
90 minute impromptu session

The 90 minute Jam Session is the key to incredible productivity. How can you do more of your most vital priorities? Also, can these 90-minute jam sessions help you level up? Not to mention, it will help you outperform the average competitor and increase your income.

This simple technique will help you be more effective with your work, family, and other activities. I’m going to show you how to become incredibly productive while eliminating the things that keep you tied down. You will identify your most vital functions.

the busy myth

Being busy is a myth. For example, you don’t have to do everything. You don’t have to be “Busy”. Busyness is a form of laziness. In fact, the busyness prevents you from working on your most valuable priorities. People wear hustle like a badge of honor. Don’t be busy, be effective.

insane productivity

I learned how to be incredibly productive from Darren Hardy’s Insane Productivity Program. I invested in this program and in 90 days my productivity tripled. I became the sales leader in the last quarter of 2017. I got more done in less time and also learned to delegate, defer, and eliminate items from my daily routine.

In addition to being more effective in sales, I was able to eliminate social media distractions, stop interruptions, and free myself from “multitasking.” Also, I was able to increase my skills in sales and marketing. The 90 minute jam session helped me focus on my most vital priorities (MVPs) for the day. This technique was the breakthrough I needed to go to the next level.

The challenge

If you understand the Pomodoro Technique (working in intervals followed by short breaks). The 90 minutes stem from that. Here is the challenge. For the next 5 days, I challenge you to put the 90-minute Jam Session to the test. Implement the steps below.

Your 90 Minute Jam Session

Step One – Choose Your Most Vital Priority (MVP)

Commit to spending at least 3 hours a day on your most vital priority. You’ll break it down into 90-minute work intervals. Your MVP is the most important task you have that day. For example, my MVP is closing sales. I focus my time on closing deals.

First, you don’t have 10 priorities. If you have more than three priorities, then you have none. Pick your top three, after those three pick your number one. Remember that this is the most important task of the day. This task trumps everything else. Those who spend time on their most vital skills destroy their competition.

Athletes spend countless hours honing their craft. Artists are constantly practicing their fundamentals. They spend time on their MVPs.

“If you have more than 3 priorities then you have none” -Jim Collins

Step Two: Schedule Your 90-Minute Jam Sessions

Schedule your jam sessions. Write it… make it happen. Also, get a timer. Put it on for 90 minutes and get to work. Only work on one task during those 90 minutes. Don’t multitask. Your mind can only do one cognitive function at a time.

In fact, you will enter a zone. At first, ninety minutes can seem like an eternity. You’ll look at the stopwatch and it’s only been 20 minutes. Keep going, your focus will intensify and you’ll be amazed at how much work you can get done in that 90-minute session.

Step Three – Close the Windows

This is the most important key to your 90 minute Jam Session. You must close the windows at all costs. When you’re in a zone and you get distracted, studies show that it takes 25 minutes to get back in zone. You just lost 25 minutes of productivity due to distractions.

Closing the windows means you are fighting the Weapons of Mass Distractions:

  • 1. Phone calls (unless it’s your MVP)
  • 2.Text messages
  • 3. Notifications
  • 4. Social networks
  • 5. Email
  • 6. television
  • 7 children
  • 8. Coworkers
  • 9. Anything that distracts you from your MVP

Therefore, these weapons of mass destruction are so prevalent that people accept them as normal. Normal equals average and if you want to be average stop reading this article.

When you enter your jam session. Turn off your notifications. Put a “do not disturb” sign on your door. Just work with one or two tabs open with your computer. Don’t check your email or social media. Let those around you know that this is your sacred time.

To update

After the 90 minutes are up. Take a break. To update. Disconnect from your work. Go for a walk, jog, do push-ups, or drink some water. Give your mind a break. Then it goes back to focus mode.

why it works

When you focus on your MVP with a planned strategy, you become incredibly productive. Plus, your bottom line will increase. Instead of doing 10 things right, you can focus on the 1-3 vital functions that help you succeed. Again, I challenge you to try this for the next 5 days.

