Digital Marketing

Importance of on Page in SEO

The most fundamental aspect of internet marketing is search engine optimization or SEO. It is an online tool usage system that you can implement on your website to help your pages rank higher in search engine results, giving your website more exposure to targeted visitors who may eventually convert. in clients. On-page SEO means optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and gain more relevant search engine traffic. On page refers to both the content and the HTML source code of a page that are optimized, while off-page SEO refers to the return links. On-page search engine optimization has changed over the years, so it’s important to keep up with the latest practices.

The following are the SEO factors on the page:

1. Meta optimizations

Meta tag optimization means optimizing the title and description for the primary, secondary, and tertiary keywords.

A) Metatitle optimization:

The title must be between 65 and 70 characters and the description must be between 150 and 155 characters.

Title tags are one of the main reasons to help search engines understand what your page is about, and they are the first impression many people have of your page. It is preferable to keep your titles under 60 characters.

B) Meta description optimization:

Meta descriptions provide a final summary of the web pages in question. This is usually a short, concise paragraph of no more than 300 keywords.

2. Page speed

Page Speed ​​is one of Google’s 200 ranking factors. Optimizing the speed of your landing page and your website results will make your website refresh in Google searches.

3. Compatible with mobile devices

The mobile-friendly website is one of Google’s ranking factors. Making your website fully mobile-friendly can help increase page ranking on Google related to mobile searches.

4. Image optimization

Google also provides image search results. You can achieve top ranking in Google image search result by optimizing image title and description. Sometimes when Google can’t read certain images, optimizing them by adding precise names to the images helps. Sending the image sitemap to Google webmasters allows an increase in the page rank.

5. Keyword density

Keyword stuffing refers to using too many primary, secondary, and tertiary keywords on your website. Avoiding keyword stuffing is a general rule of thumb for on-page optimization. Keyword density is a ratio of the total words in the content to the number of times the keyword is used in the content. If you keep the ratio, then your keyword ranking will be higher. The digital marketing analyst should implement keywords with a maximum density of 2-3%.

6. URL optimization

URL is short for Uniform Resource Locator; is a subset of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where an identified resource is available and the mechanism for retrieving it. It should never be more than 100 characters; otherwise, Internet Explorer could not load the page. The URL must also be human readable and must not be dynamic, that is, the URL must not contain symbols or special characters (! #, $,%, &, *, Etc.)

7. Page content

Copying or rewriting existing articles should be avoided. Even for original content, if you’ve already posted it on another website, it’s not good for your site. When writing about a certain topic or answering a question, make sure that what you write is rational and covers both sides of a story.

Page optimization is the surest way to get to the top of Google and page optimization training helps us in the same way. This is something that is totally under our control. It allows us to make sure that we are publishing original content and ensures that the user sees our website the way we want them to see it and it is important for our benefit, since on the page it also helps to increase our Page Rank. These listed on-page optimization factors are completely under our control and thus make on-page optimization transparent.

Digital Marketing

How to get an exact search on Google

Appearing in Google Search with SEO

Search engine optimization also known as SEO. While ranking in search engines is important. Showing up in search results is where the real traffic comes from. Therefore, many sites that appear on the results page are not necessarily a Page Rank One site. Quite the contrary. Because showing up on the results page is determined by the density of the target search phrase. Or aim for keyword density. The trick, however, is to use the target keyword or search phrase within the context of the content. So desperately grouping a bunch of search phrases and target keywords together will no longer work. Because search engines prefer high-quality content. The days of being a copy paste marketer are over.

Page rank is especially important to build a reputation. Many newbie bloggers are blinded by the SEO part of creating content. And searching for the perfect keyword and target search phrase. Density and context are often forgotten in the rush to beat SEO. Therefore, to appear at the top you will have to comply with four basic rules. Location of keywords and search phrases, density of keywords and search phrases along with the quality of your content. And lastly, high-quality backlinks to similar content.

How to take advantage of keyword and phrase placement

Google offers an excellent free tool. Being able to research relevant keywords and phrases to appear in search results. You will need a tool called “Google keyword plannerAccessed from within your Google Ads account (formerly known as Google Ad-Words). Then, search for unique keywords and search phrases for up to 2 to 3 keywords together. Search results from Google will display as “Your search term“and below that”Idea“You should use these two sets of keywords in your content. But always target keywords and phrases with high search volume and low volume competition.

Put the keyword or search phrase you want to appear on your blog or post in your browser. Also the first word or phrase for the title of your post or blog. Which means that it is the first word that is identified when search engines crawl your site. Therefore, your work can be placed in the correct category. Reach an interested audience. Also, you want to populate the post content with your target keyword and search phrases. And try to make the target search phrase the first sentence of each paragraph as well.

