Health Fitness

Achieve a non-surgical face lift or brow lift with Pelleve’s radiofrequency skin tightening treatments

There are many treatments available in aesthetic clinics to tighten the skin and give the face a more youthful appearance. One of these treatments is the Pelleve Radiofrequency Skin Tightening, which provides results similar to a non-surgical face lift or brow lift.

Achieve great results by:

  • Tighten fine lines and wrinkles on the face.
  • Reducing the roughness of crow’s feet on the eyes.
  • Lines in the eyebrows.
  • Reduces the sagging of the jowls.
  • Firms loose, lax skin on the neck.

Pelleve’s skin tightening treatment is non-invasive, does not involve incisions, and does not cause bleeding or scarring. First, a protective gel is applied to the face to reduce discomfort. If desired, topical numbing creams can also be used. Oral analgesics such as acetaminophen or co-codomol are given to minimize the sensation of warmth, but pre-treatment pain relief should be discussed at the time of the first clinical consultation, as each client’s needs vary.

Radiofrequency energy heats the collagen in the skin, which tightens existing collagen and then stimulates the production of new collagen, resulting in rejuvenated, youthful looking skin. Radiofrequency energy has been used for over 30 years and is considered a very safe form of treatment.

When we apply the radiation wand to the skin, there may be a brief sensation of mild to intense heat around the treatment area as the radiofrequency energy heats and tightens loose skin on the face and neck. There are no permanent side effects and only a minimal amount of downtime after the procedure. The result is an improvement in the quality and firmness of the skin, which you can see and feel.

Those with mild to moderate wrinkles who have a single Pelleve treatment show immediate improvements in wrinkle reduction and skin laxity, and this continues to improve for up to six months after treatment. The results are immediate and because we do not use anesthesia, any swelling is minor. There is no recovery time and you can get back to work immediately. Very occasionally there is redness of the skin which usually disappears within a few hours.

Depending on the area you choose, treatment times can range from 20 to 60 minutes. The treatment is suitable for all skin colors and the 30-60 age group responds best. Further stretching of the skin occurs over the next 4 to 6 months, with the formation of new collagen. It is recommended that you have 6 to 8 treatments, with an interval of 2 to 3 weeks. Pelleve RF skin tightening will last for 16-18 months and you can combine Pelleve with any cosmetic treatment.

The result is firmer, smoother and younger-looking skin.