Health Fitness

3 essential factors in muscle development for beginners

Muscle building for beginners is an ideal regimen if you are a skinny guy who wants to gain weight and muscle mass. Or if you are a fat guy, you can do beginner bodybuilding if you want your shoulders to be wider than your waist. Otherwise, if you just want to get stronger and faster, you can do that by building muscle. Building muscle needs you to do 3 things for you to gain muscle and get bigger and stronger:

  • You must lift heavy things.
  • Follow a diet that promotes your muscle-building goals.
  • Provide time for rest.

Heavy lifting is an essential part of building muscle. To do this most effectively, train at a gym that has an efficient section for free weights. Do some bodyweight exercises. It will bring great results for your weight loss goals and in maintaining your muscles. If you’re serious about weight training, look for a gym with more complete equipment, like a bench, squat rack, bars, and enough space where you can do pull-ups, pull-ups, and dips. You will want to gain functional muscle size and strength, and in this case, you should perform full-body exercise routines in combination with compound exercises. Your exercises should target multiple muscle groups. Don’t waste any more time doing isolated muscle exercises with weight machines. You need to work not only specific muscles, but more importantly, your stabilizer muscles. Do barbell squats instead. It is a compound exercise that works all the muscles of your physique. Exercise with dumbbells and bars and avoid the use of machines.

What about your diet? It depends on your current build. If you are skinny, your diet will comprise 90% of the muscle building battle. If you want to gain size, you must create a calorie surplus through your diet. In other words, you must take in more calories than you burn. When you have that problem where you are not gaining weight despite lifting a lot of weight, it means that you have to improve your diet. What are the tips for a weight gain diet? First of all, eat a lot of food of any kind. It’s a different approach to weight gain that works. Make sure of your protein intake. It has to be 200 grams a day. Then eat the rest of the 3,500 calories from whatever foods you find delicious, such as milk, pasta, rice, pizza, chicken, protein shakes, milk shakes, etc. You will gain sufficient amounts of weight through this feeding technique. Another approach to gaining weight to build muscle is to eat plenty of healthy foods. Your food choices for this option include brown rice, chicken, oatmeal, homemade smoothies, almond butter sandwiches on whole wheat bread, fruits and vegetables, milk, beef, and eggs. Eating a lot of healthy food is kinder to your insides and is better than eating a lot of stuff. It may not work optimally for weight gain, but it still makes sense.

Resting in muscle development is just as convenient as eating and exercising. Skinny guys who want to build muscle should avoid doing cardio. Cardio is the antithesis of building muscle because it conditions your body to build slow, small muscles. You can, for example, spend 3 days a week in the gym, but you should know that your muscles get stronger when you are at rest. What fitness experts often practice is to train exhaustively and then give their bodies plenty of time to recover by resting. Dedicate 8-9 hours of your time to sleep (daily) and take naps whenever you can. Consider these 3 important factors in muscle building for beginners.

Health Fitness

Keto diet and weight loss

If you have had a desire to lose a few extra pounds, then perhaps you might have come across the ketogenic diet, which is popularly known as the Keto diet. It is a popular weight loss plan that promises significant weight loss in a short time.

But far from what most people think it is, dieting is not a magical tool for losing weight. Just like any other diet, it takes time, requires a lot of adjustments and follow-through to see results.

What is the Keto diet?

The keto diet aims to put your body into ketosis. This diet plan is usually low in carbohydrates with a high intake of healthy fats, vegetables, and enough protein. This diet also emphasizes avoiding highly processed foods and sugars.

There are several types of Keto diets: standard, cyclical, targeted, and high-protein ketogenic diets. The difference in them depends on the intake of carbohydrates. The standard ketogenic diet is low carb, high fat and adequate protein is the most recommended.

Is the Keto diet safe?

Most critics of the Keto diet say that it is unsafe due to the emphasis on consuming high fat content. This is guided by the misconception that fats are bad for you. On the contrary, healthy fats are actually very good for you.

On this diet, you get plenty of fat from healthy sources like avocado, nuts, fish, butter, eggs, coconut oil, palm oil, seeds like chia, and red meat.

How does the Keto diet help in weight loss?

So how does the ketogenic diet really work and how does it help your body shed the extra pounds? When you follow a high-carbohydrate diet, your body uses glucose from carbohydrates and sugars to fuel bodily activities. When you follow a ketogenic diet, you provide your body with minimal amounts of carbohydrates and sugars.

