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Some examples of commonly confused homonyms (homophones)

One of the most frequent errors that I find when correcting or reviewing transcripts is the misuse of homonyms, or homophones in the strict sense. Homonyms are actually words with different meanings that are spelled and pronounced identically, so they won’t actually be visible as spelling or transcription errors. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently, and that’s what keeps getting people hooked.

Rather than try to give definitions, I have given examples of several commonly confused homophones, appropriately used in sentences, so that the differences become clear. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list in any way, nor does it provide definitions of homonyms/homophones. These are just a few examples that can allay the confusion and hopefully not add to it! Homonyms are shown in [square brackets].

Examples of Commonly Confused Homophones

[There] They are two main characters in this show. [Their] the names are Bill and Ben. [They’re] it’s going to be jumping out of the flower pots soon.

I have [to] post articles on this site. I have [two] articles published on this site. I have articles on other sites. [too].

Can’t [hear] you. Why do not you come? [here].

I saw a [current] affairs show last night while eating some [currants]. Electricity for the television I watched the show on was provided via an alternator [current].

The coffee [bear] woke up from hibernation. She had to go out and drill because the cupboard was [bare].

The smoke could not escape through the chimney because the [flue] Was blocked. The stale air in the room made me feel bad, as if I had [flu].

a chicken is a [fowl]. When chicken meat goes off it is [foul].

He [seems] as if the repair never ended. I have to fix the [seams] in three shirts

I will [pare] the skin of that apple. Two apples would make a [pair]. Would you rather have an apple or a [pear]?

Be careful when you [tow] that truck away. You can drive your car over someone’s [toe].

i want to lose [weight] but I don’t think I’m going to start my diet yet. Sick [wait] until after Christmas.

look at her tiny [waist]. If she’s not careful, she [waste] far.

[Who’s] that girl? Is she the one? [whose] brother dating sam

The old woman was quite [staid]. Sometimes I would go out, but usually [stayed] at home.

What is the best [route] to assignment? I want to go there and [root] pull some weeds.

the lady of the [manor] had a rather irritating [manner].

These are really just a handful of homophones, but they’re the ones I see confused most often in my work.