
Cell Tower Lease: Sell, Joint Venture, or Refinance?

Cell tower lease: charge it or?

There are several ways to turn your cell tower or rooftop lease into cash without relinquishing title. Just like any other real estate, you can choose to sell your lease, go into a joint venture with your lease, or recently the option to refinance your lease is now possible.

This gives you, the landlord, more choices than ever before to get the cash you need, when you need it, no matter why you need it. Let’s explore these and see if any of these are for you.

Sell ​​your cell tower lease

For the last twenty years or so, selling a cell phone tower was the only method of turning that cash flow into a lump sum. Private and Wall Street buyers paid cash for the leases, giving investors a higher-than-average income stream. There were risks of some leases becoming worthless due to carrier mergers and acquisitions, but these were discounted and the reward was worth the risk.

As this pool of telecom-based assets has evolved, risks have reached a downward bias and buyers tend to pay more for basically the same assets. There are also more players who are willing to further increase purchase prices which are actually allocations on these leases ranging from 30 to 99 years. For these periods of time, the buyers obtain the benefit of receiving the income that is produced. They also bear the risk of a partial or total loss if a carrier or group of carriers chooses to abandon or terminate a tower or rooftop.

Joint Venture Your Tower Lease

What? Yes, sell a part of the property on your lease or sell part of the time you have left on your lease. Almost anything is possible, as long as it makes sense to someone who is willing to pay for the reward they might receive. Remember, you have cash flow and you can sell it if you discount it enough to make it possible for someone else to make a profit.

What I like most about the JV (joint venture) possibility is that you can get your cake and eat it. Sell ​​half and still receive half of the income. Here’s the sweet part; you have a professional manager built in who will take care of this lease until, forever, if planned correctly.

When it comes time to renegotiate the lease, your ‘manager’ will do the best he can because he has an interest (just like yours). Any other trader your ‘manager’ can attract, the more income you will earn.

And it has a built-in buyer in case you ever decide to give up the balance on your lease.

Refinance your cell tower lease

This is new and huge. Until recently, a bank wouldn’t lend you a dime on your cell tower lease for good reason; It had a termination clause. This meant that the cell phone provider, your tenant, could, for any reason, with as little as 30 days’ notice, withdraw from the lease.

We have discovered a source that has learned the risk/reward calculations (probably former cell tower buyers) and is willing to lend money to build new towers, lend money to buy a tower rental, or even rent a pool. They will lend up to $25 million for the right project.

Home Kitchen

Laundry Organizer – Behind The Truth – Laundry Time Management & Superior Laundry Organization

For most housewives, laundry is one of the most troublesome household chores. The rooms are usually crowded almost every minute. The place accumulates almost everything inside the house, including dirty clothes, shoes, cleaning supplies and basic necessities. Now, there are many different organizers to control clutter. And the following are some of them.

Laundry rack for storage above washing machine

Most of the time, laundry organizers are designed to save space. The washing machine laundry rack is a type of organizer that fits perfectly over a washer and dryer. This allows for expansion of the area without losing much space in the room. You can get them with lots of shelving to store laundry supplies and cleaning products. For superior organization, consider room organizers with folding and hanging areas.

laundry sorting basket

There are cases where your laundry loads are starting to take up a lot of floor space. In this situation, you may want to opt for the sorting basket. The basket helps to separate your different wardrobes and clothes. It allows you to separate, dark and white, colored and light. In fact, your job is much more efficient and easier since your laundry loads are already sorted and ready to wash. This gives you enough time to do other household chores.

laundry cart organizer

Caddy is a popular type of laundry storage organizer. The much-loved caddy can hold laundry supplies with stability. The furniture will fit perfectly between the washer and dryer. This saves ample spaces in your room while keeping the room clean and tidy. This laundry organizer is also known as a pull-out laundry cart. Keeps laundry necessities like detergent, bleach, fabric softeners, cleaning solvents, and iron in place.


How can you lower your auto insurance deductible?

Many people raise their car insurance deductibles to have more affordable car insurance premiums. By doubling your insurance deductibles, you can reduce the price of your premiums by up to 40%.

However, this is only a good idea if you have money saved to pay the deductible if you have an at-fault accident. If you can’t easily access this money, you may not be able to pay your share of the repair bills, and your car may not be fixed in a timely manner. Worse yet, you could be required to pay for a portion of someone else’s property damage and be unable to do so. Many people without large cash reserves must keep their deductibles low. However, to do this, they often have to pay higher premiums.

