Real Estate

What is good in the Goodman gas oven

When I go online to do a search these days, I’m reminded why I try to avoid online searches in the first place. The amount of information that appears is staggering to the mind. I literally feel overwhelmed, anxious and lost. What usually happens is that I walk away from the computer screen and try again later. I have learned to be very specific when doing these types of searches. I recently did an online search for a Goodman gas oven. I have a couple of friends who have upgraded their furnaces to one of the many Goodman models. They have talked about their experiences in positive terms. So…what are some of the “positive” things to share about Goodman?

First, they carry many makes and models of heating systems, cooling systems, and combination systems, all of which are manufactured and field tested before being introduced to the market. The goodman gas oven comes in several models, such as:
* 2.5 ton 12 seer 80% gas furnace and air conditioning system.

* 3.0 ton 14 Seer 95% Two Stage Variable Speed ​​Gas Furnace

and Air Conditioning System

* 4.0 ton 14 Seer 93% Two Stage Variable Speed ​​Gas Furnace

and Air Conditioning System

Another positive aspect of Goodman products is that they have standard efficiency and super efficiency ovens. If you own a smaller home in a geographic area with relatively stable weather conditions, you can heat your home with a Goodman gas furnace without spending money on an excessive model. Super-efficiency two-stage models are intended for use in regions where there is great variability in cold temperatures. This is where a 17% increase in fuel efficiency will really matter.

Goodman heater models come with limited lifetime warranties on the compressor and heat exchanger, as well as a 10-year limited warranty on parts and replacement for the Goodman gas heater unit. If you’d like to learn more about Goodman heating technologies, simply do a search online.

Shopping Product Reviews

Major Operators Turn to Prepaid Cell Phone Service – Find Out

Metro PCS initiated the massive change of cell phone contracts to the prepaid or pay-per-use movement. It was much needed and brought cell phone service to millions of people who wanted a cell phone but couldn’t or didn’t want to be locked into a 2 year contract with the Big 4 cell phone companies: At&t, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. They didn’t have the best phones and they didn’t have the best service and to this day they probably don’t have much of a coverage area but they still filled a huge demand that eventually caught the attention of the major carriers who saw hordes of their customers leave after to see how much money the big boys were overcharging them.

The Big 4 saw the writing on the wall and had no choice but to find a way to compete with Metro on a level playing field and began acquiring their own prepaid carriers that would run on the same powerful towers their customers were stuck on. the contracts were using,

You have probably heard of most of these names. Boost and Virgin Mobile are the prepaid services that belong to Sprint. At&t has Red Pocket and H20. At T-Mobile they offer Simple Mobile and T-Mobile Prepaid. Verizon also has its own prepaid in addition to Altell and Page Plus,

Large super chains like Best Buy, Walmart and Radio Shack are spending millions to advertise the fact that they offer all these services, so it has become very clear that the contracts are out and the prepaid cell phone is here to stay.

That’s good news, but let’s take it one step further. What if I told you that you can have unlimited text, talk and internet and you can have it for free? I know, what’s the catch, right? I said the same thing when a good friend of mine told me that he not only had totally free cell phone service for himself but also for everyone in his household.

Three major players have seen the writing on the wall and have been able to tap into major ad dollars from brick-and-mortar stores that have shifted their focus from the market for computers, HDTVs, and other electronics to providing customers with a variety of phones and more. to an even wider variety of cell phone services.

Prepaid wireless carriers have even taken a bold step to open stores throughout their coverage areas, as Metro PCS has been doing for some time.
Whether this was a wise financial decision on their part, however, remains to be seen, as their phones and services can be purchased from dozens of other places, both physical and online.

The cell phone has replaced the computer as the number one consumer electronic luxury. In fact, the cell phone is really no longer a luxury item with over 300,000 in use in the United States alone. Not everyone may have a large flat screen TV, but the cell phone has broken down barriers for every demographic. Our children have a cell phone, our parents have cell phones, and even people on fixed or very low incomes seem to carry a cell phone.

