Real Estate

What the rich know that the poor don’t

I believe that everyone has the potential to get rich, but why are the resources only in the hands of a few? This is one of the questions that often arises. But I think the answer is not far-fetched.

The rich have learned powerful skills and timeless principles that they practice every day, and this has allowed them to stay wealthy. These skills and principles that they have mastered, is what separates them from ordinary people, is what makes them stay in wealth (wealth). Circumstances may change, but the principles remain the same.

Here are some of those principles;

A. The rich think of abundance, but the poor think of scarcity.

The rich have a completely different mindset when it comes to how to make money. It starts with how they think. The Scripture says “what is the thought of a man in his heart, so is he”. One thing that the rich have been able to master is their thinking. They understand that their thoughts would generate actions and their actions would generate results. They understand the first law of success which is “First in, then out.” Who you have become on the inside will be reflected on the outside. When you realize that most people are poor, it is good that you decide that you will not follow the mental path that they have chosen to follow.

B. The rich see opportunities, the poor see problems.

Imagine a teacher who got an appointment to teach at a high school and had to teach the senior class, those preparing for their final exams. He taught them throughout the semester and after taking the exams, a large number of them failed and had to repeat the class. The teacher might react to this by saying, “I don’t even understand why these students are so boring, after all my teaching efforts, they still failed.” Another teacher arrives and sees the amount of failure among the students and immediately recognizes the opportunity to earn money as he imparts something positive in the lives of these students. This can be done by writing a book on practical guides to excellently pass your exams or organize additional classes for students, where they have to pay an additional token to receive guidance for their exams. The difference between the two teachers is that one saw a problem and the other saw an opportunity.

C. Rich people allow the interest on their investment to rise.

The truth is that no matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time, says Warren Buffet, building wealth is one of them. There is always a time interval between when you make investments and when your investments will earn dividends. The rich understand the law of delayed gratification.

The rich understand the principles of compound interest and make it work for them. They simply take the interest that accrues from an initial capital invested and put it back into the business to generate more profit from the initial profit.

D. The rich take care of their associations while the poor do not.

It is said that your network will determine your net worth. The rich are careful and deliberate in creating a particular kind of network around themselves, people with empires in mind, people whose ideas, if worked on and invested in, will become gold mines. Even the scripture says that he who works with the wise will be wise. Spending time with wealthy people is vital if you want to be financially successful. You’ll be surprised how your perspective changes when you hear people talk about how much they earn in a single day.

I heard the story of Jacky Kennedy, once the wife of John F. Kennedy, when she said: “If I were broke, I know what I would do to get myself back, I would go to the most expensive restaurants in New York, buy myself a glass of water and listen to the conversations. of the rich.” They are careful not to keep short-sighted people in her circle of friends. That’s how important your partnership can be.

E. The rich make their money work for them while the poor work for money.

A large number of people work for money. This is because of the impression we were given growing up that to be successful, you must study hard, get good grades, go to the best schools, secure a well-paying job, and save until you retire. There is nothing wrong with all this as long as you are satisfied. But Robert Kiyosaki says the problem with this approach is that you only make money while you work. He said that the only thing of value you have to trade is your time. But when we trade our time for money, our earning potential is limited because you can only earn money while you’re at work. So to earn more money, you have to work more hours, which is physically exhausting. He says that rich dad told him that “the poor and middle class work for money, while the rich have money that works for them. They do this by learning to invest and then putting their money into assets like businesses and investments that generate income.” Passives”. , until they reach the point where they no longer have to work.