Health Fitness

Weight control in four easy steps

Exercise – well, what else to think about when you want to lose weight? But don’t you know that there are other possible ways to reduce flab?

1. Drink lots of water. 8 glasses a day or 64 ounces of water a day benefits weight loss. Imagine a rolling machine. It needs oil to be able to work well. Just like our bodily system, it requires tons of water in order to function its best. When our body becomes dehydrated, we tend to experience hunger and thirst. Therefore, we would not be able to do things productively. We would easily feel exhausted and may not be able to function accordingly. That’s because it makes us hungry and thirsty. Little do we know that we are consuming meals beyond the required dietary allowances that we must follow. In other words, we tend to overeat. Therefore, it is best to drink plenty of water every day. In this way, we could avoid consuming large calories that cause weight gain.

2. Walk through the town. A day to day walking back and forth from your house to his work could do wonders for his figure. Walking at least 30-60 minutes a day helps burn fat stored in the body. This loses at least 1 to 2 pounds of fat in a week; that is enough to be able to reach a sensible goal. But for a start, it is recommended to start walking at an easy pace for 5-10 minutes. Then gradually increase the pace so that you can adjust favorably. This activity is beneficial to speed up metabolism. Besides that, it builds muscles and tones the figure as well.

3. Eat fruit. Always include a basket full of these healthy treats with your purchases. Apple is one of the fruits that should be included in the article. It has pectin which definitely makes you feel full. This controls your appetite. Avocado should also be on the list. It is a nutritional powerhouse. It contains adequate fat for the body and other vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin B, potassium and lutien. Any of the citrus is also a great addition. The vitamin C that is produced from this citrus dilutes fat.

4. Go organic. Food that is grown without harmful hormones, pesticides, preservatives, or other chemicals is called organic. These nature’s best products provide an extra boost to shed those extra pounds. For example, an organic orange that is half the size of a traditionally grown orange contains many more nutrients than the latter. It is because it does not have harmful elements that kill the natural component of this fruit. Virtually, those crops that are usually grown with harmful chemicals cause saturated fats. These bad fats are normally the ones that accumulate in our bodies. Our system is not designed to process this type of fat. With this, getting bigger is inevitable. By going organic, we are sure to avoid unwanted weight gain.

Losing weight is not as difficult as we think if you maintain a balanced diet, exercise daily and learn to control hunger. By following these simple steps, it is possible to remove excess baggage.

Health Fitness

Isometric Exercises – 3 Critical Factors to Get Rid of Fast

If you’re looking to get optimal results from the isometric exercises you’re doing or thinking about doing, then you’ll want to check out this short article. And discover the 3 top-rated tips for rapid strength growth!

Almost everyone is not getting what could be considered great results from their isometric exercises. If they made a few small changes to their exercise, they would increase the results by at least 300%.

Within this short article, I’ll give you the top 3 strategies that helped me get amazing results from my Iso workouts.

One of the key strategies is to train or train using Isometric and Isotonic exercises. Isometric exercises alone will help you build incredible muscle strength. One of the advantages of ISO is that it will help you develop greater strength than any other exercise or training protocol.

Also, this type of training does a better job of strengthening tendons than free weights or bodyweight exercises. Keep in mind that the amount of weight or resistance you can use has much more to do with the strength of your tendons than actual muscle strength. To prove my point, if you were to observe a weightlifter working out, you would see that he or she incorporates many different partial repetitions or static holds into their training program.

But, one of the drawbacks of isometric exercises is that while they do help you build a great deal of muscle and tendon strength, unfortunately, due to the lack of repetition, they don’t do much to shape and build muscle size.

That’s why one of the best ways to set up your strength training program is to use isotonic and iso exercises in your routine. That way you’ll get the best of both worlds, you’ll get bigger gains in strength and muscle size.

However, you cannot follow some of the outdated training protocols that are currently recommended for use in your isometric exercise program. Essentially what they recommend is that you do isometric exercises every day.

