Health Fitness

What you need in a quick weight loss recipe

Any quick weight loss recipe, no matter how effective, will spell disaster if you don’t have the right mindset. To help you get into the right frame of mind, take time to evaluate yourself. In your assessment, clearly state your objectives. This will help you map out a quick weight loss recipe that you can use. In your recipe, be sure to include everything you need to do. This will help you create a mental picture of what needs to be done. When you know what to do, you lessen the chances of drifting off course. You reach the right mindset if you stay focused on your weight loss goal.

get support

Sometimes things are easier when you know you’re not alone. The best people who will be able to support you will be your friends and family. Express your concerns and also inform them of your recipe for rapid weight loss. Give them details about what each part of the recipe includes so they understand what you are doing and are sensitive to their needs when the situation calls for it. Even better, involve someone you know. You’d be surprised how much emotional support it plays to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Don’t weigh yourself every day

One sure way to know if your quick weight loss recipe is working is to weigh yourself. However, there is no need to weigh yourself every day. While weight can fluctuate and therefore cause weight differences over a two-day period, the difference is too small to be considered effective weight loss. Weighing yourself once or twice a week will suffice.

Health Fitness

A Moment of Truth: Confessions of a True Chocoholic

Have you run out of all the chocolate in your kids’ Trick-or-Treat bags yet? And not because your kids ate it all? If you’re like me, chocolate candies are nowhere to be found because you’ve unknowingly snatched them away from your kids and, with a lot of guilt and remorse, ate them all. Not because you don’t like your kids eating too much chocolate (it’s for their own good, right?). And not because I’m desperately trying to put on a few pounds. The truth is, you are a serious chocoholic, and anything that contains chocolate doesn’t last long in your house because it ends up in your stomach.

Now, many of us are well-known chocoholics, but others, to some degree, still have a leg in the closet. Those close to us know that we love chocolate, but when the sweet goes missing we don’t take responsibility. I recently removed myself from obscurity and became a self-proclaimed chocoholic. Also, I am ready to explore the reasons behind my desires and what can be done about it. In fact, it’s probably time we all came out of the candy closet to talk about this penchant for sugary treats. Why do we have it? Is there a genetic component to our needs? And what’s wrong with being addicted to this mother cocoa bean? Most importantly, what can we do to keep our habitual desire in check? I’ll explore all of the above and detail a healthy way to keep chocolate in our diets.

Why are we the chosen chocoholics anyway? Within my research, I discovered that several scientists believe that genetics play a role in why certain people are consumed by the taste and smell of chocolate. Although I’m not a scientist, I also believe that the inevitable craving for chocolate has some hereditary component. In my family, both parents have a desire to eat anything that contains even a trace of chocolate. My sisters have also been burdened by this need for any version of chocolate. Also, my older brother requires a lot of willpower to stay out of the candy cabinet at his house. This may not be scientific evidence, but it is my experience and represents the reason in my mind. No doubt many of the chocoholics reading this article can think of at least two family members who require a daily dose of chocolate to keep them happy.

So what’s the big deal about chocolate anyway? Is it really that bad for us? I guess the answer is yes and no. Yes for some of us, no for others. Many doctors and psychologists believe that being addicted to chocolate means that one has the genetic code to simply be addicted. Many chocoholics are also alcoholics, smokers, and in line with addictive behaviors. Research also shows that many obese people are plagued by addiction to chocolate, as well as addiction to other foods. For these people, addiction to anything has the potential to become problematic.

What about those of us who are addicted to chocoholics but not obese and not regular addicts? I myself am not obese. I’m also not addicted…to anything but chocolate. I have never dealt with any other addiction. I don’t have addictive behavior and I don’t think I have the disease of addiction. I’m just in love with chocolate and I want it almost as much as I want a good night’s sleep. Is it really dangerous for me? Granted, it’s not the healthiest food to love, but I have yet to enter the realm of danger. But it wouldn’t hurt to find a better way to fulfill my wishes.

Most chocoholics know their habit isn’t necessarily a good one and would be willing to try a healthier alternative. Replacing the chocolate with carob chips might help kick the chocolate habit, but the taste just isn’t the same. Another alternative is dark chocolate, which is known to have health benefits such as lowering high blood pressure. It also contains a powerful antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and other ailments. Just don’t wash it down with a glass of milk because milk prevents the absorption of the good stuff. Organic dark chocolate is said to be the healthiest option. It is more expensive than the average chocolate bar but is very rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. Organic dark chocolate, when consumed in moderation, can help control diabetes and blood pressure. This is the best replacement for those who are addicted to chocoholics but need a healthier variety.

