
Exploring your career path in the financial sector

Are you looking for a job in the financial sector? There are many great career options in this industry that will give you great pay and benefits. Choosing a career as a financial planner is an excellent idea if you are looking for a highly lucrative position with a bright future ahead of you. Jobs in the financial planning industry are expected to increase nearly 27 percent by 2022. It’s a great idea to get on the ground floor of an industry that guarantees a lifetime of lucrative employment and career advancement opportunities.

What kind of degree do you need to become a financial planner?

You can’t just expect to walk in and get a “prune” financial planner position. You must demonstrate that you have the necessary qualifications. A bachelor’s degree in a financial field is an excellent starting point. It may take you to the door in some places. However, more and more employers are insisting that applicants for financial planning positions possess an MBA. This is especially true if you are looking for a position that will allow you to move up the corporate ladder to a senior management role or even as a partner.

You will need to be certified as a financial planner

The next step in becoming a financial planner is to obtain the necessary certification. The two most popular types of certifications are Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). To qualify for the CFP exam, you’ll need three years of experience in a finance-related industry. You will also need to have a bachelor’s degree or better. And finally, you’ll need to pass a thorough background check. The exam itself lasts 10 hours and is divided into 2 days. To qualify to take the even more grueling CFA exam, you’ll need four years of experience.

It pays to get your license to sell stocks and bonds

As a financial planner, being able to sell stocks and bonds is not necessarily a requirement. However, being qualified in this area certainly doesn’t hurt. You can obtain a license from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), such as Series 6, 7, or 63, to be able to sell mutual funds, stocks, bonds, or insurance to a customer. It’s a great way to gain more valuable experience and qualifications in the industry. At the same time, you are also becoming indispensable to the needs of your clients and your employer.

What is the career path of a modern financial planner?

Once you’ve earned the bachelor’s degree necessary to enter the financial industry, your career path will first require three to four years of experience in junior positions. After obtaining the necessary certifications, you will be able to work as a financial planner without supervision.

You will be qualified to receive your base salary, plus incentives and bonuses. That can easily add another five figures to your annual salary. As you work your way up, you can earn a six-figure base salary with matching bonuses and incentives. The career of a financial planner is therefore a very lucrative path to consider.


Numerology and breakups: how each number behaves

Numbers symbolize qualities, beyond mere quantities, and for thousands of years various civilizations have used numerology to infer timing, compatibility, and personality traits.

Numerology, also known as number mysticism in ancient times, is one of our favorite divination methods.

You may be familiar with the association of the day of birth, for example, with specific personality traits. It is a starting point, but we always recommend using patterns, understandings of multiple factors because the symbolism of any given indicator is supported or mitigated by the energy of the others. Our proprietary systems include hundreds of factors that form complex patterns. We believe pattern recognition is critical for accurate numerology and astrology prediction, compatibility, and personality analysis.

However, we readily recognize that there are rare and highly psychic people who can use just a few numerology or astrology factors as touchstones to make consistently accurate readings.

In light of that, along with the idea that no matter what your level of proficiency, learning basic number mysticism can offer you clarity about your own life situations and those of others as well.

Below we personify (extremely) each of the root numbers one through nine in relation to breakout styles to help you understand the related basic energies.

The root number of any multi-digit number is obtained by adding the digits and reducing them to a single number. For example, 721 = 7+2+1= 10, 1+0, = 1.

Note that the balanced expression of any given number is constructive, and the overbalanced or underbalanced form is not. Therefore, all root numbers can be magnificent in their highest forms, but all can be terrible too, in their lowest (extreme) forms.

1: His ex blamed the divorce on his excessive independence, although his aggressiveness and intolerance didn’t help either. She’s a fierce competitor in her career, and few would doubt her originality, but it’s clear that she lacks people skills. She just walked away and didn’t turn around.

2: Duplicity to the core, your partner never knew if he was telling the truth or one of his usual unique interpretations of the truth. His sensitivity and consideration were endearing, but his partner grew tired of him being too sensitive and lacking in backbone. He manipulated his way into being single again.

