
Copywriting for Your Business: Brochures, White Papers, and Case Studies – Which One Should You Choose?

Are you looking to increase sales and brand recognition? Perhaps you are looking to become a thought leader within your market? If he answered yes, then it’s time to start working with a copywriter. Copywriters help create marketing collateral by writing the collateral for you, but which collateral should you choose? Learn the difference between brochures, white papers and case studies and how they will help you achieve your specific goals.

It doesn’t matter if you offer a service, a product, or both, sales are important to your business. One of the most affordable ways to increase your sales is through copywriting. Of course, you’re probably not in the business of writing sales material. You are in the business of selling your products and services, so outsourcing your sales collateral could be your best option. But what kind of material to choose?

There are a variety of sales materials to choose from, however, many businesses don’t know which type will best meet their needs. This is especially true when it comes to understanding the difference between brochures, white papers, and case studies. Fortunately, each of these has its own advantages for achieving specific goals.

– A great option for B2C sales, but can also be used in B2B
– Provide a clear and concise description of your product and service
– A good starting point for new businesses.

white papers:
– Best used for B2B sales or B2C sales if your product or service is expensive and complex
– This form of sales material can include up to 10 or more pages, providing detailed information on a specific topic and the best solutions available.
– Due to its extensive and detailed content, this is a great way to establish yourself as a thought leader within your business sector.

Case studies:
– Works great for both B2B and B2C
– Provide potential clients with detailed testimonials from previous clients.
– Allows you to showcase your real-life success stories

These are just a few of the available forms of marketing materials to choose from. So if you’re still not sure which one would work best for you, a good copywriter can point you in the right direction. A copywriter will work with you to understand your goals and explain which option will achieve those goals at the most affordable price. Remember, these are just 3 examples of small business marketing materials, so get in touch with a copywriter today!

Home Kitchen

Simple tips for removing paper laminate

Laminated paper is the process in which the plastic film is created on top of the original document. Your plastic will heat up and then mold around your document to prevent water damage or even scratches. Most of the people usually laminate their important documents, pictures or even keepsakes. But there will be a time when you need to remove the laminate. It will be the difficult process and also rarely possible without the damage to your original document. Here is more information for you.

For the first step, you can lay your document on a mat. Then shine it brightly with a lamp shining directly onto your document so you can get a good look at the edges and seams.

For the second step, you can examine your laminated paper. After that, find the seam where a plastic laminate will meet the document and create the air pocket.

For the next step, it is important that you cut the laminate with your utility knife through the layer. You can use a ruler to properly align a knife and also keep it in a place away from your document. Then cut the plastic sheet.

After that, be sure to gently pry the lamination away from your document. You can use your utility knife if you want to create the gap between your lamination and the document as well.

For the last step, you need to pull the lamination slowly until it has been completely removed. It is also important that you add heat from the heat gun set on the low setting to soften the laminate and make it easier to remove.


VW Fox – Made of Pineapples

I’ve overhauled so many cars in the last six months or so, that I may have been guilty of getting used to the thrill and spill of driving the rapids. If this is the case, my assignment this week brought me back down to earth, very slowly, I might add, with a bang. The car in question is the Volkswagen Fox, the baby of the German manufacturer’s fleet.

The car has a 0-60 mph time of… wait… to… 17.5 seconds. Top speed is 91 mph and no, there’s no turbo attached to the puny 1.2-liter engine. However, to criticize the Fox for being slow and unexciting misses the point of the car altogether. The giveaway is in the model name of the car I tested: the Volkswagen Urban Fox. In this day and age when gas prices are soaring, roads are getting more congested, and the car is the villain of global warming, the Fox might as well to be where the smart money is when it comes to getting around town.

I hate to use the word ‘cheap’, but there’s no other way to describe the Fox, with prices starting at £6,430 to be precise (in the UK, I might add). Putting four new wheels on the road, with a Volkswagen badge adorning your car for this money, is simply a remarkable feat. The cost savings don’t end there either, with Fox falling into insurance group one: the cheapest band. Fuel consumption almost seems to balance out with combined urban and extra-urban figures of 46.3 mpg.

Wow, this is starting to make a lot of sense. The Fox is also quite tall, so despite its diminutive length, the riding position isn’t too dissimilar to a larger 4×4. The advantages of making the car tall are not limited to the driving position, as headroom and legroom are also boosted by the extra inches on top. There is a lot of glass around the car which makes visibility great and parking a doddle.