Is there a way to lower your deductible and still keep your premiums manageable?

There are several ways to achieve this goal. Each method requires some planning and discipline, but can be achieved by anyone looking for a low deductible and low premium.

First, you can choose to insure yourself with a company that offers a “disappearance deductible” program. Under these programs, your deductible decreases by a fixed amount each year that you are accident-free and claim-free. Some of these programs allow you to lower all of your deductibles, and some only allow you to lower your collision or liability deductible. Different companies offer different amounts for the deduction and at different rates. You can compare programs to find one that works well for you.

Another option is to create a plan where you gradually save your deductible amount while slowly increasing your deductible every six months. Here’s how this would work: Assume your current deductible is $250, the lowest your company allows. Now suppose you would save $100 per renewal period by raising your deductible to $500. If you do that and save the money you saved on your premiums, plus your initial $250, you’d have $450 in a year, almost enough to pay your new deductible. You can keep saving money so you can gradually increase your deductible to $750 and then $1,000. You can even choose to raise your deductible higher than this if your carrier allows you to do so. As your deductible slowly increases, your premiums will decrease, saving you the money you’ll need to pay the new, higher deductible.

You may also find a company that offers “accident forgiveness.” With accident forgiveness, you can be “forgiven” for your first accident with no deductible if the accident does not exceed a certain dollar amount in total cost. This is very useful to save your deductible fund if you have a minor accident. You can also save money and pay for damages yourself if the accident is very minor; This way, by not making a claim, you keep your premiums lower and you don’t have unexpected increases in the price of your car insurance.

Other ways you can lower your deductible are to request a deductible reduction with your insurance company, which can be balanced against other discounts you may be eligible for. If you’re not currently taking advantage of all possible discounts, you may be cheating yourself out of savings that could pay for a lower deductible.

Be sure to consider any separate deductibles that apply to your policy as a whole. If you have full coverage, including liability, comprehensive and collision, you probably have separate deductibles for each policy. Also, you likely have a deductible for things like uninsured motorist coverage. Some states set by law the deductible for uninsured motorist coverage; you can’t raise that deductible even if you want to. However, most states allow you to pay with your comprehensive and collision policy deductibles, raising or lowering them as you see fit.

Digital Marketing

SEO Works With Algorithms: How Updating An Algorithm Affects Your Site’s Ranking

Understanding the algorithms used by search engines, like Google, can be puzzling. Let’s start from the beginning:

What is a search engine algorithm?

An algorithm is a mathematical process used by a computer to solve a problem or answer a question. Google, launched in 1998, is the leading search engine. The search engine algorithm was designed to find files on the Internet.

Google uses many algorithms, but the first one used is called PageRank, which measures the importance of all web pages (PageRank is named after Larry Page, the software developer and co-founder of Google). PageRank works by counting the number and quality of links to certain web pages to determine an estimate of the importance of the website and thus its ranking compared to other websites in the same field or category.

Google has assumed that larger websites are more likely to have more links from other websites and therefore rates the website higher on the search engine results page (SERP). PageRank happens to be the best known algorithm used by Google. An entire industry of business services to take advantage of PageRank is now called search engine optimization (SEO).

Google’s algorithms change between 500 and 600 times per calendar year, more than once a day. The changes are implemented to make the search experience more relevant to the user. Most of the changes are minor and generally do not change the website’s ranking to any perceptible degree.

For nearly two decades, Google has been refining its search engine service, becoming more sophisticated, with massive algorithms that affect how websites rank.

What is an algorithm update?

Major updates have been rolled out on a regular basis, both named and unnamed. Companies that provide SEO services dedicate their resources to discovering how each change affects the websites they manage. The stakes are high, especially for websites dedicated to e-commerce. If a website is built and maintained using best practices, with a focus on unique content and an easy-to-navigate user experience, the website will rank well. A strong rating translates into a higher page rank that will provide more traffic to the website.

Some of the named updates over the years have been: Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon, Possum, RankBrain, Mobilegeddon, and Pirate. Each update relates to a specific aspect of a website, such as website link quality, semantic content search, and mobile-friendly (or responsive) websites.

How are algorithm updates revealed?

This is fascinating: some updates are announced; others are implemented covertly and are done entirely by observing page ranking activity. Google sometimes confirms updates after the update starts. Lately, Google has been quiet about confirming its algorithm updates. The SEO industry looks at metrics carefully to determine what aspect of page ranking is affected. When they notice big changes in search results, they conclude that an algorithm update has occurred.

What is Fred’s update?