With a reduced supply of sugar and carbohydrates, glucose levels in the body become depleted, causing the body to seek alternative energy sources. Therefore, the body turns to stored fats for energy, which is why the Keto diet leads to weight loss.

This condition where your body burns fat for energy other than carbohydrates is called ketosis. When your body goes into ketosis, it produces ketones as a fuel source instead of relying on glucose. Ketones and glucose are the only two sources of energy that fuel the brain.

Benefits of Ketosis and the Keto Diet

In addition to helping you lose weight, putting your body into ketosis also has other health benefits. Here are some of them:

  • Greater mental clarity
  • Enhanced physical energy
  • Steady blood sugar levels, making it a good remedy for epilepsy and diabetes.
  • Improved and enhanced skin tones.
  • lower cholesterol levels
  • Hormonal regulation especially in women

The ketogenic diet is one of the best diets you can follow to lose weight and improve your overall health. The diet can also be used for overweight children. There are numerous studies that support the diet showing significant results especially when combined with exe

Health Fitness

Oprah Tea – Oprah Winfrey’s Weight Loss Tea Secrets

What is Oprah’s tea that everyone is talking about? Dr. Perricone said on Oprah that if he drank it instead of coffee, he would “guarantee that he would lose 10 pounds in 6 weeks.” So why would a respected doctor make such claims about a tea?

The answer is simple. The tea that Oprah drinks to lose weight is Wulong/Oolong. Both names mean exactly the same thing. This tea comes from the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian, China, one of the few places in the world that has the exact temperature, humidity, and topology to grow tea.

So what makes Wulong-Oolong so effective in helping you lose weight? It is rich in catechins. These are polyphenolic plant compounds that have antioxidant properties. They belong to the family of flavonoids that have been widely documented for their health benefits.

Researchers at Teikyo University School of Medicine found that the catechins in oolong tea helped reduce abdominal fat without influencing the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Other scientific data includes its ability to prevent the body from converting dietary fats into body fats. Researchers at the Ehime School of Medicine reduced the absorption of lipids in the body and increased the rate of fat burning by giving subjects Oolong tea.

So how can you lose weight with Oprah tea? Drink a cup with each meal, or take it in capsule format if you are not a big fan of tea. Of course, you should combine drinking Wulong-Oolong with a healthy diet and moderate exercise for best results. If you follow a high-carbohydrate, high-fat diet while drinking the tea and don’t exercise, your weight will stay the same.

Health Fitness

Achieve a non-surgical face lift or brow lift with Pelleve’s radiofrequency skin tightening treatments

There are many treatments available in aesthetic clinics to tighten the skin and give the face a more youthful appearance. One of these treatments is the Pelleve Radiofrequency Skin Tightening, which provides results similar to a non-surgical face lift or brow lift.

Achieve great results by:

  • Tighten fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
  • Reducing the roughness of crow’s feet on the eyes.
  • Lines in the eyebrows.
  • Reduces the sagging of the jowls.
  • Firms loose, lax skin on the neck.

Pelleve’s skin tightening treatment is non-invasive, does not involve incisions, and does not cause bleeding or scarring. First, a protective gel is applied to the face to reduce discomfort. If desired, topical numbing creams can also be used. Oral analgesics such as acetaminophen or co-codomol are given to minimize the sensation of warmth, but pre-treatment pain relief should be discussed at the time of the first clinical consultation, as each client’s needs vary.

Radiofrequency energy heats the collagen in the skin, which tightens existing collagen and then stimulates the production of new collagen, resulting in rejuvenated, youthful looking skin. Radiofrequency energy has been used for over 30 years and is considered a very safe form of treatment.

When we apply the radiation wand to the skin, there may be a brief sensation of mild to intense heat around the treatment area as the radiofrequency energy heats and tightens loose skin on the face and neck. There are no permanent side effects and only a minimal amount of downtime after the procedure. The result is an improvement in the quality and firmness of the skin, which you can see and feel.

Those with mild to moderate wrinkles who have a single Pelleve treatment show immediate improvements in wrinkle reduction and skin laxity, and this continues to improve for up to six months after treatment. The results are immediate and because we do not use anesthesia, any swelling is minor. There is no recovery time and you can get back to work immediately. Very occasionally there is redness of the skin which usually disappears within a few hours.

