Lifestyle Fashion

How to Get Rid of a Yeast – Bacterial Vaginosis Prevention Tips

As a lady, it is no surprise that when we start feeling a burning and itching sensation in our genital region, the conditions are ripe for a yeast infection. I know that during the years that I suffered from regular infections, it was sometimes difficult for me to carry out daily activities with my mind completely preoccupied with how to get rid of my yeast infection.

As you can probably imagine, I quickly discovered that there were a variety of different treatments for Candida and it was a little difficult initially to find a remedy that would work for my condition. In fact, in some cases I helped spread my infection instead of fighting it. Fortunately, I was able to find several alternative treatments and home remedies that eventually cured me of my itchy, smelly friend.

During the course of my research to find quick and safe ways to prevent yeast infections, I discovered that men can also get the condition, and although it is not classified or labeled as an STD (sexually transmitted disease), it can be transmitted from one person to another. individual to another. partners. It is not that you want to have sex while suffering from a yeast infection due to the sensitivity and irritation of the vaginal region.

Something else that many people (both men and women) don’t realize is that a yeast infection can occur in areas other than the genital region. It usually likes to develop in skin folds, especially if they are hot and humid. Common breakouts can occur in the mouth, under the armpits, or under the breast tissue.

There are several natural yeast prevention treatments that work to relive the symptoms associated with this condition. Some of the more common methods include drinking the recommended daily amount of water as prescribed by leading medical professionals. This water intake provides the body with the ammunition it needs to flush out bad impurities, such as excess sugar, which could lead to a yeast infection. Natural yogurt is another method that you always see mentioned or hear about among women. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the body. By eating plain yogurt, you are replenishing your body with the materials it needs to fight the infection.

Other preventative measures include wearing looser clothing and avoiding cotton or nylon clothing that suffocates the crotch or genital region. Always avoid sitting in a wet bathing suit for an extended period of time because it only creates a moist environment for yeast to grow.

Please note that before attempting to use any form of alternative or natural treatment to get rid of a yeast infection, you should consult with a doctor or licensed medical professional. They may be able to prescribe a different treatment method that works for your specific case.

During the course of my own breakouts and subsequent treatments, I took it upon myself to write about them in a guide I put together to save other women from going through the frustrations I endured with my own yeast infections. The reality is, as a woman, you don’t have to continue to suffer the shame and pain associated with this miserable condition.

Lifestyle Fashion

How you can increase metabolism after bulimia

Bulimia is a possibly critical eating disorder characterized by periods of uncontrolled eating. Binge eating is accompanied by an unhealthy cleansing of what is eaten. Purging techniques may include excessive activity, inappropriate use of diuretics or laxatives, rapid or self-induced regurgitation. One of the many negative effects of bulimia is a reduced resting metabolic rate. Therefore, you burn fewer calories when you are in a state of rest. This goes against weight reduction initiatives. One part of bulimia recovery is dietary treatment, in which you talk to a dietitian to get insights on diet and start improving your metabolism to meet your fat-burning goals in a healthy way.

• Eat smaller, regular portions throughout the day. Most of the people make the mistake of limiting calories and skipping daily meals, especially the morning meal. Skipping daily meals and limiting calories actually slows metabolism and stalls weight loss. Start each day with a healthy morning meal that contains foods that provide energy and help you feel full longer. Some examples of healthy breakfast foods are whole wheat toast, low-fat yogurt, and egg whites. Always eat smaller portions that contain the proper amount of calories for your preferred body weight, your height, age group, activity level, and physique. Add healthy snacks like an apple, pear, or low-fat cheese.

• Include high-intensity aerobics in your exercise routine. The frame of higher level of intense activity elevates your metabolism for many hours. When your system works to provide oxygen to your blood and lower its temperature, it expends energy.

• Bodybuilding is another exercise option that can help increase metabolism. It even works when you’re sleeping through the night. Focus on strength training exercises that hit your largest muscles. Improved muscle tissue also increases metabolism by increasing the amount of fat-removing enzymes.

• Consume cold drinks here, especially water. Along with lubrication and hydration, water facilitates the absorption of food. If you drink something ice cold, your system also has to work harder to increase your body temperature.