As the consumer becomes more educated, the industry will grow much faster and change is already gaining momentum. Those of us who have been slaves to 2-year contracts for years are beginning to see that they now have another option. With almost all prepaid services now offered for just $40-$60 per month, the average person could easily save $1,200 or more per year on their service while keeping the same phone, number, and basically the same service when switching. a Pre-paid services offered by Big Four affiliates operating from the same towers we are using with current contract services.

Many people have heard of these companies but are unaware of their affiliations with major carriers. Let me tell you about these companies if you want. Unfortunately, by the time this article goes viral, you’ll probably see links attached to it which I suggest you ignore due to the fact that these will be paid advertising links and probably not your best source for finding the information I’m going to leave you with. help you find legitimate plans as well as legitimate sources that serve you best.

At&t offers Red Pocket and H20
Sprint offers Boost Mobile and Virgin Mobile
T-Mobile offers Simple Mobile and T-mobile prepaid
Verizon offers PagePlus and Altell, as well as Verizon Prepaid.

Chances are you’ve heard of some of these services, but had no idea that they were not only available to you, but actually ran on the same towers that postpaid contract services use.

Let’s talk a little bit about these towers because it is very important to know what services will work with your current phone. Basically we have 2 systems that are being used in the cell phone industry which are GSM and CDMA.

GSM phones are phones that require a SIM card and these are the phones used by At&t, T-mobile and their prepaid services mentioned above. GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Technology. Notice the word “Global”. A GSM phone can be used all over the world. You may or may not need to get a temporary SIM card when traveling abroad, but the GSM network has quite a few advantages over its counterpart.

The SIM card in a GSM phone is assigned to the subscriber’s phone number instead of being controlled by the phone itself, which allows you to insert your SIM card into another phone with the same operator and continue to use it.

The CDMA phone does not require a SIM card and is therefore carrier locked. Verizon, Sprint and their prepaid services use this tower. It has great service but unfortunately it is mostly used in the US and parts of Asia with a few exceptions. CDMA stands for Code Division Multiple Access, which doesn’t really tell us much, but at least you won’t have to Google it.

There is much more I would like to tell you, but I could go on forever. If you have an iPhone or Android, you’ll probably want to subscribe to my feed because there’s a lot you need to know. In short, an Iphone, Android or any other phone with a CDMA carrier (Sprint or Verizon) will not work with a GSM carrier (At&T or T-mobile) and the same applies when using a GSM phone with a CDMA carrier.

Let’s get back to the topic at hand. The prepaid phone industry is a money saver and money maker if you choose to cash in on this booming industry.

I will conclude with this. In the last 10 years I have spent over $20,000 on my At&t contract. I liked the idea that after a period of time I was able to upgrade to the new and better phone at little or no cost, thus keeping me as a customer since 2002. What I didn’t realize was that I was actually paying for 2-3 times the actual retail price of those phones over a 2 year period due to being overcharged for my service and half the time I didn’t even understand most of the charges.

Before I switched to prepaid service with LifeMobile, I was charged $30 for my Samsung data plan and another $30 for my daughter’s iPhone. Another $30 for unlimited text messages on top of the basic $80 tray to cover my minutes and when they broke up with me I had a $240 phone bill.

I now have unlimited talk, text and 4G data for $50 and my daughter has unlimited 3G for $40. Now, what I am about to share with you is not for everyone, but I did mention the fact that many people are taking advantage of the multi-billion dollar cell phone industry and making a very healthy income by sharing it with others.

Maybe you’re stuck in a contract and don’t see a way out, but if you look closely at the numbers, you’ll find that the money you save in the first 2-3 months will cover any early termination fees you may incur. Every month after that is just money in your pocket. Some providers will even set up a payment plan which makes it that much easier. You simply make them a monthly payment with the money you’re saving and still have some extra money in your pocket.