Google processes billions of unique searches per day (about 3.5 billion). But the challenge is to use it within the context of the sentence. And lastly, all the Google keywords and phrases you want to target must be present in the first sentence of the first paragraph.

Keyword placement and suggested density

The target keyword and / or search phrase must appear at least once in the title. But try to include the target keyword and phrase no more than twice in the meta description. And as for the content of the post or page. A keyword density of no less than 0.6%. Which is roughly calculated at about 6 times. But 6% is the minimum requirement. However, the suggested maximum is 2 to 4 times higher (1.2% to 2.4%) for better search results. However, I must add that having such a high keyword density will take a lot of work. To appear in search results, you also want to use your target keywords and search phrases as tags. But don’t forget to add descriptions to all the tags you use.

Google also searches for keywords and search phrases within a certain tag description used for the particular content. In fact, all categories and tags should have keyword-rich descriptions. Which is a huge plus. Again, let’s get back to the basics of SEO. The art of telling search engines what your work is about. But it is often a bit more difficult than anticipated. Because content must be created over time. To maintain uniqueness through recognition. Along with the density of keywords and phrases. There is also the use of transition words and subtitles that play a crucial role. To appear at the top of Google.

Unique quality content and conversion

Results are greatly improved with unique quality content. Something that is not available on the Internet anywhere else. Therefore, Google also takes advantage to obtain the necessary knowledge. To create such content and be recognized as a professional in your field. That is also the only one “Secret“About making money online. You must offer your visitor exactly what they are looking for. Therefore, your keyword or target search phrase must be extremely precise. You must collect all the necessary knowledge. And then turn that knowledge into an online income stream.

The position your site shows on the search results page will definitely attract visitors. Whether you benefit from those visitors is entirely up to you. And the only way to do that is by offering value. While also focusing on the first impression. What does your visitor see first when they follow your link? Does the first impression (Post Featured Image) suggest a solution to a common need? Are you curious to want to know more?

Results work best with professional content. And that will never change. But you have a vast ocean of information to discover with Google search. All the knowledge you may need to deliver the required value.

Link to high-quality sites from within your content

Do your research with Google’s Keyword Planner tool. The basic rule of thumb is high search volume with little competition. Use your exact target keyword and the search phrase used with the keyword planner. And search for relevant sites. But also make sure the domain has https protocol enabled. Because it seems that safe links are favored by search engines. Just run a keyword check. And then link to the sites or articles that are most relevant to yours. But how will you know which sites are quality backlinks?

The volume of traffic for a particular site can be seen with tools like SimilarWeb. And the page rank can be checked with “PR Checker” (Google Page Rank Checker) or “Check Page Rank”. While you may also want to check the trust rating of the site by using “ScamAdvisor”. Just do a Google search for these keywords and get access to all these free tools.

Digital Marketing

Technical documents B2B Vs Technical documents B2C

Is there a difference between B2B white papers written by businesses for business and B2C white papers written by businesses directly for consumers?

Most of the articles are written for the B2B market and very few are written for the B2C market. There is an idea that business executives and decision makers are the only ones willing to spend their time reading white papers. People think that consumers are not willing to spend their time reading long newspapers.

But this is just a notion, as B2C documents or electronic guides are known to work. In fact, there are many of these documents that are much longer than normal 10-14 page white paper and are known to work. Some of the B2C articles are 20-40 pages long and generate leads. Regular consumers are not as busy as decision makers, they have a lot of free time and are willing to spend a fraction of this time reading long documents that educate them. In this process, these articles also persuade the reader and sell him the product / service.

The way you write these two articles varies: –

B2B white papers:

B2B white papers are written using very formal language. They do not sell the product directly. The writing is very indirect. There are no catch lines like “Pick up the phone and call us today for this huge discount.” They discuss a problem in detail and then discuss the solution to this problem in detail. After this, company information and services or products are mentioned. There is usually no call to action. The design of these items is also very formal.

B2C white papers:

B2C papers are more direct selling. They consist of problems and solutions that are discussed in a similar way to the B2B document, but the sale is very direct. After typing in all the company information and product / service information, there is a strong call to action asking the reader to contact the company immediately and use their services. There are also offers and freebies that encourage the reader to buy the product and use the service. The design here is more colorful and fun and pleases the reader’s eyes. They are more attractive than B2B papers. Many of these documents also have testimonials to make the product / service seem more trustworthy.

Both types of articles have been shown to be effective when written the right way. So if you have a business and you don’t have a whitepaper. So be sure to write one now.

Digital Marketing

How to fill out the creative summary form to get your hair salon logo design?

Are you sitting in your salon and planning to open your new salon this time because your latest business failed miserably?