On Wednesday, March 8, 2017, industry experts noted major changes when using Google’s tracking tools. This algorithm change has been called fred update.

Until experts fully digest the meaning of the page ratings, the nature of the update is speculative. Fred Update shows early signs of being associated with the quality, not the content, of links. Gary Illyes, Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google, tweeted an image of the colorful Fred fish on March 7: “DYK for each search result there can be multiple candidate titles and users are shown the one that is believed to work best for the query.” . .

Since an evaluation is carried out to select the best query result, looking at pages that rank better than your website can uncover opportunities to improve content without duplication. Unique content and quality links to and from your website will help improve page ranking. The most recent massive algorithm update to date is Google Penguin 4.0 (Phase 1 and Phase 2). This update largely removes the penalty for bad links on sites, and in turn devalues ​​bad links, still negatively impacting rankings, but not to the point of penalizing sites.

Penguin was significant because it targeted low-quality websites that contained ‘spam’ content. His main concern was flagging websites that would harm users’ computers or cell phones.

Google Penguin 4.0

The Google Penguin update had been in development, under review, for two years before it was released. The update was actually released on September 27, 2016. This update was unusual in that it was multi-phase, and took a bit longer to release than most other algorithm updates.

The second phase was released on October 6, 2016. After the release of this second phase, the “temperature” of the algorithm dropped and returned to relatively normal. Moz reports the weather by day showing the temperature or turbulence from Google’s algorithm. When Google makes a change, there is often a reshuffling of page rankings. This week the temperature in Moz is 94o; this shows the likely effect of updating Fred.

Knowing the complex nature of assessing the value of a website, understanding these updates, and recognizing how algorithms affect a website and its ranking is the job of companies that provide SEO services. You can choose to do this work in-house, but hiring an outside company to handle your SEO is usually money well spent.


Punk Costumes – 3 Great Punk Halloween Costume Ideas This Year

Punk costumes are a popular outfit worn at 1970s and 1980s themed parties in the UK throughout the year and especially at Halloween parties in late October.

Punk Halloween costumes come in a variety of different styles and there are even specialist punk costume websites online that have been created to help you find the perfect outfit for you.

Below, we look at three great ideas for this year’s punk Halloween costumes, with examples of punk costumes that are suitable for men, women, and children for this year’s party.

idea one: punk rocker outfits

Punk rocker costumes are the classic punk rock costumes and are the most popular in the genre for men. These punk Halloween costumes are usually based on a studded black leather jacket, paired with black leather pants or a pair of red plaid pants. There are some punk rock costumes that also have a long sleeved tattoo shirt worn under the leather jacket. There are a number of accessories that can be purchased to go along with your punk rock outfit, including studded chokers, black leather studded gloves, and of course, a black mohawk wig.

IdeaTwo: sexy punk outfits

For the ladies, there is a huge selection of sexy punk outfits to choose from, loosely based on the punk rocker costume, but usually consisting of a tight-fitting leather or tartan mini dress. The sexy punk outfit is completed with a pair of knee-high black leather boots, black fishnet stockings, and a brightly colored punk wig. She might also want to consider getting some black nail polish and some fake tattoos to help achieve the sexy punk rock look she’s going for.

idea three: punk zombie costumes

One of my favorite types of punk Halloween costumes are zombie punk outfits, which are particularly appropriate for the Halloween party. Of course, they are available for adults, but there is also an excellent range of punk zombie costumes for children, which really are the perfect Trick or Treating outfit on Halloween. Some great accessories to go with the kids punk zombie costume are the awesome punk zombie skateboard, which will perfectly highlight the costume, and of course a zombie latex mask, which will help make the punk costume a bit more sinister. . .

Health Fitness

Crossfit Training Vs Turbulence

Everyone wants to know: what is the difference between Crossfit and Turbulence Training? Well, let’s take a look at some pros and cons:

cross fit

  • It gives you free, intense workouts that help you lose fat, gain strength, and improve your athletic abilities.
  • Recommend sound nutritional guidelines
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) provides an excellent tutorial for beginners trying to get into Crossfit
  • Crossfit Forum is free and relatively easy to use for beginners
  • Promotes the use of free weights and bodyweight training instead of machines
  • It provides detailed instructions for each move they use.
  • Credited for workouts that helped transform the “300” team
  • The best training programs for professional athletes and military personnel.
  • Crossfit Journal is only $25 per year