• Do relaxation exercise routines to reduce the intensity of your anxiety. Feelings of anxiety and nervousness trigger an inflammatory reaction in your body. An inflammatory reaction decreases the digestion of food and metabolism. Try deep breathing exercise routines, write in a journal, or do activities to reduce the amount of anxiety and stress to increase your metabolism.

Lifestyle Fashion

Hair and makeup tips for a bikini model

Depending on the photo shoot, your hair and makeup can range from bare and flat to colorful and voluminous. You want to deliver the best results as a model, and that includes knowing what’s right and wrong for each type of photo shoot. As a model you should know the necessary tools and tips for your hairstyle and makeup. For a bikini model, the best way to do hair and makeup is to keep it clean, fresh and simple.

As a bikini model, you want to look sexy yet natural, so you should minimize your makeup. You should use just a little bit of foundation, think fresh and light. Remember, you could get wet as a bikini model, so don’t wear so much that your makeup runs. For your blush, you should choose a dark shade of pink, but not so dark that it looks unnatural. When you brush it on your cheeks, you’ll want to work from the cheekbones to the ears in an upward motion. This will enhance the contour of your face and highlight your cheekbones.

Since your eyes are considered “windows to your soul,” your eyes are an essential piece of the puzzle. For your eyeshadow, you should choose a light color that complements your eyes, moving towards browns and grays. Although the color is nice, it can be problematic during a bikini shoot. Usually the purpose of a bikini shoot is to sell the bikini. You want the consumer to see how great your body looks in a bikini and how great your overall look is. You don’t want them to focus only on your eyes; It takes attention away from your body and the swimsuit.

For your mascara, it should be light. You want to accentuate your lashes, but be careful not to turn them into “show-stopping” lashes. If you were at the beach you wouldn’t see a woman in a bikini with false eyelashes. So a simple mascara will work great, don’t use lash volumizers or volumizers. For your eyeliner, you should use your eyeshadow. Simply dip the brush into the eyeshadow, usually the darkest of the colors you’ve used, and sweep it along the lower lid and around the corner of the eye. This will enhance your eyes without making them too harsh, as eyeliner tends to do.

You want your lips to look full and beautifully shaped for your photo shoot. Choose a lip liner that closely matches your lip color. When applying the lip liner, work from the inside of the lips to the edges. Edging your lips is crucial to creating a plump lip. Now, for your lipstick, you need to choose a transparent color, within 2 shades of your lip color. Choose a lipstick that has a bit of moisture and shine. Before applying lipstick, you should put some ChapStick on your lips. This will hydrate your lips, helping them look healthy and hydrated. Apply your lipstick, working from the inside of your lips towards the edges. Don’t wear gloss for a bikini shoot, you want your lips to look hydrated and natural, not shiny and fake. After applying the lipstick, take the edge of your little finger and pull up the cupid’s bow. This will define your lips and create that voluptuous look.

When it comes to your hair, you want to have that slightly curly, messy “day after” look. To get the tousled look you want your waves to look silky, you can achieve this by applying a dime-sized amount of Smoothing Serum through your dry hair before styling. Use a 2″ curling iron and curl your hair loosely and lightly comb your hair at the roots. You just want to create a wispy vibe, not full of curls. For the messy next day look, there are two tips you can use to get the Results you need Take a shower right before bed and comb through your hair to detangle.

After doing this, you can part your hair in the center of your head, gather your hair into a low bun, and go to sleep. When you wake up and take your hair out, you’ll have relaxed, toned waves. Another way is to spray texturizer on dry hair. After applying the texturizer, scrunch the ends to help create messy volume. Once you’ve styled your hair, be sure to spray it with a flexible hairspray. You want to keep the look subdued without sacrificing its naturalness. If you’re having a hard time thinking about how to style your hair, just take a look at the Victoria’s Secret catalog to get a nudge in the right direction.

When you’re having trouble creating the perfect bikini model look, think about the beach. Close your eyes and imagine the beach, imagine that you are walking on the beach, feel the sand under your feet. Notice people as you walk past them. Do they wear bright lipstick colors? Do they have a crazy eyeshadow color? Just think about how you would go to the beach if you were with friends or alone. You want to create the feeling of being on the beach or by the pool.

