Most guys only care about their own needs. As I mentioned in my “The Secret to Really Good Sex” article, if all you do is focus on pleasuring women and not ‘getting laid’, you’ll already be way ahead of most men on the planet.

So if you learn about the female anatomy and those wonderfully sensitive and erotic parts of her body…and touch her just the right way…she’ll think she’s won the manly lottery!

5. You must learn to engage your mind and your fantasies.

For a woman, sex is mainly mental. Stage hypnotists have known this for over 100 years. Any competent stage hypnotist can give a woman an orgasm simply by talking to her.

This is possible thanks to the mind-body connection and the ability of women to create vivid fantasies in their minds. This is also the reason why women read 400 page romance novels while men watch pornography.

And recent research has shown that women can orgasm from visual imagery alone without touching their body. (see the book the science of orgasm by Komisaruk, Beyers-Flores & Whipple)

The point is that women can experience orgasms and sexual pleasure from many forms of stimuli. It doesn’t have to be through genital stimulation. And the most potent and powerful sexual organ of a woman is her mind.

Almost 70% of women report that they do not orgasm during intercourse.Imagine how excited she will be when you can give her a instant orgasm on demand!


Summary:If you take the time to work on making these 5 things a part of who you are, you will be in the 1% or 2% of truly masterful lovers in this world. Women will love and respect you, and your relationships will be fun, sexy, and exciting.

Lifestyle Fashion

7 Exciting Techniques For Quick Male Enlargement You’ll Love (Tested And Ready!)

Let’s talk a bit about some of the easiest male enhancement techniques out there. Because? Because too many men make the process too complicated. They think they need to “learn” everything before they start. They waste time, energy, effort, and income on pills, potions, lotions, and moves that DO NOT work. And then they wonder why their size has NOT changed… even after weeks, months, or even YEARS of concerted effort.

The truth?

There are super easy techniques to enlarge your penis, many of which are now scientifically PROVEN to work. (including some studies conducted by prestigious medical journals both in the US and abroad)

  • Traction Techniques Work: What Are They? Stretching the tissue of the penis and keeping it in a prone position, for long periods of time. (most often with a medical grade device implicitly made for this purpose)
  • Simple stretches are just as effective: they can be done with your hands or with a specialized device or equipment like the one above. This approach has been PROVEN to work surprisingly well. (even while some skeptics REFUSE to look at the impressive proof!)
  • Jelqing is no joke: the old standby…and this simple exercise is the oldest approach to improvement known to man. (it works and for many men it is the EASIEST way to start without having to buy anything)
  • Kegels are great too! Many sex therapists have been recommending Kegel exercises for sexual dysfunction for years. Today we know that it has an interesting impact on size as well… with many men getting outrageous improvements from Kegel alone.
  • PC Raises and Contractions – A simple “up and down” lifting exercise performed by tensing or “flexing” the PC muscle in the pelvis. Very powerful, very little known… and very effective for big gains (and all from home)
  • Diet: A diet rich in Omega 3 and 6 fats, crucial antioxidants, oily fish, cruciferous vegetables and dark colored berries is a well known way to get MORE blood flowing through the penis while erect.
  • Tension and Torsion Techniques A combination of many of the best exercises, performed with a specialized concentration of speed and grip. Sort of a cross-training approach to the enlargement exercise…which has proven to be incredibly potent for penile girth, length, and power across the board.

There you go. No more excuses. Quick, easy and mostly free… You CAN make big profits and you can start when you’re ready!

Lifestyle Fashion

Your ex girlfriend wants to be friends: why it’s a good sign

“We can still be friends?”

Sounds sweet, right? However, the truth of the matter is that you are about to be instructed by one of the oldest lines in breakup history. Your ex is effectively saying “I like you, but not enough to keep dating you.” At least not at this time.

When your ex offers to be friends with you, he’s dangling a carrot. If she’s the one who ended things, she knows you still love her. Instead of letting you go, she is cheating on you for her own selfish reasons. Being your friend is the perfect way to break up slowly, so she doesn’t have to feel any pain. Her ex can see you, talk to you, email and text you, maybe even hang out with you. She gets all the social and emotional benefits of having you around, but without any of the drawbacks associated with full commitment.

You, on the other hand, pretend that you are happy with such an arrangement. Right now you are afraid to tell her otherwise, for fear of losing her. So you sit back, “being there” for her, maybe even watching your ex start dating other guys. Every time you see her kiss a new boyfriend, your stomach turns… but there’s not much you can do. Because? Because you took a front row seat in the dreaded Friend Zone.

understand something If your ex offers you friendship after a breakup, it is You still haven’t gotten over your relationship.. You can use this knowledge to push her back quickly, before she leaves with someone else.