If that’s the case, then you’ve come to the right place for this article to help you understand how to build a profitable business. Whether you are throwing a nail, a hair salon, or a whole salon, you will need proper exposure because now we can find a salon on every street corner. Therefore, it will look outstanding from the rest of the salons if you do not have something unique in your hands. Yes, we are talking about salon logo design.

This is the most attractive industry for women because it revolves around neatness, visual appeal, and outward beauty. Although, there are many salons that also serve men, but what can we do with the stereotypical image of the beauty salon? However, corporate identities should also reflect the feminist approach from all angles. The following informative text will offer some ideas for those who want to end up in a brand recognition device perfectly designed for their salon.

Completing the creative summary form:

If you go to a professional graphic design service, they will ask you to fill out a form that will pay them as much information as possible about your expected logo design. Let them know what your ideas are on how to create a brand for yourself. For example, if you want to associate it with a specific beauty treatment such as facial, aromatherapy, pedicure, etc. or you want it to show the general concept of a beauty salon.

You should also think about what type of target market you are targeting, for example; If you are running a beauty salon in an upper-class society, you might prefer something that is sophisticated, elegant, and simple. You can look for examples of creative briefs that a graphic design company can give to their clients so that you can get an idea of ​​what they might ask for.

Natural images will definitely work best:

Cultures vary from place to place that can showcase your brand identity, but that will be common. Instead, you can go for beauty symbols inherited from different cultures to give your corporate identity a refreshing look. For example; Greek, Chinese or Indian beauty symbols will help you develop a new look, but it is also important not to come up with something totally out of the world that has nothing to do with your local salon.

Another good idea is to search for material on the Internet. Try searching for beauty symbols or hair salon logos via google image box for some ideas and then suggest them to your professional graphic designer to deliver something like that for you, but make sure you don’t copy it at all.

So, look at various possibilities to find different concepts unique to your brand identity before filling out the creative summary form.

Digital Marketing

How to answer objections

How many times have you heard that you want me to spend my money on your show? Why do they always want me to spend my hard-earned money on this? Or maybe it’s the ever popular one. It took me a month that I never paid for a job and I’m not going to start now! Have you heard this before or am I the only one? Of course you have heard it and it is probably the main objection that prevents you from getting those sales that your sponsors say are so easy. I don’t know about you, but as for me, these are the two most common along with the ever popular ones, I’ll see how you do it and if you make a lot of money I’ll join! If you believe that, maybe you still believe in Santa Claus!

So what is a person to do with these objections? How can you personally overcome them and overcome mediocrity? Because that’s what we’re really talking about, sorry to be honest with you, but that’s the way I am. Every day we, that means that you too, have to deal with our destructive side that does not want to be positive and do our best and have the success that is possible. These two questions are really one and the same and it breaks down where the money comes in and they don’t want to part with a single penny. In fact, they believe that it costs them nothing to go to work at their job. Of course this is a fallacy and they are actually spending their hard-earned money and more than they realize. So how do you get over this objection? What is the magic formula? You can take some time and look at the expenses they have and break it down like that, for example, how far do they drive to get there and is your time worth nothing? You can point out that their transportation is costing them gas, maintenance, and repairs. Another thing is the cost of the clothes they have to wear due to their work or the stress and strain they are putting on their bodies and it will cost them their health. These are all valid points one should keep in mind when getting a job and also keeping one, but they still don’t answer the real question behind the question. So what is the real problem, what motivates them? Well, here it is, they don’t think it works. Deep down, they are at war with conventional ideas that have been brainwashed since they were at the knees of a grasshopper.

They do not believe in themselves and that is why they do not dare to dream or if they have the dream they do not have to get up and go make it come true. They have been told that they have to work hard to get ahead and save all their money and have a savings fund to lean on as they age so they can retire and live out their days rocking in the rocking chair on the front porch. That is the dream that they have been force fed and think that is the good life. And yet when we take a look at what is happening today, we see millions of people who have had this dream shattered into a million little pieces and wonder, how am I going to be able to retire and keep my home? Questioning themselves and the system that has been completely erased and facing the harsh reality that the game has changed and the rules are different. They can’t trust the conventional wisdom that has gotten them so far because it doesn’t work anymore! Many are bankrupt and jobless with foreclosure looming over their heads and for millions more the boom has set in.

I hear you say OK, but what do I do to be successful? That’s the million dollar question everyone is asking today. With mass layoffs and job losses approaching 10%, we have entered an area very unfamiliar to most people. Many have lost their jobs and, along with their income, are falling behind on mortgages and, if they are not in foreclosure, they are getting closer. It is not a joke and nobody laughs. So we go to the Internet and we hear them say that you can earn a lot of money if you follow their program. Have you heard that some guys have a proven program that someone else made a lot of money with and now we’ve packaged it up and you can do the exact program for only $ 99.98 a month? This is just a silly change, they say, and you buy it and end up with a couple dozen e-books that you could have found for free on the internet. Guess what they forgot to tell you that you are the fool and that yes someone makes money but it is not you.