You want the consumer to imagine that this is what it can look like in a bikini. If you have big curls in your hair and bright red lips, it will be more difficult for people to imagine themselves as you. The purpose of a bikini model, in addition to selling the swimsuit, is to make the consumer want to be you. They want to look as sexy as you on the beach or while lying by the pool. Remember you want to look sexy but RELATED! Do this and you will achieve that sexy beach look and have an amazing session.

Lifestyle Fashion

How not to choose an anti-aging product for oily skin

To help get a In the search for an anti-aging product for oily skin, the focus should be on at least two or more skin care products. You’ll need a cleanser for oily skin, possibly a toner, plus (depending on how oily your skin is) a product to correct your oily skin at its source. A single “do it all” antiaging product for oily skin can’t do it all very well. Getting effective anti-aging in a single product is just an illusion. The fight against aging is much more complex and involves much more than just a simple skin care product.

Oily Skin The Real Reason

Oily skin is related to hormones, excess oil on the skin is due to the overproduction of sebum from the sebaceous glands. Oily skin can be mild to severe. Mild cases can be effectively controlled with astringents and mild soaps. Avoid alcohol or acetone based products, they will only worsen your skin condition, make sure they are all chemical free products.

If oily skin is significant, topical skin care treatments won’t do much good. Because the sebaceous glands are producing too much oil, you should consider a drug-free way to regulate and balance sebum production from the sebaceous glands. Excessively oily skin is also acne-prone skin as sebum along with dead skin cells get trapped at the base of the hair follicle where bacterial infection thrives. Once the hormonal balance is stabilized, the sebaceous glands will once again produce the proper amount of sebum to lubricate the skin. Then you can focus on anti-aging.

The most important things to do to slow aging

Anti-aging skin care is closely related to diet, stress and toxin buildup in the body, as these have a significant and direct influence on how quickly aging will occur, not just of the skin. but of the whole body. So, to get the most out of any anti-aging skin care product, the first thing to pay special attention to is diet, stress, and toxicity to your body.

You won’t get much out of any anti-aging skin care product if your body isn’t as healthy as it could be. Your skin can only be as healthy as you are. It is unrealistic to expect one skin care product to cover many poor eating habits that produce their own level of toxic buildup in the body. Add in stress levels that are above normal and your body is in a state of turmoil and accelerated aging, including your skin. Only you can determine where you are, but the enhancement here is the most powerful anti-aging you can get to bring that vibrant, healthy glow back to your skin.

Once oily skin is under control and significant steps have been taken on the points just mentioned, this is where anti aging skin care products will only improve and make a good situation even better. The next step is to make healthy choices. Her goal now is to find pure natural ingredients in skin care products that are free of chemicals and toxins.

In my opinion, your best option would be organic skin care products. They cost more but you’ll use less because they contain all the good ingredients and not cheap fillers. In this group of pure botanicals, you can choose many that are specific to anti-aging, such as wrinkle creams, lotions, and serums. Essential oils and pure botanicals nourish the skin and are, by their very nature, powerful anti

aging of skin cells. These types of products are easily absorbed into the skin, in addition to a great secondary benefit, they are not toxic to the body.

Here is a good anti-aging skin care regimen for oily skin.

To stabilize the production of hormones from the sebaceous glands, there are herbal products that can do this that are safe and effective.

Introduce plenty of raw fruits and vegetables into your diet, as these foods help alkalize the body and are rich in enzymes.

Supplement with EFA’s, very beneficial for the skin and helps stabilize hormones

Drink plenty of plain or filtered water to hydrate your skin and help flush toxins from your body.

Make sure all of your skin care and cosmetic products are free of toxins and chemicals.

Lifestyle Fashion

back pain when breathing

Back pain when breathing is usually the result of a muscular problem in the upper back. The back muscles are located very close to the lungs; when we inhale, the lungs expand, forcing the muscles in the upper back and chest to move. A strained muscle in your upper back can cause this movement to trigger a sharp pain or ache.

The muscles of the upper back: the latissimus dorsi, which runs from the middle of the back to below the armpit, the rhomboids, which run from the shoulder blade to just below the neck, and the trapezius, which runs extends from the mid-spine to the shoulder and neck. – can cause pain when breathing when forced. These muscles are strained either by injury or prolonged poor posture.

Rigorous sports or poor body mechanics can leave you with an injured upper back muscle. These muscles, which are used primarily for pushing and pulling, can become tight if the work you’re trying to do exceeds the strength of your muscles.