3: Your passionate and creative attitude is endearing, but you rarely stop talking. She’s a lot of fun, but her partner is worried about her mental health. She prefers shouting matches to debates, and though she did reunite with her partner after the breakup, she ultimately cut ties after hesitating for months.

4. Firm and dependable, you are always there for your partner, at least mentally (emotions are another story). Don’t expect it to be sentimental, but expect it to be physical. She offered a very reasonable argument for why she wanted to end it, and her partner couldn’t see any flaw in her logic.

5. His versatility and charm captivate, but is he a gamer? In the past, he stayed too long in a relationship that clearly ended, or left too soon. Sometimes he is too outspoken, and his carefree escapades have caused trouble. He ended his most recent hookup by cheating on his partner and making no effort to hide it.

6. She is romantic, trustworthy, responsible, and a wonderful but stubborn mother. She will never change, to her detriment. She claims that breaking up is not the right thing to do, though they both agree that the marriage is over. Her partner finally moved on after they couldn’t take the derailment of a marriage anymore.

7. You’d better give him plenty of alone time for writing, reading, working, and other individual activities, or he won’t be happy. He may even like his invisible angel friends more than you do. But do not worry; His heart was true (at least before the connection faded, in his opinion), even though you rarely saw him. When you saw him, you knew he was done because he was so much more distant than usual.

8. Hire a good divorce lawyer, because he will take you to the dry cleaners, and then some. In the first place, it was about nothing but safety and money, and you would have known that if you hadn’t fallen under his spell. He has a good mind for business and negotiations, but now he is unfortunately using that against you. The way he ended up suddenly and dramatically reveals his innate coldness.

9. He says he’ll always care about you, and he means it. Although she has a heart of gold, his love is too impersonal and he has no real convictions, despite appearances. He has a lot of compassion and understanding, but is sometimes too open-minded. His partner knew it was his way of signaling the end of the relationship when he suggested they open their partnership to new lovers.

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Home Kitchen

Reverse living floor planning: what is it and is it right for you?

Traditional architecture found throughout the home building industry typically provides two-story homes with the main living space on the first floor and bedrooms on the second floor. However, a popular alternative to this floor plan has evolved which is known as reverse living. Read on as I explain reverse living and help you decide when a reverse floor plan may be right for you.

In traditional two-story homes, the active living space found in rooms such as the living room, kitchen, dining room, study, and family room are located on the first floor. This arrangement makes it easy to move in and out of the home during the normal course of the day, when homeowners and their families tend to make multiple and frequent trips to and from their home and, in the process, want the comfort of a self-relationship. floor between your indoor and outdoor living space. The more passive sleep activity, which typically occurs in bedrooms, is relegated to the second floor, the least convenient level of the traditional two-story home.

The simplest form of a reverse floor plan is the reverse of the living space and sleeping space within a two-story house. This relationship of indoor living to the outdoor environment changes due to view corridors or outdoor amenities, so a client seeks to maximize exposure during their lifetime. This type of floor plan is most common for homes situated to take advantage of the panoramic views created by mountains, hilltops, wetlands, wildlife sanctuaries, rivers, streams, bodies of water, and urban skylines. By placing the living space on the highest level within the home, views are more easily captured or perhaps made visible when they might be partially or totally blocked at lower levels.

Within a reverse floor plan, bedrooms are relegated to the more inactive areas of the home. In some inverted floor plans, the master bedroom can be included on the top level of the home, if the homeowner wishes to appreciate the views in the privacy and serenity of their bedroom.

Now, is a reverse floor plan right for you? It may be if your building lot is located on or near beautiful landscapes or view corridors, whether man-made or natural, and you want to enjoy those views to the fullest!

Digital Marketing

Why Fundraising Newsletters Don’t Work Anymore

You know that saying “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”? Well, it’s time to fix what’s broken with your fundraising newsletter.

Yes, without even looking at it, I can tell you that there’s a good chance you’ll need to change a few things with your print or email newsletter.

I’ve heard from many donors that they don’t even look at newsletters anymore, even if they come from their favorite non-profit organization.

You know why? They are boring and selfish.