Depending on the area you choose, treatment times can range from 20 to 60 minutes. The treatment is suitable for all skin colors and the 30-60 age group responds best. Further stretching of the skin occurs over the next 4 to 6 months, with the formation of new collagen. It is recommended that you have 6 to 8 treatments, with an interval of 2 to 3 weeks. Pelleve RF skin tightening will last for 16-18 months and you can combine Pelleve with any cosmetic treatment.

The result is firmer, smoother and younger-looking skin.

Health Fitness

The Mega Set – The Forgotten Set

Most people who train with weights can be divided into 2 categories: those who want to gain size and those who want to gain strength. Both are great goals and have very specific training routines, exercises, and sets. The type of training I almost never see in the gym is muscular endurance.

For most of us, our goals in the gym don’t lead to the Mr. Olympia stage or the weightlifting arena of the Olympics. However, we tend to ignore the more practical exercises. Shoveling your driveway for 30 minutes doesn’t require a 400-pound bench. Carrying your 3-year-old around the zoo all day doesn’t require 21-inch biceps. What most daily activities require is muscular endurance: the ability to move an average amount of weight for an extended period of time.

My first introduction to this type of set was through my Russian mixed martial arts trainer. He used to tell me “What good is a 300lb bench press if you can only do one? In a fight, you might have to push your opponent’s chest for 10 minutes.” I am paraphrasing here because he spoke broken English with a heavy Russian accent, but he was right! I could move a lot of weight in a few reps, but at half my max I would get fatigued after about 20 reps. With about 8 weeks of specialized training, I was racking up the same weight out of boredom after 60 reps. Then we move on to mega-set circuits, but that’s a story for another time.

Mega Set Training (6-8 week cycle)

Day 1 Chest
– 2 warm-up sets
– 1 set of max weight Bench Press for 5-6 reps
Bench Press and Dumbbell Flyes
– 4 sets of 50 reps each (use about half the weight of your previous 10 rep max to start with). Keep your rest to less than 2 minutes between sets

day 2 cardio

Day 3 Back
– 2 warm-up sets
– 1 set Bent Over Rows max weight for 5-6 reps
Bent over rows and lat pull downs
– 4 sets of 50 reps each (use about half the weight of your previous 10 rep max to start with). Keep your rest to less than 2 minutes between sets

Day 4 Cardio

Day 5 Legacy
– 2 warm-up sets
– 1 set of squat max weight for 5-6 reps
Deadlift with squats and bent legs
– 4 sets of 50 reps each (use about half the weight of your previous 10 rep max to start with). Keep your rest to less than 2 minutes between sets

Day 6 Arms and shoulders
– 2 exercises per body part, 4 sets, 8-12 reps per set

Day 7 Rest

Health Fitness

How to Get the Best Workout for Squeezing Buns Fast

Thousands upon thousands of women are unhappy with the shape of their buns and spend hours and hours looking for a way or exercise to tighten their buns. I mean, you don’t have to go to fancy gyms and buy a ton of equipment to achieve that goal. You really don’t. Now believe me, I’ve been there and I know exactly how you feel. In women, the problem areas tend to be the opposite of the problem areas in men. Men tend to gain weight around the abdomen, while women accumulate it around the buttocks and thigh areas. Even if you don’t want to show the world in a public gym that you’re working on your glutes and thighs, there’s another way. In private! And you will get impressive results.

I’ve listed below several things that have helped me firm up that butt and keep it firm, keeping me looking younger and in better shape than when I was in my early 20s. And anyone can do it.

1. Lunges: lunge forward with your left foot, then return to a standing position. Do the same with the right and repeat this for 3 sets of 12 lunges for each leg.

2. Walking: Take a brisk 30-45 minute walk around the neighborhood, the park, anywhere.

3. Ride a bike: Take a 30-45 minute bike ride around your neighborhood, the park, the beach…anywhere you want to go.

4. Yoga – Yoga is great for the butt. With all the positioning, stretching, strengthening, and isolation movements, they definitely tone every part of the body. There are many home yoga DVDs that focus on the butt.