To correct back pain when breathing caused by an injury, you must allow the injured muscle to repair itself by avoiding activities that stress it. Once the muscle heals, you can gradually recondition your upper back to make it strong and capable.

Poor posture is probably a more widespread cause of back pain when breathing than a back injury. Slouching, that classic example of poor posture, causes the pectoral muscles in the chest and the teres minor muscle in the armpit to shorten in length, since the upper back is rounded and the shoulders rounded in this position. These muscles become chronically tight, putting a strain on the shoulders and back. As the muscles in the upper back become overstretched and tight, they become weak.

Tight muscles cause pain when we try to use them. With each breath, the back muscles move. This constant use of weak muscles can lead to chronic upper back pain, triggered markedly with each breath.

The situation worsens when the back muscles begin to spasm. For starters, tight muscles have a hard time receiving a healthy amount of fresh blood. Blood is pumped in and out of the muscles during a relax/contract cycle. Since tense muscles cannot relax or contract properly, they do not receive the proper amount of nutrients and oxygen from the blood. Muscles deprived of oxygen suffer spasms or forced contractions; This is the body’s way of trying to end pain and protect the muscle by limiting movement. However, the muscles in the upper back must move in order for us to breathe; when they spasm, movement can cause severe pain. The risk of back spasms in this situation is increased by the fact that the slouched posture constricts the lungs and limits the amount of oxygen that circulates through the body.

If poor posture is the cause of your pain, then your body will need to be retrained to improve posture for treatment. First, tight chest muscles must be restored to their natural length. This is best done with the use of a foam roller in a technique called self-myofascial release. Once the chest muscles have been lengthened, the upper back muscles can be conditioned to hold the head up. See for a list of exercises anyone can do to strengthen their upper back.

Practicing proper posture is about more than having enough strength; Since your body has learned the old pattern, it will require attention and possibly the help of ergonomic accessories such as lumbar supports, cushions, and footrests to encourage proper posture. If the damage caused by your previous posture is severe, you may need a physical therapist or other professional to guide you through exercises and stretches for many of the muscles in your body.

Back pain when breathing is rarely the sign of a serious condition affecting the lungs. If you have chest pain with back pain, it is advisable to see a doctor. If not, your pain is likely a sign that your back muscles are unhealthy and need attention. Breathing shouldn’t be a pain; start your back pain management plan sooner rather than later.

Lifestyle Fashion

Recommended diet to treat cysts

Cysts are abnormal masses of smooth muscle tissue found in or around the uterus and occasionally on the cervix. They can be single or multiple, usually developing in women of reproductive age, often between thirty and fifty, to decrease in size after menopause. It usually does not require treatment. In many cases they are asymptomatic or cause excessive uterine bleeding, pain, tightness, infertility, miscarriage and premature delivery.

Their size ranges from 1 mm to more than 20 cm in diameter.

In case of persistent cysts, consult a specialist doctor and solve your problem with power lines as recommended below. These treatments are not recommended for pregnant women.

Recommended diet to treat Cysts:

Recommended general foods.

Oil (almond, olive oil), fish oil (anchovy), whole grains (oats, organic wheat), black beans, lentils, yeast, honey, red meat fish (anchovy, salmon, sardines, trout), quinoa, flaxseeds, organic soybeans (long grain and lighter), tofu.

Foods with estrogenic activity.

Garlic, sesame, rice, oats, beets, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cumin, flaxseed, peanuts, apple, potato, pineapple, licorice, cabbage, organic soy, carrot.

Recommended general fruits.

Aguaje, tangerine, mango, melon, orange, pear, pineapple. Dried fruit. Almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans.

Recommended vegetables in general.

Chard, celery, beetroot (beets), onion, turnip, parsley, paprika, radish, carrot.


Olives, basil, celery, onion, spinach, black beans, brewer’s yeast, lentils, shellfish, melon, parsley, pumpkin seeds, carrot.

Menstrual cramps, dysmenorrhea.

Pink garlic, eggplant, whole grains, plums, fruits (figs, apples, passion fruit, papaya), shiitake mushrooms, dried ginger, oregano, red fish, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower).


Almonds, celery, beets, onions, whole grains, asparagus, pomegranates, figs, peaches, walnuts, banana, potatoes, pears, pineapple, leeks, radishes, seeds, tea, vegetables.

