Lifestyle Fashion

How to spot a narcissist

Narcissists can be seductive and charismatic. In fact, one study showed that her pleasant appearance was only penetrable after seven meetings. But you don’t want to fall in love with one. Over time, you can end up feeling ignored, neglected, and unimportant. Typically, a narcissist’s criticism, demands, and emotional unavailability increase, while his confidence and self-esteem decrease. You will try harder, but despite your pleas and efforts, the narcissist seems to be oblivious to your feelings and needs.

Narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) occurs more in men than in women. As described in “Do you love a narcissist?” someone with NPD is grandiose (sometimes only in fantasy), lacks empathy, and seeks admiration from others, as indicated by five of these summary characteristics:

1. Has a great sense of self-importance and exaggerates achievement and talent.

2. Dreams of unlimited power, success, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

3. Requires excessive admiration

4. Believe that he or she is special and unique, and that he or she can only be understood or should associate with other special or high status people (or institutions).

5. Lacks empathy for the feelings and needs of others.

6. Unjustifiably expects special and favorable treatment or compliance from others.

7. Exploits and takes advantage of others for personal ends.

8. You envy others or think they are envious of you.

9. Has an “attitude” of arrogance or acts that way

How a narcissist behaves

Basically this looks and feels like someone who puts themselves above everyone else. However, you may not notice it at first.


Narcissists often like to talk about themselves and their job is to be a good audience. They may never ask for you, and if you offer something about yourself, the conversation quickly returns to them. You may start to feel invisible, bored, annoyed, or exhausted. On the other hand, many narcissists are charming, beautiful, talented, or successful. Therefore, you may be fascinated by their good looks, seduction, or fabulous stories. Be aware that some narcissists who excel at seduction may act very interested in you, but that diminishes over time. Flattery is also a means to seduce him.


Not only do they want to be the center of attention, they brag about their accomplishments and try to impress you. When you first meet, you may not know the extent of their hype, but you probably do. If they haven’t achieved their goals yet, they can brag about how they will do it, or how they should get more recognition or success than they are. They do this because they need constant validation, appreciation, and recognition.

Because they like to associate with high status, they can name celebrities or public figures and then find out. Similarly, they can drive an expensive car and wear designer clothes, show off their school, and want to go to the best restaurants. This may dazzle you, as can its charm, but it is actually a symptom of your need for an attractive facade to hide the void underneath. A simple, intimate restaurant you prefer will not meet your standards or provide the public visibility you seek.


Although some non-narcissistic people lack empathy, this trait is a crucial and defining symptom when combined with a sense of entitlement and exploitation. Watch her expression when describing sad stories or her reaction to yours. Do they lack empathy for the difficulties of others and, in particular, for their own needs? I once told a narcissist that I couldn’t travel to meet him because of a back injury. I was surprised by his callous response: “You wouldn’t let a little back pain hold you back.”

Simple examples are rudeness, not listening, walking in front of you, ordering what you should eat, ignoring your limits, taking calls when you talk to them. It is true that these are minor things, any of them alone may not be important, but they add up to paint a picture of someone who does not care about you and will behave that way in more important matters. They are not comfortable with vulnerability, not their own or others, and they are not emotionally available. Over time, you will notice that they keep you at a distance, because they fear that if you get too close, you will not like what you see.


A sense of entitlement reveals how narcissists believe they are the center of the universe. Not only are they special and superior, but they also deserve special treatment. The rules do not apply to them. They may not just want to, but wait for a plane or cruise ship to wait for them. If they are convicted, it is everyone else’s fault or the law is wrong. It should also suit your needs: store your favorite treats in your car, like what you like, and meet at your convenience on your schedule. A relationship with this person will be painfully one-sided, not a two-way street. Narcissists are interested in getting what they want and making the relationship work for them. Its purpose is to satisfy your needs and wants.


You may not pick up on this trait until you get to know a narcissist better, but if you start to feel used, it may be because you are being exploited. An example is someone who takes credit for their work. A woman (or a man) may feel used for sex or like a sweet to the arms if a narcissist shows no interest in her as a person. A man (or woman) can feel used if he gives money to a narcissist or provides his services.