Home Kitchen

bathroom remodelation

One of the first rooms people tackle when deciding to remodel their home is the bathroom. It’s a smaller, more tangible area to cover than, say, a kitchen or living room. A bathroom has the smallest square footage and should generally be a cheaper investment. Here are some bathroom remodel ideas if you’re in the market for a renovation…

Built-in showers are becoming more and more popular due to their ease of use and comfort. They come with many custom options during installation. For example, the shower door, footrest, shampoo and soap carts, seat, and handheld shower spout are all options you have with a walk-in shower. This type of shower is especially useful for elderly or disabled people because they are known for their safety and often include a seat with a handheld shower spout.

Hot tubs are an absolute luxury to have in any bathroom. Who wouldn’t want to replace their old bathtub with a custom air tub or whirlpool tub? You can customize your new bathtub with the lights, jets, headrests and heaters of your choice. This update is great for master baths.

Tub liners are a different approach to remodeling your bathroom. A liner covers the existing tub and can be easily removed or replaced later without damaging the walls or floor. They install quickly and can make your bathroom look different in just a day. However, this option is not the best option for everyone. If you have water damage, a flimsy tub, or a one-piece fiberglass tub, then your best option is to replace what you have with a new one.

Vanities are always a nice addition, no matter if it’s in the master or guest bathroom. There are many different custom options for vanities. Units can include custom drawers, cabinets, countertops, sinks, faucets and cabinet hardware, lighting, storage shelves, pull-out storage options, mirrors and more. Some people may choose to have a place to push a vanity chair under the vanity counter. Only the countertop has a full list of upgrade options. Granite and quarts are just two of the popular countertop options.

Just like walk-in showers, walk-in bathtubs are another safe and easily accessible product. This remodeling update is appreciated by those who want to take a bath, but have difficulty getting into the tub. A walk-in bathroom has a door that opens so you can walk into the bathroom and sit down. They also have places to sit in the tub so you can sit in a more comfortable, upright position.


How to find the best car insurance that teens and parents can afford

You’ve been dreading the day your teenage son or daughter starts driving since the moment they were born. Thoughts of head-on collisions, countless speeding tickets, parallel parking fiascos, and more probably flooded her head. Now her teen just graduated from a driver’s education course in school and wants to know how they fit into her auto insurance coverage and if she can lower the cost of having a teen on her plan. Here are some ways to turn expensive insurance into car insurance that teens and their parents can afford.

There are two car insurance discounts that parents and teens can take advantage of from their insurance companies. The first, and one of the most popular, is the good student driver discount. This means that if your teen can provide acceptable A’s and B’s on a government test, such as the SAT, ACT, or GED, you can make your auto insurance coverage more eligible for teens.

The student good driver discount won’t make much of a difference to your premium, but you can save about $70 a year on your auto insurance, which is way better than nothing. Since a teen can add more than $250 to her annual insurance premium, it’s important to take advantage of any discounts she may get.

The second auto insurance discount that teens and parents should consider is the safe driver discount. This means that both you and your teen must stay accident-free, receive no speeding or parking tickets, and must not violate any other traffic laws, such as running a red light and being caught by a red light camera. red. This can eliminate another annual premium reduction, which will help you pay for insurance better overall.

It’s definitely beneficial to keep your teen on the same insurance policy you already have. Auto insurance will not only be cheaper, but it will be easier for you and your child to stay under the same coverage.

Car insurance teens can pose a high risk to the insurance company; however, it is always important to keep them insured, no matter the cost. Since it is illegal to let a teenager, or anyone else, drive without insurance, the cost of expensive car insurance still far outweighs the risks and illegalities involved in driving without insurance.

