
Marketing and Marketing Communications for Small and Medium Businesses: Important Forecasts for 2017

2016 ended with Americans exhausted by emotionally harrowing politics, stories of foreign entanglements and violence at home. Companies have also struggled with modest economic growth and a turbulent stock market. As we begin 2017, everyone – consumers and organizations alike – faces uncertainty in a variety of areas.

Against this backdrop, companies have yet to develop, plan and execute strategies for profitable growth. After speaking with various colleagues and clients, and reading feedback from various experts and forecasters, here is my take on what awaits small and medium-sized B2B and B2C businesses in the coming year:

one. A significant number of marketers, both large and small, will conduct agency reviews in 2017. The current Advertiser Insights report (based on 420 marketers representing about 90 percent of the top 100 US advertisers) reveals a staggering number of planned reviews:

· 66% Creative Agency Review Plan;

65% plan to check search agencies;

64% plan to review media agencies;

61% plan to review digital agencies.

Why? Beyond the lack of trust in the authorities of society as a whole, trust has also been lost, rightly or wrongly, between marketers and their agencies. So if you are feeling concerned about your agency relationship, acknowledge that you are not alone.

two. There will be significant increases in the number of companies hiring “temporary workers”, that is, freelance contract workers and freelance specialists. Faced with minimum wage increases, increases in health care costs, and rising payroll taxes, companies are obviously doing everything they can to reduce their fixed labor costs. But the ability to hire top-tier talent in the short or long term is also a practice that’s gaining a lot of momentum. In fact, a recent Deloitte University Press survey showed a “significant 7 percent increase” plus a “44 percent increase” in planning to hire casual workers in the next few years.

Keep in mind that these “outsiders” bring fresh energy and ideas to any type of organization and, at the same time, can provide some savings to your bottom line.

3. Media fraud and ad blocking will increase in 2017. Much was uncovered by the National Advertisers Association’s eight-month investigation into undisclosed refunds flowing from digital media companies to agencies. However, there is an incentive for scammers to keep doing what they are doing due to the ability to bypass fraud detection systems. This widespread practice can influence agencies’ media recommendations (and bottom line), although it obviously does not serve the best interests of clients.

Perhaps most importantly, the staggering growth of ad blocking in the markets poses a huge threat to digital media. At least 419 million people around the world are blocking ads on their smartphones, almost double the number blocked on desktop computers. That’s 22 percent of the world’s 1.9 billion smartphone users (PageFair – Ad Blocking Goes Mobile).

Digital and mobile media won’t go away, but using them effectively is challenging. Find professionals you trust to make sure you get what you expected.

Four. Since customers and followers are the lifeblood of any business or nonprofit organization, organizations will need to significantly increase their efforts to better understand their real-world wants and needs. A recent McKinsey & Co. study of about 700 top executives found that: 1) only 6 percent of companies felt they understood their customers’ needs very well; and 2) seventy-two percent considered the knowledge-of-the-client budgets inadequate.

There has been an explosion in the amount of customer data available, with new software programs mining all kinds of purchase and opinion information, including social media. To be competitive, organizations will need to continue expanding their knowledge using this new information. It just doesn’t seem smart to even consider developing a specific strategy or plan without knowing your customers, so make sure you have the skills to obtain and interpret the correct information.

5. Developing and maintaining a positive customer experience will become the new king of marketing. Distrust of institutions appears to be rampant: products are withdrawn from the market, passwords are stolen, online tweets have as much credibility as government agencies. Starting with employees, make sure they have the knowledge and tools to provide better customer service, create a positive experience, and promote repeat buying and customer referrals.

Confidence is the new black. All aspects of a brand’s life must convey reliability, delivered consistently and credibly, at every point of contact.

6. The acceptance and use of direct mail by millennials will continue to explode. Yes, millennials. And yes, traditional mail. This demographic is the one most likely to open and read direct mail. In fact, 63% reported that they made a purchase based on a direct mail article that they opened in the last 3 months (Direct Marketing Information Trends Study in the US).

Perhaps their flood of spam, disrupted advertising, and meaningless content will leave you tired of staring at screens and searching for a “new” medium. After all, it’s not about technology; it’s about efficiency.

7. While internet media spending will be tied to television for the biggest spending in 2017, more marketers will acknowledge that the majority of top media spending is still accounted for by traditional media (65%). Spending on television will increase by 1 percent, away from home by 4 percent, as radio will remain unchanged and only magazines and newspapers will show decreases (by 5 and 9 percent, respectively). Additionally, the Marketing Services category will increase by 2.8 percent to $ 237 billion, led by sales promotion, telemarketing, direct mail, and event sponsorships. (Age of advertising)

It goes without saying that determining where to spend your money on marketing communications is becoming increasingly complex. The key to doing this successfully is understanding the difference between selecting the newest “efficient” tactical tool and selecting the most “effective” one. This becomes increasingly important for small businesses, which cannot afford costly mistakes.