Why did you fall in love with the line? Because you may not have been taking care of yourself and have seen the money and had an impulse buying moment. Now after you’ve done this a couple of times, you start to get tired and don’t trust anybody and say: This whole internet thing is bullshit and nobody is good and this is a scam! It’s all a scam and why did I think I could make money online? In fact, there are people who are making a pretty good living on the very Internet that you say is full of scammers and charlatans. It’s true and you can earn a lot of money too! So how do you find the right company and how do you make money online without scamming people? First of all, you need to establish some kind of way to distinguish the good from the bad, the right from the wrong, and the undertaking that is going to pay off and not scam you.

I learned a long time ago about the “T” closure and I think this really works. The story is something like this; “Everyone knows one of the wisest men of America’s early years, his name was Benjamin Franklin. He was one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence and wrote Poor Richards Almanac among many other achievements. Now when Benjamin Franklin I wanted to make a decision I would take a blank sheet of paper and draw a “T” dividing the paper in half. On the left side of the paper I would put the word Yes and on the right I would put the word No. Today we would use the words Yes and No Respectively, he would then think of all the reasons for and against the problem or decision he was facing and listed the Yes and No’s on the paper and fulfilled the answer that was evident from the number of Yes and No’s that were on the paper. If the Yes were more than the No, he would do what the Yes said and, conversely, if the No win, he would not do what I was considering. Now this was a closing technique that I used very effectively in business. sales and n the one I was involved with at the time. It all works because you can really form your opinion that way.

So now, when you come across a business opportunity that sounds like a good deal, you can use Benjamin Franklin’s “closure.” Take an honest look at the business and make that T on your blank sheet of paper and list on the left the reasons why it would be a good decision and on the right the reasons why it would be a bad decision and then you will have a basis for making a decision based on reason. This is just one way of making a decision that turns out to be one of the best closings you can use in the sales business. It is old but reliable.

This article is titled How to Respond to Objections and perhaps I have not handled the many objections we all face in marketing today – in fact, you may not have even handled the objections that I wrote about in the first few paragraphs. They are; Have you heard, do you want me to spend my money on your show? Why do they always want me to spend my hard-earned money on this? Or maybe it’s the ever popular one. It took me a month that I never paid for a job and I’m not going to start now! What I’m saying is, it’s not really about the money 90% of the time. More than money, it is about the perceived value, the perceived value of the product you are selling. They don’t believe what you are bringing to them when you give them your sales pitch. Why? Perhaps you have become insistent or perhaps indecisive. Maybe you haven’t put everything together to a point where they can see that what you’re trying to tell them is beneficial to them.

People are funny that way! What do you do at this point, do you keep the pressure or aim? It is 4th and goal and you have the ball, what is your game? This is the point where most give up and settle for less than perfect. So what is the answer? Have you even thought about what the customer needs and wants? There is something missing in the sales business and that becomes something called customer service. We all want what we want, but when it comes to those things called human beings, there is baggage that comes with it. Your job is to figure out what kind of luggage it is and deal with it. Not only that, but also treating it in a way that is good for the customer. Everything falls apart in what many people call the Golden Rule that says this; “Do to others what you would like them to do to you.” In other words, if you don’t like someone lying to you about a product, service, or business opportunity, don’t lie to them! Even easier, you don’t like to be ripped off, so don’t do it to others! If you say you are going to do something, do it!

Handling objections becomes easy if you are fulfilling your obligation to your clients, it just works that way. So as you strive to succeed in your line of work, you will find that when you help those you serve as a representative of the business you own or work for, you are truly helping yourself. So do the world a favor and try to take someone with you.

Rev Steven Potts

Digital Marketing

Have you ever felt judged?

I’m sure there have been times when you’ve been walking up to someone and have felt their eyes rapidly scanning up and down. It’s disconcerting, isn’t it? Are they checking your clothes, your sense of dress, your size? what’s going on? And if you thought you were getting into a nice relaxed atmosphere, perhaps meeting a friend, it becomes an even more disappointing scenario. What’s going on! Why are they doing this!

– Superficial judgments and evaluations they happen all the time though. We have certainly expressed a ‘what were they thinking!’ on occasions when we’ve seen someone wearing outrageous garb or struggling to hide a funny one, ‘they thought it was a fancy dress!’ sometimes!

