Digital Marketing

The Instagram Marketing Strategy for Success

Post at the right time

Timing is everything when using Instagram marketing. Your commitment depends on your time. If you post at the wrong time, you could go unnoticed. Early in the morning or late at night is the optimal time to post. Do not post during or between 9-5 business hours. The worst day for engagement in a week is Sunday, while Mondays and Thursdays tend to see the highest Instagram follower engagement and traffic.

Follow Similar Instagram Profiles

Follow people who follow the same interest that you like. If you follow people with similar interests, you will surely attract attention. Also, they are more likely to follow you. Get in touch with people who you think would be interested in your products.

Get a suitable Instagram name

People are unlikely to search for you by name unless you’re a celebrity. So create names that revolve around your company website or the industry you’re working in. Now when people related to your industry search for your related keywords, your profile is more likely to appear. Here is a powerful Instagram marketing strategy. Make your “username” identical to what you’re selling because that’s what people are looking for.

Use the description wisely

When writing your description, be sure to tell people about the benefits to you and your business. Add a link to your channel or ad campaign to direct people to your page.

Add texts to images and use hashtags

Honestly, Instagram is more about images than simple texts. Adding images is a great way to let people know how amazing your product or service is. Use visually strong content that attracts attention.

Everyone needs to use hashtags on Instagram and if you want your business to stand out then you need to use hashtags. Using hashtags will ensure that you end up on the list of trending keywords that people are searching for.

If you want to use Instagram as a marketing channel, you need to use the simple features of Instagram in the most efficient way. Your Instagram marketing will be successful if you post a lot of unique images. Also, you now have the ‘Instagram Stories’ feature, which is a powerful and cool tool that you can use to your advantage. These marketing tips will make you stand out from the rest of the pack. All of the above techniques are an Instagram marketing strategy that will help build a huge fan base.

Digital Marketing

How to reuse blog posts in videos

Your is the best place to get ideas for your videos. If you have an active blog, you can use analytics through Google to find out which blog posts have received the most attention. You can then use that to help you brainstorm new ideas.

Find your most popular blogs

Using Google Analytics, determine which blog posts you currently have that are receiving the most traffic. These are the topics your audience wants to know more about.

rework the title

You may be able to use the same title, unless you change the format. For example, if it’s a “top ten” post but you’re splitting it, you’ll want to explain that in the title.

Choose the most important points

Having too many points in a video can make it too long. As mentioned above, instead of taking a top ten list and turning it into a video, why not take a point from each of the top ten posts and turn them into ten separate videos?

Choose your technology

Are you going to need a good camera or will your webcam be good enough? Will you need editing technology to add images, music and other features to your video? Write down what you need so you can determine what technology is required.

make slides

If you don’t want to just talk in the video, make slides with one sentence or one point per slide that you plan to talk about. You want them to focus on what you are saying, not on reading the slide.

add images

Images like infographics, memes, and charts work well within a video. People like to look beyond your head when they watch a video. If you use good video editing software, you can add great images and slides without interrupting the video.

Add sound effects

Don’t play the music so loud when you’re talking that you can’t hear what you’re saying. However, certain royalty free music will make your video look and sound more professional, especially in the intro and outro part.

Add an intro and exit

Pre-record an intro and outro that will be used in all of your videos so you can bring them together into a cohesive valuable asset for your audience. Don’t make them long though; a few seconds is enough.

Market your videos

Put the video in a new blog post, complete with a blurb, description, and transcript. Then also go back to the previous blog post and put the link to the video below the previous blog post that asked you to make a video.

Repurposing old blog posts into videos should be your first transition method to adding videos to your marketing. Video is more successful than any other form of content in getting more conversions. But you don’t want to replace everything with video, you just want to add it.

Digital Marketing

List of ten SEO tips

What does SEO mean? Search engine optimization. It is a way to get organic traffic to a website. This simply means that when people enter a search term or keyword into a search engine, they find the most relevant site. So, organic traffic is traffic that does not come from any paid ads. There are several ways to get a site to rank in search engines. These are some of the best SEO tips, but not all of them. Search engines are always updating their algorithms to find better and more relevant websites that match your keywords.

