Health Fitness

A Moment of Truth: Confessions of a True Chocoholic

Have you run out of all the chocolate in your kids’ Trick-or-Treat bags yet? And not because your kids ate it all? If you’re like me, chocolate candies are nowhere to be found because you’ve unknowingly snatched them away from your kids and, with a lot of guilt and remorse, ate them all. Not because you don’t like your kids eating too much chocolate (it’s for their own good, right?). And not because I’m desperately trying to put on a few pounds. The truth is, you are a serious chocoholic, and anything that contains chocolate doesn’t last long in your house because it ends up in your stomach.

Now, many of us are well-known chocoholics, but others, to some degree, still have a leg in the closet. Those close to us know that we love chocolate, but when the sweet goes missing we don’t take responsibility. I recently removed myself from obscurity and became a self-proclaimed chocoholic. Also, I am ready to explore the reasons behind my desires and what can be done about it. In fact, it’s probably time we all came out of the candy closet to talk about this penchant for sugary treats. Why do we have it? Is there a genetic component to our needs? And what’s wrong with being addicted to this mother cocoa bean? Most importantly, what can we do to keep our habitual desire in check? I’ll explore all of the above and detail a healthy way to keep chocolate in our diets.

Why are we the chosen chocoholics anyway? Within my research, I discovered that several scientists believe that genetics play a role in why certain people are consumed by the taste and smell of chocolate. Although I’m not a scientist, I also believe that the inevitable craving for chocolate has some hereditary component. In my family, both parents have a desire to eat anything that contains even a trace of chocolate. My sisters have also been burdened by this need for any version of chocolate. Also, my older brother requires a lot of willpower to stay out of the candy cabinet at his house. This may not be scientific evidence, but it is my experience and represents the reason in my mind. No doubt many of the chocoholics reading this article can think of at least two family members who require a daily dose of chocolate to keep them happy.

So what’s the big deal about chocolate anyway? Is it really that bad for us? I guess the answer is yes and no. Yes for some of us, no for others. Many doctors and psychologists believe that being addicted to chocolate means that one has the genetic code to simply be addicted. Many chocoholics are also alcoholics, smokers, and in line with addictive behaviors. Research also shows that many obese people are plagued by addiction to chocolate, as well as addiction to other foods. For these people, addiction to anything has the potential to become problematic.

What about those of us who are addicted to chocoholics but not obese and not regular addicts? I myself am not obese. I’m also not addicted…to anything but chocolate. I have never dealt with any other addiction. I don’t have addictive behavior and I don’t think I have the disease of addiction. I’m just in love with chocolate and I want it almost as much as I want a good night’s sleep. Is it really dangerous for me? Granted, it’s not the healthiest food to love, but I have yet to enter the realm of danger. But it wouldn’t hurt to find a better way to fulfill my wishes.

Most chocoholics know their habit isn’t necessarily a good one and would be willing to try a healthier alternative. Replacing the chocolate with carob chips might help kick the chocolate habit, but the taste just isn’t the same. Another alternative is dark chocolate, which is known to have health benefits such as lowering high blood pressure. It also contains a powerful antioxidant that helps fight heart disease and other ailments. Just don’t wash it down with a glass of milk because milk prevents the absorption of the good stuff. Organic dark chocolate is said to be the healthiest option. It is more expensive than the average chocolate bar but is very rich in flavonoids and antioxidants. Organic dark chocolate, when consumed in moderation, can help control diabetes and blood pressure. This is the best replacement for those who are addicted to chocoholics but need a healthier variety.

Whatever your choice, it’s imperative to remember that all types of chocolate contain large amounts of sugar and should only be eaten by healthy people. I myself would like to say that from now on I will only eat organic dark chocolate in moderation. But who am I kidding. I know I lack willpower. However, I do believe in the strength of numbers and I look forward to all the emails I will receive from other chocoholics wanting to ease, if not curb, the habit. I don’t think chocolate is going to kill me, but it certainly isn’t going to save my life. I will try to limit my consumption and focus on buying dark varieties of chocolate. Especially now that all the Halloween candy is gone. And if I can do it, you can too.