Legal Law

Blow that whistle!

America is a land of the free, guided by laws that protect civilized conduct. Americans can dial 911 if they see problems and help will arrive. After the September 11 attack in the United States, the New York Transit Authority issued an advisory. “If you see something, say something.” Public safety was worth all the efforts.

The complex United States government does not have such useful tools for reporting problems. Instead, it has the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989 that requires federal employees to report suspected misconduct.

Those in government are elected, appointed, or dedicated as career professionals. The elected reflect the voice of the people in theory. They are actually chosen based on the money raised for the campaigns. That works in conjunction with visibility in the air and in appearances. Appointees are chosen by elected officials based on campaign donations, often through mutual contacts. In contrast, career professionals entered the government to develop skills in the service of the country.

The ingenious American Constitution entrusted the government to three equal branches to act as controls over the others. The Congress makes the laws, the Executive puts them into practice and the Judiciary decides the course of action in case of conflict between the other two. If the president wants a program that Congress does not want to fund, the courts will decide the matter in a sequence of legal steps. That established procedure is now reversed by Donald Trump as head of the Executive Branch.

Donald Trump took office as a nonconformist. He was already known as a dangerous business mogul known for circumventing the law. He channeled that skill into entertainment as a media celebrity who called the terrible verdict of “You are fidtod!” about the contestants on his show. He carried that brand to the White House and beyond, particularly after he ousted an Attorney General who headed the judiciary and replaced him with one who considered the presidential powers to be unlimited.

Thus, two branches of government pledged to a widely contested position that led to a complicated impeachment process by a Trump base applauding Trump’s brash style of defying constitutional laws and norms. That point of view seems to hold that anything goes. Trump was elected businessman. You now have the highest powers in the country and you have the right to seize every opportunity.

The American majority asserts that the great American presidential powers were destined to be used in the service of public error. They were not to be wasted for personal gain.

Half of Congress agrees with the majority opinion. The House maintains that, according to the Constitution, the presidential powers are subject to the supervision of the other two branches of government. However, the Senate and the other two branches of government are leaning towards the Executive led by Trump. That speeds the bumpy road ahead, particularly as the Trump brand is virulent.

Donald Trump shames, lies, threatens and acts in secret. With the help of the judiciary, Trump has extended his grip on the abuse of America’s presidential powers to the world at large. Your response to the legal proceedings to stop you simply states that you will not cooperate. His tweets and changes of position have led to a chaos that finds its relief in leaks to the press. In return, he threatens polygraph tests for everyone in his administration. The only way out of the quagmire is for whistleblowers to say what they see with respect to the rule of law.

Even in less virulent times, whistleblowers go through agony before acting. They observe, question their perception, and reflect on the wisdom of divulging what they suspect. They take a step, perhaps they run into an obstacle, they back off, they reconsider, and then they act according to every dictate of life that they have committed to.

That decision must be excruciating. Whistleblowers have nothing to gain and everything to lose by presenting what they know. The exact reward at a high price. They help the country and destroy themselves.

Protected by law. Whistleblowers have little to rely on that recourse to a president vilifying them without being seen and who has declared that he will not obey the law. When they are presented en masse, the rule of law will be restored in the United States and Trump’s whistleblowers will receive the Medal of Honor for their valor in battle.

Legal Law

LSAT Tips You Should Know

If you are taking the LSAT test, be sure to take the time to prepare for the test. This will help you get a better idea of ​​your strengths and weaknesses. In addition, you will be able to focus your efforts on the areas that require the most attention. After all, it’s not a good idea to spend 15 minutes on a question that you know will be wrong no matter what. Therefore, you may want to know your strengths and weaknesses beforehand. Here are some LSAT tips that can help you.


If you want to achieve excellence, you must practice. Taking a lot of time to practice will help you prepare for the exam. Also, you can take this opportunity to identify areas that you need to work on.

There is nothing wrong with guessing

You don’t have to be scared when it comes to guessing. The reason is that there is no penalty for wrong answers. Therefore, it is a good idea to answer all the questions. If you are not sure of an answer, you should forget about the options that you are sure are incorrect. Then you should guess among the rest of the options.