Regardless of whether you have a web-based business, web page, or commercial site, using great SEO methods will encourage Google and other web crawlers to rank your site higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). ) when potential customers search for phrases important to your business.

SEO TIP 1: Operating a web-based business, website or business site is not just about having the most popular or attractive site. It should be more about having a site that is easy to navigate and using the best SEO techniques to direct people to that site. “Content is king” is a quote you will see in many places that talk about SEO. It means that the first thing a site needs is content. Quality should always prevail over quantity.

SEO TIP 2: Before you compose the content for your site, you should make a list of keywords to use that will give you the best search engine results. Use Google’s keyword research tool to find relevant keywords and check the monthly search volume for each keyword. Use keywords that have higher search volume and lower competition. Don’t try to rank for big brand keywords like “Google” or “You Tube.” They are too competitive.

SEO TIP 3: Your site spend should be split between Design, SEO, and Internet Marketing. The more of this you can do yourself, the less money you will have to spend. Invest in time if your budget is small to start with. There are tools you can use that will make web design and marketing easier. SEO can be done manually or you can hire someone.

SEO TIP 4: By choosing moderate to high volume, niche keywords, or what are called long-tail keywords, it will be easier for you to rank higher. There is little point in concentrating on low search volume keywords as you won’t get much traffic from them. However, if you qualify for enough of them, they can add up. This applies to creating content for your site or for articles as well.

SEO TIP 5: Once you’ve decided on the best keywords or phrases for each of your site’s pages, use them in your title, description, and URL meta tags. For content on the site, use the keywords in the first 3-4 words of the page titles. Be sure not to overly clutter your content with keywords.
make it readable and relevant. One of the metrics that sites like Google use to rank a website is bounce rate. This is how long a visitor to your site stays before the person leaves. If they don’t like what they see and bounce quickly, the ranking will go down.

SEO TIP 6: Use keywords in titles and subtitles. Every time you bold, italicize, or underline a word, search engines will pay more attention to it. This helps them determine what your site or article is about.

SEO TIP 7: As mentioned above, don’t overuse keywords in your content, as websites like Google can punish you with a lower page rank for keywords that clutter your content. As long as it’s readable with good flow and makes sense, you should be fine.

SEO TIP 8: Technical SEO starts at the top of every page on the site. Use your keyword expression in the topic sentence of the lead paragraph on every page of your site, as Google and other search engines give more consideration to keywords near the top of the page, significantly more than below the fold. Below the fold refers to all content that appears below the main screen, meaning you have to scroll down to read more on a site page.

SEO TIP 9: One of the best SEO tips for search engine optimization is to provide your visitors with content that provides an answer to a query, identifies a problem and provides a solution, or just engages and entertains. The content must be elegantly composed, clear, concise and, above all, precise. Update your site as often as possible with fresh content and you might even become an authority site! Search engines keep track of how often a site is updated. The more the better.

SEO TIP 10: Incorporate your keyword expression into anchor text links or hyperlinks. for site content and internal articles, blog posts or press releases. External hyperlinks allow you to get backlinks from dofollow sites which help to increase your page rank. Dofollow means that when a search engine bot crawls your site, it will follow that link and wait for the site it links to. If it’s not a dofollow link, the bots will ignore it. The more backlinks, the better your site will rank. Building backlinks is one of the most effective ways to increase page rank.

Using these steps will help you get started. It takes time and effort to be successful in SEO. Be patient, diligent and consistent in your SEO strategy and the effort will pay off.

Digital Marketing

Choose your keywords wisely

The keywords and key phrases you choose to include in your content are critical to your success. They will make or break your business. If they are effective, search engines will react to them in a positive way. On the other hand, if they are not effective, you will not progress at all.