Outside of his favorite habitat, things go a bit wrong with the fox, especially on the highway. Now, before you shout “the little thing is not made for the big roads!” if we’re being objective, there will be times when you’ll leave the big smoke and run into one of the multi-lane snakes criss-crossing the country. Leaving aside (no pun intended) the 0-60 mph time, the Fox is, and I hate using this word as much as ‘cheap’, slow. An overtaking maneuver requires the advance planning of a chess master and a billiards champion all in one. Shifting from fifth to fourth made little difference to my forward motion and, worryingly, neither did a shift back to third.

The high sides also act like a very large pair of hands that grab all sorts of wind or bumps from a passing truck, giving the Fox a bit of a scare in the outside lane. Once off the highway, however, the Fox feels much more confident navigating the country’s twists and turns, thanks to a longer wheelbase than most in her class and a wider track. In fact, instead of welding the accelerator pedal to the floor, a gradual movement combined with a neat gearbox brought big rewards outdoors.

Parked in front of its rivals, the Fox sits comfortably in the ‘not ugly’ group, but also struggles to make it into the ‘pretty’ rank. As with Volkswagen’s other small hatchback, the Polo, the Fox is subtly styled compared to its rivals, in this case the Citroen C1, Toyota Aygo and Peugeot 107. However, there is something more grown-up and civilized in the Fox when seen alongside the almost immature stylings of the other city cars.

An interesting tidbit for your next pub conversation: Volkswagen is committed to reducing the environmental impact of car production and wants to promote recycling and greener vehicles. In the case of the Fox, it is built in Brazil, where the Curana plant grows. The fibers of this plant of the pineapple family are mixed with a recyclable synthetic material that forms the material of the headlining and the rear parcel shelf. No, the car is not edible.

The Fox has been built using the latest laser welding technology which means it’s a very stiff car which helps it achieve 4 stars in Euro NCAP crash tests and comes with ABS as standard. Optional extras include alloy wheels, air conditioning and a CD player.

The Fox has a big fight on its hands, not necessarily from its competitors, but from the car it replaces: the much loved and cute Lupo. Either way, the evidence is clear. The next time I get behind the wheel of a 2.0-liter turbo monster, I’m going to wish I were a very sensible human being and drove a Volkswagen Fox.

Digital Marketing

16 ways to drive traffic to your blog

You have set up your blog and started posting concise and useful information that your niche would benefit and enjoy. Days go by, you keep posting, but no one comments and your traffic stats barely register. What is your job?

Just like any website you own, you need to do some blog promotion to start driving traffic to your site. Here are 16 steps, in no particular order of importance, that you can start doing now to drive traffic to your blog.

1. Set up an email subscription form on your blog and invite everyone in your network to subscribe: family, friends, colleagues, clients, associates.

2. Set up a feed on so that the Yahoo search engine regularly crawls your site.

3. Read and comment on other blogs that are in your target niche. Don’t write things like “nice blog” or “great post”. Write smart and useful comments with a link to your blog.

4. Use Ping-0-matic to ping blog directories. Do this every time you post.

5. Submit your blog to traditional search engines.

6. Submit your blog to blog directories.

Tip: Create a form to track your shipments; this can take several hours when you first start, so schedule an hour a day to send or hire a VA to do it for you.

7. Add a link to your blog in your email signature file.

8. Put a link to your blog on every page of your website.

9. If you publish a newsletter, make sure you have a link to your blog in every issue.

10. Include a link to your blog as a standard part of all outgoing correspondence, such as autoresponder sequences, sales letters, reports, white papers, etc.

11. Print your blog URL on your business cards, brochures, and flyers.

12. Make sure you have an RSS feed URL that people can subscribe to. The acronym RSS stands for Rich Site Summary, or some may take its meaning as Really Simple Syndication. It is a type of document that lists website or blog updates available for syndication. These RSS documents (also known as ‘feeds’) can be read using aggregators (news readers). RSS feeds can display headlines only or both headlines and summaries.

13. Post frequently to keep attracting your subscribers to come back and refer you to others in their networks; include links to other blogs, articles, and websites in your posts

14. Use Trackback links when citing or referencing other blog posts. What is TrackBack? Essentially what this does is send a message from one server to another server letting it know that it has posted a reference to your post. The beauty is that a link to your blog is now included on your site.