Most nonprofit organizations send out selfish newsletters. These newsletters are written by well meaning people who haven’t stopped long enough to really understand their reader and what their reader wants.

Think about how you build a newsletter: Too often, the newsletter falls to the bottom of the priority list because you’re too busy trying to get things done. One day you realize it’s time to put out a newsletter, and in a mad attempt to get it done quickly so you can cross it off your list, you catch the first topics that come to mind, put articles together, and search for things to fill out. up to space. It’s not nice to you and it’s certainly not nice to your donor.

So how do you fix it? How do you create a newsletter that your donor will read and respond to?

1. Start by creating a production schedule that gives you plenty of time to write and review. Allow time to print and mail it as well.

2. Next, spend some time getting to know your reader. Who are your donors and prospects? What do they really care? I’ll give you a hint: they don’t care about the boring letter from your CEO or Chairman of the Board. What they want to know is how you are changing lives. They want to know about the people whose lives are being changed by the work their organization is doing.

3. Step 3 is to write about the things your donor wants to know. Share those human interest stories that make your donors feel good about their decision to support your organization.

4. Finally, step 4 is to deliver the newsletter in the format that the donor wants. Don’t decide to send your newsletter via email just to save money on printing and postage. Find out how your donors want to receive it and send it that way.

Remember that your ultimate goal is to build relationships with your donors and prospects. Relationships lead to loyalty and long-term support. Communication is critical to building a relationship.

Think for a minute about someone you know and the only time you hear from them is when they want something. We all know someone like that, right? Don’t be that person to your donors! Don’t show your hand for money all the time. Please contact them to keep them informed about what is happening.

A well-done newsletter will not only inform and educate your reader, but it will also help build that valuable relationship. Follow these four steps and you’ll be well on your way.

Health Fitness

A Weight Loss Diet Review: The MetaBooster Fat Burning Diet

Description – MetaBooster Fat Burning Diet is one of the easy ways to lose weight. It is a low carbohydrate, high protein diet, which is based on eating low GI carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats.

The MetaBooster Fat Burning Diet claims that you can eat all the protein you want and still lose weight. All you need to do is choose your carbs carefully and use healthy fats to lose weight.

It is claimed to be the fastest way to lose weight and you will be able to consume large amounts of protein while eating small amounts of carbohydrates. It has been compared to the Atkins diet, but with the difference that you are allowed to eat adequate carbohydrates such as bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and fruit. (On the Atkins Diet, the only carbohydrates you can eat are salads and certain vegetables.)

It is divided into 2 phases, the first phase eliminates all carbohydrates except those present in vegetables, so you eat a lot of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, cheese and eggs. The explanation behind phase 1 is that it is supposed to make your body overcome its addiction to “bad” carbs that spike your blood sugar so fast that you release extra insulin, the hormone that keeps you fat. After week 1 on Carb Wipe Out, you can start eating new carbs and healthy fats; You won’t have sugar cravings as Carb Wipe Out will have kicked your addiction to ‘bad’ carbs, and your insulin resistance will have dropped and you’ll be back to near normal emissions.

Although Phase 1 seems quite restrictive, many people say that since it is only for 7 days, they can follow it quite easily and the rapid weight loss encourages them to complete the course.

You then move on to Phase 2, where you slowly start introducing carbs back into your diet, adding low GI “good” carbs, and staying away from “bad carb” foods that will spike your blood sugar. blood and will cause your body to release more amounts of insulin which in turn causes fat to be retained in the body. However, this phase is much easier to comply with. You’ll be eating plenty of “good” carbs and healthy fats, as well as plenty of lean protein that you can handle. There is no restriction on the amount of protein you consume and you can enjoy dishes like chili con carne, grilled chicken or peri peri, pepper steaks, seasoned and encrusted salmon fillets. You are supposed to lose up to 4 pounds per week on this phase of the diet.

Unlike other diets, this one generally doesn’t focus on calories or portion sizes, but instead focuses on stabilizing blood sugar levels so you don’t crave sugary foods and snacks and don’t release too much sugar. insulin.