Unfortunately, this type of advice is still promoted and fails to take into account the one critical factor that builds muscle size. And that factor is “Rest”.

1. To increase muscle mass, you must continually push yourself to use more resistance.

2. You should eat healthy and nutritious food,

3. And you must sleep at least eight hours each night. While you sleep, your body releases growth hormone to help your body recover and build new muscle tissue.

If you exercise every day, the stress on your body system is too much and you will plateau as a result.

One way to increase the results of your iso workouts is to use isometric exercise equipment or an iso exerciser. These types of devices will allow you to do more exercises than you normally could with just the hands-free Iso.

Health Fitness

The power of protein – What amount is ideal to maximize muscle gains?

How much protein do I need each day to see results? How much protein is too much? And how many grams of protein can my body assimilate at each meal?

“The only way you’ll build muscle is by eating enough complete protein every day. Just getting calories isn’t enough. If you don’t eat a protein-rich meal within 60 to 90 minutes of your workout, you’re essentially wasting your time.” that you spent working out your muscles in the gym. Personally, I try to get at least 350-400 grams of protein per day in the off-season, with a body weight of around 235 pounds.” – Jason Arntz, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.

“One should follow a diet that is high in protein, moderate in carbohydrates, and low in fat. A good rule of thumb would be to get about 50% of your calories from protein, 40% from carbohydrates, and 10% from fat. This it will allow you to gain quality muscle while staying fairly lean.” – Chad Nicholls, professional sports nutritionist.

This is just a template; Everyone’s genetic makeup and metabolism is different. You should tailor these percentages to fit your specific needs. For example, if you gain weight easily, you may need to reduce your carbohydrate intake; if you stay very lean, you may need to increase your carbohydrate intake.

“The guidelines we generally use are 0.67-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. That amount does not guarantee results; it guarantees that you are meeting your protein requirement. Results are based on your genetics and training program. ” – Kritin Reimers, Ph.D., RD, is director of nutrition and health at Conagra Brands.

More than the amount of protein, an important consideration is the quality of the protein in your food. The highest quality protein is found in animal sources such as eggs, beef, and milk. That recommendation above assumes that two-thirds come from a high-quality protein. If you get much of your protein from breads and pastas, you’ll probably need more than 1 gram per pound per day.

To answer the second question, some believe that high protein intake stresses the kidneys, causes the body to lose calcium, and dehydrates you. Let’s address each of those concerns. First of all, kidney stress applies to people who have a history of kidney disease; for healthy people, it’s probably not a problem. Second, increased protein intake increases urinary calcium excretion, but the body adapts by increasing calcium absorption from food. Third, there is some mandatory urine loss, but most healthy athletes will drink plenty of fluids.

Keep in mind that focusing solely on one nutrient in a diet is not healthy. If you’re eating an almost exclusively protein diet, you can bet you’re missing out on key nutrients. If you maintain a balance between carbohydrates, protein, and fat, and do not overeat in terms of total calories, your protein intake will not be excessive.

To address the third question, I don’t buy the idea that your body can assimilate that many grams of protein per meal, whether it’s 30 or whatever. That notion assumes that it doesn’t matter if I’m 300 pounds or 120 pounds, and it doesn’t matter if I just woke up from watching TV. There is no sacrifice basis for those limits.

What happens is this: your body has a reserve of amino acids that it continually replenishes; as the proteins you eat are broken down, some will go into that pool while others can be used for energy. If you get enough protein, your body will assimilate what it can and burn the rest for energy or store it as fat. Of course, not consuming all your protein at once makes sense; instead, break it up into 3-4 meals per day. This should happen normally unless you are taking extreme measures not to.

Health Fitness

Weight Loss Surgery – Tricks To Beat The Scale When You Are Less Than 100 Pounds Overweight

Not exactly the magic number of pounds for your doctor to consider for weight loss surgery, but you want it, and you wanted it yesterday. What can you do?