Emphasize the importance of good driving and good grades for your teens, and make sure they understand the repercussions of expensive insurance. It’s up to you if they should pay a portion of your insurance contribution, but always be sure to emphasize good driving habits first.

Digital Marketing

List of ten SEO tips

What does SEO mean? Search engine optimization. It is a way to get organic traffic to a website. This simply means that when people enter a search term or keyword into a search engine, they find the most relevant site. So, organic traffic is traffic that does not come from any paid ads. There are several ways to get a site to rank in search engines. These are some of the best SEO tips, but not all of them. Search engines are always updating their algorithms to find better and more relevant websites that match your keywords.

Regardless of whether you have a web-based business, web page, or commercial site, using great SEO methods will encourage Google and other web crawlers to rank your site higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs). ) when potential customers search for phrases important to your business.

SEO TIP 1: Operating a web-based business, website or business site is not just about having the most popular or attractive site. It should be more about having a site that is easy to navigate and using the best SEO techniques to direct people to that site. “Content is king” is a quote you will see in many places that talk about SEO. It means that the first thing a site needs is content. Quality should always prevail over quantity.

SEO TIP 2: Before you compose the content for your site, you should make a list of keywords to use that will give you the best search engine results. Use Google’s keyword research tool to find relevant keywords and check the monthly search volume for each keyword. Use keywords that have higher search volume and lower competition. Don’t try to rank for big brand keywords like “Google” or “You Tube.” They are too competitive.

SEO TIP 3: Your site spend should be split between Design, SEO, and Internet Marketing. The more of this you can do yourself, the less money you will have to spend. Invest in time if your budget is small to start with. There are tools you can use that will make web design and marketing easier. SEO can be done manually or you can hire someone.

SEO TIP 4: By choosing moderate to high volume, niche keywords, or what are called long-tail keywords, it will be easier for you to rank higher. There is little point in concentrating on low search volume keywords as you won’t get much traffic from them. However, if you qualify for enough of them, they can add up. This applies to creating content for your site or for articles as well.

SEO TIP 5: Once you’ve decided on the best keywords or phrases for each of your site’s pages, use them in your title, description, and URL meta tags. For content on the site, use the keywords in the first 3-4 words of the page titles. Be sure not to overly clutter your content with keywords.
make it readable and relevant. One of the metrics that sites like Google use to rank a website is bounce rate. This is how long a visitor to your site stays before the person leaves. If they don’t like what they see and bounce quickly, the ranking will go down.

SEO TIP 6: Use keywords in titles and subtitles. Every time you bold, italicize, or underline a word, search engines will pay more attention to it. This helps them determine what your site or article is about.

SEO TIP 7: As mentioned above, don’t overuse keywords in your content, as websites like Google can punish you with a lower page rank for keywords that clutter your content. As long as it’s readable with good flow and makes sense, you should be fine.

SEO TIP 8: Technical SEO starts at the top of every page on the site. Use your keyword expression in the topic sentence of the lead paragraph on every page of your site, as Google and other search engines give more consideration to keywords near the top of the page, significantly more than below the fold. Below the fold refers to all content that appears below the main screen, meaning you have to scroll down to read more on a site page.

SEO TIP 9: One of the best SEO tips for search engine optimization is to provide your visitors with content that provides an answer to a query, identifies a problem and provides a solution, or just engages and entertains. The content must be elegantly composed, clear, concise and, above all, precise. Update your site as often as possible with fresh content and you might even become an authority site! Search engines keep track of how often a site is updated. The more the better.

SEO TIP 10: Incorporate your keyword expression into anchor text links or hyperlinks. for site content and internal articles, blog posts or press releases. External hyperlinks allow you to get backlinks from dofollow sites which help to increase your page rank. Dofollow means that when a search engine bot crawls your site, it will follow that link and wait for the site it links to. If it’s not a dofollow link, the bots will ignore it. The more backlinks, the better your site will rank. Building backlinks is one of the most effective ways to increase page rank.