And yet, don’t we love to see someone who has their own distinctive style wearing it with panache? Scandalous touches often make someone an unforgettable center of attention. And we can even search for that rare and unusual look ourselves on occasions, drag markets and charity shops for a special and unique piece of jewelry or an accessory that gives our look an exciting touch. We may want to be different, stylish, original, and yet do we sometimes experience negativity from others when we try?

Are they jealous, do they want to be the fashion guru, the one with a quirky twist in our social group? Certainly giving someone who is trying to be different a withering look can make them, especially if they are a little nervous, come back on the line and potentially weaken their confidence to try again.

– And we? Are there times when we feel intimidated as a result of questioning or judging someone else’s status? Do we find ourselves feeling that someone better educated, more handsome, slimmer, older or richer is automatically a superior, more important person, someone to be wowed? Or that someone who is perceived as less attractive or of lower status has less right to be respected or considered? Sometimes bias can be an almost unconscious response, but it can affect how we behave, how comfortable and comfortable we are in the company of others.

– Find out how someone makes a living It’s a pretty standard opening question when you first meet them, however the answer can lead to quick judgments. Whether they work or not, have a part-time or full-time job and whatever, it can result in us being impressed or putting ourselves down, all based on the short answer to that question. And yet many factors influence a person’s job choice, from their educational opportunities to the support they receive to establish a career. Then there are those who thrive on stress and challenges, while others prefer an easier life. Every function has its place in a prosperous society. Who are we to judge someone’s choice?

– Similarly, finding our voice can be a difficult question.Especially if we are new to a group or maybe we have never spoken before and we fear that other members will judge as they seem to be very confident. All it takes is a barely suppressed laugh, a giggle, or a faint “Are you serious?” To make sure we return to our corner, tail between our legs, not daring to speak again. However, it is not Weird that, several minutes later, someone else says exactly what we were trying to say and then gets loud applause.

– Or those moments in which we have invested a lot of effort in something important. It can be difficult when people unaware of the background to our story dismiss our success as fluke, trivial, or say it happened because of someone else. If you feel compelled to explain, justify or protest, just pause and ask why you should let yourself be pressured like this.

Do you really owe these people an explanation? Does your judgment make a difference in your life? On reflection, do you really care so much what they think? No no no! Breathe, let it go, and smile to yourself about what you’ve done, the efforts you’ve made, the lessons you’ve learned throughout this journey. And smile too for what they haven’t been doing while working to improve yourself.

– Critical people They seem to feel that confidence comes from running over others, belittling their efforts, and generally using piles of defeated bodies as stepping stones on which they intend to climb. They can appear as knowledgeable, strong, energetic, confident, motivated, and motivated characters.

But little by little, others begin to see through his superficial appearance, realizing how unnecessary and unpleasant it is to share the same orbit as those who continually mistreat other people, even when it is simply raising an eyebrow or giving a sigh. disbelief.

There is no joy in being surrounded by people who are always on the lookout for the negative aspects of others, who judge quickly and who choose to form inflexible opinions, thus seeing flaws and imperfections in any situation. Most of us don’t care and are even a little relieved if a keynote speaker seems human and occasionally stumbles across a few words, we are tolerant if a new staff member makes a small mistake in a restaurant. We don’t need to rant, complain, or make loud demands.

Instead of finding fault and reason to criticize, it becomes a much more pleasant and positive experience when we encourage, appreciate the good, celebrate the successes of others, and offer ways to lift each other up. It is much more satisfying and less stressful to enjoy finding the positives rather than the negatives.

Digital Marketing

Sales and marketing breakdown

Reviewing the sales and marketing conversation

In October 2015 we shared an article called “Five Ways Marketing Departments Help Marketers Catch Butterflies”. A ten-part article was recently shared with us, titled “What is the meaning of sales and marketing and its advantages?“And, I must say, it does a pretty impressive job of breaking down the differences, responsibilities, and links between sales and marketing functions. Why review this now? Because it has never been more apparent that the relationship between sales and marketing is still as misunderstood as ever, especially with advances in marketing technology.

Making things clear

Many in the business world, especially those who rely on sales and marketing for success, don’t really have a concrete idea of ​​exactly what sales and marketing is it so. Yes, the two are linked, but they are not the same. Sales departments trust marketing; There are marketing departments and strategies to fuel sales (note I didn’t say “manufacture” Sales). You wouldn’t be marketing if you had nothing to sell, and your sales strategy would be far less informed and far less successful if it weren’t for your marketing efforts. Yes, many old-school marketers (or enterprising small business entrepreneurs) are quite capable of driving the business themselves, and may even have some tried and true marketing tactics up their sleeves, but few have the time and skill. . , or technological resources to effectively capitalize on the true potential of your market.