Manipulation is a form of covert assault to influence you to carry out your orders. Narcissists are masters at that. For many, dating is an art of play. Whether it is an “intimate relationship” or not, narcissists generally do not care about the other person, their feelings, wants, or needs. (Read “How to tell if a narcissist loves you.” When relationships feel one-sided, givers feel exploited. They do so because they allow it and do not set limits.

More serious exploitation involves lying, lighting gas, cheating, and fraud involving financial and business transactions. These can include legal violations. You may not see it coming, but a narcissist might brag about how one happened to someone they took advantage of. Someone who had an affair may not be a narcissist, but a pattern of lies can be a symptom of various narcissistic traits. Other more obvious signs will appear.


Narcissists want to be first and best, and they don’t like their competitors. They want what they have. Instead of rejoicing over the successes of others, they are envious. They can bring down the person they envy and say that the person does not deserve what they have. Narcissistic parents do this with their own children and partners! They project and believe that other people are envious of them. When someone has a good reason to criticize them or they don’t like them, narcissists will dismiss their complaints as envy, because they are cool and cannot tolerate criticism.


Narcissists act superior because deep down they feel inferior. They may look down on other people, classes, ethnic groups, or races. Watch how they treat the people who serve them, like waiters and doormen, while they suck on people of influence. Their critical comments are often tinged with disdain and are often rude, attacking the individual, and not just complaining about the service. It can manifest itself in the form of sudden anger or covert hostility. This gives you an idea of ​​how they will treat you when they get to know you better.

They generally believe that they are infallible and are always right in any conversation. You may feel questioned or crushed in a debate, or that your words are skewed. Narcissists never take responsibility (unless it’s for success), rarely apologize, and often blame others for misunderstandings or when things go wrong. Their hostility can take various forms of narcissistic abuse. Hear how they talk about their past relationships. Are they acting like the victim and still seething with resentment?

Beware of falling in love with a narcissist

Relationships with narcissists are often painful and can be emotionally and sometimes physically abusive. If you are the son or daughter of a narcissistic parent, you are more susceptible to falling in love with one, because they feel familiar, like a family. Once united and in love, it is not easy to leave. Divorcing from a narcissist can be costly not only financially, but also emotionally scary and exhausting. On the other hand, you may feel devastated if you are rejected and / or replaced.

© DarleneLancer 2018

Lifestyle Fashion

I’m having a dinner party and one of my guests is a vegetarian. What should i cook?

You’re inviting guests to an upcoming dinner party and are being polite by asking people if there is any food they don’t like or can’t tolerate. A person contacts you and tells you that they are completely vegetarian. Lucky you asked, don’t you think?

Many meat eaters I have met find vegetarian food bland and boring, but this is far from the truth. You can create a wonderful menu and carnivores won’t even realize that they have eaten completely vegetarian food.

However, you have a couple of options. First of all, if you are really interested in a particular dish, you can create a vegetarian option. For example, if you are cooking a meat lasagna, you can also make a smaller vegetarian lasagna plate and your guests will not even realize that they are eating different dishes.

In this case, it is a good idea to assure your vegetarian guest that you are doing so so that they know that you have met their needs so that they can fully relax and enjoy their food without fear.

An important point to remember when having a vegetarian dinner guest is that you should not cook vegetarian food in the same oil that you just cooked a meat dish in first, do the opposite.

The other option, of course, is to cook a completely vegetarian meal and my suggestion is to combine a theme with this idea. In this case I will use an Italian theme as an example.

When your guest arrives, you can serve up some devouring hors d’oeuvres, like crackers and aubergine sauce or tomato slices topped with mozzarella and basil.

As a starter, you can serve a plate of eggplant and parmigiana antipasto, followed by a vegetarian lasagna or a pasta with pesto or Neapolitan sauce. The best thing about aubergines (the French name is aubergine) is that they are known to be a satisfying meat substitute with their beautiful thick texture. For dessert, you can serve a tiramusu, which is the most recognized Italian pastry, or something as simple as a pre-bought ice cream.