15. Write articles to publish on the web in article directories. Include a link to your blog in the author information box (see example in our signature below).

16. Commit to writing a blog every day. 10 minutes a day can help increase your traffic as new content attracts search engine spiders. Put it on your calendar as a task every day at the same time.

Tip: Use a hit counter to track your visitor stats: how many unique visitors, how many page views, average length of visit.


Potty training made easy!

One of the most difficult parenting jobs is potty training. Yes, this is true and I know most parents will agree with this. When your child reaches the age of 3, he must teach him to poop on his own, and it usually takes about a month.

But is potty training really hard? Is there a way to do it in a few days? Fortunately, the answer is yes. Today, potty training doesn’t have to be stressful. It doesn’t have to be difficult either. Believe it or not, I have taught my 3 year old to poop on her own in just a week.

As I did? The following steps will help you potty train your baby in just a week.

1.) Your toddler is used to wearing a diaper and is assured by the comfort that he can poop or pee in the diaper at any time without getting dirty. This security and mentality needs to be removed and since this is what he/she has been used to, it makes it more difficult for them to learn.

So the first thing to do is to set your mind. You don’t have to disturb their normal activities. All you have to do is make him sit on the potty every 30 minutes or so. This will allow you to record in your mind what to do each time you want to poop or urinate.

2.) Every time you go out, show them the comfort room. Let them see where it is. A young child has a very sharp memory. Everything you show them will immediately register in their minds. We often underestimate the mind of a young child. We have the misconception that they are just little kids and could hardly understand, but we would be wrong. Young children are intelligent and very observant. All you need to do is talk to them and show them what needs to be done.

3.) When you are home, do not make them wear diapers or underwear. This will make them think about where to put their poo or pee. Have a potty somewhere near them or, better yet, show them that the comfort room is where their poop and urine should go.

4.) Don’t put diapers on him while he sleeps. This is the hardest part. Your toddler may cry, but this is also the most effective way to potty train him. When you pee in bed, you will surely feel uncomfortable so you won’t want to pee in bed again. Your toddler will cry right away, signaling that he wants to poop or urinate. Take them immediately to the bathroom. This will also be a small sacrifice for you because they will often disturb you in your sleep as well. But this is the best way to do it. Soon they will know how to do it for themselves.

5.) The sound of toilet flushing can also be helpful in potty training. That cool, sibilant sound will appeal to little kids. It will sound fun to them. This will make them more interested in pooping or peeing in the comfort room. It may sound fun, but some kids may even be excited to poop and/or pee because they can flush the toilet and hear that nice hissing sound.

Here are the five simple steps on how to potty train your toddler in just one week. Try this guide and your toddler will know how to pee and poop on his own in no time. I tried these methods and they were really effective. My little girl already knows how to pee and poop on her own in the comfort room, although she still needs my help. At least she already knows how to do it. I hope these tips for learning to go to the bathroom have been useful to you.

Health Fitness

How to Get the Best Workout for Squeezing Buns Fast

Thousands upon thousands of women are unhappy with the shape of their buns and spend hours and hours looking for a way or exercise to tighten their buns. I mean, you don’t have to go to fancy gyms and buy a ton of equipment to achieve that goal. You really don’t. Now believe me, I’ve been there and I know exactly how you feel. In women, the problem areas tend to be the opposite of the problem areas in men. Men tend to gain weight around the abdomen, while women accumulate it around the buttocks and thigh areas. Even if you don’t want to show the world in a public gym that you’re working on your glutes and thighs, there’s another way. In private! And you will get impressive results.

I’ve listed below several things that have helped me firm up that butt and keep it firm, keeping me looking younger and in better shape than when I was in my early 20s. And anyone can do it.

1. Lunges: lunge forward with your left foot, then return to a standing position. Do the same with the right and repeat this for 3 sets of 12 lunges for each leg.

2. Walking: Take a brisk 30-45 minute walk around the neighborhood, the park, anywhere.

3. Ride a bike: Take a 30-45 minute bike ride around your neighborhood, the park, the beach…anywhere you want to go.

4. Yoga – Yoga is great for the butt. With all the positioning, stretching, strengthening, and isolation movements, they definitely tone every part of the body. There are many home yoga DVDs that focus on the butt.

