Digital Marketing

Why Fundraising Newsletters Don’t Work Anymore

You know that saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? Well, it’s time to fix what’s broken with your fundraising newsletter.

Yes, without even looking at it, I can tell you that there’s a good chance you’ll need to change a few things with your print or email newsletter.

I’ve heard from many donors that they don’t even look at newsletters anymore, even if they come from their favorite non-profit organization.

You know why? They are boring and selfish.

Most nonprofit organizations send out selfish newsletters. These newsletters are written by well meaning people who haven’t stopped long enough to really understand their reader and what their reader wants.

Think about how you build a newsletter: Too often, the newsletter falls to the bottom of the priority list because you’re too busy trying to get things done. One day you realize it’s time to put out a newsletter, and in a mad attempt to get it done quickly so you can cross it off your list, you catch the first topics that come to mind, put articles together, and search for things to fill out. up to space. It’s not nice to you and it’s certainly not nice to your donor.

So how do you fix it? How do you create a newsletter that your donor will read and respond to?

1. Start by creating a production schedule that gives you plenty of time to write and review. Allow time to print and mail it as well.

2. Next, spend some time getting to know your reader. Who are your donors and prospects? What do they really care? I’ll give you a hint: they don’t care about the boring letter from your CEO or Chairman of the Board. What they want to know is how you are changing lives. They want to know about the people whose lives are being changed by the work their organization is doing.

3. Step 3 is to write about the things your donor wants to know. Share those human interest stories that make your donors feel good about their decision to support your organization.

4. Finally, step 4 is to deliver the newsletter in the format that the donor wants. Don’t decide to send your newsletter via email just to save money on printing and postage. Find out how your donors want to receive it and send it that way.

Remember that your ultimate goal is to build relationships with your donors and prospects. Relationships lead to loyalty and long-term support. Communication is critical to building a relationship.

Think for a minute about someone you know and the only time you hear from them is when they want something. We all know someone like that, right? Don’t be that person to your donors! Don’t show your hand for money all the time. Please contact them to keep them informed about what is happening.

A well-done newsletter will not only inform and educate your reader, but it will also help build that valuable relationship. Follow these four steps and you’ll be well on your way.