The most difficult part of this diet is your degree of self-control and willpower, but even so, the MetaBooster Fat Burning Diet provides a supplement that you can use to help you with the diet if your willpower is weak.

So what are the drawbacks? Based on the feedback, it seems that the biggest hurdle is getting through the first phase, but once the dieter has passed day 3, everything seems to be going smoothly.

Overall, this diet is a healthy way of eating that can be used for weight loss, disease prevention (particularly diabetes) due to its balance of lean protein, ‘good’ carbohydrates, and healthy fats that don’t spike blood sugar levels. blood and are a burden. in the pancreas that secretes insulin. It is a diet that can be used for life.

Legal Law

Social Responsibility & The Corporate Values ​​Statement

Corporate Values ​​reflect the culture of a company. Values ​​make culture want to communicate which is a difficult task. To understand a proper value statement for a company, one must understand what culture is and whether the statement truly represents the culture of the company.

Simply put: culture is what a group of people have in common, for example, that they face similar questions and problems because they operate a similar business. This is the internal element of the culture, the other is externally oriented: in what environment does this group of people operate and how does this affect them? How do they interact with the environment?

Social responsibility is obviously a value that focuses on this second element: the interaction of the group (corporation) with its environment.

How it might work: A socially responsible company charges more for its products and uses part of the profit margin for social projects…

A first question to ask about corporate values ​​is whether a value should be used as such, such as: “entrepreneurial”, “customer focused” and also this “social responsibility” are values ​​that it is better not to use in the values ​​statement corporate. The reason is that they are too lazy.

However, they appear in value declarations:

Social responsability. We are committed to a culture of being environmentally friendly by meeting a high standard of corporate citizenship, protecting the health and safety of our employees and positively impacting the communities where we operate… A strong sense of social responsibility… etc .

So what does this mean?

A company like Siemens, a conglomerate for which social responsibility could really be an issue, is investing in Africa in projects to make energy available for the development of small towns. The idea is that energy in Africa is one of the main issues holding back development and Siemens could play a role there.


But does Siemens add social responsibility to its set of values? No: Siemens’ corporate values ​​are: “responsible, excellent and innovative”. Once “responsible” is defined, social responsibility is automatically managed, but not as a corporate value, it is not a shared value among employees.

Another reason not to use social responsibility is that it is not a value that can be translated into individual behaviour. Imagine two people meet on vacation and learn that they work for Siemens: would you think they feel related because of Siemens’ socially responsible role in energy projects in Africa? That’s too far gone and doesn’t (emotionally) connect people and is therefore not a cultural item.

In addition to this point of view, there is another point of view on social responsibility and it is the value of long-term relationships with the (social) environment versus short-term business success. Social responsibility is another way to ensure that a company is not just focused on short-term stakeholder benefits.

Another example is Microsoft and the Gates Foundation. This is another vision of social responsibility: a clear separation of business (Microsoft) and a responsible role in global society (Gates Foundation).

One of the reasons for keeping these areas separate is that with the concept of social responsibility one enters the arena of politics. On the internet I found this statement: “Responsible business leaders know that business cannot succeed if society fails…” but still, call this a business opportunity and marketing problem rather than a social responsibility.

Let’s take another example: Google’s social responsibility. For example, Google could be held responsible for the increase in garbage on the Internet. In addition to indexing more and more pages, it could work as a policeman so that Internet users do not get dirty.

Take Google Answers, for example, and the following post:

I am looking for an English translation of Pablo Neruda’s poem “Die Slowly”. thank you (1)

Today a newspaper published an article about this poem that was supposed to be by the Chilean poet. But in reality the real author is the Brazilian Martha Medeiros.

Now, who is responsible for this (mistake) and for 10,000 surfers still believing in a mistake?

I would say Google is. It provides the main gateway to the web, and thus the main part that makes the distribution of bugs like these possible. It obviously conflicts with Google’s neutral “don’t be evil” approach. But how long can you stay neutral? I think Google can be compared to the British Petroleum of the Internet. BP has been reinvented by Beyond Petroleum. Google has introduced a new four-color icon. I guess the move to a more socially responsible role is underway.