  • Too advanced for average individuals and complete beginners
  • The potential for injury is too great
  • The recommended frequency for training is too high
  • Not the best program to increase lean muscle mass
  • Not recommended for obese or overweight people.
  • There is no clear answer to the development of articles.
  • Too random: the training program does not make sense
  • Ex-Crossfit trainers complain of ‘cult’ mentality
  • Crossfit founder is extremely out of shape
  • crossfit shoes are expensive

Sample training:

For the time:

  • 225 pound deadlift, 15 reps
  • 50 pull-ups
  • 225 pound deadlift, 12 reps
  • 40 push ups
  • 225 pound deadlift, 9 reps
  • 30 pull-ups
  • 225 pound deadlift, 6 reps
  • 20 pull-ups
  • 225 pound deadlift, 3 reps
  • 10 push-ups

turbulence training


  • Perfect training program for men and women from 14 to 75 years old.
  • Capable of getting people weighing over 300 pounds into good shape
  • Very clear and simple training approach
  • Use minimal equipment. Most workouts only require your body weight.
  • Full support from Coach Craig Ballantyne via member forum
  • Craig Ballantyne is in great shape
  • Minimal risk of injury
  • Does not promote steady state cardio
  • Does not recommend machines.
  • Extremely safe training method with controlled intensity
  • Recommend the use of Free Weights and Bodyweight Training
  • Save money on trainers
  • Save money on gym membership
  • Save money on home workout equipment


  • You have to pay for this.

Sample training:

1A) DB Bulgarian Split Squat – 8 reps per side

Without a rest.

1B) Spiderman Pushup or Pushup – 10 reps per side or 15 reps

Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Superset #2
2A) Reverse Row or Beginner Reverse Row – 12 reps
Without a rest.
2B) 1 leg deadlift – 12 reps
Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 supersets.

Triseries #3
3A) Stability Ball Toss – 10 reps
Without a rest.
3B) Cross Body Mountain Climber – 10 reps per side
Without a rest.
3C) Side plank: 30 second hold per side
Rest 1 minute and repeat 2 more times for a total of 3 trisets.

final verdict

I like to use some Crossfit workouts in my regular workout, albeit at a much lower intensity level. In the forums and the material presented on their website, they don’t give you any guidance to use when scaling up the workouts to reach your level of intensity.

The biggest mistake you can make is doing Crossfit workouts as is. You’ll need to tweak them slightly based on the gear you have access to, level of training, and level of mental strength.

Turbulence Training workouts, on the other hand, can be taken as-is. There is no guesswork. All information is provided to you. If you need to make them harder, just add another set, more reps, or add weight.

Craig Ballantyne also shows you how to make a workout easier. Turbulence Training was developed with the average individual in mind. Crossfit was developed with the athlete in mind.

It is up to you to make your decision. But I recommend turbulence training for the average individual.

Lifestyle Fashion

How to get his interest back: 7 pros and cons to rekindle the flames in your relationship real fast

Is your relationship with your man stuck in a rut? Is he turning away from you and finding comfort elsewhere? You can get it back in no time. If your relationship hasn’t been as passionate as it was in its early stages, don’t think it’s over. Boys are like little children, no matter how old they are, they will always have a short attention span. It’s really up to you to wake up and re-awaken his interest once you feel like he’s slowly slipping away. Here are seven pros and cons for keeping your man’s eyes on you:

Try to make him fall in love in a unique way.
The first thing to do when you feel like the relationship has cooled off is to try to get the heat back. Surprise him with a dinner loaded with aphrodisiacs. After dinner tell him that you have prepared a special dessert and that it is a surprise, so he has to sit blindfolded and wait. Then change into your hottest lingerie, grab your dessert and start feeding him, letting his hands roam over your nearly naked body. He will be so aroused by the sensations in his fingertips and the sweet dessert in his mouth. It will always be true: the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

Don’t confront him about where the relationship is going.
The mortal sin you could commit is a confrontation. It just scares a guy, because he won’t know what to tell you and he’ll just be pressured to give you all sorts of reasons to satisfy your demands. Understand that a guy who has lost interest may also be confused, so asking him for a straight answer won’t exactly get you what you need and can only turn into a major fight.

Take a genuine interest in their interests.
He spends his weekends climbing mountains and you’ve never gone on those expeditions with him. Surprise him one day by announcing that you’ve brought gear so you can climb mountains with him. Tell him you’d like to take a nature trip and exercise your legs. Make him feel like you’re not exactly doing it to please him, but that you’re genuinely interested in taking up a new sport or hobby. In this sense, you get involved in his life without putting pressure on him.