Let’s back up for a minute, weight loss surgery known as gastric bypass surgery, stomach stapling, or any less evasive procedure to achieve weight loss requires much more criteria than simply being uncomfortably overweight for your doctor to approve and for your insurance company to pay for it. This is not something to take lightly or for the extra 20 pounds of vanity. Any surgery is a risk that could result in infections and even death. A high percentage of all people who have had the procedure have thought about it and researched the pros and cons usually for at least two years before making their final decision. That’s smart! Here’s how it usually works: Once you’ve done all the research and know the pros and cons and discussed it with significant others and you know 100% that this is what you want to manage your weight problem, you would have done it! dear yesterday! I guarantee it because I lived it!

One good thing about weight-loss surgery for you is that it is a much safer procedure than it was when it began years ago. Hear me again: now it’s safer, not safe, since I said that any surgery carries risks. Many people have lost their lives through trial and error and they paved the way for us.

So you’ve done your research and you know you want it and you want me to tell you what I know about how to beat that scale that says you don’t weigh enough to get approved, huh? If you’re not so lucky to have heavy bones and your doctor’s new modern scale can determine fat, muscle and water weight, so wearing those ankle weights when weighing yourself won’t work (believe me , this is what some people have). they told me they’ve done it in the past and it worked for them), then you should know right now what you’re going to have to do… read this article more than once first and read between the lines until a light bulb goes out. Second, you will need to know what the insurance company will expect of you. Third, find a doctor who believes in the procedure…if your doctor is against it anyway, you’re going to have to fight an uphill battle. Schedule a physical exam and make a list of everything that affects your extra weight.

Ask yourself the following questions; How does it affect my mood, lifestyle, sex life, emotions, relationships, etc.? Do I have a lot of heartburn, do I have back pain, (of course, everyone has back pain and heartburn, right)? Try to think of every single thing you can that makes you feel your weight is the cause! Do you have a deep sleep? Almost everyone who is overweight has sleep apnea to some degree and so do you so get tested and even if you are fidgety and kicking a lot and not breathing too well the night of the test then it is good for you. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea then accept the treatment and try it, usually it’s a c-pap machine…you won’t like it and if you don’t use the c-pap machine they can give you then you need alternative treatment as sleep apnea sleep can cause many health problems that the insurance company will not want to pay for in the future.

While you’re waiting for your doctor’s appointment, join Weight-Watchers or a similar weight-loss program and keep track. YOU MUST HAVE PROOF OF MONTHLY WEIGHS. Was it loud and clear? And you need about 6 months to prove that you tried to lose through a program. I’m sure you have a friend who has some old WW cards that you can fill out with your information or you can join online and get started now. But, this item is not how to get it sooner, although I would include that part as a bonus gift.

In conclusion, often if you have potentially serious health problems due to your weight and have shown that you tried to lose weight and your doctor agrees with you, then the insurance company will often approve the surgery. Unfortunately, not everyone will: some insurance companies won’t quote even if you qualify…be persistent and don’t give up.

Health Fitness

Get rid of fat and cellulite with nopales

What if I told you that there is a supplement to get rid of fat without the need to exercise? That you could eat a pepperoni pizza and the fat from the pepperoni would not be absorbed into your body causing fat accumulation and cellulite? You would think I’m crazy, wouldn’t you? Instead, the fat from the pepperoni would be attached to the cactus and excreted through the natural process of elimination. Sounds too good to be true, right?

How does the tuna work?

The nopal is first dried into a powder. This prickly pear powder is then blended with other herbs to create an organic dietary supplement that has been clinically tested and proven to fight stubborn fat. powered by neopuntia and It Works beauty products. It Works has created a proprietary blend called Advanced Formula Grease Fighter. Fat Fighter delivers powerful results! the golden nopal Opuntia ficus-indica creates two types of dietary fiber, NeOfiber and NeOmicel. These fibers work together and bind to the fat in the food you eat. This binding process creates an insoluble gel in the stomach where it passes through the digestive tract where it is eliminated naturally. There are practically no side effects; it is safe to use and is non-habit forming.

