
The master key: empower your mind with cosmic awareness

The Mastery Key system, since it was first released in 1912, has been surrounded by controversy. This book was initially banned by the Church and labeled as blasphemy. Written by Charles Haanel, this volume is a powerful tool. This masterpiece has been sadly neglected compared to other books.

Originally, this work was created as a correspondence course and not to be read in one sitting, like a novel. There are 24 chapters dealing with things like the basics of your mind, the creative mind, and the use of omnipotent power. The course was intended to be mailed weekly and you will find references to this in the Master Key System.

FH Burgess sets the setting for the book in the Introduction. He explains: The Master Key System is a way for anyone to tune into the vibrations of the universe. It’s pretty clear that Haanel had learned early on to harness Cosmic Consciousness.

Haanel then explains how to focus your mind by stating:

“The attitude of the mind necessarily depends on what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends on our method of thought.” Clearly, his work is discussing the Law of Attraction. He basically says: the real secret of all power depends on what we think. If we can think it, we can make it happen. He also explains the stark difference between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind.

Haanel goes on to say that simply thinking is not enough. You need to direct your thoughts, “consciously, systematically and constructively.” Then you can turn your mind to what he calls The Universal Mind where you will tune in to infinity. Then you can set in motion the creative force of the universal mind: The Law of Attraction.

The power of The Master Key System is not only the explanation of the Law of Attraction and its potential, but Haanel also provides information and practical methods to make this a part of your own reality by using the law of attraction. If you are interested in The Secret, you must read The Master Key System.