Lifestyle Fashion

How can I make my husband choose me and our marriage above everything (and everyone)?

Wives who are at the end of their marriage ties often approach me. Sometimes it is very clear that you are at a point in your marriage where your husband does not make you the priority in his life. Often times, the wife believes that the husband views their marriage almost as an afterthought. I heard a wife say, “We have been married for about five years. For the first three years of our marriage, things were wonderful. My husband came straight home from work and we were always together. We were both very invested in our marriage. And it showed. We were very much in love and very happy. But a couple of years ago, everything changed. He stopped coming home from work and started hanging out with his friends. He started playing golf. Now he goes on weekends too. week. I am so lonely in my marriage right now. I told my husband that I don’t want to live like this anymore. I told him I had to make a decision about prioritizing our marriage and choosing me over all his hobbies and friends. I had to say, but he told me I was being overly sensitive. And then he didn’t make any changes at all. I’m at the end of my rope. Can I get him to choose me and our marriage? I fear that our marriage io is going to end. ” I will address this below.

Make sure your request doesn’t sound like a complaint so you’re tempted to avoid it: I understand how handcuffs feel. Once my husband stopped prioritizing our marriage, I withdrew and did the same. Finally, we part ways. So I fully understand his desire for him to notice and listen. But there is a real danger that you ask for this so often that he sees it as a nuisance and starts to tune you out. Very often I hear from husbands in this situation on my blog and they often offer comments like: “Everything my wife does tells me that I am not meeting her needs. She focuses well or what I am doing wrong. It seems that all conversations center on her asking me for more. If she had her way, I would have no friends except her. I love my wife, but she asks a lot of me. So I just tune her out. “

I’m not telling you this to discourage you. I just want you to see why your husband may be disconnecting his attention and why, if this is the case, continuing with the same plan will likely continue to get the same results that you are currently unhappy with. This is why it can be very helpful to try to use positive reinforcement, which I will talk about right now.

Try to catch him in situations where he chooses you and make it worth doing the same one more time: Above, I described a situation in which your husband avoids spending time with you because he knows that when he does, you are likely to make demands on him. So, you need to change this dynamic. You want to set it up so that when your husband comes home or chooses her in some way, he makes a big fuss in a positive way. Instead of saying things like “well, it’s about time” or “there was no one available to play golf, so now you’re stuck with me”, you want to tell him what a pleasant surprise his presence is for you and how much you are I want to appreciate This weather. Then, fulfill those statements by making it a night that your husband wants to repeat.

The wife in the above scenario had been married to her husband for five years. You probably knew very well the kinds of things that would be memorable and enjoyable for your husband. The idea is that if you give him some positive reinforcement, he is much more likely to choose you again very soon. And every time he does, you need to make sure that you both enjoy the time together so that this eventually becomes a habit. The idea is that you get to the point where you no longer have to praise him or do a great deal because it has become a habit for both of you.

So if you’re stuck in a cycle where you scold him and he doesn’t change his lifestyle a bit, consider going back a bit and focusing on catching him doing something right and then rewarding him. It is human nature to want to choose your wife and come home as often as possible when she gives you a compelling reason to do so. And once this happens, both people feel happy and valued without anyone needing to feel like they’ve lost the discussion or given up.

Lifestyle Fashion

Crystal Healing: Do Crystal and Gemstone Healing Therapies Really Work?

Crystals and gemstones have been valued for centuries for their beauty and also for their healing powers. Ancient Egyptians are believed to have been advanced crystal healers.

There is the school of thought that exists that these Egyptian healers may have obtained their advanced knowledge in the use of crystals in the healing arts from their predecessors, the people of Atlantis.

They knew that through the stimulation of subtle vibrational frequencies in the human energy field, or aura, healing could occur in humans and animals. When certain stones were placed on the body in key areas and left there for a short period of time, the person receiving the treatment improved.

Acupuncturists today understand this concept and use acupuncture needles to stimulate some of the same areas that Egyptian healers used to place their healing stones.

By placing crystals and gemstones near certain chakras, meridians, and other energy points, blockages are cleared and healing is facilitated.