Logic reasoning

There are three components to arguments: evidence, assumptions, and conclusions. And the main point of the argument is the conclusion. Therefore, it is supported by undeclared assumptions and stated evidence.

You should try to understand the structure of the argument, which will help you choose the correct answer. You must read the root of the question before attempting a question.

Analytical reasoning

On the LSAT test, most logic games are of three varieties: hybrid, grouping, or sequencing games. The rules of the game indicate how the objects should be placed in order in a sequence game. In a grouping game, you learn to put the objects in a group. And in a hybrid game, elements of grouping and sequencing are incorporated.

What you need to do is understand the information provided for the games on the LSAT. You must have a solid understanding of the rules and conditions before answering the questions. Before attempting the questions, you should also draw some general conclusions.

Most questions have one or more assumptions and require you to determine the final conclusion. What you really need to do is understand the current rules of the game and how they interact with the new rules.

Reading comprehension

You must answer the questions based on the information provided in the given passage. You do not need to demonstrate your knowledge of a certain topic. In fact, assumptions can cause you to give the wrong answer.

Also, you should take it easy when it comes to memorizing facts. Most of the questions involve inferences, details, and ideas. Be sure to look them up when reading the given passage.

Writing sample

Before you start writing, don’t forget to collect your thoughts. They will judge your writing sample based on its clarity.

So here are some tips that can help you prepare for your LSAT exam.

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The 5 best technological universities

Many students have asked us which universities are the best schools for engineering and computer science. Using a weighted average of faculty resources, technology grants, class size, and student grades, we have developed the following checklist to help guide students and parents through the admissions process. The list provides a concise summary of these major engineering and technology programs.

(1) California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

“Cal Tech” is the highest ranked tech savvy university. The school is packed with great teachers and has a niche in California’s tech industry, including Google and Yahoo. Cal Tech is highly recommended if you are interested in entering Silicon Valley and have a knack for inventing new technologies. Its undergraduate program is one of the best for students interested in individual research projects with faculty, and Cal Tech is a key part of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Some key specialties: Natural Sciences, Biotechnology, Space Sciences

Famous Alumni: Gordon E. Moore, Co-Founder of Intel Corporation; Charles Francis Richter, creator of the Richter magnitude scale;

SAT range for incoming students: 2200-2350

Acceptance Rate: 17%

(two) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA

MIT is a great school with unique resources for its students. If you are interested in graduating with the famous “MIT” degree and want to immerse yourself in a high quality education every day, this is a great place to be. With more Nobel prizes than one could count in an hour, they define engineering excellence. Their high contributions from alumni suggest that generations of families are happy with their educational choice. MIT probably has the highest global recognition among scholars and students.

Some key specialties: Artificial Intelligence, Aerospace Engineering

Famous Alumni: Col. Buzz Aldrin, NASA Astronaut; IM Pei, world renowned designer and architect; Robert Metcalfe, inventor of Ethernet and founder of 3COM;

SAT range for incoming students: 2070-2340

Acceptance Rate: 13%

(3) Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Cornell is one of the few universities with engineering research programs that allow students to work directly with renowned professors. With professors like Bill Nye (the scientist) and Steven Squyres from NASA’s Mars Rover program, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from the best. Be prepared to work harder at Cornell than at most colleges. Cornell’s unique engineering science facilities include the newly built Duffield Hall, representing the university’s next high-tech step.

Some key specialties: Physical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Biomedical Sciences

Famous Alumni: Steven Squyres, Principal Scientific Investigator for Mars Rovers; William F. Friedman, founder of the study of cybernetics;

SAT range for incoming students: 1940-2240

Acceptance rate: 24%

(4) Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA

Originally founded as “Carnegie Technical Schools” in 1900 by industrialist Andrew Carnegie, the school is primarily known for its science and research. Carnegie Mellon is home to the Software Engineering Institute (SEI), a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the US Department of Defense and operated by Carnegie Mellon University. In addition, they house the Robotics Institute (RI), a division of the College of Computer Science. In general, its solid reputation among academics and education journals is one reason why students should seek out this school.