Using these steps will help you get started. It takes time and effort to be successful in SEO. Be patient, diligent and consistent in your SEO strategy and the effort will pay off.


Different bachelor party traditions

Deer traditions go back even before early Roman civilization. The stag party is known as a stag party in Australia, a stag party in South Africa and America, a stag party in the UK. The word deer is associated with manhood. The correlation is relatively old when deer were supposed to be very virulent in their abilities to court the female counterpart.

The tradition is observed even today, but has taken a more elaborate and extravagant form. Previously it used to be more of the ‘night before the wedding’ celebration, which was more proper in the sense of a stag party. These days, guys are very careful not to plan the party too close to the wedding. No bride would want her husband to be half intoxicated with a terrible headache and unable to pronounce the vows!

Traditions differ in various countries. In European countries like France, the French terminology for bachelor party would translate to bachelor’s burial. Pretty dramatic, but it’s also true.

The tradition seems to be more or less the same all over the world. The day begins with a light gathering and fun activities. The activities part is sometimes typical of the region. Mainly it would involve doing things that a married man can never do at any point in his life. This would translate into adventure sports and dangerous but fun activities.

In Argentina, the groom-to-be is stripped of his clothes and driven naked in a car around town to let all the people know the guy is going to get hooked! Such pranks are also common in other countries, where the groom-to-be is said to be tied to a bare pole.

It is said that in Switzerland, random squares are drawn on the groom’s pants and he is taken to a bar, where the girls are asked to cut out the patches with scissors!

Another common custom is to dress the boy in funny clothes that say funny messages. For an extreme makeover, the deer dresses up as a woman! When else can you see your best friend dressed in ‘man’kinis and G-strings!

The bachelor party is usually a blur for most. This is an extreme binge with pub crawls. This may or may not involve strippers.

The ultimate essence of the bachelor party is having a fun time at the groom’s expense!

Health Fitness

Bird watching for beginners for hikers

I love hiking. It doesn’t matter where I am or who I’m with, as long as I’m on a trail somewhere. One of the things I enjoy is being in nature and having silence or just listening to the sound of some birds. Yeah, it seems like no matter where you hike, you’ll almost always see or hear a few birds. Unlike large mammals, which are more difficult to see, birds are ubiquitous. Here are some simple tips to help hikers learn how to be better birders and get more out of their time in nature.

First of all, it’s important to be quiet and listen (unless you’re in an area heavily traveled by bears). The birds are always talking and listening. This means that they can hear if there are people around, which can sometimes make them quiet. To prevent them from being quiet, you should try to be quiet yourself and listen around you. You may be surprised at how many different types and numbers of birds you can hear in any one place. Once you hear where the bird noise is coming from, the trick becomes trying to see the bird.

Next, try walking or walking slowly. If you take a walk or brisk walk, you won’t see as many birds as if you went slower. The best way to see and hear many birds is to walk slowly and pay attention to the sounds and movements along the trail. If you’re trying to get a good workout in and want to go fast, you can try alternating your pace. For example, try going really fast for 15 minutes, then slow down and walk for 5 or 10 minutes, then speed up again for 15 and so on.

If you still want to walk fast, then another option for you, which is even better than walking slowly, is to stay still. Actually, this is a great idea for anyone, no matter what pace you’re walking at. Pick a good spot somewhere out of the way and just sit or stand still for several minutes. This could be on a rock, a log, or under a tree. By sitting still and keeping your eyes and ears open, you will have the opportunity to see or hear all the birds in the area. The birds may even get used to your presence and start to become active again.

Fortunately, you really can choose any place to sit and search for birds because birds live everywhere in all habitats. You can see birds near water, in forests, open meadows, or high up in mountains. With that in mind, the best places to see most birds are places on the edge of two different habitats, such as at the edge of a forest next to a meadow. Another great place to see lots of birds is near water, such as along a stream, river, lake, or wetland.

