Legal Law

The Four Major Life Areas You Must Incorporate Into Your Life For Maximum Success And Satisfaction

There are universal laws that govern our world, regardless of what we think of them and our (dis) faith in them. The easiest that all people can identify with is the Law of Gravity, which simply says “what goes up, must come down.” Another is the First Law of Thermodynamics, which states that energy can be transformed, but it can never be destroyed or created. A third that is quite common is the Second Law of Thermodynamics (also known as the Law of Energy Decay), which states that, ultimately, everything that is created will deteriorate; to pass from a state of order to a state of disorder.

In the words of Wallace Wattles (The Science of Getting Rich): “You can act according to these laws, or you can ignore them, but you cannot change them in any way. The laws operate forever and hold you strictly accountable, and there is no the slightest concession for ignorance … Once a person learns and obeys these laws, he will become rich with mathematical certainty. “

All these laws fall under the one general law: “Energy is.” Ultimately, we are all particles of energy, more specifically light.

In a way, this makes life pretty easy to understand. As long as we recognize the existence of these laws and do not work against them, life unfolds naturally. I have written about most natural laws in other articles.

The four main areas of our life are also under the influence of these laws. These areas are:

* Mental

* Emotional

* Physical

* Spiritual

You can compare these areas of life as four interconnected circles, ultimately overlapping in the middle. A balanced life, a life in which “you can have it all”, meets exactly in the middle, where mental, emotional, physical and spiritual practice come together.

There is a twofold approach to his personal and professional life: first, there is the generalized influence of natural laws on his decisions and movements; being the Law of Attraction the most important Law to take into account. In addition to these Laws, there are four areas of life that you should be aware of.

I know this may seem complicated; just know that you are already living by these “rules”, and are probably already deliberately using them, without even knowing that you are.

This overview is not intended to explain or work through the operation of the Universal Laws. The purpose here is to show you that your values ​​and actions are ideally distributed in each of the four main areas of life, in order to live a successful and balanced personal and professional life. That’s a pleonasm, in my opinion, since a successful life IS a balanced life!

Obviously, there are more areas in life to focus on, but the aforementioned four summarize the basic basics. Everything we do in life has 1) a purpose, the spiritual, 2) a reason, the mental, 3) a feeling attached to it, the emotional, and requires (not) action, the physical.

Most of the time, people focus on one or two of the areas, thus neglecting the other areas of life. For example, a person focused on business success may focus intensely on the mental and physical – coming up with a solid plan and putting it into action. That it COULD keep this person out of touch with the purpose (spirituality, ethics) and the emotional consequences of this (without regard for himself or others). Another example: someone may gladly focus on spiritual and emotional growth. That can leave them oblivious to “common sense” (mental) and physical health. Both examples may appear to be successful in the areas you focus on, but there will be a price to pay in the underserved areas.

To live a balanced and full (and therefore effective) life, try to integrate all four areas into YOUR life.

  1. Spiritual – focus primarily on reason, the purpose of your intention. WHY are you contemplating what you are contemplating? What value will it serve? What is the highest reasoning behind all this? If you can find a positive intention / purpose behind everything you do, you will have infinite motivation to get the result. Nobody needs to motivate me to write articles. I WANT to do it, because it is in line with my purpose: to inspire people towards a more fulfilling and happy future.
  2. Mental: spend a lot of time planning your intention. WHAT you want to achieve that is in line with your purpose. Make an action plan. Consider the pros and cons, cause and effect relationships. Talk it over to people, do your research, eliminate or minimize risk, maximize profit. Etc etc. Use your (left) brain to figure things out ahead of time.
  3. Emotional: what is the feeling you are looking for? What emotional state are you looking for? What is the reward for your intention? How would you like to feel after your plans have been put into action? Think and FEEL the state you want to achieve beforehand too; This will ignite powerful forces that will help you achieve the desired feeling.
  4. Physicist: What is the plan? HOW are you going to do things? What resources will you use, what term will you stick to? What are you starting at first? How much energy does it take? How long to recover? How will your body cope? Can you control it? Do you need to toughen up or get fit? What are the three-dimensional physical requirements and what is step 1?