That’s good news, but let’s take it one step further. What if I told you that you can have unlimited text, talk and internet and you can have it for free? I know, what’s the catch, right? I said the same thing when a good friend of mine told me that he not only had totally free cell phone service for himself but also for everyone in his household. It took me a couple of weeks, but now I have totally free unlimited 4G for my whole family and I make a living helping others in the process.

So it’s time to make a switch and find the prepaid that’s right for you and your family. Think of all the different ways you could enjoy the thousands you’ll save this year and for years to come. My name is Jay Bartels and my goal is to educate America about the cell phone industry that has done its best to keep us in the dark for too long. We have a choice today and that’s a beautiful thing.

Visit my very informative site at


The Curse of the Eighteenth Letter in the 2018 season

Considering it’s the eighteenth year of the century, it’s no surprise that you’ve often heard Alice Cooper’s first big hit on local early music stations. Although “Eighteen” is a song about age, it has never been more appropriate this year than in the four and a half decades since it was released on the band’s Love It To Death album.

Most likely, 2018 will still be a good year for Alice Cooper and his first Top 20 single, but that number so far doesn’t look promising for some of those involved in baseball. In fact, the eighteenth letter of the alphabet has been an absolute curse for Major League Baseball teams whose names begin with R.

More than half of the basement dwellers after the first week and a half are R clubs, whose combined record has been 15-26. Those four teams, according to most predictions in sports publications, will likely finish bottom in 2018.

Of the quartet, the Rays have suffered the most. Tampa won its first game against Boston, but has since lost every game. That record currently has them looking up to the rest of the American League East.

The Royals have fared only slightly better in the AL Central, where Kansas City has managed just two wins in seven games. Their NL counterparts, the Reds, are also holding the rest of the Central to just a couple of wins.

Cincinnati provides even more evidence of the curse, a word that cannot be spelled without the R in the middle. The player who almost single-handedly led the Reds to one of their two wins with a five-RBI game against Pittsburgh, third baseman Eugenio Saura, has broken his hand and will likely spend significant time on the disabled list.

Also cursed by the eighteenth card (and the misfortune of having to open the season against the World Series champion Astros) are the Rangers. Although Texas has twice as many wins as the Reds and Royals, they still rest in the basement of the American League West.

Boston has defied the curse of R so far in 2018, winning nine in a row after losing its opener. Still, fans at Fenway Park might want to refer to their club simply as the Sox, avoiding the colorful adjective that precedes it.

Arts Entertainments

When is the best time to consider bankruptcy?

No one really wants to file for bankruptcy, it’s like admitting you’ve failed. Still, if you find yourself in a situation where you’re borrowing more money just to eat and survive and, at the same time, borrowing more money to pay off old debts, filing for bankruptcy might be a prudent path to follow. If you can’t juggle all of your current debt and have no prospect of increasing your income any time soon, then it’s time to at least consider the concept.

Going deeper and deeper into debt won’t do you any good, nor is it fair to your current creditors or those you might go after in an attempt to “take Peter away to pay Paul.” If you keep juggling too long, you’ll see the whole thing come crashing down. It is much better to go bankrupt with a plan. If you do it right, you may find that the whole experience is much less painful than you might have imagined.

Filing bankruptcy will give you a fresh start.

Just think how wonderful it will be to get out from under all that debt. The debt that prevents you from moving forward and does not allow you to go back, stuck in the routine. Imagine all that financial stress instantly disappearing. Maybe it’s time you consider filing for bankruptcy.

It is not a decision you should take lightly, nor is it a move to stop paying legitimate debt you owe. It’s just that sometimes people get into bad situations. Generally, it is a series of events, the accumulation of which leads down a path that ends in a cliff.

There will be some assets you won’t be able to keep and some debts you won’t be able to pay off. There will be tough decisions to be made, but if you plan it right, it could be the smartest move you’ll ever make.

Why it is important to hire a bankruptcy attorney

There are some things we might be able to do ourselves, but without the right prior experience it could lead to disaster. Filing for bankruptcy can be one of those things. The best bankruptcy attorneys will typically allow you a brief free consultation to explain the basics of bankruptcy, usually 30 minutes or so.

