
Project a positive corporate image from the inside out

If your company has been losing several of its best employees and at such a rapid rate, then you should look for signs of possible negative corporate image. The loss of employees and the decrease in the number of clients are warning signs that indicate an image problem. If this continues and you are not doing anything positive to change your reputation, then you are in for a bigger problem.

It’s not just about your image, how to keep your employees and how to improve the number of your customers. A negative corporate image will drain your resources in the long run. Think about it, if your employee leaves then you have to train new ones to take their place. New employees mean less productivity as they try to learn the ropes of the business. Lower productivity will make your customers impatient because they want your products and they want them now. When customers are dissatisfied, they take their business from you and look for another company that can offer them a much better service. So ultimately your bottom line suffers.

What you should do is identify what the root of the problem is. For example, the rapid turnover of its employees. Although this is not always the problem, but for the sake of discussion, this is what you are facing now. What is causing them to leave? Have you had a dialogue with your employees and genuinely asked them how they feel while working with you? What company policy are they clinging to? The answers to questions like these will make you see what it is that makes them leave. Instead of burying the problem in the ground, face it head-on and look for ways to address the root of the problem. Take care that you’re not just applying a band-aid first aid treatment, but you have to find ways to clean the wound and heal it, so to speak. Damage control should not be the most important thing in this issue, but create policies to change those that no longer work.

It is imperative that it is not just senior management that is aware of the changes the company is making to address the need for a positive corporate image. This would have to be team work and everyone should be on the same page. It would always be advisable to dialogue with the base and explain the steps towards a common direction.

The same policies will affect not only lower-ranking employees but also higher-level managers. If the company uses the same criteria to measure both levels, it helps to project an image of fairness and trustworthiness. After all, what one level does will greatly affect all the others because they should all be working towards the same common goal.

If the company lets its employees know that business will be dealt with transparently, then it is telling everyone that it is trustworthy and trustworthy.