How to choose the most effective keywords and key phrases possible
Before you even start writing any content and before you even consider which keywords to use in your content, it will probably be very helpful to analyze which keywords will work best for your content. As you do your research, you’ll want to study how keywords are used by marketers. If you learn the concepts behind options, you will be able to use those concepts over and over again with great success.

As you study, you’ll discover that marketers have identified trends and can forecast what can (and will) happen in the near future. That is very valuable information to have at your disposal. That information can allow you to have an advantage when it comes to your competitors so that other people notice you and need and want what you offer. If you are able to do that, you Will succeed.

You may be wondering exactly how you should choose the metrics that are most important to your brand’s success. Well, here are a few that will probably help:

Search term volume
When it comes to keywords and key phrases, you’ll need to pay attention to volume. If a keyword or keyword term is popular, more people are likely to pay attention to the content you post. That means your keywords and key phrases will likely be found higher up on search engine pages. The more it happens, the more people will visit your website.

Of course, that will ultimately translate to you finally having a larger number of customers and a better revenue stream. That concept is actually quite simple. Your keywords and key phrases are still (and probably always will be) critical to the success of your brand. One way to get a clear understanding of how your chosen keywords and key phrases will perform is to research how similar keywords and key phrases have performed for other people.

Study current trends
You’ll want to look for volume for certain trends. You definitely want your search terms to perform well and draw people to you. This is another analytical element that you would do well to pay attention to. The main reason (obviously) you want to pay attention to metrics is so you can identify what is and isn’t working for you. That way you can keep doing what works and modify or remove what doesn’t.

It is important to note that not all keywords and key phrases will produce exactly the same results. However, there will be many who achieve certain results and have a similar movement. The analysis tool will show you the trends that are important for you to identify and work with. You will want to focus on keywords and key phrases that are not time sensitive because you will definitely get more for your money in that case. Evergreen is definitely the way to go.

Get to know your competition intimately
Interestingly, if you ask most business owners, they will probably tell you that they really have no competition in business. Of course, that’s almost never the case. When it comes to keywords and key phrases, you’ll want to choose those that have less competition because that makes them more unique and therefore more memorable and interesting. It can be difficult to find those words and phrases, but once you do, you’ll be glad you made the decisions you did because the results will be really favorable.

The search results that appear
Of course, you want your keywords and key phrases to produce a large number of results. The more search results that are displayed, the higher the chances that people will find you. If your content is optimized, the results that are produced will be the most effective for your business. This is definitely a metric you’ll want to pay attention to. It will help you assess the effect your competitors are having on your target audience so you can refine what you’re doing to keep up with the competition.

The strength/value of your keywords and key phrases
Naturally, you don’t just want to use keywords and key phrases, you want to use the best possible keywords and key phrases for your particular business. The value of your keywords and key phrases is an extremely important factor for your business. The stronger they are, the better your results will be. You can learn a lot about this by paying attention to what your competitors are doing here too. If they can achieve positive results, so can you.

Pay attention to past trends
If you’ve been in business for a while, you probably know how to use your data from the past to achieve greater success in the future. You can use that data to identify trends and patterns that have worked well for your business. It’s a very good idea to go back and review what you did and exactly what kind of results those actions produced. The trends will help you tremendously in understanding exactly how you should proceed and what to expect.

Paying attention to analytics is invaluable to your brand and business. Of course, you’ll want to choose keywords that are really relevant to your brand. Those keywords and key phrases will help you generate more valuable traffic for your website. Analytics will allow you to identify trends and make forecasts for the near and far future. It will also allow you to understand which keywords and key phrases to use and why.

Digital Marketing

And Old Book, a New Bestseller

It’s often said it can’t be done…but anything is possible if you have the mindset of a killer salesman. Please note that each book is a product. Whether it’s a new release, an old book, a 50-page story, an 800-page epic, fiction or non-fiction…they all have one thing in common when it comes to Amazon. As far as Amazon search engines are concerned, all these books are just other products and their ID is, from their point of view, just a unique ASIN. It doesn’t matter age, gender, or history. All that matters is how well a certain ASIN will sell.