Some key specialties: Computer Science, Software Engineering

Famous alumni: James Gosling, creator of the Java programming language; Andy Bechtolsheim, co-founder of Sun Microsystems; Vinod Khosla, billionaire venture capitalist and co-founder of Sun Microsystems;

SAT range for incoming students: 1940-2235

Acceptance Rate: 34%

(5) University of Texas, Austin, TX

Considered one of the “public ranks” in America, the University of Texas has fantastic resources for its students. As a public university, it spends nearly 50 percent of its engineering budget on sponsored research. UT’s Cockrell School of Engineering enrolled 67 new National Merit Scholars in 2006-2007, the highest proportion of new National Merit Scholars from the university. UT Austin enrolls the third-party academics with the highest national merit at the national level. Also, Texas is a great state with amazing weather and friendly people. Definitely keep UT-Austin in mind when applying to college.

Some key specialties: Petroleum Engineering, Computer Engineering

Famous Alumni: Michael Dell, Founder and CEO of Dell Computers; Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil Corp. President and CEO.

SAT Range for Incoming Students: 1680-2055

Acceptance Rate: 49% *

* Please note that this admission rate will be affected by Texas’ top ten percent law, which ensures that Texas high school seniors graduate in the top 10% of their admission from classes at any public university in Texas.

In general, when applying to these colleges, it will be helpful to have someone with experience in admissions counseling. College counseling is an important part of getting into these best schools. We hope this information provides you with key facts about the best universities and schools.

Legal Law

National scholarship: I have to pay for college

I have to pay for college … Part One: Student Loans

If you’re like most high school graduates or thinking about going back to college, the prospect of having to pay can be overwhelming if you don’t have a lot of money saved. According to a 2015 survey of 5,000 Americans by, about 62% only had about $ 1,000 in savings and another 20% didn’t even have a savings account. In addition, the average cost of college tuition in the United States today according to for the 2015-2016 school year is $ 9,410 for in-state residents at a public university, $ 23,893 for out-of-state residents attending a public university. and $ 32,405 for private universities. These costs do not include textbooks or living expenses if you will not be living at home or with a family who can help you. Finally, there are additional expenses to consider such as computers, lab fees, tutoring, etc. So the big question is, how does a person pay for everything?

The answer is complicated; Paying for college generally involves multiple strategies. Assuming you don’t have anything in store for college, the most obvious solution would be to complete the FAFSA, or the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, with the US Department of Education on its website. By doing so, you will learn if and for what types you can qualify for student loans. This is often the best option if you have to borrow money to help pay for college, because interest rates are often lower and the repayment term is more flexible. However, you should only borrow money if you haven’t exhausted all other options for paying for your education, because large student loan debt upon graduation can be burdensome. Interest will continue to increase on your student loan if you wait to start making payments, it will only add to the total amount you owe and make paying off your loan even more difficult. Consider any type of loan as if it were in the same category as an emergency; Don’t borrow money unless absolutely necessary!

I have to pay for college … Part 2: Free money

Have you ever heard the term “nothing is free”? Well, “free money” for college, like scholarships and grants, is essentially “free money,” with some other form of cost involved. For example, Fund for Thought requires you to complete an application and write an essay to be considered for a scholarship. The cost in this example would be the application fee ($ 20) and the time spent completing the trial package. The “cost” is low compared to the possibility of receiving $ 2000 of “free money” for college. Scholarships and grants are “free money” because they are not required to be repaid, they are an award for some type of qualification or achievement.

You should apply for as many scholarships and grants as you can find. The best places to look are online scholarship databases, a high school guidance counselor, or the financial aid office at the college you will be attending. These places generally have extensive lists of scholarships available and can help if you have questions about the application. Additionally, local civic organizations, churches, and businesses will sponsor scholarships available to students in your area. Check your local newspaper and community announcements and you can find “free money” with little competition. The bottom line is that if you spend time looking for scholarships and grants, your chances of receiving “free money” for college are greater.

I have to pay for college … Part Three: Finding Scholarships

We wanted to dig deeper into the scholarship search because there are so many resources available that it can be a daunting task for the individual scholar. There are several different types of scholarships available and they can be classified by different attributes. We thought it would be best to compose a list to help give you some ideas and guidance as you begin your search.