5. Back Leg Raises: Stand holding onto the back of a chair and lift your leg behind you, pointing your toes (as if you were in ballet class). Repeat 20 times and then switch legs. Do three sets of these three times a week.
There are plenty of glute toning exercises that you can do at home or in your neighborhood, on the go, anywhere. And it’s an easy exercise! It can be a challenge for the body, that’s what you have to do to get results. If you don’t challenge the body, there’s no way it can change, right? Right!

There are plenty of exercise DVD’s that I would recommend that really target and tighten the buns.

– Home workout DVD I recommend for firming and sculpting your butt:
– Kim Kardashian’s Fit Into Your Jeans By Friday series
– Self Magazines’ Your Best Butt Fast DVD
– Denise Austin’s Yoga Buns

Another tip on what to do is STAY ACTIVE. If you switch it up and don’t sit on your butt the entire time, you’ll keep the blood flowing to the muscle and therefore automatically be more likely to be tight and tight.

Legal Law

Becoming an English Lawyer: The Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme (QLTS)

English law is held in high regard; London is among the top legal cities in the world; and talented and qualified barristers continue to seek to become English barristers.

Job prospects are decent for lawyers in the UK and by becoming an English barrister you increase your employability. Once qualified, you will be able to practice law in other countries, finding employment in England, Europe and further afield in countries such as Australia, South Africa and Russia. Furthermore, it broadens his professional knowledge, understanding and experience, which also broadens his career prospects.

As a qualified English solicitor, you will be in a stronger position to offer your current and future clients more legal services. As well as finding employment as a barrister in England and Wales, your broader career prospects are enhanced when you gain the QLTS. He may choose to practice law in his home jurisdiction, in which case he will benefit from a better career path and marketability. Or work as an English lawyer in London. Or maybe you even find a position with an international law firm that is based in the EU, and lives and works anywhere in the world.

Whichever career path is right for you, being an English solicitor will bring you more business and greater financial rewards. And this is reinforced by the high level of competition associated with newly qualified solicitors from England and Wales thanks to the assessment method, whether you choose the QLTS express route or the national route.

Under the existing Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme, the QLTS (formerly the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Test, QLTT), international lawyers and lawyers in England and Wales, are assessed to ensure they meet the necessary standards required to practice English law. Those admitted to the Roll of Solicitors of England and Wales through the QLTS have an even higher professional profile thanks to this high level of evidence.

QLTS training places international attorneys on a par with domestic attorneys, creating a more level playing field. The same standard that is expected of domestic lawyers is expected of foreign lawyers who wish to apply for the QLTS and lawyers who pass the QLTS have the same level of competence as lawyers qualified to practice English law via the domestic route.

Now is certainly a great time to become an English barrister, as the financial implications of the recession start to subside and job markets open up once again. The QLTS offers two major improvements to candidates compared to the QLTT: there is the English language test and the removal of the experience requirement. Both are positive developments for international lawyers who wish to train as English lawyers.

As a result of these improvements to the QLTS, more confidence is instilled in successful candidates. There is rigorous testing of all applicants’ practical skills as part of the course. This ensures that no one experiences discrimination, as everyone is treated equally and assessed to the same standard, although of course, because the means of testing are objective, issues related to candidates’ age and disabilities are will naturally take into account. Candidates who meet the necessary standard will be admitted as barristers of England and Wales. Clients will therefore know that all qualified English solicitors, regardless of their route to qualification, are competent and have the necessary professional knowledge, skills, behaviors and ethics to perform their legal duties well.

The QLTS is an affirmative step for all international barristers and solicitors in England and Wales seeking to train as English solicitors. The system is fairer but just as strict and allows only the highest caliber lawyers to pass the QLTS assessments.

If you want to become an English lawyer, an important factor in determining whether you will pass your QLTS course is the provider of the course itself. Without excellent teaching, informational materials, a support network, and experienced staff to guide you, passing will be more difficult. The QLTS School program offers a dedicated approach to QLTS assessments, and because it is completely focused on a single test, students really benefit from a range of advice and support that is always available.

The QLTS school is committed to helping international lawyers become English lawyers. Our website has information for every stage of the process, from what you need to do to be eligible for the QLTS to applying for the course. There is career advice, the benefits of practicing English law, and guidance for each step of the course.

With over ten years of experience and thousands of international lawyers who have successfully qualified as English solicitors, the QLTS school has an excellent reputation and a high candidate pass rate. The QLTS course is comprehensive and convenient, and you’ll have all the materials you need to study, including distance learning courses, video and audio lectures, and access to the online study portal, and the freedom to study when it suits you. The study portal allows you to communicate with other candidates, as well as access all teaching tools, including videos, audio, and PowerPoint presentations.