Premenstrual syndrome.

Artichokes, broccoli, dates, spinach, ginger, lettuce, turnip, orange, avocado, pear, pineapple, watermelon, soy (soy milk, tofu), tomato, carrot. Foods with magnesium (almonds, apple, grapes, beans, sesame). Foods with omega-3 (tuna, salmon, trout, nuts, flax oil, virgin olive oil, etc.). Foods with vitamin E (pumpkin seeds, nuts and seeds).

Not recommended foods.

Refined sugar, caffeine, red meat (from industrially raised animals, with rapid growth and hormone injections to calves), saturated fats (fried foods, French fries, sausages), refined flours (white bread, cakes, cookies), eggs, dairy products (milk animal, cheese, butter), chicken (farm), vinegar.

Fasting diets to treat Cysts

1.- Aloe vera or aloe, honey and drink (rum, brandy, gin, rum, tequila or vodka). Take a leaf of aloe pulp, then place it in a liter of honey and let it macerate for three days in the sun, add 3 tablespoons of brandy, rum, tequila or vodka. Take on an empty stomach, 20 days a month (including menstruation), a glass daily. Rest 10 days a month from this preparation. Not recommended for pregnant women.

2.- Aloe vera or aloe, lemon, honey and drink (rum, brandy, gin, rum, tequila or vodka). Mix one sheet or sheet of aloe, washed and still cut into pieces (also peel the skin or bark), then use only a glass of aloe vera, along with another glass of honey (natural, good), a glass of juice of acid lemon (subtle, preferably) and one of drink (rum, brandy, gin, rum, tequila or vodka) in a blender until the mixture is homogeneous. Store in the refrigerator until the next day and have a drink before breakfast, for 10 days a month outside the rules, then rest 20 days a month and continue for another month to solve the problem.

3. Beet (beets), molasses (molasses, molasses, brown sugar or powdered brown sugar). Pass a kilo of raw beetroot through the extractor, mix with half a kilo of molasses in a glass container. Mix and store in the refrigerator. Take a glass or drink 20 days a month, include the rule. A second formula is to mix a cup of beetroot extract with hot water and add two tablespoons of molasses. Not recommended for pregnant women.

Lifestyle Fashion

Barbie dolls for your little angel

Barbie dolls have been around for fifty years and are still just as popular, invoking a sense of excitement among girls around the world. They are considered an icon of US culture by virtue of the way they epitomize stylish clothing and the way of life. Barbie’s free-spirited charisma has attracted girls from all over the world.

A look at its beginnings:

Barbie was first introduced in the year 1959. She was manufactured by Mattel Inc. and created by Ruth Handler. The creator’s inspiration was her daughter, whom she rarely liked to play with dolls and often played with paper toys that took the form of an adult girl. This led to the concept of the exquisite doll named after Ruth’s daughter, Barbara.

The shape and form is believed to have been inspired by a German doll called Bild Lilli. But the new doll was so exquisitely designed that it soon became a sensation and successfully replaced the then popular Lilli doll.

A day in the life of Barbie:

Barbie is a beautiful blonde who attends the fictional Manhattan International High School in New York City. She loves animals and she has over 40 pets, including cats, dogs, pandas, a lion cub, and a zebra. She loves to ride jeeps, convertibles, and trailers.

Barbie has a pilot’s license and is active in commercial airlines and also works as a flight attendant. She loves to keep her home neat and tidy and is a homebody character. This aspect is exemplified by numerous play sets such as kitchen, bedroom, spa, clinic, etc., which are a testament to her multi-tasking abilities.

The lovely:

Barbie is truly a seductress and the creators ensure that an exciting new item is added to the catalog in a timely manner. Whether it’s building dolls based on celebrities or adding new members to her extended family, they sure know how to keep the excitement of Barbie games alive. Equipped with fascinating appearance, a wide range of interesting costumes, and exquisite body design; the much-loved doll is always in the news. Her breakup with her boyfriend Ken or her reconciliation; the incorporation of fashionable garments or the arrival of new members to the family; there’s enough news to keep Barbie fans hooked on this enchantress.