8. Much more time and smart thinking will be spent developing marketing strategy, positioning, and planning for marketing and marketing communications. A study of “Significant Brands” conducted by Havas in 2015 reported that most people wouldn’t mind if three-quarters of all brands disappeared forever. Also, most brands haven’t updated their strategies to satisfy today’s internet shoppers. These buyers have access to a wealth of information and have a wealth of purchasing options at their fingertips. It is more vital than ever that, to survive, you must continue to keep your brand meaningful to its constituents.

Both for-profit and non-profit brands must make absolutely clear how they differ from the competition and make their value proposition completely credible at every opportunity. Once your plan is implemented, you also need to know what is working and measure everything.

Marketing Communications and Value Marketing Consultants

2017 brings a considerable number of unknowns and concerns facing your customers, prospects, and even your employees. Clearly, they are more cautious about what to believe and who to trust for the next year. All organizations are faced with these problems and the dilemma of how to run a successful business in this climate.

Many small and medium-sized organizations are partnering with established and independent senior consultants to assist them with marketing communications and marketing plans and budgets, evaluating, developing, refining and, if applicable, implementing. If this is something you might consider, look for people with extensive experience in B2B, B2C, and nonprofits across all industries and brands. Look for consultants who are media neutral and don’t sell a particular discipline. And make sure they are passionate about analyzing the results and willing to “tell it like us” so that candor can flourish.

Improving the ROI of profitable sales and marketing communications is a daunting task. Finding the right consultant to partner with can take a bit of searching, but as Yogi Berra said, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”


We’re "Sitting" Ourselves to death?

A new study has appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology that concludes that free time spent sitting can shorten our lives. This study joins a multitude of other similar studies that have concluded the same thing: sitting on the couch watching television or in front of a computer for hours on end will have devastating effects on our health and longevity …

Researchers from the American Cancer Society conducted a large prospective study of American adults to examine free time sitting and physical activity in relation to mortality. The results showed that longer sitting time is related to a higher risk of mortality, especially in women. According to reports, women who sat for more than six hours a day were 37% more likely to die during the period considered than women who sat for less than 3 hours a day. As for men, those who sat for more than 6 hours a day were 18% more likely to die than those who sat for less than 3 hours a day.

Another recent study from Australia apparently reached the same conclusion and suggests that television addicts live shorter lives. The study followed 8,800 adults 25 and older for 6.5 years and found that each daily hour of television viewed as associated with an 18% increase in deaths from heart disease and an 11% increase in overall mortality.

Those who watched television four hours or more a day were 80% more likely to die from heart disease than those who watched two hours or less and 46% more likely to die from any cause. And the surprise? It didn’t matter if they were overweight.

While the benefits of physical activity have been well studied. Researchers are beginning to really look at the effects of being completely sedentary, as these studies show.

For many people, on a daily basis, they simply go from the car seat to the office seat, back to the car seat and then to the sofa and then to the bed.

Researchers are also beginning to see the difference between two types of physical activity. One is exercise: running, walking, swimming, and lifting weights. The other is a non-exercise activity, which may include moving, walking, tapping with the feet or fingers, standing instead of sitting, etc. We all know certain guys who can never “sit still.” People think that these people have magical metabolisms, but they are the ones that move and move. Lean people have a habit of burning hundreds of more calories a day while standing rather than sitting down and constantly moving their body. All this movement adds up over the days and years.

All of this can be disturbing news for those of us who sit around a lot at work. The answer is to add as much exercise as possible before and after work. For those who sit all day and don’t exercise either? Their risk of dying increased to 94% for women and 45% for men.

To counter this, there has been a recent increase in “offices without a president.” In fact, you have a podium where you stand instead of sitting in front of the computer. Schedule “walk-ins” where, as it says, you walk while conducting your meeting. While that may seem extreme, it is clear that many of us are seeing the need to change and are trying different approaches. Bottom line? We need to change the way we’ve been doing things!

What are some things you can do if you find yourself sitting many hours a day at your desk? Start by taking a brisk walk in the morning before work and after work as well, if possible. Also consider adopting these exercises to do at work:

  1. Trade in your desk chair for an exercise ball. Balancing on one of these helps your core muscles
  2. DON’T take that elevator! Using stairs whenever possible is a perfect way to add activity to your day. You could potentially go up in the morning, up and down at lunch, and down at the end of the day.
  3. Write the alphabet with your feet. Work on each letter by flexing and pointing your toes and rotating your ankles.
  4. If you have an hour for lunch, use half for walking. Consider bringing your iPod.
  5. Look online for more exercises and stretches to do while in your chair or standing at your desk.