5. Back Leg Raises: Stand holding onto the back of a chair and lift your leg behind you, pointing your toes (as if you were in ballet class). Repeat 20 times and then switch legs. Do three sets of these three times a week.
There are plenty of glute toning exercises that you can do at home or in your neighborhood, on the go, anywhere. And it’s an easy exercise! It can be a challenge for the body, that’s what you have to do to get results. If you don’t challenge the body, there’s no way it can change, right? Right!

There are plenty of exercise DVD’s that I would recommend that really target and tighten the buns.

– Home workout DVD I recommend for firming and sculpting your butt:
– Kim Kardashian’s Fit Into Your Jeans By Friday series
– Self Magazines’ Your Best Butt Fast DVD
– Denise Austin’s Yoga Buns

Another tip on what to do is STAY ACTIVE. If you switch it up and don’t sit on your butt the entire time, you’ll keep the blood flowing to the muscle and therefore automatically be more likely to be tight and tight.

Health Fitness

negative calorie food list

You’ll find a list of negative calorie foods below, but first let’s consider what this means. There is no such thing as a negative calorie: a calorie is a unit of heat and cannot be negative. So when people talk about negative calorie foods, this is just referring to a food whose calorie level is low enough to consume more energy than it contains to eat and digest it.

For example, if you consider water to be a food, then cold water is definitely a negative calorie food. It contains no calories at all and the body has to expend energy to bring it up to blood temperature. So every time we drink a glass of cold water we burn a couple of calories and lose a bit of weight. But there are very few foods like this. Most of the foods on the list don’t really use more calories than they add, or if they do the effect is negligible…until you remember that at the same time the body expends energy just to stay alive and breathing. Celery, for example, doesn’t give us enough calories to cover both the energy needed to digest it and the energy we expend even when we’re not doing anything. That’s why people call it a negative calorie food.

Negative calorie foods are more appealing to anorexics. A negative calorie diet would obviously result in long-term starvation, and nutritional deficiencies can occur surprisingly quickly. Calories burned generally come from muscle mass and the result is weakness and wasting.

A healthier way to use a negative calorie diet is as a form of fasting or detoxification. It’s something you can do for one to three days right after the holiday season or at another time when you’ve been eating too rich a diet. As long as you are healthy, it can be a great way to cleanse your system. However, it is best to consult a doctor before trying it.

If you decide to use a negative calorie detox, keep the following points in mind:

1. It is never a good idea to eat large amounts of one type of food, especially fruit. Many foods contain substances that can be harmful if eaten in excess. For example, the acid in grapefruit and pineapple can damage the lining of the stomach. Other foods put an undue load on the liver or can cause diarrhea. So try to use all the different foods in small amounts.

2. Don’t spend all day eating. He will just swell up and feel sick. If you’re only doing this for a couple of days, you shouldn’t feel too hungry. Plan four or five salad meals each day and let your digestion rest at other times.

3. You will feel more satisfied if you eat slowly and chew your food well. You’ll also use more calories that way. So if the food can be eaten raw, that will be more effective than cooking it. Foods like carrots and beets will also be more satisfying if you eat them grated.

4. Schedule time when you don’t have any important commitments. As with fasting or any type of detox, you may experience some uncomfortable symptoms, including headaches, tiredness, depression, and irritability. If these become severe, discontinue the diet and see a doctor.

5. When the detox is over, plan for a gradual return to normal eating.

If all the above points are checked and passed, let’s move on to the list of foods.

* apples

* Asparagus

* Beets

* blueberries

* Broccoli

* melons

* carrots


* Celery stalk

* Celery root

* blueberries

* Cucumbers

* Eggplant

* endive

* garden cress


* Pink grapefruit

* Green beans

* Green cabbage

* Canon leaves

* Lemons

* Lettuce

* Onions

* Papayas


* plums

* radishes

* Raspberries

* Spinach

* strawberries

* Tangerines

* Tomatoes

* turnips

* Zucchini

Use the above list of negative calorie foods wisely.

Health Fitness

Museums and the man of the marathon

Christopher Ingraham’s Washington Post article (June 13, 2014) says it all: “There are more museums in the US than Starbucks and McDonald’s combined.” Quite accurately we think of museums as important cultural and educational institutions; however, they are also silent superstars of the entertainment industry. According to the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), with more than 800 million live visits a year, its attendance exceeds that of all theme parks and major sporting events combined. But the museums of the United States are much more than popular and numerous; they are cultural and educational gems that play a vital role. They are community elders who tell the stories of our American neighborhoods. Mamie Bittner of the Institute for Museum and Library Studies (IMLS) stated in the Washington Post article:

“Many of these institutions, particularly in small towns and rural areas, are historical societies and history museums. We are in love with our history; at a very basic level, we care about the histories of our towns, villages and counties.”