Don’t get too excited and turn on the drama.
Crying, scolding and yelling are enough to turn a guy off. Show him that you are mature and that you can handle a relationship that is going cold. He acts as normal as possible: when he is ready to talk to you about it, he will.

Give him the time and space he needs.
So when you’ve finally got your issues resolved, let him have the space and time he needs, and do it gracefully. He will be perplexed about how you handled the painful situation. But because of this, he will respect you more and regain interest from him.

Don’t hold a bitter grudge.
When he asks for quiet time, let him know that it’s okay to still be friends after all the fuss. Laugh about the old days and keep talking to each other from time to time. Guys always love a woman who can carry herself with confidence and grace, despite harrowing experiences. And if you stay calm, this man who begged to be released will come crying and begging you to take him back. If he doesn’t, he’s fine: you kept your composure in the end and you still have his respect.

Make him feel like a loser.
Make me miss you. it’s just that. Show him what a woman you are. Flaunt all your good sides and show him that you are above him. He will realize that he was wrong to get ahead of you like that and he will chase you again.

Real Estate

Expect Big Savings with HUD Homes

While lenders are responsible for the majority of foreclosures, they are not the only ones who do so. In some cases, the government itself, through various agencies, can initiate the foreclosure process. Leading this effort is the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). As such, the homes they foreclose are called HUD homes.

HUD Homes Explained

HUD is part of a huge government-led housing program that targets low- and moderate-income families as well as first-time homeowners, offering them the opportunity to achieve the American Dream of affordable homeownership.

How does the government come to own foreclosed homes? Some properties are insured through a HUD mortgage. When this property is foreclosed, HUD pays the amount owed to the lender. Expenses are recovered by putting the foreclosed property up for auction below its market value.

In this way, the lenders get their money back without any hassle. HUD homes sold at auction often sell well below their appraised market value. This translates into a lot of savings for potential homeowners and investors.

Buying HUD Homes

If you have the money or qualify for a mortgage, you have the option to purchase HUD homes. However, HUD does not provide financing, so you will have to apply for a mortgage elsewhere. Lenders are often the guys to go to for this. However, if you qualify, you can finance your new home through an FHA-insured mortgage.

HUD homes are sold “as is” with no warranties guaranteed by the auction. Some houses will not be in perfect condition and will require minor or major repairs. Offers are accepted during an offer period established by HUD. After this period, all offers are analyzed and the highest offer wins. If the foreclosed property does not sell within the offer period, offers will be accepted on any business day.

Unlike short sales and foreclosures, HUD homes are relatively hassle-free. Buyers don’t have to jump through hoops, which is nice. Real estate agents are often notified within 48 hours if their offer is accepted.

The purchase process

HUD homes that are for sale are listed on the HUD website. Only real estate agents can bid, so you should hire one if you’re interested. He will set up and present your offer for you.

If your offer is accepted, your real estate agent will help you through the process. A settlement date is usually set with one or two months. To add even more savings, HUD typically pays the seller’s commission, including all other sales commissions up to 6 percent.

Please note that priority is given to owner-occupants of properties listed within the first 10 calendar days. All offers received within five days of this period are reviewed on the sixth day. The highest bid from the net owner-occupant bidder wins. If there are no offers within this period, daily offers will be accepted from investors, among others. Only after the 10-day period will investors’ offers be considered.

About 30,000 single-family homes are in HUD’s inventory across the country, including territories like the Virgin Islands, Guamand and Puerto Rico.

Shopping Product Reviews

Instant messaging using Facetime

Facetime is an application developed by Apple to be used on its various products like iPhone, iPad, and also MacBook. It allows users of Apple mobile devices to seamlessly connect and communicate with other users. It allows you to make video calls through your contact email or also your mobile phone number. Basically, it is a video telephony as well as Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP). Before iOS 6, Facetime requires a Wi-Fi connection to work, but after the release of iOS 7 onwards, people can also use Facetime over cellular networks like 3G or LTE. Unfortunately, however, Apple does not support any installation of Facetime on a PC. Like any other Apple product, most of its software is proprietary and only allows the product to be used within the Apple product and ecosystem. This is one of the ways that Apple controls and maintains its products in a close environment. It does not allow much freedom for integration with another external system. And if you are also wondering if you can use an emulator like other Android Emulator on the market like Youwave or Bluestack to emulate Facetime on your PC, it can’t be done at the moment.