You should take advantage of this. Bring your list of questions and a list of all your debts and sources of income. You need to be honest with the reality of your situation to get the right answers and ask the right follow-up questions.

If you file for bankruptcy on your own, that’s it. You are on your own. Bankruptcy courts, judges, and trustees cannot advise you, and be careful about getting advice online. A bankruptcy attorney can review your exact situation and all your assets and advise you which assets you can keep and which you may have to surrender to the court or your creditors.

A bankruptcy attorney can also advise you on which creditors you should continue to pay and which you should stop paying while you go through the process. Also, any tax ramifications you are dealing with or may incur.

An attorney on your side can also help you as a powerful negotiator who is on your side and on your team. Perhaps he can reach an agreement with his main creditors; car loans, home loans, credit cards and the IRS, and give up bankruptcy? You won’t know until you ask. Remember that filing for bankruptcy has consequences, but also benefits. Make sure you know the facts.

When is the best time to file for bankruptcy?

Once you have consulted with a bankruptcy attorney and know all the relevant information, you will want to strategically plan when to file. It matters. Why does that matter? Well, depending on the type of bankruptcy you choose, you may be using an “average income” format, in which case it matters when the average begins and ends.

Perhaps you have real estate that is about to be foreclosed on, if so, you’ll want to present it before foreclosure. If you’re preparing for a mortgage payment modification, that could also change the optimal time to file for bankruptcy.

If you are going through divorce proceedings, filing for bankruptcy can be more complicated and costly. Perhaps, on the other hand, it makes more sense to you. This is yet another reason why you need an experienced bankruptcy attorney to help you through the process from start to finish.

Do you have big expenses coming up, unavoidable costs that you will incur? Do you have future costs that you are already obligated to that are about to require payment?

Are you being bombarded by credit collection agencies demanding money you owe but can’t pay? Have you stopped paying the rent or the house? Are you using your retirement money to pay living expenses and bills? Generally speaking, retirement accounts are safe, so you may want to file for bankruptcy before you empty your retirement account, obviously you’ll need it later.

In conclusion

Did you know that the most common time people file for bankruptcy is in the first quarter, after Christmas expenses and before taxes are paid? Did you know that most people use their tax refunds to partially pay for their bankruptcy filing? Some people file bankruptcy in the first quarter as a New Year’s Resolution to get out of debt in the new year.

These may seem like good reasons for choosing the first trimester to file, but they are certainly not the most important reasons for choosing the best time. Call a law firm to talk and figure this out together. You need a plan, one that makes sense to you.

Why not talk to a bankruptcy attorney about your specific situation, and then have them help you design a plan? You know what they say; “Sometimes timing is everything!”


Smart or stylish – How to tell the difference

An article recently appeared in my local paper on how to help women over 40 dress fashionably without looking like a teenager. As I read the tips and looked at the clothing examples, something wasn’t quite right. I’ve seen it in other articles and in women I meet while networking.

It’s the difference between looking smart and looking elegant or, as one of my clients put it: between looking neat and looking dazzling.

As Baby Boomer women, we have been taught to dress well and coordinate a little. We walked out the door feeling smartly dressed. All the articles in newspapers and women’s magazines also prove it to us. What they don’t show us is how to rise to the highest level where we always walk out the door feeling fabulous and great.

Here’s my simple guide for Baby Boomer women so you can tell the difference between smart and stylish. It is easier than you think.

Elegant and boring or elegant with good contrast

A smart and boring example would be a woman wearing black pants, a top, shoes and a bag. Her jacket can be dark blue and she wears a blue and black patterned scarf that blends and ties the two colors together. This follows the correct styling principles, but the colors are very similar in tone and darkness. The result is smart but boring. When you also choose to wear a dark top or blouse with a high neckline, it takes the color out of your face.