Five strategies that will inspire your students to learn in a virtual classroom

The shift to e-learning that occurred in 2020 may have changed higher education in profound ways, even after the crisis that caused the transition is finally resolved. Students who have never taken an online class now find that they can learn this way. However, many educators who have never taught in this environment understand that teaching online is no easier than teaching in a traditional classroom. The lack of visual and verbal cues presents an immediate learning curve for anyone starting to teach online. Furthermore, the learning management system alone cannot be relied upon as the reason that students succeed in this type of environment. However, virtual learning has already established a proven track record of meeting student needs.

One of the challenges educators must learn to address is engaging students who cannot see in the learning process. Even the most seasoned online educators can find it difficult to do so at times, especially for students who do not respond to outreach attempts. I think about this same theme every time I start a new term and I am always re-evaluating how to evolve and inspire students in new ways. As an example, the current time period was an important factor in my thought process when I set up my new classes and recorded the videos for the first week. He knew that the choice of words and tone could have a considerable impact on students during a time of intense emotions. Over time, and with practice, I have developed strategies to inspire my students that I believe will also be helpful.

What creates a virtual classroom?

Do you consider what your students feel or experience when they first log into the classroom? What is the classroom for them? Some learning management systems are fairly easy to use and some are not. The discussion forum is generally the heart of the classroom and where most of the activity takes place. There are probably many places for you to look for course materials and information. Are students frustrated because they can’t find what they need?

I asked those questions to get you to think about your students and then consider what you can do to help them better navigate through the required technology. Maybe you can post an ad or create a short guide. I create Weekly Prep Guides to help students with the next week of the course, while also sharing additional resources and my perspective on the course topics for the week. I also post a weekly course announcement with a to-do list to help students stay organized. This can also help you and your students.

Five strategies you can implement to inspire your students

If you were to detail the strategies you use now to help engage students in a virtual learning process, which would you consider to be the most inspiring? What strategies help you feel more connected to your students as you interact with them? The following five methods may encourage you to try a new approach or reevaluate how you work with your students online now. I learned these strategies from my own online teaching practice, along with time spent working on teacher development.

Strategy n. # 1: Actively Engage With Your Students

Discussions are the heart of any virtual classroom and this is where you can add incredible value and meaning for students. Consider how they approach the question (s) assigned for the week. Your students will try to read, understand and interpret the required topics. They may post a substantive response, something that explores the concepts and encourages others to engage with them, while demonstrating what they have learned.

More often, however, the initial posts are a good attempt to address the requirements, with a bit of reflection on assigned course materials and general opinion statements infused into what is written. There may be some improvement in the writing level as students move from undergraduate to graduate courses, however, I have seen the same writing patterns continue in all degree programs.

This is why your participation becomes critical to learning and how you can inspire your students to engage in discussions at a much deeper level. While your initial response may be more reactive in nature, your posts can encourage them to think more, through the use of probing questions, while also providing information and context for the topics being studied. You likely have the experience and knowledge to share with them, to give them a real-world perspective that they may not have considered, and they may also have experiences that you can encourage them to provide. When you provide substantive and engaging posts, you are setting a standard for your students to follow and validating their effort or attempt to address the assigned question. I found that validation is necessary for many to keep trying or go ahead with a follow-up post.

Strategy n. 2: direct participation required

There are many words that are used to describe an online educator. The essence of the work you do in a classroom is that of an educator. When you interact with your students, you could consider yourself a teacher as you address specific topics, along with improving academic skills. The word facilitator is also used to denote participation in processes and procedures. I believe that the words that involve educating and teaching students are the most appropriate as both are indicators of the active participation of anyone who is involved in this role. Not only am I involved in helping educate and teach students, I am also a coach and mentor.

Regardless of the words used to define yourself, direct participation in a virtual classroom is required. In my experience, you cannot register two or three times a week, answer questions, complete the minimally required feedback, post the minimally required discussion responses, and hope that this will inspire your students to become very involved in the learning process. If they observe that you are minimally involved in the class, what do they perceive to be your attitude and how are they likely to respond in return? As an example, my goal is to post a response for each student at least once for each discussion. I want to make sure that I have helped each student to continue their original post in some way.

Strategy n. # 3: create comments that connect with your students

There are two forms of feedback. The first type of feedback meets the basic requirement of telling students how points were earned. This may include some comments and / or a rubric that is returned when the gradebook is updated. Students get minimal value from this type of feedback as it does not teach them or address their developmental needs.