Many authors have published their works hoping that their books on Amazon will somehow sell, and possibly even appear on Amazon’s top list. Oh, being so confident must be a wonderful thing! With some books having a substantial marketing budget behind them, and others represented by marketing professionals, many self-published books are sadly destined to die out and simply fail. Book quality always matters, but no one can deny that quality alone doesn’t sell books. Professional sales strategy and large advertising budgets make a huge difference in digital sales channels… but a self-published author cannot compete with companies that have been selling books for decades; after all, their skill and knowledge in making a perfectly salable book is the second greatest asset they have. The first is obviously your money. Money buys audiences: it’s a simple law of large numbers, and one we can’t escape.

Sure, you may have read some success stories in the past. Yeah, I know, some self-published authors really did, and it’s pretty impressive that they did. However, the other side of the coin, the sad truth of the matter, is that thousands of other authors failed to make a positive profit margin, while a lucky few managed to make it big with seemingly little effort on their part. One could imagine that Amazon is not only the largest bookstore in the world, but also the largest graveyard for books and the aspirations of authors! A few million books (and it’s not an exaggeration, surprisingly) sit there, resting in limbo, without a single visit for weeks or even months, totally forgotten, marked as a failure, abandoned to disappear. So many potential bestsellers have failed due to the fact that publishing is not an easy task, even though it may seem that way when you consider how slick the publishing process is on platforms like Kindle. With just a few clicks, your book has been published! Wow… And then what?

However, your book might have a chance, provided you adopt the mindset of a marketer and pick up some crucial marketing skills, something I consider a vital element of successful digital sales. Let’s cut through the technical jargon and dive into the thick of things. There are several steps that must be taken before you can participate in listing on Amazon.

The sales strategy is based on data, not on our own subjective perception of what could go well. This is something you will need to keep in mind throughout this process. It’s not romantic, it’s not glamorous… but it’s reality.

In fact, it’s not just about data. In fact, I see three crucial elements for any sales strategy:

incoming sales

If you’re marketing your book in front of millions of other books, you better have a decent data-driven strategy. When writing a book, authors are fine when it comes to making investments in proofreading and editing. Editing is a must for any author, I wouldn’t disagree with that for a second. Yet how many authors jump at the chance to engage a marketing/sales professional? Very few, actually, even though these people and their skills are also a must. You need data and you need professionals who have access to the right data.

What type of data do we use? Obviously, our main focus is on our competitors. Our data should show the success of books in our specific genre. What is your overall sales rank? How many reviews do they have? What keywords do they use when creating their persuasive sales copy? This has nothing to do with writing, I know, and it’s not necessarily the ‘fun’ part of producing a book for sale. However, this is something that MUST BE DONE BEFORE POSTING. If not, you’re just another fish in the sea…and one that’s quickly being surrounded by sharks!

A smart salesperson is also someone who is technologically savvy. They must be familiar with all those sophisticated marketing tools and techniques and stay up to date on the latest developments in this field. To become familiar with them, an author must therefore acquire some specific knowledge. How do you set up a blog? What is SEO? How do you use social media to sell more books? What about Twitter? Are promotional sites good? Why does a book need a good video?

So many questions, we know. However, you’d better learn the answers yourself if you’re somehow serious about self-publishing, as the answers to these questions will make a big difference in your rankings and sales numbers. The alternative, of course, is to hire a marketing professional, just like you hired your publisher. Publishing is not a process of putting your book on the Amazon shelf. It’s A BUSINESS, and one that requires an entrepreneurial approach.

Another point: what about incoming sales? Can you really focus on your buyer’s needs and goals? How do you sell the way prospects buy? Again, more questions than any serious Amazon seller needs to consider, if you want your product to get anywhere!

Yeah I know, I’m being a bit pushy here… but a seller would understand, trust me. Sales are not something that just happens like a bolt out of the blue. It’s something you need to make happen by using data, technology, and inbound sales methods, with a professional guide to lead you.