Adding a new dimension to gaming:

In addition to being an enduring toy; the doll is defined as a branch of a novel concept that has many dimensions. Mesmerized by the charming doll, girls can play Barbie games online on a variety of themes, listen to music with a Barbie CD or Kid Designs Radio Boombox, participate in the vibrant ‘Barbie Dress Up Games’ or visit the games of Barbie. online store to take advantage of an overview of all the interesting games in the store. Also, buying these exquisite toys online is by far the most convenient option.

Barbie dolls and their everlasting date with fame have proven to the world that they are a class apart and worth their money. The attention, the hype and the madness seem justified. So grab a Barbie doll of your choice for the girl in your life, and rest assured, she’ll be cherished forever.

Lifestyle Fashion

When do men change their minds about divorce?

Probably sixty percent of the emails I receive are from wives dealing with the reality of a divorce. Almost everyone wants to save their marriages and isn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. They want to know: if their husbands can change their minds and reconsider the divorce; how can they make this happen; and when this change might occur. I will answer these questions in the next article.

You can’t make him or force him to stop the divorce, but you can help him want to: Many wives approach this as a battle. The emails I receive ask for advice on how to “do it” or “get me” to change my mind. This wording alone implies that you are trying to force or trick this man into doing something he just doesn’t want to do, almost as if he is kicking and yelling all the way back, but he will reluctantly return just the same. . Is this really what you want?

Of course not. You are going to have a much greater degree of success and satisfaction if you are able to get to a place where you are equally committed and willing to save the marriage. You want him to want to be there as much as you want him there. And you’re not likely to succeed if you face him as an adversary or take a combative stance.

In fact, you will almost want to do the opposite. You want him to think that you are committed to his happiness and to helping him get what he wants (even though we both know that this will lead to YOU ​​getting what you want).

Ignore the divorce for now and focus on the day to day: The truth is that many women act badly and desperately with the threat of divorce on the horizon. This little word causes panic, fear, and despair, all very negative emotions that can cause you to do or say things you’re likely to regret later. We started bombarding him with questions and accusations. We try to make you feel guilty. Or we’re just so nasty because we want to lash out at him so he’s just as hurt as we are. But, all of these things only dig a deeper hole and take you further from your true goal.

So even though it may be hard at first, I want you to take your mind off the divorce. You’ll work much better and be much more convincing when you don’t have this threat breathing down your neck. He promises, at least for the next few months, to take things one day at a time. Divorces take time to become final. You probably have more time than you think, and counting the days will only cause you to react negatively. Right now, we are going to take things one day at a time, conduct ourselves with dignity and grace, and focus only on ending our time with the husband on a positive note. Yes, these are small victories. But, small victories eventually add up until you create a new reality.

Know that your husband will change his mind about divorce when you show him that things can really change in your marriage: Well here is the short answer. I have quite a bit of knowledge about men who have initiated a divorce. Many of them write to me and tell me what they feel. Almost everyone tells me that divorce is a reality because they simply feel that things cannot and will not change. They share that they feel more like a brother or roommate to their wives. They feel that their wife no longer has time for them, that she cares more about the children, her career, her parents and her family. They tell me that there is no more laughter, intimacy or feeling of connection. And they tell me that this has been going on for a long time and they’ve repeatedly tried to fix it, and now they’re pretty sure it won’t change and there’s no way to rescue it.

At the end of the day, the core of a divorce is often a lack of connection and intimacy. Because when two people feel this way, they can usually weather any marital storm. So if she wants to change her man’s mind about the divorce, then she must focus on restoring these things and showing her husband with her actions, not her words, that she can succeed with it. this.

This probably seems like a tall order when you don’t live together or at least don’t have access to it. This is where it comes to him from a place of association. It is important to communicate that you agree that the marriage is broken and that you both deserve better. Explain to him that he is too important to you to let things deteriorate like this. So, you will focus on what you can: get out of this in a way that you can be proud of. He may be hesitant at first, but as you behave this way, he will eventually perk up a bit.

When you do, it is very important that you give the best of yourself. Listen carefully. Lean in when he talks. Emphasize that you are on his side and that you support him. Because truly, you are already the person who can turn your husband’s gaze and possess his heart. You already did it once. But somehow the stress of everyday life took a bit of the shine off this woman. Now, it’s time to take it back and claim it. Because she’s the one your husband really wants. And once she comes back, and you approach him from an even spot (and move slowly), everything else should fall into place.