If I take Fat Fighter, can I eat what I want and still lose fat and cellulite?

Some people don’t eat as well as they’d like because they don’t have time for a healthy lunch or dinner. To counteract unhealthy and fattening food, they take the Fat Fighter supplement. But supplements are called supplements for a very good reason: to supplement or supplement other beneficial methods. Think of Fat Fighter as a wizard. If your two-year-old has a life jacket in the pool, does that mean she wouldn’t keep an eye on him while he’s in the pool? No, it means you would still keep a close eye on them, but you would supplement with the life jacket just in case. The same goes for Advanced Formula Fat Fighter. It is just another method to help you in your weight loss process. Supplements of any kind should always be used in conjunction with a good daily diet and exercise. On those days when you can’t really sit down to eat a healthy meal, supplements will come in handy to grab hold of that greasy meal and get rid of it. But we should never replace healthy eating or exercise with a supplement. Think of Advanced Formula Fat Fighter as another stepping stone to your weight loss journey.

What exercise works best with Fat Fighter supplements?

The best way to burn fat (calories) is through exercise, and any cardiovascular exercise will help burn fat. One of the best exercises for anyone of any shape and size is brisk walking. I don’t think there is a better exercise for your joints, mental and emotional health than getting outside with a friend or spouse and walking briskly. If you are not used to walking very far or fast, start slowly and only walk one mile. After two weeks, walk a little faster and walk two miles. Walking briskly three miles every day will keep the fat off. It will take anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 hour to walk three miles, depending on how fast your pace is.

Health Fitness

Home tips to lose weight

Excess weight is risky for health. Weight loss is a very difficult task for many. It is possible to lose weight very effectively by adopting some home methods. You can also try it. However, by avoiding anxiety, you can reduce excess weight by natural means.

1. Many people eat extra raw salt while eating. But if you want to lose weight, you will have to stop the tendency to take extra salt. Because salt helps to increase body weight.

2. Bitter-tasting vegetables, especially Momordica charantia, are very effective for weight loss.

3. Spicy foods such as ginger, cinnamon, black pepper should be kept in daily dinners. Spices help reduce weight.

4. Those who follow diet control rules or fast after day to day to lose weight, honey and lemon juice are very beneficial for them.

5. Also, dairy foods, such as cheese, butter are not good to eat. Meat and non-vegetarian food cannot be eaten in addition to dietary requirements.

6. You can have several meals a day by sharing the amount of food per day. However, it should be noted that each and every part is small. And to take into account the amount of rice in each part should not be more than a fist.

7. Foods rich in starch, such as rice, potatoes, will be consumed in controlled levels. But the best and the habit of eating foods that are eaten with wheat. In addition, fresh fruits and green vegetables are also low-calorie foods, and those who are heavier should eat more than that.

8. Cabbage helps to reduce weight. Cabbage prevents sweet and sugary foods from turning into fat. You can eat raw food and there is also the possibility of cooking.

9. But after all this, physical exercise is the most effective and important method to lose weight. Exercise helps keep body fat stored as fat. Exercising means you don’t have to sweat your body out using heavy weights like bodybuilders do in the gym. Start lightly. Walking, jogging, and swimming are enough, if you can keep up regularly.

10. However, there is another good way to lose weight in the home system. Honey burns excess fat from the body. Honey can be eaten in small amounts, too much if a teaspoon each time. You can also eat or drink a tablespoon of lemon juice mixed with warm water.