While walking or sitting still, you should always be aware of movement. Often, he may only see a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. That movement may turn out to be just a few leaves blowing in the wind or it could be a bird darting from one bush to another. If you stand still and look in that direction, you may see the bird move again. It can be difficult to see a bird sitting still in a bush or tree. But, once the bird moves, you will easily see it and by following its movement you will be able to see where it lands.

Birds tend to be more active at certain times of the day, which makes them easier to spot because they fly or move around a lot. Fortunately for hikers, the best times of day to see birds are also good times to go hiking. The best times to see birds are in the early morning or evening, as this is when most birds are most active. I love to hike in the morning or at night when it’s not too hot and you can even get the added bonus of seeing a sunset.

Following these simple tips will help you see lots of birds the next time you go hiking. The next step is to learn how to start identifying the birds you are seeing.

Lifestyle Fashion

How can I get rid of my bad buying habits?

How many times have you asked yourself the question: How can I get rid of my bad shopping clothes?

And each time the question ended there, unresolved.

How many times have you come home after a day of shopping, unpacking and so on, only to realize or have someone to ask: Is this thing you bought really necessary?

Of course, her first reaction would be to vaguely say yes. But by repeating the question to himself, the “yes” will become more and more vague until he finally has to admit that maybe he didn’t need the item.

When are you an impulse buyer or a regular buyer?

When you walk in the supermarket, you come across a shelf and immediately reach for an item and maybe put it in your basket after looking at it.

You didn’t really need it, but since it was attractive to your eyes, you took it. How can you stop or get rid of my bad shopping clothes?

1. Keep a list. Yes, make a list of the things you are going to buy before you leave home. Stick to this pre-planned list. Don’t be tempted by the attractive packaging of some items on the shelves. These items are placed there on purpose to make you think: Ah! This looks good! Check out these delicious chocolates in the cute box!

Let your eyes and mind focus on the next item on your list. Scan the item info panels above the shelves and walk straight to where you can find “sugar” which is your next item on the list.

1. Buy loose clothing. When it comes to clothing, decide again beforehand what you want, if it’s a pair of flats, go out and look for flats and not two pairs of pretty pink heels.

2. Eating before shopping is important if getting rid of my bad shopping clothes is your priority. Why? If you are hungry when you go shopping, you will be tempted to buy all the delicious cold meats and donuts that you see, it is a fact, you should have something on your list that you can prepare yourself. This doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself of something delicious all the time. It just means you have to have “3 donuts for lunch” on your list, not other things.

3. Stay busy in line – Most of the time you will have to wait in line. Then you will see delicious sweets, magazines, etc. that he didn’t want to buy, but is now compelled by the lure of the item to buy it. These items are conveniently placed in that position so that the shopper cannot walk past them. Shopping psychology! If you want to kick this bad shopping habit, you should fill your time in line with something else like the “specials” flyer.

4. Avoid shopping on Saturdays as much as possible. Just because you’re bored or everyone else is shopping on Saturdays doesn’t mean you have to. This is usually the time when you buy unnecessary things.

5. Don’t buy to compete with the Joneses — you’ll end up trying to compete with Bill Gates.

6. Do not go shopping if you feel like buying

7. Always be in a hurry when you go shopping. Think of something you urgently need to do at home or someone you need to see. This way, you can’t laze around and buy all sorts of things. Save the walk and the shop window for when you don’t have your bag with you.

These steps are a sure way to help you if you want to get rid of bad clothes shopping.

Real Estate

35 Ways To Take Advantage Of Your Next Media Appearance

PICTURE THIS: You’ve just landed an interview on the local news station. Or in the newspaper of your city. But we CNN. Or in a trade publication. Or on the local morning radio show.


Now all you have to do is remember ONE word.


See, without leverage, your interview might as well never have happened.

Because being That Guy is all about repeat impressions.