If you can constantly keep an eye on all four elements, you will be able to achieve whatever it is you have planned. It will also serve as an accountability outline and alert you with “dash lights on” when an item receives too much or too little attention. You will notice it!

Both my personal and professional life began to spiral upward once I concentrated on keeping all four plates in the air, rather than primarily leaning towards one or two of them. The power of a balanced life and perspective is greater than you can probably imagine.

The proof of the pudding will be in eating!

Lifestyle Fashion

How to protect your lips from sun damage?

What do you usually take with you when you go swimming, to the beach or just going out? Hat, Sunglasses, Sunscreen … to protect your skin from the sun. On the natural side, your skin contains oil that protects it from dryness and extreme temperatures, but your LIPS do not, which explains why they bleed so easily.

Because your lips are natural, you would like to protect them from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Products with SPF (sun protection factor) will help protect your lip against UV rays, keeping your lip always smiling.

How to protect your lips from the SUN?

Protecting your lips from the sun is really easy. The best way to protect your lips from sunlight is to apply a tinted lipstick or lip balm that contains sunscreen. Not only does lip balm protect lips from burning, the moisture will help prevent chapping and dryness. The SPF number tells you how long you can stay outside without burning while wearing the sunscreen product rather than not using any sunscreen product, for example: an SPF 15 means this will take your lips 15 times longer than without the sunscreen solar

Use lip balm with a minimum of SPF 30 for you (the higher the better) and SPF 15 for your baby. But the most famous lip balm usually only has an SPF with 15-20, it still does not protect your lips.


  • – Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every 2-3 hours when swimming or sweating (water or sweat resistant).
  • – No sunscreen can protect your skin from all UV rays, but a higher SPF number indicates protection against more rays.
  • – Do not expose to direct sunlight without any sun protection factor. Apply lip moisturizers that contain sun protection factor.
  • – “It’s winter! I don’t need to protect my lips from the sun!” Snow can reflect around 80% of the sun’s rays and can damage the skin and UVA rays are at constant levels throughout the year.

Did you know

A recent University of Texas study revealed that more than 94% of study participants were well aware that UV exposure causes skin cancer, but only 6% were aware of lip cancer risk factors.

Alarmingly, only 28% of the participants used a form of lip protection, such as specialized lip sunscreen, regular sunscreen, or lipstick.

So next summer, upgrade your bright look!


Overeating Dogs: Which Breeds Are High Risk?

As much as we hope to the contrary, humans do not enter this world on equal terms. Even excluding complex socioeconomic issues, inequality lurks in our medical records: Some of us are genetically predisposed to medical problems like heart disease and certain cancers. A study from the Harvard School of Public Health suggests that our genes even make some of us more likely to be obese *.

Genetic injustice does not stop with homo sapiens. Our canine companions can also be genetically destined for certain disorders due to breeding practices. For countless generations, dog enthusiasts created the various breeds by selecting and breeding only dogs that displayed certain desired traits, such as certain coat colors and facial shapes. This selective breeding for attractive qualities depleted genetic diversity, leaving weaknesses in the genetic maps of individual dogs.

For example, the intense breeding required to produce the impressive spots of the Dalmatian also brought its genetic predisposition to ailments such as kidney stones and deafness. In the same vein, poodles are much loved around the world for their beautiful skin and hypoallergenic intelligence. Unfortunately, rigorous breeding to meet demand for these popular dogs has also made Poodles the most disease-prone breed – they have been linked to 145 genetically influenced disorders.

Obesity is no exception. In many cases, the causes of obesity are obvious: as in humans, when a dog eats too much and exercises too little, it is likely to be overweight. Also, low-quality, low-protein dog foods can encourage overeating, as dogs need to eat more to feel full. Most cases of canine obesity have their origin in these causes.

However, certain dog breeds are more likely to gain excess weight, for the reasons listed below. If you’re concerned that your adorable pup’s breed is on the list, take heart – we’ve also listed techniques for preventing weight gain or, if it’s too late for prevention, helping your dog shed those extra pounds.