So, back to our original question. Can Old Books Become New Best Sellers? Yes, they can, without a doubt. Imagine, for a moment, that your book had a setup that uses all available data and technology to establish a unique customer experience. Imagine your book standing out, even without a hefty ad budget, led by a data-driven sales strategy… not impossible by any means.

I have a real thing for old books. After all, some books just failed to connect with readers, but many books never had a chance to connect. I always say: it’s never a lost game, as long as you believe in your book. If you want to get your book back in the game, have a little faith, because there is no doubt that it really can be done!

How? Following these steps:

Buy a license for professional tools, like KDRocket, to research your competition, ideas, keywords, and categories.
Join a learning/training program on search engine optimization, social media, blogs, and other marketing channels that have proven successful in selling books.
(I might have one for you: Crash Course in SEO for Publishers)
Learn about your customer base; read reviews, join groups, get involved.
Create your own audience, do some self-promotion. Start with a few followers and never get discouraged.

There’s also a secret sauce you can add to your efforts: consistency. Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

Don’t give up your books. Give them the love, care, attention, and professionalism they need, and help them get their message across to readers who are already looking for what you have to share!

Digital Marketing

6 Useful B2B Marketing Trends for 2021

We enter a new decade at the beginning of 2021. The previous decade began when many companies realized the importance of exploring the digital landscape to expand their horizons. The spread of the pandemic towards the end forced more companies to explore this avenue, and as a result, B2B digital marketing gained new momentum.

Although the opportunities have multiplied and the possibilities are endless, competitiveness has also grown proportionally. Innovation has become the key to surviving digital Darwinism. Digital content marketing strategies, search engine optimization (SEO), and other technology-driven strategies now have a fair share of the budget when it comes to marketing overhead.

So what are the B2B marketing trends that businesses should capture in 2021 to gain that competitive edge? Here are some of the significant trends that cannot be ignored.

1) Content marketing will continue to be at the center of all campaigns: Digital content will continue to be king. Google’s algorithm keeps getting smarter. Especially after the BERT update (Two-Way Encoder Renderings of Transformers, an article published by Google’s AI language researchers), it is believed that the “context” of content based on the user’s “intent” has gained more prominence. Therefore, content backed by proper keyword research, intended audience profiling, and analytics data, etc., will be key.

two) Influencer marketing will gain momentum: Having eminent social media personalities on board to promote various products and services has already been all the rage when it comes to B2C marketing. In 2021, B2B campaigns will also tend to exploit it to the full due to its huge potential to drive sales. In addition, it generates trust and loyalty to the brand. Influential content like case studies, webinars, video content, and blog content will continue to come to platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, etc. TopRank Marketing has some interesting statistics related to this here.

3) Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled marketing: AI is a great tool for tracking the digital footprints of consumers in order to understand their behavior and choices, which in turn helps companies launch targeted marketing campaigns. Additionally, AI tools such as chatbots have already become an integral part of websites, and according to one study, 67% of customers around the world reported using a chatbot for customer support. in 2017. There is no reason to believe that this number would not have grown since then. after. AI also facilitates programmatic advertising, semantic search, email personalization, etc. and therefore it will be a great tool for lead generation.

4) Video content marketing will increase your engagement: According to a Wyzowl study, 86% of people would like to see more video from brands in 2020. Additionally, people watch an average of 16 hours of online video per week, a 52% increase over the last 2 years. It is safe to assume that video content marketing will continue to gain prominence and is likely to offer a great return on investment.

5) Virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) will add more value to marketing strategies: According to Statista, total AR/VR spending worldwide was projected to reach US$12 billion in 2020, and is expected to rise sharply to US$72.8 billion by 2024. While virtual reality is Ideal for simulated experiences, augmented reality offers you an interactive experience. experience to test products virtually. For example, L’Oreal’s makeup app allows users to try on various types of makeup online.