Whatever your choice, it’s imperative to remember that all types of chocolate contain large amounts of sugar and should only be eaten by healthy people. I myself would like to say that from now on I will only eat organic dark chocolate in moderation. But who am I kidding. I know I lack willpower. However, I do believe in the strength of numbers and I look forward to all the emails I will receive from other chocoholics wanting to ease, if not curb, the habit. I don’t think chocolate is going to kill me, but it certainly isn’t going to save my life. I will try to limit my consumption and focus on buying dark varieties of chocolate. Especially now that all the Halloween candy is gone. And if I can do it, you can too.

Health Fitness

Preventing Childhood Obesity: The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is not a reference to pleasantly chubby babies or cherubic toddlers. Most children will start life with the flab we expect to see in babies. These children will grow larger and lose their “baby fat” as they begin to walk, run, and be more active.

Children who are considered obese are those who have a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 80% is considered obese. This means that a child who weighs more than eighty percent of his peers who are the same height, age, and gender is overweight.

Many people say that it is okay to be overweight before puberty because as a person hits puberty, they will automatically start to lose the extra pounds. This happens to some people, but it is not what happens to all people. A young person who is considered obese is 70% more likely to be obese as an adult.

The long-term effects of childhood obesity can be divided into physical and mental effects. The long-term effects of childhood obesity can physically shorten an individual’s life expectancy and can reduce the quality of life they are expected to have. Mentally obesity can cause great unhappiness in the life of the individual.

The physical effects caused by obesity include (but are not limited to):

• Hypertension (high blood pressure)

• Type II diabetes

• Heart disease such as coronary artery disease

• Gallbladder problems such as gallstones

• Osteoarthritis (a deterioration of the cartilage and bone that make up the joints of the body)

• Breast cancer

• Colon cancer

• Kidney cancer

• Liver cancer

• Strokes

• High cholesterol

• Sleep apnea

• Difficulties breathing

• Early death

• Back pain

• Difficulties getting pregnant, menstrual problems

• Fungal infections

Mental health problems caused by excessive amounts of weight include (but are not limited to)

• Depression

• Anxiety

• Low self-esteem

• Mood disorders and suicidal thoughts

• shame

Being overweight not only affects a person’s physical and mental state, it also affects their quality of life. Some of the life-altering effects of this condition include (but are not limited to):

• Inability to walk without pain or discomfort. This pain and discomfort can include joint pain, back pain, or shortness of breath.

• Difficulty finding clothes that fit well.

• The inability to sit on some chairs. Most chairs found in public places are designed to hold someone who weighs 250 pounds or less. An obese person may not be able to fit in the chairs in restaurants and waiting rooms.

• Vehicle seat belts may not fit the obese person correctly.

• Obese people may have to pay for 2 seats on a plane or a bus when traveling

• May have difficulty finding bathroom scales that weigh them.

• They often feel lonely due to their lack of self-esteem and social shame.

All of the long-term effects of excess weight create an increased amount of medical costs in the United States and around the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control, $190.2 billion is spent each year in the United States alone to treat obesity-related diseases. That boils down to 21% of the money spent each year by the US on medical related issues is money spent due to obesity. estimates that 14 billion of those dollars are spent treating medical conditions obese children suffer from.

The only way to stop obesity is to never start it. Everyone needs to worry about this problem for things to change. Some of the things that could be done to stop this epidemic include (but are not limited to)

• Increased education for parents and guardians

• Changes in foods offered at popular restaurants where children eat frequently

• A campaign to promote physical activity among young people and decrease the amount of time they spend watching television and playing video games.

• Insurance companies that offer reduced rates to families that fit the appropriate BMI chart for their age, gender, and height.

It will take a community effort to make the necessary changes to prevent this condition from killing so many people prematurely.

Health Fitness

Perfect shakes to lose weight

Prepare the best smoothies for weight loss with superfoods that can increase the metabolic rate.

Discover innovative, effective, and beyond-simple smoothie recipes that are packed with protein and nutrients.

The shakes and shakes below tip the scales at around 300 calories and include absolutely no added sweeteners or sugar.

Think about these types of superfoods with your smoothies: avocado, coconut oil, oats, chia seed, cocoa powder, and flax (oil or seed). Include the milk of your liking. Skim, coconut, and almond milk are ideal for smoothies and skinny shakes.

