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Breakup Rescue – How can I get my boyfriend back?

Alyssa, a flashy twenty-nine-year-old computer programmer, was sitting in her bedroom staring at her phone; Alyssa felt lonely and desperate.

She kept wondering how can I get my boyfriend back?
After the breakup, Alyssa felt like it was all her fault. If she could just undo that night, maybe they’d still be together.

Initially, Alyssa thought Brad was perfect. He was charismatic, determined and kind. One night, after a dream dinner at an elegant Italian restaurant, Alyssa dared to ask Brad about his future.

crushing heart break

Her heart sank when she answered. She said that she didn’t see them getting married and even suggested that they should start dating other people. Hurt and angry, Alyssa told Brad that she didn’t think they should see each other anymore. Now, she couldn’t bear the thought of living without him. She had to talk to him and fix it.

the panic stage

He dialed her number hoping she was home, but her answering machine rang. He hung up and decided to try again later. She kept busy doing some housework, but she couldn’t stop thinking about him. She dialed again. No luck, it was the machine again.

The Compulsive Behavior Stage

For the next four hours he dialed every twenty minutes. He knew he was out of control like an addict desperately crying out for a fix to ease crushing pain. But, she seemed unable to control herself. The idea of ​​not going out with Brad anymore was too painful.

I needed to get it right again. She was thinking: I need to get my boyfriend back no matter what the terms are. Alyssa was willing to do anything.

Lose control and make it worse

We can all relate to Alyssa, because each of them has gotten on that emotional roller coaster to one degree or another. The symptoms are agonizingly familiar; that desperate need to hear your lover’s voice again. You feel like you are losing control, but the need to contact them is stronger than you.

So you do what comes naturally; you engage in what I call terrorism by cell phone, email, or letter. You could even go to their home or workplace unannounced. When this doesn’t work, you sink further into a state of depression. You got lost. You don’t know what to do to get your boyfriend back. In many cases, it has only pushed them further.

How do I get my boyfriend back?

If you’re wondering how can I get my boyfriend back, and don’t know what to do, you can get immediate relief by following the masterful advice of someone who has figured out how it works. There is a sixty-two page breakup how-to book that is helping women all over the world successfully win back their boyfriends. The book has sold more than 6,100 copies in 27 different countries with very positive results. The author was pleased to report that returns were virtually non-existent and he receives hundreds of emails every day thanking him for her advice.

about the book

The book is guaranteed to win your boyfriend back within sixty days or you’ll get a full refund. It is available for instant download for $39. You can’t beat that. There is a free video by the author himself on my website that explains exactly what your starting move is to get your boyfriend back. Imagine how you will feel when your boyfriend crawls back and the romance is recreated as it was in the beginning.

get your boyfriend back it’s easy to do if you know how to overcome your compulsive behaviors and connect with your boyfriend. If you follow your feelings and do what comes naturally to you, you will almost certainly fail. The methods that work are counterintuitive and almost no one does it well on their own accord.


The Moon: Haiku in English

My interest in the Moon is due to my interest in Japanese Haiku. I love trying to create images that grab your attention and brain in a nutshell.


The “u” is pronounced like the o’s in the word boo; or pronounced loon, like the waterfowl.


There are two variations of the Moon, so there are two short stories.

Robert Kelly Moon:

Robert Kelly, a professor of literature at Bard College since 1986 and a resident of Red Hook, New York, invented the Lune form of poetry. There are more syllables in Japanese words than in English words. Writing Haiku (5-7-5 syllables) in English creates a different poem than Japanese intent. Robert Kelly invented the Lune to eliminate these differences, thus making the Lune (5-3-5 syllables) closer to Haiku than to Haiku written in English.

Jack Collom Luna:

According to The Teachers & Writers Handbook of Poetic Forms (edited by Ron Padgett), Jack Collom created his version by accident. He also mentions that as he was, he “beginning to work with school-age children, he misremembered Kelly’s idea as 3/5/3 word count, rather than syllables.” In doing so, he created a new variation of the Moon. As a happy coincidence, this variation made it easier for the children to create Monday, since words are easier to count than syllables.


Robert Kelly Moon:

-Three lines containing a syllabic count of 5-3-5.

-A complete thought within those three lines (thirteen syllables).

Jack Collom Luna:

-Three lines containing a word count of 3-5-3.

-A complete thought within those three lines (eleven words).


Everything else!

The Moon does not have the same restrictions as Haiku. It may or may not refer to the seasons. It may or may not rhyme, usually a no-no in Haiku. You can also use metaphors, similes, etc. Which is frowned upon in Haiku, but I occasionally use them in mine because I like them. Hearing that, Basho (a famous Haiku poet from the 1600s) rolled over in his grave in annoyance.

This is a shape with great freedom and it has become my new favorite shape. It has everything I like and doesn’t make me feel guilty for adding my metaphors. Now, if only they could invent a calorie-free banana split, I’d be in heaven.

When creating moon strings, I would make sure that each individual moon has a complete thought, just like Haiku strings do. Since the Lune form has few restrictions, I’d stick to them as closely as I could.