1. scholarships for high school students

2.undergraduate scholarships

3.Teacher scholarships

4.national scholarships

5. International scholarships (Canadian scholarships, scholarships for exchange students) scholarships scholarships

8.Full travel scholarships

9. community service scholarship

10. Company sponsored scholarships (Pepsi scholarship, Walmart scholarship, McDonald’s scholarship)

11. Race / Ethnicity Scholarships (Native American Scholarships, Hispanic Scholarship Fund)

12. Study area scholarships (journalism scholarships, law school scholarships)

13. scholarships in areas of need (teaching scholarship, early intervention scholarship)

14. Merit-based scholarships based on academic or athletic achievement

This list is not extensive, but the goal is to get started. Free money for college is possible for everyone. By applying for as many scholarships as you can, you will increase your chances of winning an award.

Legal Law

How to Study for the Multiple State Bar Exam: The MBE or Multiple Choice

MBE is what scared me the most. Like many law students, I am terrible with multiple options. Usually I can narrow it down to two, but I will always pick the wrong one. This is something I knew I had to do every day to be successful at the Bar. Here we go with some tricks I did that helped me pass (in California no less):

Get MBE every day. Aim to do at least 20-25, increase to 30-50 during the last two weeks of study. There are people who say that you should do 40 or 50 a day all the time. I think that is unnecessary. I think it’s better to do 15 or 20 and review them really well, then try to cram a bunch of MBE’s and not really review them.

Which brings me to, you have to review them all well. There is no use doing a bunch of MBEs and then not reviewing them or passively reviewing them. Check even the ones you got right. Yes, the ones you got right. Bar / Bri (the main bar review course) provides a detailed explanation of the correct answer to each question, as well as why the other options were wrong. Sometimes I got a correct answer for the wrong reasons, like I was just guessing, or it was just the best of the four. Actually, this happened to me in almost every MBE I got in the beginning. You have to review them to understand why the answer you chose is correct.

Do them one at a time. If you are bad at multiple choice, try doing the MBEs one at a time and then review them. It is laborious, but the question is fresh in your mind when you are reviewing it. You won’t be distracted by the other 10 you just did and how you did it with them. As we got closer to July, I very, very slowly increased my MBE to three at a time, then 5, then 10, then a high of 15 to 20. The only time I did large blocks over 20 was when he was taking mock practice exams. But make sure you practice doing 100 at a time at least twice. This is what the actual exam will be like. Also, practice the blended subjects so that you are used to a lot of different questions that come up and you don’t know the topic. There will be some questions on the bar where you are never completely sure you knew what topic you were talking about (Evidence? Or maybe that was Torts?). You have to be used to that when it happens.

Easy, Medium and Hard. Which ones to do? Bar / Bri divides most MBEs by difficulty. The easy ones were easy, the medium ones were difficult and the difficult ones were impossible. Bar / Bri does not assign an Easy. I guess they imagine you’re in trouble if you have to do that. I did a bunch of easy torts once accidentally because I got confused with the homework, and it was surprising, but it was actually helpful. They put the basic rules to the test, but you need to know them anyway, so I was learning something. And the explanations were good for writing flashcards. It also helped boost my confidence because I was scoring in the 80s on the easy ones. However, you don’t have much time to waste doing all the easy ones, so stick with the medium ones mixed with some difficult ones for most of your bar study. (If you can get your hands on them, maybe you could try doing the easy ones during the spring of your 3L year, just to start learning the rules and how the MBE works) I think the middle ones were where most of my learning was. . Bar / Bri has several extremely long questions that take forever. I found those free ones, because in the real bar I can’t remember an MBE that’s more than half a page long. However, it may have helped psychologically, because the actual questions from the Bar seemed super brief in comparison.

Teaching cards. As you go along, make flashcards for which ones you got wrong and which you got right, if you like, just in case. Put the rule you missed on one side and a keyword on the other. Organize by topic. Meticulous, but useful when the same rule reappears a month later. Don’t bother with a flash card for a ruler you’ve never heard of before that sounds dark, nuanced, and delicate. Don’t waste a flash memory card and your brain on it. Usually this only comes up occasionally for difficult questions. Go ahead with that question with confidence if it shows up on the bar, it’s okay to make a guess and move on.