Chow Hounds: Breeds that tend to eat fast

A quick review of the history of the canine species explains why some dogs practically inhale their food. Many experts believe that dogs were separated into separate species 15,000 years ago, when certain wolves chose to enter a new niche created by humans, living near easy food supplies from waste dumps. In this circumstance, it made sense for the dogs to eat fast, so that they could ingest as much food as possible before the appearance of rival or predatory dogs.

Today, the original utility of quick consumption has been replaced by the dog’s obesity and bloating problems. Obesity occurs when owners often assume their dog is still hungry, leading to overeating. Gastric torture, or dog bloat, is a much more immediate disorder in which the dog sucks in air with its food, causing the stomach to twist in on itself, blocking outlets, even as digestion continues to release more gases. The deep, narrow chests of breeds like Collies and Saint Bernards make them more prone to dog bloat. Other fast eaters include large breeds such as Labrador retrievers, Basset Hounds, Rottweilers, and any dog ​​that had to worry about having food taken away as a puppy. Be aware that any breed can eat too fast; Monitor your dog’s eating habits to determine if he is overeating.

How to slow down your hunting dog

? Establish a consistent feeding schedule and stick to it. Many vets suggest two daily feedings, in the morning and in the evening. Record the amount you normally feed your dog each day and check with your vet to see if it is an adequate amount. Avoid giving your dog table scraps and treats to other people.

Create an obstacle in your dog’s plate. Some owners and vets recommend placing a tennis ball or large stone in your dog’s bowl for slow eating. Other more aesthetically pleasing solutions, such as the DogPause Bowl, use the same principle to easily but effectively slow down a dog’s eating pattern. These bowls have half-cup divisions on the bowl that create an obstacle for your pup to work to get to his food.

Canine energy: breeds that need a lot of exercise

Some dogs were specifically bred for work. Shepherds were bred to run all day herding sheep, for example. It’s no wonder, then, that working dogs like German Shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers, and Beagles gain weight when they don’t exercise on a daily basis.

How to get your four-legged friend back to a healthy weight:

Get out there and play. Half an hour of exercise is a good idea for all dogs, regardless of their size. Your dog may need more – some vets recommend that you walk your dog one city block for every ten pounds of weight. Talk to your vet about the recommended amount of exercise for your puppy to see if your breed may require a little longer to stay in shape.

~ Ben Anton, 2008

Real Estate

Marketing Your Real Estate Investment Business: How To Become An Overnight Success Story

Real estate investing is not just about doing real estate business. Like any business, it’s also about promoting yourself and your services. Marketing allows you to find the people you can help and also allows you to discover new opportunities. At least part of your business plan should include promoting your business. Fortunately for you, the Internet has made marketing much simpler and much less expensive than advertising in the past. If you want quick promotional opportunities that don’t cost a fortune, consider the following methods to promote your business:

1) SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is actually a process of making any content online more easily found by search engines. It works very simply. When Internet users search for information online, they often use Internet search engines such as Google. They type specific words into the search engine and get pages of relevant search results. By including the keywords your potential customers are most likely to search for on your own websites and online articles, you can drive more traffic to your online presence.

2) Newsletters. You can create one or more online newsletters to promote your real estate investment business. Send out these newsletters regularly and include lots of relevant and useful information for your readers. Newsletters are wonderful because they remind potential customers of your business without being too pushy. If your newsletters are very good, your potential customers can forward your newsletter to friends and colleagues, which will bring you more customers.

3) Blogs and feed sites. Blogs are online magazines that allow potential customers to get to know you and your business. You can post your best articles on your blog or create more SEO content. Best of all, your blog can direct people to your website. Feeder sites are small, often single-page websites that direct Internet users to your website. These can be a great way to get more clicks to your page and therefore drive more traffic.

4) Web 2.0. Web 2.0 refers to the “new” generation of interactive websites. These include social networking sites. Many people use them for social interaction, but they are also very useful for promoting a business.

5) Marketing and public relations companies. While you will surely want to promote your business on your own, at some point you will also want to hire the best professionals you can afford to gain wide exposure for your services.

If you want to promote your real estate investment business successfully, use various levels of promotion and marketing to get the best results.

For massive profits.