A common mistake older, established companies make is to assume that salespeople are skilled at marketing and that marketing personnel are skilled at making sales. In some cases, this may be true, but certainly not across the board. While trying to conserve capital, many of these companies will try to combine their sales and marketing departments, essentially assigning their employees two job descriptions, and that’s usually a bad move. It’s no coincidence that more recently established companies, tech giants, and organizations that employ large numbers of millennials are killing it with their marketing efforts.

Breaking it

As the ten-part article explains, some of the key responsibilities of a sales team include:

  • Tracing

  • Building a relationship

  • Closure

  • Retention

The mark of a great salesperson is the ability to cultivate a personal relationship. Many consumers who have stayed loyal to the same brand, dealership or salon for years will say they appreciate the personalized attention they receive there. It is not the responsibility of a marketing employee to follow up with a seller’s existing customer after the lead has been delivered, nor is it their responsibility to convert a lead into a sale, “close the deal” or make sure the customer remains a customer. for many years. Aside from having a great relationship with a trained salesperson, product quality and an overall great experience are the top things that will strengthen customer retention.

On the marketing side, the main efforts are:

  • Conscience

  • Commitment

  • Conversion (from anonymous to known)

  • Retention

It is not the job of a salesperson to generate awareness or buzz about their brand, product or service. If they are expected to use their energy to make sales by nurturing leads and relationships, then how can you expect them to also have the time to do the groundwork that brings those leads to the table in the first place?

The marketing department creates awareness, fosters engagement by creating information that will invite audience members to take action, and targets and tracks engagement by motivating audience members to provide contact information or initiate a test. or free consultation (turning them from a cold lead into a known lead or potential buyer). It is important to note here that the retention function of a marketing department does not really overlap with the retention efforts of a sales team.

On the sales side, customer retention refers more to the seller’s efforts to use the customer relationship to continually communicate with the customer, trying to engage them in more discussions about additional products or services that they may be interested in. And look for referrals to clients. friends and family. However, on the marketing side, retention refers to maintaining a higher level of consistent engagement (through targeted marketing based on purchase preferences, interests, and history) so that the customer relationship does not end in the purchase. initial. Those email newsletters you receive after becoming a customer somewhere aren’t random – they serve a purpose and are often tailored to the things you’ve seen or expressed interest in. A sales team simply does not have the information, the time, or often the resources to execute these types of strategic campaigns.

The fine-tuned coexistence of everything

The ideal sales and marketing relationship is symbiotic. Marketers and salespeople work together to determine what consumers need and how to deliver it. Sales and marketing must motivate, inspire and feed each other. They must collaborate and live together. In the hierarchy of the business food chain, sales and marketing should not be seen as rivals or equals, but as counterparts. One can’t really exist without the other, but their skills are not the same, especially today where advances in technology require the modern marketer to have a very specific, honed, and competitive skill set that most marketers simply do. They do not need. I have.

For this reason, many marketers are introverts, analytical, and deep-thinking people. Whether they’re processing numbers and analyzing data, compiling reports on trends and conversion rates, or writing awesome ads and creating beautiful websites and bonus material, they need to focus intensely on what works and what doesn’t, and fine-tune their creative efforts. respectively. Typically, a marketing department will have more tech-oriented creatives, analysts, and people (who dive into the numbers and algorithms behind advanced marketing tools).

In contrast, however, many salespeople are outgoing – they light up a room, have excellent “people skills,” can easily relate to others, and have the ability to pick up on social cues that could really help them close a sale. Salespeople often have a broader focus, preferring to spend their days in appointments and meetings, relationship-building activities, rather than sitting behind a desk doing what a marketing department does best. For this reason, many salespeople have administrative assistants to help them with follow-up, paperwork, appointment setting, phone calls, proposals, and calendar management. This type of functional assistant role is less prevalent in the marketing arena.

Share your thoughts

Be sure to read the full article (and let us know how it compares to our post) for additional information on the relationship between sales and marketing teams. Join the conversation: In your experience, what have been some of the key components of a successful sales and marketing partnership?

Digital Marketing

7 golden responses when your pain healing hope dives into your nose

When your pain sinks into healing hope There are 7 golden answers.

Are there times when your hope fails you and your confidence plummets?

Golden Answer # 1


Where hope fails and healing grows is part of your pain healing journey. A short pause, even for others, a temporary hibernation is a natural result of the experience of unwanted grief.

However, the pain prepares you for a better hope, a new beginning towards healing.