Moment. Take a minute and a half for shorter or easier questions, and about two minutes for long or difficult questions. That’s. As a general rule, you should review evidence and criminal law questions more quickly than property or criminal procedure questions. Practice doing them under time pressure right from the start because time is where people fuck with the MBE. You absolutely HAVE to finish the MBE on the day of the bar exam, so always practice moving really fast.

Know the rules. The more COLD rules you memorize, the better your MBE scores. But since it shouldn’t be really hard memorizing the rules until the end of June, the MBE can seem really frustrating for a while. But MBEs are helping him build his bank of rules. It is okay to be wrong, because you are learning. Don’t be scared off by low percentages.

Take the practice test in class. Bar / Bri sets aside an entire day to take a mock exam and scores it for you. Then they review each question for two full days. Go to all of that, even the subjects you are good at. Sometimes it can be very boring, but it is worth it. Take note. Don’t go out when other students do. Bring lots of snacks and water. Don’t panic when your score is too low, because it was given to you before you’ve memorized many rules. I got a 103 out of 200, below average. But I passed the MBE.

Multiple choice techniques. There are many multiple choice techniques such as crossing out all wrong answers, circling, drawing pictures, highlighting, etc. If you like that, like me, read it and practice these techniques in practice MBE. I wrote down all my questions because it helps me feel like I’m in control. Most people benefit from drawing simple pictures of properties on property questions or graphs on mortgage questions. Just use your pencil because that is what you will have in your hand on the day of the test. I also had a teacher tell me that before reading the answers, I should scribble the ruler in the margins, if I knew or thought I knew. This is an amazing technique that saves you a lot of questions because it prevents you from being distracted by the wrong “tempting” answer. In fact, with this technique you can almost get away with not reading the wrong answers once you find the correct one, or just quickly skipping the wrong answers. I don’t remember many “all of the above” at the bar, so that’s not a concern. If option A. seems correct from the beginning, it is actually probably A. Choose the answer that best fits your rule, be confident, and move on.

Track your progress. I counted all the MBEs that I got right and wrote my percentage in red right on my Barbri calendar next to the assignment, so I could see where my weak subjects were and if I was improving. It was encouraging to see my Evidence and CrimPro scores go up dramatically. My scores stayed in the 50-60% range. 60% to 70% lower and about 70 higher are normal scores for July. Sometimes I was throwing in some weird 50s and 80s percentages. I think I hit 90 once in Torts. Unless you’re an MBE superstar, this is what most of the people I spoke to were getting, and we all passed the MBE. Keep in mind that harder subjects like Property are unlikely to see much of a difference in scores over the weeks. Maybe I’ve improved a few percentage points in my toughest subjects since the beginning of June. As BarBri will tell you, there is the damage control.

StudySmart. Barbri has a pretty decent MBE program called StudySmart that is included when you sign up and you can download it or just use it directly on their website. It has a bunch of MBEs organized by topic and tracks your progress in a very specific way, down to which specific area of ​​Torts you suck. It seemed like most of the MBEs were just duplicates of what’s in the book, so do whatever feels best to you. I tracked my own progress manually and almost never used StudySmart because I like to write about the question, but if you don’t write about the question normally, you might like StudySmart. Look at the statistics they give you and answer more questions that you have doubts about.

PMBR This is an MBE course that they will try to sell you that you just don’t need. You will not run out of questions Bar / Bri. But some people feel like they have to because it seems like everyone else is or because their EBMs are unstable. If it makes you feel better, sign up. I still think it’s a waste of time, however if I had to do it again I might consider buying a few PMBR books in the spring and doing a few multiple choices a day. No intense studies, just little warm-ups.

Laughter. Some of the MBE questions are fun, quirky, and generally depressing. You are studying for the Bar and it is unpleasant, but you can console yourself that Jim has it much more difficult than you. His parachute did not open.