Include your favorite healthy fruits and vegetables with your favorite superfoods.

You can also select a protein spike from Greek yogurt and/or protein powder for the best weight loss shakes. Shakes are an easy way to control calories, increase nutrition, and add protein to your daily diet.

Banana Nut Protein Shake


1 scoop vanilla whey protein

1 cup almond milk

1 large banana

3 tablespoons peanut or almond butter

Frozen water

Make Avocado Weight Loss Smoothies

You may not expect to add avocado to a smoothie. However, avocados are a superfood that provide a beautiful silky consistency to your smoothie along with great healthy nutrition and fats.

Never be afraid to use avocados because they are high in fat. They are rich in beneficial fats that your system requires, making them an extremely healthy superfood.

Make Weight Loss Smoothies With A Vitamin C Supercharge

When you need a little more vitamin C and want to use something other than orange juice to make it, make this smoothie recipe. Mix the following ingredients in your blender or smoothie maker:

* 3 cups of watermelon

* 1 cup of melon

* 1/2 cup strawberries

* 1 cup plain low-fat yogurt

Blend until silky smooth and serve immediately.

All-Natural Body Fat Burners

Use some of these ingredients in your weight loss shakes.

All these organic ingredients tend to increase the metabolic rate and stimulate the autoimmune system and also stabilize sucrose in the blood:

Apple cider vinegar * lemon * cinnamon * cayenne * coconut oil * chia seed * grapeseed oil

Banana smoothie recipe for weight loss

Everyone knows that it is vital that you eat a great morning meal. But who has time? From now on you will.

You can also make use of a travel cup with a straw and take it on the road.

Mix the following ingredients in your blender or smoothie maker:

* 1-1/2 cups of nonfat milk

* 1 medium banana, peeled and chopped, frozen: Cover chopped banana with plastic wrap or place in plastic freezer bag; freeze for several hours or overnight.

* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

* 1/4 teaspoon almond extract

* A little cinnamon (to taste)

Blend for 20 seconds until silky smooth, then serve immediately.

What is your favorite smoothie? Do you ever create soy protein shakes or use fruit? Comment with your favorite smoothie recipe.

Health Fitness

The best weight loss diet programs to get rid of unwanted fat

Are you overweight or obese and want to lose weight immediately? Or maybe you are one of the many people who are confused as to which weight loss diet program is best for helping you regain a slim and trim body. Well, if you really want to lose weight, you’ll need to get up to speed on the different diet programs out there and which ones will best suit your lifestyle.

The following are some of the more popular weight loss diets and an overview of each.

* Atkins Diet – This is a very well known and accepted weight loss diet program today. This is a triple combination of a low carb, high fat, and high protein diet plan. Atkins has been used for over a decade by people who have been trying to lose extra weight.

The Atkins weight loss diet program is all about eating healthy and nutritious foods without carbohydrates. The foods recommended by the Atkins diet are green leafy vegetables, lean proteins, fruits, nuts and whole grains.

– Pritikin Diet – It is a weight loss diet program that is high in carbohydrates and low in fat. The main goal is to lose weight by eating high-fiber vegetables, grains, and fruits. The focus is on eating raw and unprocessed foods. Fat intake should not exceed 10% of the total daily calorie allowance. Additionally, the Pritikin Diet emphasizes daily exercise, with 30 minutes being the minimum required.

This plan is designed to help you lose weight and prevent heart disease. Fruits like apples, cereals, and brown rice are known to be good for the heart.

– Zone Diet: You will find that this weight loss diet program is not as restrictive compared to other diet plans. This plan consists of eating food in the right proportion. Which means you can eat carbs, protein, and fat, but you just have to be careful not to overload your diet with any of them. Once the proper ratio is achieved through daily food intake, the body will achieve the proper hormonal balance and release anti-inflammatory chemicals that are good for health. One big advantage of this diet is that you are less likely to experience fatigue and hunger on this program.

– South Beach Diet – This is one of the most recent fads in diets. His diet program to lose weight is basically based on the control of fats, a low consumption of carbohydrates and meals rich in proteins. Your goal is to eliminate all the bad fats and carbs and replace them with good fats and good carbs. It is simple in concept but may require you to learn new recipes and dishes.

Before starting any diet plan, make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. Learn the do’s and don’ts of each diet and ask what the results have been for people who have finished the diet program. Try it for 30 days and see how you feel. If you feel more energetic and the weight is starting to come off, then you know this is the diet for you.

Health Fitness

Why Crush Cardio Activity is worthy!