People often experience a tingling or vibrating sensation in the areas where crystals and gemstones are placed on their body during a crystal healing session.

Old memories and fears can flood their minds momentarily and then be suddenly released. Some people feel pain relief, muscles relax, joint and bone stiffness relieved, and a sense of peace, calm, and clarity gently overcomes them.

During a crystal healing session, it is not unusual for a person receiving treatment to re-experience an old trauma, as if the repressed memory of it had resurfaced as they exited the aura or energy field and the physical body simultaneously.

When a person releases an old and blocked emotional or physical injury in this way, they have the opportunity to see the past situation with different eyes than when they originally experienced it. Perhaps they are now older or have become wiser, so now they can finally examine what happened in the past and hopefully have the necessary tools to process that old trauma and let it go forever.

The amount of physical pain that can be related to old emotional wounds is surprising. By releasing and letting go in this way, some people find that they have a new lease on life.

Since this type of therapy is considered unconventional, a person can suffer from a problem for many years before finding a way to deal with it successfully.

Counseling and psychological therapy has often been the only option for some people and it can sometimes take years to resolve a problem that could be released during an afternoon with a good crystal healing practitioner.

Crystals and gemstones can be used to align energy bodies, balancing people’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual lives. This allows people to find relief from long-standing ailments fairly quickly when other conventional treatments have not been successful.

Obviously, this type of treatment is something you have to live to believe. As with anything out of the ordinary, there will always be skeptics who question the validity of this type of healing modality.

However, if you have been suffering from something that you have not been able to treat, you may want to seriously consider this relaxing, non-invasive and safe alternative treatment.

Copyright (c) 2005 Sherry Sims

Lifestyle Fashion

Easy Ratatouille Recipe – Harvest Ratatouille

Ratatouille is a popular dish that includes summer vegetables like eggplant, bell peppers, onions, and squash. It is a healthy Italian dish that will provide a perfect light dinner or lunch for just two.

To make this dish you will need: olive or vegetable oil, 1 small red or green bell pepper – onion coarsely chopped, 1 clove of garlic – minced, aubergine – diced, zucchini – diced, yellow summer squash – diced , 1 tomato – chopped fresh parsley, oregano, dill, pepper and grated Parmesan cheese.

In a medium skillet, heat 2 tablespoons olive or vegetable oil over medium high heat. When the oil is hot, add the minced bell pepper, 1/2 cup of the minced onion and the minced garlic. Cook, stirring constantly, 2 to 3 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender.

Add 1 1/2 cups diced eggplant, 1 cup diced zucchini, and 1 cup diced summer squash. Cook, stirring constantly, for 5 to 7 minutes until crisp-tender.

Add the chopped tomato, 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, 1 teaspoon oregano, 1 teaspoon dill, and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Cook until all ingredients are heated through. Remove from the heat and serve on two plates. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Makes 2 servings.

Bonus Recipe: Salad Bar Stir Fry

To prepare this dish, you will need: 4 cups of hot cooked rice or noodles, sesame oil, 8 cups of assorted fresh vegetables, cut (broccoli, cherry tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers, pea pods, onions and mushrooms, etc.), water, bottle of stir-fry sauce, shelled sunflower seeds (optional).

Prepare rice or noodles according to package directions.

Meanwhile, in a large skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of sesame oil over medium-high heat until hot. Add chopped vegetables that are firm such as: broccoli, carrots, celery, onions, bell peppers and pea pods and cook, stirring constantly, for 4 minutes.

Add medium firm vegetables such as: mushrooms, bean sprouts and zucchini and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 to 3 minutes.

Add 3 tablespoons of water. Reduce heat to medium then cover skillet and cook another 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add 1/2 cup of the sauté sauce and your tender greens like: tomatoes and spinach. Cook and stir until everything is completely hot. Remove from heat and sprinkle with sunflower seeds. Serve over cooked rice or noodles.

Makes 4 servings.