Lifestyle Fashion

Cunard Cruises – Ten things to do

This is a cheeky enough look at the things to do aboard a typical Cunard cruise ship to get your imagination going. These are wryly written and feature things to make you laugh or do on board that you may not have thought of or thought but never said! Here it goes:

  • 1 Attend boating parties with a camera!

Many people miss out because they are busy getting acquainted with the ship, unpacking, and preparing for the first night’s dinner. Definitely leave these things for later. This is a great way to see your fellow cruisers, spot likely cruise characters, and meet people. Ask them to take your photo and offer to take photos for others. As the band plays and the party atmosphere gets going, try the cocktail of the day. Boating parties are always held on the aft pool deck of all 3 boats. The scenery and photos from here can be very picturesque with the wake of the ship, the setting sun and your last destination disappearing in the distance. Also, the photos from the sailing party are a good measure of what you looked like at the beginning of the cruise!

  • 2 Have a pre-breakfast in bed every morning

This is absolute luxury and a great way to wake up in the morning. Fill out your room service card before you go to bed at night and hang it outside your door (room service is FREE). Even if you plan to have breakfast in one of the main restaurants, maybe just order a cup of tea. As we all know, there is nothing like a cup of tea in bed!

  • 3 Make use of the spa.

No treatment reservations are necessary to use the spa facilities, but there is usually an entrance charge. Instead of booking daily, you can reserve a spa pass for the duration of your cruise to save money on the daily entrance fee. Since the entrance fee keeps the crowds away, it is generally a quiet and relaxing place. This is well worth it, especially if you want to laze around in the thermal pool, read a book, or perhaps do suduko in peace and quiet on a lounger in a fluffy bathrobe. Maybe use the sauna, the steam room or take one of those invigorating showers. The Canyon Ranch spa aboard the Queen Mary 2 has a large thermal pool with areas of bubbling springs and a communal underwater lounger, plus a separate spa pool. The Royal Spas on board Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth have a thermal relaxation chamber with heated sun loungers overlooking the sea. These two sister ships also have free saunas in each of the gym’s locker rooms.

  • 4 Try all the bars!

This can be fun as an unofficial pub crawl. On Cunard ships it’s a challenge with many bars on board, all very stylish to suit different moods. This is for some lively entertainment in the evening if you don’t fancy the show, plus you don’t have far to go home! Key drinking establishments include:

  1. The Golden Lion pub serving traditional English pub food at lunchtime, pints of bitter, karaoke and pub quizzes.
  2. The Commodore Club for a perfect cocktail in elegant Art Deco surroundings accompanied by a pianist.
  3. The Chart room is a great place for a pre-dinner aperitif accompanied by a string quartet.
  4. The Veuve Cliquot Champagne bar for a true indulgence.

  • 5 Take a formal photo!

This is great to fill spare moments during the cruise and can be quite fun. Photographers around the ship will offer to take a pre-dinner photo when you’re dressed in your finery with no obligation to purchase. There’s usually a changing variety of backgrounds to choose from: a faux New York City skyline or the Titanic’s grand staircase or a massive image of the ship to an ornate flower display or just plain white canvas. This gives you an excuse to search for your photo in the photo gallery (or rogues gallery as we call it). By doing so, you can see everyone else’s picture, which is a great conversation starter. You might see who’s traveling and laugh at some photos that haven’t turned out quite right. Play spot the bad guys, maybe a wince at the wrong time or the top of a palm tree sticking out of someone’s head from behind.

  • 6 Have Breakfast and Lunch at the Britannia Restaurant

Many people prefer to limit the formality of the main restaurant to dinner only, choosing to eat breakfast and lunch at the informal buffet restaurants (Lido at Queen Elizabeth & Victoria or Kings Court at Queen Mary 2). Because of this, the Britannia restaurants on Cunard ships are not as busy as they usually are for dinner and the atmosphere is surprisingly calm. During breakfast and lunch Britannia restaurants have open seating where breakfast is cooked to order and the menu choice at lunchtime is excellent.

  • 7 Gatecrash Cocktails.

This one is a bit naughty, but if you’ve ever attended a cocktail party on board, ask yourself, “How many times have you been asked to see your invitation?”

  • 8 Try any free alternative restaurant at night.