“Sadness prepares you for joy. It violently drags everything out of your house, so that the new joy can find a space to enter. Shake the yellow leaves from the branch of your heart, so that in their place fresh leaves can grow and Green. Pull out rotten roots so that new roots hidden underneath have room to grow. ” ~ Rumi

Fresh new roots of hope are essential building blocks for moving from a temporary hiatus to healing your pain. Don’t let discouragement or a small detour in your happiness make your hope fail permanently. Pain prepares you to receive more joy as you begin to heal.

Golden Answer # 2


“Every decision you make, every decision, is not a decision about what to do.

It is a decision about who you are.

When you see this, when you understand it, everything changes.

You start to see life in a new way.

All events, happenings and situations become opportunities

to do what you came here to do. ”

~ Neale Donald Walsch

As you understand who you are, everything changes as to what to do. Finding the metal within you points your actions in a healing direction. Every decision you make to heal pain turns your thoughts and efforts into opportunities.

Dig deep. Look into your soul, you are made of more inspiration and strength than you thought.

Golden Answer # 3


When pain hits, great worry can also occur. After worrying about what it is, it’s still there. Try to engage your mind in solid, hard thinking.

“Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in solid, hard thinking. There is an almost universal search for easy answers and half-solutions. Nothing hurts some people more than having to think.”

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Excessive worrying can figuratively cause you to fall into a worthless rabbit hole. Worry is often accompanied by discouragement, fear, and discouragement.

Can you accept the self-challenge of taking the time to do some hard, solid, undiluted, worry-free thinking? You will be surprised with the positive results of this personal effort. It may take more than one attempt to achieve meaningful results.

Golden Answer # 4


“Wanting something is not enough. You must be hungry for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.” ~ The browns

When facing your obstacles, you must be absolute in your efforts. Want is not a strong action word like DO. Doing so helps you learn that many obstacles are only half as strong as you thought they were. However, your efforts must be absolute. The key to healing your pain is being fully committed to your own commitment and inspiration.

Golden Answer # 5


It is essential that you learn to create a direction that highlights a clear course to follow. If your path is clear, you can develop ideas and tools that you can immediately use to master your own happiness.

“There is no reality except what is contained within us. That is why so many people live an unreal life. They take external images as reality and never allow the world within them to impose itself.”

~ Hermann Hesse

Learning not to let pessimism, anxiety, and resentment invade your mind is vital to obtaining the happiness and joy you seek.

“Posing new questions, new possibilities, looking at old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination.”

~ Albert Einstein

Always trying to find new ways to master your happiness as you go through your pain healing journey is a golden answer. In this time of pain and loss, have you considered how you can learn to master your happiness? Could you?

Golden Answer # 6


Often times when pain comes, it is usually unexpected and certainly unwanted. Confusion and helplessness are common companions to grief, grief, and loss. It is not uncommon in the early stages of grief to disregard the less useful and effective ideas and tools that you can use right now to have a better life. “

Some tools that you may not have considered but should: Courage, Daring, Perseverance and Work can have a positive magical effect to make your difficulties and obstacles lessen.

“Difficulties show men what they are. In case of any difficulties, remember that God has faced you with a rude adversary so that you can be a victor, and this cannot be without effort.”

~ Epictetus

Pain pits you against a defiant antagonist that you can only conquer with extreme and continuous effort.

“Your success and happiness is in you. Decide to stay happy, and your joy and you will form an invincible host against difficulties.”

~ Helen Keller

Certainly the tools and ideas mentioned above are not what one considers to be medical in nature. But using them as you pull them out of your duel healing toolbox can form an invincible and unbeatable host against the difficulties of dueling. Seriously consider using these tools and ideas to fight your grief, grief, and loss. Words like determination, work, perseverance, and courage are all strong action words. Adopt them, call them to bear arms in their name.

Golden Answer # 7


“Life is NOT” supposed to be “fair.” Know that there is no one way life is “supposed” to be. Demanding that life meet our expectations is a surefire recipe for a miserable existence. Life is a game without rules. Life just happens to us regardless of our best intentions. Our only path to happiness is to be open to receiving whatever life throws at us, with gratitude. DO NOT have life expectancies. ~ Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Life is not always a sweet bowl of your favorite ice cream. Very often life creates its own rules. Being open to receiving all that life has in store for you with gratitude can be your best path to happiness.

“Sharpen your pencil as you create your life story. Ask today as you consider the many options available to you.

What is the best and greatest use of your talents, skills, and abilities? When you answer that, you will have the opportunity to further refine those qualities by applying your concentrated effort. ”

~ Mary Anne Radmacher

“Sixteen at every opportunity, accept all possibilities for happiness.

“It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness”.

~ Chinese proverb often quoted by Eleanor Roosevelt

At all times, embrace all positive social media, technology, the Internet, and all other beneficial and essential resource solutions that are available. Overcoming despair, grief, and loss should be your top priority. Stopping crying, beginning to heal pain, loss, pain, and finding hope and joy is vital to experiencing lasting peace and happiness.