MBE is entirely possible even if you are a bad multiple choice taker, if you force yourself to dedicate yourself to learning how to beat it. After a while, you will realize that they can only ask a certain topic in many ways. However, be careful not to spend all your time on MBEs, even if your scores are low. Force yourself to put them aside after you’ve done a good deal and start working on essays or flashcards. Some students will disagree with me, but I found much of the actual MBE much easier than I expected. But much of it was also very difficult. Don’t be scared like me. You can miss a lot and still get through. In fact, in most states, you can miss out on much more than I was allowed to lose in California.

Legal Law

Employment discrimination and lawsuit attorneys

It would seem that we have too many rules, fees, and discrimination lawsuits at American Business. In fact, in the end, this hurts us all. An employer must be able to hire whoever he wishes without being forced by any rule of law in his employment process.

As an entrepreneur, I want to hire the best man or woman, the most efficient, who will perform with the best quality. If it turns out to be a blue person, so what? If I raise a higher percentage of green people, because they work better together and are on average smarter than humans, then I don’t want anyone to breathe through my neck because they don’t see enough purple people working here.

The government must stay out of these things. Because the government doesn’t do anything right and by threatening or pretending to enforce quota theories or initiating cases or investigations into what color of people XYZ Company hires, everyone loses. In fact, perhaps this is why the government is so inefficient, as they care so much about being politically correct that they cannot do anything.

The best person must get the job, because they deserve it and provide greater productivity and in this way competition in the labor supply will solve all problems and prevent people from obtaining leverage in front of a business while giving less productivity.

More efficiency in a company means more profits, better expansion, more hiring, better generated tax revenue and that is good for the vitality of our economy and very good for all the people who want good jobs. To hell with anyone who suggests more rules and regulations on labor or employment law, as that only helps law firms, who are in cahoots with regulators and professional parasites, to perpetuate this political correctness.

Stay out of my business, we should hire who we want, when we want and the best person will get the job, that’s the American way and that’s fair to everyone involved. Everyone knows that applying racism to business is not profitable, those who do will fail. So the free market will fix it, but it can’t do it until the government steps aside, along with its string-pulling lawyers. Caesar, where are you now?

Legal Law

The new rules will entitle many "White collar" Workers who pay overtime

The United States Department of Labor (DOL) has issued new rules governing overtime pay that will automatically extend eligibility for overtime pay to approximately 4.2 million workers. Under the new rules, which go into effect on December 1, 2016, most salaried workers making less than $ 913.00 a week ($ 47,476.00 a year) will be entitled to collect overtime pay. . This new prescribed wage level is more than double the current amount ($ 455.00 per week or $ 23,660.00 per year) at which workers are generally considered exempt from overtime rules.

A brief summary of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is helpful in understanding what is happening here. The FLSA requires employers to pay their employees at least the federal minimum wage (currently $ 7.25 per hour) for all hours worked and overtime pay at a rate of 1.5 times their regular pay rate for all hours worked. in excess of 40 in a job. week. Certain categories of employees are exempt from the Act’s coverage, including doctors, lawyers, and teachers. In addition, the FLSA exempts from coverage employees who perform in an “executive, managerial, or professional capacity.” Historically, these workers have been referred to as “white collar workers”. However, the Act itself does not define the terms “executive”, “administrative” or “professional”, leaving the DOL with the task of issuing regulations that define the scope of these exemptions.

Current DOL rules require an employee to meet each of the following three tests to fall within the white collar exemption: (1) they are paid a predetermined, fixed salary that is not subject to reduction for quality or quantity work performed (the “wage basis test”); (2) the amount of the employee’s salary meets a specified minimum amount (the “salary level test”); and, (3) the employee’s duties involved executive, administrative, or professional duties, as defined in DOL regulations (the “duty test”). The recently issued rules impact the second of those tests, the “salary level test.”

So, effective December 1, when the new rules go into effect, most white-collar workers who earn less than the “standard wage level” of $ 913.00 per week will be entitled to overtime for hours worked in Exceeding 40 in a given workweek. . That will be the case regardless of whether these employees meet the other two tests for the white collar exemption. This standard salary level was determined according to the 40th percentile of the income of full-time salaried workers in the lowest-wage region of the country, currently the South. Going forward, the standard wage level will be subject to adjustment every three years, again by reference to the 40th percentile of full-time salaried workers in what is then the lowest-wage region in the country.