Shopping Product Reviews

Choosing a game server provider

Most computer game enthusiasts are hooked on online games. Many popular games can be played online with friends or even unknown players on the net. The online gaming experience is completely different and most players love it. A great Internet gaming experience requires large game servers.

Game servers work like an average web server. Only, instead of hosting websites, these special servers host computer games that users can join and play. The crucial information related to the games, such as the scores and the rules of the game, is on the server and also accessed from there. Players simply log in and play the game that appeals to them the most.

Even a person can host a server on their own computer and play games online. However, these connections can only support a few players and are generally quite slow. If you want a complete online multiplayer gaming experience, you should go for larger game servers. These server providers are very fast and at the same time loaded with advanced hardware. This makes them capable of hosting game servers of any size.

The games that rank highest on the popularity charts are the Battlefield series, Counter Strike, Unreal Tournament, and Call of Duty. Most of the game servers offer web hosting, free oral communication and also free support. The amount you have to pay to play multiplayer games online depends on the server and the game you play. Generally, the cost is around $ 2 per player. Sometimes enthusiastic players form a team and then share the cost of the server. In fact, there are some passionate players who split the full amount of their pockets! Game servers are usually free, but there are certain private servers that require passwords.

Excellent game servers are a boon for all game lovers around the world. Players can play against each other and not against virtual opponents, as in single player games. This has caused a considerable boom in the game server market.


Fifteen baseball stars continue to look to the Mendoza line in 2018

Few people would have predicted that the Philadelphia Phillies would be eight games over .500, and just half a game behind the Washington Nationals, heading into June. Those optimists were probably relying on the fact that the last place Phils made a couple of key acquisitions over the winter and therefore surely would be better.

A warning that last season’s sensational rookie Rhys Hoskins would be hitting just .220 with a scant six home runs would likely have made even those devoted fans see Philadelphia eight games under .500 instead of over, and That prediction would be even worse if he had. He told them that free agent All-Star Carlos Santana would be hitting just above the .200 mark.

Believe it or not, Santana’s low batting average is nowhere near the worst we’ve seen in 2018, a season that looks like it could have record low batting averages. They are fifteen star players who have batting averages below .200, a brand that has become known as the Mendoza Line.

Nick Ahmed. 199

The Arizona Diamondbacks managed to hold onto first place in the National League West for much of the season, despite offense being below average from their regular shortstop.

Jackie Bradley Jr. 199

Boston announcers refer to the star outfielder as JBJ, whose Red Sox have the best record in all of baseball.

Carlos Gomez 194

Now with Tampa Bay, the former MVP runner-up has struggled so far in the outfield for Days.

Logan Morrison. 198

After setting a career-high home runs in 2017, the left-handed slugger is off to a rocky start with his new team in Minnesota.

Jason Kipnis. 199

Their struggles somewhat symbolize those of the Cleveland Indians, who have managed to stay at .500 solely because of their outstanding pitching rotation.

Matt Joyce. 1999

Oakland has had its ups and downs for the first two months, while still waiting for Joyce’s bat to regain prominence.

Ian Desmond 190

The Colorado Rockies first baseman didn’t show a lot of power, but every other hit has been rare.

Adam Duvall 184

The odd four-player rotation in the Cincinnati outfield may have negatively affected the former All-Star, who has had to be absent every three games or so.

Dexter Fowler. 180

Now that catcher Yadier Molina is on the disabled list, the St. Louis Cardinals may need this star outfielder to return to the form he was in when they signed him to a great free agent contract last year.

Kolten Wong. 180

Unlike his previously mentioned teammate, Wong’s struggles have lasted much longer than this season.

Chris Davis. 160

Baltimore’s first baseman has never hit a real high average, but now he’s too low and so is his power.

Lewis Brinson. 155

Miami is in for a rebuild, but they need this youngster to really step up to be close to replacing Giancarlo Stanton, Christian Yellich and Marvel Ozuna in the Marlins outfield.

Kole Calhoun. 145

While he often finds himself alongside MVP Mike Trout in the Los Angeles outfield, he is hardly in the same ballpark when it comes to batting averages.

Russell Martin. 174

His catching skills will keep him in the lineup, but the Blue Jays need Russell to raise his average by fifty points if Toronto is to compete in 2018.