It’s about credibility.
It’s about being in front of people.
It’s about getting the most out of your media appearances.

Otherwise, you might as well be winning in the dark!

For example, let’s say you did a three-minute interview on your local radio station.

You will want to ask yourself three questions:

1. How many people tuned in?
2. How many people missed it?
3. What can I do to keep that look alive?

And that is the challenge: keep it alive. Leveraging your interview in as many ways as possible.

Now how do I know all this?

Because I’ve done hundreds of them.

Big and small.

CNN, 20/20, COSMO, WSJ, USA TODAY, The Today Show…

Local news, Internet radio stations, random TV shows watched by 13 viewers…

I have done them all. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s how to take advantage of a media appearance.
Here is a list of 39 ways to do it.

(NOTE: Not all of these ideas are applicable to every type of look. Some are more conducive to TV, radio, print, and the like. Pick the ones that work best for you…)


1. Electronic magazine. At least a week in advance, tell everyone on your mailing list to tune in. To keep your eyes open. Remind them to set up their Tivos, check the magazine racks, and (don’t) turn that dial!

2.Text. Most cell phones have a feature that allows you to send a mass text message. This is a great way to save time AND contact a large group of people whose emails you may not have.

3. Call. When I was on 20/20, I physically called all the people on my cell phone. Probably around 150 numbers. (Took about two days. Mostly I just left messages.) This technique is a great way to get the word out to your closest friends, who will be happy to help build buzz around your appearance.

4. Email. Personally email customers, prospects, friends, family, and other big-mouthed people. If you have a link in advance, please send it for your reference. Make it SUPER easy for them to tune in so they don’t miss a thing.

5. Blogging. Make an official announcement on your blog. Think of it like a press release. Make your headline concise, catchy, and detailed enough that 6 months from now, a complete stranger will be able to read your headline and know EXACTLY what to expect.

6. Prankster. At the end of each blog post up until the day your piece airs, include a sneak peek or countdown as your signature line. For example, “Watch Sandy on Channel 9 News next week!” or “Only 17 days until Mark’s appearance on Oprah!” Get people excited! REMEMBER: you are kind of a big deal.

7. Schedule. If you have a tour or performance schedule on your website, include your media announcement as one of the dates. For example, “January 13, 2007: Listen to Mark’s announcement on K-ROCK FM!”


8. Blogging. When your ad airs (or issue number hits shelves), let everyone know! Encourage people to not only tune in, but also tune in with friends. Tell them to host listening parties! In fact, if you’re going to be featured in a major media outlet, throw a party yourself!

9. Media accessibility. Whether you do your interview LIVE or not, make sure you are accessible on the day of the interview. The media LOVES to tune into each other. Springboard interviews often come up; as well as emails, phone calls, instant messages and the like. Be prepared! Leverage is about being able to pick up the phone five minutes after your TV ad and say, “Sure, Oprah, let me check my calendar.”

10. Client Accessibility. In addition to the media, potential customers will (hopefully) call and email shortly after hearing from you. Be prepared! Leverage is about being able to pick up the phone five minutes after your TV ad and say, “Yeah, that’s me on the news! Sure, I’d love to take an order. 20,000 units? No problem!” “


11.Internet. On your blog or website, post a screenshot of the website you were on. Scan a copy of the article. Take a real photo of the TV screen with your mug on it. PROVE people that you were, in fact, in the news. People need proof.

12. Availability. Although numbers 9 and 10 already addressed this issue, it bears repeating. Be accessible the next day to people who might not have seen, heard, or read your interview on the day of the interview. (Same goes for interviews on the weekends: be prepared the following WEEK too. Patience, grasshoppers. They’ll call you.)


13. Images. The images she captured of No. #9 can be used as slides in your PowerPoint presentation. Build credibility with your audience.

14. Signature. At the bottom of each blog post (for the next month or so), link back to your original “day of” blog post. Include an image of the media company’s logo or screenshot to provide proof and excite readers. (See the bottom of this blog post for a great example.)

