
Use a stock trading journal for successful investing

The market changes all the time and it is extremely important to keep track of everything you do in a stock trading journal. I have a few different journals where I keep track of what strategies I’m monitoring and what future concepts I want to develop. In fact, I am one of those who have posts everywhere and at the end of the day I collect and document those that are important so that the idea or symbol is not lost.

I even have a habit of taking screenshots of charts that I keep in a desktop folder with the date and what I was looking at specifically. This proves to be a useful reflection strategy that allows you to look back into a window into your previous thinking and psychological processes, where you can then take that experience and turn it into future learning to see how certain stock indicators react at certain key moments. Having that static image with annotations really helps you become a great graphics technician.

Now, before you get overwhelmed with the thought of having to journal or take notes on your trades, remember that it doesn’t have to be a daily activity. Each for your own and do what you feel comfortable with, but at least give it a try for 30 days to see if you find value, even if you only take notes 2-3 times a week. I’m pretty sure you’ll be able to see development in areas where you’re making progress or areas where you’re possibly stuck. I don’t know how many times I remember a symbol that I wanted to go back and look at and if I didn’t have my notes it could just as easily get lost.

Another key point to keep in mind here is that you cannot compare yourself or your performance to anyone else. This is a major mistake a trader can make that leads him to trade outside of his plan if he is not getting the results he wants or believes he should be. Your job is to be yourself, which involves determining what type of trader you want to be and creating a trading strategy around that personality. Do not cleverly copy the trading styles of other role models, as not everyone is cut out to be an impulse trader or a long-term trader. You have to become the best trader you can be, Because if you try to trade outside of your trading style, you will ultimately sabotage your trading results.