Are you looking to reduce fat, lose some weight and tone your body? Is a trip to the gym nothing more than a dull and boring hour in the cardio section?

So, I have the perfect workout for you.

It’s a workout that will help you break the monotony of sweating on the treadmill. This high-intensity workout will have you sweating in no time. It will cheer you up so much that you won’t stop even when your legs hurt. You just can’t get enough of this workout.

This supercharged workout is Crush Cardio, brought to the people of Delhi by Crush Fitness India. In his own words, “Fitness is a dance party.” And believe me, this is a party you really want to attend!

The company was born with the idea of ​​making fitness fun and has managed to do just that. The trainers are fitness enthusiasts, trained dancers, and dream chasers. They have come to the Capital City with the hope of making it a more apt place. Dance is their main weapon and they teach you how to use it to defeat your enemy and achieve your goal.

Crush Cardio is a high power workout. Think about the intensity of all the weight loss exercises combined and compressed into a 60 minute workout. With training plans available for people with all kinds of fitness goals (weight loss, muscle growth, increased athletic endurance), they are proving to be a reliable fitness solution for many. It has also proven to be a good muscle building workout. Move your whole body and work every muscle to the pounding dance music that makes your fists vibrate. Being a full body workout, it is a complete fitness solution with a dynamic approach. If running on the treadmill isn’t exciting for you anymore, then this loud and clunky workout will shake things up for you pretty well. The best part is that each workout will prove to be a different experience.

If you’re ready for this rollercoaster of training, this sweat-soaked party, then sign up. Delhiites are dancing their way into shape at some of the most exclusive studios in the city.

Dance to some of the best gyms in town with these trainers. He will find Cardio Crush slots available at popular gyms and studios like Olympia Gym, iFitness, Elemention, Studio 60, Hype Gym, Metabolix and many others.

Staying fit is now fun!

Health Fitness

Organic Wheatgrass Powder – The Many Benefits of a Teaspoon of Wheatgrass Powder

How much organic wheatgrass do you really need?

One thing about taking a natural or organic health supplement, such as wheatgrass, is the fact that there is always a lot of confusion about how much to take, as well as the dosage range. People who are on a very strict diet are very willing to stick to schedules, especially when taking their nutritional supplements.

According to the uk online whole food shopping website, it is important for a person to take at least one teaspoon of organic wheatgrass powder per day. Depending on a person’s nutritional requirement, a person can increase the dosage up to two ounces, or around 6 teaspoons per day. A person should also mix wheatgrass powder in a glass of water or juice, seasoned to taste. Regarding the interval, a person who is on a very strict weight loss or detox regimen can follow a program of three times a day, just before breakfast, lunch and dinner. While doing this, it is important to remember that the stomach should be empty or free of acidic foods, in order to best benefit from the alkalizing effect of organic wheatgrass powder.

The benefits of an ounce of wheatgrass:

Some people may be skeptical of the information that only a few ounces of wheatgrass powder is needed per day to help the body detoxify and increase organ performance. However, here are three reasons why a few ounces are more than enough:

has. One ounce of wheatgrass powder to boost energy: Organic wheatgrass is about 70% chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has been proven to aid in the production of hemoglobin and the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. An increase in blood production and oxygen flow can greatly benefit those who regularly engage in strenuous activity.

b. One Ounce for Detox: A few ounces or a teaspoon of wheatgrass has health benefits, similar to a bowl of dark green vegetable salad. Vegetables and fruits are known to absorb and help eliminate harmful toxins and pathogens from the body.

Against Two Ounces for Cancer and Diabetes Prevention: In the field of medical treatment, organic wheatgrass powder is known to provide the body with almost the same level or more of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and proteins that can help the body to prevent from cancer and normalize the blood sugar level of the body. Wheatgrass powder may have an alkalizing effect on organs in the body, limiting the risk of growth and development of carcinogens or cancer cells.

Wheatgrass is one of the best superfoods that can help improve energy levels and protect the body. With regular intake, a few ounces of wheatgrass can go a long way in helping the body prevent the growth and development of serious toxins, pathogens, carcinogens, and even viruses.

Health Fitness

Understanding the health benefits of Earth-sourced shoes

Do you know Earth Origin shoes? Like all other shoes from the same brand, you’ll enjoy the same health benefits offered by Earth’s Kalso negative heel technology with Earth Origin shoes. These shoes are basically designed to encourage a healthy life. They promote proper posture when walking, sitting, running or standing.