Kendrys Morales 194

He’s been plagued with injuries, but if he can bounce back, he can offer much-needed protection to the rest of the guys in the Blue Jays’ lineup.

Tours Travel

The 10 best podcasts for journalists in 2016

It’s no secret that the podcasting world has seen a great renaissance in 2015. Downloading your favorite podcast to take anywhere on your smartphone or tablet has never been easier. Podcasts are an indispensable journalistic resource and will be increasingly so in 2016. The modern journalist simply needs to keep abreast of the devices, software, and trends that shape today’s industry. The good news is that podcasts make this easier than ever. Here are ten amazing shows to wrap your ears in 2016:

10. Content war

Ryan Hanley presents ‘Content Warfare’, this serialized podcast featuring some of the most prolific online content creators in the world. Popular topics include content creation and marketing, audience building, and social media. This is a good option for anyone who works in the digital media space and wants to stay on top of the latest trends and tools available.

9. @Sree show

Tech journalist Sree Sreenivasan was named Fast Magazine’s Most Creative Person of 2015 for a reason, her @Sreeshow podcast is packed with great practical tips for the digital journalist. Sree is prolific in the industry and taught at the Columbia School of Journalism for more than 20 years before becoming Digital Director of the Met Museum of Art in New York City. He gives great advice on everything from getting the most out of social media, photography and design, to advice on the latest mobile technologies. It is worth listening to.

8. The High-Income Company Writing Podcast

Ed Gandia is a B2B writer presenting a program that goes into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to be successful in copywriting or business writing. This semester program is primarily aimed at those who work in the business writing space (freelancers). Gandia uses real-life case studies to demonstrate the best ways to find better clients, prepare content, or optimize your business as a freelancer (and much more). This is an entertaining and highly practical podcast and it’s one to watch in 2016.

7. In the media

This one-hour weekly radio / podcast show seeks to explore “how the media sausage is made” as it “lifts the veil on the media creation process.” And it does. Presenters Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield take us behind the headlines around the world as they skeptically entertain us by revealing how the biggest stories come together, while uncovering the not-so-obvious political narratives in everything we consume in the media. This is a revelation and should be required to listen.

6. The autonomous game

Veteran freelancers Andrew Hayward and Nathan Meunier co-host the podcast “The Freelance Game,” which covers the broader industry (with a background in video game journalism). This highly entertaining podcast specializes in providing advice on all areas of a freelance writer’s life. If you need advice on how to introduce yourself to editors, interview strategies, or diversify your income as a freelancer, you should check this out.

5. The Media Podcast with Olly Mann

The Media Podcast is recorded in London’s Covent Garden and brought to us by Olly Mann (writer, gadget correspondent, LBC Radio host and occasional TV news commentator). Our personable presenter is our guide to everything related to the broadcast, print and digital media industry. The show frequently features leading UK journalists and should be required to listen to anyone interested in the inner workings of the UK media.

4. How to cover the money

The How To Cover Money podcast is a weekly podcast purchased from us by the Reynolds National Center for Business Journalism at Arizona State University. Presenters Micheline Maynard and Mark Remillard offer tips on how to make money from stories (even if you’re not a business journalist). This is a serialized podcast that comes from a business journalism perspective (but helps all journalists by offering helpful strategies for covering and making money from stories more generally). A very good reference for anyone interested in business or financial journalism.


This is one of Britain’s top media-related podcasts for a reason. Listeners are invited to learn about the latest trends in digital journalism. The show often features industry experts who give insight into how UK newsrooms are handling these changes. Topics covered include everything from how to get into specific areas of journalism, such as technology or broadcasting, to tips for journalism students. The website ( is also worth checking out and can be a great place to find media jobs.

2. The Media Show (BBC Radio 4)

The Guardian columnist Steve Hewlett presents BBC Radio 4’s own ‘The Media Show’, a podcast featuring discussions on areas such as censorship, business, ethics, as well as a general analysis of the changing world of media. Expect new episodes every Wednesday. This one is well funded, well produced and secures influential guests on a regular basis. Recent guests include the CEO of Trinity Mirror, the owner of The Huffington Post and the CEO of Virgin Media.