The story of how I came to visit and admire so many small museums begins almost eight years ago when I was faced with a terrifying scenario. Diagnosed with prostate cancer, my doctor’s instructions were clear and forceful. “We figured this out very early on; we lost some weight, but by the end of the year we took care of this.” Taking care of this meant an operation or radiation. He was confident that any procedure would suffice; however, he was scared as hell. When you hear that diagnosis, “you have cancer”, a thousand things go through your mind at the same time, but somehow the whole world stops at the same time. What are the treatment options…I have to research each treatment…I have to research the surgeons…what if I don’t get it…what happens to my wife…what happens to my family …I want to get this out of me…how do you investigate this…I want this done before the end of the year…why me…why not me. My mind ran, ran, ran. Who do I tell? When do I tell them? Should I tell them? My mind was running, running, running.

It was June 2010. He was 54 years old, a teacher, husband and father. Earlier that year, my wife was hospitalized for 34 days. Should I tell my wife? Would this aggravate her condition? She was already worried about being unemployed. I tell him? Our three children were all in high school and doing reasonably well; the oldest would start college in the fall. Out of concern, would my oldest son give up his athletic scholarship to stay home with his sick parents? Even if he went to college, if he knew I was battling cancer, how would this affect him academically? Who should I tell? Do I tell my boys? Do I tell everyone? Didn’t I tell anyone?

I once heard somewhere that “we grow up and become our parents.” How true is that. Although it didn’t occur to me at the time, I had seen this situation before in 1969; I was 12 years old. One day my dad asked me to go with him to his doctor. This was weird; he had never asked me to go to a doctor with him before. We went to St. Nicholas Park, Mount Morris Park, Central Park, baseball games, museums, and grocery stores. On Sundays we walked to the newsstands to buy the New York Times and the Daily News. Then we’d come home and eat big Sunday southern breakfasts: roast chicken, roast pork chops, grits, gravy, and biscuits—never biscuits, always biscuits. We did a lot of things, but he had never asked me to go with him to the doctor. I should have known something was up, but I didn’t.

The appointment with the doctor took place early in the evening. The office was located on the first floor of an apartment building and it was dark outside. I sat in the waiting room while my dad had a private meeting with the doctor. That day his doctor told him that he had six months to live. My father, a tall, quiet, dignified World War II veteran, said nothing. We went home and he acted like nothing happened. He kept it all to himself. Yet twenty-one years later, and long after his doctor had died, my father was still alive. He didn’t tell anyone this terrifying secret for all those years. Finally, in 1990 he talked to me about what had happened that day back in 1969. When I asked him why he hadn’t said anything, he had a classic response: “Hell, I wasn’t going to die just to make the doctor look good.” . To this day I still don’t know if he ever told anyone else.

In 2010, 41 years after my father was told he had six months to live and said nothing to the family, I became my father, without the courage and dignity of a World War II veteran. At first I didn’t tell anyone. However, I listened to my doctor’s advice and started walking briskly to lose weight. I weighed 308 pounds. This was the beginning of a journey. Little did I know that it would transform my health, my body and to a great extent my soul.

I chose a robotic prostatectomy as treatment. Recognizing that I would be hospitalized for several days, I was forced to say something to my wife. Every married man knows that disappearing for several days without telling his wife is a guaranteed death sentence; cancer is only potentially lethal. We sat on the sofa in the living room on a Sunday around 7pm. It was the night before I was admitted to the hospital. This scenario gave him very little time to reflect on the matter; I had to be at the hospital early the next day. As I had feared, she broke down and started crying as soon as I uttered the word cancer. We agreed not to tell our children; we both thought it might cause them concern.