The feedback I recommend is deeper. For a written assignment, the first step I take is to download a copy of the student’s work. I then use my comments as a teaching opportunity by inserting comments that include my knowledge, suggestions, and questions. Then when I return the document, I will also include a rubric to support the comments provided in the document. For discussions, I make sure to avoid canned comments and try to personalize them. As an example, I will provide video comments to connect with students directly. I want you to feel like you are having a conversation with them, even if it is a one-way conversation, since they can see and hear me. This also encourages them to contact me after reviewing it for further discussion.

Strategy n. 4: create a person in the virtual classroom

As an online educator, you want to create some kind of persona or develop an online identity in which you have a visible personality. If you can upload a photo of yourself to your profile, a professional photo will be of great help so that your students see you as a real person. Next, consider how you want to be portrayed or perceived by students in the classroom.

While you want to remain professional and academic in nature, can you afford to share something of a personal nature? For example, in my introduction I will share something about my favorite hobbies, TV shows, and movies, along with my professional accomplishments and accomplishments. I find this helps me connect with students and creates a positive image online.

Strategy n. # 5: use words to represent it carefully and carefully

Any educator who “works” or “teaches” in a virtual environment quickly learns the challenge of communicating in this type of classroom. You are using written words instead of verbal communication, and those words can be easily misinterpreted as you are not there to explain what was meant, in case students do not understand your message. Also, they are likely to be online and working at different times than you, given the accessible nature of most learning management systems.

This means that you have to think about every message posted and email or message sent. If you feel any emotional reaction to what you are writing, test what I am doing and create what you want to communicate first in a Word document. Then, if you need time to think more about the message, put it aside and allow a short period of time to focus and feel good about sending it. If you are not sure how to respond, the best solution might be to ask the student to call you. The more careful you are when sending your communication, the more you will continue to develop productive relationships with your students, and in turn, this will inspire them to stay involved in class.

Virtual learning should never feel distant

When students are first assigned to your class, and they have never been assigned to one of your classes before, they know nothing about you. The way they get to know you is through perceptual cues, which include posts and messages they read. An inherent challenge that makes meeting an instructor even more difficult is the separating factor. At the beginning of a class, students may feel separated, until there are signs that their instructor will be easily accessible and available to them. Using welcome videos at my school is a very helpful strategy to bridge the virtual gap at the beginning of a class. I also set Office Hours and provide a direct contact phone number for students to call. For classes that involve complex course projects, I share an appointment scheduling link, making it easy to find a convenient time for your schedule to make an individual appointment.

Regardless of which approach you use, every instructional strategy you implement must be done with the purpose of closing the virtual gap. I found that students who feel connected to their instructor, due to the instructor’s responsiveness, meaningful comments, engaging discussion posts, thoughtful communication, and ease of access, are the ones who will be most involved in the process of learning. When they feel challenged by the class, they will be more likely to reach out and ask questions because of the report developed. A bond is created and a feeling that the instructor cares about their continued development. If you haven’t taught in this environment before, I can tell you this: You must earn your students’ commitment in a different way. When you achieve this goal, it becomes extremely rewarding and personally satisfying to affirm: You are an online educator.

Health Fitness

Weight loss and CLA side effects

Does Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Have Negative Side Effects? Does it work for weight loss? CLA has been sold for many years as a fat loss supplement based on the weight loss and changes in body composition (i.e., losing fat and gaining muscle) seen in studies with mice and rats. Does it work in humans? More recent research in humans has shown that it can be used to increase fat loss. In this article we will look at some of the benefits of CLA, as well as some of the possible side effects. In addition to weight loss studies, countless studies have been (and currently exist) looking at the effects of this fatty acid in reducing inflammation, fighting cancer, and treating other conditions.

Since 2007, there has been an increase in the use of CLA as a fat burner. This is due to the publication of a meta-analysis (basically a review of several scientific studies) published in the May 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, which concluded that 3.2 g / d of CLA can induce weight loss moderate in humans. CLA is an attractive weight loss supplement and many people use conjugated linoleic acid as part of a fat loss supplement stack (i.e. a group of compounds and herbs taken together to maximize effects) because Unlike many other weight loss supplements, it is not a stimulant and you do not suffer the unpleasant side effects of nervousness, increased heart rate, or worse, increased blood pressure. This is especially since there aren’t many effective non-stimulant fat burning options on the market.

Let’s now look at two more studies involving people taking supplemental CLA. The first study was published again in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers found that when people supplemented with 3.2 g / d of CLA (this is generally the recommended dose for weight loss) they burned more fat, and more specifically, they burned more fat when they slept!

This is true.

Not only did the CLA subjects burn more fat when they slept, the fat they burned was NOT fat they had recently eaten; in reality, what they burned was stored body fat. This study is further improved when researchers reported that people who took CLA had decreased protein losses in their urine. In other words, the CLA group had improved protein retention when they slept. These are really interesting finds. If I owned a supplement company that sold large doses of CLA, my new title would be “CLA – Scientifically proven to burn more body fat and build muscle while you sleep.”