To look classy, ​​elegant and fabulous, use a light and dark contrast. An example of this would be wearing a blue top and jacket, white or light colored pants, and a white and blue scarf. They are the same style principles but there is a more obvious contrast between the colors. A white and blue scarf instead of a blue and white scarf works best as the white brightens your face. The result is smart, elegant and fabulous.

Smart and Something is missing or Stylish with color coordination.

Magazine articles delight in showing a model in a black and cream or white and black skirt with a textured white or cream top. Then they go and add different colored jackets and shoes or accessories that match the jacket. Black and cream or black and white can be used with any other color. It is elegant dressing to add another color to liven up the combination of black and white. The something missing is an accessory that brings all the colors together. To look stylish, you should incorporate black and white or black and cream colors into your accessories. Combining the shoes with the jacket is not enough. It is elegant but not elegant.

An elegant woman can wear black pants and shoes, an orange top, and a black, orange, and white scarf. The scarf brings together all the colors. When you wear two or three solid color garments, your main accessory needs to combine all the colors. A plain black or orange necklace would take the outfit from dressy to chic, since you’ve matched but not coordinated.

Smart and Wrong Accessories or Stylish with Coordinating Accessories

I see many examples of accessories that look elegant and color-coordinated but not elegant.

A model may be shown wearing cream pants, with a black and white patterned blouse plus a black and white necklace and black, white and red bracelets. Many times the necklace matches the top and looks great up close, but from a distance it can disappear into the pattern. When you have a graphic, bold or multicolored top, don’t wear a necklace. To elevate your black and white patterned top or shirt from dressy to chic, add black and white earrings instead or wear a multi-bangle combo with two black, one white, and another color of your choice. Alternatively, put on a bracelet that includes all of those colors.

An example of a stylish combination would be when you wear white pants and top, brown jacket, shoes and bag, a brown and black scarf, and an animal print belt. The scarf, or it could be a piece of jewelry, adds a touch of black and this is a great color contrast against the white top. He’s taken two main colors and added a little bit of a third for flair.

simple stylish ruler

Use two colors or one color and a pattern in uneven proportions. Add a little splash of a third color if you like. Then add at least one accessory that brings those two or three colors together in medium or bright tones so that you shine instead of looking dull. Being stylish is when you are a whole instead of separate parts of colors and patterns.

So, in my client’s words, you will always be positively noticed, easily remembered, and feel imposing.

Home Kitchen

Why I Strongly Suggest You Get A Brass Bathroom Faucet Set

Are you thinking of replacing the set of faucets in your bathroom? If so, I recommend that you install a brass bathroom faucet assembly. Bronze was one of the metals used in the first baths, for many centuries. In recent years, new varieties of metal faucets, such as, have largely replaced brass faucets. However, more and more people are returning to the timeless elegance of bronze.

Tired of having to scrub your supposed chrome or stainless steel faucet? Over time, these types of faucets look worse no matter how much maintenance you give them. This is not a problem with bronze. Bronze, with good care, actually looks better as it ages. This is largely a result of their inherent dark color, which is why the spots blend together.

Bronze is much sturdier than most other types of faucets. Take, stainless steel, for example. A large component of stainless steel is iron. Iron becomes brittle over time. Bronze is copper, which are much more durable.

A major problem with many other faucets is that they wear out over the years. Yes, stainless steel does not “stain”, but it is prone to scratching. What about nickel and even chrome faucets? These would be great if they were 100%. However, most of these are simply brass, under a nickel or chrome plating. This means that they chip over time, which is very unattractive. You could also buy a brass faucet.

Bronze is less likely to have this problem. This pure element is tough, making it extremely scratch resistant. And in the event that it does get chipped, it can be easily repaired with a polisher. Being a pure metal, you don’t have to worry too much about stripping.

Can you think of a metal as timeless and sophisticated as bronze? I guess she doesn’t. She has a beauty like no other, favored by royalty from centuries past. Sure, other faucets have that contemporary shine. However, that glow is sure to fade over time. Bronze has that certain rustic charm that I prefer to have.