Regarding corporate values ​​statements… I would leave out “social responsibility”.

Lifestyle Fashion

Nose Rings, Studs, and Bones: Which One Is For You?

Nose piercings have become very popular among people who are in favor of superficial piercings; Nose rings, studs, and balls are second in popularity to ear piercings. Although there are more women than men who have nose piercings, someone who wears a nose piercing is making a personal statement for themselves. A successful piercing means that someone followed the nose piercing aftercare instructions.

Nose piercings have a common place among the cultures of India, as well as in most of the Middle East. In fact, in India and some parts of the Middle East, a man gives a woman he is about to marry a nose ring that is the Western world’s equivalent of a wedding ring. These days, nose bones are quite popular. A woman would only need to turn her head so that other people and men in particular understand that she is already married.

If you decide you’d like to go and get your nostril pierced, there are actually a couple of nose rings, studs, and bones that you can choose from. There’s the screw that starts out as a straight bolt but has hooks and curves so you won’t be able to get it out easily no matter how hard you pull on it. This particular button is placed through the nostril by inserting it slowly and carefully removing it through the fleshy part of the nostril. A nose bone, on the other hand, is a kind of stud that has a large round part on one end that is pushed through the nostril so that the jewelry is held in place.

There are many people who advise against using a nose bone when you decide to go ahead and get your nose pierced for the first time. Due to the way a nose bone is designed, there is a distinct possibility that the shaft of the stud is too short to pass completely through a nostril that happens to be slightly thicker than the average person. Even if a piercing is achieved completely through the flesh, it doesn’t mean that the ensuing swelling won’t swallow the nose bone. If the inside of the piercing heals, the nose bone may need to be surgically removed.

When you wear nose bone jewelry, your nose wound would heal around the stud that is pierced through your nostril, with the egg shaped end being somewhat larger than the shaft, this makes it very hard to remove and can even slow down or worse – reverses the healing process because if you move it or try to remove it you will tear the healing tissue and cause another wound. Piercers often recommend that you opt for a nose screw at first. A nose screw that is made of surgical stainless steel or, if you can afford one, an eighteen karat gold nose screw.

Real Estate

Selecting the Right Rental Property Management Software

Technological advances seem to have made almost every aspect of human life easier, be it finding suitable jobs or choosing a suitable career. Another one of those areas where technological progress has been remarkably valuable is property management. Properties include houses, apartments, shopping malls, buildings, and large complexes that can be rented or leased for residential or commercial services. Managing a rental property in an effective and efficient manner can be daunting unless you have the help of reliable rental property management software.

There are numerous rental property management software available on the market today. In order to choose the right one, one needs to understand if the software is sufficient for their needs and requirements. In addition, the software must be flexible, easy to install, and convenient to use. Mentioned below are some tips that can help you select good rental property management software.

Adapt to your needs – A good management software is one that responds to the needs of the client, whenever required. Another problem related to proprietary software is updating. With companies that develop Windows-based software, upgrading can be really troublesome and expensive. The reason is that these companies update the software from time to time. Whenever the software needs to be updated, the user has to purchase the updates from the developer’s site, download them, and go through an intricate update process. In this regard, third-generation web-embedded software can be a perfect option, as the consumer does not need to handle any software updates. All updating is done by the developer. Every time the user logs in, he is ready to use the updated version. Second, one would not be afraid of losing sensitive data when using web-based software programs.

Features – There are certain features that are absolutely necessary in any property management software. These include a complete accounting package that can support any type of accounting method and can generate reports at any time and in any form, facility to send automatic reminders to tenants about things like late payments and lease expiration notices, and ample data storage space. The software should also provide a simpler and faster data management system that can alleviate problems experienced during data generation, handling, and retrieval. It would be an added benefit if your software can generate automatic forms, letters, and can even print checks.

Security – Security is unquestionably a critical aspect that should be given due importance, especially when looking for web-based rental management software. Always choose one that uses SSL encryption for data transfer and storage. Also, in good online rental property software, the data is stored on a secure server present at a distant location.

Inexpensive – Generally, you have to pay a subscription fee or purchase the rental property management software. So always look for a company that doesn’t require you to have a long-term commitment or a single annual payment.