15.Schedule. Be sure to keep your ad on the “Past Events” or “Past Appearances” page of your website. Five years from now, someone might accidentally run into him and say, “Wow! Randy was on Fox News? Great! I think I’ll hire him now.”

16. Cross selling. In future interviews, speeches, conversations and writings, mention it. Say casually: “When I did an ad on Channel 5” or “During my interview with Oprah, I learned…” Don’t be shy. You deserve it.

17. Introduction. The next time you give a speech, mention your appearance in your introduction.

18. Organic. Add the look to your bio sheet.

19. About. Add the skin to the “About” page on your website. If you made a TV or radio ad, make sure your clip can be seen, heard, and downloaded.

20. Author. If you’re an author, include your media appearances on the “About the Author” page of your books.

21. Materials. Add the look to your brochure, flyer, or other marketing materials.

22. Section. Add the skin to the bio box or footer at the end of your articles. (You DO write articles regularly, don’t you?)

23.Publish. If you made a TV ad, call a clipping service, pay $70 and get a copy of your interview THE NEXT DAY. First, post the video on YouTube. Then use the tags to embed that video on any other website/blog you have.

24. Mass email. In your next ezine or newsletter, tell people they can see/read/hear your recent ad on your website.

25. Personal email. Send personal emails to clients and especially attractive prospects. For example, “Hi Cheri! I’m not sure if you read the article in the business magazine, but here’s the link just in case. Enjoy!” don’t sell Just send the article, let them read it, and then wait for them to buy it. Works.

26. Sheet of tears. If you did a print piece, get a really good reprint or copy and make it your own marketing piece. Add it to your media page and press kit.

27. Trade Fairs. Bring your tear sheet to your next trade show. Give copies to everyone! Make a cardboard cutout of the item. If it’s a video, make sure everyone who passes by your booth sees it.

28. Direct mail. Turn that tear sheet into a one-page direct mail sheet. Send it to prospects, friends, colleagues, and others who know you.

29. Consecration. Frame the clip or image of your appearance. Place it in your office lobby or at the front door of your store. Make sure every person who walks through the door sees you. YOUR GOAL: By the time a potential client walks into your office, they will already have seen evidence from a third party that your company ROCKS. Think Zagat.

30. television. If you have multiple video clips from multiple appearances, create a montage and make it part of your internal company CCTV or TV lobby.

31. Walls. Get a copy of the magazine cover or newspaper article, frame it, and hang it on your office wall. Every time you watch it, it will serve as a reminder to stay in the media regularly AND take advantage of those appearances.

32. Sticker. This is the sticker. On your website, book covers, and shop windows, you MUST enshrine. Read how to do this here.

33. Reference. She writes subsequent articles and blog posts that expand on the topic she addressed in her interview. Reference to the interview during the piece. Include the link to the actual interview at the end.

34. Card. Turn your look into a Christmas card.

35.WOM. Make your girlfriend tell everyone she knows. Then tell everyone in your family. The best word of mouth in history.

Are you taking advantage of that interview?


Shopping Product Reviews

The evolution of technology: replacing the old with the new

The Internet is a generic tool in that no other form of your data exists in the universe, so the information you provide in Russia or Kenya is similar to the rest of the world despite its translation into various languages. Internet connections on cell phones, desktop computers, laptops, and now tablets called iPads and Galaxy from major manufacturers have created an overwhelming impact on information technology.

Business transactions have become more convenient thanks to the Internet. Due to its accessibility, large commercial entities choose to advertise through it for the launch and promotion of certain products, upload information through it about market share, reviews, benefits and others, seeking money from consumers. Known as Internet marketing, it has provided an inexpensive means of advertising that targets a wide group of audiences in such a short time to and from all points of the world. However, potential buyers face a number of limitations. Unlike buying or shopping in commercial establishments where the purchase of such items is based on the perspectives of the buyers, shopping online does not guarantee satisfaction since the limitations regarding how it feels, tastes, smells or is not experienced. a product is adjusted.