Created by qualified legal professionals who have worked extensively with international lawyers and understand their needs, the QLTS School program gives you everything you need to pass your QLTS assessments and go on to enjoy a long career as an English lawyer.

Lifestyle Fashion

Plant Spirit Shamanism – Hoodoo Plant Magic

The hoodoo tradition of the American South is another one that is powered by plant energy and often does not require the patient to “take” medication to experience healing.

The word ‘hoodoo’ has African origins and is used to describe various forms of magic, folk healing and ‘sorcery’, using roots and herbs. Today, the hoodoo practitioner is often referred to as a ‘roots doctor’ or ‘juju man’. These colorful terms belie the power of tradition, however, because in Africa, these practitioners were priests (botonons) and sorcerers (azondoto), who were rightly feared and respected for their expertise in herbs and knowledge of spirits and bochio, or soul.

When these priests came to America as slaves, they brought their knowledge with them, but the unavailability of some plants meant that they had to adopt Native American and even European plant allies and practices in their work. Within modern hoodoo, therefore, we see the merging of many magical plant threads.

One of the best known forms of this magic is the ‘mojo bag’: a bundle of consecrated plants and items made to bring luck and protection or to ward off negativity. These are not so different from the offering packages, created by Andean shamans as a call to the spirits who direct their healing energies towards the person making the offering. The word mojo comes from the West African mojuba (“prayer”), a method of directing spiritual energies with a similar effect.

To look at, a mojo is a flannel bag containing magical items, usually carried by the person, hidden out of sight, and often worn next to the skin. If the mojo is meant to protect property rather than a person, it can also be hidden near the front door. In either case, it’s important that no one sees or touches the bag other than the person who owns it, or its magic could be lost.

The contents of the bag vary according to its purpose, but there are usually at least three magical items, be they roots, leaves, feathers, crystals, stones, snake vertebrae, magnets, metal amulets, or papers on which sigils or symbols have been drawn. wishes. written. Sometimes there are more than three, in combinations that always add up to an odd number.

The reason odd numbers are used differs depending on who you ask, but one popular idea is that the universe operates with odd numbers to “keep things moving.” Three, for example, wants to ‘fall into’ four, while four is ‘solid’ and fixed rather than flowing. So, to “get the energy moving” for a client’s benefit, or to undo a seemingly “endless” streak of bad luck, an odd number is used to signal to the universe that now is the time for a change. .

The Jungian psychoanalyst, Marie-Louise Von Franz, also discusses this in her book The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Quoting Jung, he comments that: “the three is generally connected with the flow of movement… for movement two poles are needed and the exchange of energy between them, for example, the positive and negative electrical pole and the current that equalizes the tension “.

For financial success, for example, an old magic trick is to wrap the root of High John the Conqueror in a dollar bill and add frankincense and a little sugar, then tie them all up in a green bag. Five elements are used here: the root, the dollar bill, the incense, the sugar, and the bag itself. The symbolism behind these items works according to the plant spirit principle that like attracts like. High John is used to ‘conquer’ money problems; the higher the denomination, the more money the magician or his client will be attracted to. The bag is green because this is the color of money (‘greenbacks’), and the sugar ‘sweetens the pot’.

For a peaceful home, angelica root, olive leaves, rosebuds, lavender flowers, lemon balm, and basil leaves are tied in a blue bag (for harmony) along with some intertwined hair. of all family members. Again we see the doctrine of signatures at play in the choice of angelica (‘angel root’) and balm for spiritual harmony and the leaves of an olive branch for peace.

Another unusual mojo trick is for invisibility. This requires poppy seeds and dried fern leaves to be ground together “under a dark moon”. To this are added myrrh, marjoram, slippery elm and fresh dill, mixed with spring water and almond oil. When dry, the mixture can be added to a bag of mojo or sprinkled on objects to hide them from others. The magic in a spell like this, as healer Doris Rivera Lenz says of her own work, can be in giving a client the self-confidence that they won’t draw attention to themselves, so they can navigate their difficulties with more confidence. in itself. ‘know’ that she is invisible. The change, in other words, is for the client and not for the outside world.

