Real Estate

35 Ways To Take Advantage Of Your Next Media Appearance

PICTURE THIS: You’ve just landed an interview on the local news station. Or in the newspaper of your city. But we CNN. Or in a trade publication. Or on the local morning radio show.


Now all you have to do is remember ONE word.


See, without leverage, your interview might as well never have happened.

Because being That Guy is all about repeat impressions.

It’s about credibility.
It’s about being in front of people.
It’s about getting the most out of your media appearances.

Otherwise, you might as well be winning in the dark!

For example, let’s say you did a three-minute interview on your local radio station.

You will want to ask yourself three questions:

1. How many people tuned in?
2. How many people missed it?
3. What can I do to keep that look alive?

And that is the challenge: keep it alive. Leveraging your interview in as many ways as possible.

Now how do I know all this?

Because I’ve done hundreds of them.

Big and small.

CNN, 20/20, COSMO, WSJ, USA TODAY, The Today Show…

Local news, Internet radio stations, random TV shows watched by 13 viewers…

I have done them all. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s how to take advantage of a media appearance.
Here is a list of 39 ways to do it.

(NOTE: Not all of these ideas are applicable to every type of look. Some are more conducive to TV, radio, print, and the like. Pick the ones that work best for you…)


1. Electronic magazine. At least a week in advance, tell everyone on your mailing list to tune in. To keep your eyes open. Remind them to set up their Tivos, check the magazine racks, and (don’t) turn that dial!

2.Text. Most cell phones have a feature that allows you to send a mass text message. This is a great way to save time AND contact a large group of people whose emails you may not have.

3. Call. When I was on 20/20, I physically called all the people on my cell phone. Probably around 150 numbers. (Took about two days. Mostly I just left messages.) This technique is a great way to get the word out to your closest friends, who will be happy to help build buzz around your appearance.

4. Email. Personally email customers, prospects, friends, family, and other big-mouthed people. If you have a link in advance, please send it for your reference. Make it SUPER easy for them to tune in so they don’t miss a thing.

5. Blogging. Make an official announcement on your blog. Think of it like a press release. Make your headline concise, catchy, and detailed enough that 6 months from now, a complete stranger will be able to read your headline and know EXACTLY what to expect.

6. Prankster. At the end of each blog post up until the day your piece airs, include a sneak peek or countdown as your signature line. For example, “Watch Sandy on Channel 9 News next week!” or “Only 17 days until Mark’s appearance on Oprah!” Get people excited! REMEMBER: you are kind of a big deal.

7. Schedule. If you have a tour or performance schedule on your website, include your media announcement as one of the dates. For example, “January 13, 2007: Listen to Mark’s announcement on K-ROCK FM!”


8. Blogging. When your ad airs (or issue number hits shelves), let everyone know! Encourage people to not only tune in, but also tune in with friends. Tell them to host listening parties! In fact, if you’re going to be featured in a major media outlet, throw a party yourself!

9. Media accessibility. Whether you do your interview LIVE or not, make sure you are accessible on the day of the interview. The media LOVES to tune into each other. Springboard interviews often come up; as well as emails, phone calls, instant messages and the like. Be prepared! Leverage is about being able to pick up the phone five minutes after your TV ad and say, “Sure, Oprah, let me check my calendar.”

10. Client Accessibility. In addition to the media, potential customers will (hopefully) call and email shortly after hearing from you. Be prepared! Leverage is about being able to pick up the phone five minutes after your TV ad and say, “Yeah, that’s me on the news! Sure, I’d love to take an order. 20,000 units? No problem!” “


11.Internet. On your blog or website, post a screenshot of the website you were on. Scan a copy of the article. Take a real photo of the TV screen with your mug on it. PROVE people that you were, in fact, in the news. People need proof.

12. Availability. Although numbers 9 and 10 already addressed this issue, it bears repeating. Be accessible the next day to people who might not have seen, heard, or read your interview on the day of the interview. (Same goes for interviews on the weekends: be prepared the following WEEK too. Patience, grasshoppers. They’ll call you.)


13. Images. The images she captured of No. #9 can be used as slides in your PowerPoint presentation. Build credibility with your audience.

14. Signature. At the bottom of each blog post (for the next month or so), link back to your original “day of” blog post. Include an image of the media company’s logo or screenshot to provide proof and excite readers. (See the bottom of this blog post for a great example.)

15.Schedule. Be sure to keep your ad on the “Past Events” or “Past Appearances” page of your website. Five years from now, someone might accidentally run into him and say, “Wow! Randy was on Fox News? Great! I think I’ll hire him now.”

16. Cross selling. In future interviews, speeches, conversations and writings, mention it. Say casually: “When I did an ad on Channel 5” or “During my interview with Oprah, I learned…” Don’t be shy. You deserve it.

17. Introduction. The next time you give a speech, mention your appearance in your introduction.

18. Organic. Add the look to your bio sheet.

19. About. Add the skin to the “About” page on your website. If you made a TV or radio ad, make sure your clip can be seen, heard, and downloaded.

20. Author. If you’re an author, include your media appearances on the “About the Author” page of your books.

21. Materials. Add the look to your brochure, flyer, or other marketing materials.

22. Section. Add the skin to the bio box or footer at the end of your articles. (You DO write articles regularly, don’t you?)

23.Publish. If you made a TV ad, call a clipping service, pay $70 and get a copy of your interview THE NEXT DAY. First, post the video on YouTube. Then use the tags to embed that video on any other website/blog you have.

24. Mass email. In your next ezine or newsletter, tell people they can see/read/hear your recent ad on your website.

25. Personal email. Send personal emails to clients and especially attractive prospects. For example, “Hi Cheri! I’m not sure if you read the article in the business magazine, but here’s the link just in case. Enjoy!” don’t sell Just send the article, let them read it, and then wait for them to buy it. Works.

26. Sheet of tears. If you did a print piece, get a really good reprint or copy and make it your own marketing piece. Add it to your media page and press kit.

27. Trade Fairs. Bring your tear sheet to your next trade show. Give copies to everyone! Make a cardboard cutout of the item. If it’s a video, make sure everyone who passes by your booth sees it.

28. Direct mail. Turn that tear sheet into a one-page direct mail sheet. Send it to prospects, friends, colleagues, and others who know you.

29. Consecration. Frame the clip or image of your appearance. Place it in your office lobby or at the front door of your store. Make sure every person who walks through the door sees you. YOUR GOAL: By the time a potential client walks into your office, they will already have seen evidence from a third party that your company ROCKS. Think Zagat.

30. television. If you have multiple video clips from multiple appearances, create a montage and make it part of your internal company CCTV or TV lobby.

31. Walls. Get a copy of the magazine cover or newspaper article, frame it, and hang it on your office wall. Every time you watch it, it will serve as a reminder to stay in the media regularly AND take advantage of those appearances.

32. Sticker. This is the sticker. On your website, book covers, and shop windows, you MUST enshrine. Read how to do this here.

33. Reference. She writes subsequent articles and blog posts that expand on the topic she addressed in her interview. Reference to the interview during the piece. Include the link to the actual interview at the end.

34. Card. Turn your look into a Christmas card.

35.WOM. Make your girlfriend tell everyone she knows. Then tell everyone in your family. The best word of mouth in history.

Are you taking advantage of that interview?