Explaining Earth Origin shoes and their benefits

If you have ever tried wearing shoes from this brand, then you probably know about the positive effects of wearing shoes from this brand. When you buy Earth footwear, you can enjoy numerous health benefits. First of all, you wouldn’t have to suffer from incorrect posture or body alignment every time you wear Earth brand shoes. These shoes have sloping soles inserted into them. This is to make sure your toes are placed slightly higher than your heels when you walk, run, or stand up. Unlike other shoes, your center of gravity does not change. Your weight is carried by your heels. The theory is that this is the correct way to carry your weight.

What are the effects of this?

Basically, the first thing you’ll probably notice is the absence of pain in your back, feet, or calves. Many women also report that they have noticed a significant tightening of the muscles in their feet. They also noticed firmer thighs. Many also claim that they noticed significant weight loss. Actually, this is not impossible. The designer of the Negative Heel Technology claims that you can actually lose weight by wearing negative heel shoes or any other shoe on Earth. He tends to burn calories when he walks or runs in these shoes. He can liken this to walking uphill or on a treadmill. The inclined position forces your feet to use muscles, so you’re losing weight without breaking a sweat.

Shoes to consider

If you’re looking for Earth Origin shoes, there are a few designs you should definitely check out. You can start with the Earth Origin Anna, a comfortable shoe that features a moccasin-like design. You should also check out Earth Origin Reese, particularly the black one. This is the type of shoe that can definitely keep up with you and your busy lifestyle.

If you are looking for Earth sandals, you should check out the Earth Origin Sonja. This is great for hot weather. You can easily pair this pair of sandals with just about anything.

There are still other shoes you can see. Now, if you really want to give your feet the footwear they deserve, you should get your Earth Origin shoes now.

Health Fitness

All aboard the Workout Express!

We live in a society where time is ticking where the stakes for professional success, being admired socially and being in good physical shape are always present. These goals do NOT have to be mutually exclusive, as modern moms can have our proverbial cake and eat it too, particularly when it comes to fitness! I eat? The key is to optimize the time that can be devoted to fitness-related efforts.

Even just 20 minutes of exercise most days of the week is enough to improve your health and reduce your risk of disease. Thirty minutes will help increase your fitness level and stamina. Forty-five minutes or more will help you optimize fat loss. The first step is to believe that you are worth it and that a fit body is a sexy body.

In an effort to balance all the pieces of the pie we call life and, as they say, enjoy the ride, the following tips and tools employing sound exercise principles will help you turbocharge Modern Mom for more results in less. weather. :

o Combine Upper and Lower Body Exercises: Cut your strength routine in half by incorporating exercises for various body parts. For example, while performing a lunge, add a set of bicep curls to the movement.

o Choose compound exercises: exercises that work several muscle groups simultaneously are more efficient than isolated exercises, which focus on one major muscle group. Examples of compound exercises include leg press, squat, chest fly, walking lunge, and seated row.

o Circuit Train – With minimal equipment, you can set up stations that alternate cardio activities with strength training activities. This will keep your heart rate up so you can reap the aerobic and anaerobic (strength) benefits. A sample circuit might include: jump rope, bicep curls, jumping jacks, push-ups, jogging in place, squats, mini-trampoline, and dips. Repeating the circuit up to three times is guaranteed to rev up your metabolism in less than 30 minutes.

o Interval Training: Using active rest/work ratios will allow you to train at the upper and lower levels of your fat burning zone and optimize calories expended. You can start by walking briskly for 2 minutes and jogging for 30 seconds. Then progress to 2 minutes of brisk walking and 1 minute of jogging. Eventually progress to within two minutes of each, and ultimately spend less time walking and more time jogging.

o Increase your intensity: By increasing the pace, you can cover more miles and ultimately burn more calories in less time. You may need to gradually increase the intensity, but you will become more efficient in the process and may be able to reduce the length of your exercise sessions.

o Stock up on 30-minute workout videos: Check out the latest videos to suit every fitness level, body part, and workout style. Four 30-minute videos a week could add up to 18 pounds burned in a year.

o Multitask: Use your time on the bike to catch up on professional literature, review notes for a presentation, or update your Palm Pilot. That will keep you up to date and save you time at the office.

o Schedule your next meeting in the gym: Nowadays it’s not uncommon to have a business meeting on the tennis or racquetball court or on the golf course. It can be a welcome change for all parties involved and you can exercise while getting paid.