Please follow the above instructions regularly. You will see the excess fat coming out of the body. In addition, the body will be clean and there will be a lot of fun. Also, you can follow this diet plan to lose weight – Weight Loss Diet Plan

Health Fitness

High Intensity Dumbbell and Bodyweight Super Set Training

Assuming you only have a pair of dumbbells, what exercises can you do to work out your entire body? You can perform tons of exercises and combine them with bodyweight movements for great results. Let’s go through the exercises first, then I’ll introduce you to the workout:


Dumbbell Push Up Row – This is a chest and back exercise. Take two dumbbells and assume the pushup position. And then do a push up. Raise your back, and then lift one hand up to your armpits. Make sure your back is straight. Try to stabilize the body. Come back and repeat. Then perform another repetition with the second hand. Pair it with a lower body pushup.


Dumbbell Front Squat – See Saw Press – this is for the lower body and shoulders. Clean a pair of dumbbells up to your shoulders. Then squat down keeping your back straight. Keep your chest out with your abs contracted. Stand up and press the dumbbell overhead with the other hand bent slightly on the opposite side. Come back and repeat. Combine it with the previous exercise for maximum benefit.


Dumbbell Close Grip Floor Press – Lie on the floor, backwards. Place a pair of dumbbells close to your chest. Place the dumbbells close to each other and press them over your head keeping them connected.


Body weight above and below pull-ups – Take a mixed grip pull-up bar. Place your palms, each facing the opposite direction. Pull up until your chin is over the bar. After half adjustment, change the grips.


Bodyweight Knuckle Thrust – These are regular push-ups, done on the knuckles. Clench your fists and place them on the floor and perform push-ups. Try a softer surface first, so your knuckles won’t hurt. Good for triceps and chest too.


Body Weight Pull Ups – perform a pull up with a grip such that both palms face you. Pull up until chin clears up and repeat. Good for the biceps too.


Dumbbell Crunches – get into a crunch position and hold one or two dumbbells directly in front of you and overhead. Perform crunches while keeping the dumbbells in the same position.


Bodyweight Plus Burpees – squat down and put your hands in front. Kick your legs out so you are in a pushup position. Then perform a position. Pull back to a squat position. Jump to the sky Immediately drop to a squatting position when your feet touch the ground. Repeat.


A superset is where you pair two exercises and perform them back to back with little to no rest between each set.

For the following pairs, perform sets of each exercise, followed by 30 seconds of rest between each pair.

Rest 1 minute, then move on to the next superset:

Superset #1:

  • Dumbbell Push-Up Row, 3×10
  • Dumbbell Front Squat, 3×10
  • rest 30 seconds

rest 60 seconds

Superset #2:

  • Close-Grip Dumbbell Floor Press, 3×10
  • Pull-ups above and below bodyweight, 3×5
  • rest 30 seconds

rest 60 seconds

Superset #3:

  • Bodyweight Knuckle Curl 3×5
  • Bodyweight Pull-ups, 3×3
  • rest 30 seconds

rest 60 seconds

Superset #4:

  • Dumbbell crunches, 3×10
  • Bodyweight Plus Burpees, 3×10
  • rest 30 seconds

Go cardio or crash

Health Fitness

Why cycling is a fun exercise

If you find hitting the gym a dream workout, you might want to try biking outdoors. Cycling, compared to gym exercise, is more fun. When biking, you won’t be bored with the changing environment as you ride along your chosen bike path; whereas, in the gym, you are stuck with the same walls and equipment. It’s no wonder some people find it difficult to keep exercising at the gym. There is more variety in the cycling experience.

More people are taking up cycling as part of their weight loss program because it’s a low-impact exercise and more fun to do. As a low-impact exercise, it is easy on the joints and therefore makes for a comfortable workout. It doesn’t mean you won’t sweat it. In fact, riding a bike burns as many calories as running. By biking at a moderate speed, you can burn about 650 calories in an hour.

As you pedal your way to weight loss, you build your stamina and strength by working the major muscles in your legs, arms, and core, giving you that well-toned physique.