So CLA may work for weight loss, but are there any side effects? Again in 2007, another study was published looking at the effects of CLA on weight loss, this time in obese people. In this study, participants received CLA doses of 0, 3.2, or 6.4 grams / day. At the end of the study, the group that received 6.4 g / d of CLA experienced a significant increase in a compound called C-reactive protein, or CRP for short. C-reactive protein is a protein that is released from the liver. It is commonly used in the medical field as a general marker of the level of inflammation in your body; a higher CRP means more inflammation.

While there was an increase in CRP, it was not really clinically significant as CRP levels remained below what is considered normal (normal CRP levels are 3 mg / dL). It is also important to realize that the people in the study who had increased CRP as a result of taking a CLA supplement were taking twice the ‘recommended’ dose for weight loss and also that obese people typically have higher levels of PCR (this could have also come into play here). The group that only took 3.2 grams per day had no increase in their CRP levels.

Based on the findings from the studies I mentioned above and the review of the article’s studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it appears that 3.2 g / d of CLA can be taken safely to enhance weight loss.

The next question you should ask is …

What do you do with these findings? Not much at the moment … CLA is a good supplement to a fat loss program, but “supplement” is the keyword. CLA is perfect for building up nutrients, as combining these effects with a supplement such as green tea extract (which has also been shown to increase weight loss), increased physical activity without exercise, and multiple meals at the same time. throughout the day will surely increase your fat loss. If you’re not getting your nutrition right, training with weights 3 times a week and doing 3 interval sessions a week, don’t waste time with CLA and focus on the things that matter most.

Legal Law

How to sexually tease your girlfriend discreetly in public

  • Touch your leg under the table, especially the inner thigh. But don’t move your hand towards your genitals. Just gently rub the inner thigh for a few minutes and remove your hand. This will drive her crazy.
  • Whispering dirty thoughts to her: “I was looking at you when you were there, you look so sexy” or “I can’t wait to take you home” or “things I’ll do to you when we’re alone.”
  • Take her to a small and discreet place and start kissing you passionately. Kiss her on the neck, lick her ear, gently pull her hair if you can. Then stop and continue your normal activity.
  • Take her hand and play with her palm. Do this when no one can see. This is a sexual taunt. Tickle the inside of his palm with your fingers while holding his hand.
  • When no one is looking, stroke her lightly and cup her chest, if you’re standing from behind. Kiss her on the neck and whisper mischievous thoughts in her ear.
  • Dancing is very sexual. Any chance you get to dance with your wife, use it!
  • When no one is looking, take their hand gently and place it over your crotch. Especially if you are aroused, this will make her want you more.
  • Write her naughty notes and hide them in her purse.
  • When you are alone for a minute, whisper in detail what you are going to do to him the second they get home.
  • Paint provocative scenarios in her mind with words, when no one can hear you both, tell her how you fantasize about having sex with her in that closet over there or on this table.
Lifestyle Fashion

How to visualize fair skin

Visualize clear skin. Do this daily for a limited period of time and you will begin to attract the things that you need to attract into your life that will allow you to have clear skin. You will become more confident and start to make the lifestyle changes you need to make to heal your acne naturally.

How exactly do you visualize fair skin?

Sit or lie down comfortably and make sure you are relaxed. Close your eyes and start imagining yourself having fun. Take a look at yourself and look at your beautiful and radiant skin.

How will you live your life differently with fair skin? If you’re asking that hot guy or girl out on a date, envision yourself having dinner with him or her. Hear you 2 laugh and have a nice conversation. Get details and imagine a full conversation. Smell the food they serve you and feel the smoothness of your skin and dates.

If you really try this and give it a try, it will work. Stress is a major factor in the severity of your acne, so why not envision clear skin as an effective way to manage your stress? Naturally, it will encourage you to lead a healthier lifestyle and seek more answers to live an acne-free life.

My 10 personal rules for visualization

  1. View only once a day
  2. 5 minutes a day is ideal, even 1-2 minutes works
  3. Always put yourself in the image
  4. Get as emotional as possible and feel the emotions.
  5. Be as detailed as possible
  6. Relax: let your mind wander to whatever it is you are looking for.
  7. Lie down or sit comfortably. Just make sure you don’t fall asleep
  8. The environment you are in should be calm and peaceful. The sounds of nature are fine.
  9. Dedicate an area in your home to visualize daily when you are home
  10. Visualize today and do it every day for the rest of your life for incredible benefits.