Cunard would like to encourage you to try their alternative dining venues instead of the Britannia restaurant. Visit the Todd English restaurants aboard Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 and Queen Victoria or the Veranda restaurant aboard Cunard’s Queen Elizabeth. There is a charge for these of $30 per person. These are worth a try, especially if you’ve received a bonus on board. However, there are also FREE evening dining options in a section of the evening buffet restaurants. Apart from the self-service buffet, the restaurant at night becomes waiter service with laid tables, tablecloths and menus. These are very good and give you even more variety in your onboard dining options including Indian, French, Asian Fusion, Thai, Steakhouse and Italian.

  • 9 Have a cocktail at sunset in a jacuzzi.

Ahhh – Only on a cruise! As your fellow cruisers rush back to their staterooms to prepare for dinner, kick back and head to the poolside Jacuzzi. Try another of those cocktails of the day and watch the sun go down for a relaxed start to a leisurely evening.

  • 10 Attend the Nightclub the 2nd night and the penultimate night of the cruise.

Most people are too tired to go to the club the first night of the cruise. But many are tempted to explore the atmosphere on the second night; however, if it is calm, many do not return. So, take the opportunity to be a night owl for once, put on your dancing shoes, and let your hair down. At this time of night people are much more relaxed and it’s a great way to make friends. Similarly, on the last night of the cruise, the nightclub tends to be mostly empty as everyone has packed up and is getting ready to leave early the next morning. So the penultimate night of the cruise is when things really kick into gear: inhibitions are thrown to the side, daddy’s dancing is fun, requests for popular tunes abound, and it’s the perfect way to celebrate an enjoyable cruise.

Lifestyle Fashion

Mononucleosis Treatment: Adrenal Depletion

Mono is a common trigger for adrenal exhaustion. During the treatment of mononucleosis, it is vital that the adrenal glands are considered as part of the plan.

After an illness like the Epstein Barr virus that causes mononucleosis or glandular fever, the body needs time to recover. Plenty of sleep, rest, pure and healthy food, sunshine and gradual exercise are essential. If these conditions are not met, the adrenal glands become fatigued or “burned out.” They are then unable to produce adequate amounts of hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, and DHEA. The job of these adrenal hormones is to help the body cope with stress.

So what are the symptoms of exhausted adrenal glands? Well, the main symptom is low energy, lethargy, and constant fatigue. You may also notice dark circles under your eyes, reduced immunity, poor sex drive, premenstrual tension, sugar cravings, headaches, poor concentration, unrefreshing sleep, and a general loss of interest in life.

If you’re looking for mononucleosis treatments, here are some tips on how to treat adrenal exhaustion and make you feel better fast!

  • You should aim to get enough sleep. At least 8-10 hours of deep, uninterrupted sleep per night is required. An afternoon nap can also be very beneficial, but don’t leave it too late.
  • Regular meditation, yoga, or deep breathing can help your body deal with the stress of having mononucleosis and make you more resilient to whatever life throws your way.
  • Your diet should be low in sugar, white flour, coffee, alcohol, processed foods, tobacco, and drugs. These vices may make you feel better in the short term, but they will drain your adrenal glands and prolong your recovery if consumed regularly.
  • Supplements such as vitamin C, B complex, and magnesium can help repair the adrenal glands and aid in the treatment of mononucleosis. Omega 3 fatty acids from deep sea fish oils or flaxseed oil can help with fatigue. If you have anemia, it is important to take some iron.
  • Herbs such as licorice and ginseng can stimulate adrenal function and help treat mononucleosis. These herbs can be taken as teas, capsules, or liquid tinctures.
  • Light physical exercise will increase adrenal strength and stamina. If you’re not used to exercising, start slowly and gradually increase over time. If you are in the acute early stages of mono, rest until your body catches up. If you do too much too soon, you’ll end up back where you started.
  • Make time for laughter, fun, and joy in your life. These are great ways to reduce your stress levels when treating mono.
  • Be kind to yourself, don’t strive to always be perfect. You can reduce stress simply by learning to go with the flow.
  • Celebrate the achievements and victories in your life. During mono treatment, it may just be little things like enjoying a 10-minute walk, finishing a good book, or making a healthy new meal that you can celebrate—it’s a good start! Acknowledging your progress will help you maintain a positive attitude that helps you cope with stress and keeps your adrenal glands strong.