Electric cars are going to rule the road

Fossil fuels are a limited resource that will eventually run out. That’s a given, but steps are being taken to replace fossil fuels with synthetic products made from organic material, such as corn and algae. What is driving the explosion in alternative fuel research is the high price of fossil fuels and the need for cleaner alternatives. Basically, it now makes financial sense to develop alternatives. This is the same motivation for the research and development of hybrid and fully electric vehicles.

Electric cars have the greatest impact in reducing the demand for fossil fuels and, at the same time, are more beneficial to the environment.

To be clear, the definition of an electric car is a vehicle powered by one or more electric motors, using electrical energy stored in some type of energy storage device, such as a battery. An electric car with electric motors and a combustion engine is a hybrid and is not categorized as an electric vehicle.

The world’s first truly electric car was built in 1888 by the German manufacturer Flocken Elektrowagen. Electric cars were popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Technological advances in internal combustion engines, coupled with the mass production of internal combustion engine vehicles to make them less expensive, led to the decline of electric vehicles. During the fuel crisis of the 1970s and 1980s, interest in electric cars resurfaced, but it was short-lived. Electric cars of the 1970s and 1980s were expensive, the batteries were huge and took time to charge, and even when fully charged, the distance they could travel was limited. With so much going against them, these early electric cars never made it into mass production. However, since 2008, electric vehicle manufacturing has become a reality with advances in battery technology and smaller, lighter, more efficient electric motors. With rising crude oil prices and the publicly recognized need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the last 5 years have seen electric car sales increase year over year.

The benefits of electric cars over those with internal combustion engines are a significant reduction in air pollution because cars powered by electric motors do not emit pollutants from the tailpipe. Reducing greenhouse gases reduces the rate at which the ozone layer is depleted, slowing global warming. Lower overall consumption of fossil fuels also reduces dependence on foreign oil, which in turn reduces concerns about oil prices and supply disruption.

Electric cars still face obstacles. The predominant obstacles are the higher cost of purchase, the lack of recharging infrastructure and the fear of drivers that the batteries will die before reaching their destination. However, these shortcomings are rapidly being addressed. Many service stations, and a large number of cities, are installing charging points. More recharging facilities will eliminate “range anxiety,” the worry that batteries will run out before reaching a destination. All new technology is expensive when it is first introduced, but as demand increases, followed by production, purchase prices fall. The gap between electric cars and vehicles that run on fossil fuels is already closing.

The leader in electric car sales in 2012 was Japan with a global market share of 28%. It is followed by the United States with 26% of the market, followed by China with 16%, then France with 11% and Norway with 7%. A list of current production passenger cars and utility vehicles that are roadworthy are:

  1. Mitsubishi I MiEV
  2. chery qq3 electric
  3. Chery JAC J3 EV
  4. tazzari zero
  5. nissan leaf
  6. nissan smart
  7. Wheego whip life
  8. my electric
  9. Volvo C30 Electric
  10. BYD e6
  11. Bollore Blue Car
  12. Renault Kangoo UK
  13. Renault Fluence UK
  14. renault zoe
  15. Ford Focus Electric
  16. BMW Active E
  17. tesla model s
  18. Honda Fit EV
  19. RAV4 electric
  20. Mitsubishi Minicab MiEV
  21. Roewe E50
  22. mahindra e2o
  23. Chevrolet Spark EV
  24. fiat 500e
  25. Volkswagen e-Up!
  26. bmw i3

An impressive list, but many more electric cars are in the planning stages, and every car manufacturer is putting a lot of research and development into electric vehicles. As electric vehicle production increases, prices will become more comparable with combustion engines and hybrid vehicles.

As more electric vehicles take to the streets, the demand for fossil fuels and alternative synthetic fuels will slow, extending the life of oil reserves. This is important because although vehicles burn a lot of oil, manufacturers of plastics, lubricants, etc., have few alternative raw materials that can substitute for oil. Without crude oil, the products that define our current lifestyle and standard of living will change dramatically.