Now you know everything you need to know about how to visualize acne-free skin. It’s time for you to act and move on with this essential skin lightening secret that very few people know about. Visualize daily if you want to be on the right path to skin lightening.


10 best places to buy a teacup puppy

People often say that a family is perfect and complete only when there are parents, children, and a lovable dog. One of people’s best options as a pet is a puppy. The reason for this is that puppies have great lovable appeal. The children in the family especially love puppies and they like to play with these puppies all day. We have tried to list some of the best places you can buy a teacup puppy:

If you are looking for a great teacup puppy breeder in the Los Angeles, California region, then Star Yorkie is the place for you. The name Star Yorkie is famous regarding this business and they own high quality CA teacup poodles. They have the highest quality Yorkshire-Terrier, Maltese and Pomeranian puppies for sale. Each of her cubs is raised with tremendous special care. The authorities are so concerned about your care that unless you are not willing to take good care of your cup of tea, they will not allow you to have one.

Goldies Yorkies is also a good place if you are looking for a teacup Yorkie puppy. Goldies Yorkies is owned and operated by Goldie Stone and Gina Beard since 1987. Goldies Yorkies have puppies that differ in terms of size. They have “teacups” that weigh 3 to 4 pounds and “tiny teacups” that weigh 2 to 3 pounds when fully grown.

Teacup Poodles is a great place too. They specialize in the teacup and tiny toy breeds. Each of her puppies is AKC registered and they have been raised in a loving environment. They have teacup poodles of all colors. This includes white, black, red, silver, chocolate, etc.

Puppy Plans offers the puppies of these breeds: Purebred Puppies, Teacup Yorkies, Micro T-Cup Yorkies, Shih-Tzu Puppies, Designer Mix Blend Toy Breeds.

Texas Teacups specializes in small cups of tea. Each of the puppies they specialize in are born and raised in a home environment and socialize with children and adults.

Elvis Yorkshire Terrier is also a great place to find your dream cup of tea. They specialize in Chocolate Yorkies, AKC Parti Yorkies and Parti Yorkie Carriers in addition to Tradition Teacup Yorkies.

Ginger’s Maltese is the most suitable place if you want to buy a Maltese puppy. They feed their pups high-quality dog ​​food and provide them with over an acre of land for them to run and play with. They are always provided with heat to warm or air to keep cool. Ginger’s Maltese is always looking for ways to improve the comfort of its Maltese dogs.

Queen’s Puppies also offers the best, cute, and lovable teacups you want to have as a pet. They feed their dog the best quality dog ​​food.

Tiny Paws and Claws offer healthy and cute chihuahua puppies that they classify as micro pockets, teacups, and tiny toys. If you are looking for a small, cute and healthy Chihuahua puppy, this is the right place.

TeaCups Puppies and Boutique specializes only in teacups and toy puppies. They focus on all breeds of teacup puppies.

Real Estate

The Pros and Cons of Pet Mice

There are a few distinct benefits and also some definite downsides to keeping mice as pets. They are easy to care for, do not last long, and are easily stored in a small space. However, they are also nervous, do not last long, and in many cases, they are not very interactive.

Mice can live quite content in a 10-gallon aquarium with a mesh lid or a cage of similar size. They need a plate of food, a bottle of water, a place to hide, and maybe a wheel to run and / or a block to chew on. Some kind of sand should be placed in the bottom of the cage to absorb urine and usually only needs to be changed once a week.

The urine of mice is quite itchy, especially that of mature males. This can be mitigated a bit by keeping only the females or by cleaning the stains from the cage daily or every other day. But mice generally smell something, so if you hate the smell, maybe another pet or no pets would be better for you.

The lifespan of a mouse is not very long, usually only between a year and a year and a half. This can be difficult if they become beloved pets, but it also means they have less commitment. This makes them good pets for children who are old enough to be responsible but may lose interest in a year or so.

Food and sand for a mouse or two are not very expensive. They are small and don’t eat much, and they don’t need a lot of sand for their cages either. However, veterinary care for your mouse will not be much less expensive than for a cat or small dog, especially since you would need to seek out an exotics specialist.

A lonely mouse is not likely to be happy, because they are deeply social creatures. However, they are shy enough that it is difficult to get a mouse with a companion to bond with you. In general, the best are two babies or adults who are already friends, because they will bond with you and yet appreciate each other’s company. Always choose two of the same sex.

Interaction with a mouse is limited. People can hold them and sometimes let them run around desks or other secure areas, but care must be taken that they do not leak. And older mice that are not yet domesticated can be difficult to handle. However, people who primarily enjoy watching their pets run and play will greatly enjoy having a mouse or two.