Customer Support: In most cases, consumers who use rental management software are not software professionals. Furthermore, it is complex software developed using advanced concepts. Therefore, always look for a company that provides customer support and technical support when needed.

Shopping Product Reviews

Entrepreneurial Mannerisms

One thing that successful entrepreneurs have learned over the years is that growing as an entrepreneur is made easier by studying others who have achieved success. There are some common business gestures and habits you can use to help lead your business to success.

The first thing you need to do is develop a clear picture of where you want to be in the future. You need to have a goal that you are working on. One thing that many people don’t understand is that your subconscious mind is always at work looking for ways to give you what you want. When you have clear goals that you constantly think about, your subconscious mind works in the background to make those goals a reality.

One of the best habits you can develop is the habit of setting your goals daily. You should write down your goals and every day develop a daily to-do list that will lead you to reach your goals. By doing this daily, you reinforce those goals in your mind. With each task you perform, you get one step closer to your goal, and your subconscious rewards you by showing you more ways to get even closer.

The next thing to do is work on learning every detail of your business. If you’re just starting out online, you know that an overwhelming amount of information is thrown at you. You are being inundated with advice on what you need to do to be successful. Some of the information is valid, while some is so out of date as to be of little or no use.

In order to know which tips to listen to and which to ignore, you need to know everything you can about successful online marketing. The truth is, there are many different ways to successfully market your business. The problem is that with limited hours each day it is not possible to use all of them. The more you can understand the different methods, the better you can focus on the ones that will work best for you and your business.

The final business mannerism to adopt is a commitment to excellence. In some ways, internet marketing is a numbers game. If you can get your product or service in front of enough people, you will eventually make some sales. The more effective your marketing message is, the higher the percentage of people who will buy what you sell. To be truly successful, you need to be able to turn a paying customer into a repeat customer. That means you need to have a product that gives them more than they bargained for.

If you are selling something that the customer feels is a good value, they are more likely to make another purchase in the future. Everything you do with your business should not only focus on making the first sale, but should also generate future sales.


Chase Betting Systems (also known as Dog Chase Betting)

If you’re a seasoned sports bettor, you know the old adage, that if you chase your losses, you’ll lose your shirt and most likely bust your bankroll. It’s time to throw all that nonsense out the window and learn for the first time that chasing your losses is the best case scenario. To make money using a chase betting system, you need three items at your disposal:

1. One hundred funds (or account balance)

2. plan

3. A strong stomach to carry out the plan

The old adage goes that: he who chases his losses will burn his funds. This is true only if you don’t have a real plan, a strong stomach and a decent bankroll. Let me explain. The old adage comes from the player betting $100 on Team 1 to win today. Team 1 loses, so tomorrow the player bets $200 on team 2 to win (he thinks he can’t lose twice in a row and team 2 is a sure thing). Team 2 loses, then on day 3 he bets his remaining bankroll on team 3, loses, and within three days his bankroll goes bust. The old adage is true, for this player…not for you.

You will see that a chase system uses simple math to ensure that you never lose money. However, you have to make sure that you bet the correct amount and you have to have the guts to go through with this program. The system is easy to follow no matter what sport you are betting on and whether you are chasing a specific team or a sport in general. In 2007, AFSB completed a study of the chase system in the NHL focusing on the Montreal Canadiens. The system worked like this: on day 1, $25.00 was bet on Montreal, if Montreal lost, the next time Montreal played, $50.00 was bet on Montreal, if Montreal lost again, and on the next game $100 was bet, 00 to Montreal, if Montreal lost that game then $200.00 was wagered on Montreal and so on until Montreal wins or runs out of money. Once Montreal wins the system resets and the next time Montreal won $25 was bet on Montreal on their next game, if they lost then on the next game $50 was bet on Montreal, however if they won then on the next game game $25 was bet. Bet on Montreal.

This simple system made us win $1,210.00 in the NBA Playoffs in 2007 (see our absolutely free sports betting article regarding the NBA dog chasing system). We used this system again in the 2008 MLB playoffs and got $1,373.00.