6) Customer Retention Marketing: Acquiring new customers is often more expensive than retaining old ones. According to one study, a 5% increase in customer retention can increase a company’s revenue by 25% to 95%. So investing in better communication mechanisms, customer education and onboarding, best-in-class customer support and customer appreciation, etc., can really be a great way to optimize your marketing ROI.

Digital Marketing

How to promote affiliate products on social networks

Affiliate marketing has been around for about 20 years. Countless e-commerce newcomers who are starting their own business have become successful affiliate marketers, earning commissions from major sites like Amazon and for helping sell their products.

Promotion of products through social media campaigns

Social media is an effective way to promote the products you want to sell because social media is free to use and you probably already have an account with the major ones like Facebook and Twitter.

The main issue is how often to promote product links. You can’t do it too often, because you’ll start to look like a spammer. But in general, you can present yourself as a helpful person who knows a certain topic, commonly known as a niche.

know your niche

Choosing to promote products based on a niche helps you avoid the “scattered” approach to marketing and really focus on what that particular target audience wants and needs.

Most people have “pain points” or problems in relation to a niche that they would like to solve. The affiliate products you promote could be the solution(s) they are looking for.

individual publications

Your posts can be conversational, discussing a common pain point and then suggesting an affiliate product that can help. You could also post a review. All social media channels are pushing video a lot these days, so a video review or demo video could get a lot of visibility and audience engagement. The more engagement you get, the more visible your content will be.

group participation

Look on Facebook and LinkedIn to see how many groups there are related to your niche and how active they are. If you see regular posts of content, it’s a lively group worth joining.

Once you join, be patient and just participate. Start building a reputation as a helpful and knowledgeable person. Gradually, you can get them to visit your site or blog, or make product recommendations directly. You can also start your own Facebook group if you want so you have an active and engaged audience interested in your content.

paid ads

Twitter and Facebook ads are inexpensive, but still highly targeted. You can drive traffic to your links or group page for just pennies per click.

Using free and paid methods, you should soon see stable affiliate sales.

Digital Marketing

Why keyword research tools, SEO and advanced keyword research are so important

The Internet has grown in recent years and has therefore provided a great advertising and marketing platform for many marketers and advertisers due to its ever-increasing number of users. To get the most out of your marketing efforts, keyword research tools, SEO, and advanced keyword research strategies have become increasingly important.

The rise of the Internet has led to the rise of search engines as a way to search through its vast content. If search engines weren’t available, we would have to have a list of websites we want to visit and enter them directly into the address bar before using them. Search engines work by collecting information about websites by looking at words on websites and using the frequency of occurrence of these words to display website rankings when a certain word is searched for. In addition to using the frequency of appearance, modern search engines have more advanced algorithms that they use to rank websites. The words search engines look for on websites are popularly defined as keywords.

With search engines using keywords to rank websites, website owners and internet marketers turned to using these keywords as a way to increase their search engine rankings. This involves using words that you think users will use when searching for information related to your website. Therefore, the people who market the website need to understand what kind of people they want to serve and how they use specific words when searching for the content they want. This requires advanced keyword research so that users are directed to your website when they use certain keywords to search for content. There are several software-based keyword research tools for SEO marketing that will help you save time.

The programs work by collecting the keywords that are normally used to search for content on the web. The keywords are then ranked based on their relevance and the topic in which they are significant. Keyword research SEO tool greatly reduces the task for website marketers and advertisers as it is automated. Some free examples of these software tools include Google AdWords, Google Suggest, and Google Trends. Paid tools include Jaaxy, Market Samurai, and Micro Niche Finder.

By researching using the above tools, you will save time spent writing articles as you will easily know the search words your customers are using. Also, by using these tools, you can make your website more popular as you will understand the most popular trending topics and words used in search, thus allowing you to increase the rank of your web page when the search engine display pages with a specific keyword. However, when using keywords, you should choose them carefully, as some are filled with companies that offer similar services or products. Therefore, it is important for businesses to choose names that are unique to avoid taking a long time to climb the search engine rankings.