Shopping Product Reviews

Have you seen the snow? Snow white and eternity

The other day, while studying the wonderful word of God in Revelation 1:14 (NASB95), he says, “His head and hair were white like wool, like snow, and his eyes like a flame of fire.” Today I am going to refer only to “like snow”. I immediately thought of Snow White and Eternity, hence the title. A little twist on the words, but it got me thinking. When studying the scriptures, you should always adhere to the rule of interpreting the scriptures at the time they were written to obtain the proper meanings of the ancient language. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that it is taking place on an island called Patmos, part of Asia Minor in the Middle East. How often does it snow there? Not much, like maybe every two or five years, where there is a build-up. The exception occurs at higher elevations where it snows more frequently.

The writing only refers to a few occasions when it snowed. This crystallized substance of water and moisture-laden air cools, forming a delicate scale that only appears in the northern lands of the Bible at the highest elevations: the mountains of Lebanon, northern Syria, and Turkey. It is very rare in Jerusalem and the Transjordan area. In the NASB version, the Bible only has two references where there was snow on the ground. Psalm 68:14, “When the Almighty scattered the kings there, it was snowing in Zalmon.” In Job 24:19, “Drought and heat consume the waters of snow, and Sheol also those who have sinned.” We now know that, according to the Scriptures, it didn’t snow much.

The other verses refer to snow. In Proverbs 25:13, “Like the cold of snow in harvest time, he is a faithful messenger to those who send him, because he refreshes the souls of his masters.” Psalm 51: 7, “Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” Psalm 147: 16, “He gives snow like wool; He scatters frost like ash.” Psalm 148: 8, “Fire and hail, snow and clouds; a stormy wind that keeps his word.” Isaiah 1:18, “Come now, and let us reason together,” says the LORD, “Though your sins are as scarlet, they will be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they will be as wool.” That has a lot to do with a snowflake.

Snow represented the color white as the standard for sickness in Scripture. Exodus 4: 6, “The LORD said to him further,” Now put your hand into your bosom. “Then he put his hand into her bosom, and when he pulled it out, behold, his hand was leprous like snow. Numbers 12:10,” But when the cloud had withdrawn from over the tent, behold, Miriam was leprous, as white as the snow. When Aaron turned to Miriam, behold, she was leprous. “2 Kings 5:27,” Therefore the leprosy of Naaman will stick to you and your offspring forever. “So a white leper came out of his presence Snow “.

Snow was also recognized as a seasonal event in all of these scriptures. It meant the hand of God. Job 37: 6, “For he says to snow, ‘Fall on the ground,’ And to downpour and rain, ‘Be strong.’ Job 38:22, “Have you entered the storehouses of snow, Or have you seen the deposits of hail? The snow was representative of purity, like white snow. Lamentations 4: 7,” His consecrated were purer than the snow, they were whiter than milk; they were more ruddy in body than corals, their polish was like lapis lazuli. “

From a scientific point of view, what is snow? It is a form of precipitation of crystallized water and ice, creating snowflakes that fall from the clouds. The flakes are of soft, granular material that form many sizes and shapes, but when subjected to pressure they change state and are fleeting. Snow crystals are formed from supercooled water droplets from freezing clouds, forming a unique ice network in the atmosphere that combines with other networks to create snowflakes. The ice in the flake is transparent, but the beam of light that passes through the crystalline lattices makes the light appear white depending on the angle. The location of the louvers can create amazing reflections, like the shine of a layer of fresh snow. There is much more to this and it is fascinating, but for our purposes we just need to know that this process creates unique individual structures of unlimited combinations.

I think you’re watching my drift. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Seeing a drift of snow on the Midwestern plains while traveling in a warm and cozy car on a safe and comfortable highway is an incredible sight, especially when the sun is catching those flakes, causing the effect of thousands of bright stars as we we headed to our destination. . Incredible, unique and fleeting.

That is what I felt and visualized as I read Revelation 1:14, “His head and His hair were white like wool, like snow, and His eyes like a flame of fire.” Like snow, it is amazing, unique but not fleeting because snow represents the purity of our Lord Jesus Christ in His glorified state: the perfect God-man. In two words, “like snow”, the vision of our Lord to the apostle John shows the divine will of the plan and purpose of God the Father. It’s a rare Greek word, the noun [G5510 chiôn] which means “snow” means conversion, from one state to another. The historical Jesus who became human through the virgin birth, the Lamb of God, while on earth representing perfection, purity, the absence of sin and willingly going to the cross, bore the sins of all humanity, He dismissed His spirit, rose again, and then sat on the right hand of the Father, being the first-born, the God-man.