In terms of purchase cost, it costs nothing as the app is already pre-installed on your Apple devices and can use Wi-Fi and cellular network. The only cost of money that you have to bear is your cellular network subscription for your devices which normally also covers data coverage and also your internet bills. However, Facetime can also work only on Wi-Fi devices. If you’re wondering about standard Facetime data usage, Facetime uses three megabytes of data per minute of conversation. So if you subscribe to an unlimited data connection, there should be no problem as you are paying a fixed amount of cost regardless of how long you use Facetime. However, if you have an Internet or data subscription that bills you by the minute or hour, the cost of your Internet or mobile data bill will largely depend on how long you use Facetime. If you have a data plan less than 1 GB per month, you should keep an eye on your Facetime usage as it is a video app and therefore will consume and transfer a lot of data. The best way if you subscribe to a less than 1 GB plan is to simply use Wi-Fi. Until now, Facetime is supported by most of the cellular network providers in the world. And if you really want Facetime to cost you nothing, just find any free Wi-Fi connection and log in to your Facetime to connect with someone. However, the smooth connection of Facetime communication highly depends on the speed of Wi-Fi and Internet connection. So don’t expect much from that connection.

Facetime does not use minutes like a normal mobile phone minute coverage plan. The video communication is carried out through the cellular data network via 3G or LTE. This data plan is typically covered by the cellular data network by measuring how much data usage you used per month. You can check with your mobile operator about data subscription. Normally there will be the unlimited data plan where you can upload and download as much data over the internet as you can and you only pay a fixed amount per month. There is also the fixed data plan such as 1GB, 5GB etc where you will also pay a fixed amount per month. However, with this plan, once your data usage exceeds your allowance, you’ll begin charging for the data usage that was used. So keep in mind that every time you use Facetime for video calls, 3-5 MB per minute will be used. So if you don’t have the unlimited plan, check with your network operator how much they charge per MB of data usage. Although Facetime uses phone numbers to connect with others, it does not affect your mobile phone minutes, as Facetime only uses phone numbers as a contact address on the network. Facetime also identifies the email address as the contact address. So you don’t have to worry about any minute usage charges on your cell phone bill as it will only affect the data plan you signed up for. As Apple devices and products become much faster and also much cheaper in the future, Facetime is definitely here to stay and change the way we communicate with others.


NFL Picks and Football Betting Picks: Miami Dolphins 2010 Preseason Preview

Our football insiders for NFL Picks report that the Miami Dolphins are truly a team on the rise and one of the NFL teams to watch for the 2010 NFL season. The Miami Dolphins ran an unconventional wild offense last year that no one in the league could figure out as they had one of the best running attacks in the NFL at fourth place in 2009. With a solid running game, the Dolphins will look to Chad Henne, who was named the default starter when Chad Pennington was injured to be his quarterback of the future.

Chad Henne went 7-7 as a starter and threw for 12 touchdowns and 14 interceptions in his first year as a starter for the Dolphins, who ranked 20th in passing. The Dolphins made one of the biggest impact moves on offense this offseason in getting wide receiver Brandon Marshall from the Denver Broncos, who comes to Miami catching at least 100 passes a season the past three years and scoring 23 touchdowns during that time. lapse. Marshall makes Miami’s offense a threat at every opportunity with the combination of Ricky Williams, who rushed for 1,121 yards, and Ronnie Brown, who is recovering from a foot injury in the 2009 season.

The Dolphins defense struggled last year against the pass and the rush ranked 22nd in total yards. His pass defense was a disaster ranked 29th in the league, leading to the firing of defensive coordinator Paul Pasqualoni and his new coordinator Mike Nolan. The Dolphins made a number of changes on this side of the ball by getting rid of cornerback Will Allen and safety Gibril Wilson as they will rely on second-year cornerbacks Vontae Davis and Sean Smith to take over a secondary that allowed a total of 57 completions of 20. yards or more. Miami ranked 18th against the run and may struggle early in the season without nose tackle Jason Ferguson, who was suspended for the first eight games, though new outside linebacker Karlos Dansby should close some holes for their run defense.

The Dolphins have high hopes for Henne, who has shown signs of being a top-tier NFL quarterback, and if he can capitalize on his experience, this offense has the weapons to control the ball and score big. The question will remain with this soft Miami defense, but with the changes made and new offensive coordinator Mike Nolan, they should improve tremendously. The Dolphins will be in a three-headed race in the tough AFC Eastern Conference with the Patriots and Jets. Our NFL team football experts predict that after surviving a 7-9 season playing with a first-year starter who was thrown into the fire, there’s no reason the Dolphins shouldn’t make the playoffs in 2010 if they hold on. healthy.