Lifestyle Fashion

Fun Things to Do in Austin, Texas with Your Food-Loving Friends

Austin and the surrounding areas are full of places to explore. From hiking the many Green Belt trails to enjoying delicious food and drinks in various scenic locations, you can find plenty of ideas to keep you and your friends busy. If you and your friend are foodies, the picture just turns rosebush. Here’s a list of fun things to do in Austin, Texas with your food-loving friends.

  1. Start and end your day with tacos.

  • Austin is known for many things, including breakfast tacos. A wonderful way to start your day is to check out some of the many delicious food trucks throughout the city. The Vera Cruz taco truck has been rated one of the best breakfast tacos in the entire city!

  • Even when you’re not in a food truck, there are plenty of delicious restaurants that serve up tacos to devour. Torchy’s is a taco restaurant that has expanded throughout the city and beyond. Known for a more gourmet and creative taco in the typical street taco, these restaurants continue to gain popularity and many customers start and end their day with tacos as a result.

  1. Texas Wineries

  • Nearby are many Texas wineries that create delicious wines and offer tours, scenic tasting venues, and many wine tasting events. You can spend all your time just hopping from cellar to cellar. Austin Winery and Austin Custom Winery are some places to visit.
  • If you want to stay in the city center, there are numerous wine tasting places happy to serve the surrounding wines as well. The Texas Reds and Whites Tasting Room offers a central location to sample the wines you want, and The Austin Wine Merchant can be counted on to import or locate those elusive wines you are looking for.

  1. Local ingredients produced in Texas

There are many companies that produce high-quality products that are used throughout the country. The Texas Hill Country Olive Company creates delicious aged balsamic vinegar, olive oils, and even has a gift shop filled with great gift ideas, including starter sets with samples of their great products. Located in the Hill Country outside of Austin, the trip is worth the scenic beauty and the products make perfect housewarming gifts.

Take a look at these places the next time you and your friends, family, or visitors want to have a foodie adventure in and around Austin.

Lifestyle Fashion

I can’t see, do I need headphones?

I can not see. Do I need aura glasses? Where can I buy them? As far as I know, auric lenses don’t exist. There are cameras that can capture an image of your aura at any given moment, but just as looking at a photograph is not the same as meeting a person, seeing a snapshot of an aura won’t tell you much.

Do you need a camera or glasses to see the aura? Of course not! All you need is your eyes, all three. Why all three? Our visible eyes see differently from our sensitive eye: the third eye, the pineal gland.

Auras emit a different spectrum and wavelengths than what our two visible eyes can capture on their own. While our two eyeballs are more developed to see details and objects with previously stored data and therefore transmit more intensely to the left side of your brain, the third eye transmits more directly to the right side of the brain. To the third eye The attention is NOT on the details.

So you’ve tried hard and tried to train your eyes, but you see, you don’t see auras. It’s not that you need glasses or a camera; this is how you do it. Chances are, you’ve watched a willing volunteer until they squirm with fatigue and you feel increasingly frustrated. As time goes on, you probably start thinking, “Will it work? Am I a failure? Will my friend tell my other friends that I am a phony?” for the hard edges to bounce off your vision, and finally the whole left brain was on you. He began to think instead of feeling, he began to focus on the subject, not the matter.

This overly repeated exercise of staring at someone against a light-colored wall is simply not feasible for some people when they begin to develop Auric Sight. For most people, it’s just too much pressure, whether it’s from a volunteer getting tired and skeptical or from those old tapes playing in your head screaming., “You will never learn to do this.”

So first of all, it doesn’t need to be a light colored wall. I personally see auras more easily against dark walls. Stop asking people to volunteer as guinea pigs. Everything has an aura, even furniture, so take the pressure off of success. Don’t work with people and give your left brain a vacation.

I personally started working with trees during lunchtime. I would have lunch and then, depending on the weather, I would sit in my car or on a bench outside the building and work to soften my focus on the trees. Then I moved on to other things. This downtime allowed me to relax, not just my body and mind, but my eyes as well. My friends didn’t run away from me and the trees had all the time and patience in the world.

The best viewing moments are when you are tired, bored, very relaxed, or daydreaming. The best viewing moments are when you don’t feel pressured. The worst time is when you TRY to see auras. So my recommendation is to forget the traditional instructions.