After choosing and doing your keyword research properly, you need to consider where to use the keyword in your website content. This is known as offline SEO or search engine optimization. On the web page, you should put the keywords in the title tags, meta description tags, headers, alt texts, anchor text, and navigation links, as these are the places the search engine looks when it ranks. the websites.

Digital Marketing

Web Analytics Tag Audit

Every business has a website and every website has many third party tags on the websites. These tags are used to track the business, which would help make decisions about optimizing the business.

You cannot get the actual metrics or statistics of any website without adding tracking pixels or Java scripts to get those metrics. With the advancement in technology and advancements in the vendor’s product or these third-party tags, it is crucial to update these tags for accurate and deeper insights into website performance.

There is a separate group of professionals involved in managing these tags on the website for large organizations.

It is very important to know what version of the third party tags are present on the website. There are some tag auditing tools available in the market and they are not cheap. Free tag auditing tools are also available. I have listed below some of the auditing tools available in the market.

The following are some of the best tag auditing tools available in the market:

  1. WASP
  2. HubScan
  3. Google Tag Audit
  4. surveillance point
  5. Accenture Digital Diagnostics

WASP: Web Analytics Solution Profiler

WASP is a tag auditing tool developed for online marketing and analytics professionals to audit tags on the website for quality assurance and how tags are implemented.

Hub Scan:

HugScan is used to audit or scan Google’s analytics tags as they are implemented on pages, events, and make sure the correct pages are tagged correctly.

Google Audit Tool:

Designed to audit the implementation of Google analytics tags on the website and ensure the correct variables are used to capture the data. But the only drawback is that this tool can only be used for Google Analytics.

Observation point:

The Observe Point auditing tool is designed to audit any web analytics tool for version of tags, type of variables used, SEO information including redirected URLs, etc.

Accenture Digital Diagnostics:

Another tag auditing tool that provides the details on the site, not only the tags, but also details about SEO and usability. Accenture’s digital diagnostic tool also provides details of duplicate pages, Java script errors, page load time, etc. Details about the number of variables used help you ensure that the correct variables are used to capture the data for your analysis. The technical details provided by this tool help you to optimize the website.

Digital Marketing

Best Ever Weight Watcher Classic Crockpot Beef Chili and Skillet Cornbread

I am a true fan of chili and cornbread and can eat this meal any time of the year. Here’s a Weight Watcher version of this spicy and delicious food.

Weight Watcher Classic Crockpot Beef Chili

Estimated value in POINTS per serving 2
for 6


1 lb. lean ground beef (10% or less)

2 garlic cloves, finely minced

2 tbsp. chilli powder

1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 can (28 oz.) crushed tomatoes

1 can (15 oz.) kidney beans, rinsed and drained

1 sweet onion, chopped

1/4 cup canned chopped chilies

2 tbsp. Tomato paste

Sprigs of oregano to decorate


1. In a large nonstick skillet, brown beef and garlic over medium heat, stirring occasionally to break up beef. Drain excess fat. Add the chili powder and cumin and stir to combine.

2. Combine the tomatoes, beans, onion, chiles, and tomato paste in a crockpot. Stir in meat mixture. Cover and cook on high until flavors meld, 4 to 5 hours. Serve garnished with oregano.

Weight Watcher’s Best Skillet Cornbread

Estimated value in POINTS per serving 2

Serves 12

1 cup whole wheat flour

4 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup yellow cornmeal

1/2 cup white cornmeal

1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce

2 tbsp. vegetable oil

1 cup buttermilk

1/4 cup honey

1/3 cup egg white

2 tablespoons fat-free egg substitute


Sift the flour, baking powder and salt.

Add the cornmeal and stir until combined.

Add the remaining ingredients and stir until combined.

Pour into prepared 9-inch cast iron skillet with cooking spray.

Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes or until golden brown.

quick tips

Spray the crockpot with cooking spray for easier cleanup.

This meal is very filling, but if you’re not quite satisfied, you can add a garden salad.