Employers may use non-discretionary bonuses and incentive payments (such as commissions) to satisfy up to ten percent of the standard salary level, provided these payments are made quarterly or more frequently.

Finally, the new regulations also affect those who are considered “highly paid employees” (HCE) under the law. Currently, employees whose annual earnings are $ 100,000.00 or more are generally exempt from the overtime rules, even if they do not meet the “duty test.” When the new rules go into effect, the applicable dollar amount to qualify as HCE will increase to $ 134,004.00.

The DOL estimates that approximately 4.2 million workers currently considered exempt under the FLSA will be entitled to overtime in the first year of implementation of these new rules. That number is expected to grow to more than 5 million workers within ten years of implementation. An additional 65,000 HCE are estimated to be eligible for overtime in the first year after the rule change, and 200,000 will be affected within ten years.

Clearly, many employers will be affected by these changes and employers are encouraged to understand how these new rules will affect their payroll practices.

© 7/19/2016 Hunt & Associates, PC All rights reserved.

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What is the SPP for a Canadian study visa?

If you’ve always wanted to join a Canadian university, you should know about the SPP program. However, when applying, you have the freedom to apply through the program or not, but of course there are advantages to applying under the SPP. The main difference between SPP programs and non-SPP applications is basically the amount of documents that will be required for your study visa to be processed.

SPP, Student Partnership Program, is an agreement between Canadian high commissions and Canadian universities to offer quick and easy study visas for future students. Therefore, the processing of study visas is faster and easier within the framework of the program and the required documents are not as many as would be the case for applications that do not belong to the SSP.

Documents required under the SPP

There are a number of documents that you will need to use when applying for a study visa under the SSP program. These are;

Acceptance letters from the universities under the program

IELTS score sheet that assesses English proficiency. You need an overall band of 6.0 for any undergraduate course and 6.5 for graduate programs

Three-year Bachelor’s or Advanced Diploma with a minimum of 50% and more for postgraduate courses

Grade 12 grade sheet with a score of 55% or higher for any undergraduate program

Proof of work experience and tuition payment.

· Investment certificate guaranteed for living expenses; usually $ 10,000

$ 150 visa fee

Medical results from approved panel physicians

The advantages of applications under the SPP

As a candidate interested in a study visa for Canada, you have the freedom to choose whether you want to go the SPP path or not. But the many advantages of the program are what have probably attracted many to apply. When you apply under SPP, you will enjoy:

Less visa documentation requirements

Simplified admission for participating institutions and visa guidelines for them

Faster visa processing which could take 5-10 business days

Quality assured of the institution you are about to join

Advance medical reports

Post-study work options

Working after studies under the SPP

As an international student under the SPP program, enjoy post-study work options. This means that you can easily obtain a work permit after graduating with a recognized qualification from SPP accredited institutions in Canada. The work permit scheme comes with defined requirements and you must meet them to qualify to work in the country.

In general, students taking courses that last two years or more are eligible for post-study work permits that can last up to three years in Canada. This is in accordance with the work permit regulations in force in the country. For course durations that are one year less, students are eligible for a work permit equal to the duration of study.

If you are interested in a study visa for Canada, it is important that you start by weighing your options and choosing a good direction. The SPP is one of the best programs that you can use for the process.

Legal Law

The complexities of the law firm’s hierarchical order

Working in a law firm is like no other business entity. Law firms are generally a conservative workplace. While many companies have embraced the idiosyncrasies of the younger generation, these firms frown on strange hair color, nose rings, and tattoos. Time has forgotten this world.

Law firms thrive on modern technology such as the Internet and social networking sites. They continue to remain in a world that embraces clean professionalism. However, in this professional legal world it is a well-kept secret. For those who decide to enter this world as paralegals, they quickly realize the strangeness of law firm politics and the secrecy of the pecking order.

Working in a law office is attractive and fast. However, learning and understanding the pecking order is critical. First, it is important to understand the order between attorneys. Law office partners are no longer bound by these rules. However, new attorneys must understand the order of the firm’s attorneys. Attorneys generally do not care about the order of paralegals and secretaries.