Digital Marketing

Five tips for effective web content writing

Over the years, web content writing has grown into a million dollar industry. Business owners hire skilled and experienced content writers because they want their websites to look professional so that visitors are interested in purchasing their products. But writing web content can become tedious work, especially for newbies. An effective content writer should follow the following five essential writing tips.

  1. Researching the keyword: This is the first and most important aspect of content writing. Since most marketing is done through search engines, it is very important that you understand which keyword to target. If you spend hours of your precious time not targeting fast keywords, it will all be for naught.
  2. Writing original content: The secret to being a successful content writer is to avoid plagiarism at all times. Plagiarism, in simple words, copying, is considered a serious crime in the writing industry. You can do extensive research to generate ideas, but you cannot, in any way, copy the language or content of others. If you can’t produce 100% new content, you lack the number one skill to be a successful content writer.
  3. Flawless writing: Successful web content writing means being able to write flawlessly. You must bear in mind at the time of writing that it is your readers who have to be glued to your content. If you make linguistic mistakes in their writing, there is little chance that they will finish reading your writing. Even if they do, they may not take any action based on reading your content. But that is not all; Your writing should also include words that surprise your readers. The most essential writing quality also includes being able to add words in writing that create images in the minds of readers.
  4. Avoiding irrelevant information: Your writing has to be direct and to the point. When writing, keep in mind that your readers are looking for specific information on a certain topic, not irrelevant additional sentences.
  5. Add call to action: Let me ask you a question. What is the main purpose of your writing? In one hundred percent of cases, web content is written with the aim of asking readers to act. If you don’t include a call-to-action message at the end of your writing, it would mean losing out in the world of competition.

Finally, web content writing is an art form. Every word you use in your writing should come directly from your heart. The more passionate you are about ensuring quality writing, the better your chances of becoming a successful content writer.

Digital Marketing

Describing bears: useful terminology

On specialized bear tours led by an expert company, you will have the opportunity to see these majestic and fascinating mammals up close. When you are out in the field, you may hear your naturalist guide use some unfamiliar words to describe the animals you are seeing. Below you can get acquainted with some of the languages ​​that are commonly used to describe bears.

Some basic descriptive terms

Any adult bear you see can be classified as either a boar or a sow. The first refers to men and the second to women. In all species, the wild boar is usually much larger than the female, and the largest differences in size occur between male and female polar bears. Young bears are called cubs and are born in litters of one to three. They are born blind, bald and defenseless, so they depend on their mother for the first two years of their life. It can be rare to see a sow and her cubs on bear tours, as the mothers tend to be very protective.

Describing the bearskin

In zoological terms, the skin, hair, or wool of an animal is described as its fur. Fur can vary greatly between bear species. Brown bears, for example, have much thicker and hairier fur than that of the black bear. The coat of many bears will consist of dense fur covered with longer and thicker guard hairs. The protective hairs help the bear shed water and snow, while the thick fur acts primarily as an insulator.

You may see different coat colors or phases on the same bear species. For example, the American black bear can be black, brown, tan, blond and even white, in the case of the Kermode or “spirit bear”.

Bears molt, or shed, annually, typically during early summer. As the weather gets warmer, winter coats are shed for a shorter, cooler summer coat. Wildlife enthusiasts on bear tours in the spring or early summer may spot a bear in mid-molt, distinguished by a patchy and somewhat disheveled coat.

Describing Bear Claws and Paws

The bear’s paws and claws are its most valuable tools, used for digging, climbing, swimming, and catching prey. Although the shapes and sizes of the legs differ from species to species, they all have plantigrade legs. Animals that exhibit plantigrade locomotion walk with the toes and central bones of the foot (called metatarsals) flat on the ground. Humans walk this way too. In contrast, dogs and cats exhibit digitigrade locomotion (walking on toes), whereas deer and other hoofed animals walk non-reguligrade.

The soles of the legs are bare and leathery to provide good traction. In polar bears, the surface of the feet is covered with small bumps, called papillae, that prevent them from skating on the ice. Bears tend to lose a lot of body heat through their paws, which is why the polar bear has adapted with slightly hairier toes and paws than its cousins.

Bear claws differ in sharpness and length from species to species. The black bear has very sharp and very dexterous legs that help it climb trees, while the brown bear has blunt, larger, and more curved legs for digging. The polar bear has very wide legs, which help it distribute its weight while walking on snow, much like a snowshoe.

Bear tours are the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of wildlife. Familiarizing yourself with the language of wildlife is an important step in understanding the animals you are observing. Along the way, you may become an expert in the field.