Once prepared, a bag of mojo is purified into incense and its spirit is ‘fed’ with rum or whiskey and Agua de Florida. Bodily fluids can also be used, especially if the spell is to influence another. For a person to fall in love with you, for example, it’s helpful to have some of their sweat, urine, or saliva to rub on the bag (other personal items, as close to their DNA as possible, like hair or nail clippings – too can be added to the bag itself).

A bag of mojo can also be used for fortune telling (as we understand it in the West) by tying it to a string and using it as a pendulum. By asking the spirit of the amulet to show you ‘yes’ (often turning clockwise) and ‘no’ (often rocking back and forth), you have a spiritual device for answering simple questions.

For more complex questions (for example, ‘How do I make the man I want fall in love with me?’) it is better to write the letters of the alphabet and let the pendulum explain the answer by gravitating towards each one of them. .


Starting a Cabela’s Retail Franchise

Cabala is a very famous store that caters to people who love the outdoors. Before you think about starting a retail store, you need to consider these things.

1. Is there a need for a Cabela franchise in your local community? You don’t want to open a retail franchise in an area where it won’t be profitable. You should go out and interview people and see if they know what kind of merchandise they’re carrying and if they’d buy into the story you’re thinking of starting. Market research is crucial to knowing where to think about starting a Cabela’s retail franchise.

2. Evaluate how knowledgeable you are about Cabela products. You should have prior knowledge of the products you will be selling before you think about opening a retail store. Here are some of the products your franchise would sell: archery gear, hunting gear, ATV accessories, camping gear, shooting gear, hunting dog accessories, clothing, fishing gear, and boating gear. .

3. Compile a list of states that don’t have Cabela’s if you don’t need one of their retail franchises in your area. This would require moving to another state, but if you’re serious about your idea, then it’s worth the sacrifice in the long run. Here are examples of states where there are no franchises: Tennessee, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alaska, New Mexico, New Hampshire, and Oregon. All of these states have consumers who might need a retail franchise in their state because so many people love the great outdoors. Many people who love the outdoors don’t want to order everything they need online, they want to be able to see and touch the items they need before they buy them.

4. Evaluate your financial situation. To start a franchise, you need startup capital and typically require a business loan. You need to know if you have good enough credit to secure a business loan. You also need to examine how this franchise would affect your household finances.

5. Find potential investors or partners to help finance your franchise. This will help ease some of the financial burden on you. It also helps if you can’t get a business loan large enough to provide the necessary startup capital.

6. Before you take out a business loan, see how much it will cost to fully start up a franchise in your chosen location. This will allow you to budget properly and request the correct amount of money from the bank.

Cabela’s has been around since 1961. The company is even listed on the New York Stock Exchange and in 2006 shipped more than 135 million catalogs to consumers. In the second quarter of 2008, its total revenue was $526 million, an increase of 16.6%. If you decide to start a retail franchise and find the perfect location, the necessary startup capital, and knowledgeable and trained employees, then you have a recipe for a profitable business. And remember, the franchise is the best kept secret of the 21st century!

Real Estate

Water meters at the point of use

Point of Use (POU) meters are designed to provide a submetering solution for those properties that cannot be submetered with conventional submeters due to plumbing designs that bring multiple pipes into the apartment or office (stacked pipes). The meters were specifically designed for vertical stacked pipe configurations typically found on properties that use a central boiler to provide hot water.

In a typical installation, very small flow meters are installed inconspicuously at each hot and cold water outlet to the shower/tub, toilet, sink, dishwasher, and clothes washer. Depending on the manufacturer, the flowmeters have a built-in transmitter or are connected to an interface/transmitter board. The transmitters report usage information to a central processing computer, which in turn sends the usage information to a billing center where bills can be printed and sent to the end user.

Equipment and installation costs are typically higher than traditional systems, but payback is typically less than a year. When deciding on a POU meter, a primary consideration should be that the meters can be read by any Automated Reading System (AMR). This allows the property owner to choose from many billing companies and not tie them to a team that only a few companies can read.

Numerous studies have shown that under-metering reduces usage by up to 39%. Although POU meters have been available for over ten years, they have not been widely used until recently. With today’s interest in green solutions and rising water and sewer costs, properties that in the past could not traditionally be metered are now installing POU meters and benefiting from the same type of usage reductions that properties with conventional plumbing have. achieved for years. With approximately 50% of apartments and 90% of office buildings using stacked standpipes, the benefits of sub-metering with POU meters have barely been touched.