Fortunately, the operation was a success. No chemotherapy or radiation was required. Several months later I resumed my vigorous walking. Over time a routine developed. I prefer walking outdoors in parks (no matter the temperature) to treadmills and tracks, mornings are better than afternoons, warm-ups are 5-7 minutes, weekend walks are 45-50 minutes, sessions weekend sessions last a minimum of 90 minutes and finally, almost all sessions end with 7-8 minutes of stretching. I walk 4 times a week during the cold months and 4-5 times a week during the warm months, I also found a very reliable companion, music from the 70s, 80s and 90s. My partner also gets on fabulously with an old Sony Walkman. Who knows, maybe this companion is my subconscious whisper to remind me of long lost youth.

While I don’t claim to be a very religious person, being outdoors in parks (which are small forests after all) sweating, breathing, and among the general splendor of God’s nature is often a spiritual event. The cancer has been gone for almost eight years. During that time, 70 pounds have melted off and my diabetes seems to be gone, or at least well controlled. Along the way I began to participate in races; I do intense walks but I compete against runners. Half marathons (13.1 miles) and 10 km (6.2 miles) are my favorites. Being somewhat vain, before entering my first race I checked the times of the runners to make sure I didn’t finish last. At first I participated in local races. Later, a colleague, who is a runner, told me about the Philadelphia “Love Marathon” in which I competed. This led me to research breeds elsewhere. Now I travel to participate in races. However, traveling to different cities just to participate in a single race did not seem to be an efficient use of time and travel. I needed another activity to complement the races. This is how I developed an interest in small museums.

He had some experience researching museums. Years ago I began to explore museums as places of excursion for high school students. At the time, I oversaw a college program that offered various activities for at-risk high school students. The American Alliance of Museums (AAM) provided a wealth of information for our program. Later, when I started looking for museums in the cities and towns I would be competing in, AAM and several other museum-related organizations like the Institute of Museums and Libraries (IMLS) and Museums of the World (MOW) have become valuable. means. One fact that became immediately clear is that the United States is the undisputed museum capital of the world. According to MOW, there were an estimated 55,000 museums in 2014 located in 202 countries. IMLS (an American agency) states that there are 35,144 active museums in the United States alone. Assuming these data are accurate, more than 63% of the world’s museums are located in the United States. The 2012-16 IMLS Strategic Plan notes that “There are more than 4.5 billion objects held by museums, libraries, archives, and other institutions in the US.”

My articles will attempt to capture some of the fascinating stories, color, history, myths, and life that are at the heart of America’s small museums. I hope you join me. Coming soon wax, warships and a poet named Wadsworth.

Health Fitness

Facts on how to lose fat and build muscle: 7 effective tips for your diet and training

How do you lose fat and gain muscle? It’s a contradiction, actually because a lot of people think that in order to gain muscle mass, you also have to gain some fat. This is not applicable for most people. Unrealistic expectations of building more muscle lead many muscle-building enthusiasts to believe that they can’t gain muscle and lose fat at the same time.

Data on muscle gain indicates that mature adults typically gain 15 pounds of muscle maximum each year. However, many people tend to only gain 5 pounds of muscle at a time. This is equivalent to just 1.25 pounds of muscle gained each month while maintaining the same amount of body fat. To gain more muscle, you must add more calories to your diet. Eat 100 more calories each day so that in one month you will have 3125 extra calories per month.

What about fat loss? You can lose fat faster than gain muscle. That is, to lose fat, you must reduce your calorie intake for the day while increasing your calorie output. For the average person to lose weight, they need to eat 400 fewer calories per day than they normally do. That equates to a reduced intake of 12,000 calories per month. It results in 1 pound lost per week, which again adds up to 52 pounds lost in a year.

Taking this equation into account, you will realize that the increase in calories you need to gain muscle is relatively very small compared to the reduction in calories you need to lose fat. Now, what is it like to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time? It basically means that you have to eat more and eat less altogether. To clear this up, you first have to get rid of one particular myth about muscle gain, and that’s the myth that you need to eat more to gain more muscle.

To get a better picture of this effort, take a look at what your body does with the calories you consume. Twenty-five percent of your energy intake goes to your brain, while 50% of the calories your body consumes goes to activities that keep you alive, like breathing, regulating body temperature, pumping blood, and replenishing cells. dead cells. Another 20% of your body’s energy is allocated to your physical activities, such as moving, walking, and lifting. Amazingly, only 5% of your energy goes into adding muscle. As you can see from this calculation, only a small amount of the calories you consume are allocated to exercise and muscle building.