Digital Marketing

Grow your list in a time crunch

The Christmas holidays are an opportunity to increase your customer base and sales volume that you cannot miss. To have this increase, you obviously need to proportionally increase your active audience for your marketing activities to attract them. If you have a list of email subscribers, for example, now is the time to consider how to quickly grow it to reach a larger group of people. Here are a few ways you can quickly grow your list to catch up with the holiday rush:

1. Increase the visibility of your online subscription form. In addition to placing a subscription form when you email potential subscribers, place the form more prominently on your website and blog. Also post your signup form with an irresistible signup incentive on all your social media platforms.

2. You should also sound like an industry insider and make your new content reveal some trade secrets, like the special ingredient in your restaurant’s most famous dish, for example. If you offer to let them in on a secret, they are likely to sign up to learn more.

3. You might also consider creating an entirely new list for special seasonal information. In this way, you could promote this special list to your existing subscriber base and to others who have not opted in to your content so far. You are creating something of temporary and seasonal value that more people would want to opt into because you will only email them based on their need of the moment.

4. You should also drive subscriptions at your points of sale. Having customer response forms or business cards in bowls will go a long way at this point in gathering their information, even if they don’t make the sale. It’s also a way to continue the relationship with a first sale to turn them into repeat buyers.

5. You can also create a very short term incentive or coupon codes that have a valid period of only 24 hours. The sense of immediacy it creates tends to prompt customers to respond. The point is, if you’re creating this instant response, you also need to do double-check that your new subscribers aren’t disappointed and abandon you midway: make sure they’re rewarded for responding, and make your content fun! better!

Another important thing to keep in mind is that before you grow your list, you need to clean up your existing list to make sure that the emails you send are actually going to the right addresses and the right people instead of bouncing. Use email cleaning software like ListWise to keep your list clean, and then add to it with your expansion strategies as mentioned above to grow your audience base in time for the Christmas holidays.


Pantry Basics: What staples do you really need to create delicious meals?

A Staples pantry is simply a section of your food storage area where you keep a supply of foods, herbs, and spices that you use frequently to season or create dishes for family meals. This is where you keep those dry goods like flour and sugar, and things like condiment packets that help you make your meals more interesting.

ADVICE: Watch out for those expiration dates! Most spices start to lose their potency after about 6 months. Store dry products such as flour in a sealed plastic or glass container. A bay leaf or two in your flour container helps ward off those pesky little bugs. The same goes for pancake mixes, baking mixes, and other similar products. HONEY lasts almost indefinitely and is a great antiseptic. But, more on that later.

There are many options for a Staples pantry depending on your own personal food tastes.

For example, if you like a lot of oriental foods, you probably want to keep some details like:

  • Sesame seed
  • Poppy seeds
  • soy sauce
  • teriyaki sauce
  • Oyster sauce
  • Cornstarch
  • 5 spices
  • ginger

and others. Check the ethnic foods section of your grocery store or visit a specialty food store in your area to see what’s available.

Latino or Hispanic cuisine can include options such as:

  • Cilantro
  • Cumin
  • Curry
  • chilli powder
  • A good bottled sauce
  • Hot peppers and hot sauces

Again, I suggest you base your pantry staples on your specific tastes. Your local market or grocery store should have some great deals to choose from.

Good Old American Cooking has its own set of spices like:

  • Garlic powder (not garlic salt)
  • onion powder
  • Cinnamon
  • ginger
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Sage
  • Rosemary
  • thyme
  • mint
  • pepper with lemon
  • chilli powder
  • Worcester Sauce

You should also have a ready supply of other items on hand such as:

  • tomato sauce and pasta
  • canned soups such as cream of mushroom soup, cream of chicken soup, and cream of broccoli soup
  • Packaged dry mixes that are fairly easy to keep on hand include:
  • dry onion soup mix
  • chili seasoning packets
  • spaghetti seasoning packets
  • ranch and italian style dressing mixes
  • breadcrumbs

And of course we all have:

  • mayonnaise (not salad dressing style)
  • olive oil
  • vegetable oil such as canola
  • Ketchup
  • Mustard: ancient yellow and spicy brown.
  • Assortment of bottled salad dressings
  • pickles – sweet, dill and any others you like
  • condiment – sweet and dill
  • olives
  • canned fish products such as oysters, clams, sardines, salmon, and tuna
  • canned meats like ham, chicken, beef, and maybe spam (yes, it’s meat)
  • Chicken and beef broth: Check the sodium content on canned and boxed varieties for the lowest amounts.
  • french fried onions
  • Flour
  • sugar and/or sugar substitutes
  • salt and pepper
  • assorted pasta
  • assorted rice
  • canned potatoes
  • canned mixed vegetables

While this is only a very small list, it will give you the things you need to create some last-minute dishes when your family bursts into the kitchen for dinner.

Use fresh meats and vegetables with different spices or sauces that you can create with any of these ingredients.

A few days ago I was faced with creating a meal for the family AND some unexpected guests. With a good variety of ingredients on hand and a well-stocked freezer, I was able to create a delicious casserole that was ready in less than 30 minutes. Served with a salad and good bread it was a hit.

I just sliced ​​the potatoes, skin on, in a skillet with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I added some onion and garlic powder and it started to brown. While the potatoes were cooking, I seared some small steaks that I had quickly thawed in the microwave. Cut into strips I added them to the potatoes. I then added a packet of onion soup mix, mixed well and continued to cook for a few minutes until the meat was almost done. I poured 2 cups of chicken broth mixed with a tablespoon of cornstarch and stirred until the mixture boils. Then lower the heat to a simmer until the potatoes are cooked through, about 5 more minutes. The total time was about 20 minutes.

With a simple vegetable, tomato and onion salad and some crusty French bread, the meal was complete and my family and friends raved about the “BIG Casserole” recipe. If they knew, but I won’t tell.


Hilton Head, SC – Paranormal Activity at the Stoney-Baynard Ruins

Legend has it that “Saucy Jack” Stoney lost Braddock’s Point Plantation to William Eddings Baynard in a late night poker game in Hilton Head SC. It was the year 1838.

The 1,000-acre plantation had been in the Stoney family since the American Revolution when Captain John Stoney, Saucy Jack’s grandfather, purchased it. It was a fourth generation heirloom when Saucy Jack received it from his father, Dr. George Mosse Stoney.

The winner of the poker game was William Eddings Baynard. That explains the name by which it is known today: Stoney-Baynard Plantation. Some records indicate that Saucy Jack simply went bankrupt and Baynard took the property at auction. But that version obviously has far less dramatic appeal. Baynard died here at the “Big House” in 1849 after he and his wife Catherine had raised four children.

During the Civil War, Baynard and other plantation owners in Hilton Head SC were driven off the island. The Casa Grande became the headquarters for Union officers. That made it the target of a Confederate raiding party, which burned and destroyed it.

The Baynards never returned to the island after the war, although they legally claimed the land. Thus, the property was left in its current state of disrepair, another sad monument to the devastation of the American Civil War.

The front of the house is easily located by large square holes that once housed the posts that supported a wide porch. At the rear are the remains of a chimney and an outer wall.

In their beautiful setting on the highest point of the island, these haunted places evoke happy family scenes of children and domestic servants playing together. A cloud covers the sun and they are swept away by a violent conflagration. If it’s very still, the imagination can catch the echo of the high-booted invader strolling the large wraparound porch of this haunted house.

Sometimes the haunting scenes of this idyllic setting are more apparent to the senses. In life and in death, fate has deserted Baynard and the shadows of his grim funeral procession can still be seen parading past his grave.

Legend has it that the rumor of jewels, gold and riches motivated union soldiers to break into the family mausoleum. Ever since, on gray and rainy days, Baynard’s ghost has been roaming the stage of his earthly existence. This is one of the true scary stories associated with paranormal activity in Hilton Head SC.