o Pick up the pace: Pick up speed whenever you can, like going to the grocery store or mowing the lawn. Run errands, literally. The calories can add up significantly and keep your metabolism burning at a higher level throughout the day.

o Make it a lifestyle change: By cutting out some of life’s modern conveniences and becoming more physical, you can expend up to 800 extra calories a week. That can add up to 11 pounds lost at the end of a year. So, start going up the stairs, even if you work on the 10th floor, it will be easier. Park your car last and keep your sneakers close at all times. You never know when the opportunity to go for a walk, hit the gym, or join the kids in the field will arise.

o Turn time wasters into time savers: contract muscle groups while you stand in line or drive, stretch at your desk, go for a walk on coffee breaks. Remember that three ten-minute intervals are just as good as one 30-minute session. When possible, exercise during lunch and then eat at your desk.

o Incorporate mind-body exercises: Choosing a discipline like yoga or pilates will not only give you the physical benefits of a well-toned body, but you’ll also enjoy relaxation and stress-relieving enhancements.

o Make time: Schedule 30-minute workouts into your appointment book 1 month in advance, and keep that commitment the same way you would any other meeting. Set your alarm, clock, or palm pilot to go off when it’s time to exercise.

o Sex Counts: While I wouldn’t suggest replacing a formal exercise program with sex, it certainly burns calories. The fitter you are, the more enjoyable all activities, including sex, will be.

o Exercise saves you time: the fitter you are, the less sleep you’ll need, so you can add more time to your day and have more energy for your daily tasks. Exercise could add longer, stronger years to your life; that time is priceless.

Health Fitness

5 tips to end emotional eating

If you’re struggling with emotional eating, you’re not alone.

I still catch myself doing it: I sat down at my computer the other day, opened a bag of Terra chips, and started shoveling them. I stopped before I ate the whole bag because I realized what I was doing. Usually, when we eat out of emotions, it’s common to “check” and just not be there.

I stopped and asked myself “Am I really hungry?” And the answer was no, I realized that I was bored. So I put up the chips and went for a walk.

I’ve been practicing being mindful of my food choices for quite some time, so I was able to quickly use the tools in my toolbox to get back on track.

If you want a few tools in your toolbox, here are some helpful tips you can practice to end emotional eating.

#1 – Do not keep garbage in the house.

I’m sure you’ve heard this before, and that’s because it works. If he’s not in the house, he won’t be tempted. I know, your children, your partner, your dog, they will not be happy with you for depriving them. But seriously, it won’t kill them to eat healthier.

When there’s tempting junk food in the house, emotional eating becomes all too easy. For example, you come home from a horrible day at work and all the way home all you can think about is drowning your sorrows in the pint of Ben & Jerry’s that you know is in the freezer. Food ends up serving as a trigger, so get rid of it.

#2 – Find a healthier alternative.

Instead of concentrating on having ice cream when you get home, you should find a substitute. Instead of reaching for food when you’re stressed, take the dog for a walk or talk about how stressful your day was with your partner or best friend.

When you create new behaviors, you actually create new neural pathways, which means you create new habits. Goodbye Ben & Jerry, hello training team!

#3 – Restock your kitchen.

It’s much easier to grab healthy food when you’re hungry if it’s close at hand and in sight. Research shows that people who leave healthy foods out in plain sight make better food choices. Some ways you can implement this yourself: A bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen counter. Cut up the veggies and keep them handy with some hummus at eye level in the fridge. If coffee is a trigger for an unhealthy muffin or donut, see if you can substitute a green smoothie for your coffee.

#4 – Have a seat.

If you’re going to eat, you should sit your ass on the kitchen table. When you plate your food, whether it’s a meal or a snack, you can eat more mindfully. Think about the last time you sat in front of the TV or computer with food. Do you really remember eating the food? How about feeling satisfied?

When you sit down and really pay attention to what you’re eating and how much you’re eating, the tendency is to eat less because you’re able to notice those signals that are sent from your stomach to your brain to tell you that you’re “full.” “- and when you’re in touch with your body’s signals, you naturally avoid overeating.

#5 – Be kind to yourself.

Find other things to nourish yourself. I love lighting scented candles at dinner, it helps set a nice relaxing atmosphere! Maybe you like scented soaps or fresh flowers. A soft blanket to snuggle up in while you sip your after-meal tea. I know you can feel a sense of control when you eat what you want and condemn yourself to others, but afterwards, the guilt and emotions surrounding the incident cause you to beat yourself up endlessly. Take the opportunity you have to be kind to yourself and surround yourself with things that make you feel good.