In the 2010 NCAA basketball season we are using this system in a more generic way. We are playing a Dog-Chase and a Favorite-Chase that is not team-specific. Click our Free Picks link to see the details of the 2010 NCAA Basketball Chase System hard at work.

To ensure your bankroll doesn’t go broke, we recommend that you only wager 1/4 of the normal amount you play per game. For example, if you bet $100 per game, then under a chase system, you only have to bet $25.00 per game. This is why:

The chase system is based on the premise that you shouldn’t be able to wrongly cripple a game for seven days straight. If you are betting $100.00 per event in a chase system and you are wrong 7 times in a row, then you are betting $6,400.00 on the 7th game ($100, $200, $400, $800, $1,600, $3,200, $6,400). To protect yourself, you must bet 1/4 of the normal amount; In our examples, we assume that 1/4 would be $25.00 per event ($25, $50, $100, $200, $400, $800, and $1,600).

Let’s examine the power of the Chase system. Let’s look at a player who bets on 14 games (1 per day, over a 14 day period) and this player doesn’t do that well, winning 6 and losing 8. Example 1 below shows if you simply bet $100.00 per game on a normal price. -110 per game. Example 2 shows the same player with the same results, however he bets $25.00 on a Chase system.

Example 1 – Sports bettor who wins 6 bets and loses 8

wagering $100.00 per game, one game per day

Game 1: Winner, $91.00

Game 2: Winner, $91.00

Game 3: Loss -$100.00

Game 4: Loss -$100.00

Game 5: Loss -$100.00

Game 6: Winner $91.00

Game 7: Loss -$100.00

Game 8: Loss -$100.00

Game 9: Winner $91.00

Game 10: Loss -$100.00

Game 11: Winner $91.00

Game 12: Loss -$100.00

Game 13: Loss -$100.00

Game 14: Winner $91.00

This player is 6-8 and lost $254.00 over a two week period.

Example 2 – Sports bettor who wins 6 bets and loses 8

wagering $25.00 per game (with chase rules), one game per day

Game 1: You bet 25 and win $23.00, so in the next game:

Game 2: You bet 25 and win $23.00, so in the next game:

Game 3: You bet 25 and lose -$25.00, so in the next game:

Game 4: 50 is bet and lose -$50.00, so in the next game:

Game 5: You bet $100 and lose -$100.00, so in the next game:

Game 6: Bet $200 and win +$182.00, so in the next game:

Game 7: You bet $25 and lose -$25.00, so in the next game:

Game 8: You bet $50 and lose -$50.00, so in the next game:

Game 9: You bet $100 and win $91.00, so in the next game:

Game 10: You bet $25 and lose -$25.00, so in the next game:

Game 11: You bet $50 and win $45.00, so in the next game:

Game 12: You bet $25 and you lose -$25.00, so in the next game:

Game 13: You bet $50 and lose -$50.00, so in the next game:

Game 14: Bet $100 and win $91.00

This player is 6-8 and WON $105.00 over a two week period with a losing record.

You can obviously use this system however you want, here are some possibilities:

(1) Equipment specific. In 2007, in the NHL we only used this system betting on Montreal. If Montreal lost, we doubled down in the next game, if they won, then in the next game we went back to where we started.

(2) Position specific: In 2010, we play a dog and a favorite every day in NCAA basketball, if the dog loses, then we double a different dog the next day, if the dog wins, the next day we go back to our starting point. (The same is true for our favorite system)

(3) Specific position within a series: In the 2007 NBA playoffs, we played the dog during a series, so the dog could be Team 1 in game one vs. Team 2, but then Team 2 could be the dog in game 2. We play over the dog no matter who we played in the previous game.

You need to be careful, there will be a point where you find yourself betting more than you have ever bet before on a game, however when that game triggers your winnings will skyrocket. Please don’t bet your normal unit, bet 1/4 or less.

If you’re skeptical, check out our 2007 NBA Dog-Chase article, check out our 2008 MLB Playoffs results, or just click the Free Picks link on our website and see how the system works in 2010. Once you see how well it works, you’ll be addicted.