
There is no need to be alone at sixty: use the Internet

As we live longer, healthier lives, we face issues that were less of a concern to our parents’ generation. Today it is common for people to have gone through divorce or bereavement, and we don’t always have the extended, welcoming family to fill the void. Old age can often be seen as a time of loneliness: friends die, family is gone, and children move on. All that remains is an empty and meaningless life in front of a dying fireplace, right?

Wrong! Like the rest of life, age is up to you, and there are no rules that say that being over sixty means being more lonely or dissatisfied than at any age; In fact, it’s the opposite!

More than sixty years is an unparalleled opportunity to meet more people and do more things than we ever thought possible. We can sit at home and have access to the whole world. The home computer has more power than the one the Soviet Union had at the height of the Cold War. The TV does things we didn’t even know we wanted, the smartphone is a whole world in my pocket, and an e-reader holds more books than the library. And whatever anyone else says, a lot of older people are tech savvy.

Through the internet we can have friends all over the world. We sit in the living room and talk to people from all continents. We don’t have to be alone: ​​we can have all the friends we need at the touch of a few buttons. Sometimes the main problem is how to isolate everyone for a while and get some peace. But remember what they say: you can be in a room full of people and still feel lonely. There is quantity and there is quality; sometimes it’s also not about how many people we know; it is about having a special person close to us. Someone with whom to share our conversations, our daily activities, or spend some special time together.

But how do you go about finding that person? When a man or woman reaches their sixties, they may start to feel a little out of practice with dating. After all, for some of us it may have been more than forty years since we looked for a partner. And where do we go to find a partner? For many people, this is a very unknown business and so daunting that we can easily choose to abandon the idea in despair. Most dating sites are designed and used by people the age of our grandchildren. That’s where a dedicated 60+ dating site can prove invaluable as a way to meet the people of your dreams.

There are thousands of people, in their sixties and older, who are actively seeking love, romance, shared interests, companionship, or just friendship. We don’t have to go down to the disco or up to the ballroom to find them: they are a special group of people who have been selected just because they are looking for someone special. Among that group there are all kinds of interests, activities, preferences and experiences; and the dating app will find you the people who best match your own interests.