
How to find the best car insurance that teens and parents can afford

You’ve been dreading the day your teenage son or daughter starts driving since the moment they were born. Thoughts of head-on collisions, countless speeding tickets, parallel parking fiascos, and more probably flooded her head. Now her teen just graduated from a driver’s education course in school and wants to know how they fit into her auto insurance coverage and if she can lower the cost of having a teen on her plan. Here are some ways to turn expensive insurance into car insurance that teens and their parents can afford.

There are two car insurance discounts that parents and teens can take advantage of from their insurance companies. The first, and one of the most popular, is the good student driver discount. This means that if your teen can provide acceptable A’s and B’s on a government test, such as the SAT, ACT, or GED, you can make your auto insurance coverage more eligible for teens.

The student good driver discount won’t make much of a difference to your premium, but you can save about $70 a year on your auto insurance, which is way better than nothing. Since a teen can add more than $250 to her annual insurance premium, it’s important to take advantage of any discounts she may get.

The second auto insurance discount that teens and parents should consider is the safe driver discount. This means that both you and your teen must stay accident-free, receive no speeding or parking tickets, and must not violate any other traffic laws, such as running a red light and being caught by a red light camera. red. This can eliminate another annual premium reduction, which will help you pay for insurance better overall.

It’s definitely beneficial to keep your teen on the same insurance policy you already have. Auto insurance will not only be cheaper, but it will be easier for you and your child to stay under the same coverage.

Car insurance teens can pose a high risk to the insurance company; however, it is always important to keep them insured, no matter the cost. Since it is illegal to let a teenager, or anyone else, drive without insurance, the cost of expensive car insurance still far outweighs the risks and illegalities involved in driving without insurance.

Emphasize the importance of good driving and good grades for your teens, and make sure they understand the repercussions of expensive insurance. It’s up to you if they should pay a portion of your insurance contribution, but always be sure to emphasize good driving habits first.