Next, open up your definition of whether or not you are seeing auras and how you see them. Personally, I don’t see a lot of colors often. I suppose the cones of my Third Eye are not as developed as my rods, but I see the layers of aura and what may be in them. I see them change and move with thoughts, etc. It is usually as patterns of energy waves or in black and white. Every now and then, it looks like the Northern Lights and is incredibly beautiful. Black and white and especially energy patterns seem to be my strength more than color. You may be like me and don’t see auras by the book.

If you’ve been saving up for Auric Glasses, open that piggy bank and use the money for some relaxing good time. Hang out in a hammock and look at the tree that supports it. You may see an aura.

Lifestyle Fashion

Hurricane Season: How to Prepare

Now in mid-fall, the holiday season is in full swing and with it comes a ton of stress and worry that is not limited to how much money you are spending. The hurricane season is coming to an end in November and while the end appears to be near, we should look at the recent storm off the East Coast as a warning and take all necessary precautions. While the event of any natural disaster can sometimes seem unlikely, there are very real chances that something terrible could happen at any moment. The best course of action at this point is to make sure you are prepared for whatever may come your way.

Evacuation zones

If you live outside of an evacuation zone, consider yourself very lucky. During an emergency situation, those whose homes are in low-lying areas or near large bodies of water should prepare to leave as soon as a warning is issued instructing them to do so. Local emergency management offices will inform you if your home is in a safe area or not.

Action plan

If you live in an evacuation zone, prepare an action plan and discuss it with everyone in your household. Determine exactly where you will go in the event of a hurricane or tropical storm. Make a list of everything you want to bring and plan to store your precious belongings that cannot go with you in a high, secure space. If you drive, fill up your gas tank frequently to avoid the clutter and hassle of long lines when a warning is issued.


If you plan to wait for the storm to pass in a public shelter, be aware that not all places accept pets and most of those that do, require you to provide your own food and water, as well as a carrying case that allows give the animal enough room to stand up. Make sure your pets are up to date on all their vaccinations and wear a collar or harness with their identification in case they get lost. If you lose your pet, contact your local humane society as soon as possible.


If the power goes out in your home, refrigerated food will only last a few hours, which is why stocking up on non-perishable items is so important. Buying a generator is a great way to provide electricity for the things you need the most, but at the very least, make sure you have enough flashlights and batteries on hand. Water is of course another much-needed supply and a great way to store gallons is to fill your bathtubs. Make sure all your phones and computers are charged enough to last during a power outage too, in case you need to reach someone. A first aid kit is another must-have item on your list along with toilet paper.

Preparing your home

Tape your windows and / or secure them with plywood to prevent breakage. Pick up loose debris that surrounds the exterior of your home, as it can contribute to further damage during the storm. Make sure your refrigerator is at the coldest possible temperature to preserve food for a longer period of time. Find a place inside your home that is not near a window and plan to stay there for the duration of the storm.

Hurricane Sandy relief

There are many people on the East Coast who took every possible precaution to ensure their safety during the storm, but unfortunately most, if not all, still face the damaging aftermath. Fortunately, the American Red Cross is accepting donations to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy. All donations go towards providing victims with shelter, food, medical care, emotional support and emergency services.

Disaster Relief from the American Red Cross

Lifestyle Fashion

Asian Makeup Tips: How To Best Apply Eye Makeup

Discovering the perfect eye makeup style takes a lot of experimentation. Our Asian eye makeup tips will provide you with the guidance you need to find the perfect colors for you.

Asian women have always used black pencils to define and sculpt their eyes. However, Asian eye makeup is available in a wide variety of shades and mediums.

Here are some tips for applying Asian makeup.