However, for a paralegal to be successful, they must understand the pecking order of their counterparts and secretaries. Law firm clerks strictly adhere to the rules of the order. A secretary who works for a partner is considered the best option when it comes to other secretaries. The secretary at the top enjoys the privilege of controlling and dictating the other secretary’s working hours.

As a new paralegal at a law firm, you can expect to get all the work that other paralegals prefer not to do. As for the other paralegals, you are at the bottom of the hierarchical order and subject to the most tedious tasks.

However, understanding the hierarchical order of secretaries can help you gain recognition for moving up the hierarchical order of paralegals. Nothing offends the law firm’s senior secretary more than another staff member who violates the unspoken order. Once you understand who is at the top, you can start working on the system to solidify your position at the law firm.

While it is important for a paralegal to perform their duties accurately and efficiently, it is also important for a paralegal to interact with their co-workers. As a paralegal, the goal is to gain the opportunity to work on the most interesting cases. Additionally, a paralegal may have the opportunity to accompany an attorney into the courtroom.

By developing a professional relationship with the legal partner’s secretary, a paralegal can quickly maneuver through the caseload to obtain the best assignments. Attorneys rely on their secretaries to help manage the caseload and, quite often, the attorney’s personal life. Attorneys value the opinions of their secretaries and often ask staff for recommendations for important cases.

While pecking order seems like an archaic tradition, understanding it is imperative if you want a successful career as a paralegal at a law firm. The key is to learn the order quickly and use it to your advantage.

Legal Law

Five Reasons John Marshall Law School Graduates Pass the Exam and Find Employment

John Marshall School of Law

John Marshall Law School has a famous name, an aggressive curriculum, and stays at the forefront of legal matters. This combination benefits the future attorneys who grace these sacred halls. With over 85% of graduates passing the bar and having a job within nine months, this school does well. The training facility not only features a strong curriculum and practice structure, but also embraces technology, tackles innovative problems, and customizes the training process.

Five Reasons John Marshall Law School Graduates Pass the Exam and Find Employment


John Marshall was an influential Chief Justice of the United States in the 19th century, responsible for making the Supreme Court a branch of government on an equal footing with the legislative and executive branches. Under his more than 30 years of leadership, the federal judicial system developed policies to ignore laws contrary to the Constitution. Although the school that bears his name was established in 1899, it was accredited in 1941 by the American Bar Association.

Strong core

Lawyers need skills in writing, research, and oral argument to be successful. Smart students know that these skills lead to high-paying jobs and profitable careers. Because John Marshall’s courses are kept small, each student develops the necessary communication and research skills. In fact, the US News and World Report ranks this school in the top tier of legal schools in the United States for 2012.


The curriculum is an important part of education; however, honors programs provide students the opportunity to excel. Five different programs are offered: John Marshall Law Review, Review of Intellectual Property, Journal of Computer and Information Law, Moot Court Honors Program, and Judicial Defense and Dispute Resolution Honors Program. With more than 50 different student organizations promoting social awareness, community service, legal discussion, and social activities, students gain significant hands-on, real-life experience.


Although the libraries are huge, all students are trained in modern technology, including iPods. After all, these wonderful devices allow attorneys to quickly research, write, and assemble complex legal documents. This saves time and effort while giving students benefits that they can use.

Innovative problems

This diverse law school is not afraid to tackle modern issues like immigration, international business and trade law, tax, and veteran issues. Since education is an expensive process, students should invest only where they get the best return for their money. John Marshall Law School offers cutting-edge classes in intellectual property law, information technology, employee benefits, and privacy law, allowing graduates to choose exciting and expanding legal fields.

Personalized training

Students are in control as the same classes are offered both day and night. Anyone can wait full or part time. Additionally, these quasi-attorneys can specialize and receive a certificate in that field or earn joint degrees.

The cost difference between a mediocre education and a quality and diversity education is small. However, a John Marshall Law School degree is worth more. Although it is easier for these graduates to pass the bar and find employment, the real benefit is in the strong basic education, practice, type of curriculum, and technology. These attorneys know the law and are paid handsomely for their skills.