Christ did not resurrect himself. Christ received the resurrection of God the Father through God the Holy Spirit, who is available to us. John 10: 17-18, “That is why the Father loves me, because I give my life to take it again.” No one has taken it from me, but I give it on my own initiative. I have the authority to quit and I have the authority to take it back. This command I received from my Father. “Acts 2:24” But God raised him up, ending the agony of death, since it was impossible for him to be held in his power. “Romans 6: 4,” Therefore we were buried with him in death through baptism, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too may walk in newness of life. Ephesians 1:20, which He did in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places. Colossians 2:12, having been buried with him in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the work. of God, who raised him from the dead. “1 Thessalonians 1:10,” and wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, which is Jesus, who will deliver us from the wrath to come. “1 Peter 1:21,” who through him are believers in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that his faith and hope may be in God. “Romans 1: 4,” who cried out to the Son of God with power for the resurrection from the dead. according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord. “Romans 8:11,” But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His indwelling Spirit in you. “1 Peter 3:18,” For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that he could bring us to God, having been dead in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit. “

Just as raindrops form from clouds at a precise temperature in a certain way, the formation of a unique crystallized snowflake between the mounds of snow gives the ability to shine the light of God’s grace. This resplendent divine love, grace, and hope is available to all who are willing to go through the conversion process simply by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior through faith alone in Christ. Ephesians 2: 8-9, “For it is by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one can boast.” The difference between the believer in Jesus Christ and a snowflake is eternity. The believer becomes eternal in God’s plan and purpose as the snowflake melts. The decision is his, as John 3: 15-16 says, “so that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him , do not lose yourself, but have eternal life “. White as snow is the eternal nature of God through the finished work of Christ on the cross.


NHL Division Positions Analysis 2017-2018

Of the four NHL divisions, we took a look at where all the teams stand and how they stack up to where they were at the end of last year’s regular season. We have some unexpected teams in some unexpected positions. Why are they there and will they have a chance to stay there or recover?

Last year, the Oilers were second in their division. They are now at the bottom of their division with a much lower record than expected. Plus, their star player, Connor McDavid, is playing and scoring far less than expected. The Pacific division is off to a dry start to its seasons, all except the new team, the Vegas Golden Knights. The other teams have not shown outstanding matches. The Pacific split has been shaken compared to last year and the expected results have yet to come. There are many games to play and all it takes is a couple of teams to hit a hot streak to change the rankings in the Pacific division. One team that expected to see better participation in its season was the Arizona Coyotes. They had a very tough year last season and now they don’t see much improvement. The only team that has a win less than them right now is the Buffalo Sabers. The Coyotes are 7-18-5 and the Sabers are 6-17-4. They are fighting not to be in last place in the entire NHL. It’s hard to watch these teams fight, I don’t like seeing professional teams look so uncoordinated. I hope their seasons start to produce successes for the players and for the club as a whole!

On a different note, the Blackhawks came first in the central division last year and are now second to last this year. The Blackhawks have a lot of skilled players, but they seem to be underperforming. Another team in the central division that is not doing as well as it was at the end of last season is the Minnesota Wild. The Blackhawks and Wild finished in the top two in the central division last year, but they aren’t playing like they did at the end of the regular season. Right now, these two teams are sitting in two of the bottom three spots. The team that is last in the central division is the Avalanche. They had a horrible season last year and while they are doing much better now, they are still the team that was expected to be in last place. One team that was quiet last year and in first place in the central division is the Winnipeg Jets. Right now the Blues and Jets are vying for first place and it should be interesting to see what the product of more competition should produce.

After the Central division, there is the Metropolitan division. The biggest change we’ve seen in this division so far is the amazing courage the New Jersey Devils have shown. They had a poor season last year coming in last and now rank second in the Metropolitan division just two games away from being tied for first. The other teams in the division are not far from expected. The Pittsburgh Penguins have fared mediocre for being a Stanley Cup team and have had big losses to teams with big deficits. Usually the Stanley Cup team represents a challenge to the rest of the league, but there has been nothing extraordinary yet.

Finally, we have the Atlantic division, which has not surprised us too much. There are two teams in this division that have been a lot of fun to watch. These two teams are ranked first and second in the division and have great players. The Lightning are in first place with the Maple Leafs behind by one game in the win category, but with 3 points to tie. In Lightning, they have Stamkos and Kucherov, who are the dynamic duo. These two players have had great passes, plays and goals that you find yourself watching over and over again. In Maple Leafs, you have Auston Matthews, who is 20 years old and has had an incredible season. He’s a great points contender and has incredible goals. These top two teams, plus the Vegas Golden Knights, are some of the best teams to watch right now. The last teams in the Atlantic division are not very surprised. The only team that is surprised to be low in the rankings are the Ottawa Senators, who are in third to last place but in second place last year. They have had an unfortunate season, but they have the ability to make a strong comeback. The Sabers and Panthers are at the bottom of this division and haven’t been the best contenders for a while.