Health Fitness

HIIT training in pool

Winter may be approaching, but indoor pools are a great way to get a high-intensity workout without all the impact. The best part is that you don’t have to be someone who can swim all your strokes proficiently (you have to be able to swim long enough not to create a dangerous situation for yourself in the water) to exercise in the pool. There are many moves like high knees, glute kicks, squats, lunges and much more that you can do to get a great workout in the pool, especially in shallow water. And if you’re in an area where it’s still hot, then a pool or even the ocean (on a flat surface where there’s no marine life) will work just fine.

Water workouts are great for those who don’t want a high-impact workout. That said, you can still get a high-intensity workout in the pool. The benefit is that you have the resistance of water surrounding your entire body adding an extra element of intensity. Just like any other pool exercise, the key is to make sure you’re moving and moving hard to get your heart rate up. In the end, it’s a fantastic way to mix up workouts, cross train, and keep things interesting.

What you need: No equipment is required for this exercise. However, if you are uncomfortable or unable to swim, a life jacket or flotation device is always recommended. Flotation devices such as skateboards, floats, and small inner tubes can be used for hand or body support.

You will need a towel to dry off, a shower cap if you don’t want to get your hair wet, and a suitable swimsuit. Also keep a bottle of water handy to quench your thirst.

Additional items such as swimming goggles and masks are optional depending on your swimming preferences.

The workout: Jump in (please don’t jump into shallow water!) and acclimatize to the temperature for a few minutes if necessary.

Warm Up – Water Walk – 1 minute, Water Jog – 2 minutes

*15 – 30 seconds of rest between movements depending on your recovery time. If the time is too much for any of the movements, do the best you can for as long as you see fit.

HIIT – This high-intensity interval training means you have to work as hard as you can during each movement to get your heart rate up.

Route 1
High Knees – 1 Minute
butt kicks – 1 minute
Tuck Jumps – 1 Minute
Jumping Jacks – 1 minute
Water walk: 1 minute (break time: drink water if you need it)
*Repeat the circuit 2 times.

Route 2
Right Side Random – 30 seconds
Left Side Random – 30 seconds
Stepping only legs into the water: 1 minute (if you don’t know how to step into the water, substitute jump squats)
Chest Flys – 1 Minute (arms underwater – perform the Chest Fly exercise using only the resistance of the water)
Water walk: 1 minute (break time: drink water if you need it)
*Repeat the circuit 2 times.

Route 3
Squats (as fast as you can) – 1 Minute
Water run – 1 minute
Water walking lunges – 1 minute
Water jump with high knees – 1 minute
Water Walk – 1 Minute (break time – take water if you need it)
*Repeat the circuit 2 times.

Warm up: water jog: 2 minutes, water walk: 2 to 5 minutes, depending on how long it takes for your heart rate to drop.

Be sure to consult a doctor before beginning any new fitness program.