Your body has 2 main requirements to keep you alive:

  • Carbohydrates or fat for the energy you burn
  • protein amino acids

If the food you eat becomes scarce, your body comes to the rescue through its emergency backup system. If it thinks you’re in a dire emergency, your body activates this nuclear power plant that cannibalizes your muscles. You have to stop the activation of this nuclear reactor so that it doesn’t eat your muscles. This is how you lose fat and gain muscle:

  1. Take 1 gram of protein per pound of your body weight. That means eating 5 to 6 equal servings of protein consumed evenly throughout the day.
  2. Eat just enough calories to stop sending signals to your body that you’re starving. Be careful not to consume too many calories or you will gain weight. A good value for this plan is to eat 10% less of your energy intake each day. In other words, 10% calorie reduction.
  3. Eat proper nutrition, make every calorie count. Avoid eating processed foods. Add plenty of fresh vegetables to your diet.
  4. Make a 30% reduction in calories from fat. Instead, eat good fats, like nuts, olives, and avocados.
  5. Add more whole grains to your meals, as well as low GI carbohydrates. Avoid consuming simple carbohydrates from alcohol, sugar and white flour. Have a daily intake of omega 3 from salmon and flax, among other food sources.
  6. Be consistent when doing intense exercises. Ask a physical trainer to design a training plan that is right for you.
  7. Do 30-40 minutes of cardio a day. Cardio helps in your effort to lose fat and build muscle.
Health Fitness

Are there any supermarket foods that can substitute for Nutrisystem foods?

I get some variation on these questions relatively often. People who ask this question seem to think that finding substitutes at a grocery or health food store will save them a bit of money. They typically expect to find frozen or convenience foods that are just as effective at helping you lose weight as Nutrisystem meals. Actually, this is going to be a very difficult task for a couple of reasons. I will discuss more about this matter in the next article.

The requirements you need to meet to find something comparable to Nutrisystem meals in a supermarket or grocery store: Simply put, they want you to consume between 1,200 and 1,500 calories per day. This will include three main meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), desserts, snacks, and the fresh sides you add to each meal. Since you eat so frequently, obviously every meal, dessert, and snack the diet provides will have to be low in calories. Most breakfasts, desserts, and snacks are in the 100-150 calorie range. Many of the lunches and dinners are under 300 calories each. This range is hard to find in grocery store options and this doesn’t even tell the whole story.

Because calories are not the only thing that is going to be important. The diet meals are also very low in carbohydrates and sugars while maintaining high levels of protein, fiber, and nutritional value. This is just as important as the calorie content. The reason for this is that this ratio helps you burn fat and calories because you are cutting back on carbohydrates that your body will often use for fuel. There’s a technical name for this (ketosis), but the main idea is that you’re losing weight and fat by consuming fewer carbs and calories.

It’s very hard to find foods in grocery stores that are so low in calories AND carbohydrates and sugars, while also being high in protein and fiber. Many diet foods will add a bit of sugar to help hide the taste. Slim Fast shakes are a good example. Some of them contain up to 18 grams of sugar.

But it’s really at lunch and dinner where you see the biggest difference. If you were to compare Nutrisystem’s pizza to, say, a lean cuisine pizza, you’d see a big difference. The Lean Kitchen product has around 320 calories and a whopping 53 grams of carbohydrates. This is in stark contrast to the 220 calories and 28 carbohydrates contained in the Nutrisystem product. Adding these differences up for even three of the five meals can make a big difference in your calorie and carbohydrate intake for the day.

When I was asking myself the exact same question, I simply looked up many of the diet products in the supermarket and compared them to similar Nutrisystem products. I can’t think of any product that I found that was comparable on all variables (calories, carbs, protein, sugars, and fiber). Instead, many of the products contained many more calories, sugars and carbohydrates and not so much. lots of protein and fiber. Many of the store’s products were also quite high in sodium and contained questionable ingredients like high fructose corn syrup.

It is a fairly simple task to check this for yourself. And I have to say, oftentimes you may not be saving as much money as you hoped. If you buy a Nutrisystem package with coupons, you’ll typically pay a little more than an average of $2.10 – $2.25 per meal. Many health food stores cost more than this, not to mention the gas and time it takes to put all this together. So while you can try any foods you like, I personally don’t think they’re all that effective, but that’s just my opinion.