1. The long-form podcast

Our number one podcast to watch in 2016 goes to The Longform Podcast. Each week hosts Max Linsky, Aaron Lammer, and Evan Ratliff (CEO of Atavist media software company) invite a renowned journalist or editor to take us behind the scenes of a news story (while giving a masterclass on journalism). If you want to meet the people who report the stories, or if you are interested in how the world’s best writers or freelancers got started, you should listen to this podcast. Recent guests include a Pulitzer Prize winner, war correspondents, and high-profile writers from the world’s leading publications. Longform deserves five stars and wins the award for the number one podcast to watch in 2016.


Garmin Nuvi 750 Reviews

In the age of science and technology there are many modern systems that are seen in the world. These modern systems make people’s lives very easy and comfortable. They are very useful in people’s lives. Among them, GPS, which stands for Global Positioning System, is one of them. It is a satellite-based system. This system was first used for US military applications, but is now used for civil applications as well. There are different types of devices with which this system can be used. Many brands in the world supply various models of this device. Garmin International is one of them. Now it is in the leading position in the world. It supplies many GPS devices like Garmin Nuvi 360, Garmin Nuvi 350, Garmin Nuvi 750, etc.

The Garmin Nuvi 750 is one of the latest models on the market. This model comes with several newer features. People can wear it in any weather. The 4.3-inch widescreen touchscreen on the Garmin Nuvi 750 has a clear display. The screen resolution is high, so the user can see the screen clearly even in bright daylight. This unit has an image viewer. The TFT-type screen clearly shows the maps preloaded by the user. There are maps of North America on the preloaded maps. The maps are colorful. Hotels, hospitals, gas stations, ATMs, police stations, the different routes are indicated with different colors so that the user can easily find them. With this option, you can also find the closest location to them.

The Garmin Nuvi 750 has an FM transmitter. The user can get the voice instructions during the trip. The voice will give the user the driving direction, making it very easy to go anywhere. This model plays an MP3 player that will provide entertainment to the user. It also has Garmin games, alarm clock, audiobook, calculator. The Garmin Nuvi 750’s Bluetooth option allows the user to make hands-free calls so that they can make or receive calls without using their hand. It is very effective while driving.

If someone forgets their parking location, this model can help them find their car. It is a very nice feature of this model. This feature is very effective in busy parking areas. This unit has a USB port, headphone jack and built-in antenna. The built-in microphone of this model allows the user to clearly hear the voice and songs.

The Garmin Nuvi 750 has a very amazing feature. This unit can answer the question. There are options called “Where am I now?” and “Where is my car?” If a user uses this option, they can provide their exact location. It can provide the user with detailed information such as latitude, longitude, hotels, closest restaurants, etc. It can even provide the user with information about junctions and intersections. So that anyone can travel to an unknown place very easily using this unit.

The Garmin Nuvi 750 is small in size, so anyone can carry it inside their jacket pocket. Its weight is light. Everyone should use the Garmin GPS 750 because it makes the user’s life so easy and comfortable.

Home Kitchen

Choosing a bathroom faucet for your style

Like kitchen faucets, the variety of bathroom faucet styles and finishes can get dizzying. When buying your perfect faucet, you need to keep a couple of concepts in mind. Start with the type of handles you prefer, like one handle or two handles, think about your personal style and personality for that matter. Give some thought to the finish you want and does it complement your existing bathroom fixtures? Will the faucet you choose fit easily into your current bathroom sink, or will you have to hire a plumber or call your Uncle Bob to install it? Lastly, think about how much George Washington you want to spend. Do your research and read what you get in the box, some manufacturers package the bathroom faucet separately from the handles so you may need to purchase the faucet handles separately. Those crafty makers! There’s nothing like getting a nice gift for yourself and finding out that there are only two-thirds.

The price difference for some faucets is not their outward appearance, it’s what’s inside that counts, and that doesn’t just apply to faucets! Some faucets look great at first, but then they start to leak due to the plastic parts inside. This means that you will have to put in the effort and spend the money that you should have spent on a quality faucet in the first place. Again, do your homework and call the customer service department if necessary to find out what exactly you are getting.