So how to get your ex girlfriend back? By No playing the nice little role of friendship she created for you. Instead, decline your ex-girlfriend’s offer of friendship when she gives it to you…or if you’ve already accepted it, you can throw it away from her right now. Say something like:

“Look, I can’t be friends with you. I love you so much. If you and I can’t date, we can’t be friends either. I’m sorry, but it has to be this way.”

Give him one last hug and then slowly walk away. Disappear for a while. Do not make any contact with your ex girlfriend, including phone calls, emails, or anything else. Don’t even update your Facebook page: you want to remain a complete and silent mystery to your ex…at least for a while. Make him have to face the breakup on his behalf, without you holding his hand.

This is where your ex needs to make a decision: either date you or lose you completely. You’ve let her know that you’re not going to settle for a half-hearted relationship, and she’ll really respect you for it. While she is debating whether or not she needs you in her life, she will also be worried about what you are doing. Are you with someone? Are you moving on without her? This kind of thinking will speed up her decision, which is why it’s so important not to know anything about where she is right now.

If your ex loves you, he will miss you quickly. Once you have that, getting your ex back becomes easy. There are ways to reestablish a connection with your girlfriend that will bring you back to romance. But never settle for friendship…not when you’re looking for something completely different.

Lifestyle Fashion

I’m afraid my husband has moved away and it’s too late to get him back: ideas that might help

I often hear from wives who want to know when it is too late to get their husband back. Some tell me that, in her mind, it’s too late because her husband seems to “move on.” I often hear comments like “We’ve been apart for six months. I think my husband has started seeing someone else. I’m starting to think this is the end and it’s too late for us. If someone has left, does that mean the end of marriage?

Another example is something like: “My husband keeps telling me that we’re done and it’s too late to do anything to save this marriage. He told me yesterday that he was leaving and that I should do the same. But I’m not sure how I can do this.” when it will never end for me.

The common thread in all these questions and comments is that what the person asking really wants to know is when it is too late to save their marriage. Do you get to that “too late” point when your spouse tells you they’ve moved on? Do you have to take his word for it?

Of course, I can’t definitively answer these questions for anyone because the answer depends on the specific people involved and the situation they find themselves in. But I can offer you a perspective from my experiences and observations, which I will do in the next article.

Sometimes couples reconcile after one of them has “moved on”: If there’s one thing I’m sure of in this situation, it’s that things may change. Feelings change. Perceptions change. Situations also change. The fact that someone is proclaiming or insisting on something today does not mean that they cannot turn around tomorrow.

I have seen divorced couples reconcile. I have seen couples who have remarried other people (sometimes for decent lengths of time) decide to get back together. This does not happen in all cases, of course. But the safest thing is that it can happen. Sometimes there is a change of circumstances that causes a change of feelings. Other times, it happens spontaneously. But, most of the time, it is part of a master plan designed to achieve small, gradual, and yet dramatic changes.

Why holding on too long can sometimes backfire: Wives in this situation often tell me that they just can’t accept that it’s over or that he moved on. I understand this because he was in these shoes and I know how frustrating and painful this whole process can be. However, I can also tell you that I hear from husbands in this situation as well and it is my experience and opinion that holding on too tightly or “refusing” to accept what he is saying will often make him feel less loving or responsive to you instead of further. so.

I know it can be hard to take a step back or pause when you’re so afraid that by the time you do, it’s really gone. But sometimes, you just have to wonder if holding on so tightly has worked for you. Look closely to see if your previous methods have really helped you at all.

Sometimes, if you’re honest and can keep a little distance, you can see that you’ve really only been making things worse. It is very important that you ask yourself if the attempts you have been making have been bringing it closer to you or making things better or if they have been taking it away and making things worse. If this is the case, sometimes you realize that trying something new is not as risky as it seemed at first.

Going back or pausing is not the same as going forward: Sometimes I have wives who say things to me like, “Maybe he’s moved on, but I’ll never be able to. I just can’t give up on our marriage or let it go no matter what he says.” Another example is: “just because he moves on doesn’t mean I have to.” All these points are valid, but nothing says that you have to pass it on to them. Because, when you are stating that you are absolutely not going to go through with it, sometimes he will object even more and he will think that he needs to increase his efforts to change your mind. This, of course, makes him move further away from you.

So there are times when you better tell yourself that even though you know full well how you feel, you’re not going to keep repeating this anymore when he already knows it anyway. There’s nothing wrong with appearing to back down when you always know your plan is to gain some ground. And sometimes you need a pause to gain some perspective and calm.

Taking time for yourself and taking a break from all the drama can sometimes improve the situation. And sometimes when you are suddenly silent or absent, your husband suddenly becomes interested again. This is what happened in my case, although it wasn’t by design.

No matter which path you choose, in my experience, you will almost always be better off if you are able to maintain your respect and dignity. You want to portray yourself in the strongest light possible and this often requires you to act “as if” when you just don’t feel it or aren’t as confident. Sometimes it helps to remember the person her husband once loved and show that person when the opportunity really presents itself.