As an aerobic exercise, cycling strengthens the heart and lung muscles, which allows the transport of oxygen in the body and improves cardiovascular fitness. This also helps lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Cycling is a good exercise that does not require special skill. However, as a beginner, you may want to practice riding your bike in your backyard until you are confident in taking it on the road. However, it may just take a little practice because you probably already rode a bike as a kid and once you’ve learned the skill, you won’t forget it.

There are things you may want to consider and remember if you decide to take up cycling as an alternative exercise to gym routines.

· You may want to check if the bike you are using fits you well for riding comfort.

It is advisable to plan the route and familiarize yourself with the cycling regulations of the area.

· Security First. You may want to check your tires and brakes before you head out for a ride.

· Be visible to other motorists by wearing something shiny to avoid accidents on the road.

· Do not forget your helmet.

When paired with a healthy eating plan, cycling can help you shed those extra pounds while enjoying a good, fun workout.

Health Fitness

Easy and healthy dinner ideas

Dinnertime can often mean coming home late, looking in the fridge, seeing nothing edible, and going out to dinner. Although once a week this isn’t a big deal, nights are starting to get a bit expensive and unhealthy. And then when being unhealthy costs you even more money, you really have to start wondering what you’re doing. The good thing is that with a little planning and a trip to the supermarket, you can avoid all of this.

I want to challenge you to have meals planned ahead and groceries ready and waiting to prepare those meals. It could take you the same time it takes to drive to the fast food joint, taste better, help you feel better, and get you to movie star status with your spouse or kids. First let’s take a look at some meal ideas.

Pasta is a great way to make something quick and really delicious. I like to recommend veggie noodles because of the extra serving of vegetables you get. Now you really can do whatever you want with the pasta. You can use chicken, seafood, or just vegetables. You can add cheese or not. You can make a creamy sauce with a little cream or not. All up to you. I like to do some butter, a minced garlic clove, zucchini, shrimp, and some tomatoes and Parmesan cheese at the end. It’s fresh, very good and super fast. I’m going to make a bet that even your picky eaters can enjoy vegetables.

Another really easy dinner is Mexican food. With some ground beef (brown), a can of chili beans, and some chili powder or taco seasoning, you can make a few different dishes. You can use this meat with salad, sour cream, avocado, and cheese for an amazing Mexican salad. Or you can make soft tacos or nachos. You could even make a steak quesadilla. If you add a can of diced tomatoes, a little more chili powder, and a pinch of cloves, you could have quite a bowl of chili. All of these meals will please the taste buds, and leftovers can be frozen for a rainy day.

It wouldn’t be a good “easy dinner list” without at least one crock pot idea, so here it is! If you need an easy chicken meal or two, this one is sure to please and is really flexible to what you want. First place some raw chicken breasts in the bottom of your slow cooker. Season with a little salt and pepper at the very least. I like to add onion powder, chili powder, cumin, and/or a little taco seasoning. Next, pour in a can of black beans (drained), a can of corn (drained), and a jar of salsa. Put on low for 7 to 8 hours. When you get home, simply shred the chicken and enjoy as tacos, nachos, enchiladas, salad, or as is. If you want a more soup-like consistency, add a cup of chicken broth in the morning. You will finish with a tortilla soup.

If you want a simpler shredded chicken, just cook the chicken in 2 1/2 cups of chicken broth. Season well. With that, you can add barbecue sauce and pinto beans. Or you can serve it with lemon pepper, vegetables and rice. Or you may want to add some buffalo sauce and serve with carrots and celery. With a simple base, shredded chicken can really become whatever you want it to be.

I hope you got some ideas for the dinner process. I highly recommend creating a menu on the weekend and doing all your shopping. Then when a busy week rolls around, you’re prepared and have a plan. I know you will feel better and you might even lose a few pounds! Good luck and happy eating.

Health Fitness

Should You Consume Caffeine To Lose Weight?

People who are looking to lose weight are often eager to hear any tips to make weight loss easier. One way to help speed up weight loss is to find ways to speed up your metabolism so that more calories are burned in a day.