Now, I’ll break down the most popular styles so you can get a better idea of ​​what’s out there. Oh, by the way, or by the way, for all young people, the proper term for the sink faucet is sink faucet. So in your search, if you can’t find what you are looking for under “sink faucet”, try searching under “sink faucet”.

Two-handle basin faucets are the most common and come in a multitude of flavors. There is the traditional core set, mini-generalized, generalized, and wall mounting. They range from a traditional style like Moen Brantford’s pervasive two-handle basin faucet to the contemporary side, like the American Standard Green Tea faucet, which is discreetly disguised as a pull-out bathroom faucet – great!

The next two are the single handle core assembly and the single hole core assembly. Single handle styles range from the 1980s with the oblong shaped plastic pop-up handle like Moen Chateau’s single handle center basin faucet (I think this was in my house when I was a kid!) To the super elegant Price Pfister Bernini Faucet basin.

Lastly, we have some pretty taps that are the epitome of relaxation. The Roman bathtub and claw foot bathtub faucets. Roman bathtub faucets are a really nice piece for that built-in, freestanding, or whirlpool tub. Clawfoot bathtub faucets are nice if your style is very classic, like the early 1900s, and you have a good budget to play with. These faucets look extremely stylish and intricately detailed; Check out the Elizabethan Classics Hand Shower Phone Tub Filler for a good example.

Now that you have a better idea of ​​what you want, let me give you a list of available finishes. Not all of these are available for all faucets, of course, but they will help you narrow down your search even further. Finishes are: Chrome, Polished Chrome, Brushed Nickel, Satin Nickel, Polished Nickel, Polished Brass, Antique Brass, Bronze, Stainless Steel, Oil Rubbed Bronze, Platinum, Acrylic, and Copper. And those are just the main ones, sometimes manufacturers come up with their own trim names just to confuse us even more.

My biggest and best advice for you in this crazy world of faucets is to buy something that you like and buy a QUALITY bathroom faucet. There are more than enough quality faucet styles to choose from and let your personality really shine through in your bathroom. This is your place of comfort, a place of relaxation. You don’t want to hear that horrible leaky faucet that you have “on sale” every time you try to relax in the bathroom, right? Until next time, happy bathing!


Look at those hills: should chase vehicles at the Tour de France be electric?

Recently, Tesla Auto achieved the highest score in NHTSA tests, almost a perfect score in a crash test. How can that be for an all-electric car, you ask? Well I was a bit surprised, I really didn’t expect this because electric cars are usually heavy due to the batteries below and therefore they have to try to make the rest of the car lighter to maintain performance, so how did they do it? should? Well, today’s materials certainly help, although they also add costs. Apparently, Tesla has not only that going for it, but also some very good engineering.

Still, crash tests are just one big issue with automobiles today, perhaps not even the most important for all consumers. Fuel consumption is. But don’t electric cars have both going for them? Yes, they actually do, but then there’s the problem with the scope. Now the other day some cyclists in our expert group were contemplating challenges while taking long-distance bike tours on busy roads or in large metropolitan areas – i.e. Smog and car fumes, boy, not healthy at all, not one. a bit.

What about the Tour de France with all those chase cars, motorcycles and so on, around all the human riders who breathe at full capacity with big lungs? It is not a healthy scene at all. Shouldn’t they use electric cars and motorcycles for the chase cars, team cars, and media cars? I think so. Of course, if such a mandate was made, then what? All those electric cars would have to be charged every night, and if not fully charged, they would be parked on the side of the road without chasing the Pelaton.

A fair number of electric cars do well until you ask them to climb steep slopes and super long distances. But in fact, isn’t that how the Tour de France is designed to test human will, spirit, perseverance and try to break the riders, beat them into submission over so many grueling stages until a winner emerges? ? In that case, those same hills would smash the rear end of most electric cars today, they couldn’t stand with Tour’s elite human riders, but maybe a car company could make that work.

If I were a gambling man, and yes, I am not, then I would bet on the latest Tesla sedan to achieve the grade and compete with the best human cyclists in the world. And you? Please consider all this and think about it.