The Internet is considered a portal of unlimited knowledge and is a preferred tool in research activities by students and teachers better than books and the library. Over the years since its invention, library patrons and transactions have declined, and its decline is well documented. In 2002-2004, a large-scale study of university and academic libraries in the United States was conducted and revealed that the reference transaction decreased by 4.5 percent per year. Known as digital libraries, the Internet through search engines like Google and Yahoo provide information in seconds. Even though it is sometimes unreliable compared to libraries, the Internet is preferred due to its fast access.

Communication has improved dramatically thanks to the Internet, as Skype and Yahoo Messenger led to interactive communication where both parties see each other on the computer monitor. In addition, Internet providers have partnered with various cell phone companies for additional services such as SMS and Internet access, turning cell phones into Internet kiosks. Data, communication letters, images, documents and more can be sent, retrieved, stored and downloaded in seconds via emails and other social media compared to days with messaging services. In addition to being profitable, the Internet has provided a convenient, fast, and useful tool for communication.

The decrease in the use of the services of advertising companies, libraries and telephones is inevitable, since computers are a multitasking, cost-effective and time-efficient tool that is unmatched by other devices. In time, it is not far from the truth that libraries, telephones, and other public services will disappear because of computers.


How Akiane convinced the world she wasn’t crazy

Have you ever heard of Akiane, the child prodigy who has been putting the world in her ear since she was four years old? Akiane is a magnificent example of the hand of God in our lives, but there are many who do not see it that way. In fact, there are many that she was just another rambling lunatic when she first appeared in the world. A blog post asked: “[Is] Akiane Kramarik inspired by God or just crazy?” This incredible young woman leaves no doubt in anyone’s mind as to what the answer is.

Akiane’s story

Akiane was born on July 9, 1994, in Mt. Morris, Illinois. Neither her Lithuanian mother nor her American father were Christians, but Akiane, at the age of 4, came face to face with God. Neither of her parents had taught her the Bible, but she could easily talk about the Lord and the things she had done. It was through her faith that her family was able to come to God.

At the age of four, Akiane began drawing, and almost immediately showed an amazing flair for detail. At the age of six she began to paint, not the simple paintings of a child, but portraits that showed an incredible depth of character for a young child. Her paintings, she says, come to her in visions of her dreams and are created in what she calls “Akianism,” a spectacular combination of realism and imagery.

Akiane in the media

It wasn’t long before Akiane’s tremendous gift was discovered. At the age of nine, she appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, Fox Magazine, Fox News, The Late, The Late Show with Craig Ferguson and CNN with Lou Dobbs. She has also appeared on the Wayne Brady Show, KREM 2 News (CBS), and Today’s Christian, and has been interviewed and featured in Russia and Scotland. At the age of ten, young Akiane was a celebrity in the art world.

“What sets Akiane apart from other child prodigies is that her paintings are so realistic and so full of emotion,” said Lou Dobbs. “It is much more common for child prodigies to produce abstract art. The realism of this quality in a child is quite unusual. Seeing this kind of detail, the style is just amazing! What a gift! What an amazing gift! such a remarkable young man! ladies!”

Akiane’s Spirit

Akiane’s celebrity might have been enough to silence the naysayers, but it’s her faith and spirit that make people believe that this young woman truly is being guided by the hands of God. From a very young age she began to talk about Christ and our need for redemption, and at an age when most girls are worried about what they are going to wear or which music group broke into the Top 40, Akiane is dedicating herself to his art, his message and helping to use his talents to make the world a better place. She is already an active participant in helping to improve the living conditions of children in Lithuania, her mother’s homeland.

“[I wish] that everyone loves God and others,” says Akiane, who says her life’s goal is to share her love for God and people around the world.