Research has shown that caffeine is effective in boosting metabolism so you burn more calories. According to the Mayo Clinic, caffeine stimulates many bodily functions, including heart rate, central nervous system function, and metabolism. Also, caffeine can decrease appetite in the short term. Therefore, adding caffeine can be an effective way to boost weight loss. However, there are a few things to consider:

You may not see any effect if you already consume caffeine. If caffeine is already part of your daily diet, it is likely that you will need very high doses of caffeine to boost your metabolism above the level at which it is already operating. However, those who do not regularly consume caffeine may see some benefit.

You have to be careful where the caffeine comes from. If you start getting your caffeine from sugary sodas, you’ll likely gain weight instead of losing it. However, if you get your caffeine from coffee, tea, and unsweetened sodas, you may see some results.

You should consider your other health problems. If you already suffer from an irregular heart rate or high blood pressure, your doctor may have warned you to stay away from caffeine. If this is the case, caffeine may not be safe for you. Be sure to talk to your doctor before adding caffeine.

What if I am sensitive to caffeine?

Many people stay away from caffeine because they find that too much caffeine causes insomnia or jitters. To these people, caffeine supplementation for weight loss may seem unreasonable. However, there is a form of caffeine that appears to be well tolerated by those who are normally sensitive to caffeine.

Green tea may be the answer

Green tea may well be the best way to get caffeine for weight loss. Although green tea contains caffeine, it is found in smaller amounts than many other beverages. Additionally, the caffeine in green tea appears to be better tolerated by caffeine-sensitive individuals than other caffeinated beverages. This is believed to be due to the antioxidants in green tea.

These antioxidants, in addition to making caffeine less of a problem, also offer a myriad of health benefits. The antioxidants in green tea have been shown to lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease and some forms of cancer. So even if you don’t lose weight by drinking green tea, it is a healthy habit to add to your diet.

But the best news is that in addition to being healthy and well-tolerated by those sensitive to caffeine, green tea may be the best way to get caffeine for weight loss. This is because studies have shown that green tea is more effective in promoting weight loss than other caffeinated beverages. The combination of caffeine and the antioxidants in green tea appears to be more effective in promoting weight loss than caffeine alone.

The Obesity Research Group reported on a major study on this topic. In this study, ninety overweight men and women were studied. First, the group was put on a low-calorie diet for four weeks. Subjects were divided into low caffeine consumers and high caffeine consumers. At the end of the four week diet period, the subjects were placed on a weight maintenance program.

During this weight maintenance period, subjects received either a green tea/caffeine supplement or a placebo. Within groups, both high caffeine consumers and low caffeine consumers received the green tea/caffeine supplement. The weight maintenance period lasted 3 months.

At the end of the study, the results were as follows:

o Caffeine users overall appeared to have higher levels of satiety and lower leptin levels, which helped speed up weight loss.

o During the weight loss period, caffeine consumers lost more weight than non-caffeine consumers.

o During the weight maintenance period, the low-caffeine consumers who received the green tea/caffeine supplement maintained more weight than the low-caffeine consumers who received the placebo. In fact, many of them continued to lose weight.

o During the weight maintenance period, high caffeine consumers who received the green tea/caffeine supplement did not report a significantly higher success rate in maintaining weight than high caffeine consumers who received the placebo.

While more research is needed to truly determine how green tea and caffeine can help you lose and maintain weight, it appears that consuming green tea and other forms of caffeine may help you lose weight. In particular, caffeine and green tea can be especially effective for those who don’t consume a lot of caffeine on a regular basis. And, since green tea is a form of caffeine that is well-tolerated by most caffeine-sensitive people, green tea may be the best way to use caffeine as a weight loss aid.

You have nothing to lose by adding green tea to your diet. It is healthy, refreshing and has no side effects. And even those who are sensitive to other forms of caffeine can usually drink green tea without experiencing unpleasant side effects. So see if green tea can help you in your weight loss efforts!