  1. When applying makeup for Asians, don’t forget that there are numerous options available to you. A combination of eyeliner pencil, liquid eyeliner, and shadow will provide your eyes with the highest degree of definition. If you are in possession of all these cosmetics, it is recommended that you make the most of them.
  2. Asian eye makeup doesn’t have to be conventional; Black and brown makeup is available in a variety of shades. This includes makeup the color of espresso, as well as bright makeup that makes the eyes sparkle.
  3. Dramatic makeup for Asians doesn’t always have to be dark in color. Asian eyes stand out with plum and raisin tones.
  4. To add depth to your eyes, scale your makeup from lash line to brow. The darker shade, to be used along the lash line, should be blended with lighter color shades to be used near the brow.
  5. Different eye shapes can be created with the use of Asian makeup. Dark colored eye makeup can be used to minimize the shape of the eyes, while lighter colors can be used to make the eyes appear much larger.
  6. When it comes to color accents, Asian eyes are very versatile. Brown eyes can be complemented with Asian makeup shades of light pink, gold, and rust.

When considering eye makeup for Asians, you should never fail to remember that for Asians, the eyes are the key feature of the face and they should always be given special attention.

When reviewing Asian makeup suggestions, you will undoubtedly discover that black mascara and black eyeliner are widely recommended due to their ability to bring out the beauty of the eyes. This is due to the ability of mascara and eyeliner to enhance the almond-shaped eyes of Asians.

Eyeshadow is also important when it comes to Asian eye makeup. Our Asian makeup tips for selecting eyeshadow shades are straightforward and require little effort or specialist knowledge.

  1. Consider the amount of crease above your eyelid when selecting an eyeshadow color.
  2. A lot of creasing is required for eye-catching eye makeup to be successful. Colors like black, deep purple, and navy will look great, especially at night.
  3. Multiple layers of eyeshadow can be adopted to enhance your chosen look.

After reading these Asian makeup tips, you will realize that black does not have to be your basic color when wearing eye makeup. With a little patience and experimentation, you will soon be able to create powerful looks with bold eye makeup for Asians.

Lifestyle Fashion

Fake News and Distrustful Government Leadership During Disasters

Why doesn’t anyone check the news on non-political topics? There seems to have been a big smokescreen lately when it comes to natural disasters. We are constantly told that such events are the “worst” in history. We recently saw Hurricane Harvey flood the Houston TX area, we were told it was the worst damage caused by hurricane in history. Is not true. We were told that such a flood in that region was unprecedented, it is not true either, Houston has major floods at least twice a decade, yes this was the worst in years, but not the worst in history, just that there will be more people there now. flooded.

The following week there was a large brush fire (nicknamed: La Tuna Fire) in Southern California, in Los Angeles County near Burbank and Glendale CA. It burned about 7,000 more acres. He told us it was the largest fire in Los Angeles County history, looked directly into the television cameras with a straight face, and told a blatant lie. It was not by far the worst wildfire, wildfire, or the biggest property damage or costly for that matter. Not even close.

For example, from September 28 to October 6, 2005, the Topanga Fire burned 24,175 acres; or the station fire from August 26, 2009 to October 16, 2009 that burned 160,577 acres and we lost 209 structures and there were 2 deaths. The Springs Fire that started in Ventura County and declared on May 2, 2013 burned 24,000 acres of which more than 8,000 acres were in Los Angeles County.

And, keep in mind that these are fires not so long ago, in fact there is still fear of brush burns on the trails; you can see when you hike, burnt brush will still stain charcoal on your legs when you race Believe me I’m an avid trail runner and I come back often with black streaks on my legs from fires nearly a decade ago. In fact, in the La Tuna fire, firefighters received a rainstorm that significantly knocked down the fire and it was completely extinguished quite quickly in a short time.

Why all the fake news? I think it’s so politicians can call for “devastation” to bring more federal and state money into the area of ​​Emergency Disaster Relief Funds. So that they can generate more support from the Federal Government to pay for the support of the aerial fire trucks and to become great while they run for governor or try to be re-elected mayor. Regardless of why, they know that they are not telling the truth and they think that “we” citizens are so stupid and have so little memory that we do not know the difference or that they can deceive us because the media keeps repeating the lie.

“Where are the fact-checkers?” I dare to ask why fire chiefs, police chiefs, public works administrators stand by these politicians and remain silent, do they know the truth, has it taken them decades to become department heads? Could it be that they became department heads by going with the flow and living the lie in exchange for high-paying jobs, pensions, and benefits? Scary thought, especially considering this trend.